Average pumpkin weight. The best varieties of pumpkin with descriptions. Rock Pumpkin Varieties

Not every gardener knows about all the existing varieties of pumpkin. In our article we will get acquainted with the most popular of them, learn how to identify individual varieties from the photo and the attached description.

There are a huge variety of pumpkin varieties in the world selection, and some vegetables are used as animal feed, while other fruits are used in cooking.


In nature, there are three main varieties of pumpkins, which differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in other characteristics.


The crops in question are loved by domestic gardeners for their quick fruit ripening times. If the nutmeg and large-fruited varieties are harvested in the fall, then the described plants produce fruits already in mid-summer.

Note: The main value of the crops under consideration is the excellent taste of the pulp and selected seeds. A distinctive feature of many varieties of hard-boiled pumpkins is their grooved stalk and hairy stem.

One of the most popular types of hard-barked pumpkins is the Gymnosperm. The seeds of this vegetable are practically devoid of shell, so they are used to make various sweets, including halva.

The pulp of such fruits has a reduced amount of natural sugars compared to other varieties, but despite this, it is considered quite tasty. The fruits of the gymnosperm are small, so the crop produces low yields.

Among other disadvantages of the described plant, attention should be paid to the possibility of rotting of the seeds when planted in open ground. In this regard, the crop in question is grown using seedlings.

Gymnospermous pumpkins belong to mid-season varieties. Their fruits have dark green skin with a specific mesh (speckled). The vegetable has a long shelf life; its weight can range from 2 to 7 kilograms.


This variety differs from its analogues in its special pulp, which in appearance resembles vermicelli. According to experts, the first harvest of the described crop can be harvested within 2.5 months after germination.

The plants have well-developed vines, oval fruits with hard creamy yellow skin. The pulp is beige with a characteristic vanilla aroma. The fruits are small, their weight rarely reaches 1 kilogram.

Gribovskaya bush

An early ripening variety with a growing season of about 3 months. The plant is quite powerful, bush type. The fruits are large with yellow-orange skin, average weight is about 5 kilograms.

These crops grow compactly and produce good yields. The pulp of the vegetable has an excellent taste; therefore, the bush mushroom is classified as a table variety.


These varieties include large pumpkins with sweet flesh and light-colored seeds. The fruits are quite voluminous, so they are often stored outside, because most gardeners have cellars or basements designed for other vegetables.


According to experts, the fruits of this crop can reach a weight of 180 kilograms, although the record-breaking pumpkins weighed 500 kilograms.

Titan is considered a mid-season variety, since its growing season is within 120 days. The plant has long vines, round fruits with orange skin. The pulp is yellow, of medium thickness, of acceptable taste.


This vegetable is very popular among domestic gardeners. The Russian plant is undemanding in care, produces good yields, is distinguished by high shelf life and excellent taste.

The first harvest of this pumpkin can be harvested 3 months after germination. The average weight of the fruit is 3 kilograms, the pulp has a sweetish taste with a characteristic melon aroma.

hundred pound

Quite an old, but still popular variety of large-fruited pumpkins. This plant is considered mid-season, since its growing season is within 120 days. The crop has powerful, fairly long stems, oval or round fruits, weighing from 7 to 25 kilograms.

The pulp is loose, characteristic yellow in color, and has a low sugar content. The fruits of the hundred-pound pumpkin are used as animal feed. The main advantage of the described culture is considered to be good immunity to major diseases.

Muscat varieties

In our country, nutmeg varieties are grown from seedlings. These plants are distinguished by a pentagonal stalk. The seeds of such crops are brown or yellow.

It is important to know: the fruits of this type of pumpkin are considered the healthiest and tastiest, but to obtain good harvests of this crop, warmth is necessary.

golden pear

This new and very promising variety has sweet, dense pulp, which has a nutty flavor that is unusual for other pumpkins. The fruits are drop-shaped, have orange skin, and their weight rarely exceeds 2 kilograms.

