Exercises to shape your waist. Exercises for a thin waist: get rid of belly fat simply and effectively. “Snow Angel” - shoulder massage

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A thin waist and a flat tummy - this is exactly what those women who are not naturally blessed with perfect figure. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to achieve a reed-thin waist at home. To do this, you simply need to perform exercises for a wasp waist, aimed at burning fat deposits in the abdomen and sides, as well as strengthening the front wall of the abdominal press so that the stomach looks toned and flat.

The established parameters of 90-60-90 force women to starve and exhaust themselves with exercise in order to get at least a little closer to these parameters. However, these accepted standards of beauty standards are extremely rare in life, since each body is individual and has its own parameters.

In order to calculate what waist size is ideal for you, you need to subtract 100 cm from your height in cm. For example, if your height is 170 cm, then your waist should be 70 cm, but not 60 cm. If you also have wide bones, your waist size should be a couple more centimeters larger.

There is another option for calculating the ideal waist, but it is only suitable for those women who have the same breast and buttock measurements. IN in this case, the waist should be 70% of the volume of the chest and buttocks. For example, if the volume of the chest and butt is 100 cm, then the waist volume should be 70 cm. This is the ratio that will look most harmonious.

Waist size is also influenced by internal factors, that is, your health. If you have thyroid diseases that have affected your hormonal levels, then you first need to get rid of the root cause, leading to an increase in body weight and, accordingly, an increase in waist size.

Therefore, you should not chase the ideal. It is, of course, good that you are trying to fit your figure to the ideal, but you must create the ideal yourself. And for this you need to make calculations according to the above schemes so that your figure is truly beautiful and harmonious.

Don't discount cosmetics either. For example, modeling cream. It will not only help you achieve the desired result, but also maintain it. The selection of cream must be approached very carefully, because mass production involves the use of parabens (preservatives). They can accumulate in the body and can cause serious illness and general hormonal imbalance. Cosmetologists recommend using only natural cosmetics. Such as the products of the Mulsan Cosmetic company. In its production only natural ingredients. On the website mulsan.ru you can find a wide range of certified cosmetics that will help you always stay slim and beautiful.

What to do if you want to have a thin waist?

How to make a wasp waist quickly? You can do what women did about 100 years ago - wear a corset. This is a truly effective and, most importantly, instant way to reduce your waist size. However, a corset will not give you an ideal waist, because it only visually hides your flaws and does not help eliminate them. Moreover, the corset is dangerous to health, so you should wear it only after consulting a doctor and for no more than 1-2 hours.

There is another way to purchase. It, of course, is not fast, but it is effective and actually eliminates shortcomings, and does not just hide them from human view. These are ordinary and.

Yes Yes. You can’t do without a diet, since in order for your waist to become truly aspen, you need to remove the fat layer from the abdomen and sides, which increase its volume. The diet is selected individually, depending on age, height, weight and existing diseases.
But regardless of whether the diet is too strict or not, refuse simple carbohydrates you will have to do everything, since they are the ones that are very quickly digested by our body and turn into fat, which then begins to hang from the sides.

Simple carbohydrates are found in all confectionery products (cakes, pastries, chocolate, candies, etc.), as well as in baked goods, pasta, sugar and soda. Therefore, if you really want to have a wasp waist, the consumption of these foods must be minimized, and it is best to exclude them from the diet altogether.
Why do you need a diet if you can just do exercises for thin waist? But because if you don’t remove excess fat from the abdomen and sides, it will turn into muscle, and your waist size will not decrease by a millimeter.

A set of exercises for the waist is aimed at imparting firmness and elasticity to the skin in this area, as well as creating a sculpted image of the muscles. But you won’t be able to lose weight by doing them without a diet.

And the corset... it’s better to replace it with a special weight loss belt - and wear it during training. It will enhance fat burning specifically in the problem area. And then your waist will very soon become really thin - and will not seem so.

What waist exercises can you do at home?

In order for the waist to become aspen, you need to maximize the impact on this area. That is, perform exercises that will make your waist thin and attractive in a short period of time.

But before you start doing these same exercises, you need to “warm up” your body. And to do this, you can simply move actively for 5 - 7 minutes (squatting, running, etc.), you can also just dance, this will also allow you to warm up your muscles before exercise.

Hoop for small waist

Everyone knows that spinning a hoop (hula hoop) is one of the most effective methods reducing waist size. It was used at the beginning of the last century.

In order for the hoop to spin effectively, it is necessary to choose it correctly. For these purposes you need a heavy hula hoop (). It is this kind of hoop that will help reduce your waist size.

It’s up to you to decide what kind of hoop you want (massage or just metal). But remember that when twisting a hula hoop, the abdominal press must be constantly in tension. And the torsion process should last at least 1.5 hours with two breaks of no more than 2 - 3 minutes. Only with such diligent exercise can you not only make your waist aspen, but also lose a couple of extra pounds. Fitness trainers claim that if you twist the hoop correctly, your body will burn more than 300 kcal in 1 hour.

