Transformers from boxes. Robots and transforming toys made from matchboxes. Materials and tools

Many boys are very fond of transforming toys. This is due to the fact that there seems to be one item, but at the same time you can play it as two different characters. The most popular are robots that turn into cars. They can be made not only from plastic, but also from other materials.

The world of origami is very large, in it, in addition to the usual paper crafts (appliques, topiary, quilling crafts), there are also transformers, and after reading this article, you will learn how you can make one of them with your own hands. After all, it will be doubly interesting for a child if he first makes it himself and then just plays with it.

How to make a transformer out of paper?

To make it, you only need a sheet of silver paper (paper-based foil), suitable for folding origami. Just keep in mind that a standard A4 sheet will be too small for such a craft, it is better to take a larger one (A3 or A2).


  1. Cut out a square from a sheet of paper. We fold it along the diagonals, and then with the corners towards the center.
  2. Bend the top corner back down, and then fold the right side towards the left.
  3. Take the top layer of paper by the edge and move it to the side. We should get the figure shown in the picture.
  4. Fold the square on the other side as well. Then we raise the middle of the upper square to the top. We do the same with the second one. As a result, we get the basic origami figure “Bird”. We lower the ends of the paper on top to make a figure like in the photo. We do this on the other side as well.
  5. Fold the resulting wings in the middle and down. After this, we lift the lower triangle up on both sides, while directing the side wings towards the center.
  6. Swap the top and bottom of the workpiece. Fold the top wings in the middle. Fold the diamonds formed on top and behind in half upwards. Fold the side corner towards the center, and then bend it inward. We do this with all four corners.
  7. We turn the resulting workpiece over again from top to bottom. Doing as shown in the photo, we pull forward the triangle in the middle of the part.
  8. Next, we fold the transformer out of paper according to the proposed schemes.
  9. This is what we got as a plane. Now we make his arms, legs and head, and we get a robot.

There is a second master class on how to make a transforming robot out of paper.

Paper transformer - master class

To do this, we need to print (or draw) the details. For this, it is better to take thick paper (for example: whatman paper) or matte white cardboard. They can be immediately colored or simply black and white.

Then we carefully cut out each detail. It is very important to maintain all allowances for gluing.

After this, we glue each part separately. We do this carefully so that there are no traces of glue left anywhere. Let them dry well. Our transformer should not only be three-dimensional, but also move and fold from a robot into a car. To do this, we connect with wire or strong wire according to this scheme all the prepared parts of our future super hero.

Crafts from waste materials: unusual crafts and toys from matchboxes - robots and transforming toys. Crafts for boys.

Amazing crafts from matchboxes

You can make many different crafts with your children from waste materials. Such creativity develops children's fine motor skills, imagination, spatial thinking, design and modeling skills, etc.

What crafts can be made with children or for children from matchboxes? Usually a mini-dresser and 2-3 other ideas come to mind. But it turns out that you can make very interesting toys from matchboxes. For example, robots and cars, and also transforming toys.

These crafts made from waste material (matchboxes) are more suitable for boys, but my daughter and I really liked them!

Crafts robots and transformers from matchboxes

A samurai craft made from matchboxes glued together and covered with colored paper (or even simpler -). The samurai's swords are made of cardboard, attached to the box hands with ordinary paper clips, so they can be easily removed and attached in place.

Made from 14 matchboxes, this adorable yellow transformable robot can turn into a car.

The red fire truck can transform into a robot and back.

And this transforming toy can turn, in addition to the robot, into two different models.

The video makes it clearer how this happens. Amazing, right?

And in this video there is another transforming robot, it is not in the photo.

About creating these crafts from matchboxes and other waste materials

Sergei replied that he used to be interested in modeling - gluing together models of military equipment. After they became more expensive, I began to come up with my own models from matchboxes and lids, because... This is a waste material that requires almost no material costs.

Once during his vacation, when he had a lot of free time, Sergei began making robots from matchboxes. Then he complicated them until he started to get transformers. Gradually I began to make crafts not only from matchboxes, but also from lids and other waste materials.

The first matchbox craft was this robot. Then other robots, transformers, cars and even a dinosaur appeared.

