Properties and methods of using bitumen mastic. Why bitumen mastic is needed, application and types Bitumen mastic use

For guard various buildings Waterproofing work is carried out to protect against moisture. One of the materials that is successfully used for this is bitumen mastic. With high water resistance and water resistance, it has become effective means for waterproofing foundations, ceilings, walls and roofs.

Created on the basis of bitumen, which is pure form it cracks when hardened and flows at high temperatures; mastic enriched with plasticizing substances and mineral additives does not have such disadvantages.

Latex, rubber, rubber and oil are used as a filler that prevents bitumen from cracking.


Depending on the temperatures at which hardening and softening of bitumen occurs, bitumen mastic is divided into hot and cold.

  • Before use, hot mastic is heated to a temperature not lower than +150° C. At this temperature, bitumen melts well and becomes plastic, after which it hardens.
  • Cold mastic does not require heating, because the bitumen in it is mixed with a solvent and begins to harden after the solvent evaporates.

Cold application bitumen mastic, depending on the preparation method, can be:

  • One-component. It is applied to the surface immediately after opening the package. But it must be used completely, because open form it cannot be stored and hardens.
  • Two-component. It is prepared before use: a thickener is added to the bitumen mixture and mixed thoroughly.

Application of mastic

When laying the foundation, protective measures must be taken. Despite the fact that concrete is a very durable material, it has a finely porous structure and is prone to cracking. That's why groundwater, having penetrated into it, they can reach metal reinforcement, which, under the influence of corrosion, will begin to collapse, which will cause subsidence of the foundation.

The roof must also be waterproofed. For this purpose, bitumen roofing mastic is used, which protects the roof and the building as a whole from exposure to atmospheric precipitation.

Pools, galleries, various connections from metal pipes also require waterproofing work.

Mastic is used to treat joints and seams. With its help, various crevices, cracks and depressions are eliminated on surfaces.

Material properties

Due to the fact that bitumen-polymer mastic contains antiseptics and polymers, it has good adhesion and does not need to dry the surface being treated. Therefore, it adheres well to concrete and metal.

Due to its high strength properties, polymer mastic creates a dense film-membrane on the treated surface, which is good protection in an aggressive environment.

Method of applying mastic

For all types of mastics, the surface is prepared in the same way - it is cleaned of old coating, dust and debris. Then all cracks are sealed and dried. Some types of mastics do not require drying, which is usually specified in the instructions attached to them.

Bitumen mastic is applied to the surface with a flat wide brush, roller or spatula. In this case, the thickness of the layer should be controlled. The stripes are applied in parallel with a slight overlap. The next layer is applied after the previous one has dried. Depending on the surface being treated, there can be from two to four such layers.

If the foundation is treated with mastic, then backfill is done and the soil is compacted.

When applying mastic to metal pipelines After the work, thermal insulation is applied.

Despite the abundance of materials and the so-called "builder's paradise", the market never ceases to look for new favorites. And today this role rightfully belongs to TechnoNIKOL. A successfully proven, promising corporation, whose key competence involves the production of materials for waterproofing, occupies a leading position in its market segment, both in Russia and in countries near and far abroad. Despite the stable popularity among consumers and only positive consumer reviews about the materials produced, the company does not stop there and continues to actively improve the production of products, the main component of which is bitumen. The company’s product range is constantly expanding and is not limited to the production of bitumen-containing mastics, the characteristics and application of which we will discuss in this article. We will also tell you about how productive the collaboration between TechnoNIKOL Corporation development specialists and construction practitioners is, thanks to whose joint work the technical characteristics of the material are achieved, which are in no way inferior to European analogues and, sometimes, in many ways superior to them.

