Installation of mounting holes in aluminum slatted ceilings. Suspended ceiling made of aluminum slats. Construction of structures - what is included

- a rather complicated procedure, but if you follow the instructions and approach the matter with all seriousness, then everything will certainly work out. Much depends on the geometric shape of the room - if the room is rectangular, then there should be no problems with installation at all.

For the first time, aluminum slatted ceilings appeared in Russia at the end of the last century, that is, around the time Russians learned about “European-quality renovation.” The first ceilings were made in Germany and, of course, were quite expensive.

Despite this, the demand for them increased and many craftsmen, who appreciated all the advantages of the design, began to widely use it when renovating a kitchen or bathroom.

Note! Modern (mostly white) models are equipped decorative inserts, allowing not only to improve the room, but also not to disturb the interior design.

Design Features

The slats are attached to a steel traverse - a toothed profile. There are several types of slats and each has its own traverses. It is important that both are from the same manufacturer - this way there will be no gaps or cracks left after installation.

The ceiling is installed after plastering the room and installing the windows. If electrical cables were laid along the ceiling, they must be secured so that they do not interfere with work.

Stage 1. Measurements

You need to start with measurements. If for any reason you doubt yourself, then it is better to entrust this to a professional measurer. His work will cost about 500 rubles.

Stage 2. Buying everything you need

The work will require the following tools:

  • metal scissors;
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • electric drill;
  • laser level.

In addition, for installation you will need a number of materials:

  • panels;
  • screws;
  • guides;
  • dowels;
  • traverses;
  • pendants.

The key points when choosing panels (slats) are dimensions.

  1. Width products range between 10 cm and 20 cm, but it is better to buy 10 cm slats - they are the most popular.
  2. Length can be 3 m or 4 m. If none of the options is suitable, then it is worth finding a company that provides the services of a machine for cutting panels.
  3. From thickness The reliability of the entire structure directly depends on the slats. The best option– ½ mm, at which the strength of the ceiling will be high and the cost will be acceptable.

  1. Closed slats vaguely resemble wooden lining.
  2. Open slats can only be installed in rooms with a height of more than 5 m, so such products are unlikely to be suitable for a bathroom or kitchen. Installed with a small gap - no more than 1 cm.
  3. Products with inserts are the same open, but there are gaps in in this case disguised with decorative aluminum strips.

Color slatted ceiling depends on the taste of the owner and the design of the room.

Note! To repaint the ceiling a different color, enamel paint is used - one layer will be enough. To make the ceiling mirror, you need to buy chrome aluminum slats.

It is typical that slats should be sold in a special protective film. You should not buy products that do not have this film.

Stage 3. Cost calculation

The price of the slatted ceiling includes the following components:

  • traverses (or tires, as they are also called) - gear strips to which, as mentioned earlier, panels are attached;
  • the plinth is used purely for decorative purposes - it closes the resulting gap between the ceiling and the wall;
  • suspension - ordinary steel wire fixed to the ceiling; Traverses are attached to the suspensions, which is why the slatted ceiling is called suspended;
  • lamps - you should take care of them in advance, because after installing the ceiling they will be difficult to install.

Stage 4. Installation

Step 1. You need to install guides (stringers) on each wall. The location of the future ceiling is indicated - it drops about 20 cm relative to the old one. The line must be strictly horizontal, so when marking, you can use a laser level. Profiles will be attached along this line.

Step 2. The profiles need to be attached to the line, and holes must be made in the appropriate places. Dowels are driven in there and screws are screwed in. As a result, the profile is attached to the wall every half meter, horizontality is checked using the mounting level.

Note! In the corners, the guides are connected as shown in the image.

Step 3. Upon completion of installation of the perimeter, hangers are installed. The distance between them should not exceed 1 m. The hangers are fastened with screws and dowels, after which they are checked with a level.

Step 4. Traverses are attached to the hangers. In this case, you need to ensure that the traverses are flush with the guides at an angle of 90ᵒ to the slats. The design must be level, because this affects appearance future ceiling.

If the traverses are too short, they can be extended by connecting two adjacent products end-to-end. Once the installation of the traverses is complete, the assembly of the ceiling itself begins.

Step 5. The slats are cleaned of protective film and cut to fit the size of the room. Then the slats are inserted into the guides along the entire perimeter, after which the crossbars snap into place. As a result, such a surface should emerge.