The golden pear ripens early, its growing season is about 3 months. The culture differs from its analogues in its high resistance to diseases and pests, and good preservation of fruits.


This is a late variety of nutmeg pumpkin with a growing season of 135-140 days. The pumpkins of this variety are cylindrical, less often oval, with well-defined ribbing. Ripe fruits have a brown surface with a barely noticeable pink tint and a characteristic network made of green spots.

The pulp is orange and crunchy. It contains a huge amount of beta carotene. The fruits are well stored in the basement or cellar, their weight ranges from 3 to 5 kilograms.


Such pumpkins are classified as mid-season, since their growing season ranges from 100 to 110 days.

The vegetables in question have a cylindrical or spherical shape, their brown or orange surface is covered with a coating. The pulp is orange, juicy and sweet. The fruits can be stored in the basement for up to 1 year, their weight reaches 8 kilograms.

Many domestic gardeners grow pumpkin from seedlings. In this case, sowing seeds in separate containers must be carried out in mid-April or early May. To accelerate growth, pots with seedlings are placed on a well-lit windowsill.

Pumpkin seedlings are grown in a temperature range from 25 to 27 degrees, and each seed is sown in a pot with a minimum diameter of 14 centimeters. The selected container is filled halfway with the nutrient substrate.

Approximately 10 days from the moment of germination, when the height of the seedling reaches a decent size, soil is added to the container. A special feature of the operations carried out is bending the stem into a ring and sprinkling the plant with soil up to the cotyledon leaves. This technique makes it possible to obtain a well-developed root system of the plant.

Gardener advice: Pumpkin feeding at the seedling stage is carried out no more than twice during the entire growing period.

The seedlings are moved into open ground after the appearance of 3 true leaves; this usually occurs in seedlings that are 25 days old. The transplant is done in stable warm weather no earlier than the end of May. About two weeks before this, the seedlings need to be hardened by reducing daytime temperatures to 16 degrees, night temperatures to +13 degrees.

The best predecessors of pumpkin are cabbage, potatoes and tomatoes, as well as all members of the legume family. To plant these crops, it is advisable to choose a dry area on a hill where heat will accumulate. Some gardeners place plants on a compost heap for additional warming. In this case, a small amount of superphosphate and wood ash are added to the planting hole.

When growing seedlings in peat pots, they are moved into open ground along with the container. If ordinary plastic flowerpots were used to obtain seedlings, the plant must be carefully turned upside down and the earthen ball removed.

After this, the culture is moved into the planting hole and watered with warm water (about 2 liters of liquid for each hole). Seedlings are planted in such a way that there is at least one meter between seedlings within one row, and the row spacing is 2 meters.

For the first time after planting in a permanent place, the plants are covered with cut plastic bottles or paper caps. Further care of crops comes down to loosening the rows, removing weeds, periodic watering and fertilizing.

As we have seen, the process of growing pumpkins is not particularly difficult. First you need to choose a suitable variety, after which you can begin the main work.

Watch an interesting video about delicious varieties of pumpkin:

Due to its bright color and, apparently, its very impressive size, pumpkin is considered the queen of vegetables in some countries. Today this popular vegetable is cultivated everywhere in our gardens. Let's look at the best varieties of pumpkin for open ground with a description of their characteristics.

Hard-bark pumpkin is the most cold-resistant and early ripening, but its fruits do not last very long. A heavy, large-fruited pumpkin can be kept in a cool, dry place all winter. Its pulp is thick and more tasty than that of the hard-barked one. And the most delicious of pumpkins is nutmeg, but it is southern and requires a lot of heat. In open ground in our climatic conditions it can be grown using temporary shelters.

There are a lot of varieties approved for cultivation in the non-chernozem zone; they are productive, sweet, with thick pulp and a small seed chamber.

Varieties of hard-bark pumpkin

Gribovskaya bush- early ripe pumpkin. The fruit is 2.3–4.8 kg, light orange, with black-green stripes. The pulp is dark yellow, dense, sweet.

