Vintage interiors. Vintage style in the interior: description and photo examples. Other antique jewelry

The modern variety of furniture, accessories and other decorative elements is so diverse that each of us has the opportunity to decorate our homes in a wide variety of styles. Someone does not want to clutter their home with massive furniture and prefers to decorate the interior in a minimalist style. Someone is closer in spirit original interior, filled with antique furniture, which is called antique.

Antiques in decoration

It is impossible to create an antique style in the interior without the use of antique furniture and decorative items. But you can find a lot of old things and pieces of furniture. But how can you choose the most suitable ones that correspond to a given design direction?

First of all, you should decide on the type of style. After all, there are several ancient design trends and each of them corresponds to certain things, furniture and decorative elements.

Today, designers distinguish the following ancient interior styles:

  • Ancient Greek.
  • Egyptian.
  • Roman.
  • Byzantine.
  • Baroque.
  • Georgian.

Of course, it is almost impossible to find original items from a certain era. After all, all the surviving objects are the property of world museums, which are quite difficult to acquire as private property.

Modern designers have found a way out of the situation and offer everyone who wants to purchase copies of antique items. In Europe, using copies of rarities for interior decoration is a common practice. Therefore, if desired, it is quite possible to purchase the necessary furniture and decorative items that are a high-quality copy of antiques.

Main characteristics of styles

Interiors old houses, decorated in the Egyptian direction, contain polished furniture surfaces, cubic shapes, mosaics, bas-reliefs, marble decorative elements, decorated metal inserts. Figurines, stylized vases, palm trees in flowerpots and other decorative elements shown in the photo will help reflect the spirit of the ancient state.

Greek style involves the use of simple but ergonomic furniture, decorated with multiple decorative elements. These can be chests of drawers, massive tables and chairs made of mahogany, inlaid with gold and marble. Despite their simplicity, such designs give the interior sophistication and originality.

The ancient interiors in the photo, decorated in the ancient Greek style, necessarily consist of light, lightweight fabrics, marble decorative elements, ceramic vessels, columns and stone floors. The ceiling, in this case, should be decorated with a fresco or photo printing under the fresco.

Roman vintage interior– the presence of unique marble, iron or bronze furniture, rich wall paintings, mosaics and gold decor. The house in the Roman direction in the photo should have strong walls and luxurious interior furnishings.

Medieval decoration

In the Middle Ages, knights were held in high esteem. That is why the interior design includes the paraphernalia of knights - coats of arms, weapons, torches. IN color design preference should be given to green, brown, black and red tones, duplicating the colors of knightly insignia. At the same time, the walls can be finished with light beige or brown-yellow plaster, on which floral or geometric patterns are applied.

The ceiling must be made in the form of a vault and finished similarly to the walls. To give the ceiling a decorative appeal, it is decorated with frescoes. The floor is finished with stone.

The medieval style suggests that antique furniture in the interior should be massive, decorated forged elements and carving. Upholstered furniture is not suitable for this trend, the only exception being the bed.

The Byzantine direction in design is a continuation of the ancient Roman style. Therefore, interiors decorated in the Byzantine style should have a large amount of textiles. The best option is textiles decorated with floral or geometric patterns. Paintings on a religious theme and furniture decorated with metals will fit perfectly into the interior. The color scheme should be dominated by scarlet, gold, lemon, blue or purple.

For lovers of luxury, the Baroque style is ideal, which involves the use of expensive furniture made of mahogany, silk and lace details, marble trim, heavy curtains and luxurious tapestries, grandfather clocks and candelabra.

The Georgian or English style is manifested in the use of decorative elements made of bronze, furniture made of expensive wood, legs that are decorated in the form of animal paws, most often lions. All furnishings should be convenient and as comfortable as possible. For example, the interior of an antique kitchen in the Georgian style should be restrained and proportional. The walls are being finished wood panels and are painted olive, brown, white or gray.

To summarize, we note that when decorating an interior in an old style, do not forget about practicality and convenience. If any element seems necessary to you to create an atmosphere in a certain style, its functionality should also be considered. Based on modern requirements for the home, it is very important that the furniture and decor of the room create a cozy and stylish environment.

The word “vintage” has French roots and translates as exquisite, aged wine...
In relation to interior design, this is a peculiar mixture of ancient and modern styles, implying their harmonious interaction. The main rule is no frills and maximum comfort.

Vintage: history of style

As an interior style, vintage first appeared in America at the end of the last century. Its founder was Patrick Willis, an ambitious and talented architect.

By own project he erected the original house, and was already preparing for the presentation of his creation. But, as often happens with creative people, at the last moment I realized that there was not enough finances...
Then the resourceful young man went to the nearest sale, where he bought outdated furniture and decorative trinkets for next to nothing. He furnished the room with them.
The name of the new design concept was announced to journalists and critics who arrived at the event - vintage. I liked the idea and the reception took place.
Currently, the vintage trend, both in interior design and in clothing, is at the peak of fashion and enjoys maximum popularity.

