Everything about asphalt chips in simple words. Asphalt crumbs: do-it-yourself installation, composition, application How to make an asphalt path

Many people have seen how they put asphalt on the roads with the help of . But there is a cold laying technology that allows you to lay asphalt on top of an existing surface. This coating can be made from old concrete or asphalt, which has already cracked and lost its original appearance.

If you do it on top using a special tamper, then this is a rather long and labor-intensive process of work. Therefore, experts recommend laying the asphalt surface in at least two layers using vibrating plates. This is precisely the reason why professional renovators do not advise laying asphalt on bare ground.

Special material for laying cold asphalt is sold in bags that are packaged at twenty-five kilograms. One bag is enough for square meter, if we take a thickness of no more than two tens of centimeters. To prime the old coating, bitumen emulsion is used, which can also be purchased at a hardware store.

Of course, before starting work, you need to tidy up the surface - the old coating. This is where bitumen emulsion is needed. Using a special brush, it is applied evenly over the entire surface. Then all the cracks and dimples that lead to unevenness are sealed. In this state, the surface should be left for a couple of hours so that the entire coating dries.

The next stage is opening the bags and pouring asphalt onto the prepared surface. Use a rake to level it evenly.

Of course, you cannot immediately fill the entire required area with asphalt, so it is better to divide it into parts and fill it one meter at a time. At the same time, we should not forget that everything needs to be compressed using a tamper. If lumps have formed, you need to crush them using a shovel or the back of a rake.

When filling the area, each square meter must be measured using a level. This will make the surface more even and avoid the formation of puddles, which can lead to cracks and holes.

To compact the asphalt, you can use a special garden tool. ice rink. To avoid unevenness, it must be sprayed with water.

Finally the path is ready. You can walk on it literally the same day, but it is better to carry heavy loads on it a few days after laying asphalt.

Asphalt crumbs are a relatively inexpensive raw material that is obtained by crushing old, unusable asphalt pavement. This material, although its characteristics are inferior to full-fledged asphalt, is suitable for laying on roads and other objects with light loads. Most often used for the construction of temporary roads, sports grounds, adjacent areas and other objects that will not be subject to heavy loads.

Production of asphalt crumbs

It is a recycled product. There are two types of crumbs. The first type of this material is produced using a special cutter, which cuts off the old asphalt layer layer by layer. Old asphalt immediately after cutting it is crushed into small particles. Such crumbs have a finer fraction. This makes it better quality. Most often, asphalt chips, which are obtained using a milling cutter, are used immediately after their manufacture. If necessary, if it is necessary to increase the characteristics, bitumen or other additives are additionally added to it.

The second type is produced by crushing. Crushing is carried out using special crushing plants. Pieces of dismantled old asphalt are loaded into these installations. The output is asphalt chips of a larger fraction. Such crumbs are of lower quality. But it costs much less than the one obtained by milling.

Construction of roads from asphalt crumbs

Any road, no matter what kind of surface it has, needs to comply with certain rules. The construction of a road from asphalt chips can be divided into the following stages:

  • Preparatory work include removing the top layer of soil along with all vegetation. This is done because in the future such vegetation will rot and the road may begin to sag. To prevent such subsidence, in places where road construction is planned, they remove upper layer soil. This is done using excavators.
  • Arrangement drainage system - This is the construction of ditches or ditches along roads. This is done to ensure that water is drained from the road surface into the ditch as quickly as possible. The presence of a high-quality drainage system allows you to increase the service life of the road several times. The arrangement is carried out using mini excavators and.
  • Geotextiles laid as the lowest layer. However, very often, to save money, this layer is neglected. But as practice has shown, geotextiles can significantly increase the service life of the road.
  • Sand bedding is a uniformly distributed layer of sand. Sand is transported to road construction sites by dump trucks and leveled by excavators of various capacities. The sand layer should be at least 10 centimeters. After leveling it, the sand layer must be compacted. This must be done using . But due to the fact that mainly country or temporary roads are built from asphalt crumbs, compaction of the sand layer is very often neglected.
  • Crushed stone layer– another layer of bedding, which consists of crushed stone. Ideally there should be two layers of crushed stone. The lower layer consists of coarse crushed stone, the upper layer consists of fine crushed stone. But under the road made of asphalt crumbs, only one layer of crushed stone of any fraction that is more accessible is almost always poured.
  • Laying asphalt chips carried out manually. It is transported by dump trucks and leveled using excavators, backhoe loaders, etc. At this stage, they play an important role handmade. After all, the final leveling of this asphalt surface is carried out using an ordinary shovel.
    Asphalt crumbs, like regular asphalt, require compaction. But more often than not, it thickens this material under the pressure of cars passing over it.