Mozolevskaya 49- differs from Biryuchekutskaya by the presence of scalloped green or light yellow stripes on the yellow surface of the fruit. It belongs to the group of mid-early varieties and, nevertheless, is characterized by high keeping quality and productivity. The pulp is dense, orange, with high taste characteristics. The plant is short-climbing, the shape of the fruit is ovoid.

Varieties of large-fruited pumpkin

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Winter dining room A-5- late-ripening variety (growing season about 135 days), fruits are flat-round, segmented, light gray; the pulp is dense, orange, sweet; the seeds are large, glossy, yellow. Ripens in storage; transportable.

Mammos golden- a climbing variety, the fruits are very large, weighing more than 10 kg, round, pale golden in color.

Volzhskaya gray 92- an early ripening pumpkin variety, the fruits are weakly segmented, light gray; the pulp is egg-yellow with an orange tint, dense, sweet, of good taste. The color of the peel is light gray with a slight greenish tint, the shape of the fruit is slightly flattened. The pulp has an excellent taste, is dense, juicy, and its color is orange or egg yellow.

It is distinguished by its high yield and resistance to fungal diseases. The preservation of the fruit is excellent.

Gribovskaya winter- externally differs from early ripening varieties in a spherical or slightly flattened shape. Belongs to the late-ripening group.

In the conditions of the Non-Black Earth Region it produces high regular yields of products that are well stored in winter with tender, juicy and at the same time dense pulp of orange or egg-yellow color. The outside of the peel is gray, with a smooth, uniform surface. The fruits are distinguished by their excellent taste.

Gribovskys have recently gained particular popularity.

Chit- mid-late variety. The plant is medium-climbing, produces 2–3 small fruits weighing 2.5–3 kg. The color is light gray with pale pink spots. The pulp is thick, bright orange, dense, sweet, but not very juicy.

Medical- an early-ripening, high-yielding variety of pumpkin. Medium-sized plant. The fruit is light gray, with a net-like pattern. The pulp is orange, sweet, juicy.

The following varieties are also common: Stofuntovaya, Record, Khersonskaya, Donskaya Sladkaya, Zorka, Troyanda.

Rock Pumpkin Varieties

Print bright red- late-ripening, productive variety, large fruits, more than 35 cm in diameter, thickened in shape, bright red; the flesh is yellow-orange.

Bush orange- early ripening, bush variety, fruits weighing 5–6.5 kg, obovate, orange; The pulp is yellow, medium thickness, crispy, juicy. Weakly affected by powdery mildew.

Medical- early ripening, bush variety of pumpkin. Fruits weighing 4–7 kg; the pulp is orange, thick, crispy, sweet, contains an increased amount of vitamins and dry substances. Weakly affected by powdery mildew. Stored until May.

Almond 35- mid-season, climbing (long vines, up to 8–10 m). Fruits weighing up to 5 kg, flattened, smooth or slightly segmented, ribbed at the stalk, brown-orange with wide dark green or light brown stripes; The pulp is orange, dense, sweet.

It stands out for its excellent taste and elegant orange-red fruit color. The average weight of one ripe pumpkin is 5–6 kg. 4 months after emergence, the fruits ripen and can be harvested. Pumpkins harvested in a timely manner are highly preserved in winter.

Winter sweet- fruits weighing 7–12 kg, flattened; pulp with a high sugar content. The variety has good keeping quality and high transportability.

The varieties Biryuchekutskaya 27, Gribovskaya Kustovaya 189, Altaiskaya 47, Khutoryanka, Mozoleevskaya are also common.

Butternut squash varieties

Varieties of nutmeg pumpkin are the most adapted for the non-chernozem zone.

Marble pumpkin - late-ripening variety (about 135 days); the fruits are medium-sized, weighing 5–6 kg, flattened, the surface is wrinkled-segmented, tuberculate, the bark is gray and dark gray, with speckles like marble; the pulp is intense orange, thick, hard, crispy, very sweet, tasty; the seeds are large, yellow-orange. Shelf life 8–9 months.

golden pear- not only pumpkin aficionados, but also those who until recently treated this vegetable with lukewarmness will appreciate this new original variety of pumpkin.