In order for hoop spinning to bring maximum results, you need to perform exercises for a beautiful waist. That's what we'll talk about now.

The exercises must be performed slowly; sudden movements should not be made, since when they are performed, a large load is placed on the spine. All exercises are performed 10–15 times in two approaches, with a break between them of less than one minute, otherwise the heated muscles will begin to cool down and the effectiveness of performing exercises to reduce your waist will decrease.

Exercise No. 1

This exercise is very simple and is aimed at burning fat deposits in the sides of the waist - turns. To perform it, you need to stand on the floor, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and place your hands on your waist. Watch your posture carefully; it should remain straight throughout the entire exercise. So, start doing maximum inclines first in left side, then to the right. The lower body of the body should be in a stationary state, and the feet should not be lifted off the floor.

Exercise No. 2

We take the starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped behind the head, back straight. We begin to bend forward, while trying to reach with our left elbow right knee(we lift our leg off the floor at the same time as we bend forward), then vice versa - we try to reach our left knee with our right elbow.

Exercise No. 3

To complete this exercise you will need a full box of matches. Scatter them on the floor and start collecting. During one bend we lift only one match; after lifting the match, we straighten up completely.

Exercise #4

This exercise is familiar to all of us since childhood - the mill. To perform it, you need to take the appropriate pose - feet shoulder-width apart, upper body bent forward, back straight, arms down. We begin to vigorously wave our arms different sides. The exercise is performed for 1 – 2 minutes.

Exercise #5

To perform this exercise, take the following pose - spread your legs as wide as possible and extend your arms at shoulder level. Start slowly making turns, first in one direction, then in the other. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the back remains straight, the arms do not bend at the elbows, and the lower part of the body remains motionless.

These exercises will help you get a wasp waist in short term. It's good if you drink some water between exercises. This will improve metabolic processes in the body, which means the weight loss process will be very effective.
It is recommended to drink water not only during exercise, but throughout the day. To do this, you need to drink about 2 liters of ordinary water in small portions per day.

Even the thinnest waist can be ruined by unsightly ridges that appear after childbirth or sudden weight gain. To get rid of them, you need to perform special exercises for the sides and abdomen, which will help tighten the ligaments and skin.

Fitness exercises without equipment

At home, it is not always possible to use special dumbbells or barbells to eliminate fat accumulations, but even without them there are quite effective exercises from the sides.

The most simple option are bending from side to side. You need to place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and extend your arms across your body. Take turns leaning in different directions, while lifting free hand(which is not at an angle of inclination). The main thing is not to bend over too quickly; the muscles should tense during flexion and extension. Repeat as many times as possible, in two approaches.

To quickly remove full sides, you need to combine several types of this exercise in one approach, as if creating an easy super-set. After graduation simple tilts, we need to get started to slopes with turns. They will help warm up the oblique muscles.

Photo - tilts

Next, let's proceed to press. There are many options on how to pump up your stomach at home and thereby eliminate the roller. For example, you can lift the upper and lower abs in turn. Some celebrities even do both at the same time.

Photo - Side press

How to properly pump up abs for women:

  1. You need to lay an exercise mat on the floor - it will provide the necessary surface rigidity. Depending on the structure of your spine, you may need to place a pillow under your lower back;
  2. We put our hands behind our heads and begin to lift our abs;
  3. We repeat the maximum number of times, then immediately begin to raise the torso. In this case, heated ligaments give the greatest impact;
  4. Many athletes recommend doing crunches to tighten the oblique muscles of the torso and reduce the waist. It should be noted that they are not suitable for girls who want to reduce their sides. Theoretically, of course, the fat will go away, but instead you will become the owner of fairly wide muscles, which will still visually burden your waist.

Photo - Press on the lateral muscles

But at the same time, crunches are the best exercise for quickly burning excess fat on the sides. Only girls need to do them a little differently. When you lift your body, at the end point you need to tense your abs even more than they are tense at this moment. Then slowly release it and lower yourself.

For flat stomach and round sides just need to be done leg crunches. This is a comprehensive exercise that also helps tighten the pelvis after childbirth and strengthen the front of the thigh. Starting position: on the floor with a ball or bottle sandwiched between your legs. The knees are bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Tilt them to the sides along with the ball, trying to touch the surface of the mat.

Photo - Twisting

Since many exercises for the lateral muscles require bending and twisting, mill combines all options. This is the perfect way to round out your sides in a feminine way. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, spread your arms in different directions, they should be straight, as should both knees. Bend over and start swinging your palms to the sides. Do as much as you can.