The main idea of ​​the style

The main idea of ​​the vintage style is the unobtrusive introduction of antique objects and decorative elements into the everyday interior. In fact, it is not far from classicism, with some shades of retro and Provence. But the influence of modernity cannot be ignored. Therefore, in the vintage design of space there is always a place for new, practical designs and materials.
The main thing is their external correspondence to a certain era, causing slight nostalgia for the past.

Features of vintage style in the interior

The irreplaceable attributes of vintage style are real antiques or antique-style items. They give the interior a special coziness, romance and at the same time serve as a kind of indicator of taste and elegance.

One more important feature What prevents vintage style from being confused with retro or Provence is that it belongs to a specific era. This is exclusively the 19th-20th century. Anything older is a completely different story.
At the same time, it is necessary to maintain a reasonable balance between the past and the present.

Interior decoration in vintage style

When decorating a room in vintage style, due attention should be paid to materials and finishing.
The ideal solution for the ceiling would be White paint, whitewash or light plaster.
The most authentic solution for wall decoration would be wallpaper (plain, striped or floral), plaster or paint. It all depends on the placement of accents.
If the key element in the design of the room will be rare furniture, a neutral finish is preferable. In the case of a modest setting, brightly patterned walls and corresponding decorative elements should attract attention.
Floors can be covered large tiles with a worn effect, parquet or parquet boards.

Color palette

To create a vintage style in a room, calm, unobtrusive colors are preferred: white, beige, ash pink, pale blue, greenish, light brown.

The presence of floral motifs is mandatory. They can be anywhere: on curtains, wallpaper, bedspreads, napkins or tablecloths.


Artificial lighting for a vintage style interior should not be too bright. A multi-level arrangement of sources of warm, diffused light is welcome. In addition to the chandelier with a spectacular fabric lampshade, these can be floor lamps with fringes or frills, antique desk lamp, bronze or copper lamps.

Vintage style furniture

Regardless of the basic decoration, style cannot be created without furniture. To match the vintage trend, it must be antique or antique-style. It’s not bad if there are traces of abrasions or small cracks indicating the past. But at the same time, the furniture must remain durable and aesthetically pleasing.

The most prominent representatives of vintage style furniture are:

  • carved wooden dressing table;
  • "grandmother's" chest;
  • "country" buffet;
  • sideboard with an exquisite pattern;
  • rare chest of drawers;
  • rocking chair.

Another important point- all pieces of furniture must, to a certain extent, be in harmony with each other and belong to the same era, but museum-like appearance is unacceptable.

Decorative elements in vintage style

Decorating a room in vintage style will be incomplete without the use of decorative elements. They must be carefully selected to prevent the space from feeling like an exhibition or simply cluttered. The most common items that match the vintage style:
▫ antique watch;
▫ carved boxes;
▫ porcelain dishes;
▫ original candlesticks;
▫ embroidered tablecloths;
▫ knitted napkins;
▫ delicate curtains with cutwork embroidery;
▫ rag dolls;
▫ copper figurines;
▫ black and white photographs in frames.

A mandatory attribute of vintage style is a bouquet of dried flowers in winter and fresh flowers in summer.
The most popular materials are copper, ceramics and wood.

Vintage style in the interior - photo

In general, a vintage-style interior is an ideal solution for creative and self-sufficient people who respect simplicity and practicality. It fills the room with warmth and comfort, allowing for slight negligence and allowing the use of ancient and modern objects at the same time. This is a free style that allows you to fully express your taste and respect for history.

A term that comes from winemaking and denotes good aging, today it is often used to describe interiors that have an antique feel. This design does not lose its relevance: at all times there have been people who sought to arrange their lives in the same way as their ancestors. Antiques and antiques were used in the room, which have always been in value, because they convey mood and traditions from generation to generation, symbolizing the connection of centuries. However, the design of such products is also impressive, because for our time these are completely unusual shapes, lines, and decor.

Due to the fact that vintage items look different from what we are used to seeing modern furniture, design in this style is considered extraordinary. Products that were fashionable in their time today tell about the tastes and preferences of the time when they were made. Their shapes and character allow us to draw conclusions about the culture, art and fashion trends of past centuries.

But the reason for the popularity of the vintage style is not only the non-standard nature of the furniture used. This design is devoid of the fuss in which you are used to living. modern man. The atmosphere in the room with antique objects is measured and calm. This is exactly what people strive for when they decorate their houses and apartments with antiques. Even the presence of several objects in an ordinary modern room will give the interior a completely different character. But the design maintained in a single composition will be more harmonious and balanced.

Vintage interior color palette

A vintage style interior usually uses interesting combinations and color solutions. Natural wood is widely used here. Moreover, it is usually quite rich, since only expensive types of wood have always been used in the production of such furniture. And their shade is usually bright and warm.