Advantages of roads made of asphalt chips:

    1. Cheapness. Due to the fact that it is a very cheap material, a large number of the population can afford it. Very often, summer residents chip in on asphalt chips and build roads on their own. In addition, it can be laid on already filled crushed stone.
    2. Little demand. If you compare the level of demand with the amount of crumbs produced, you can almost always buy it in the warm season. This is due to the fact that a very large amount of old asphalt is removed and recycled. Recycled, it is used only for paving temporary roads, sidewalks and places that are not subject to heavy loads.
    3. High strength. Roads that are built from asphalt chips have the same strength as regular asphalt roads. The truth is that it has a much shorter service life.

Which is better, asphalt or asphalt crumbs?

If you think logically, then asphalt is new material, which is intended for road surface. Asphalt crumbs are a kind of waste from asphalt pavement. Everyone knows that waste cannot be of higher quality than the original raw material. But in any case, it is worth noting that it has excellent properties that can turn a crushed stone road into a full-fledged asphalt road. And this is at a very reasonable cost. If cash do not allow you to build a road from full-fledged asphalt, then it will be an ideal material.

Where can I order services for building roads from asphalt chips?

Our company provides services for the construction of roads of any complexity. Roads made of asphalt crumbs are no exception. We can completely asphalt an existing road, we can repair it, or we can completely build it. We cooperate with big amount road companies. This means that we can almost always get asphalt chips.

Asphalt crumbs are classified as secondary building materials, the advantage of which is an attractive price. When compared with crushed stone, the price of crumbs is almost three times lower. At the same time, in some areas it becomes a full-fledged substitute for crushed stone, and sometimes even surpasses its qualities.

We are counting required quantity and lay it down
Asphalt crumbs are laid either manually using shovels or with an excavator. First, a dump truck delivers it to the installation site and pours it out in several portions evenly over the site that will be paved. The territory must be prepared in advance - cleared, removed all unnecessary, leveled as much as possible.

The layer should be approximately 15-20 cm - this is enough to form a dense coating. The final stage is rolling. If the crumbs are laid on country roads, they do not resort to the help of an excavator - compaction by the wheels of passing cars is enough.

Quantity required material It is calculated very simply: the area of ​​the road to be filled needs to be multiplied by 0.2. The resulting figure shows the number of cubic meters of material to create a layer 20 cm thick. It must be taken into account that the thickness will be halved after rolling and will become 10 cm, so there is no point in saving and making the initial layer less than 15 cm. It is important to take into account the so-called errors - pits , potholes, irregularities, which will require additional crumbs to fill. Therefore, to the obtained result you need to add a little more material as a reserve.

Working with crumbs is so simple that you can lay a road surface without the participation of a large number of people. Of course, provided that the area of ​​the plot is not huge - up to 100 m2. The skating rink can be rented, and it is easy to operate it yourself. It is necessary to roll the crumbs until they harden. If possible, it is advisable to fill the top with a bitumen mixture.

Advantages over crushed stone and sand
In summer when high temperatures In the presence of air, asphalt chips rolled into a monolith together with bitumen inclusions form a very strong bond. In addition, it does not cause harm to the car body, even if it flies out from under the wheels, which cannot be said about crushed stone.

Another advantage over crushed stone and sand is stronger compaction. After some time, the asphalt crumbs become similar to the asphalt of city roads - as if appearance, and by quality characteristics. It’s not for nothing that it’s called cold asphalt or black crushed stone. In addition, the susceptibility to the destructive effects of water is very small, so the service life of such a coating is long.

The use is gaining momentum, especially among owners of private houses with their own driveways. According to some forecasts, such popularity may provoke an increase in price by 20-30%, but so far the price remains the same low.

Asphalt crumbs began to be used in road construction relatively recently. This material has become especially popular recently, with the advent of the latest specialized equipment.

Asphalt crumbs are secondary raw materials, obtained by layer-by-layer cutting of old asphalt pavement and crushing it. Despite the fact that this material is relatively cheap, it is durable and easy to process.

In order to make sure that the material is available, you can follow the link http://vestteh.ru/catalog/asfaltovaya-kroshka.html, and how to lay this material is described in detail in this article.

Technology for laying asphalt chips

The most important advantage of this road-building material over others is that it is laid as tightly as possible, filling all the voids. When compacted by vehicle wheels during operation, asphalt chips form a fairly durable coating that is resistant to erosion.

Working with asphalt crumbs is extremely simple:

  1. To begin with, it is necessary to clear the masonry surface, after which, lay a layer of brick, concrete and recycled crushed stone.
  2. Next, the surface is carefully leveled using specialized equipment.
  3. Asphalt crumbs are placed on special technology, leveling evenly around the entire perimeter.
  4. Next, the surface lined with asphalt chips is compacted with special rollers. It is worth considering that their mass does not exceed fourteen tons.