Bitumen mastics: overview of the main components of the material

Bitumen mastics, from the point of view of structural composition, are a material characterized by multifunctionality, which determines its demand in a wide variety of construction sectors, among which the main place is occupied by roofing and other construction manipulations, the purpose of which is to protect a room or surface from moisture. The basis of TechnoNIKOL bitumen waterproofing mastic is bitumen - an artificial or natural asphalt-like product of oil and petroleum products. In order for mastics produced on the basis of bitumen to fulfill their functional purpose - protecting the surface from moisture - polymer components are added to the bitumen mixture, which give the mastic waterproofing characteristics. Another mandatory structural component of the material being described is considered to be functional thickeners, among which chalk, peat chips and ground asbestos should be mentioned. The presence of such components, declared by the manufacturer in the composition of the mastic, guarantees its ease of use, reduced consumption and an order of magnitude higher thermal insulation characteristics.

Classification of bitumen mastics by method of application: how to make the right choice?

The extensive use of TechnoNIKOL bitumen mastic in a wide variety of areas of construction determines a large number of varieties of material, from the right choice which determines the durability and performance characteristics of the coating, but also its cost. Let's consider the main types of bitumen mastics in accordance with the method of their application:

Hot-use bitumen mastics

They are a plastic homogeneous mass, the production of which is based on asphalt-like petroleum products with the addition of binder fillers. The letters A and G on the material labeling indicate the inclusion of antiseptic and herbicide additives in the composition of the mastics. Before using TechnoNIKOL hot bitumen mastic, price per sq. meter of which is considered the determining factor in its selection, is heated to 160-190 degrees, after which it is applied in a heated form to the surface that has been pre-primed. After application, the mastic forms a durable coating with high elasticity and no tendency to shrink, which is distinctive feature hot bitumen mastic. In addition, the advantages of hot bitumen mastic include its “non-porous” structure, efficiency of use at temperatures below zero, and the disadvantages are additional energy consumption when preparing the mastic, as well as high labor costs and a high risk of fires;

Cold application bitumen mastics

Due to the simplified technology of use, this type of bitumen mastic is characterized by greater popularity among consumers. Taking this into account, the use of mastics, the production of which is based on the use of bitumen, for cold application is gradually becoming in the usual way installation of bitumen waterproofing. This is due to a number of undeniable advantages of this type of product manufactured by TechnoNIKOL, the main of which are the following:

  • No need for preheating significantly simplifies the work of applying mastic;
  • Production of extensive bitumen mastics color range achieved by including special coloring pigments in the mastic;
  • Achieving the required consistency by adding a solvent, which is important for cold solvent-based mastics;
  • The unique composition of cold-use mastics makes it possible to obtain a waterproofing layer that is resistant not only to precipitation and temperature changes, but also to the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • Using TechnoNIKOL bitumen mastic, you ensure a long service life of the roof between repairs, which to one degree or another determines the service life of buildings and other structures involved in construction.

There are two groups of bituminous cold mastics, the fundamental differences in the composition of which necessitate their more detailed consideration. Cold applied mastics are divided into:

  • Cold bitumen mastics made with solvents;
  • Cold bitumen mastics made at water based, or so-called bitumen emulsions.

The first is initially ready for use and is suitable for organizing coating-type waterproofing, the arrangement of which is relevant even with negative temperatures. The presence of a solvent in the mastic leads to its instant evaporation and the formation of a monolithic waterproofing layer. The main use of cold mastic is to organize the waterproofing layer of the roof. Despite the fact that the mastic dries 12-24 hours after its application, it acquires its final properties no earlier than a week later.

Water-based cold bitumen mastic (bitumen emulsion) is produced using high-tech installations and modern materials, among which the main role is given to polymers and emulsifier. Unlike hot mastics and cold mastics made using a solvent, the use of bitumen emulsion contributes to the organization of an environmentally friendly and safe roof waterproofing system. After applying the bitumen emulsion, which is the know-how of TechnoNIKOL Corporation, the water evaporates, after which a monolithic high-strength waterproofing layer is formed.