The following palette is appropriate for decoration and other details:

  • Despite the cold spectrum, gray-blue colors– one of the most harmonious solutions for decoration in vintage style. Such shades often look like they are worn out from long-term use of furniture. When paired with natural distresses, gray-blue tones will really look vintage. Most often, a similar range is used in a style with its pastel faded shades, in which vintage interior items are also appropriate.
  • In shades of gray and green, a vintage room will also look a little shabby from time to time. Of course, you shouldn’t get carried away with such a range, because gray shades can visually make the green dirty, which will give the interior not a vintage charm, but a touch of dust.
  • Light shades of beige are appropriate in a wide range: from cream to café au lait and mocha. These are elegant colors that are usually used not in a distressed look, but in the shapes and lines of a vintage design. They can be complemented with gold, as in classicism, or with bronze, patina, or pearl plating.
  • Pastel pink will also be harmonious with vintage style. But it is usually chosen to decorate the bedrooms of young ladies, young ladies and married couples, but in this case pink is complemented with dark - stronger shades, such as black, dark gray, chocolate. Then the room will be organically perceived by both women and men.

General characteristics of the style

Vintage is difficult to single out as a design direction in which everything is always clear and unambiguous. This is not minimalism, in which there is no place for decor, and not technological hi-tech with its independent dynamism and subordination to equipment and comfort. Vintage is far from traditional classics, in which everything is geometric and correct. It cannot be placed within the framework of rustic styles, such as, Provence,.

You can find in it features of Art Nouveau and Baroque, a little Gothic and. Shabby chic, on the contrary, borrows vintage items from ancient styles, because the design itself was invented by one person, and not by the era and development of culture. Of course, vintage does not have a philosophy behind it, like modern or classic, but it allows you to connect the past and present, and does this by using beautiful and sophisticated interior items.

The main feature of the vintage style can be called increased comfort. As a rule, antique things evoke nostalgia, pleasant memories, and sometimes sadness in people. Therefore, in such an interior no person will remain indifferent. Of course, if the space is cluttered with furniture, then you can forget about comfort, but with proper arrangement of the room it will always be pleasant to be here.

The center of the composition often becomes one single thing. This could be a bed in the bedroom, a chest of drawers or an antique chair in the living room, a dining table in the dining room or kitchen.

The furniture should be shabby or its shape should indicate its “antique” origin. Of course, elegant interior items can also be shabby, but it all depends on the general mood in the interior. If you are trying to recreate a luxurious royal boudoir, then you should not use overtly shabby items.

In this style it is impossible to determine time boundaries: it could be an interior of the 16th-18th centuries, or maybe the beginning of the 20th century. Everything depends on your taste and capabilities.

Vintage can be thematic - in the style of jazz, hippie, rock and roll. Each of these types of music had its own era and peak of popularity. Therefore, the interior should be furnished in the traditions of that time. Of course, this all relates to the 20th century, but in general the design will be recognizable, because then completely different interior items, shades and shapes were used. For example, in the kitchen of that time you can see a pale blue or red refrigerator. It will be small but streamlined.

The room can be completely decorated in the same style, or it can simply be decorated with several vintage items.

A characteristic feature of antiques is the signature of the authors. This could be a factory stamp, a barely readable inscription on a table top, on the end of a sideboard, etc.

Finishing of main surfaces

If you decorate the room completely in vintage style, then it is important to take into account the finishing features, because a hundred years ago there were no LEDs and suspended ceilings, laminate and linoleum. Everything was simple and natural, which is what should be followed when arranging an interior in vintage style.


The ceiling, as a rule, is simply painted, usually in White color. There is no place for stretched canvases or spotlights. However, you can “outwit” the composition with matte materials and appropriate lamp design. But stucco remains more appropriate.


Traditionally the floor is laid wooden planks in a simpler interior, parquet in noble premises, tiles in the kitchen, bathrooms, hallways. Modern parquet can look quite varied, but it always looks expensive. But you need to choose boards that are worn.


Walls can be varied. Most often they are covered with wallpaper. But if in the aristocratic version of the vintage style these are textile materials, then in a simpler interior ordinary paper strips are used. The pattern imitates these brickwork, whitewash, stone or wood texture. You can choose a small floral pattern or a large classic ornament.

The walls can be painted or paneled at the bottom, leaving wallpaper or paint on top. It all depends on the character and mood of the situation.

The choice of color and pattern depends on many factors. For example, in the Provence style, the wallpaper will be exclusively pastel in color and with small flowers. The interior is closer to classical and baroque and can use large floral or ornate patterns, as well as stripes. The design of the mid-20th century will “prefer” graphic contrasting solutions - black and white tiles, or rather its imitation, geometric patterns. Industrial can also be vintage, then they will stay here brick walls. But most often vintage is wallpaper with flowers or stripes.

What materials to prefer

In general, the finishing of the main surfaces determined the use of natural wood, paper or textile wallpaper, and paint. But these are not all the materials used in vintage style. In addition to the above and ceramic tiles, interior items, as well as decoration, can be created using forged parts, copper and bronze elements, natural stone, precious metals.