Photo – Mill

Bodyflex exercises for losing weight on the sides and lower abs can also be easily done at home. For example, the most effective of this technique is the following. You need to sit in the basic breathing position, knees bent and tucked under you, hands free. Inhale and release left hand to the right side, as you exhale, you need to reach the maximum point of inclination and stay a little in this position. Do the same with the other hand. In addition to a slim waist, this exercise guarantees increased flexibility in the back and legs.

This whole set of exercises for the sides will help you complete training on a gymnastic ball or fitball. She will remove all excess from the lower tummy and waist. You need to lift your body on it, jump, do push-ups. Also this great way quick warm-up of the body before classes.

Photo - On a gymnastic ball

Video: side exercises

Exercises in the fitness room

Of course, doing it at home is simple and pleasant, but the most effective exercises for the abdomen and sides are performed in gym. This is explained by the huge number of different exercise machines and dumbbells. Used to quickly reduce the abdomen and sides roman chair. This simulator is designed to pump up the abs and gives much greater results than simple lifting of the body from the floor.

Photo - On a Roman chair

You need to sit on a chair and put your legs under the bolsters, while your hands hold your head so that your neck muscles do not sway instead of your abs. Begin to lift your body, making sure that the load does not transfer to the front of the thigh. Do as much as you can.

Most women have simply excellent exercises for the waist and abs with dumbbells. They help provide some weight during exercise. You can start with the smallest ones - from a kilogram to two, but you don’t need to dwell on them. Take the dumbbells in your hands and bring them to your head, they should be at ear level. To strengthen your abs and remove creases, you can swing on a Roman chair or just from a straight bench. Holding the dumbbells near your ears, lift your body up.

A good exercise that will help you get rid of fat on your sides, stomach and tighten your back muscles is vertical bends with dumbbells. The main difference between this option and the classic dumbbell row, which helps to increase the deltoids, is that it has a very small amplitude of execution. You need to take dumbbells and carry them on straight arms above your head, then bend from side to side as many times as possible.

Photo - Bent-overs with dumbbells

It is worth noting that the press is involved in almost all exercise machines and devices. Eg, squats will help comprehensively tighten the muscles of the body. They will get rid of ears, sides and sagging legs. How to squat with a barbell:

  1. Feet shoulder-width apart, it is recommended to place mats under the heels;
  2. The bar lies on the shoulder muscles, while inhaling we squat - while exhaling we stand up;
  3. It is very important to ensure that your knees point in different directions;
  4. Keep your back straight at all times, do not bend it, otherwise this exercise can cause harm.

Photos after squats convince that the girls did not become jocks, but acquired more sinewy and prominent muscles. it's the same a good option to remove deposits in the area of ​​the gluteus maximus muscle.

Photo - Turns with a stick

Likewise bench press can be used not only for tightening pectoral muscles, but also for the development of abdominal ligaments. Lie down on a bench, your feet should be on the floor, resting on it. As you inhale, remove the barbell from the holders and lower it to your chest, while exhaling, lift it up. Repeat up to 15 times.

And the latest exercise to restore back flexibility, thin waist and flat tummy is deadlift. It's quite complicated, but effective option get rid of fat folds. Barbell on the floor or lower mounts, back straight, feet shoulder-width apart. We lower the barbell as we inhale until it hits the floor, and raise it as we exhale. This is also a great activity for the hamstrings and buttocks.

Greetings, gentlemen and especially ladies! Today we have an unusual article - a women's one. And the topic is very pressing and relevant: how to make your waist thin. After reading, every young lady will know what steps need to be taken in order to achieve a wasp waist, we will look at how general recommendations, and a specific case that will quickly reduce the total volume.

So, sit down please, let's get started.

How to make your waist thin: the theoretical side of the issue.

I have already mentioned types more than once female figures and preference towards them on the part of the male population. So, in a nutshell, the most interesting or eye-pleasing for us are the pear-shaped and sand shapes, and from the point of view of ideal anthropometry, the latter is considered the standard. The main curvy features of the watch are the presence of smooth lines and streamlined curves. Representatives of this body type are distinguished by a pronounced waist, which effectively emphasizes a moderately curvy top and the same bottom. Actually, we will work on creating a narrow waist in this article.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Why do you need waist measurements?

What lady doesn't want to learn the secret of how to make a thin waist? At least I haven't met anyone like that. Ask any smart girl with this question, and she will answer: “Of course I want to!” Subsequently, we will just start implementing this wish, but first we will dig a little into the theory.

Waist size is one of the main factors showing the degree of neglect of your physique and overall health. Therefore, it is extremely important to “keep” your waist within adequate limits, in particular the following:

  • for men (no more 94 cm);
  • for women (no more 80 cm);

The optimal ratio is considered 75-80 in men, against 65-70 among women.


The width of the waist from left to right depends on genetics and bone structure, but its thickness from front to back can be adjusted.

