Top most beautiful places. The most beautiful places in the world

Beauty is a subjective concept, however, looking at the mesmerizing Beautiful places on Earth, created by nature itself, comes the realization that beauty is all around us, and it is impossible not to perceive it. Traditional tourist routes often do not cover even a small part of what was created by the tandem of the most talented “architects” - time and nature. A review of beautiful places on the planet that are amazing in their aesthetics and unique landscape features will make it clear that true beauty is not accessible, but overcoming obstacles is worth it to see a real miracle with your own eyes - the most beautiful places in the world.

1. Lake Uyuni in Bolivia

Undoubtedly, this unique salt lake, the largest in area, is among the top most beautiful places in the world - a place where time slows down. Surprisingly, you can walk along its surface! In the rainy season it turns into a large-scale beautiful mirror square. 3 km from the city of the same name there is a cemetery, which became the last stop for many steam locomotives that once served as vehicles for transporting minerals mined at local mines.

The surface of the salt marsh has become an optimal alternative to the ocean for testing and adjusting the operation of sounding instruments on satellites in orbit. Within the salt desert there are entire islands, the flora of which is represented by cacti. The spectacle is so controversial and beautiful that it is unforgivable not to capture it with a camera!

- most beautiful national park Italy in the east of the bohemian Riviera. This beautiful place is permeated with the spirit of the Italian Middle Ages. There are five small villages on the territory, the architecture of which is represented by defensive buildings dating back to the distant times of pirate raids on this area. Reliable protection of the lands was provided by the rocky coast, which is as picturesque as it is dangerous.

This beautiful corner is full of romance - stone beaches and narrow paths, one of which has the mysterious name “the road of love” and is fraught with many legends about the most noble and temperamental inhabitants of Europe.

Southwestern Turkey is interesting for its unique and very beautiful geological phenomenon - a rock made of limestone tuff. Streams originate in this place, cascading down stone steps, forming waterfalls and pools unique in their origin. Cotton Castle is how the residents poetically call this beautiful landscape. The thermal springs and natural terraces at the foot of the mountains attract many tourists, as they represent a storehouse of calcium-rich water against the backdrop of a majestic white landscape.

4. Yunnan Rice Terraces

Another incredibly beautiful place on our Earth is the rice fields in China, located in the mountains of the province. The terraces are several tens of kilometers long and exactly follow the curves of the terrain. The uniqueness of this area lies in the nature of the formed independent ecological system. Rice is planted in soil renewed by mountain springs in February, the beginning of autumn is harvest time. The tourist season opens in late autumn and lasts until mid-spring. At this time, the terraces attract inexperienced glances with their mirror surface, from which they reflect Sun rays, forming a mesmerizingly beautiful color spectrum.

5. Great Blue Hole in Belize

In the central part of the atoll (one of the objects of the coral barrier reef off the coast of Belize) there is an amazing blue hole, which is a cave going into the depths. This phenomenon is common in nature, but this blue abyss is striking in its size (depth is 120 meters, diameter - 300). A favorite place for extreme divers, a paradise for those who have made diving the meaning of their lives. Jacques Cousteau conducted his research here and brought world fame to this place.

On the border between the states of Utah and Arizona on the Colorado Plateau there is a beautiful formation of sand rocks, called a wave, due to its bizarre uneven shape and the predominance of rich colors. To get to this place of pilgrimage for all experienced photographers specializing in landscape photography, it is necessary to overcome a full-fledged “obstacle course” that arose due to the lack of roads. The unique structure of the beautiful landscape was created over a long period of time by transforming sand dunes into hard rock.

7. Jiuzhaigou National Park

In the southeastern part of China is the province of Sichuan, which attracts many tourists: a delightfully beautiful nature reserve, located in the north of the region, is a unique protected natural site. Many waterfalls and lakes, called colored lakes due to the special composition of the water, are hidden from prying eyes by the mountains of Tibet.

For a long time, it was not possible for everyone to get here, but the airport that recently opened in the mountainous region has created the opportunity to get here from Shanghai by direct flight. The mountain trails here have been improved for tourists.

Previously, nine settlements were founded on the territory, which gave the name to the future reserve - “Valley of Nine Villages.”

One of most beautiful places in the world Nearby Croatia can also boast - a mysterious and colorful land. We are talking about the Plitvice Lakes, located on the territory of the largest national park states. The surrounding nature immerses you in an atmosphere of mysticism. Around the park there are dense impenetrable thickets, called “Devil's Forest” by local residents.

All 16 lakes are located in a mountain valley. They are connected to each other, as a result of which the purest water flows form grandiose noisy waterfalls. Every year the number of waterfalls grows, as water destroys limestone rocks. The total area of ​​the water area is two square kilometers. Located on different levels, the reservoirs form two picturesque complexes - Upper and Lower Lakes.

9. Valley of the Ten Peaks in Canada

Canada is a land of harsh, but attractive nature with its icy beauty. Here we find one of the most beautiful natural places in the world - the Valley of the Ten Peaks, located at the foot of ten mountains with the same name Vecchemna, not far from the glacial lake of Moraine origin. The lake is the jewel of Banff National Park. There are many hiking trails here that allow you to appreciate the local attraction. One of the mountain views is called “20 dollars”, since at one time an identical image appeared on a banknote of this denomination.

