Types of garages. Choosing the best garage: views (built-in and near the house) and photos. Dimensions and designs

In some areas a garage appears earlier at home. You can spend the night in a tent yourself, and put your car under the roof. Therefore, the question of how to build a garage with your own hands is not idle. We start with choosing a location.

Selecting a location

Choosing a location for a garage - not an easy task. I really want it to be convenient to use, but at the same time so that the construction does not spoil appearance plot. You immediately need to decide whether it will be free-standing or attached to a house or other building on the site.

  • Standing separately. This option is chosen if the house has already been built and/or the shape of the plot is such that the driveways take up too much space. In this case, it makes sense to move the building closer to entrance gate, or make the garage door open directly onto the street.
  • Forming part of a building. This can be a house or a utility block, and the garage itself can be built along with the building, or added later. It is good if the house is built close to the border of the plot. It is attractive because there is no need to think about how to heat it and install additional communications.

At self-construction the garage is most often placed separately, since an extension to an existing house requires serious measures to strengthen the foundation, and this is definitely not cheap. It will be cheaper to build separately. Only when choosing a location, you need to keep in mind that the distance to the neighbor’s plot should be at least 1 m, and the entrance should be at least 10 meters from the neighbor’s windows. The distance to the nearest residential building is also standardized. It must be more than 9 meters if the house is made of non-flammable material and 15 meters if the house is a fire hazard.

The gate opens directly onto the street - one of the good options

Dimensions and designs

First you need to decide for what purposes the garage will be used. If this is only a parking place, the dimensions can be made back to back - add a meter in length and width to the dimensions of the car. This is enough for a parking space. If the garage will also carry out renovation work, you will need a lift or inspection pit, a lot of equipment and spare parts, then the dimensions should be larger. It is advisable to leave at least a meter on the sides and the same amount in front. Half a meter is still enough at the back. If the garage is used as a workshop or as a club, the dimensions can be even larger. The only limitations are the available space and the construction budget.

With or without pit

The most important thing is to decide whether you will make a hole or not. How and what kind of foundation you will make depends on this. You can make a basement under the garage, and the hole will be the “entrance” or only part of the occupied space. The option is attractive, but expensive and requires large volumes of excavation work.

The second option is more economical: only a hole 1.8-2 meters deep and about 1 meter wide. The width is optimal, but the height depends on height and it is better to choose this parameter individually: the depth should be 15-20 cm greater than your height. The length of the pit is about 2 m. This is enough to inspect any passenger car.

It is even easier to implement a floor in a garage without a pit. Then it just fills in without any complications.

Garage foundation

The foundation for a garage without a pit can be anything, be it strip or pile-grillage. Another issue is that you will still have to fill the floor. And if so, then it’s easier to make a monolithic one right away reinforced slab and don’t do the foundation first and then the floor.

Tape - monolithic and prefabricated

Pile or pile-grillage

An economical foundation, which for some reason is rarely used for garages. Pile in its pure form is not very suitable for a garage - the floor turns out to be raised above the ground, but if you make a drive in, you can use it. It and the pile-grillage with a low grillage are an excellent option for heaving soils (clay, loams with a high groundwater level).

The pile is connected to the grillage - this is a pile-grillage foundation

When making a pile-grillage, a shallow foundation pit is dug around the perimeter in the form of a ribbon (about 40-50 cm deep). In it, wells are drilled in increments of 1.5-2 meters below the depth of soil freezing, and formwork is inserted into them ( plastic pipe or rolled roofing material). Three or four reinforcement bars with an outlet of 70 cm are placed inside the formwork and filled with concrete. Then they place the formwork on the tape and knit a reinforcement frame for the tape, connecting it with the outlets of the pile reinforcement. And it is also filled with concrete.

Monolithic slab

Suitable for any type of soil. Along the perimeter it is made larger than the size of the garage by at least 30 cm. The soil is removed by digging a pit 40-45 cm deep. The bottom is leveled and a layer of gravel is poured. Its thickness is about 20-25 cm. The gravel is compacted well, using a vibrating plate if possible.

Formwork is placed around the perimeter, reinforcement is placed on the compacted bedding in increments of 15-20 cm (lengthwise and crosswise, creating a cage). They usually use 10-14 mm in diameter, two tiers of reinforcement, the distance between which is about 20 cm. All this is filled with concrete grade M 250 - M 300.

What to make walls from

Most often, the walls in the garage are made of building blocks. This can be (foam block and gas block), or maybe with a filler made of slag or expanded clay. They are good because they themselves are warm and there are no problems with subsequent heating of the garage: enough small stove in order to heat the air to normal temperatures. True, with such a choice it is necessary exterior decoration. As a rule, it is made the same as on the house or as similar as possible.