Any hint of a waist makes a woman’s figure much more attractive, and therefore the desire of women to reduce waist volume will always be one of their priorities. Compare the visuals of women with and without waistlines and draw your own conclusions.

We all know very well, and women even feel for themselves, that after certain events, for example, the birth of a child, the waist begins to float and spread to the sides. And just a year ago you were a thin and loud girl, and after giving birth you turned into a tasteless “chick” (recorded from the words of the reader). However, everything is not so sad, and the current situation can be improved. We'll talk about how later.

Waist enlargement in women over 40. How does it happen?

Usually, it is after childbirth that women face the question of reducing their waist, and if the reasons for such swelling are quite understandable, then with the distribution of the waist in women, not everything is so clear. At an older age, after 40-45 years, the issue of waist narrowing is becoming relevant again. And here it is important to understand how, in principle, the process of increasing the waist occurs in this case.

For example, you got knocked 45 , which means that, most likely, the natural female processes in your body have stopped (or are in the decaying stage), I'm talking about menstruation and menopause now. In women, the main reproductive hormone is estrogen, it regulates menstrual cycle and helps thicken the uterine wall to prepare for conception and pregnancy. During menopause, the ovaries produce less estrogen, and as a result, the body begins to convert more of the calories consumed into fat rather than muscle. Fat cells burn fewer calories, so during menopause you are likely to increase your weight and, as a result, your waist.

Another hormone that can also be found in women is testosterone. It is what helps the body produce muscle mass and increases metabolic rate. During menopause, testosterone levels drop, metabolism slows and the body burns fewer calories.

Another androgen hormone (or rather a group), which is present in women in relatively small quantities, responsible (including) for sexual desire and increased energy, these are DHEA, DHEA sulfate, as well as androstenedione and dihydrotestosterone. Increased levels (for various reasons, for example, doping) cause masculinization of women and, among other things, the deposition of fat deposits in the middle part of the abdomen. In general, androgen levels decrease during menopause, but estrogen levels drop by more high speeds, which makes the androgen higher in ratio.

Not many people know, but the cause of a large waist is not always an excessive level of subcutaneous fat. The body's retention of water can contribute to the appearance of a bulging tummy. The important “fertility hormone” progesterone decreases during menopause, and the decrease in its levels leads to water retention, causing the stomach to swell, increasing the size of your waist.

Another hormonal factor that increases the waistline is high levels stress, anxiety, depression. Chronic stress causes a release increased level which contributes to the emergence of an animal lifeline. Cortisol itself is not a bad hormone; it is designed to give a person 5-10 minutes of energy in times of danger. Chronic stress has become a common factor in modern life, and therefore the body is not able to distinguish a real threat from an everyday one life situation, and the released energy often remains unused (not used), which leads to weight gain, including waist size.

So, we’ve dug the theory, let’s move on to...

How to make your waist thin: the practical side of the issue

If you are waiting for some secret ways, then I hasten to disappoint you, everything is quite banal and straightforward. To make a narrow waist, you need a set of the following measures:

  • special exercises.
  • nutrition adjustments;

I. Exercises for a thin waist

For those who don’t know, I’ve been on the project since February 2015 there is an opportunity to order. So, at one time, several readers contacted me with specific goals - to narrow their waist. This has been achieved (on average the decrease in girth was 3-5 cm), and further we will look at how this was achieved.

No. 1. Vacuum

If you're looking for the answer to how to slim your waist, one of the best waist-trimming exercises is the vacuum. This is an isometric exercise (muscle tenses without moving) for the transverse abdominis muscle, which acts as a natural corset for your core (natural weightlifting belt). The transverse muscle produces retention internal organs and therefore may prevent bloating.


Take a lying position on your back, bend your knees and place your legs on the floor. Exhale all the air from your lungs. Make maximum effort and bring your stomach as close to your spine as possible, trying to touch your navel to the latter. One isometric contraction is one repetition. The vacuum exercise can be performed while kneeling, sitting or lying down. The average delay time in the compressed position is 15-30 seconds (as progress is made) 60 ) , then comes relaxation and a new repetition. Take small breaths as needed.


The correct execution is controlled by a deep burning sensation in the abdominal area, the more repetitions you do and the longer you hold the tension.

Execute 3 approach to 10-15 once (By 30 seconds).

No. 2. Plank

An exercise to strengthen your core muscles and create tight abs.


Execute 3 approach to 45-60 seconds hold.

No. 3. Side plank

The exercise targets the lateral core muscles, internal and external obliques.


Execute 3 approach to 45-60 seconds hold.


Overdeveloped obliques make the waist look bigger and worsen the “sandiness” of the figure, so you should not perform the exercise often and in combination with other obliques.

No. 4. Burpee

It’s not quite a purely abdominal exercise and is rather a total exercise (for the whole body). Often used in high-intensity circuit training (HIIT), forcing most muscle groups to work. It combines: squats, planks, push-ups and jumping jacks.