This beautiful mountain is a unique symbol of the neighborhood of the South American states of Venezuela and Brazil. - these are several mountain ranges rising among the wilds of the Amazon. This place gained fame after it was depicted in Conan Doyle’s novel about the times when the Earth was inhabited by dinosaurs, and the mountains served them as a safe haven. The landscape and atmosphere truly give the impression of being isolated from the real world and are an endless source of inspiration.

An archipelago of many (more than a thousand) small islands, each of which is a separate paradise for tourists, is located in the Indian Ocean. Turquoise water, sandy white beaches, Exotic fruits- this is the Maldives, an ideal, heavenly beautiful place for a family holiday, active entertainment or honeymoon.

Diving is an activity that can be mastered here to perfection, since visibility under water is close to perfect. Some uninhabited islands are conducive to solitude and romantic dates.

12. Machu Picchu in Peru

The beautiful city of Machu Picchu was founded in the 13th century by the Inca leader Pachacutec. A hundred years later, his empire was conquered by the Spaniards, but the city still has the glory of a lost sacred refuge of the Incas. The mystery of this beautiful place is due to a historical mystery: after a foreign invasion, all the inhabitants of the city disappeared for unknown reasons.

The architectural content of the city is represented by temples and premises for the needs of the population. All buildings are made from stone slabs. The ephemeral spirit of worship of the Sun God is present in this mountainous space and makes you feel soulful awe. It is also worth noting that Machu Picchu is included in the "" list.

13. Monument Valley in the USA

In the northeastern region of Arizona, you can observe a geological feature that is justifiably the pride of the American people and our list of the most beautiful places on Earth. Located in a valley once inhabited by the Navajo Indians, the park is unique in that it is a complex of fantastically contoured rocks set against the backdrop of the desert landscape of one part of the Colorado Plateau.

This beautiful corner is favored by Hollywood directors working in the Western style, and therefore is permeated with the atmosphere of the supposed presence of dashing cowboys and exciting adventures.

Check out the most popular ones in a separate article.

China is a country rich in beautiful natural wonders. One of these is the beautiful rocks painted in variegated shades in Gansu province. The origin of the unusual geological formation dates back to the Cretaceous period. Diversity color range, observed when looking at the mountain range, is explained by the predominance of red sandstone among other rocks, as well as the products of oxidation of silt sediment, which arose when the area was drained over the centuries. The modern environment is fully adapted to the significant tourist traffic. Mountains in shades of rust and ocher are the dream of any landscape painter.

15. Ha Long Bay in Vietnam

“The bay where dragons find shelter” is how the name “Ha Long” is poetically translated. It belongs not only to the bay itself, but also to the city on whose shores it is located. Rocky mountains, mysterious caves, more than 3,000 islands - the beautiful bay lives up to its mystical name. Separate deep caves formed in the rocks are equipped with attractions: tourists can follow a breathtaking route illuminated by multi-colored lamps and feel like a guest in the palace of an ancient mythological monster.

16. Bora Bora Island

The Pacific coast is a tempting prospect for beach holiday. One of them, Bora Bora in French Polynesia, is the most preferred holiday destination for sophisticated tourists who value comfort and the “view from the window”. This is evidenced by the huge number of hotels aimed at wealthy guests.

The island is surrounded by small isolated areas of land (motu), between which a delightful blue lagoon has formed. The motu are formed from sand and coral, and the central part of the island is from volcanic lava, since the three highest mountain peaks on Bora Bora are the rims of a volcanic crater, now inactive.

17. Tulip fields in the Netherlands

Holland and tulips are concepts that stand in the same associative row. In the western part of the country, tulips are grown in areas comparable to full-fledged plantations. This process is organized on an industrial basis and has a huge scale.

Outwardly, these beautiful fields resemble a whole sea of ​​flowers, which cannot but cause delight in a person who has not previously observed such a riot of rich colors. From April to May, the Netherlands turns into a blooming garden and continues to be so even in August, when tulips give way to gladioli.

Iguazu Falls is a complex of 275 beautiful cascades formed as a result of a volcanic eruption. It is twice as tall and wide as Niagara. After the eruption, a significant crack formed in the ground, which led to the formation of large-scale cascading flows of water in the bed of the river of the same name. During the rainy season (from November to March), the waterfall manifests itself in all its power; a flow of 13,000 cubic meters falls in a second.

The ancient Egyptian civilization remains alive in the monuments of its unique architecture. In the suburbs of Cairo there is a complex of buildings whose age is more than 4,500 years. Until now, scientists cannot establish how the builders who erected the pyramids managed to fix huge blocks weighing several tons. Some do not even deny the intervention of alien intelligence. You can believe this, or you can treat it with irony, but the fact is that many buildings of that era were irretrievably lost over time, and the Pyramids of Giza are undoubtedly included in the list of the most beautiful places in the world, and remain a symbol of Egypt and a reason for debate among mystics and skeptics.

Another beautiful place in Turkey is Cappadocia, which is recognized as an element of world cultural heritage. It is located at an altitude of about one kilometer above sea level, on the territory of the Anatolian Plateau in the central part of the country. Parts of underground monasteries from the time of the birth of Christianity have been preserved here. The terrain was entirely formed under the influence of volcanic eruptions and their residual processes.

21. Mount Tianji in China

The beautiful Tianji Mountain reaches a height of more than 1200 meters and is located within the boundaries of Wulingyuan Park. The name translates as “son of heaven.” This is what one of the rebel leaders whose camp was set up near this mountain called himself. If you reach the peak, but from above you will see a mesmerizing panoramic view of many individual mountain peaks, symbolizing the soldiers of the glorious leader. When appreciating the local beauties, the Chinese like to repeat that once a person sees Tianji, he will not want to conquer other peaks.