The second popular technology for constructing garage walls is frame. The frame is made of metal profile pipe or wooden beams impregnated with fire retardants (flammability-reducing additives). The covering can be any - from sheet metal to siding (on metal), lining, imitation timber, plywood (moisture resistant) or OSB. Yes, some materials are flammable and cannot be called reliable, but if you need a cheap garage, for example for a summer house, and only as a temporary parking lot, then why not.


Garage gates can be swing, sliding, or lifting. Swing ones are the simplest and most familiar to everyone. If desired, they can be automated (as read).

Heating and insulation of the garage

If you plan to use a garage all year round, it is necessary either to immediately make the walls warm (from blocks with low thermal conductivity) or to insulate those built using frame technology. Materials for insulation are standard: mineral wool, polystyrene (extruded or regular foam). There is also an option for non-flammable insulation, which in the case of a garage is simply an excellent option - low-density foam concrete. It can be placed between the frame posts. Non-flammable, inexpensive, holds heat well. The only bad thing is that you can’t hang anything on it, but there are frame posts, so you can mount them on them.

There are two types of heating in the garage: constant and periodic. Constant can be separate or part of the heating of the house. If you do it separately, it’s the same house system, only on a smaller scale. It turns out expensive and complicated: a separate boiler, which also needs to be maintained and monitored.

One of the options for organizing heating in the garage is to pull a branch from the house. But this is also not easy: a pipeline that requires good insulation, a large volume earthworks for its installation, preferably not just into the ground, but into the sewer.

Periodic heating - stoves such as potbelly stoves and their modifications. They can be heated with wood or any flammable rubbish, of which there is usually plenty available. But the most attractive idea is to make a stove during mining - there is plenty of fuel around, and for free (or almost). There are different designs, they are described in the article ““.

This type of heating is the easiest to organize: install a stove and a fireplace, but there is less comfort. Firstly, the heat is mostly near the stove, and secondly, you come into a cold garage and heat it until it starts to warm up...

Drawings and diagrams

Photo reports from construction

It is often difficult to understand the essence of technological processes from a verbal description, but drawings or photos help put everything in place. More questions arise about frame garages. They are the cheapest and can be built quickly. Below are some examples.

Wooden frame garage

The garage was built 4*6.5 m, with a gazebo 4*2 m. The lumber was delivered ahead of time, soaked in antiseptic and stacked in ventilated piles to dry.

The foundation is made of columnar. Using a hand drill, holes were made with a depth of 150 cm and a diameter of 35 cm. Ruberoid sleeves were placed in them, three rods of plastic reinforcement were inserted, and filled with concrete.

Two weeks later, when the concrete was almost ready, they began to install the walls. The bottom trim was assembled first. 150*100 mm timber was used. The harness was installed on three sides, the fourth remained open - there will be an entrance.

The problem was the connection with plastic fittings. Not a particularly good idea: they drilled holes for it, but it’s not clear how to attach it further. We fixed the anchors into concrete (two per post), and filled the holes with reinforcement with epoxy. It is not clear whether they will help or not, but we hope they will at least somehow keep it going.

Next, racks were placed above each column (1.5 meter increments). They must be placed straight up, without deviations, otherwise the structure will be unstable and bursting loads will appear. We started from the corners. They put one out, fixed it with temporary jibs, then nailed it down and moved on to the next one. The rest were leveled according to the set angles, not forgetting to check the verticality (with a plumb line, since the level gives an error). They were fastened with nails and reinforced with metal mounting plates.

To prevent the free ends of the lower harness from moving apart, they were temporarily secured with a board.

After installing all the racks, the logs were attached below. They added rigidity, but it is needed, since we will climb up and fasten top harness.

We continue to assemble the garage frame

When all the beams are installed and assembled, we begin to assemble the rafter system. It was decided to make the roof sloping, and it would be temporary. Subsequently, the garage will be adjacent to the house (this is the first building on the site).

Having collected required quantity trusses were installed on the top trim. They fixed them with pieces of boards to the posts on both sides, then hammered them in with nails and reinforced them with corners on self-tapping screws.

The rafters also need to be placed straight up, otherwise the roof will slide away in winter. Because it’s worth checking often: before scoring, and after….

After everything was installed and secured, the sheathing was laid. A 40*150 mm board was used on it, laid with a gap of 40 cm.

Corrugated sheeting was placed on the sheathing.

We started making the gate fastening area. We installed a beam at the top and sides.

The gates will be up and down. A frame is being welded inside underneath them, along which they will drive off. A gate frame is welded from a 25*50 mm profile pipe according to the dimensions of the opening (with a small gap).

The sheets must be fastened with a gap of about 10 mm. For humidity-temperature expansion.

There is still a lot of work, but basically everything is ready. Crushed stone was poured inside until the floor was poured, but you can now park the car, as well as drink tea in the gazebo))

DIY garage on a strip foundation

Garage for two cars (separate boxes) unheated. They were built on sandy soil with low groundwater. Because the foundation is shallow. They dug a trench around the perimeter, laid out the formwork, and tied up the reinforcement frame. Everything is as usual. Filled with concrete.