Bitumen emulsions have the following advantages:

  • More convenient application process;
  • Absolute non-toxicity due to the absence of solvent in the mastic composition;
  • Fire and explosion safety, which makes it possible to use bitumen emulsion inside residential premises;
  • Shorter drying time;

Despite the wide range of advantages, bitumen emulsion has a single limitation, which is also its disadvantage - the seasonality of the specified product produced by the corporation.

Indeed, it is forbidden to store bitumen emulsions and carry out the necessary manipulations with them at temperatures below 5 degrees above zero, which is due to the loss performance characteristics and the disintegration of bitumen emulsion during the transition of water to a solid state of aggregation.

Classification of bitumen mastics by composition and their use

Based on their composition, all types of bitumen mastics can be classified as follows:

  • One-component bitumen mastics, when used, the full set of properties of the finished waterproofing coating occurs after complete evaporation of water or other minor components;
  • Two-component bitumen mastics demonstrate their properties only after adding a second component, most often a hardener.

In accordance with the original component of the mastic, the following are distinguished:

  • Bitumen mastics, the production technology of which does not imply their modification with polymers. This variety is not advisable to use for roofing, whereas they are ideal for waterproofing foundations, since in this case it will not be affected by frequent temperature changes;

  • Bitumen-polymer mastics are the most common type of bitumen mastic, intended mainly for roofing waterproofing, as well as for gluing rolled roofing materials. In addition to its main purpose, bitumen-polymer mastic can be used for waterproofing foundations;
  • Bitumen-rubber mastics, the structure of which includes rubber crumbs, are rarely used for landscaping roofing system, in view of the parameters crumb rubber, unsuitable for working with roofing systems;
  • Polymer mastics are the know-how of modern construction chemistry, which leads to their high cost and less widespread use in the construction industry. However, their high mechanical, waterproofing, operational (declared service life is more than 20 years) characteristics and resistance to ultraviolet radiation without additional protection They predict a great future for polymer mastics.

Areas of application of bitumen mastics

Systematizing the above, we will outline the main areas of application of bitumen products from TechnoNIKOL Corporation.

  • Arrangement of mastic roofing, as well as renovation work with bitumen-polymer and bitumen roofing;
  • As for roof protection, the use of bitumen mastic is important for strengthening bitumen shingles and rolled roofing materials, protecting the roof from overheating and exposure to ultraviolet radiation, as well as for applying conservation paint;
  • Roofing is not the only area of ​​application for bitumen mastic, which can also be successfully used for installing a waterproofing layer of various types. building structures such as piles, foundations and basements;
  • Anti-corrosion protection of the foundation and gluing of heat-insulating boards - all this is carried out using bitumen mastic;
  • Arrangement and repair interior spaces it also cannot do without the use of bitumen mastic. In this area, bitumen mastic is used for waterproofing premises characterized by limited ventilation, for example, bathrooms, garages and loggias;
  • Installation of waterproofing of terraces and swimming pools is another area of ​​using TechnoNIKOL bitumen mastic.

Consumption of bitumen mastic: basic standards

The consumption of bitumen mastic depends on the method of its application and the type of material on which it will be applied. Cold-type mastic is made on the basis of water or solvent, and its application is carried out without preheating. The application of hot mastic provides a layer that is not characterized by shrinkage, and therefore, after application, it practically does not change its thickness. In addition, the consumption of bitumen mastic depends on the type of work carried out when using it. For example, in the process of gluing surfaces, the consumption of bitumen mastic is at least 0.8-1 kg per 1 sq. m. meter of surface, while when installing a waterproofing layer 1 mm thick, this figure increases to 2-3 kg per square meter. meter. And if the thickness of the waterproofing layer is 2 mm - even more than 3.5-3.8 kg per square meter. meter in dry matter.