Of course, this review does not list all the beautiful places in our world. The manifestations of nature are so diverse and often bizarre that in almost every country there are amazing corners of nature hidden from the surface, and therefore preserved in their original form. To enjoy their beauty is the only reasonable duty of man.

Beauty is considered a purely subjective concept, however, contemplating the most beautiful places in the world that nature has worked on, we can come to the realization of the fact that the real natural beauty that surrounds us should not go unnoticed. Traditional tourist routes usually do not cover even a small part of the world that is created thanks to the most talented “architects”, which are nature and time. Detailed review The most amazing places on the planet in terms of aesthetics and unique landscape features will provide an opportunity to understand what the true beauty of the universe is.

First place - Bolivia. The beauty of Lake Uyuni

Perhaps it’s worth starting our top with this unique salt lake, which occupies the largest area in the world. Many people call this Uyuni a place where time slows down. Surprising is the fact that the surface of the lake can be crossed on foot. During the rainy season, Uyuni undergoes some changes, eventually becoming a large-scale mirror square of a very beautiful appearance. At a distance of three kilometers from the city, which bears the same name, there is a cemetery, which was the last stop for a large number of steam locomotives, which in the old days served as Vehicle designed for transporting various minerals (they were mined in local mines).

The salt marsh surface represents a completely optimal alternative to the expanses of the ocean in terms of such important aspects, as checking and adjusting the operation of instruments designed to carry out the sensing process using satellites that are in earth orbit. The territory of the lake is occupied by entire islands, the main flora of which are cacti. This spectacle is incredibly controversial, but at the same time so amazing that it will definitely need to be captured with a camera.

Second place – Cinque Terre

A place called Cinque Terre is considered the most beautiful national park in Italy, which located in the eastern part of the Riviera. Such a picturesque place as Cinque Terre is filled with the spirit of the Middle Ages in Italy. The area is occupied by about five small villages, the architectural features of which are represented in the form of defensive buildings erected at a time when pirate raids were often carried out in this area. A reliable level of land protection was ensured thanks to the rocky coastline, which combines unforgettable beauty and serious danger at the same time.

Such a beautiful corner is filled with romance. Tourists can see many rocky beaches and narrow paths. One such trail is called the “road of love”, and there are also many legends associated with it, in which the most noble and temperamental representatives of Europe are represented.

Third place - Pamukkale

Now, perhaps, it is worth turning to the southwestern part of Turkey, which is characterized by a unique and a magnificent geological phenomenon - calcareous tuff, or rather the rocky terrain created on the basis of this natural material. This place is the main source of streams that cascade down massive stone steps. Many waterfalls and unique pools are formed here, characterized by an unusual origin. Cotton castle - this is the poetic name given to the amazing landscape by the residents themselves. The thermal springs and natural terraces of Pamukkale, located at the foot of the mountains, create a superb view that attracts many tourists to the area every year. This picture appears to be a storehouse of water, saturated with a large amount of calcium, against the general background of an excellent landscape, which is represented in white tones.

Fourth place – Yunnan rice terraces

Another simply stunningly beautiful place on the planet is the territory of rice fields, which is located in China. This area is located in the mountainous regions of the province called Yunnan. The extent of the terraces is characterized by several tens of kilometers, exactly repeating the bend general relief. The general uniqueness of this area lies in the basic nature of the ecological type system, which was formed in an independent way. Rice is planted when February comes, because during this period the soil is renewed thanks to the mountain mines. Start autumn period considered the time when residents begin to harvest. The tourism season begins at the end of autumn, continuing until spring. It is during this time period that natural terraces become the main object of tourist attention, striking primarily with the mirror type of surface that reflects the rays of the sun, while creating a beautiful color spectrum.

Fifth place - the beauty of the blue hole in Belize

The central part of the atoll (one of the many objects belonging to the coral barrier reef near the coast of Belize) is represented by the most beautiful landscape - a blue hole, which appears in the form of a cave disappearing somewhere in the depths. This natural phenomenon is very common, but this particular abyss has particularly incredible dimensions (the depth level is about one hundred and twenty meters, and the diameter of the cave is about three hundred meters). Extreme divers are especially attracted to this place. A deep-sea cave can become a real paradise for people who have turned diving into the real meaning of life. Jacques Cousteau carried out large-scale research here, which brought enormous popularity to this area in the future.

Sixth place - beautiful views of the Arizona wave

Near the border separating the states of Arizona and Utah, there is a plateau on which there are sand rocks incredible beautiful shape, which are called waves because of their funny, uneven shapes and highly saturated colors. In order to get to this amazing place, professional photographers have to go through a difficult journey: there is no smooth road in such an area. The creation of the unique structure of the magnificent landscape took place over a long period of time through the transformation of dunes from sand into hard rock.

Seventh place - features of Jiuzhaigou National Park

In the southeast of China is the territory of Sichuan Province, which attracts a huge number of tourists. And all thanks to the beautiful Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve, which occupies the server of the region. It is a unique natural site under the strictest protection. Waterfalls and lakes in large numbers are hidden from curious tourists by the mountain ranges of Tibet. These waters are called colored because they contain a special composition.

Not every person is able to get to this reserve, however, not so long ago, the mountainous region acquired an airport, providing the opportunity to get to this area directly from Shanghai. In order for tourists to feel maximum comfort in this area, local workers improved the trails in the mountains.