Despite the fact that furniture should be visually worn out, its shape, materials, and decor can be vintage. It doesn't have to be peeling paint or scuffed surfaces. This is necessary for simple rustic rooms, but in luxurious interiors it is better to abandon such “aging”.

Almost every room made in vintage style has an original shape and finish of a chest of drawers or chest, bureau, sideboard or dressing table. It is precisely such items that most often retain a touch of antiquity, because in modern catalogs furniture factories they are simply missing.

It will be harmonious leather sofa or a chair with curved legs. But this is not that soft corner that testifies to the wealth of its owners, but wooden furniture, only part of which is upholstered in leather.

Most often, antique objects have round shapes. It's not only curved legs, but also the entire body. For example, a chest of drawers or a chest may appear “inflated” due to the bent shape of the frame walls. At the same time, wooden objects almost always have carved and applied decorative details. All lower parts of the furniture are also decorated with graceful cutouts. Usually they go symmetrically from the middle to the corners. This decor can be seen in wooden products, and in the decoration of bathtubs, in stone masterpieces of the past, in the frames of mirrors and paintings.

Wooden furniture is usually varnished or painted. In vintage style they rarely remain simply polished. Moreover, craquelure would be appropriate here - a mesh of cracked paint through which another layer is visible. Decoupage on vintage furniture will look beautiful.

You can make one yourself. Turning an ordinary old table into an antique one is also quite simple: just lay ceramic tiles, broken into irregular pieces, directly onto the tabletop. It will look like it's cracked ceramic surface. All this can be covered with twine or trimmed around the perimeter with lace. You can do the same with a number of decorative details.


The decor is primarily furniture with its curved shapes, overlays, and carvings. But, of course, other details will be mandatory in a vintage-style interior:

  • Crockery is often used here as decoration. It is displayed in buffets, on open shelves. The plates can be decorated with decoupage or painted. The dishes can also be antique - thin and elegant, or, on the contrary, rather rough ceramic.
  • Vases, figurines, table and grandfather clocks, paintings - a standard set of quite familiar things can look in the spirit of antiquity. These elements can also be worn, aged, or painted using the craquelure technique.
  • Fresh and dried flowers will always be appropriate in any vintage-style room, even in the bathroom.
  • Textiles are necessarily used in every room. It's not just the traditional shape. Here you need napkins, tablecloths, curtains on furniture, lace instead of glass in the buffet - you can find a lot of options for using handicrafts or purchased fabrics.
  • Decorate the room as much as possible. It is decorated with an exquisite portal, which can be quite massive in a spacious room.
  • Candlesticks made of heavy metal, bronze lamps, forged chandeliers are another trend in decorating a vintage interior.
  • A samovar and products from Ivory, iron, spinning wheel, etc.
  • Old yellowed photographs of grandmothers and great-grandmothers will decorate the room and create the right atmosphere.
  • The curtains here deserve special attention. These can be heavy curtains, as in classicism, or light linen or chintz curtains, as in Provence or country. If we talk about classic models, they should be decorated with lambrequins, tassels, and ruffles. Ruffles can also be used on light natural curtains.

Implementation of style in individual rooms

Vintage style kitchen

The kitchen is most often decorated in a vintage style, because by default it is the most comfortable room in which every person likes to spend a lot of time, not to mention the housewives who cook here for their beloved family, talk with girlfriends, sit over a cup of coffee and a book , and sometimes they work. It is not surprising that every housewife wants her kitchen to be especially cozy. The aroma of the dishes and the heat from the hob will make it so, but still a few details in a vintage style are the optimal solution for a harmonious interior. But there is one difficulty: there is usually a lot of modern technology, which is not so easily combined with antique furniture.


Coping with implementation the latest technology in an antique setting can be done quite simply by building it in and placing it inside cabinets. In addition, you can find refrigerators and stoves stylized as products from the mid-20th century.

The features of a vintage kitchen can be defined quite easily:

The palette of such a room will always be quite bright. This is not classical restraint; cheerful shades are more appropriate here: delicate and glamorous pink, noble and calm blue, appetizing green or orange. Colors should be rich and rich. There is no need to choose formal furniture in sophisticated colors; it is better to choose active and positive shades.

There is always a lot of decor here. These include carved overlays on the facades of the set and an elegant shape dining table, and curtains, and napkins, and paintings. You can also use a portal around the hood and stove, which, by the way, will allow you to hide modern equipment. If you have space for an antique buffet, you should definitely put decorative dishes in it.

The finishing of the main surfaces in the kitchen can be completely different. Floors should be easy to clean, so they are covered ceramic tiles with anti-slip coating for safe movement. The floors are ordinary white - painted or bleached. The first option is preferable, since whitewashing in conditions high humidity and constant temperature fluctuations will quickly crack.