Bitumen mastic TechnoNIKOL is one of the most popular materials in modern construction market in your field. According to the manufacturers, it is completely ready for use without preliminary preparation, implying modification with rubber, the presence of mineral fillers, organic solvents and others technological additives. Thanks to the unique composition of Technonikol bitumen mastic, the coating formed during its use is characterized not only by high adhesion to the base, but also by increased elasticity, moisture and heat resistance. The consumption of TechnoNIKOL bitumen mastic is 2.5-3.5 kg per square meter. meter when installing a waterproofing layer and 1 kg when gluing rolled materials.

Features of the use of various types of bitumen mastics

Hot bitumen mastics: application features

Mastic belonging to the MBK-G series, which stands for “hot bitumen roofing mastic”, is considered an economy class product. Its composition includes oxidized bitumen and several mineral fillers and gives the finished product not only the highest penetrating ability, but also excellent water-repellent properties. Hot mastics are produced and sold in briquettes, which are packaged in specialized kraft bags characterized by the presence of a siliconized inner layer. Despite the fact that the distinctive feature of such mastics is low price, in the process of using them, you must strictly follow all the rules.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • The working surface is cleaned of dirt;
  • The mastic must be heated to a temperature of 150-190 degrees;
  • It is then applied to the surface using a roller or brush;
  • The applied material is leveled using a comb.
  • Thus, the use of hot bitumen mastic contributes to the reliability, integrity and long service life of the roofing system.

Cold bitumen mastics: application features

A feature of cold bitumen-containing mastics is their readiness for use without any preparatory measures. Regardless of the type of cold mastic, be it bitumen emulsion or solvent-based bitumen mastic, cold mastic is applied to an isolated surface without any special features.

Today, TechnoNIKOL Corporation offers consumers a wide range of bitumen mastics designed to successfully solve the problems of waterproofing underground and above ground structures. For example, the universal bitumen-polymer mastic TechnoNIKOL No. 21, designed for repairing all types of mastic roofs, as well as for solving various problems associated with waterproofing, is very popular.

Sequence of actions when applying cold bitumen mastic:

  • The surface that needs waterproofing measures is cleaned of various contaminants such as dust, dirt, grease and ice. To clean the surface from small debris, use polypropylene brooms and various brushes designed for cleaning;
  • Next, the dry and clean surface is treated with a primer (the TechnoNIKOL corporation offers consumers interested in high-quality waterproofing a specialized TechnoNIKOL primer). The purpose of this event is to achieve the greatest adhesion of the insulated base and mastic. In this regard, it is common to use a bitumen primer in the process of preparing insulated surfaces, such as concrete plates, cement-sand screed, before the direct installation of self-adhesive and weld-on waterproofing roofing materials;
  • The mastic is thoroughly mixed until smooth;
  • Then it is applied in layers using a brush, roller or spatula, as well as using the pouring method, after which it is carefully leveled using a special comb to achieve a uniform waterproofing layer. In this case, the layer of material should not exceed 1.5 mm, and each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried. To ensure effective waterproofing of building structures, two layers of bitumen mastic are applied;
  • Having carried out the above measures, they proceed to gluing the roll materials.
  • The consumption of bitumen mastic when installing a mastic roof can vary from 3.5 to 5.7 kg per square meter. surface meter.

When working with mastics, you must follow all safety rules specified by the manufacturer. Work involving the use of mastic is prohibited from being carried out in rooms characterized by a lack of effective ventilation. It is also necessary to comply with fire safety rules that prohibit working with mastic near fire sources.

You can learn more about applying bitumen mastic by reading the instructions that the manufacturer places on the labels or in the accompanying instructions.

Bitumen mastic is widely used in roofing and insulation work. It is also used as a primer. The composition includes mineral and organic substances, as well as additives that help improve the characteristics of the mastic.

Standard containers for finished products

Cold application mastic has a number of valuable characteristics:

  • dries quickly;
  • suitable for spot repair work;
  • Even a beginner can handle applying the substance;
  • unlike hot mastic, cold mastic does not require special equipment;
  • suitable for working with wood, metal, concrete and plastic;
  • stretches well and is elastic;
  • penetrates into the coating to which it is applied;
  • water-based compounds are used for internal insulation;

Besides positive qualities, such a waterproofing material also has negative sides:

  • UF rays negatively affect the composition;
  • it is difficult to control the thickness of the resulting coating;
  • high price (hot mastics will cost less than cold ones).

