Victoria in the pipes. Proper cultivation of strawberries in PVC pipes horizontally. Autumn care includes

To obtain a bountiful harvest of berries every year, you need to regularly update planting material, from a small plot you can get about 6 kilograms of berries is possible only with proper cultivation, and this does not depend on the variety. So even regular weeding will not give the desired result. Feeding, removing tendrils and proper watering are important.

It is worth paying attention to modern method growing strawberries without. There are already popular modern methods growing.

Artificial soils used:

  1. Coconut substrate.
  2. Expanded clay.
  3. Gravel.
  4. Vermiculite.

Power supply is forced, for this purpose pumps are used supplying nutrient medium or drip irrigation. All components of the nutrient medium for proper cultivation can be purchased at the retail chain.

How to make a structure from pipes?

Use to create this “strawberry heaven” You can use small containers - plastic pipes, intended for laying sewerage. They have a sufficient diameter, are durable, reliable and light in weight, which is important when disassembling the structure for wintering. Take into account all the features of such planting systems.

The designs themselves can be like vertical as well as horizontal, It’s up to the owner of the garden plot to decide.

Vertical structures made of wood look beautiful, but the material is susceptible to rotting, which means it is short-lived.

As for PVC pipes, horizontal and vertical structures from this lightweight material serve for half a century, make work easier, and planting gives a rich harvest.

You can use forced irrigation using pumps, drip systems have proven themselves to be excellent(they exempt from work in summer time). Another advantage of such systems is that they can be easily disassembled for winter storage.

It is important to remember that strawberries require a lot of light, so you can quickly install ready-made pipes in the most advantageous places for the owner.

Build it yourself

Why were pipes chosen as the basis? Strawberry has a convenient compact fibrous root system, the depth of which does not exceed 30 cm.

The bush itself takes up little space - its diameter can reach 50 cm, it is compact and will give good harvest, all that remains is to choose the right variety.

Be sure to choose, such varieties can bear fruit several times during the summer, without requiring any special work from you.

To create one structural element you will need pipe (you can take even a narrow one, minimum diameter 150 mm), drill, grinder and fasteners.

You determine the length of the pipe in the design yourself; it is important to remember that the distance between the holes for the bushes should be approximately 15 cm.

The diameter of the hole cut should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the pot with the plant placed in it. You also need to make plugs for the pipes; no matter what irrigation method you choose, they will prevent the outflow of nutrient moisture.

When hydroponics is used, it is necessary to install both inlet and outlet pipes in order to save nutrient solution; the tightness of the structure is also important.

How to install - horizontally or vertically?

Collect both vertical and horizontal systems even a novice gardener can do it. The pipes are light, do not overdo the height so that maintaining the system is not difficult for your height.

They are connected using fastening materials; pots with seedlings must be placed in the prepared holes after installing the structure and checking it for leaks.

The choice of vertical or horizontal placement depends on the room in which the system is installed and your preferences.

Planting and growing technology

You can grow strawberries not only in hydroponics, but also in the ground. You just need to prepare it using a certain technology:

  1. The basis for each bush is virgin soil, which is easy to find in the field.
  2. Pieces of virgin soil are treated with ammonium nitrate (20 g of composition per 10 liters of water).
  3. A pile is constructed in which the turf is brought to readiness.

We cut pieces of turf on virgin soil. We stack the squares of turf with grass next to each other, constructing a cube. Each layer must be moistened with a solution of ammonium nitrate at the rate of 20 g per 10 liters.

Until the turf is completely ready, the preparation “Baikal M” is also used - it helps to quickly process the compost and turn pieces of land into black soil.

Everything grows very well in this specially prepared soil. To speed up the process of “ripening” the soil, it is worth covering the workpiece with a black film. The result is a highly acidic soil, which is what strawberries love.

This is the base that should be placed at the bottom of each pot. Next, a forced watering system is installed and you can install pipes with ready-made, already planted plants.

It remains to add that the soil must be compacted tightly, because it will sag and begin to be washed out with water.

The best varieties

Which varieties is it worth choosing for such cultivation? Definitely remontant, you need a harvest during all the warm weather. By the way, The varieties listed below can be grown all year round , with sufficient lighting they will produce good sweet berries even in winter.