It has highly decorative fruits of a peculiar teardrop shape with a bright orange color. The fruits of this variety are incredibly tasty. The dense, sweetish pulp of the Golden Pear has an unusual nutty flavor! For some it reminds them of the taste of roasted chestnuts - a favorite delicacy of the French, for others - our favorite hazelnuts!

How many wonderful dishes can be prepared from butternut squash: puddings, casseroles, porridges, pancakes, jam, candied fruits. The fruits are small, weighing 1.5–2 kg, very convenient for preparing one dish.

This variety is in all respects very convenient for growing in open ground: early ripening, disease-resistant. The fruits can be obtained within 90–95 days after germination, 2–3 pieces per vine, and they will be stored until spring!

Muscat - late-ripening long-climbing pumpkin variety. Fruit 4.7–6.5 kg. The color is orange-cream. The pulp is orange, dense, sweet and juicy. Most suitable for the non-chernozem zone.

T-7(selection from pumpkin variety Yubileinaya 77). Medium-late, long-climbing. The fruit is from 1.5 to 2.5 kg, dark green with a slightly translucent mesh. The pulp is dark orange, dense, sweet and juicy. Most suitable for the non-chernozem zone.

Candied pumpkin- mid-season, long-climbing. The fruit is from 2.5 to 5 kg, dark green, light brown when ripe. The pulp is 4–6 cm thick, orange to red, sweet, juicy. Most suitable for the non-chernozem zone.

But pumpkin seeds are also very healthy: they contain a large amount of essential microelements and up to 52% high-quality oil! In addition, dry seeds without peel have long been used in folk medicine as a means to expel worms.

The seeds of this variety do not have a hard shell; they are eaten without peeling! With a little work, these seeds can be used to prepare excellent sweet delicacies, such as kozinaki. And the pulp of the fruit is used for food like a regular pumpkin.

But you must remember, if you want to get seeds without a peel, you should plant this truly exotic variety away from other pumpkins and other members of the family: zucchini and squash. All these plants belong to the same species and easily cross-pollinate each other. In this case, the gymnosperm pumpkin may lose its unique ability to form naked seeds. Otherwise, the methods of growing gymnospermous pumpkin are no different from the agricultural techniques of conventional varieties.

Early and late ripening pumpkin varieties

Variety Rocket- the pumpkin stem reaches a length of about 4–5 m. The shape of the fruit is elongated and elliptical, weighing about 5 kg. The bark is light gray in color. Some fruits are distinguished by light, wide stripes that run from the top of the fruit to the stalk. The orange interior is quite dense. The period from germination to full ripening is about 150 days. The seeds of this variety are light brown.

Bead- this pumpkin variety produces branches in small quantities. There is a greater predominance of female flowers. This type is also bush-shaped and single-stemmed. The shape is cylindrical, the base is ribbed, and the top is quite smooth. Has a light green color. The weight of the fruit reaches 200 g. The inside is cream-colored and has good taste. It has good early maturity and productivity.

Yantra - It is considered an early and fairly high-yielding variety. The pulp of this variety is very tender with good taste. The plant has a small compact bush. Male and female flowers open almost simultaneously. The period from germination to full ripening is about 50 days. The weight of the fruit reaches about 300 g.

Flashlight- is considered a mid-season pumpkin variety. The period from germination to full ripening is about 100 days. The fruits resemble a medium-sized glowing bright lampshade. The shape of the fruit is round-flat, weight reaches 5 kg. The bark is light orange. The pulp has a good delicate taste; the yellow, juicy pulp has a delicate texture that does not change during long-term storage in winter in ventilated areas.

Can be stored for a long time. Due to its valuable taste characteristics and content of medicinal substances, the variety is included in products for dietary and baby food.