In the old days, the area was occupied by nine separate settlements.

Eighth place – Features of Plitvice Lakes

The territory of Croatia, which is considered very mysterious and colorful edge. First of all, I would like to address the Plitvice Lakes, which are located in a large national state park. The nature of the surrounding nature creates a mystical atmosphere. The park is surrounded by very dense impenetrable forests, which locals call the “Devil's Forest.”

Almost each of the sixteen lakes is located within a mountain valley. There is a connection between them, which is why, thanks to the purest mountain streams, grandiose noisy fountains are formed. From year to year there are more and more waterfalls, because the water causes destruction to the limestone rocks. The total area of ​​the water area is about two square kilometers. The location of the waterfalls themselves is observed at different levels. Thanks to the reservoirs, two picturesque complexes are formed - the Upper Lakes and the Lower Lakes.

Ninth place - Features of the Valley of 10 Peaks. Canada

Canada is considered a harsh land, but incredibly attractive due to the beauty of the “cold” nature. There is one beautiful place here, standing out for its incredible natural beauty, which is called the valley of “10 peaks”, which is located right at the very foot of 10 mountains, bearing the same name Vekchkemna. This area is located not so far from the famous Moraine Lake, which is of glacial origin. In this area, workers have laid out hiking trails in a very large number, which provide an opportunity to give a real assessment of the local attraction. There is one mountain that has a very fancy name - “twenty dollars”, because for some time an image of an identical nature was imprinted on the surface of a bill that has the same denomination.

Tenth place – impressive views of Mount Roraima

The beautiful mountain is a kind of symbol characterizing the neighborhood of states South America - Venezuela and Brazil. Roraima represents mountain ranges, located in a very long chain, which rise directly above the wilds of the great Amazon. This area gained great popularity at the time when Conan Doyle’s novel appeared, which told about a time era when our planet was inhabited by dinosaurs who chose mountain ranges as a safe haven. Thanks to the unusual landscape and unique atmosphere, this territory creates a character of complete detachment from the real world around us, representing an inexhaustible source of inspiration for many literary figures.

Eleventh place - the territory of the Maldives

A huge archipelago containing many (more than 1000) small islands, considered separately a real tourist paradise, located in the Indian Ocean. Water with a turquoise tint, an area of ​​sandy white beaches, exotic fruits - all this great diversity is contained in the Maldives. This area is considered ideal and simply heavenly to spend winter or summer holidays here, have active fun or spend a honeymoon.

Here anyone can go diving and bring this type of leisure activity to perfection, because the level of visibility under the water surface is almost perfect. You can also visit some uninhabited islands, which can be perfect for privacy and romantic dates.

Chia Yi, Taiwan

Es Calo des Moro, Spain

Hanalai, Kauai. Hawaii

Lake Como, Italy

Suman Sengupta. India

The Australian Hyams Beach in Jarvis Bay is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the beach with the whitest sand on earth.


Aqueduct in Great Britain

Aqueduct of Pont du Gard, France. The Pont du Gard aqueduct is the tallest surviving Roman aqueduct, spanning the Gardon River, formerly called the Gard (the French name for the aqueduct Pont du Gard literally translates as “bridge over the Gard”), has a height of 47 meters and a length of 275 meters.

Armenia. Monastery complex "Tatev"

Norway has the Atlantic Road, which consists of several bridges; it opened in 1989. More than eight kilometers of roads located on small islands with eight points where the road turns into a bridge.

Attraction in Japan - sky bike


Buddha on Lantau Island, Hong Kong

Beech of Pontus in the Pampon forest (Broseliande) in Brittany, France

Waterfall in Romania

Erawan Falls, Thailand

Alpine lake Yamjoyum Tso is one of the most revered lakes in Tibet

Germany, Saxon Switzerland, Bastei

Ski resort Champoussin, Switzerland

Border of three states

Longmen Grottoes ("Dragon Gate") near the city of Luoyang in the Chinese province of Henan

House in the rock, Italy

House under a waterfall, Switzerland

Railway in the Alps

Pearl Pacific Ocean- the island of Bora Bora, so named due to its mother-of-pearl lagoon. Sparkling with all the facets of sapphire, emerald and turquoise, the Bora Bora lagoon is rightfully considered one of the most magnificent lagoons in the world.

Geneva, Switzerland. Crossing two rivers

Abandoned house on the island New Guinea. The Kombai and Korowai tribes live in similar tree huts. In the evening, children, pets and livestock need to be raised to a height of tens of meters: here people feel safe. These tribes believe that witchcraft only works on land, and even in the event of heavy rains they are not in danger of flooding.

Disneyland Castle in Paris, France

Castle Saint Michel in France

The famous Hogwarts Express, on which Harry Potter and his friends traveled to school. In real life, the train also has a name - it is the Jacobite Steam Train, it runs 2 times a day along the route Fort William - Mallaig, from England to Scotland.

India. Living bridges of Meghalaya. The most famous “living” bridges are located in the Indian state of Meghalaya. They are built in tropical rainforests by the Khasi people across many rivers. Creating such a miracle is a very long process, because in order to build one bridge, it took local residents up to 15 years. The process of developing a suspension bridge is as follows: the roots of a growing rubber tree are placed in the hollowed out trunks of a betel palm tree, they serve to set the correct direction of root growth; reaching the other bank, they take root, forming a strong bridge that can support up to 50 people at a time.