Inside the tape was taken out excess soil, leveled the pit. The bottom was covered and covered with sand. It was spilled and compacted (with a vibrating plate).

Compacted sand

laid on top plastic film(for waterproofing), laid metal mesh and filled with M300 concrete.

The height of the screed is 10 cm. It was left to set for 2 weeks. Then they began to install the frame. The frame itself and the rafter system were made from 50*150 mm boards, the spacers and jibs were made from 100*25 mm.

Additional boards were placed in the corners for reinforcement. The pillars at the fastening points of doors and windows have also been strengthened. Installation step! walks” - the sizes are small, but it’s necessary door block, then install a window. I divided the rest as best I could, but didn’t make it more than 60 cm.

I immediately got ready and rafter system. Since they passed in the middle load-bearing beams, they relied on them rafter legs. They were placed at a distance of about 50 cm. Metal mounting plates and corners were used for reinforcement at the fastening points. They were mounted on self-tapping screws and the frame elements were connected with a long nail.

A windproof membrane is stuffed on top of the frame. There is a sheathing made of inch boards on it, the sheathing pitch is about 50 cm.

After filling the membrane and sheathing, installation began external cladding garage. This is a metal profile for the walls and ondulin for the roof. There are no difficulties. Cut to size and attach with self-tapping screws.

Having spread the membrane on the roof (start from the bottom, glue the joints) and nailed the sheathing, we install the ondulin. It must be placed from below, moving upward.

It takes longer to tinker with the overhangs. They were covered with perforated siding (remnants from the construction of the house). Installed wind board made of dry wood 145*20 mm, painted White color.

Wooden windows installed, painted white and cheap chinese door, which will then be replaced and placed in the barn. The corners are covered with wooden boards 145*20 mm, painted to match the roofing material.

Almost the result: more gates and insulation

The entrance was prepared: on one side, when pouring the foundation, an extended tape was poured (the height difference is greater). On the other side they supported it with a board. They filled it with screenings and compacted it. Entry is ready.

Roller shutters were installed last. At first, lift-and-turn doors were planned, but the price for them became unmerciful, so a cheaper option was installed.

When dealing with the question of how to register a garage as a property, you first need to find out whether it is a cooperative property or an individual one. The issue of documents also plays an important role. In addition to formally securing ownership of a building, it may be necessary to privatize the land underneath it.

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Important! Without title, you cannot sell, exchange, gift, or inherit the property.

How to start registration

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for a mandatory procedure for obtaining ownership of a garage; the decision remains with the owner of the building. But without this paper it will be impossible to carry out any real estate transactions, including inheritance. The entire registration process will depend on the type of building and the provision of the necessary documentation.

If you are registering ownership of a garage, it is initially important to make sure that the property is located on land that is specifically intended for this purpose. If you have supporting documentation on hand, there will be no problems. That is, you must have documents that state the fact that the land is personal property, is located in a gardening/dacha organization or on a special plot allocated for individual housing construction.

When understanding at the initial stage how ownership of a garage is registered, you need to know that the situation can be resolved thanks to the Russian Register or MFC (multifunctional center), that is, a certificate of ownership of the garage can be issued and received through one of the proposed organizations.

How to register a garage as a property if there are no documents

The construction of garage cooperatives at the end of the last century was almost universal, and a huge number of various violations to this day create problems for garage owners, forcing them to look for a simple way out of the current situation.

A garage can be considered an illegal building in 2018 if no one has allocated a piece of land underneath it for its intended purpose. The problem is also obvious when there is no permit for construction. Not many people know how to register garages as property if there are no documents.

It will not be possible to legitimize the construction in a simple way if there is no confirmation of legal ownership of the land plot. In this case, it will only help trial. This procedure is complex, so it is best to use the services of a good lawyer. To win a case, if you have owned a garage for a long period of time, you may need witnesses and a whole package of documentation that the judge may request.

Recognition of ownership of a garage through the court

If you have used a garage for a long period of time, this in no way makes you the owner of it. Only properly executed documentation can prove ownership. In order for the court to consider your case, you must correctly file the statement of claim. IN this document the reasons why the situation came to court and the grounds for the demands are stated.

Unauthorized buildings can also be considered in court. To legalize them, you need to provide the court with evidence that it was you who built this object and can lay claim to it.

Here it is advisable not to engage in affairs on your own; it is better to seek help from a qualified lawyer. The specialist knows all the intricacies of the procedures and will tell you how and what is best to do in order to get a positive result from the trial.

Statement of claim for recognition of ownership rights

The cost of the claim depends on the inventory value of the garage itself. You can find out the price in BTI:

  1. If the garage is an unauthorized non-residential building, you need to file a claim for recognition of ownership of a building of this particular type.
  2. If you have owned a garage for more than 18 years and want to register your ownership of it, you need to file a claim for recognition of ownership by acquisitive prescription.