It is worth noting that many are afraid not of the installation of the slatted ceiling itself, but of its repair. For this reason, when assembling, you need to try not to deform the slats (and they, by the way, are quite easily deformed). If any damage does occur, it is better to replace the entire panel.

Video - Assembling a slatted ceiling

Mirror ceiling made of aluminum slats

This ceiling consists of the same slats coated with a special reflective substance (often chrome). In addition to aesthetics, mirrored ceilings have the following advantages:

  • ease of care;
  • the illusion of increased space, which is especially important in small apartments;
  • a wide range of textures and shades;
  • no difficulties when installing lamps.

Having familiarized yourself with the main advantages, you can get to work.

Stage 1. Preparation

When purchasing mirror slats Special attention need to pay attention to details. Quality products covered with a special protective layer that prevents the formation of cracks, scratches and other damage. In addition to the slats themselves, the work will require:

  • skirting boards;
  • guides;
  • pendants;
  • tires.

Here is a list of necessary equipment:

  • mounting level;
  • dowels;
  • electric drill;
  • perforator;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • cord;
  • self-tapping screws

Stage 2. Marking

There is no need to specially prepare the ceiling plane before installation, but if finishing material goes away, it’s better to get rid of it.

A horizontal line is drawn along the entire perimeter (approximately 20 cm below the existing ceiling). If you plan to install spotlights, then wiring will be laid.

Stage 3. Frame assembly

Step 1. Using the markings made, guides for the ceiling are installed. Fastening is carried out in the same way as when installing a conventional slatted ceiling.

Step 2. Stringers are inserted into the guides, and hangers are attached above them.

Note! It is advisable to use clamping mechanisms for suspensions, since they are easily adjusted if necessary.

Step 3. The stringers are connected flush with the hangers. To do this, you can pull the cord diagonally.

Stage 4. Ceiling assembly

During assembly mirror ceiling Do not remove the protective film. Sections of the required length (approximately 3 mm less than the distance between the walls) are cut directly into the film.

Note! Only the edges of the slats are cleaned.

Otherwise, the technology for installing the mirror structure is no different from that described above.

As a conclusion

Modern slatted ceilings are distinguished by their reliability and aesthetics, and recently they are increasingly used exclusively for decoration. Aluminum slats are very popular because they are not subject to corrosion and do not burn, so they can be installed in rooms with high fire safety requirements.

Finally - one more useful advice. Before buying a ceiling, you need to think about whether it is advisable to lose 20 cm of free space for it. Perhaps the height is already small, and a slatted ceiling (if it is not mirrored) will reduce it not only visually, but also physically.

But still the suspended ceiling has a lot positive qualities, therefore, in most cases such minor shortcomings are not paid attention to.

Before we tell you about installing a slatted ceiling, let’s touch on its history a little. Slatted aluminum ceilings appeared on the Russian market in the early 90s, that is, at the same time when the concept of “European-quality renovation” firmly entered our everyday life. The first ceilings were supplied from Germany and, as befits all new products, they were expensive. However, the demand for them was very high. Craftsmen immediately appreciated all the advantages of such ceilings and increasingly began to use them to renovate bathrooms and kitchens.

Manufacturers began to supplement standard white slatted ceilings with various decorative inserts, allowing not only practical arrangement of the room, but also not violating the overall design concept.

So what are the main advantages of aluminum slatted ceilings?

  • The aluminum slatted ceiling is not afraid of changes in humidity and temperature, which means it can be installed in the bathroom, toilet or kitchen
  • The slatted ceiling is suspended, which allows you to visually align the existing ceiling
  • Installation of slatted ceilings is quite simple and does not require any surface preparation
  • Aluminum slatted suspended ceiling is environmentally friendly, so it can be installed even in a nursery
  • In addition to all the above advantages, the slatted ceiling also looks beautiful.

Slat ceiling installation

An aluminum or steel traverse is a profile with “teeth”, onto which the ceiling slats are hooked. Each type of slats has its own traverse. To avoid the formation of cracks, it is recommended to buy slats and traverses from the same company.

How to install?

Installing a slatted ceiling with your own hands is not so difficult process. It is enough to have minimal skills construction work to assemble the ceiling yourself. Follow our instructions, and your room will be transformed beyond recognition.