Just a few of the most popular varieties. Start with just a couple of bushes; even a beginner can propagate them with the help of mustaches:

  1. , begins to bear fruit quickly, but also quickly becomes obsolete.
  2. Hornei grows well in greenhouses and is convenient for storage.
  3. It’s easy to care for the finished structure; regularly remove excess tendrils that you don’t need to propagate the variety, water it, try to keep it sunny side– strawberries love good light.

    Wintering in PVC pipes

    With the onset of cold weather, all the pipes with seedlings removable from vertical stands and lay on the ground.

    If possible, try to help the strawberries overwinter in the cellar or at least in the barn; it is best to insulate the pipes a little.

    Straw mats, a high-density material, are suitable for this.

    Grow strawberries in polypropylene pipes convenient - the berries always remain clean, it’s easy to care for the rasters, watering is almost one hundred percent automated.

    Just compare advantages and disadvantages, and you will forever prefer planting strawberries in pipes. Such designs, both horizontal and vertical, take up little space and look decorative. The disadvantages include large preliminary work– pipe preparation and hydroponics.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


The plant, which is known for its juicy and tasty berries, until recently grew exclusively in the ground. However, growing in this way requires considerable physical effort and is difficult to implement in a limited area. For this reason, planting strawberries in PVC communications has become popular.

How to grow strawberries in pipes

The method is based on the use of hydroponics. This is a communications system connected to a container with nutrient moisture and a pump. If vertical flower beds are filled with substrate, there is a hygroscopic material (expanded clay/gravel/coconut fiber) inside the horizontally located PVC pipes. The roots receive nutrition by supplying liquid enriched with fertilizers.

Plants are planted in cups, for which holes must be provided in the pipes required diameter. Excess liquid goes back into the container. Hydroponics provides the plant with an additional portion of moisture, which is given by the communication filler. Growing strawberries using this technology has its advantages:

  1. Economical use of free space.
  2. Transfer of the structure. It can be placed in a convenient place, even right in the apartment (living room, balcony).
  3. Absence of pests and weeds that are found in earthen beds.
  4. The soil does not contaminate the crop.

The hydroponics-based system also has its disadvantages: additional expenses for the purchase of structural components; chemical compounds in the filler – calcium urea salts. Due to this feature, changes in the pH level occur - an alkaline environment is formed. To avoid this problem, use the filler washing method and acid exposure.

Which strawberries grow best in plastic pipes?

Suitable for growing hydroponically are only remontant varieties. They bear fruit repeatedly and can overwinter without the risk of death of the root system. Another feature is their resistance to various diseases. These varieties include:

  • "Gigantella Maxima";
  • "Mount Everest";
  • "Queen Elizabeth";
  • "Yellow Miracle"

Strawberry beds made of plastic pipes

To organize such beds you need to prepare tools and materials:

  • PVC communications (maximum diameter 200 mm);
  • a narrower tube (1/2 inch, but 3/4 inch will do);
  • plugs;
  • scotch;
  • expanded clay;
  • drill and hole attachment;
  • pump.

A horizontal strawberry bed is constructed in stages:

  1. Cut the communications to the required length.
  2. Planting strawberries in PVC pipes requires preparing holes (on top and on the sides of the walls). When the expanded clay/gravel is filled halfway inside, close the ends with plugs.
  3. A strawberry pipe bed can be equipped with a drain in the center. If you install communications with a snake, there is no need to make central holes.
  4. Main PVC construction connect with narrow tubes, on one side connect the pump, and on the other, ensure that the liquid can flow back into the container.
  5. The assembly quality of this version of the bed must be high so that the locking elements of the system (plugs) do not come off under the influence of a stream of water.

How to plant strawberries correctly?

You can start arranging the garden bed in spring/autumn. When deciding for yourself the question of how to plant strawberries in a pipe, determine which option is preferable. In the first case, planting begins immediately after warming - in the spring. The second option involves planting before the onset of winter. Growing strawberries in PVC pipes horizontally is realized different ways: using seeds, tendrils, and the method of dividing the bush. Before planting, the seedlings are distributed into pots with soil and kept in a cold place for 6 days.