Distinctive features

The main component of mastic is bitumen. Note that it itself does not have excellent characteristics (ductility, frost resistance) - it melts in the heat, and cracks in the cold. But if you mix bitumen with polymers, you get a durable, moisture-resistant coating.

Applying the composition to the surface

Mastic can be “hot” or “cold”. Hot options are used only by builders who have special equipment. Before starting work, such compositions are heated outside.

As for the second option, it is sold ready-made; there is no need to heat the composition, just mix it. Then the mastic is applied to the surface (the thickness of one layer should not exceed one millimeter). The cold solution is excellent for preventing moisture from entering, preventing the appearance of corrosion and other destructive formations in the treated areas.

Note that “cold” mastic is consumed less than “hot” bitumen.

Kukersol mastic is the most popular among all the options. It is made from kukersol varnish, solvent and petroleum bitumen. Found its application in roofing works. If we are talking about cold-curing bitumen mortar, then in 90% of cases we are talking about roofing material.

Another option is used as an intermediate layer for gluing sheets of roofing felt.


Mastics are divided into classes that differ in composition. In this case, not all the constituent ingredients are taken into account, but only the one that interacts with the main component - bitumen.

Different kinds by composition

So, there is mastic, bitumen +:

  • polymer base;
  • rubber base;
  • cookersol mixture;
  • rubber mixture;
  • oils

All these materials are suitable for various works, so they are not divided by functionality.

Bitumen-polymer mastic includes modifiers that give the material elasticity, frost and heat resistance. Rubber mastic includes rubber crumbs, thanks to which the properties of bitumen are improved - it becomes flexible, elastic, tolerates low/high temperatures and high humidity.

After applying any of the listed compositions, a monolithic surface with good vapor permeability is obtained. At the same time, the coating remains elastic in all weather conditions.

“Final” layer of insulation

Note that any of the mastics described above is resistant to alkalis, acids and saline solutions.

Requirements for roofing mastics

Such mastic must meet the following requirements:

  • do not contain large particles;
  • be uniform and easy to apply;
  • withstand temperatures up to +70 degrees without melting;
  • the amount of hazardous substances must be within established limits.

Application of "Expert" mastic

This material is intended for external waterproofing work. "Expert" is used in the construction of concrete, brick, wood and metal structures. It is also used to protect the coating from the formation of rust and mold. The composition is used to glue building materials, cover pipes and the bottom of cars.

Properties of "Expert" mastic:

  • after opening the jar, the solution can be immediately applied to the base (no heating required);
  • after application it forms a homogeneous moisture-resistant coating;
  • protects the base from the formation of fungus, mold and corrosion.

Products TM "Expert"

Application of "Expert" mastic:

  • The composition is applied to the base, which is previously cleaned of dust, dirt and rust;
  • Next, open the jar and mix the composition;
  • Then, using a spatula, apply Expert mastic to the base. If the substance is used for gluing materials, then it is enough to apply one layer; for the purpose of waterproofing, two or even three layers are applied.

The maximum layer thickness is 1 mm. In this case, the temperature at the time of work should not be lower than -10 degrees.

  • Then allow the applied composition to dry. The bitumen mass dries within a day.

Smoking and open fire are prohibited near the mixture. Work with the composition away from the fire source, wearing gloves. If the bitumen mass gets into your eyes, wash them immediately with warm water.

The remaining solution is disposed of as construction/household waste, after sealing the lid.

  • Substances based on kukersol varnishes are best suited for concrete structures.
  • For waterproofing, it is recommended to choose rubber-based compounds. This is explained by the fact that the solution, which includes rubber, has good elastic properties and fluidity.
  • For roof installation, choose a polymer/rubber based solution.
  • For spot work use oil compositions, as they form a coating resistant to high temperatures.