The installation of the slatted ceiling should be started last, that is, after the plastered walls have dried, the windows have been installed and the floor finishing has been completed. If there are any on the ceiling electrical cables- they must be fixed so that they do not interfere with work.


  • level
  • roulette
  • laser level
  • drill
  • screwdriver
  • metal scissors.


  • slatted ceiling (ceiling panels)
  • guide profile
  • pendants
  • traverses (aka load-bearing tires)
  • screws with dowels.

The first step when installing a suspended ceiling is to install guides around the perimeter of the room. Mark the location of the future ceiling by “lowering” it 15-20 cm below the existing one. Take the necessary measurements. If the room is large enough, it is advisable to use a laser level. Draw a straight horizontal line along which you will attach the guide profiles.

The standard profile length is 3 meters. If necessary, it can be trimmed with metal scissors.

Attach the guide profile to the wall in accordance with the drawn line and drill a hole with a drill. Screw a screw and dowel into it. Fix the entire profile in a similar way in increments of 50-60 mm. Check the evenness of the profile using a level.

When you reach the corner, connect the profiles as shown in the picture. Screw it on and check the level again.

This way you should have a mounted perimeter.

Proceed to install the hangers. Take measurements for attaching them, keeping a distance of approximately 1 m.

Secure the hangers with screws and dowels, having previously drilled holes with a drill. Check the position of the hangers for level.

The next step is attaching universal traverses (supporting tires) to the suspensions. The distance between them should be no more than 1 m.

The crossbars are installed perpendicular to the slats, at the same level as the perimeter profile, and screwed to the hangers with screwdrivers. Here it is very important to avoid errors and mount an even structure. The appearance of the ceiling will depend on this.

If the traverse is shorter than required, it can be extended. To do this, secure the suspension at the very beginning of the next traverse as shown in the picture. Screw the second traverse end-to-end with the first. Once the crossbars are installed, begin assembling the ceiling.

The slats must be freed from the protective film and cut to fit the room.

Carefully insert the slats into the guides and snap onto the traverse along the entire length.

If you did everything correctly, you should end up with a ceiling like this.

We would like to thank you for the master class

Suspended ceiling structures provide many advantages - they hide imperfections in the base and communications, level the surface, are quickly installed, and are suitable for installing built-in lighting. If you decide to install a suspended ceiling, you can choose between slatted structures, plasterboard ceilings, Armstrong panels, cassette or tension coverings.

In our article we will talk about slatted ceiling coverings - their advantages, disadvantages, characteristics, cost and installation sequence.

Advantages and disadvantages of slatted ceilings

The slatted ceiling has the following advantages:

  1. You can install slatted coverings in any room or outside, because the material is resistant to high humidity and temperature changes, it is durable, does not oxidize and is not susceptible to mold and rot. In addition, the entire structure is considered fireproof.
  2. An aluminum suspended ceiling hides defects in the base surface, communications and protruding building construction. Installation suspension system takes place without special preparation of the base ceiling surface.
  3. You can install the slatted ceiling yourself. In this case, the structure can not only be assembled, but also disassembled independently if it is necessary to replace the rail or repair utility lines.
  4. You can install built-in lighting, hidden lighting or hanging lamps in the covering.
  5. The metal slats from which the ceiling is made are produced in different sizes, colors and with different options coatings, which allows you to create ceilings that are unique in design and select products to match the style and color of the interior.
  6. The surface is easy to maintain and can be washed detergents and water.
  7. The entire structure can be mounted and dismantled many times. After disassembly, the slats and components can be used to assemble a new ceiling in another room.
  8. High technical and performance characteristics The materials provide an impressive service life, which reaches up to 20 years.
  9. Possible device multi-level ceilings with straight and curved transitions between tiers.
  10. If it is necessary to ensure effective ventilation of the ceiling space, you can make open slatted ceilings without inserts, when between separate elements There are gaps for free air circulation.
  11. Metal surfaces have good reflective properties, so with the right choice of lighting you can save on electricity.

The main disadvantage of rack and pinion ceiling systems the same as all suspended ceilings - they reduce the height of the room because they are mounted at a certain distance from the base ceiling surface. The minimum height for lowering such a ceiling is 50 mm. But the use of mirror slats allows you to visually increase the height of the room and expand the space.

Another minor drawback of this coating is that to replace one element or access the ceiling space, you will have to disassemble the entire coating. It's all about fixing the slats. The surface is assembled sequentially, so it will not be possible to dismantle one or more slats in the center of the covering.