After compaction with rollers, the asphalt crumb road can be used for its intended purpose.

Important nuances

Despite the ease of installation, working with asphalt crumbs has several features:

  1. When arranging roads, asphalt crumbs are laid in two layers, and the thickness of each of them is 8-10 cm. The second layer is laid only after the first has been thoroughly compacted.
  2. When strengthening roadsides, asphalt chips are placed and compacted in the same way.
  3. If there are holes on the road, asphalt chips are used for filling, which saves money and ensures the safety of vehicle movement.

You can see how asphalt chips are laid in this video:

Mass construction of cottages and dachas is inextricably linked with landscaping. Of course, the primary task, upon completion of construction, is to improve the entrance and path to the house, since walking knee-deep in mud on a rainy day is far from an attractive prospect. At the same time, laying tiles is a rather expensive and labor-intensive task, laying concrete is a relatively short-lived future, but laying asphalt, the price of which is much lower paving slabs- a rather attractive option, and the installation process is quite simple, so asphalting the area yourself will not cause any particular difficulties. The main thing is to choose the right type of asphalt and follow the technology for laying it.

Advantages of asphalt pavement

Despite the relative environmental friendliness of asphalt mixtures, the demand for this material is unlikely to disappear, since the advantages of asphalt in many respects exceed most similar materials, among which:

  • Excellent waterproofing;
  • Does not deform during sudden temperature fluctuations;
  • High degree of wear resistance;
  • Moisture resistance;
  • Resistance to oils, acids;
  • Lack of labor-intensive care;
  • Ease of repairing damaged areas;
  • Duration of operation;
  • Practicality;
  • Reasonable price.

Among the disadvantages of asphalt mixtures, bad smell, appearing in hot weather due to the release of toxic substances from a hot coating, although in most cases this nuance it just goes down.

However, the manifestation of all the advantages of asphalt pavement is possible only if you accurately master complete information about how to lay asphalt in the yard. Based on this, the initial task is to making the right choice type of asphalt regarding the conditions of its future operation.

Asphalt and its types

Asphalt is a combination mineral materials with bitumen. Depending on the method of its production, asphalt is distinguished:

  • Of natural origin. The formation of asphalt occurs under the influence of oxidation and hypergenesis of heavy oil fractions, or light components obtained from the remains of fractions during the evaporation process, followed by mixing with sand and gravel, forming quite thick layers on the surface. This type of asphalt is widely used in areas where oil comes to the surface.
  • Artificial origin. Asphalt obtained by mixing sand, crushed stone, as well as mineral powder with bitumen in a factory is called asphalt concrete, through which the main asphalting of roads, sidewalks, etc. is carried out.

The main difference between natural asphalt and artificial asphalt concrete is due to the high content of bitumen in the composition of the mixtures, reaching 60-75%, which provides the laid asphalt with increased strength. In artificial asphalt, the percentage of bitumen varies from 13-60%, which explains its division into several subtypes used for various works and purposes.

Types of artificial asphalt, their characteristics

Recently, the demand for asphalt products has increased significantly, so manufacturers are constantly striving for improvement technological composition raw materials and the method of its production, which entails the emergence of new types of asphalt.

Today the following types of asphalt are produced:

1.Hot - made from a composition including sand, mineral powder, liquid or viscous bitumen, as well as crushed stone or gravel. Under the influence of high temperatures, all components are thoroughly mixed, forming a homogeneous mass. In this case, asphalt laying is carried out immediately, within 4-5 hours from the moment of production of a certain volume. If the temperature of the mass drops below 120 °C, the degree of adhesion will decrease, deteriorating the quality of the coating.


  • High strength of the hardened coating;
  • High degree of adhesion to the surface;
  • Durability;
  • Reasonable price.


  • To compact the coating, it is necessary to use rollers and vibrating plates;
  • Efficiency of work to avoid cooling of the asphalt mass;
  • It can be used only after 5-6 hours;
  • Ability to work in warm weather.

2. Cast asphalt, along with hot asphalt, has a similar composition, but differs in a higher content of bitumen and mineral fillers. The coating made of cast asphalt concrete differs from other types in its insignificant relief and small layer thickness, while performance characteristics several times higher than hot and cold asphalt.


  • Excellent water resistance;
  • No corrosion of the material;
  • Resistance to various types of deformation;
  • High degree of adhesion to the surface being coated;
  • Compaction of the coating is not required;
  • Resistance to temperature fluctuations;
  • All-season work;
  • Small weight due to high density mixtures;
  • Durability.


  • Use of special equipment for delivery and installation ready mixture;
  • High price.

3. Colored - can refer to both hot asphalt and cold asphalt, produced by heating the components, followed by cooling and packaging for storage. Colored asphalt is obtained as a result of the use of colored crushed stone, as well as the introduction of colored dyes into the mixture.