Barnaul bush pumpkin- is considered a mid-early variety. The period from germination to ripening is about 105 days. The shape of the fruit is oval-cylindrical of medium size. The weight of the fetus reaches 5 kg. Has a gray color. Can be stored for a long time and is resistant to low temperatures.

Biryuchekutskaya 735- mid-season variety with high yield. It stands out for the beautiful golden color of its fruits with delicate pale orange flesh. The shape of the fruit is flat-round, slightly segmented. The fruits have a high percentage of dry matter and valuable biologically active compounds.

Atlant- a pumpkin variety that requires a long growing season (from 115 to 130 days), therefore it is included in the group of late-bearing ones. The fruits can reach large sizes and weigh up to 50 kg.

The shape is oval, the color is orange, the surface is segmented or almost smooth.

The pulp is dense, light orange, juicy. The bark is thick and strong. The lashes are quite long. Their strong shortening is undesirable.

Barn- this is a new highly productive variety. Semi-bush, mid-season. The fruits are dark green, flat-round, weighing 2–4 kg. The variety is distinguished by its high carotene content and is ideally preserved. The pulp is bright orange and juicy.

Big Max- another late-ripening pumpkin variety, popular among Russian gardeners. Big Max fruits weigh 40 kg. It reaches this mass in 4.5 months from the moment of emergence.

It is recommended to first grow seedlings, which are planted in open ground after the last May-June frosts. The variety is distinguished by its high yield and rare beauty of pink-orange skin. The pulp is dense, sweet, orange in color, with a high dry matter content.

hundred pound- belongs to the group of mid-season pumpkin varieties. Produces large yields of beautiful large yellow or orange fruits.

The peel appears polished and has a smooth surface.

The pulp is orange or light yellow, the consistency is soft and loose. It has good keeping quality.

There are so many pumpkins in nature! And round, and flat, and elongated, in the shape of a jug or like a snake, bright orange, pale yellow, gray with specks, or even green with stripes. The types and varieties of pumpkin are amazing in their diversity. The more difficult it is for a gardener to make a choice.

There are three varieties of pumpkins found in fields, farms, and gardens around the world: hard-boiled, butternut squash, and butternut squash. Among them there are pumpkins with large fruits and portioned ones, bush and climbing pumpkins, with a large number of seeds or very sweet pulp, fodder pumpkins (used to feed animals), table pumpkins (that’s what we eat) or decorative ones. Are you ready to take a closer look at the features of the most popular varieties?

Hard-bark pumpkins

Hardbark pumpkins get their name from their very thick, woody skin when ripe. Remember how difficult it is to peel a large zucchini that has been stored behind the sofa all winter? But because both zucchini and squash also belong to hard-bark pumpkins, but now we are not talking about them.

Hard-bark pumpkins are good because they ripen early (in late August - early September) and have not the largest fruits, but the most delicious seeds. Among this variety of pumpkins there are bush varieties, which is very convenient in terms of saving space.

The stalk of hard-barked pumpkins is ribbed with pronounced grooves, the stem is hairy and spiny, and the leaves are pentagonal.

The seeds are creamy with pronounced rims.

Large-fruited pumpkins

Large-fruited pumpkins, as you might guess, are the largest. But they are also the sweetest; the sugar content of some varieties reaches 15%, which is much more than in the sweetest watermelon.

The stalk of large-fruited varieties is cylindrical and round. The stem is also round and without grooves, and the leaves are kidney-shaped or close to pentagonal.

The seeds of large-fruited pumpkins are milky white, matte or brown.
In addition, large-fruited pumpkins tolerate low temperatures better than others and are stored for a very long time in an ordinary apartment.

butternut squash

Butternut squash have a pentagonal stalk with a pronounced expansion towards the base.

Butternut squash seeds are dirty yellow or brown in color.

Muscat varieties are considered the most delicious and rich in vitamins, but they have one drawback: they are all heat-loving and late-ripening, that is, they often do not have time to ripen during our short summer. Therefore, most often they are recommended to be grown only in the southern regions.