The statement of claim must necessarily contain the address where the garage is located, the date of acquisition or construction, and the personal information of the applicant. Only after legal registration of ownership of non-residential real estate can it be sold, donated, exchanged, etc.

This article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to find out how to solve your particular problem, contact our consultant absolutely FREE!

What documents are needed to register a garage?

If the court is the only option to legalize and obtain ownership of the garage, then to solve the problem it is necessary to provide a whole package of documents, including:

  1. Original and copy of passport.
  2. A document from the sanitary inspection, which states that the facility is safe from an environmental and fire point of view.
  3. Papers certifying the absence of other owners. The certificate is obtained from Rosreestr.
  4. Active technical certificate object.
  5. A copy of the document confirming the right of ownership of the land plot where the object is installed. If the land is leased, you must provide a copy of the agreement.
  6. A receipt confirming that the fee has been paid.
  7. Documents that confirm the fact of construction of the facility, including the purchase of building materials.

If the garage is located on the territory of the cooperative, then when collecting documents for the court, you will need to take:

  • document confirming membership;
  • papers from the technical inventory bureau;
  • receipts for payment of share contributions.

In each specific case, it may be necessary to present to the court additional documents. A timely consultation with a lawyer will determine the list of all documents.

State fee for registration of rights

The price for registering a right may vary, and it depends on some nuances:

  1. Was the registration of the right to the residential garage and the land plot under it carried out by the seller/donor? If there is no registration, then it must be completed.
  2. What kind of object is a particular garage, is it capital real estate.

If you are deciding how to register ownership of a garage and are close to paying the state fee, then you should take into account that it is established by an article of the Tax Code, or more precisely, paragraphs. 22 and 24 hours 1 tbsp. 333.33. It will be possible to fully complete the procedure for registering a garage as a property without errors only after paying the fee.

Important! In 2018, for individuals when registering rights to garage space, a fee of 500 rubles was established.

Cost of registration of rights

It is impossible to immediately state unambiguously how much it will cost you specifically to register a garage as your property. In many ways, the price will depend on the features of the building, which will need to be transferred to the balance sheet individual. You can only roughly make a list of how much you will have to spend:

  1. You will need to pay for a technical garage plan. The price for this document is determined by the amount of effort that the specialist spent on its creation. In the capital of the Russian Federation, such a service can cost about 25,000 rubles. In other regions and areas, the cost of the technical plan will be lower.
  2. To obtain a garage passport from Rosreestr you will need to pay approximately 200 rubles.
  3. The state fee, which relates to the registration of property rights, is usually about 2,000 rubles.

Important! In the list above, the most expensive service is the work of a cadastral engineer. It will be possible to reduce the cost of the service if you have documents for the garage from previous years.

Registration procedure in a garage cooperative

To figure out how to register garages in GSK as your property, you need to study the issue thoroughly. The procedure for registering ownership of a garage in a garage cooperative consists of several stages:

  1. It is necessary to arrange a meeting with the chairman of the cooperative and request from him Required documents. To register ownership of such real estate, you need a certificate confirming the garage owner’s membership in the garage association and full payment of the share contribution. If none of the members of the cooperative has yet privatized their garage, you will need a document that confirms the status of the cooperative as a legal entity.
  2. At the next stage of registering a garage, you need to contact a cadastral service engineer so that he can competently and professionally recreate the technical plan of the property that you plan to register as property.
  3. Next, you need to obtain a cadastral passport for the garage. To do this, you need to register it. Contact the cadastral office. It is here that your application will be considered, but for this you need to submit the documents that you received from the chairman of the cooperative and a technical plan of the property.
  4. Now the package of documents for registering ownership of the garage is submitted to Rosreestr or MFC. Here you will be given a blank application form and a sample. You will provide documents (passport, document from the garage association, copy of the lease agreement for the land plot by the cooperative, passport and technical plan of the property, receipt indicating payment of the fee). After 10 working days you will be able to receive a certificate of ownership.

Important! Please note that if the property in the form of a garage is part of a line of garages, there is common walls with neighboring buildings, then such real estate is just a room. In this case, the building is a whole line of garages that are connected to each other. Put on record garage box is possible only after registration of the entire structure or simultaneously with it.

Is it possible to obtain documents through the MFC?

To decorate a garage, you can use the services of the MFC. Here it is allowed to register property as a purchase, inheritance, gift, regardless of when the garage was built, what its area and price are.

The privatization process in the MFC consists of several stages, the sequence of which is important to adhere to:

  1. Collect the required documentation package.
  2. Get a voucher to visit the nearest MFC branch or make an appointment with a specialist on a specific day of the week.
  3. IN correct form draw up an application regarding cadastral registration of real estate. An MFC employee will help you avoid making mistakes when filling out the document.
  4. Deposit the required amount and pay the state fee (at a bank or payment terminal).
  5. Receive a receipt indicating that your documents were accepted. By the number of this receipt you can clarify the result.