It does not present any difficulties and is fully described by the image.

Execute 3 approach to 10 repetitions of the full cycle.

No. 5. Jumping rope

Another seemingly non-thematic exercise is jumping rope. However, it can make a significant contribution to slimming your waist by increasing your metabolic rate. In addition, it constantly keeps the core muscles in tension. After completing the main strength training, in order to lose weight, it is useful to conduct high-intensity training with a jump rope like: 40 seconds of fast jumps, 15 seconds break, 40 seconds of jumping at a moderate pace, 15 seconds break. This 1 circle. Complete in total 5-7 circles

No. 6. Hoop torsion

What exercises should you avoid to avoid enlarging your waist?

Below is a list of exercises that can lead to an increase in waist size. So, these include:

  • classic squats with medium/heavy weight with a belt;
  • lateral extensions on the machine;
  • lateral bends with dumbbells/kettlebells;
  • straight abdominal crunches in the simulator;
  • bending from side to side while sitting on your butt on the floor.

So, to summarize the exercise part, our waist reduction training program looked like this.

The presented scheme allows you to count on a minus result 3-5 cm in waist 1,5-2 months subject to 2 -x daily inclusions of training in your main schedule (after strength training) and dieting. Speaking of birds :)…

II. How to make your waist thin: a special diet

Of course, if you are not ready to make adjustments to your current diet, then at least twirl the hoop and become a spinning top, but you will not reduce your waist. Therefore, we are preparing to make changes to our daily diet.

Waist reduction issues – reduction issues general level subcutaneous fat tissue. You cannot remove fat locally, for example, only from the abdominal area. A person loses weight immediately and everywhere, but fat from the most problematic regions is the last to disappear. Weight/fat loss only occurs in a calorie deficit, i.e. You burn more than you consume. Thus, you need to either cut your caloric intake by 350-500 kcal, or move your muscles more actively :).

In general, to lose weight you need to stick to this macronutrient ratio.

Basic rules for reducing your waist

To effectively lose weight, you need to follow the following rules:

No. 1. Calculate your daily caloric intake and distribute it over the course of the day into 4-5 meals

We have already discussed how to calculate calorie content more than once, in particular here -. Let's say for you it amounts to 2000 kcal/day. 60% we eat up to calories 4 hours of the day, the rest 40% lay down to 9 evenings.

Surely at first it will be difficult for you to jump off the “needle” of three meals a day and you will constantly be forced to eat something, i.e. snacks. So do them, but do them right, on average, each snack should be no more 150-200 kcal and consist of the right products, for example, these.

No. 2. Include lean protein and fiber in every meal

They not only help you lose weight, but also make you feel fuller longer. Use as sources of protein.

Fiber can be found here.

No. 3. Drink enough water

On average a person should consume 1 liter clean water for every 30 kg body weight. If you are actively working out in the gym and also doing aerobic training, the amount of fluid consumed increases. Total, if your weight 50 kg, then you need to drink more than 1,5 liters of water, taking into account the activity in the hall this figure can reach up to 1,8-2 liters

No. 4. Include natural fat burners in your diet

The main products for burning fat and reducing your waist include:

Actually, we’re done with the basic recommendations, now let’s look at a specific nutrition plan for one day for a girl weighing 60 kg who wants to lose weight slightly (by 2-3 kg) and narrow your waist by a few centimeters.

Below I will give a diet from the nutrition plan that our heroine followed, and which allowed her to achieve the announced results.

Well, actually, everything that I would like to report on is now in your hands complete guide how to make your waist thin.


Today we dealt with the issues of creating a wasp waist. I am sure that each of you reading these lines will achieve a reduction in fat volume and will look even tastier!

Finally, write comments, see you next time.

PS. Are you worried about your enlarged waist?

P.P.S. Attention! 19.04 The ability to send questionnaires for and food will become available. I will be glad to see you working together!

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

A flat tummy and thin narrow waist are the dreams of many women who are not given such happiness by nature. In fact, even if you yourself are far from the concept of a reed, this is possible. But in this case, a wasp waist is the result permanent job over yourself, which should include both nutritional correction and physical activity, without which you cannot achieve what you want. The exercises in this case will be aimed at burning fat deposits on the sides and abdomen, as well as attachment of the anterior abdominal wall, due to which the tummy will be flat and toned, and the waist will be seductively thin.

What should your waist be?

Of course, we all know about the established standard of 90-60-90. However, this is largely a cliché. These parameters, being the standard, are actually rare, since the body is individual, and the norms will be different in each case.

To calculate the approximately correct waist size, you need to subtract 100 from your height in centimeters. That is, with a height of 170 cm, you may well have a waist of not 60, but 70 centimeters. If you have naturally wide bones, then it is permissible to add a couple more centimeters.