Nowadays, to grow strawberries you don’t have to have a large land plot. Inventive summer residents and gardeners have learned to use the most unusual containers to plant this berry. One of these original solutions are structures made of plastic pipes. This one is not quite standard way convenient in that it allows strawberries to be grown in PVC pipes horizontally and vertically, thanks to which the beds can be arranged even on limited area. From this article you will learn how to grow strawberries in PVC pipes and what you will need for this?

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Growing garden strawberries in pipes has many advantages over the traditional planting method, but it also has one significant drawback - material waste. To plant strawberries in such structures, you need to purchase the PVC pipes themselves and Consumables to them. It’s good if after construction or renovation there are scraps left that can be used to arrange a garden bed, in this case the costs will be significantly reduced.

The advantages include the following:

  • economical use of planting space - with proper placement of structures (in layers, tiers, vertically), the yield from 1 m² of area can be equal to the amount of crop grown on 1 acre of an ordinary bed;
  • mobility - if desired, such a bed can be easily and quickly moved to another place or storage room;
  • no need for soil cultivation: removing weeds, loosening, mulching;
  • always clean and healthy berries, since they practically do not come into contact with the ground;
  • possibility of decorating the landscape space of the site – unusual beds with hanging fragrant berries can become a garden decoration or hedge.

Video “Vertical growing”

From the video you will learn how to grow strawberries vertically.

Necessary materials

To arrange strawberry beds you will need the following materials:

In addition, you should think about the soil mixture in advance. Of course, you can take soil from the garden, cultivate it and fertilize it, which is quite acceptable for such beds. But if you are going to purchase ready-made soil or material for hydroponics, this will result in additional expenses.

Manufacturing of vertical structure

The bed, where strawberries are placed vertically in a pipe, is made using the following technology:

It is important to know that strawberries in a vertical pipe can only yield when correct location beds. It is recommended to install the structure so that the holes with seedlings are located on the south side as much as possible.

Making a horizontal bed

In general terms, a horizontal bed is made by analogy with a vertical one, but the process itself has some differences:

When the beds are arranged horizontally, the risk of putrefactive processes increases. To avoid this, it is recommended to add more drainage materials (coarse sand, sawdust) to the soil, as well as wood ash– it disinfects the soil and prevents rotting.

Landing Features

It is much easier to grow strawberries in a pipe if you use remontant varieties for planting. Their advantage is that such strawberries bear fruit in waves throughout the warm season, and its lush growth will become a real decoration of the landscape space. Planting strawberries in pipes located horizontally is carried out in the classical way (the same as in ordinary soil).

In a vertical structure, seedlings should be planted as soil is poured into the pipe. Otherwise, if you fill in all the soil first, it will start to spill out through the holes. When the beds are arranged vertically, it is recommended to plant calendula, marigolds or other flowers with a strong aroma at the bottom - this measure will help scare away harmful insects from strawberries.

Features of care

Further care of the strawberry bed will not take much time and effort. If all recommendations were followed during planting, the plants will not get sick or be damaged by insects, so they do not need preventive treatments. All that remains to be done during the season is to water and feed the strawberries, but these activities can also be combined. Applying watering and fertilizing to in this case has its own characteristics:

When combining fertilizing with watering, the nutrient solution is supplied through pipes. To prepare it, you can use ready-made complex fertilizers for garden strawberries or dilute organic matter with water in a ratio of 1:10.

Planting strawberries in PVC pipes – alternative way growing this berry. It allows you to save significantly usable area in the garden, since when planting vertically, much more bushes can be planted. When planting horizontally, a large amount of useful space is taken away, but it can be used for an area that does not produce a good harvest. In this article we will tell you about growing strawberries in pvc pipes, we will give recommendations for care.

Strawberries grown in pipes, one way or another, give a greater yield than those grown in beds. In addition, it is easier to feed and treat against pests. And there are practically no weeds with this method of cultivation. In order to plant strawberries in these original beds, you first need to prepare the materials. This could be, for example, cuttings of PVC pipes left after repairs.