Multifunctional centers will allow you to avoid connections with corruption procedures, because there is no need to interact with government officials.

How to give up ownership of a garage

For some, the garage is their breadwinner and a source of care. But for some, it’s unnecessary hassle, a burden and pointless investment. The law takes into account both options for relating to a garage and provides a procedure that allows you to abandon such property.

If the refusal concerns a garage located on the territory of the cooperative, then you must go to the chairman for clarification, because each community has its own rules. During the refusal procedure, you need to have your passport, membership book and receipts for the last few years, which indicate membership fees.

You must write an application to the chairman no later than 14 days before the date on which you plan to abandon the garage. The resolution must be ready within 2 weeks, of which you will be informed in writing.

Still have questions? Ask them to our lawyer for FREE!

Greetings, fellow car owner. If you are interested in purchasing a garage, it means that you already have a four-wheeled friend, but most likely you don’t have a garage, but you are planning to buy one in the near future. Of course, you live in a warm and cozy apartment, but your assistant gets wet in the rain in the yard, overheats in the sun on clear summer days, and in winter he plaintively greets you in the morning, covered in snow up to the roof, cold and restless. It would be better for everyone to move to a private house or a cottage, there will always be a warm place for your car, but the budget doesn’t allow it yet, so we’ll start looking for a garage. The street night life of a car cannot be delayed for a long time.

Parking in the courtyard of a residential building or on the nearest street is convenient because the car is always at hand. But with this storage method, unfortunately, it is accessible not only to your hands. You always want to think positive, but news channels are increasingly reporting on the fatal consequences of off-street parking. Somewhere at night, serial arsonists are operating, somewhere they are systematically cutting tires, someone is practicing shooting with pneumatic weapons, using neighbors' cars as targets. Unfortunately, the “traditional” car thieves, whose skill and arrogance in last years have grown indescribably.

Sometimes massive damage to overnight cars occurs due to a tipsy neighbor who imagines himself to be the local Schumacher, or simply an inexperienced girl behind the wheel who has poor orientation in the dark and has not yet felt the dimensions of her brand new car. There is another category of car vandals in yards - residents who are dissatisfied with the fact that others have cars. These metal boxes, which clutter driveways and passages, interfere with walking with children or dogs, and simply interfere with life. Such citizens, offended by the whole world, often try on the duties of a people's avenger, and it is better that your car is less likely to catch the eye of this novice “elusive”. Especially at night.

By the way, about dogs. Early in the morning and late in the evening, our dear neighbors are forced to regularly walk their beloved four-legged animals. And those, leaving the entrance, love to methodically describe the wheels of all the cars parked nearby. Where they get so many resources is a separate question, but the wheels really do rust. Only titanium discs save. The owners, while their pets are frolicking, are not bored either. They may be inspired to be creative, and since there is no paper at hand, but there are cars, they write on them. Moreover, innocent inscriptions, such as “wash me,” are usually executed with a finger, and stronger words are executed with a nail or apartment keys.

The yard life of your car is a forced phenomenon. You do not skimp on a guarded parking lot, and you are happy to leave your car there when possible. It’s just that recently the number of specialized paid parking lots in residential areas has decreased; it is much more profitable to build a residential high-rise or a shopping center on vacant urban land. Fewer parking lots means it’s harder to get a spot there. Especially if you return late from work or from a trip to the country. Before the mass construction of multi-story or underground parking We haven’t made it yet; this is a very rare occurrence in our area.

Let's summarize everything that was said earlier: you understand that your car needs a garage. And we have already begun an active search. We will move with you and try to help you do right choice. First, let's try to figure out what exactly we are looking for. After all, garages are different, both in location and in the materials from which they are made. Accordingly, the conditions for “living” your car in them may differ significantly. You are not going to build a garage from scratch, but want to purchase a ready-made one, therefore, we will not discuss construction issues. Let's try to choose proper garage First, let’s look at samples of garages and start searching for the most suitable option in terms of price and useful properties.

Types of existing garages

Depending on the type of material from which they are built, garages can be divided into three main groups: metal, brick and block, as well as garages made of monolithic concrete. By location, if we consider this situation, it could be a non-permanent metal garage located in yours or nearby yards. Or a solid brick garage somewhere nearby, which at one time someone smart managed to build and register with city services. A garage space in an underground or multi-story parking lot, which recently began to be built in our latitudes, is also very suitable. Finally, a garage in a traditional GSK - garage-building cooperative. The latter, unfortunately, are usually located quite far from home, which is not very convenient.