The main wall decoration is usually done in fairly bright colors. This can be a plain bright surface, but it is advisable to place excessively acidic shades in one area - in the dining area, on the apron, in the corner behind the dining area. You can choose rich wallpaper, with a fairly clear pattern - stripes, diamonds, checkered or striped, floral or polka dots. By the way, it is polka dots that will look most harmonious in a vintage kitchen.

You can support the pattern on the wallpaper with the help of appropriate decor - a teapot, plates and other dishes with polka dots, flowers, stripes.

The decoration with images of products - typically kitchen themes - will look funny. These can be sweets, dragees, lollipops, cakes, fruits.

Apron work surface usually covered with ceramic tiles. In the spirit of antiquity, a small mosaic, a medium-sized piece of material in black and white contrast, in a blue and white palette, and bright shades will look.


In the bedroom, vintage will also be harmonious and interesting. A room for sleeping and relaxing can be quite romantic, gentle, and peaceful. Here you already need to abandon the bright color range in favor of a balanced, restrained palette. The walls can be painted or wallpapered. In the bedroom, neutral tones for the walls with the inclusion of unobtrusive patterns are appropriate. But you can choose something quite dark. Blue and natural wood are considered optimal. The first one relaxes, and the second one creates a favorable atmosphere conducive to peace and quality rest. Using natural solid wood will create a healthy microclimate in the room, especially if you choose conifers, which release phytoncides into the air.

The interior of this room should be quite soft, even if a couple lives in it, and not just a woman. This is necessary for comfort and quality of sleep. To add dynamism and masculine notes, you can use graphic details: darker picture frames, a modern flat-screen TV installed in a regular rectangular niche.

In the bedroom, vintad is often similar to the shabby chic style, which is distinguished by openwork and an abundance of small decor. In the bedroom you can devote a whole rack to little things. This can be both decor and functional items.


Of course, the center of any room is the bed, and a vintage room is no exception. The sleeping bed should be carved, with bent legs, and a carved back. It is optimal to choose a sufficiently massive and big bed, otherwise the interior will be simple. The canopy looks beautiful, made in the same palette as the rest of the decoration. Drapery is a traditional decoration of ancient settings, so it is appropriate here too. It is not necessary to cover the canopy, but it gives the room intimacy and comfort.

The bed must be supplemented with a bench at the feet. Entire sets can be made in the same style - dressing table, cosmetic table, bureau, floor hanger-hanger. Such furniture is made from natural solid wood, but can be painted in pastel or neutral colors. In this case, copper, bronze, and gilding are used for finishing.

The headboard of the bed is a separate decorative element of the bedroom. There may be carved patterns, stucco molding, or simply figured details with soft upholstery. In general, in the bedroom you can give free rein to your imagination, because it is not customary to allow guests into this room, so in this room you can put any furniture, choose any decor exclusively to your taste.

Bedroom decor

It would be appropriate to use a lot of small pillows, frills, and openwork lace here. They can even be placed on furniture to give it a special mood. A mirror is a detail that is usually present in the bedroom so that the hostess can try on outfits right here. Antique frames are usually a separate interior decoration. These are carved, gilded baguettes, massive or elegant. The mirror itself has interesting shimmers, because early technology The manufacture of such products differs from modern ones.

There must be boxes and perfumes on the table. It is better to put the cosmetics themselves in the drawers of the dressing table or bureau, and beautiful products for storing jewelry and costume jewelry, as well as bottles eau de toilette They are so diverse and original that they will become a real decoration of the interior. Here you can use photographs in beautiful frames as decoration.

Living room

This place is intended for receiving guests, and therefore the most expensive, beautiful pieces of furniture that deserve everyone’s attention are usually used here. One object becomes the center of such a room. This could be a large antique table, a leather sofa or an exclusive chest of drawers. Of course, it is necessary to maintain the composition of the style, but the background details can be simpler than the main accent. There are other patterns in the design of the living room.

Choose shades that are comfortable enough to perceive - muted colors of any palette. Of course, they may be present here bright accents and details, but the basis should be a shade that is pleasing to the eye. It can be creamy, creamy, beige, light brown, blue-gray, pink or green in pastel colors. Shades of orange, purple, and yellow are also appropriate in the living room. Dark tones can be used in details to add clarity, graphics, and restraint.

Wallpaper should be chosen with an image small flower, birds, butterflies. Coverings with large flowers are also applicable.

It is best to cover the floor with parquet or sanded boards. Vintage, in keeping with the mid-20th century style, can be styled with black and white vinyl floor tiles. You can, of course, use stone if you want to realize the ancient interior of an aristocratic palace. As a rule, lightweight ones are used today artificial materials with the organization of floor heating, since stone is a rather cold option for a living space.

An interesting solution for the living room would be to install a fireplace. It can be left brick in a simpler interior or decorated facing stone antique in more luxurious design. The vintage character of the furnishings is also emphasized by the stoves, which used to be heated with wood, but today they are often connected to the gas supply system. Such stoves were located in every room. They were made from fireproof glass blocks, each of which was a decorated element. As a result, the stove turned out to be quite openwork, because, in addition to the pattern on the glass, the blocks were of different shades. In old houses from the 17th to 19th centuries you can still see the original stoves of that time. Today they are becoming an exquisite detail of a vintage interior.