Cost of installation of slatted ceilings

If you are interested in the price of a slatted ceiling, then the cost of the panels depends on their size, type of coating and color. The cheapest elements cost from $6.7 per square, and the most expensive gold and chrome strips will cost up to $16.6/m².

In addition to the rails themselves, you will have to buy components for assembly load-bearing frame. Typically, the cost of purchasing them is +20% of the cover price. If the installation is carried out by professionals, then you will have to pay $8 per square meter for the assembly.

Technical characteristics of slatted ceilings

For the manufacture of slats it is used aluminum sheet thickness up to 0.4 mm. The elements themselves are long strips with rounded edges for fixing on the holder. Typically, slats are produced 3-4 m long, but six-meter panels are made to order. Perforated elements are available for sale. The width of the slats reaches 30 cm.

There are two types of rack structures - open and closed. Open systems in turn, they come with or without inserts. The difference between closed and open structures is that in the first case, the slats are mounted end-to-end without gaps or inserts, and in the second case they are installed at a short distance from each other. This gap can be left unclosed to ensure ventilation of the ceiling space, or it can be closed with inter-batten inserts and get interesting design surfaces, especially if you use inserts that differ in color and texture from the panels.

Accessories for slatted ceilings

A suspended aluminum slatted ceiling is assembled from slats and a set of parts for the manufacture of a supporting frame.

To work you will need the following components:

  • stringers (holders, traverses or combs) are long steel tires with locks on which slats are hung;
  • adjustable hangers made of galvanized steel are needed to fix the stringers to the ceiling surface and adjust the position of the entire structure in one horizontal plane;
  • reiki is cladding panels made of aluminum with decorative coating or perforation;
  • inter-batten inserts are narrow aluminum strips that cover the gaps between panels in systems open type;
  • the perimeter corner profile is mounted on the walls around the perimeter of the room and performs the functions decorative element, hiding the ends of the slats and their junction with the walls.

Construction of a slatted ceiling with lamps

The design of the slatted ceiling covering consists of a supporting frame and slats. In this case, all components of the structure are arranged in the following sequence from top to bottom:

  • if you plan to insulate and additionally soundproof the ceiling, then the material is attached to the base ceiling surface;
  • then follow engineering Communicationventilation ducts, corrugated electrical cables and other systems;
  • load-bearing rails (stringers) are attached to the base ceiling on adjustable hangers;
  • slats are attached to them from below, which are latched using a special lock on the tire;
  • After this, lighting fixtures are installed.

DIY installation technology

We will look at the sequence of assembling a slatted covering using the example of installing an open-type system with inserts, because this is the option that is used most often. The video instructions will help you clearly understand how to install a slatted ceiling with your own hands:

Calculation of material quantity

To calculate the amount of material, we need to know the area of ​​the room and its perimeter. We find the total number of U-shaped baguettes that are attached to the walls by dividing the perimeter into three (this is the length of one profile) and rounding the number up.

The number of stringers is determined taking into account the fact that these parts are mounted on the ceiling in increments of 120 cm. Please note that the direction of their installation is directly opposite to the direction of installation of the panels. To count the number of stringers, we divide the ceiling with lines with a given pitch. We calculate their total length and divide by three (the length of one stringer). We round the number.

It is not difficult to find the number of hangers, knowing that they are mounted along the stringer fastening line in increments of 120 cm. To do this, divide the total length of the strips on the wall by 120 and find the number of necessary hangers.

The number of ceiling slats is determined based on the area of ​​the room. It is important to take into account the width of the strip and the presence of inter-batten inserts. In systems closed type Only the number of slats is counted.

Tools for work

To install an aluminum slatted ceiling, you will need:

  • perforator;
  • screws and dowels;
  • screwdriver;
  • laser level;
  • drill;
  • scissors for metal work;
  • pliers;
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • ladder;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • painting cord;
  • drill attachment for drilling holes for built-in lamps.

Marking the room

Before making a suspended slatted ceiling, you need to mark the room. If base ceiling level, then we simply set aside the distance by which our ceiling covering and draw lines on the walls.

In a room with an uneven ceiling, we do things differently. Find the lowest angle and measure down the required distance. After this, using laser level We make similar marks on other corners and connect them with lines on the walls. Ceiling surface draw lines with a step of 120 cm along which the hangers for the stringers will be attached.