Metal garage

The most primitive version of a metal garage is the well-known “shell”. This option is not for us, because this lightweight design, usually made of thin corrugated sheets, is not a serious obstacle either for car thieves or vandals. It can only protect against children's pranks and neighbor's dogs peeing. An alarm can be installed on the “shell” and the safety of car storage will increase somewhat. But this will not correct the situation with lack of ventilation, air stagnation and high humidity, which will inevitably lead to rapid corrosion metal parts car. Sometimes the owners of such a “shell” slightly lift it above the ground so that the cracks formed below ensure air circulation. But by this they nullify the already very dubious protective properties of the economical shelter of their car.

Much Better conditions can be created for your four-wheeled friend in a metal prefab garage. They usually consist of durable modular metal parts, usually factory-made. Quite a lot of such structures still exist in courtyards and nearby vacant lots. The authorities of most cities have learned to replenish their budgets at the expense of the owners of these garages, and therefore tolerate their presence. Purchasing such a garage is always risky, because at any moment these same authorities can issue an order to remove garages in connection with the start of construction of a facility or simply clearing the territory. And you will begin a feverish search for another convenient place where you can stick this structure. Such a place in modern city increasingly difficult to find.

And yet, this option has one undeniable advantage - proximity to home. This fact partially offsets numerous disadvantages, the main ones being dampness, poor ventilation and sudden temperature changes. Having driven into such a garage with a wet car - and during rain it is simply impossible to drive there dry - we doom the car to dry out for a long time. But even a partially dried car can get wet again at night due to condensation - in a metal garage the night temperature drops sharply, and moisture intensively settles on the cold metal.

The various hidden cavities of the car, especially the sills and side members, suffer the most from corrosion. After all, there is practically no air flow here, so these body elements take the longest to dry and are damaged more intensively. Moisture in the garage can and should be dealt with. For example, doing metal wall cladding thermal insulation materials, hard floor installation and installation forced ventilation. But the car's anti-theft safety, given the fairly distant location of metal garages from residential buildings, will still remain extremely low.

Brick and concrete detached garages of your dreams

In some places in our courtyards there are also permanent garages, solidly built from brick, foam blocks or monolithic reinforced concrete. Of course it's very good option car maintenance. But when considering the possibility of purchasing a major garage, the first place comes legal issues. Most of these garages were registered for preferential categories of citizens - disabled people and veterans of war, labor, and honorary pensioners. In the event of their passing, the heirs often initiate the sale of the garage in the yard, as they understand the possibility of its imminent demolition. Only a garage registered at the technical inventory bureau on a general basis can be considered as possible variant for purchase.

For such garages, owners pay a significant price, because this is the most convenient home for a city car. In residential areas there are very few such garages, and in modern residential areas they are practically absent. A solid stone garage can provide optimal conditions for storing a car and making it easy for the owner to maintain. But no one knows the prospect - how long this building and its owner will be able to fight off the onslaught of surrounding residential buildings and disinterested local government officials. All the same, sooner or later, a sports ground or a children's playground will appear in place of the garage. This powerful argument can and should be used when bargaining with the owner when purchasing, and can significantly moderate his appetite.

We deliberately do not consider possible technical nuances and features of the structure of garages that may exist near your home, and at the same time be free at the time of the start of your search. Due to the fact that this is a very unlikely coincidence. There will still be nothing to choose from here; you will only need to carefully check the documentation for the garage and bargain carefully to get this convenient place for your car.

And yet, the likelihood of such a purchase is really very low, so we will continue our search and go to the nearest garage-building cooperative for this. There is plenty to choose from and something to discuss in terms of construction details and technical equipment. Because GSK is a separate world in which special people live, work and relax. This is the kingdom of car enthusiasts. But car owners are not prohibited from entering here either.

GSK – Soviet, capital garages

To choose a decent garage in GSK, you do not need to waste precious time studying the relevant sections in newspapers and real estate newsletters. Well, just take a look once to get an impression of the prices. You need to decide exactly which garage and construction cooperative is closest to your home, or where it will be more convenient to get home by public transport. And take decisive action by going straight to the office of this GSK. You need to find out from the duty officer when the chairman of the board is on site and meet with him. Formulate your thoughts clearly and speak in short phrases, because in most cases, cooperatives are still led by military pensioners, specific and responsible people.

Ask the chairman whether general meetings of the cooperative members are often held, whether there are community clean-up days, and what the amount of annual fees is. This way you will indicate your controllability and skills as an amateur social activist. The main thing is not to overdo it, so that you are not suspected of being a future competitor for top positions in the management of the cooperative. If you produce on the chairman good impression, and he will consider you a worthy candidate to become a member of their friendly work family, you will be shown a piece of paper with the numbers of the garages that the owners have declared for sale. Now we need to act even faster and more meaningfully.

You are only interested in the garage in close proximity and visibility from the office, or rather the window behind which the cooperative duty officer whiles away his time. Boxes on distant streets are practically unguarded and many of them have already been opened and robbed more than once. Look around the area. If there are offers on a row of garages forming an exterior wall, step outside the gate and see what that wall looks like from the outside. If it is made of massive foundation blocks - great, if it is simple brickwork– mediocre. They can disassemble it, it will be necessary to strengthen the protective function of this wall from the inside. Although this could already be done former owner garage, find out later during the inspection.