But don't rush to get upset. You can grow nutmeg pumpkins in the middle zone. Firstly, this pumpkin is grown through seedlings. The seeds are sown at the end of April, and the plants are planted in the ground in the first half of June. And secondly, nutmeg pumpkins can be removed unripe and left to ripen in the house.

Both large-fruited and nutmeg pumpkins are removed from the garden before the first frost.

Which pumpkin is better to plant? Everything, as always, depends on your preferences and goals. If you want to enjoy fried, boiled or stewed pumpkin in the summer, and only store seeds for the winter, plant more summer hard-bark varieties.

If you love pumpkin juice, baked pumpkin and want to preserve the fruits until spring, then choose large-fruited or nutmeg varieties.

If you prefer pumpkin fresh in salads, the gray-fruited varieties with sweet flesh are best for you.

The choice, as they say, is yours. And our table of pumpkin varieties and varieties will help you with this.

Table of types and varieties of pumpkin

Pumpkin variety with photo Characteristics of the variety

Pumpkin Zorka

Large-fruited, table.
Medium early.
Climbing, powerful, long lashes.
The fruit is dark gray with orange spots, the average weight of pumpkins is 5-6 kg.
The pulp is bright orange, dense and very sweet (sugar content -12-14%).
The variety is valued for its exceptional sweetness and high carotene content (there is more of it in Zorka fruits than in carrots). Used for preparing baby food.

Pumpkin Russian

Early ripening.
The fruit resembles a bright orange top; the average weight of pumpkins is 2-4 kg.
The flesh is orange, tender and sweet with hints of melon.
The variety is cold-resistant, high-yielding, has a lot of pulp and few seeds.

Pumpkin Acorn

Solid bark, dining room.
There are both bush and climbing varieties.
The small acorn-like fruit is usually green (Table King and Tabe Queen), black (Ebony), yellow (Golden Acorn, Fordhook) or white (White Acorn).
The pulp is light yellow, almost white, slightly sweet.
Another name for the variety is “Acorn”; in cooking, this variety is used for baking and stuffing, because when fresh, the taste is reminiscent of zucchini.

Solid bark, dining room.
Early ripening.
In appearance, the fruit resembles a melon, elongated, pale yellow when ripe.
The pulp is yellow, sweetish with notes of nut and lemon.
When cooked, the flesh of this squash breaks down into spaghetti-like fibers, hence the name.

Marble Pumpkin

Large-fruited, table.
Late ripening.
Round, tuberculate, segmented fruits of dark green color, average weight - 3.5-4.5 kg.
The pulp is rich orange, very sweet, crispy, dense.
A high-yielding variety, rich in carotene, can be consumed fresh.

Pumpkin Freckle

Solid bark, dining room.
Early ripening.
Bush, the vines are not long, the leaves are not large.
Round small fruits (1-3 kg), green mesh.
The pulp is yellow or orange, not very sweet (sugar content 6.5%).
The seeds are small, the variety is suitable for growing when there is a shortage of space.

Pumpkin Candy

Large-fruited, table.
Early ripening.
Climbing, lashes of medium length (1.5 meters).
The fruit is segmented, round, red-orange in color, the average weight of pumpkins is 1.2-2 kg.
The pulp is dark orange, juicy, dense, sweet (sugar content - 4.5-6.5%).
The variety is cold-resistant, high-yielding, very sweet, rich in vitamin C.

Gribovskaya bush

Solid bark, dining room.
Early ripening.
Bushy, grows like a zucchini.
Ripe pumpkins are yellow with dark green stripes, not too large (2.5-5 kg), egg-shaped.
Dark yellow flesh, ordinary pumpkin taste.
It is valued for not spreading around the garden and taking up little space.


Tough, universal.
Climbing, long lashes
The fruits weigh 4-5 kg, round, orange in color.
The pulp is orange-yellow, very sweet, crispy and juicy.
Great for making juices and baby food. Stores well and for a long time.