How to make robots from matchboxes with your own hands

Descriptions of making robots are in the book. . This is a small brochure. Master classes on making transformers, etc. Other crafts will be in the new book, which should be published this fall.

And using these ideas as a basis, you can come up with your own crafts from matchboxes.

I suggest looking at others and in particular,.

Happy creativity!
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  • Books about crafts made from waste materials: robots and...

Master class for classmates. The master class can be used for children to independently work on creative design from waste material. Designed for children 9-10 years old. A ready-made Space Robot made from matchboxes can decorate a child's room, sitting near the computer. It can also be used for role-playing games.

Materials and tools

How to make a space robot from matchboxes with your own hands? Step-by-step instructions for children and adults.

Each matchbox must be wrapped in foil. To do this, you need to cut strips as wide as a matchbox. To prevent the foil from unrolling, attach it with hot glue.

Making robot arms. We connect two boxes with an insert from one box, placing it between them.

We cut the second liner in half and insert it on both sides of the robot’s arm, as if covering the end sides. The hand is ready. We do the same for the second one.

To make the robot's legs, you also need to connect two glued boxes. And glue one additional box to the bottom of the leg.

This is what the finished leg part looks like. You need to make two of them.

The legs are connected by the lower part of the body. To make it, glue the glued boxes flat onto one another. We attach the robot's legs to the resulting part with hot glue.

The chest part of the craft is made from four glued boxes.

Then we connect the chest and bottom parts.

Now we glue the robot's arms. They can be lowered down, as in the figure below.

But we made them so that they are extended forward, because the space robot must be ready to defend itself. And his weapon can only be aimed at the cosmic enemy in this position of his hands. To make our robot look like a full-fledged transformer, we decorate the parts of the arms and legs with circles cut from a bottle cap. Glued in the center of the parts, they represent hinges.

Let's move on to making the head.

To do this, wrap the parts of the Kinder Surprise egg insert with foil. Each half separately.

We connect the halves by hiding the ends of the folded foil inside.

This is what happened

And make antennas on your head from handy material.

The transforming space robot is ready for a stellar journey!

Do you love postal boxes? No, no, not new and beautiful ones, but old used ones, ugly scribbled by postal workers? No? Are you... there-yes??? No! No! These are priceless “golden gems” in their purest form. Personally, I love them sooo much!

For what? They are sometimes convenient for storage, no doubt, but, alas, they are ugly ((And they require a lot of space.

What am I doing? I simply cut out the side edges from the box - all four. And with seam allowances, I cut out 4 rectangles from one fabric + the same amount from another:

I cut out two rectangles from the same fabrics (their sides are equal to the sides of the sides) and cut them diagonally - this will be the bottom:

I take the zipper and fold it like this “sandwich”, with the right sides inward:

I stitch, turn and iron:

I'm stitching. I repeat the same with the other side. This is what the bottom of our box will ultimately look like:

I sew four side rectangles from the same fabric into a ribbon. I repeat the same thing from the other. I iron out the seams:

I take a wide strip of a different color and, like bias tape, attach it first to one strip, and then to the other:

I fold it in half and iron it. It will look something like this:

Now, with a slight indentation from the seams - the side edges are sewn together - I sew two seams needed for the folds (I stitch all the seams):

I insert cardboard blanks into the resulting “pockets” - they should fit very tightly:

Fold our “ribbon” in half and insert one edge into the other. Secure with pins. We take out the cardboards, sew two seams, insert the cardboards back:

We return to our bottom. Iron the seam allowances inwards:

Let's start assembling. First option: fold the seam allowances inward and on the side edges too, connect them to the bottom and sew an “over the edge” seam on the hands using floss type threads:

My option: baste the side edges, folding the seam allowances inward:

Attach the bottom and glue it with a heat gun, and it glues the fabric tightly, first from the outside:

And then, turning it over, and from the inside:

And in a maximum of an hour our beauty is ready - comfortable and quite rigid when unfolded:

Well, when you don’t need it, you can always fold it up - because now it won’t take up much space!

Here is such a “bicycle”) And let everything in your home be beautiful, down to such little things!