Regardless of what type of mastic you prefer, the main thing is that the composition is free of lumps and within the expiration date. Choose proven brands, one of which is TechnoNIKOL.

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The construction of roofs today has become a much more interesting and progressive activity than it was just recently. The reason for this is not only the use modern technologies when conducting construction work, but also the implementation innovative materials, one of which is bitumen roofing mastic. With its creation, the need for the use of rolled materials, widely used in repairs or reconstruction, has been reduced flat roofs. The roofing material can provide effective surface waterproofing. In our article we will tell you what bitumen mastic is: the types, characteristics and application features of which are of interest to many.

What is bitumen mastic?

Roofing bitumen mastic is an artificially created material, which is nothing more than a mixture of organic substances that have astringent properties, natural mineral additives and fillers various sizes. The substance can contain antiseptics and herbicides. The output is a viscous, homogeneous mass, which can simply be poured onto a flat surface. After hardening, bitumen roof mastic resembles a monolithic material that resembles rubber in appearance.

The composition of the mastic varies. Depending on the substances included in it, two-component and one-component mastics are distinguished:

  1. One-component mastics are produced from certain solvents. They are a completely finished product that can be used immediately. It sets as the volatile solvent contained in it evaporates from the solution. Such mastics are sold in sealed containers, which avoids premature hardening of the material. Such mastics should be used within 3 months from the date of production. An exception to this rule is bitumen mastic for polyurethane roofing. To harden it, it requires water vapor contained in the air. Due to the absence of solvent in polyurethane mastic, there is no shrinkage during its polymerization. In an airtight container, this material can retain its properties for up to 12 months.
  2. Two-component mastics consist of two separate substances that can be stored separately for more than a year. This makes it possible to prepare material in advance. The working composition can only be obtained by mixing both components into one mass.

What are the beneficial properties of mastic?

If we compare with rolled materials, then bitumen-based roofing mastic has a number of advantages, the main one of which is the formation of a film or membrane on the surface that is absolutely waterproof. Specifications Roll and mastic roofing are similar, but when covering the roof with mastic there are no seams, which reduces the risk of leakage to a minimum. Moreover, all mastic coatings have the following properties:

  • Stability under the influence of aggressive environmental factors.
  • Low weight.
  • Good elasticity.
  • Sufficiently high strength.
  • Insusceptible to corrosion.
  • Resistant when the material is exposed to oxidizing agents and ultraviolet radiation.

As a disadvantage, we can note the fact that the roof for applying mastic must be absolutely flat and even, since liquid substance distributed over the surface thin layer under the influence of gravity. Even with a slight tilt, the substance will simply flow to one side. For alignment you will need large quantity solution. The addition of a thickener or cement helps to somewhat neutralize this effect. This is done if there is a slope of more than 12 degrees or high (more than 25 degrees) air temperature.

What types of roofing mastics are there?

To classify roofing mastics, it was necessary to take into account the following important features:

  • Method of use (cold and hot).
  • Purpose (roofing-insulating, waterproofing-asphalt, anti-corrosion, adhesive).
  • Method of hardening (hardening and non-hardening).
  • Type of binder (bitumen-polymer, bitumen-latex roofing, chlorosulfopolyethylene, polymer, butyl rubber).
  • Type of solvent used (contains water, organic solvents, liquid organic substances).
  • Elemental composition (one-component and two-component).

Current mastics have properties such as water resistance, biostability and enhanced adhesive ability. These materials can be successfully used on newly constructed roofs and old roofing surfaces. Using them you can:

  • Paste the rolls and waterproofing materials for the roof.
  • Install a layer of protection on the roof.
  • Install a completely mastic roof.
  • Build a vapor barrier.
  • Carry out anti-corrosion protection using falgoizol on the roof.