Italy, Parisian cafe

Cinema on the water. It is located on the island of Yao Noi in Southern Thailand in a very beautiful bay between two large rocks

Krakow, Poland

The Longleat Labyrinth has almost 3km of paths and is the largest in the UK

Lago Martianez is a system of artificially created lakes on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. Located in the city of Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife island, Spain

Jacob's Ladder. The longest straight staircase in the world is on St. Helena Island. Great Britain

The Haiku Staircase is a steep trail on the island of Oahu. Consisting of 3922 steps, it leads to the top of the Koolau ridge

View from the stairs.

Moon over Fort Baker, San Francisco

Meteora, Greece. The monasteries in Meteora are rightly called the “eighth wonder of the world.” On rocks up to 600 meters high, Greek monks of the 10th century managed to build this Orthodox “city in heaven.” In 1988, the monasteries were included in the list of World Heritage Sites.

Kipinas Monastery, Epirus, Greece

Bridge of the Immortals, Huangshan, China

Big Sur Bridge, California, USA

Grand Canyon Skywalk, USA

Napoleon Bridge in the mountains of Slovenia

Boulder Museum. Minsk. Belarus

Viking Museum Lofotr, Norway. The museum is located in the village of Borg, on the site of ancient Viking settlements.

On the border of forest and dunes. Fraser Island, Queensland, Australia

Langkawi Sky Bridge, Malaysia

Hotel boats, Maldives

Pedestrian crossing for real extreme sports enthusiasts

Diving in Cenotes (natural "wells"), Mexico City

The Capilano Suspension Bridge is located in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Hel Peninsula, Poland

Transparent church in Belgium. This project is a joint idea of ​​two young Belgian architects Pieterjan Gijs and Arnout Van Vaerenbergh. Thanks to them, this miracle of architecture appeared in the Belgian region of Haspengouve, consisting exclusively of steel plates, which had to be laid in exactly one hundred layers. Openings between the plates allow visitors to see the world around them. And those who are outside can easily look inside.

A piece of paradise on Koh Samui, Thailand

Photo taken from the bottom of the river. The 30-kilometer Swiss river is known throughout the world for its clear waters. The water in the Verzasca River is so clear that you can see the bridge above it in detail from a depth of 15 meters.

Riga, Latvia

Norway has one of the longest coastlines in the world, which is also rich in sights and is of considerable interest. The western coast of Norway is riddled with hundreds of jagged bays, narrow, winding and cut deep into the land. They are called fjords and they are amazingly beautiful and literally mesmerizing.

The Windiest Road, San Francisco

Santorini, Greece

Rock Parus - located on the Black Sea coast, 17 km southeast of Gelendzhik, near the village of Praskoveevka. The rock is stretched perpendicular to the seashore line. The end of the rock closest to the shore is 10 m away from it. Height 30 m with a length of 25 m

Sculpture “The Singing Tree” by architects Mike Tonkin and Anna Liu, England. In a strong wind, the sculpture begins to emit a quiet, rich hum, covering several octaves at once.

Qingdaos Bay Bridge


Externsteine. The Germanic structure is often compared to Stonehenge. They are both located at the same latitude

Externsteine ​​- The mystical sanctuary of the Teutoburg Forest consists of five huge rock columns, towering 30 meters or more above the ground. Scientists have never been able to explain the nature of the origin of the unusual landscape and the true purpose of the Externsteine ​​sanctuary. And legends, passed down for hundreds of years, say that the mysterious place is the work of the devil himself, who erected massive rocks in just one night.

El Caminito del Rey, Spain

Troll tongue, Norway. This delightful place is located near the Norwegian city of Oddo, namely on Mount Skjeggedal, which offers beautiful views of the valley and a clear mountain lake

Ecology of life: The most beautiful places on planet Earth. Angel Falls is the tallest free-falling waterfall in the world. It is located in the mountainous area of ​​Guyana in Venezuela on the Carrao River, which is one of the tributaries of the Orinoco. The name of the waterfall is translated from Spanish as “Angel”.

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Angel Falls is the tallest free-falling waterfall in the world. It is located in the mountainous area of ​​Guyana in Venezuela on the Carrao River, which is one of the tributaries of the Orinoco. The name of the waterfall is translated from Spanish as “Angel”.

Since ancient times, local Indian tribes called the waterfall Churun-Meru ("Waterfall of the deepest place"), and the plateau from which it falls - Auyan Tepui, which translates as "devil's mountain", due to the constant thick fog with which it is shrouded .

The main attraction of Venezuela

In 1910, the waterfall was discovered by the Spanish explorer Ernesto Sanchos La Cruz, but gained worldwide fame thanks to the American pilot and gold miner James Crawford Angel.

In 1949, an expedition from the US National Geographic Society was sent to the waterfall, which determined the main parameters of Angel. And in 1993, UNESCO added the waterfall to the list of World Heritage of Humanity. Now Angel is located in the Canaima National Park and is considered the main attraction of Venezuela.

The waterfall is surrounded tropical forests and there are no special roads to it. Therefore, tourists are taken to Angel by air on a light plane or by water in a canoe with a motor. The most desperate lovers thrills can jump off the edge of a plateau on a hang glider. The starting point for tours to the waterfall is the small village of Kanaimi. With the influx of tourists here, the town has been transformed; several hotel complexes, restaurants and souvenir shops have appeared in it.

Son Doong is a cave in Central Vietnam that currently holds the title of the largest cave in the world. It is located in the heart of Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park in Quang Binh Province, not far from the Vietnam-Laos border. Its dimensions reach record levels - the height is 200 meters, the width is 150 meters, and the length is more than 5 kilometers. The total volume of the unique formation is 38.5 million m³.