All the boxes of the first line and the nearest numbers from other streets, facing the area in front of the office, a kind of center of life of the cooperative, are also interesting because even during the organization of the GSK, the cars of the bosses settled there different levels. Theoretically, the cooperative's shareholders had to draw lots, as in the legendary film "Garage", and almost all the bosses received garages next to this small "Red Square". Moreover, not the first, that is, the last number, but the second or third. Because the first one has an external end wall on the side, which can be damp and cold in winter. As a rule, the internal equipment of these comrades’ garages corresponded to the very high level.

Therefore, if you find the number of one of these garages in your treasured piece of paper, start your search with it. Perhaps they will be able to show you everything without the owners; if not, they will help you call them and make an appointment. Most likely, the widow of the former car enthusiast and garage owner will come to the show, because during his lifetime he would never have sold it. It's a pity for the owner, we'll all be there, but for you this circumstance is a little to your advantage - wives sell garages quite cheaply and almost never haggle. Now, if the sale is carried out by the children-heirs, you will have a difficult time. So in the next part we will begin examining the garage. And let's start it, of course, from the very beginning - gates and locks...

Any owner of his own car sooner or later is faced with the need to purchase or build his own garage for long-term safe storage of vehicles and Maintenance. In this article we will tell you what size a garage should be, how to choose a garage material or its type.

Main types of garages

All garages can be divided into two main types based on location:

  • Attached(cm. ). This type of garage is part of the main residential or industrial building. This type also includes built-in garages, which are located in the basement or basement of private houses. This type also includes production workshops or similar premises that have garage boxes.

For your information. All types of garages for built-in cars usually have a ready-made communications system in the form of heating, plumbing and lighting, the entrance is well organized and there is often a security system for the complex. Such garages have enough space not only for storage, but also for full maintenance. However, the price of renting or purchasing such premises is significantly higher than that of detached buildings.

  • Freestanding. This type of garage can be installed in any area where there is space for it. Such garages can be stationary or collapsible. Most often, such garages are united into garage cooperatives, which exist in almost every district of the city and may also have electricity and a security system. You can find detached garages that the owners built with their own hands next to the house or in the courtyard of an apartment building.

For your information. Advantage separately standing garages is the lower rental cost and close location. However, such premises do not always have electricity; moreover, they have a small area that is not suitable for full repairs.

The best option, of course, is to build your own garage as close as possible to your place of residence according to your own design. The structure can be either collapsible (see), or foundational.

However, it is worth considering that any structure that has a foundation is considered capital and requires special permitting documentation. When deciding which garage is best to build, consider the factors mentioned above.

Material for building a garage

An important criterion is the choice of material for building a garage. It is necessary to immediately determine which garage will be based on which type of material, since this will affect not only the cost, but also performance characteristics premises.

Modern garages can be made from materials such as:

  • Metal.
  • Brick.
  • Concrete.
  • Tree.

Each of the listed materials has its own advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss further.

Metal garage

Metal types of garages (see) can be installed either on a foundation basis or in a mobile version. Usually used during construction metallic profile to create a frame and corrugated sheeting for its cladding.

These types of garages allow you to create spaces different sizes and forms that, if necessary, can be rebuilt or transported to another location.

For your information. A metal garage is relatively inexpensive, but to ensure comfortable operation it is necessary to install additional insulation, since in the winter the metal does not retain heat, but in the summer it gets very hot.

Brick garages

Brick garages are the most practical and durable buildings. An example of such a garage is shown in the photo above.

Brick is an ideal material for building a garage on your own property, since it is a permanent, non-dismountable structure. This material also allows you to build a room of any shape and size, and is also safe for storing a car.

The material is able to retain heat in cold weather and keep cool in hot season.

For your information. Brick construction requires large financial investments and time. The thickness of the wall plays a big role in ensuring comfort. A brick structure can fit perfectly into any landscape and be additionally decorated with finishing materials.

Concrete garages

Concrete types of factory garages can have either a monolithic or collapsible structure (see). It is almost impossible to make such a garage with your own hands, since this requires special equipment.

Precast concrete factories produce ready-made concrete blocks, which are delivered to the site using trucks, and the garage is assembled using a truck crane. You can assemble the garage yourself, for this there are special instructions from the manufacturer, but delivery of elements and installation will require heavy equipment, which costs a pretty penny.

For your information. A monolithic reinforced concrete garage can be considered a mobile structure, since it does not require a foundation for temporary installation and, if necessary, it can be moved to another location. Prefabricated structures can also be disassembled and transported.

Wooden garages

Wooden types of garages (see) have a collapsible design and are lightweight, which allows them to be installed without the use of a massive foundation. The advantage of wood is the ability quick repair, high speed buildings and thermal insulation characteristics.