According to the current GOST “Hot bitumen roofing mastic”, the material must have the following mandatory properties:

  • Stand out for its ease of application and use.
  • Possess good adhesion for use on horizontal and vertical surfaces.
  • Form an elastic coating.
  • Do not form cracks when curing.
  • Be durable enough.
  • Resist fluidity and gradual shrinkage.
  • Do not lose flexibility even at sub-zero temperatures.
  • It is easy to succumb to the action of tools during the installation of mastic roofing.
  • Do not lose quality under conditions of increased humidity.

The above advantages indicate that bitumen roofing mastic is an interesting building material for the construction of roofs with a low slope of the roof slope.

Systematization of mastics by type of binder and other indicators

As mentioned earlier, mastics, depending on the type of binding substance, are bitumen, bitumen-polymer, tar and rubber-bitumen.
The following are usually used as fillers for roofing mastic:

  • Short-fiber mineral wool.
  • Ordinary asbestos or its dust.
  • Thin-sheet dusty powders made of limestone, brick, quartz, etc.
  • Combined ash or resulting from pulverized coal combustion of mineral fuels.

Fillers are needed to improve the characteristics that cold roofing mastic should have, namely:

  • Hardness and density.
  • Reduced brittleness at too low temperatures.
  • Decreases specific consumption binders.

The use of fibrous fillers makes it possible to reinforce the mastic, making it more stable in bending.
Based on the method of hardening, roofing mastic is divided into hardening and non-hardening.
Based on the type of diluent, they can be divided into mastics:

  • Roofing materials containing water based on bitumen.
  • Containing solvents based on organic compounds.
  • Containing liquid organic substances.

Properties of bitumen mastics

Any roofing mastic, when exposed to air, polymerizes within one hour. During this process, a flexible smooth surface, which has excellent stability with respect to various atmospheric influences. The resulting material has excellent water resistance, good adhesive ability and, in certain cases, biostability.
The following requirements and standards apply to bitumen roofing mastics:

  • The structure of any mastic must be homogeneous and contain no particles of fillers or binder impregnation.
  • The mastic should be quite convenient to apply to the surface. Their composition must not contain harmful volatile substances that could be released during use, or their amount must not exceed the maximum permissible standards.
  • Whether hot or cold, the mastic must have high water resistance and biostability.
  • All bitumen mastics must have a heat resistance of at least 70 degrees.
  • They should stick the rolled materials quite firmly.

Among other things, mastics are subject to very high requirements for their service life. The physical and mechanical parameters of the material must be stable throughout the entire period of operation declared by the manufacturer.

Technology for applying mastic to roofing surfaces

Before covering with mastic, a liquefied emulsion paste based on bitumen is applied to high-quality insulated surfaces. It plays the role of a kind of primer, significantly increasing the adhesion of the mastic with concrete base. Then the entire surface is covered with several basic layers of bitumen mastic. The number of such layers directly depends on the roof slope angle.

Among these layers there must be a so-called reinforcing layer. It is made from mastic with a special reinforcing composition. Another layer of mastic is applied on top of it. It allows you to strengthen those places where periodic accumulation of water is most possible. At the final stage, a layer of protection is applied, which can be made of facing material, gravel, coarse sand. This could even be the usual painting of the surface with protective paint.

Characteristics of the composition of bitumen mastics

Roofing bitumen mastic is a material that contains artificially synthesized bitumen. They appear as a result of deep processing of oil from its resinous residues. These resinous substances greatly change their viscosity when heated. The color of bitumen is black or dark brown. Based on the degree of viscosity, builders distinguish several types of bitumen:

  • For impregnation of rolled roofing materials it is customary to use liquid formulations based on bitumen.
  • Bitumen mastics, roll materials themselves, and varnishes are produced from solid and semi-solid bitumen.