  • Excellent noise absorption;
  • High adhesion to rubber;
  • In the dark, the colored track is visible much better than the gray one;
  • Durability.

However, due to its high cost, colored asphalt is used mainly for applying a contrasting pattern to the road and for marking paths in parks and gardens.

4. Cold - distinguished by the use of not viscous, but liquid bitumen or bitumen emulsion in the composition in such a way that constituent elements the mixtures are packed in a bitumen film. During production, special additives are introduced into the mixture to prevent hardening of the bitumen during storage of the finished mixture, as well as to increase the storage period.

  • The polymerization process begins at the moment the coating is compacted;
  • You can immediately move and drive on the laid asphalt;
  • Resistance of the coating to expansion and shrinkage caused by weather conditions;
  • Possibility of all-season work;
  • Minimum content of harmful substances;
  • Quick installation;
  • Durability.
  • Manual compaction of the coating is required, or using a roller;
  • High cost compared to hot asphalt types.

5. Asphalt crumbs are recyclable materials obtained as a result of:

  • Milling the outdated top layer of asphalt. The cost, along with the quality of the crumbs obtained in this way, directly depends on the composition of the asphalt mixture being processed and the speed of the cutter. Warm asphalt crumbs, consisting of a fine fraction, are considered to be of the highest quality. However, you can only purchase the material in the warm season, when repair work is carried out.

  • Crushing pieces that have broken off from the asphalt surface. The crushing of chips entering production is carried out in a crusher, as a result of which the asphalt crumbs are immediately sorted by fraction size. During processing, bitumen remains in a frozen state, as a result of which the coating with such crumbs will have a somewhat loose structure. In addition, asphalt chips can come with stuck pieces of concrete and soil, deteriorating the quality of the processed material.

Thus, the quality and cost of asphalt chips after milling exceeds those of the material obtained through crushing.

In general, laying asphalt using crumbs is simple, resulting in the following advantages:

  • Not washed away by water;
  • Under the influence of the sun, bitumen liquefies, promoting sintering of the composition;
  • Provides good drainage performance;
  • Low cost.


  • To give the coating strength, it is necessary to use a rolling device;
  • Fragility.

Despite the variety of asphalt mixtures, the same type can have different purposes, depending on the size of the fractions included in it:

  • Coarse-grained asphalt is characterized by the presence of large as well as small fractions in the crushed stone composition and is intended for laying as the bottom layer of the coating;
  • Fine-grained - based on crushed stone, mainly small fractions for laying the top layer of coating, when using a multi-layer coating intended for the roadway;

  • Sandy asphalt, the basis of which is sand, with the addition of small quantity fine crushed stone, bitumen and mineral powder. Ideal for arranging paths, walkways, and park areas.

Thus, when choosing one or another type to lay asphalt in the country house, in the yard or near the garage, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the financial side of the issue, but also to the composition, as well as the method of producing the mixture.

Asphalt laying technology

After choosing the type of asphalt, answering the question of how to lay asphalt with your own hands is quite simple, since all that remains is to prepare the base and directly lay the mixture.

foundation preparation

Before laying asphalt, the following work must be done:

  1. Mark the future path or territory, taking into account the location of underground utilities, the distance for installing curbs, as well as the presence of trees with a developed root system, which may subsequently damage the coating;
  2. Remove a layer of soil to a depth of 20-30 cm, making a slope for water drainage from the coating by 6-7 mm every meter;
  3. Install curbstones along the edges of the trench;
  4. Pour crushed stone or gravel into a 10 cm layer at the bottom of the trench and compact it;
  5. Pour sand on top of the crushed stone in a 5 cm layer and also compact it thoroughly, after moistening it with water.

If the area will be used for vehicle access, the layer of crushed stone and sand must be increased by another 10 cm.

laying asphalt mixture

Direct laying of asphalt is carried out as follows:

  1. Distribute the brought mixture along the entire perimeter of the area intended for asphalt paving, using a shovel and a mop-shaped tool specially designed for leveling;
  2. Compact the leveled layer using a roller, vibrating plate, or manual tamper. At the same time, to prevent the asphalt from sticking to the skating rink, it must be moistened with water;
  3. The asphalt layer is rolled from the bottom up, and then perpendicularly to remove the formed seams.

If the path is paved with asphalt, then a sufficient coating layer is 4-5 cm, and if vehicles enter the territory, then 8-10 cm.

Thus, the question of how to lay asphalt correctly can be answered this way: choose the type of asphalt, follow the technology for preparing the base and lay the asphalt surface. It is also worth noting that a slight deviation from some points of technology can lead to the loss of asphalt properties and a shorter service life.