Important! Do not confuse the direction of the lines - they are made perpendicular to the direction of laying the slats.

Frame installation

The frame is mounted in the following sequence:

  1. According to the markings applied on the walls, we need to fix the wall profile of the U-shaped section. To do this, we drill holes in the profile and wall in increments of 500 mm, but from adjacent walls We place these holes at a distance of no more than 5 cm. We fasten the profile to the walls using dowels and self-tapping screws.
  2. According to the markings on the ceiling, we install hangers under the stringers. For fixation we use dowel nails. We install the outer hangers from the wall at a distance of 300 mm, and fasten all other elements in the row in increments of 120 cm.
  3. We cut the stringers to the required length and attach them to the hangers. In this case, the length of each holder should be 5-10 mm less than the width or length of the room.
  4. We adjust the length of the hangers so that the entire structure is in the same plane.

Installation of metal slats

We cut each rail to the length of the room so that it is 0.5 cm less than the distance between the opposite wall profiles. Remove the protective film coating from the element. We insert the ends of the slats into the wall profiles, turning them diagonally. We fix the central part of the part on the stringer latches.

We cut the last element to the required width. To do this, draw a longitudinal line and make transverse cuts on the side of the part to be cut. Then, using scissors, we cut the part along the drawn line. We insert the strip with its cut edge into the groove of the wall profile, and snap the edge with the lock onto the stringer.

Due to the fact that they are made of metal coated with special paints, they do not burn and are easy to care for.

The design is quite light and does not place much load on the floor slabs. This refers to the advantages of this type of ceiling.

  • Open type
  • Closed

In the open type, the space between two adjacent slats is not closed. The ceiling resembles a translucent lathing. This design is quite well ventilated and allows you to hide any communications under it - electricity, ventilation, and pipelines.

And here it is - closed type

The second type also performs the same functions as the first. The difference is that the gap between the slats is closed with a narrow inter-slat plug. It can be made in a color different from the main one and can even have a mirror surface.

Materials for slatted ceilings

If you know the area of ​​the ceiling in the room, then in any store building materials You can purchase the necessary set of suspended aluminum ceilings. It should include the following elements:

  • Wall corner
  • Universal support rail (stringer)
  • Universal hanger (clamp + spoke)
  • Aluminum panel
  • Interrail insert

The ceiling elements are attached to the wall and floor slabs with dowels. Typically, dowel-nails 6 x 40 mm are used.

Work order

Aluminum begins with marking the horizontal plane. It can be lowered to any height from the existing ceiling.

It is important to know! If you plan to use built-in spotlights, then the ceiling height is lowered to the height of the lamp + 1 cm.

It is recommended to mark a suspended aluminum slatted ceiling using a laser or water level. In the absence of such, you can use a regular tape measure. However, floor slabs are not always laid perfectly level and in large rooms the slope of the ceiling may be noticeable.

Points on the horizontal plane are marked along the perimeter of the room and connected with a pencil and ruler. The wall corner will be attached along this line.

Fastening the corner

The wall corner is cut to size using a grinder or a hacksaw. It must be attached to the wall in increments of 30-40 cm. To do this, drill holes in the corner and, placing it against the wall, mark the drilling points for the dowels.

Note! If the wall is covered tiles, then the ceiling level markings should not fall on the tile seam. In this case, the tile may crack when drilling.

When the holes are prepared, the wall corner is attached to the wall. This is done around the entire perimeter of the room.

To attach the stringers, markings are applied to the existing ceiling. The distance between stringers should be no more than 1200 mm. Universal hangers are attached to the floor slabs according to the markings. They are fastened using the same dowel nails 6 x 40 mm.

Important to remember! The first and last row of hangers are mounted at a distance of 400 mm from the wall. The remaining hangers should be located at a distance of 1200 mm from each other.

The stringer is attached to the installed hangers. To do this, use hooks on hangers and holes in the universal support rail.

Before you start installing a suspended aluminum slatted ceiling, it is advisable to draw a plan for the placement of lighting fixtures. The wiring must also be prepared (laid in a corrugated sleeve and attached to the existing ceiling with clamps).

According to this plan, holes are cut in panels pre-cut to size for spotlights. This is done using a drill and a metal crown the right size. When the hole is cut, a spotlight is mounted into it.