Growing strawberries in pipes is new method getting a big harvest

Advantages of growing strawberries in pipes

  • Great savings in planting space. If the vertical and horizontal beds on the site are placed correctly, then the strawberry yield from one square meter can be compared to that obtained from a strawberry plantation with an area of ​​100 square meters.
  • The beds are mobile. Berry planted in plastic pipes, can be moved to another location at any time.
  • There is no need to cultivate the soil, since in horizontal beds there is no soil at all, and in vertical beds it is available only through irrigation systems. Such plantings are not afraid of pests in the soil and weeds.
  • The harvest is clean in all respects - after all, the berries are located at a great distance from the soil. They are also not afraid of chemical contamination.
  • Beds in pipes (especially vertical ones) are not only original and unusual decoration garden, but also protection for plants that cannot tolerate bright rays sunlight and harsh wind.

What soil is needed for planting

In order to grow strawberries in pipes, you can buy a ready-made soil mixture at any specialized store, or you can prepare the soil substrate yourself. To do this, take equal proportions of garden soil and a mixture of turf and peat. To improve aeration in the soil, add some sawdust and sand. Wood ash must be added to the resulting mixture, which prevents rotting processes. Moreover, in horizontal pipes they occur more often than in vertical ones.

Tip #1. You should not take the soil on which tomatoes or potatoes were grown, otherwise the strawberries may become infected with some fungi or diseases. It’s better to add a small dose of mullein.

To create a good drainage system coarse gravel, crushed stone or other similar material should be poured into the lower part of the pipes 8-9 cm deep. Pour the soil mixture onto the drainage and compact it lightly. The soil in the pipe must be filled to the brim.

Manufacturing technology and materials

To create a plant in which strawberries will be cultivated, you will need:

  • cuttings of PVC pipes with a diameter of 15 centimeters and small cuttings with a diameter of 4-5 centimeters, which will deliver moisture to the roots of plants;
  • plugs suitable in size for the pipes;
  • a tool for cutting large diameter holes in pipe walls (drill);
  • natural burlap or geotextiles;
  • material for creating drainage (for example, expanded clay);
  • the soil mixture is nutritious.

Creation scheme vertical flower bed made of PVC pipes for growing strawberries

When everything for the future garden bed is ready, you can assemble the structure. First of all, you need to prepare the pipes:

  • cut to the required length (thin ones are made 15-20 cm shorter than thick ones);
  • in a thick pipe, cut holes with a diameter of at least 7 cm every 10-15 cm, and in a thin pipe, cut small ones (0.5-1 cm) in three rows every 8-10 cm;
  • then wrap the thin pipe in natural burlap or geotextile, securing it with twine.

After this, the technology for manufacturing vertical and horizontal beds has some differences.

  1. When creating a vertical bed, plugs should be installed on the pipes and one end of the thick one should be deepened into the ground. Then install a narrow tube into it strictly in the center and fix it a small amount expanded clay or earth. Gradually pour the fertile mixture into a wide pipe and plant strawberries until all the holes in the bed are completely filled with strawberries. Then you need to attach a water supply hose to the central narrow pipe.
  2. In case of horizontal bed holes in the pipe must be cut out only on one side, and plugs must be placed at both ends. In the center of the bed from below, drill another hole to drain excess liquid - it is closed with a plug. Pour expanded clay into the pipe half the volume, with an irrigation pipe on top. Top layer there will be a fertile mixture. Read also the article: → "".

How to plant plants in pipes

In the lower part of the structure, in wide pipes, it is recommended to grow plants that help repel pests from the berries. It could be marigolds or calendula. When growing strawberry bushes vertically in pipes, the plants are placed carefully, although in a position that is not very convenient for them. The advantage of vertical cultivation is that, unlike horizontal cultivation, you do not have to deal with weeds and viruses.

Planting in a pipe works like this: lower a bush with 11 cm roots into the hole so that they straighten, and cover it with soil, using other holes. In this case, the root collar of the bush should be at ground level. The prepared soil must be acidified with vinegar (10 g/l of water).