The living room must have a sideboard or buffet with dishes for entertaining guests. In such an environment, it is advisable to use sets with tureens, gravy boats, and decorated dishes that are outdated today. You can find antique utensils just for dinner parties.


The interior of the bathroom can also be decorated in vintage style. This is another room for relaxation and intimate procedures, so it is important to pay attention to the little things that will suit your taste. But first it is important to determine the finishing materials.

The floor and walls are usually covered with ceramic tiles - this is the most practical and durable solution. The tile is resistant to moisture and high temperatures. Color palette The bathroom can be anything - just like any other room. The floor can be made dark - black, chocolate, gray.

Bathroom walls can also be dark or patterned on a neutral background. It is then important to choose rugs that match the pattern. It will look interesting bright tiles in some places - near the sink, the bathtub itself, in the decoration thereof.

For a harmonious composition, it is necessary to select suitable mixers. They can be made of copper, brass, bronze. But even more important is their shape. These are completely unusual curved spouts and antique valves.

Characteristic furniture is also appropriate here, if space allows. For the bathroom, you can choose a chest of drawers for towels, hygiene items, and underwear. A bureau would also be appropriate here – for creams, shampoos, toothbrushes. You can find beautiful hook hangers, organizers, etc.

But the center of the bathroom, besides the bowl, is the mirror. It should be dressed in a luxurious frame - carved wood or plaster with stucco.

The bathtub bath container itself can be anything, but rectangular shapes inappropriate here. It is better to choose an oval or even a round bowl; you may prefer an imitation of a steel font. It is optimal to place it in the center or on the podium. A luxurious solution would be to arrange a bowl in the form of a swimming pool - with a recess below the floor level and finished with mosaics.

Additional decor can be handrails, which are made from the same metals as faucets. These can also be forged elements.


A vintage-style hallway will force you to give up comfortable and spacious wardrobes. A wooden or forged hanger would be more appropriate here. These can be decorative details with carved decor or ornate forged decorations. Instead of a regular pantry or compartment, you can put a cabinet with glass inserts in the facades. But you should not choose doors with mirrors. They can be placed separately - in beautiful, characteristic frames.

In the hallway, like in any other room, there should be decor. Usually it is placed on open shelves where small things are stored - keys, combs, etc. Here you can put a beautiful figurine, lay crocheted napkin. Flowers in a pot would also be appropriate.

An important component of the hallway interior is lighting, because there are usually no windows here. In vintage style, a variety of sconces of the appropriate design will be harmonious.


Vintage can be quite balanced or bright, peaceful and extravagant. It all depends on the nature of the furniture used, its design and time of manufacture. Vintage style is multifaceted and varied, so there is always room for experimentation and individualism. Such interiors can be simple or luxurious, elegant or kitschy. It is important to remember a sense of proportion, and then the vintage style design will always be harmonious and comfortable.

We bought the apartment in 2010, but were able to move only two years later. It was dangerous to be in it due to the emergency condition: the floors were collapsing, the electrical system was completely subject to replacement, and the cut water pipe Not even a needle would go through. However, they took such a risk consciously and specifically chose an apartment in an old building with history and the institution of good neighborliness.

In pre-war times, apartments in this house were planned to be provided to foreign students of the medical academy, but then the city was closed, and the living spaces went to professors and their families, so all the neighbors are an extremely intelligent public.

The owner admits that she also fell in love with this apartment because of the windows. They are the only ones in the house that have a non-standard semicircular shape.

Despite the fact that the layout was not radically changed, repair work a lot has been done. Construction waste was removed by truck, floors were cleaned, and all communications were replaced.

Initially, the apartment had three rooms, one of which was a walk-through room with swing doors, as often happens in Stalin buildings, but this did not suit the new owners at all. It was decided to demolish one of the walls in order to combine the room with the corridor and thereby add air to the space. The result is a spacious and bright living room.

Irina came up with the design entirely herself. There was no question about choosing the color of the walls. White is the housewife’s favorite color, it’s comfortable to relax in, it’s easy to match decor and furniture - a classic.

Unfortunately, little of the apartment's original decor was preserved. Everything was in a very dilapidated condition. The stucco molding and rosettes were made anew, but they are identical to the original ones.

First in new apartment The books that Irina got from her dad moved in. A set of shelving was specially arranged for them in the living room, although the recess in the wall was there when the apartment was purchased, as if it was waiting for the moment when a real library would appear here.

Almost all the furniture in the apartment is custom-made. The sofa and armchairs in the living room were ordered in England from a small factory. “When unpacking, we found a small note from the master in one of the chairs. When you know that an object is made by hand and with love, warmth emanates from it.” Chandeliers came from the Czech Republic, and wrought iron beds from Italy. They were also painted by hand; the medallion on the children's bed was painted by an artist. The wardrobe in the bedroom is a functional Swedish designer set, in which you can select the number of drawers according to your request, and then quickly assemble everything on the spot.