The panels are cut to size using a grinder or a hacksaw. You can start installing the slats on the stringer from any side. For this purpose, the stringer has cut grooves. The rail is attached to it with a simple snap.

The edges of the rail should lie on the shelf of the wall corner. After installing the panels, begin installing the inter-batten inserts. This is a narrow profile that covers the distance between adjacent panels.

The profile cut to size is inserted into the gap between the panels until it clicks. When the ceiling is completely assembled, it is adjusted using universal hangers so that the aluminum slatted suspended ceiling lies evenly on the shelf of the wall corner. Ceiling installation is complete. The video below will help you understand more clearly how to install an aluminum slatted ceiling.

The slatted ceiling occupies a special place in modern interior housing, as it allows not only to create original design, but also hides all the flaws of the load-bearing surfaces. Unlike others mounted systems, these structures can be installed even in rooms with high humidity.

Thanks to huge selection colors and textures, such ceilings fit well with any style of room design. They are characterized by excellent performance properties and are easy to assemble, so installation work can be done independently, without the help of specialists.


The slatted ceiling is modern look ceiling structure, which consists of a frame system sheathed decorative panels. Usually the finishing material is made of aluminum (0.3-0.6 mm thick), but slats made of plastic and steel are also found. To give the product a more aesthetic appearance, manufacturers often coat the panels with varnish.

Installation of a slatted ceiling depends on the size of the slats, since they can have different lengths: from 50 to 200 mm. Therefore, before starting installation work An accurate calculation of the material must be made.

It is worth noting that the slatted ceiling is much stronger than traditional PVC structures, but it looks more massive and can be subject to corrosion processes.

The system frame is assembled from skirting boards, hangers and load-bearing profiles, which are equipped with special grooves. Suspensions can be used with both spokes and springs. As for the skirting boards, they are U-shaped and are designed to hide the edges of the slats and give the ceiling a beautiful look.

Suspension systems made from slats have many positive characteristics, which include:

  • practicality and durability;
  • wide range of designs;
  • moisture resistance;
  • ease of installation;
  • a light weight;
  • wide scope of application;
  • easy care.

Therefore, by installing such ceilings in rooms, you can not only decorate the interior in an interesting way, but also not have to think long years about the new renovation.


Today, manufacturers produce slatted panels with various elements decor, using the most modern technologies. Thanks to this, the material has high quality and can acquire original colors and textures. The front side of the slats can be either embossed or smooth; coated with matte or glossy varnish.

Such ceilings, depending on the design features, are divided into two types:

  • Indoor. The slats are installed in such a way that the gaps between them remain open. Upon completion of finishing, they are decorated with special inserts.
  • Closed. Installing panels in this way creates a monolithic surface that does not require additional decoration.

In addition, the slats may differ in shape:

  • "Italian". Their corners have a rounded appearance.
  • "German". The panels are produced with strict rectilinear outlines.
  • Designer. This finishing material is made to order, and it can be presented in complex geometric shapes. Therefore, the ceiling turns out to be original and unusual. Often slats in the form of the letters S, V or P are chosen for the interior.

Since a non-standard profile is used for installation, the system installation process is considered complex.

In order to choose the right the right type slats, you should take into account not only their beauty, personal preferences, but also functional purpose premises, its level of lighting.

Panels suspended structures produced from different material, which can be combined with any design details. Typically slats are made of aluminum, steel and plastic.

  • Aluminum slatted ceiling is the most popular option in the interior. It has a lot of advantages, as it includes everything positive properties plastic and metal. Aluminum withstands temperature changes and moisture well. It is lightweight, durable and also resistant to corrosion. Also, the material does not support the combustion process and is not flammable.

Look great aluminum structures in kitchen and bathroom design.

  • Steel type suspension systems, as a rule, used for decoration storage facilities and offices. Steel is characterized by high sound insulation, is durable, but does not withstand moisture and can rust. Therefore, the surface of such metal ceiling should be well treated with special mixtures and try not to install it in rooms with an unstable microclimate.

  • The ceiling made of plastic slats has also proven itself well., since it is inexpensive and is in no way inferior to the previous options (in terms of external characteristics). The material is not afraid of moisture, but is fire hazardous and supports combustion. Therefore the installation plastic ceiling not possible everywhere. For example, in the kitchen (under the influence of constant evaporation and high temperature), the material loses its attractiveness and begins to fade.