The entrance to the cave, located deep in the jungle, was first found by a local resident named Ho Hanh in 1991, but the roaring water flow coming from there and the steep descent prevented him from exploring it from the inside. Only in 2009, a group of British scientists led by Howard Limbert managed to discover and successfully study Son Doong in Vietnam, after which they announced the official opening of the cave and confirmed that its dimensions allow it to be awarded the status of the largest on the planet.

“Hang Sơn Đoòng” is translated from Vietnamese as “mountain river cave”. It does have a fast-flowing underground river that floods parts of Shondong during the rainy season. In addition, it has its own jungle, climate and even real clouds, which are formed due to the large temperature difference. The giant underground cavity's two huge windows allow light to flood into many parts of it, creating a lush jungle with 3-meter-tall trees inside.

Shondong is famous not only for its impressive size, but also best examples cave formations all over the planet. Here you can find interesting ancient fossils, stalactites and some of the tallest stalagmites in the world, up to 70 meters high. A particularly impressive formation is the Dog's Hand and a place called the Cactus Garden. Also in the cave there are examples of giant cave pearls that fill the limestone layers.

The flora and fauna of Shondong is a treasure trove for any scientist. Many rare plant species grow in the cave area, and recently a number of new animal species have even been discovered. Monkeys, hornbills and flying foxes all live in this unusual underground jungle.

The unique cave was formed as a result of a long process of washing away limestone by water flow approximately 2-5 million years ago.

At the beginning of August 2013, the first tourist group went on an excursion to Shondong. To get inside the attraction, you need to use a rope to descend underground to a depth of 80 meters. Tourists set up a tent camp there, spending time in the labyrinths of the underground cave or sitting comfortably by the fire. The cost of such entertainment is $3,000. From September to March, access to the cave is closed due to the rainy season, during which many areas are flooded. The 2015 tour schedule will be posted on the tour website later this year.

The world's largest cave, called Sơn Đoòng, has attracted a lot of attention from many film companies such as BBC, National Geographic, as well as famous Japanese and Brazilian teams. In 2011, she appeared on the pages of the popular National Geographic magazine.

Mount Roraima is the most famous and also the highest Venezuelan tepui (table mountain), reaching a height of 2810 meters. It is located at the junction of Brazil (Roraima state), Venezuela (Canaima National Park) and Guyana (the country's highest point). The surface area of ​​the plateau of the “big blue-green mountain,” as it is also called, is 30 km².

Local Indians, in turn, call it the “navel of the earth” and believe that the goddess Queen, the ancestor of all people, lives at the very top of the mountain. Despite the fact that all tepuis are houses of the gods, it is Roraima that is considered a holy place. It is almost always surrounded by whitish clouds, giving it a mysterious quality that cannot but attract adventurers and admirers of beauty.

For a long time, the most beautiful mountain in South America remained inaccessible and unexplored. Only the bravest Indians overcame the difficult path to the lands enchanted, according to their beliefs, through almost impassable swamps and forests.

The first European explorer to explore this area in 1835 was the German scientist Robert Schomburgk. He was amazed by the majestic mountains with a unique ecosystem, but attempts to climb one of them were unsuccessful.

Half a century later, in 1884, this was accomplished by two British scientists Everard Im Thurn and Harry Perkins, who conquered the top of Mount Roraima and revealed to the world all the secrets of this mysterious area. It is along this route that modern travelers ascend to the plateau of the famous Venezuelan tepuya.

The report written by the discoverers about wondrous journeys into unknown lands inspired the famous writer Arthur Conan Doyle to create the science fiction novel “The Lost World” about the discovery of a plateau inhabited by prehistoric species of plants and animals.

The constant cloudiness around the mountain is associated with the fact that the Amazon, Orinoco and Essequibo rivers originate at the foot of Roraima.

The surrounding landscapes are indeed very similar to a fantasy world with black rocks hung with threads of waterfalls, colorful ponds, strange vegetation and rare animals.

Almost the entire surface of the mountain plateau is black from the “desert tan” and the inhabiting upper layer microscopic algae stone. Only in those places where the sandstone is not exposed to the sun and rain or is regularly washed with water, its true color - bright pink - appears.

The different rates of destruction of sandstone layers contributed to the formation of a large number of bizarre rocks on the plateau. Here and there the stone is cut through by huge cracks into which several rivers flow, which later burst out of the rocks with noisy waterfalls. Water covers about a fifth of the plateau: peat bogs, bright pink puddles, crystal clear lakes, fast-flowing rivers, the beds of which are strewn with rock crystals for several hundred meters.

The most colorful corners of the plateau are the peat bogs - beautiful flowers grow there, strange insectivorous plants, and colorful carpets of mosses and mosses. The local trees, reminiscent of bonsai in appearance, are presented in a small amount species.

The fauna of the Roraima plateau also cannot boast of rich diversity, but it surprises with its unique representatives, most of which are endemic. Many inhabitants of this area are colored black, even dragonflies and butterflies. Also found on the plateau are noses, capybaras (capybaras), mice, lizards, several species of birds, spiders, predatory leeches and scorpions.

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The most amazing representatives of the plateau fauna are miniature, about a centimeter in size, black toads, which tend to whistle before the rain. Each large tepui has its own special look these frogs.