This way the bushes grow without touching the ground and gradually cover the pipe. The berries will also hang clean and will not be in danger of rotting due to contact with the ground.

The pipes can be placed in different ways: straight vertically, tilted at different angles, but with one condition: plants must be planted so that their roots are directed downward. This is how high-yielding, pest- and disease-resistant varieties “Desnyanka”, “Granatovy”, “Gigantella” grow well.

Tip #2. Before planting, it is advisable to keep the seedlings in a cool and humid place for several days.

Caring for strawberries in pipes

They care for such strawberries in almost the same way as those that grow in an ordinary garden bed: they water them, protect them from pests, feed them, root them, propagate them, and harvest them. Strawberries should be watered from above and only until flowering, and then try not to wet the leaves - the water should only fall on the soil. Plants should be watered as needed and the soil should not be allowed to dry out.

Water is poured into the irrigation pipe, after which it gradually pours out through the holes. Fertilizers are applied along with watering. Zinc, boric acid, manganese sulfate, cobalt nitrate are mixed in equal parts and diluted with water. Before flowering, strawberries need to be watered several times with fertilizers. Also, before planting in both spring and autumn, the soil is well fertilized.

This is what a properly planted and well-groomed strawberry flowerbed looks like.

How to protect strawberries from pests

Pipes with strawberries can be placed anywhere - on the plot, in the greenhouse, on the balcony. And everywhere there is a danger of infection with fungal diseases and damage by insect pests. That's why preventive measures required. When grown vertically, calendula is planted in the lower rows, and onions, garlic, and dill are planted between the strawberries.

Strawberries can be attacked by slugs, snails, ants, Colorado potato beetles, mites, and aphids. Karbofos is used against ticks. Against slugs and snails – Metaldehyde. The Colorado potato beetle is removed manually so as not to poison the berries. Washing and spraying the plants with onion, garlic tincture, solution laundry soap, you can get rid of aphids.

Strawberry varieties and planting dates

Typically, strawberries are planted in plastic pipes in spring or autumn. In the first case - when heat sets in, in the second - from mid-August until the third ten days of September. Mostly remontant strawberries are grown hydroponically. It is advisable to plant varieties in pipes that are resistant to adverse weather conditions. Pests and diseases. The timing of maturation is also important. Most suitable:

  • early ripening varieties: Garnet, Krasavitsa Zagorya;
  • mid-early: Zenit, Kulon, Nadezhda, Humi-Grande, Desnyanka, Dukat, Kokinskaya, Elkat, Vityaz;
  • late ripening: Cinderella, Zenga-Zengana, Saxonka, Borovitskaya, Leningradskaya late.

Also suitable for growing in plastic pipes productive varieties foreign selection:

  • American: Shine Yours, Cardinal;
  • English: Cambridge Favorite, Bogota;
  • Dutch: Gigantella;
  • Scottish: Troubadour.

Strawberries Troubadour planted in plastic pipes

The most productive varieties:

  • Santa Andrea,
  • Queen Elizabeth,
  • Chosen One,
  • Marshall,
  • Pink flamingo,
  • Florina,
  • Chosen One,
  • Pomegranate,
  • Roxana,
  • Zagorje,
  • Desnyanka,
  • Early Macherauha,
  • Pavlovsk.

Varieties that can produce strawberries all year round:

  • Fresco,
  • Mount Everest,
  • Yellow miracle,
  • Queen Elizabeth,
  • Gigantella maxima,
  • Vima Zanta,
  • Queen.
  • Elvira.

Strawberry varieties for vertical growing

Variety name Characteristic
Alba The variety is early ripening, climbing. Ideal for growing in plastic pipes. The variety is resistant to low temperatures. Even in unfavorable conditions gives consistently high yield. The bright red berries are very juicy and tasty. They have the shape of an elongated cone. One bush can produce more than 1 kg of berries. The variety is disease resistant and easy to care for.
Queen In winter, this variety can withstand frosts down to -15 degrees. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of leaving vertical beds on the site for the winter. The berries are juicy, large, very aromatic.
Marmalade The variety was developed by Italian breeders. Highly productive. It produces many shoots, so it can be used for propagation by tendrils. Medium-sized berries are very tasty. The variety is transportable.
Homemade delicacy Early remontant variety. The berries are dark red, sweet with a slight sourness, large with a diameter of 3 cm. The peduncles are long, so the variety looks great in vertical pipe. Gives a large harvest in the fall.
Ostara The ampelous variety was bred by Dutch breeders. The bush is compact with bright dark green leaves. The berries are very tasty. However, this variety is demanding in care.