If your chest and hips are approximately the same in width, then your figure will look most harmonious with a waist size of 70% of the volume of the first two parameters. For example, with a chest and butt of 100 centimeters, you will look attractive and feminine if your waist has a volume of the same 70 cm. Therefore, you should not chase the ideal, but it is important to understand what is the norm for you and try to strive for this .

Certain internal factors can also influence your waist size, namely your health. For example, problems with the thyroid gland can negatively affect hormonal levels, leading to weight gain. excess weight and to an increase in waist size, respectively.

What should you do to keep your waist thin?

Since ancient times, women have strived to do everything to make their waist thinner. So, they used to wear tight corsets, as if they were tightening her. Today you can also find a variety of shapewear and other waist shaping products. But this is only a visual correction, which in no way solves the problem, but only masks it.

If you need to not only hide flaws, but get rid of them, then you will have to try. The method to make a waist is not quick, but it is really effective. This diet and exercise for a thin waist and flat stomach.

As for nutrition, everything is simple: we eat little and often, we exclude harmful and high-calorie foods, we lean on healthy and low-calorie foods, drink a lot of water.

To create a waist, you need to work all the abdominal muscles, especially the obliques. At the same time, you need to avoid exercises that are aimed at pumping them up - because of them, your waist will only become wider. The most effective exercises for a thin waist are aimed at stretching and working out muscles, burning excess fat in the abdominal area, as well as firmness and elasticity. skin. In combination with a diet, they will help achieve the desired result.

The best exercises for a thin waist and flat stomach

Before we look at how to make your waist thin with exercises, it’s worth talking about something so simple and useful device like a hoop or hula hoop. We all know that twisting it is a wonderful way to shape a thin waist.

To obtain good results, you need to choose the right hoop. You will need a heavy hula hoop weighing more than two kilograms. It can be either a massage or a regular metal one. What is more important is that the press be constantly tense during the torsion process. Beginners, of course, should start spinning the hoop with a minimum amount of time, gradually increasing it. But in general, in order to achieve excellent results, and not only make your waist thinner, but also get rid of excess weight, you need classes lasting 1.5 hours with a couple of breaks of a few minutes. One hour of torsion hoop allows you to burn more 400 kcal.

Hoop twisting should be supplemented with other exercises that allow you to work the waist area. They need to be performed slowly, without sudden movements, to relieve stress on the spine. It is recommended to perform them in two sets of 10-15 times. The break should be no more than a minute. Otherwise, the muscles will cool down and best exercises for a thin waist will become less effective. Below you will find effective exercises for a thin waist, which, if performed regularly, will help you achieve what you want.

Before starting waist exercises, warm up your body a little with a simple warm-up. It's quite simple - actively run, jump, and squat for 5-10 minutes. You can also dance - this is also a good warm-up for the muscles.

1. Turns

A simple exercise to burn body fat at the sides of the waist. Stand on the floor, place your feet shoulder-width apart, place your hands on your waist. Watch your posture - it should be straight throughout the entire exercise. Start leaning as much as possible, first to the left, then to the right. In this case, the lower part of the body should not move, and the feet should not leave the floor surface.

2. Bend forward

Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, hands behind your head and clasped. Now lean forward, trying to reach your right knee with your left elbow, and then vice versa. You need to lift your leg off the floor while leaning forward.

3. Exercise with matches

To perform this slim waist exercise at home, you need a full box of matches. Scatter the matches on the floor, then begin to collect them, bending over as much as possible with your legs straight. Lift only one match at a time. After lifting it, straighten up completely.

4. Mill

An exercise that we have known about since childhood. Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart, body tilted forward, back straight. In this case, you need to lower your hands down. Perform vigorous swinging movements with your arms to the sides for 1-2 minutes.

5. Another variation of turns

For this exercise, place your legs as wide as possible and extend your arms at shoulder level. Slowly make turns alternately in different directions. In this case, the back should be straight, the arms should not bend at the elbows. Also make sure that the lower part of the body does not move.

6. Vacuum

If your goal is a thin waist, exercises may include the popular "vacuum". This exercise helps to achieve a flat stomach and thin waist. It is popular in both yoga and bodybuilding and is believed to have been invented by Arnold Schwarzenegger. The idea is very simple - you need to draw in your stomach as much as possible while inhaling, as if you are trying to reach your spine with your navel. Try to hold your breath as long as you can. The good thing about this exercise is that you can do it anytime, anywhere. The simplest option is to perform a vacuum while lying down; the classic option is to perform a standing position. To complicate the load, you can do the exercise while sitting on a chair, standing on all fours.

Rules for performing effective exercises for the waist

You already know that a thin waist, exercises for which we have already discussed at home, is the result of regular work on yourself. In order for physical activity to be effective, you need to know some rules for its implementation. Initially, you should understand that pumped up abs do not equal a thin waist. Increasing the load on the muscles increases their volume. Accordingly, the waist size increases. Because optimal solution– start building muscles only after you remove the fat layer, or combine cardio and strength training in one workout.