Small kitchen- another nice feature of this apartment. Everything is at hand, and only the things you really need are in this compact space. A warm atmosphere in a place loved by the whole family is created by wooden elements and dishes. Semikarakorsk ceramics (one of the housewife’s favorite types of artistic crafts) delights the household every day and makes the kitchen more comfortable.

Irina admits that it was important for her to fill the house with warmth and living stories: “Furniture and renovation are fundamental things that keep traditions and will serve us for many years, and then, I hope, our children and grandchildren. There are no random things in our house; each has its own story. I’m ready to wait, but in the end I’ll find the perfect chest of drawers or lamp that I won’t part with. This is my feeling from home.”

The word vintage translated from in English means an old, noble wine made from seasonal fruits. Vintage struck the fashion world, then penetrated into interiors. Wine becomes better in quality over time, and the situation is similar with interiors. Concrete, glass, steel, which characterize modernity, are combined in this style with old wood and wicker furniture, giving the environment a noble look. All objects are interesting, have character and style.

Many people use vintage items because they love objects with history and soul. How to apply modern style vintage in the interior, photo interesting solutions, design ideas are presented in this article.

Vintage is suitable for those who love to create - beautiful furniture with a soul, placed in in the right place, painted, patinated. Aged details add charm to the interior. Ceramics with folk motifs, dishes from a flea market, old furniture brought from grandma’s house - these items will perfectly decorate an apartment and give the interior a distinctive character. Vintage can be called the style of collectors of features. Exceptional furniture, bedspreads, blankets are ideal for vintage style decoration. Sometimes these are ordinary old things, sometimes they are objects created famous people, designed in one color and design.

Spectacular vintage living rooms, photos

Uniqueness and originality

So, we have to create something original. Various tricks are allowed:

  • old bike, hanging on the wall of the apartment,
  • woven striped carpet on the floor,
  • photos from grandma's album in the bathroom.

It is important that the whole creates harmony and has its own unique style.

Vintage boho, or the ancient style of French bohemia, living in the 19th century in Paris, is popular. Artists created unique interiors. Vintage will appeal to fans of the 19th century.

Work great:

  • stylized furniture from the 50s and 60s;
  • bedspreads from yesteryear;
  • Some photos;
  • trinkets.

Many people like the unconventional interior in the old style. Especially when the design is thought out independently the smallest details. It's not necessarily expensive, but it's definitely stylish.

Popular ideas can be gleaned from the 50s, 60s, 70s of the 20th century, and at the end of the 19th century. It is important to adhere to certain principles. Vintage is old-fashioned and belongs to the past. Vintage elements will make a unique journey into the past:

  • old wooden furniture with history;
  • classic bicycle on the wall;
  • unique items.

The walls should be covered with striped or polka dot wallpaper in the old style. IN vintage interiors the presence of a 70s armchair in combination with furniture from Scandinavian design not surprising. In addition to antique furniture, it is customary to use:

  • richly decorated carpets,
  • family photos in plain or decorated frames.

Photo gallery – interiors decorated in antique vintage style

Vintage in the kitchen

Vintage means sentimentality, high class. Courage and creativity reflect the soul of the designer. In vintage fashion, it is necessary to break the clichés and accepted standards. The designs are unique and quirky. By inviting vintage into the kitchen, we open the door to childhood memories and aromas.

The main rule is no rules!

In such an interior we feel cozy and warm. The freedom to combine opposites in practice turns out to be a subtle, sweet, feminine combination.

Vintage kitchen, photo

  • red,
  • turquoise,
  • yellow.

Vintage in the making rounded corners furniture and household appliances, stylish pens, old buffers, accessories. The reference to the 50-60 years of the last century is presented in simple forms without unnecessary imagination.

Various fabrics will ideally help decorate a vintage apartment:

  • velvet,
  • wool,
  • polyester.

An arrangement with soul, reminiscent of the past, contains:

  • old mirrors,
  • engravings,
  • schedule of previous years.

To find the necessary accessories, you will have to visit antique stores, flea markets, grandma's attic, online auctions, where you need to find unique items to decorate a spectacular interior. Attics and grannies can be a real treasure trove - vintage items will definitely be present in these places.

In the kitchen you can place accessories typical of the 50-60s:

  • mustard jars,
  • water siphons,
  • stylish vases.

Vintage never gets old, it comes to objects with history, antiques, and unique ones. Keen observers love the vintage interior. A great addition to a vintage kitchen glassware:

  • decanters,
  • glasses,
  • dishes.

Timeless look glassware ideal for kitchen decor. Unusual, original forms will delight every guest; drinks served in decanters look interesting.