However, wooden structures require additional treatment of the wood with antiseptic solutions to prevent rotting and resistance to moisture.

Note: as a roofing material for wooden structures usually used metal corrugated sheet, decorative PVC panels can be used for wall cladding, and for interior floor cladding, rubber tiles. It is also worth remembering the increased fire danger tree.

Using the data described, you can choose which is best to build a garage in your particular case, taking into account the available land and financial capabilities. To help with your choice, we recommend watching the thematic video material at the end of the article.

It often happens that when buying a car, a person does not care much about the future location of its storage. As a result, when he is faced with the question of what type of garage fits better, there is almost no money. Therefore, there is also choice. Therefore, you have to either buy what you have enough money for, or rent. Well, or even resign yourself to storing your car under the windows or in a paid parking lot.

This usually happens to beginners, whose mind is completely absorbed in euphoria, but sometimes even experienced drivers forget about this “minor” detail because of the fuss. So it is advisable, anticipating this problem, study it in advance. It's not as simple as it seems. First, you should find out what types of garages exist now, and also analyze their pros and cons.


Definitely, this is the most expensive type (over 100,000 rubles) and, accordingly, reliable, since in fact such garages are made of fairly durable materials and, as a rule, with a foundation. Most often, they are located in a protected area and have an impressive area by garage standards (more than 18 m2). Many of them are equipped with electrical wiring, which indicates the presence of a couple of sockets and lighting, and some even have some kind of heating. True, the cost also increases significantly because of this.

This type of garage is divided into above-ground and underground.

  • The first option is usually a little cheaper, but also more dependent on weather conditions(snow in front of the entrance, puddles, etc.), and there are not always conscientious watchmen in the place where it is located.
  • In the second case, there may be high humidity, which promotes corrosion. Such a garage may be located far from the house, of course, if it was not purchased along with the apartment. May have difficult access to the gate itself. Well, one of the most important advantages, along with reliability, is the presence of a hole for access to the bottom, but not all garages of this type have it.

This is perhaps the most common type of garage in the former CIS. Although it is much worse than the previous one, thanks to the lower price and only slightly inferior area, they were bought much more often. However, now the situation is changing slightly. This is happening in connection with laws introduced that allow the demolition of such buildings for the sake of beautifying the city, if, of course, there are violations.

I don’t want to go into the legal aspects, so I should get straight to the point. It’s better not to buy metal boxes now. And if there is no other possibility, first of all you need to find out whether only the garage structure itself or a full-fledged parking space is for sale. And if a plot is included in a deal, it is necessary to carefully check all documents through open databases. It is also worth noting that the biggest problem with such garages is unreliability. In the event of a strong gust of wind or a fallen tree, one can only rely on the conscience of the material manufacturer.

Also, naturally, they do not have a pit. Exceptions are cases when a conscientious owner created some kind of its analogue with his own hands, but this rarely happens. Otherwise, they have the same disadvantages as above-ground capital structures.

The main and, perhaps, the only advantages include the possibility of moving the garage to another location. This can be very useful when moving. The presence of modularity in some models will allow you to expand the box when purchasing larger vehicles (we are not talking about height).

In general, due to great demand, there are many options for these structures: with a sloping or flat roof, with gates opening up or to the sides, with or without a canopy, but all these differences are not significant.

Shell garage

This is the cheapest and, naturally, less practical type. Due to its extremely low cost (about 20,000 rubles per quality option), they are still popular. In fact, this is the same metal box with all its disadvantages, just with a specific method of opening the gate, if this word can be applied to this type at all.

The fact is that its body is usually divided into two parts, one of which, the front one, rises, giving the car the opportunity to drive under it. Therefore, for the correct operation of such a mechanism, the second half of the structure is lower and rounded. Consequently, additional restrictions on the machine appear.

However, it is worth noting that this view also has its advantage - thanks to the absence of walls (they are raised), it becomes a little easier to park the vehicle.

It also needs to be said about the compactness of this type of garage. Most often, its dimensions are only slightly larger than the size of an average car, which allows you to place a shell garage even on a small plot of land. However, this obviously affects the capacity, which many people don't like. They independently lengthen the front part by cutting the body and brewing the desired metal insert. This looks terrible and is popularly called a “collective farm”.


This type of garage is more common in developed countries and usually cannot exist separately from the house. At its core, this is a kind of capital construction, since they are almost always built from the same materials. But sometimes there are even wooden options. They can be either an extension of the house or a separate structure, have different gates, including blinds, have a pit or not. All this depends only on the desire of the owner, because they are created to order or independently.

Bottom line

If there are no special budget restrictions and you are not planning to move, best choice among all types there will be a major garage. And if there is a plot and opportunity, then it will be adjacent to the house. But if you don’t have a lot of money, you should pay attention to a metal box. And only as a last resort, if necessary, can you purchase a shell.