Vertical cultivation of Alba strawberries

Strawberry varieties for horizontal cultivation

For horizontal cultivation The following varieties of strawberries are suitable for pipes:

Variety name Characteristic
Honey A variety with very large and sweet berries. Has good transportability. Bred by American breeders. Very suitable for horizontal growing in pipes. Does not withstand frost. Considered the sweetest variety
Baby elephant The variety is frost-resistant. Large berries sweet with sourness. When grown in pipes, it tolerates nutrient and moisture deficits well.
Queen Elizabeth A remontant variety that makes it possible to harvest from May to October. When grown in PVC pipes, it gives a very large yield.

Common mistakes of summer residents

  1. Some gardeners, noticing damaged strawberry leaves, destroy the entire plantation. However, this is not very good for plants. Bushes must be trimmed selectively, preserving healthy leaves. A lot of starch and sugars accumulate in the stems and leaves of strawberries, which ensure the overwintering of the bushes. In addition, the leaves prevent the soil from freezing and retain snow. You can get rid of the leaves in the spring, while trying not to affect the growth point.
  2. 2. If the land on a new site is not very fertile, many summer residents try to make it more fertile and unwittingly overdo it. It must be remembered that fertilizers, in addition to their benefits, can also cause harm to plants. Therefore, before you feed the crop well, you must read the instructions and strictly follow the dosage. Sometimes even the proportions can be slightly reduced rather than increased. Read also the article: → "".

🎧 How to care for strawberries so that there is a good harvest next year?

An interesting interview from expert summer resident Andrei Tumanov: “How to care for strawberries so that next year there was a good harvest." For 20 years, the author broadcast on TV a number of programs dedicated to amateur gardening and horticulture - “Hacienda”, “The Bed”, “Our Garden”, “Rural Hour”, “Field Work”.

Rubric “Question-answer”

Question No. 1. This is not the first year I have been growing onions next to strawberries. The onions grow beautifully, but the strawberries grow poorly. Is it possible for strawberries and onions to coexist?

Onion does not render bad influence for strawberries. On the contrary, onions, like garlic, are friends with strawberries and even protect them from pests, thanks to their specific smell. Most likely, the reason is different. Strawberries bear fruit well in the second and third year. How long has it been since you updated strawberries? Or perhaps the acidity of the soil is not suitable for your berries. Try planting it in a different area.

Question No. 2. Is it possible to mulch strawberries with grass clippings?

You can use mown grass to mulch all crops, including strawberries, which love such mulch. Only the cut grass needs to be dried for several days.

Question No. 3. How to grow strawberries in northern Russia?

If there is no snow at the beginning of winter, and frosts are above -20 degrees, cover the strawberries - preferably with spruce branches or thick agrospan or film. Straw, fallen leaves and other insulation materials (all under the film) are also suitable. True, it is possible that mice will get to them. It is also very important to choose the right variety. Such as Zenga-Zengana, Festivalnaya - they can withstand -30 degrees even without snow.

You can also use remontant varieties: they are easy to grow from seeds. If you plant seedlings early, they will bear fruit in the first year even before frost. These varieties are high-yielding, tasty, and frost-resistant.

First of all, strawberries in pipes save space on personal plot. If there is little space... How to grow strawberries in PVC pipes. I think many of you have heard about this unusual method of growing, but did not dare to do this yourself. I hope this article will help you understand this issue and you will enthusiastically approach this growing method.

So, first, I suggest you learn about some of the benefits of growing strawberries in PVC pipes.