In addition, plastic quickly fades in the sun.

There are also slats made from natural wood. Undoubtedly, wooden ceiling will be a chic addition to any interior, but purchasing the material and installing it will be very expensive. Therefore, most owners prefer cheaper and more practical types of material.


You can install a suspended ceiling system from slats either with the help of specialists or on your own. If the structure will be assembled with your own hands, then it is necessary, first of all, to draw a draft of the future structure, perform calculations and purchase all the components.

To do everything correctly, novice craftsmen need to follow step-by-step instructions.

  • At the first stage of work in the room where it is planned to install the ceiling, repairs should be carried out and the surface of the slabs should be prepared for covering. To do this, clean the base from old decoration and seal large cracks with plaster. Then you need to collect all the furniture and things in the room: they can be taken to another room or covered with film.
  • At the second stage, it is important to determine the installation location of the chandelier and lamps.

  • The next step in the installation will be marking the height of the future ceiling. This is best done using a laser level. The points are marked on the wall, and from them a line is drawn along which the guides and starting profile will be installed. If the walls of the room are lined decorative tiles, then the installation of the structure should be carried out taking into account its seams. Otherwise, the ceiling composition will be visually skewed (even regardless of whether the slats are assembled horizontally or vertically).
  • Then the starting profiles are attached. They must be cut to the dimensions specified in the installation diagram. Points for drilling holes are marked in the profiles and using a drill with outside drill places for fastenings. A similar procedure is done for the holes for the dowels.

In order not to compromise the integrity of the structure, the profiles at the corners can be bent or cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

  • Then you need to assemble the guide profiles and mark the places for fixing the hangers. The hangers should be mounted in such a way that the distance between the traverses is 120 cm. At the same time, the step between the hangers themselves should not exceed 60 cm. This technology will make the structure strong and reliable. Traverses can be mounted to the suspension either using dowels or using special fasteners, which are often included in the kit.
  • When Basic structure ready, all that remains is to assemble the slats. This is not difficult to do, because each of the panels has a comb with which the slats are simply snapped onto the profiles. It is advisable to carry out installation using gloves to avoid getting dirty or scratched. decorative coating material. The outer slats are cut to size.

To do this, according to them inside carry out several times with a knife, make an incision with scissors and break off.


Last time construction market presented by ceiling slats from both domestic and foreign manufacturers. Has proven itself well Cesal products. It is very popular because it has proven itself to be of high quality and positive reviews consumers. The slatted ceilings of this company are characterized by wide choice shapes, sizes and colors.

In addition, the finishing material has all quality certificates and undergoes a unique processing, thanks to which three-layer enamel is applied to the surface of the panels. Therefore, this finish is not afraid of mechanical damage, is resistant to moisture, high temperature and corrosion processes.

Widely used and Albes products. The company produces aluminum slatted ceilings, which differ modern design. Looks especially beautiful in the interior perforated panels. They are produced in both closed and open design types. At the same time, the package includes open ceilings Stylish and interesting inserts are sure to be included, thanks to which the design of the room turns out chic.

Also deserves special attention manufacturer Geipel. This company appeared on the market quite recently, but has already managed to establish itself with best side. The slatted ceilings of this production have a stylish look and original decor. In addition, during the manufacture of slats, the company uses only environmentally friendly raw materials, which are safe for health and perfectly withstand the effects of external factors.

The process of assembling a slatted ceiling is simple, but novice craftsmen who will be doing this for the first time need to know how to correctly draw a diagram of a suspended system, attach the structure and select the material. Simple tips will help you avoid installation mistakes.

  • Before installing the ceiling, you should take accurate measurements of the room, taking into account the presence of niches and protrusions.
  • You need to choose in advance how to attach the slats. If the elements are placed lengthwise, the room will be visually longer, and the transverse direction, on the contrary, will expand the space.
  • In addition, panels with a matte surface are best installed in bathrooms, while panels with a glossy surface are best installed in corridors and passers-by.

  • For gapless installation, it is recommended to place the slats along the viewing direction. This way the seams will not be noticeable.
  • Diagonal installation of panels is considered the most difficult; it is best to entrust it to specialists.
  • Profiles should be purchased with a reserve. For finishing indoor ceilings standard size As a rule, I use 70-100 mm strips.
  • The protective film from the slats can only be removed immediately before fastening, otherwise they may become damaged and dirty.