The bulk of exercises for a thin waist are aimed not at building mass, but at burning fat. Cardio training stretches the heart muscle, improves blood circulation, trains endurance and normalizes breathing. We need to work the oblique abdominal muscles and core stabilizer muscles. Also be sure to consider the following recommendations:

  • Very important regularity. If you don’t have enough time and energy, it is better to reduce the number of repetitions, but perform the exercises systematically and monitor the correct technique.
  • You can exercise both at home and in the gym under the supervision of a professional trainer.
  • Before you start exercising, measure your waist and do it regularly to track your results.
  • Necessarily follow the technique. When training, you should feel the work of each abdominal muscle.
  • The more fat you have around your waist and sides, the more difficult exercise will be. But don’t be afraid of difficulties - over time it will become easier to practice.
  • It is recommended to train in a well-ventilated area.
  • Control your breathing while exercising. Don't delay him. With any exercise, the main effort is made on exhalation, relaxation - on inhalation.
  • It is recommended to exercise on empty stomach or a couple of hours after eating.
  • We have already said that before exercise you need to do a short warm-up. And after completing them, you need a so-called cool-down, which will help stretch the muscles and prevent pain in them.
  • Clear motivation is important. You must imagine the result you want to get. Thematic pictures and videos can also help with motivation.

A simple set of exercises combined with a properly balanced diet will help achieve the desired results. And to master correct technique The video exercises for a thin waist, which you will find below, will help you perform them and improve the quality of your training.

The most effective exercises for the abs and waist. Recommendations for their implementation.

An effective exercise for the lower abs

We keep our legs elevated. Lie on your back on the floor, slightly raise your straight legs, and do the “scissors” exercise, spreading your legs and moving them to the side. When you move your legs, your legs should overlap one another, every other time, first the left one on top, then the right one. It is more convenient to keep your hands on the floor, stretched above your head.

An effective upper abdominal exercise

Target: Upper part of the rectus abdominis muscle.

Target: Hip flexors, lower rectus abdominis.

Target: Upper part of the rectus abdominis muscle.

Target: Upper and lower abdominal area, hip flexors.

Target: Obliques, upper part of the rectus abdominis.

Bend your knees, squeeze your knees and turn them to the side, towards the floor. Then “twist” - lift and lift the upper part of the body. "You will immediately feel strong tension in the oblique muscles, - do not change the position of your knees until you have done all the turns on one side, then “shift” your knees to the other side and do the same number of turns.”

Take a stick, or a gymnastics stick, not heavy, or just a mop, put this stick on your shoulders, your arms along this stick, i.e. it turns out that they lie along it and make as many turns of the body as possible, head in place, feet shoulder-width apart. Do it at a fairly fast pace, only 200 times on each side, a total of 400 turns. On average, this takes about 10 minutes , so you don’t have to count, but just time it. Do it every day.

Effective exercise for the waist

First, you should take the starting position with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms bent at the elbows together above your head. After this, you need to make 10 rotational movements of the hips to the right side and 10 to the left.

Effective exercise for the waist

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, spread your arms to the sides, turn your body to the left, bend over and try to move your right arm to the side as far as possible. The exercise should then be repeated on the opposite side of the body.

Effective exercise for the waist

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, tilt your body to the left, bend over, and simultaneously swing your right arm above your head. Then you should lean to the other side and swing your left hand. To obtain the desired effect, you should do the exercise 10 times for each side.

Effective exercise for the waist

Lie on your back, put your hands behind your neck, put your elbows forward, bend your knees and turn them to the left. In this case, the thigh of the left leg should lie on the floor, and the right leg should rest its foot on it. You should carefully lift your neck and head without lifting your shoulder blades from the floor. To complicate the above exercise, you can take the starting position, cross your legs, turn your hips to the left, raise your head and shoulders and turn them in the opposite direction to your legs. If you have no experience or bad physical form, it is recommended to make the task easier by placing your feet on a bench or pillow.

Effective exercise for the waist

To develop the abdominal muscles, you can use the following exercise: sit on the floor, bend your legs at an angle of 90°, straighten your back, stretch your arms forward and bend back until your back begins to touch the floor. The exercise should be performed smoothly and carefully. To take the starting position, you can push off the floor with your hands.

Effective exercise for the waist

The “Rhombus” exercise is useful for training the abdominal muscles. To perform it, you need to lie on your back, place your hands behind your head, cross your feet, spread your knees to the side and raise your head and shoulders.

Effective exercise for the waist

For the lower belt, it is recommended to perform a straight lift with raised yoga. You should lie on your back, place your hands behind your head, raise your legs perpendicular to the floor, cross your ankles, tighten your lower abdomen and smoothly raise your shoulders and head.