Strawberries in tubes: advantages of technology

— first of all, strawberries in tubes save space in the garden. If there is little space, but you want to plant a lot, growing strawberries in pipes vertically is ideal. would be better suited in this case
— mobility (the structure can be moved and rebuilt)
— tillage is reduced to a minimum
- harvesting without sand
— strawberries in PVC pipes will delight both you and your neighbors in the country with their attractiveness, such a design will become the “highlight” of your site

Strawberries in tubes are grown both vertically and horizontally. However, in both the first and second cases, we need a “device” for growing - a PVC pipe. It should be prepared in advance. Next, I propose to find out how to make the design we need.

What will be needed to make the structure?

- sections of PVC pipes (preferably wide in diameter)
- a narrower PVC pipe (needed to supply water to the roots of the plant)
- stubs
- electric drill with attachment for wide holes
- cork, knife
- burlap
- twine
— fasteners
— expanded clay
soil mixture
- strawberry seedlings

Strawberries in PVC pipes: pipe preparation

First of all, you need to decide on the height of the PVC pipes. Measure the length you need and cut it, install a plug on one side of the pipe. In a narrow pipe, using a drill, we make holes every 8-10 cm in 3 rows. It will be located inside the wider one and will act as " watering hose".
The pipe must be wrapped in burlap and secured with twine. This is done so that the water is dispersed during irrigation. The lower part (the one where there are no holes) is closed with a cork and secured with tape.
We make holes in a wide pipe using a special large drill attachment. These holes must be made on the side that will face the sun. The lower holes should be located at a distance no lower than 20-25 cm from the ground.
Next, you should place the PVC pipes vertically. They must be placed and secured firmly; this is done immediately in the place where the strawberries will be grown. A narrow pipe is inserted into the center of the wider one. To balance the narrow pipe, it is necessary to immediately fill the wide one with coarse gravel and soil.
PVC pipes are installed with holes facing the sunny side and secured using any fastening materials.

Strawberries in PVC pipes: planting and care

Growing strawberries in PVC pipes will work better if you choose the right strawberry varieties. Growing strawberries in pipes involves the use of high-yielding varieties that are resistant to diseases and pests. This could be the strawberry variety “Gigantella”, “Bogota”, “Zagorye”, “Pomegranate”, “Desnyanka” and others. Growing strawberries in pipes is a fairly simple process; the main thing is to follow the rules for planting strawberries.
As for the soil for growing strawberries, you need to take care of it in advance: purchase it at a specialized store or prepare it yourself. The soil should consist of ordinary garden soil, peat, ash, sand and sawdust for air exchange, you can also add humus or manure.
It is better if, when planting strawberries, you plant flowers in the lower parts of the pipes that will not allow pests to get to the strawberries (for example, marigolds). Strawberry seedlings are planted in holes by making small depressions in the soil with your fingers.
If you plan to plant strawberry varieties that reproduce by removing tendrils, then it is better to plant them through one hole, so that you can then insert these tendrils into free holes, where they will take root.

Growing strawberries in PVC pipes does not require any specific care. Strawberries in tubes, like usually grown strawberries, require timely watering, fertilizing and preventive actions aimed at combating possible diseases and pests.
Strawberries in PVC pipes do not tolerate drying out of the soil. You can determine the condition of the soil by simply “probing” it with your finger through the holes. Watering occurs as follows: inner tube fills to the top with water, and then gradually releases the water to the plants.
As for feeding, strawberries in pipes need extra-root feeding. As a mixture for feeding, a mixture consisting of manganese sulfate, zinc, cobalt nitrate and boric acid. All components are taken in equal proportions and mixed with water in an amount of 0.025%.

If we talk about strawberry pests, strawberries in pipes are susceptible to attack by the Colorado potato beetle, strawberry mite, slugs and snails. To combat pests such as slugs or snails, a product called “Metaldehyde” is most often used; to combat strawberry mites, a solution of karbofos is used, but it is not recommended to combat the Colorado potato beetle with any chemicals, because they are long-lasting and are not suitable for berries that ripen quickly.
It turned out that growing strawberries in PVC pipes is not only quite simple and convenient, but also a practical way to grow strawberries. Many gardeners, having tried to grow strawberries in this way once, never return to traditional way growing berries in open ground. I hope that growing strawberries in pipes will become your favorite growing technology.