Vintage bedroom decoration

How to combine antique furniture, accessories, entertainment systems and standard bedroom features is no easy task. Vintage has no strict boundaries, no restrictions. The only obstacle is your own imagination. The registration process never ends. Vintage design lovers are constantly on the hunt for various pearls used to decorate interiors.

Spectacular vintage bedroom, photo

Antique bed

Bedroom design starts with the bed. The following models will fit:

  • metal bed,
  • forged metal,
  • wooden bed,
  • models with a soft headboard.

The choice depends on whether the bed will be the central element of the interior, or provides the background with other expressive decorative elements. The photo below shows a great bedroom decor idea that includes:

  • colorful wallpaper,
  • decorative bedside tables,
  • snow white vintage bedding,
  • beautiful bedside lamps.

Antique bed – the highlight of a vintage arrangement, photo

Beautiful forged metal elements fit perfectly into the atmosphere of a vintage bedroom. In combination with patterned wallpaper on the wall and a colorful bedspread, they create the perfect composition. The bedroom looks very atmospheric. A vintage bed can look unusual. They'll keep her company additional elements:

  • chests,
  • stools,
  • wooden cabinets.

Beds made of intentionally aged wood, with many natural imperfections, irregularities, and visible rings, look harmonious.

A good option is acacia wood. Acacia is very durable, with a hardness similar to that of oak. A wooden bed on wheels looks quite original. The wheels do not move, ensuring the stability of the bed, they perform a decorative function, they look as if they were used and then cleaned of paint. It turns out extremely attractive visual effect.

Wooden beds, bedside tables antique, photo

Vintage textiles – bed, pillows

The bedding is important element bedroom design. There is no single rule that would say what pillows and linens should be used in an antique bedroom. Fabrics used are patterned and plain, smooth, with or without frills. The choice depends on other decorative elements:

  • in a bedroom with patterned wallpaper, patterned pillows will destroy the harmony,
  • against the background of a white, plain wall, patterned textiles look impressive.

Near modern bed you can put a lamp in the style of the 60s, a couple of rare suitcases. Suitcases appear quite often in vintage interiors; in bedrooms, suitcases play the role of bedside tables. This is an interesting idea, especially when you managed to purchase cool suitcases with fittings. An ordinary modern suitcase is completely unsuitable for decorating a vintage bedroom.

Grandma's curtains and pillowcases - spectacular style elements, photo

Other antique jewelry

There are many vintage jewelry ideas. Perfect for:

  • watch,
  • mirrors,
  • suitcases,
  • boxes.

Ideal choice - wooden clock, with a pendulum, cuckoo. It should not be a factory product from China. Different types of mirrors will perfectly serve as decoration. You need to choose models with decorative frames, although mirrors have a huge impact on the overall perception of the interior and are an easy way visual expansion rooms, which is especially appreciated by owners of small bedrooms.

What can you do with your own hands?

Most vintage interior items can be made using the DIY method (from English - Do it yourself).

Below are some interesting ideas:

  1. you can dress old poufs in pillowcases made of unusual patterned materials;
  2. It’s worth looking at your grandmother’s or buying old-fashioned curtains and bedspreads;
  3. an antique wooden table needs to be cleaned, sanded, varnished, painted;
  4. you can upholster chairs with fabric found from your grandmother, then there is a guarantee that the upholstery is unique;
  5. some things can be made with your own hands from old boxes and pallets;
  6. handmade photo frames;
  7. craftswomen will sew textile decor from small beads and grandmother’s pieces of fabric;
  8. wardrobe bought at the market, painted in pink color;
  9. colorful bedding from twenty years ago;
  10. homemade striped rug, knitted by hand;
  11. Old laundry baskets outlined in interesting patterns and placed in unexpected places will decorate a unique style full of charm.

Online auctions, flea markets, and specialty stores are where you can find gems. Sometimes it’s worth breaking the barrier of shame, reaching for a piece of furniture displayed by the previous owners next to the trash container, breathing in old furniture new life, restore the time to its former glory. If you can’t handle the repairs yourself, you can find a professional who will take care of this task.

Vintage style says that it really isn't afraid of change. He presents new equipment for old interiors, old equipment for new ones. Furniture found at the bazaar can be repainted in bold colors or pastels. It is important to balance combinations of patterns and colors so that they match. Creativity and skillful hands work wonders.

Vintage furniture, decorated yourself, photo


Sometimes it is enough to throw a blanket with history on a chair or an old armchair, or hang pictures from the past on the wall to create a unique interior. In vintage style, only the imagination sets the limits of fantasy.

How to restore the splendor of old objects so that in a new incarnation they serve for many years and amaze with their charm? This is the key question of how to create a vintage atmosphere. In addition to the antique, old-fashioned elements, modern elements can be freely introduced into the interior. Free combinations – distinguishing feature vintage style.

The closest thing to Vintage style is retro style. This is not a temporary fashion statement, but a lifestyle, a love of family values ​​and history. A picture cannot reflect the true charm of a trend, because its irreplaceable elements are home aromas, unique sounds, and the warmth that comes from stylization.