Mount Roraima has another unusual feature: it attracts numerous lightning strikes, which almost every day strike the surface of its peak and it is already very difficult to find a tree here that has not been damaged by thunderstorm activity. The unearthly landscapes of Venezuelan tepuis inspired not only the writing of science fiction novels, but also the creation of feature films, documentaries and even animated films.

In 1993, the valley at the foot of Mount Roraima served as the location for the filming of the famous science fiction film Jurassic Park, directed by Steven Spielberg.

In 2008, Griffin Productions released an educational documentary film, “The Real Lost World,” dedicated to Mount Roraima. It describes the fascinating adventures of a modern team of explorers who followed in the footsteps of the first conquerors of the summit, Ima Thurn and Harry Perkins.

The creators of the cartoons also paid attention to the famous Venezuelan mountain. In 2009, the Disney/Pixar film studio released the cartoon “Up,” in which the action takes place on Roraima. The film also includes a short film, "Adventures Out There," which follows the Pixar team's journey to Roraima in search of creative ideas and inspiration for the animated film "Up."

Today, several dozen people climb Mount Roraima every day. Climbing is usually done from the Venezuelan side, which owns three-quarters of the mountain, as this side has the gentlest slope. The Venezuelan town from which the path to Roraima begins is called Santa Elena de Uairen and lies near the Brazilian border.

To get there, you will first have to buy air tickets to Caracas (the capital of Venezuela) from Moscow with about an hour and a half transfers in Paris, Madrid or Rome. And from Caracas there are regular buses in the direction of Santa Elena de Uairen. Alternatively, this town can be reached by bus from Ciudad Bolivar.

Niagara Falls is lucky to be located on the border of the largest American states - the USA and Canada, which, naturally, has contributed to the transformation of Niagara into the most famous waterfall in the world, where crowds of tourists flock every year. Although in terms of its parameters, for example, in height, it is inferior to many other waterfalls, you cannot deny it popularity and publicity. It is also not the widest waterfall in the world, but Niagara Falls is the most powerful in North America by the volume of water passing through it (about 5700 or more m3/s).

Niagara Falls, where the border of the two Great Lakes (Erie and Ontario) lies, consists of actually three separate waterfalls - American, Veil Falls and Horseshoe Falls, which is often called Canadian Falls due to the fact that it is located in this country. The height of Niagara Falls in the American part is 51 meters, and the height free fall only 20 meters due to the large number of rocks.

But it is quite wide - 330 meters. However, this cannot be compared with the most impressive Horseshoe Falls, whose width reaches 790 meters due to its beautiful bend. The height of Niagara Falls in the Canadian part is 49 meters. The Canadian and American falls are separated by Goat Island with observation decks, alleys, souvenir shops and a monument to Nikola Tesla.

The third and smallest waterfall is Veil Falls. It is quite narrow and separated from the American Island by a small island called Silver Island. The beautiful Rainbow Bridge, built in 1941 and connecting Canada and the USA, spans the gorge through which the waters of Niagara flow.

An interesting event occurred in 1911, when, due to unprecedented frosts, Niagara Falls completely froze and turned into a huge block of ice, which numerous tourists who came to see this amazing phenomenon tried to climb.

The name Niagara comes from the old Iroquoian word "Onguiaahra", which is commonly believed to mean "Thunder of Water". The Western world learned about the existence of the waterfall thanks to the explorer Father Louis Hennepin, who described it in 1677 during one of his travels. And after a couple of centuries, due to the emerging fashion for tourism, Niagara Falls began to be actively visited, which led to the development of this area.

In particular, thanks to the efforts of the great Nikola Tesla, a power plant was built. Today, Niagara continues to attract crowds of tourists. The majority of visitors on the American side are Indians. In recent years, there has been a massive influx of Indian immigrants into the city of Niagara Falls, which is now filled with Indian food restaurants, gift shops, etc.

The world's largest dry salt lake. It glitters and shimmers so much in the sun that it hurts your eyes, so you can't do without sunglasses.

During the rainy season, from November to March, salt lake Uyuni turns into a huge mirror: the salt honeycomb is covered the thinnest layer transparent water in which the sky is reflected, and it becomes completely unclear where the horizon actually is.

Later, the salt crust dries out, and the water from below bursts out - thanks to this “salt eruption”, small cone-shaped volcanoes are formed.

Sudden temperature changes are common in the Salar de Uyuni. In the morning it can be below zero, and during the day the desert heats up to +70 C.

Cutting through the desert in a jeep, it’s worth getting to Fisherman’s Island (Isla de Pescadores), where giant cacti grow from 8 meters high and up to 1200 years old.

Another attraction of the Uyuni salt marsh is the Forest of Stones. This is an unusual landscape with stone statues and sculptures created not by man, but by wind and water. Postcards with the caption “Uyuni Salt Flat – Bolivia” will delight all your friends and relatives who at heart consider themselves archaeologists, speleologists and general artists.

On a trip to the Salar de Uyuni, you can spend the night in “salt” hotels, where even the beds and tables are made of sodium chloride.

After a 3-4-day journey through the salt marsh and the Altiplano plateau (in less time it is impossible to have time to look at all this beauty), you can look into the nearby town of Uyuni, famous for its steam locomotive cemetery. Slowly (due to the dryness of the local climate) rusting carriages lie near railway from Antofagasta to Bolivia since they were "retired" in the 50s. XX century: mineral extraction in these parts fell sharply, and steam locomotives were out of work.

A unique National Park called Lençois Maranhenses(Lencois Maranhenses) is located in the northeast of Brazil, in the state of Maranhão, known primarily for its Alcantara spaceport.