Effective exercise for the waist

To develop the rectus abdominis muscle, do the “Bicycle” exercise: lie on your back, bend your knees, put your hands behind your head, point your toes out and make rotational movements with your legs, similar to those made by cyclists. In this case, you should turn the body in one direction or the other and touch the opposite knees with your elbows. When performing the exercise, you should not lift your lower back and back off the floor. To make the exercise more difficult, you need to straighten and extend your leg after each touch of the knee. You can also complicate the training if you bring your legs bent at the hip joint to the elbow of the opposite arm.

Effective exercise for the waist

It is also recommended to use the Zigzag exercise to develop the muscles of the lower abdomen. Beginners need to lie on their backs, put their hands behind their heads, raise their legs up, bending them at the knees and stretching out their toes, raising their head and shoulders above the floor.

Effective exercise for the waist

If you have experience physical exercise, you can complicate "Zigzag". To do this, you should take the starting position, stretch your arms behind your head and lift them along with your upper body. After this, you should hold your hands for a while just below knee level, parallel to your knees.

Effective exercise for the waist

At a certain level of preparation, it is recommended to gradually complicate the task. The following is quite difficult, but effective: lie on your back, stretch your arms behind your head, raise your legs at an angle of 45° and hold them in this state for some time. After this, you should lift your body off the floor, pull yourself up to your feet and try to touch your toes with your fingers.

If you do injure your muscles, you can use cold compresses, massage, and warm baths as a pain reliever. Don’t think that the higher the load, the more benefit it will bring. After severe overstrain of unprepared muscles, you have to restore strength within several days, postponing training. During this time, muscle elasticity decreases again, so you should perform exercises no more than 3 times a week.

Order of exercises

The optimal time for training is considered to be the evening, as the body is relaxed and warmed up. Morning workouts are not recommended - in the first 20 minutes after waking up, the muscles will not be able to warm up sufficiently. Do not perform the exercises abruptly or too energetically, or hold your breath for more than 2 seconds.

You should start the complex by running in place or doing a short warm-up. This should be done to relax the muscles that are located along the spine. This way you can avoid pain, overload and injury.

Exercise for a thin waist

Every woman dreams of thin waist, but if volumes have increased over the winter, this is not a reason for sadness.

With desire and patience, a thin waist can become a reality for you, the main thing is to stick to it proper diet, lead healthy image life, and, of course, exercise.

There is a subtlety here. Exercises to strengthen the abs, of course, have a positive effect in shaping a sporty, toned figure, but an increase in the oblique and lateral abdominal muscles will still affect your waist size. And although muscle tone will increase, and your silhouette will undoubtedly become better, you will not be too close to your goal.

To get a flexible and thin waist, you can use the set of exercises given below.

It should be performed daily, each exercise is designed for two approaches of 15 times. Simple and not at all labor-intensive movements will not tire you, but very soon the effect of them will be obvious, so you should not be lazy and skip the next lesson.
A set of exercises for a thin waist

●Knee swings
Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart.
Place your hands behind your head and pull your stomach in as much as possible. Raise the knee of your left leg higher, trying to reach your elbow while holding your breath right hand. Second pause and - return to starting position
Repeat the exercise, reaching your right knee to your left elbow.

●Let's reach the floor
Starting position: lying on your back. Arms and legs are extended and relaxed.
Bend your left leg at the knee and try to touch the floor on your left side. It is important that the lower back does not come off the floor, that is, the movement is made due to the flexibility of the body.
At first it may seem impossible to do this. Gradually, the elasticity of the muscles and ligaments will develop, and the exercise will become better and better.
Returning your leg to the starting position, repeat the exercise with your right leg.

●Bending at the chair
Starting position: standing with your right side to the chair. The right leg rests on the back of the chair.
As you exhale, bend deeply toward your left leg. Try not to bend your knees. As you inhale, straighten up.
On your next exhalation, bend toward your leg resting on the back of the chair. As you inhale, return to the starting position.
After completing the cycle (15 times) on one side, change the position of your legs and repeat the exercise.

●Body rotations
Starting position: sitting on the floor, legs spread as wide as possible. Hands raised to shoulder level.
Slowly turn your body to the right until tension occurs in the muscles, perhaps even some pain. Then also slowly turn left.
Returning to the starting position, lie on your back and allow your muscles to relax.
Repeat the exercise again until done required amount cycles.


Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on hips.
Make circular movements with your upper body: first in one direction, and then in the other direction. It is important to try to keep the lower part motionless.

●Knee squats
Starting position: kneeling, hands behind your head.
Lower yourself to the right, then to the left, as if sitting down on the floor.
You should try to do this smoothly, although at first it will most likely not be possible without jerking. Don't help yourself with hand movements; It is precisely to ensure that they do not participate in the process of performing the exercise that the hands are fixed on the back of the head.