The composition of bitumen mastics includes such substances as filler, solvent and various additives. Roofing mastic stands out in that it is capable of creating a coating resembling a film or membrane, which will have all the properties of rolled materials, but without seams. It is noteworthy that there are such types of mastics as bitumen-latex, which is used as an adhesive for laying roll materials, both on new roof, and for the old one being repaired. The big advantage of bitumen mastics is undoubtedly the ability to paint them in any color. Dyes can be added during roofing work directly into the mixture itself, or you can purchase already colored ones in the store.

⚫Bitumen mastic is one of the most necessary building materials used for waterproofing. It has a viscous consistency. Essentially, it is a resin based on bitumen. Additives can be various polymers, asbestos, quartz, talc, dolomite and other materials, including products obtained from waste processing.

Types of bitumen mastics

There are cold and hot mastics: they differ in the method of preparation. Hot is prepared a couple of hours before use directly at the site of application. In this case, it is necessary to strictly observe safety precautions. Basically, hot mastic is necessary construction companies, constructing large objects. When producing material in this way in large quantities, significant amounts of money are saved, since hot is significantly cheaper than cold.

Cold application bitumen mastic is prepared without the costs associated with heating: the process does not involve the use high temperatures. It goes on sale ready-made, so it is more convenient to use and safe. However, it is much more expensive than hot, which is a disadvantage.

Application in construction

This material is widely used in the production of building materials and in construction. This material is necessary for the manufacture of building boards; it is used to waterproof foundations, basements, floors, and is used in roofing work. It is used to process underground utility pipes.


This material is used to provide waterproofing protection for objects located underground. These could be sewer pipes, gas and oil lines, water communications. The material is used for waterproofing work when it is necessary to protect concrete, reinforced stone and wooden structures. Bitumen mastic can protect metal from corrosion, which is used for waterproofing reinforced concrete structures. It is used to process welds of metal structures and the bottoms of cars, places where metal meets concrete and brick in building structures, horizontal surfaces in swimming pools and bathrooms.

Bonding materials

Bituminous mastic is suitable for creating an adhesive connection between sand-lime brick And tiles. During roofing work, the material’s ability to bond is also used: this is used for laying rolled materials.

Men at work

Road bitumen mastic with fillers is used in road construction and repair. It is used to seal seams, cracks and depressions in the asphalt pavement. In this case, a hot-cooked mass is more often used, which is heated at the work site. Bitumen, placed in a special closed container, is heated to the required temperature and then boiled until foaming stops. This means that all the moisture contained in the material has been released. Then fillers are added to this mass to improve quality. Recycled waste can serve as such fillers. This composition can triple the service life of the road surface, and also save the material itself.

Sometimes cold mastic is used for this purpose. It is convenient for repairing small defects in the asphalt surface of private courtyards: such work can be done in short time and without the use of open fire, which is important in conditions of short distances to residential buildings.

The requirements for road mastic are set out in regulatory documents (SNiPs, GOST), which indicate the specifics of the use of the material and its composition.

Advantages of the material

Bitumen mastics can protect any surface from dampness and resist the appearance of mold and mildew. They do not swell when exposed to water vapor and create a continuous, joint-free, waterproof film. This material does not crack and has high mechanical strength. It is quite easy to use: no special qualifications are needed to work with it. The application method is similar to oil paint. Bituminous mastic withstands conditions without damage or loss of quality high humidity, high or low temperature.

Bitumen mastics can protect any surface from dampness and resist the appearance of mold and mildew.

In climate zones with low average temperatures environment It is advisable to use bitumen-oil mastic brand M-50. The main advantage of this material is that it can withstand low (up to -50°C) and high (up to +100°C) temperatures. EBIT (epoxy-bitumen) has similar characteristics. The quality of the material is confirmed by a certificate of compliance with the requirements regulatory documents in terms of conditions regarding quality and safety (environmental, sanitary, fire).

Bitumen mastics are successfully used in conjunction with other bitumen-containing materials, such as roofing felt. They are good for protecting wood from moisture, which is used in the construction of wooden fences and when processing the bottoms of boats.