What is unique about this reserve? It would seem like an ordinary desert. Let's start with this impression. In fact, what you see in front of you is not a desert. The precipitation here is hundreds of times greater than in most deserts.

All precipitation forms fresh lakes between the dunes of snow-white sand. When the rainy season comes, the “desert” comes to life and birds fly here. Naturally, living organisms (fish, shellfish, amphibians, etc.) appear in lakes. But the main attraction of Lencois Maranhenses is, of course, the magical combination of snow-white sand and turquoise-blue clear water.

Geyser Fly (Fly Geyser), which means Soaring Geyser, is an amazing geothermal geyser located approximately 30 kilometers from the city of Gerlach, Nevada, USA. The geyser is located at an altitude of 1230 meters above sea level, the amount of precipitation in the region is only 300 mm per year. The height of the geyser is about 1.5 m.

The Valley of Geysers is a canyon (gorge) up to 4 km wide, 400 m deep and 8 km long, through which the Geysernaya River flows. There are dozens of similar canyons in Kamchatka, but here, over 6 km from the mouth of the river, more than 40 geysers and many thermal springs are concentrated, which are conventionally divided into 9 sections.

The excursion ecological trail currently runs through the central part of the Valley of Geysers, these are the so-called 5, 6, 7 thermal areas. Here you can see all the famous modern forms hydrothermal activity, including constantly operating and pulsating boiling springs, hot lakes, geysers, mud pots, mud volcanoes, steam jets, heated areas, compactly adjacent in a small space.

The Valley of Geysers cannot be perceived, assessed, or explored without connection with the complex and unique ecological system that has developed around the hydrotherms. The communities of local thermal bacteria, algae, lichens, mosses, and higher plants are unique.

The combination of “normal” and intrazonal areas of vegetation with the significant participation of thermal cenoses also affects the local fauna. In this regard, not only the photogenic nature of the Valley, but also the rare bio-ecological features of natural communities have led to increased interest in the Valley of Geysers among biologists of various specialties.

Hitachi National Seaside Park(Hitachi Seaside Park), located in Hitachinaka City (Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan).

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The ranking of the most beautiful places on the planet opens with an amazing place located in the western part of the Netherlands. We are talking about picturesque tulip fields. These are not just gardens, we are talking about plantations, seas of flowers, embodying a real riot of colors. If you are in this state from April to May, you simply need to visit blooming gardens western part of the country. However, in the summer there is something to see here, because tulips give way to gladioli.

The Grand Canyon is one of the deepest and most beautiful places in the world. Located in Arizona, on the Colorado Plateau. We are talking about the amazing territory of the national park, the beauty of which can only be appreciated with the help of a helicopter. It is an Indian reservation. It is believed that the Navajo and other tribes lived in this area for a long time. The Grand Canyon attracts not only for its beauty, size and history. Many businessmen are attracted by its mystery. To understand what we are talking about, you need to see this miracle of nature from above.

Do you know the name of the most beautiful national park in the world? Its name is Cinque Terre, and this amazing place is located in Italy. Namely in the east of the Riviera. We are not just talking about charms and history, everything here is imbued with the spirit of the Italian Middle Ages. In total, there are five small but beautiful villages on the territory of this place. Their architecture is distinguished by the presence of protected buildings, reminiscent of the times of freedom-loving pirates. This romantic place will appeal to all connoisseurs of classic Italian romance.

It would be unfair to create a Top 10 most beautiful places on Earth without mentioning at least one Chinese field. The rice field in the mountains of Yunnan Province is the most amazing and beautiful. Just imagine ten-kilometer-long terraces that exactly follow the curves of the terrain down to the centimeter. The Chinese have been developing their culture for thousands of years and have achieved incredible success in this craft. Seeing their rice plantations from above is worth a lot. Their snow-white plantations reflect the sun's rays and represent the power of China's agricultural artisans.


We have already found out which lake is the most powerful in Russia. By no means in this rating we are talking exclusively about the beauty of different places in the world. For this reason, it is necessary to highlight the Plitvice Lakes of Croatia, which attract with their amazing color and mystery. Located on the territory of the national park. Covered with intangible and limitless thickets. They are extremely difficult to pass, so you can only appreciate all the beauty from above. Locals call the thicket the devil's forest.

We will not consider all the sights of the planet that are included in the list of the so-called 7 wonders of the world. We consider exclusively the most beautiful places, including the Valley of the Ten Peaks - Canada. This Canadian place epitomizes rugged but attractive nature. Its icy beauty creates a unique world located at the foot of large mountains called Vekchemna. Nearby is the pearl of the national park - a lake called Moraine.

In the north of Arizona there is a place of amazing beauty, a geological object that is justifiably called the pride of the American people. This is a place where the ancient Navajo Indians used to live. The unique park represents a huge complex of rocks standing against the backdrop of a stern and terrifying desert landscape. We are again talking about the Colorado Plateau. This area is one of the favorites among tourists for a reason. By the way, the plateau hides many amazing stories about cowboys.

Continuing the theme of beautiful and rocky places in the world, it is necessary to highlight the Colored Zhangye, located in China. It is believed that the rock complex was formed during the Cretaceous period. We are talking about beautiful rocks that are painted in very colorful shades. The miracle of nature is located in the famous province of China - Gansu. In the photo you see an abundance of colors. However, red sandstone really predominates. You may not notice this in the images. When you are near the province, be sure to try to see the amazing mountain landscape.