Volzhskaya gray pumpkin

Large-fruited, table.
Climbing, branched, long lashes (up to 8 m).
The fruit is round, slightly flattened, light gray in color, the average weight of pumpkins is 7-9 kg.
The color of the pulp ranges from pale yellow to bright orange, the density and sweetness are average (sugar content 6-8%).
The variety is drought-resistant, transportable, and can be stored well and for a long time.


Tough, universal.
Early ripening.
The fruits are round, ribbed, orange with yellow spots, weighing 2.5-5 kg.
The pulp is yellow, fibrous, not very sweet, sugar content 5-6%.
This pumpkin variety is cold-resistant, productive and long-lasting.

Bush orange

Solid bark, dining room.
The fruits are orange, round, large - 4-7 kg.
The pulp is yellow, juicy and sweet.
Compact plants, the variety is suitable for small areas.


Solid bark, dining room.
Medium early.
The fruits are ovoid, yellow with dark green and yellow stripes, average weight is 4-5 kg.
The pulp is pale orange, dense, quite sweet, sugar content 6-7%.
The variety is transportable and lightweight.

Winter sweet

Large-fruited, table.
Late ripening.
Climbing, lashes up to 5-6 meters in length.
The fruits are oval, tuberculate, slightly segmented, dark gray in color, average weight is 4.5-6.5 kg.
The pulp is orange or bright yellow, dense, very sweet.
This variety is heat-loving and drought-resistant. Recommended for the production of juices and baby food.

Winter dining room

Large-fruited, table.
Late ripening.
The fruits are flattened, segmented, light gray, and may have pink or green stripes.
The pulp is orange, very sweet and dense.
Transportable and shelf-stable variety.


Large-fruited, table.
The fruits are round, bright orange with whitish stripes, medium-sized - 2-3 kg.
The pulp is orange, crispy, very sweet with a delicate melon aroma.
Cold-resistant variety, can be stored well until January at room temperature.


Large-fruited, table.
Medium late.
Climbing, lashes of medium length.
The fruits are flat, smooth, gray in color with gray spots and stripes. Fruit weight is 3-6 kg.
The pulp is orange, crispy, very juicy and sweet.
Heat-loving, drought-resistant variety, stores well.


Large-fruited, table.
The fruits are flat, light gray, almost white, weighing 1-3 kg.
The pulp is bright yellow, dense, brittle, slightly juicy and sweet.


Large-fruited, table.
Early ripening.
Semi-bush, medium-length lashes.
The fruits are light gray, reticulated.
The pulp is orange, juicy and sweet.
Withstands summer temperature changes.

hundred pound

Large-fruited, versatile.
Late ripening.
Climbing, long lashes.
The oval fruits are smooth, slightly segmented, yellow, orange, white, gray or pink. The weight of the fetus is 6-10 kg.
The pulp is white-yellow or orange, thick, slightly sweet, sugar content - 4-5%.


Large-fruited, versatile.
The fruits are round, yellow, very large (average weight - 60 kg).
The pulp is white, sweet.
The fruits reach enormous sizes up to 100 kg, so the variety is mainly grown for its seeds.


Muscat, dining room.
Late ripening.
Climbing, the lashes are long and strongly branched.
The fruits are pear-shaped, light orange or yellow-brown in color and do not reach large sizes (0.5 - 1.5 kg).
The pulp is bright orange, very sweet, fibrous, oily with a nutty flavor.
Other names for the variety are “Nut” or “Muscat”. Stores well at room temperature.


Muscat, dining room.
Late ripening.
Climbing, long lashes.
The fruits are oval, green in color with barely noticeable stripes, weighing 4-6.8 kg.
The pulp is bright orange, very tender, crispy and sweet, sugar content – ​​5-7%
This pumpkin contains a lot of carotene; it is recommended to eat it fresh, use it for baby food and make juice.

Children's delicacy pumpkin

Large-fruited, table.
The fruits are small, round, orange with green stripes, weighing up to 3 kg.
The pulp is pale orange, dense, juicy, sweet.
A fruitful, portioned variety with excellent taste, can be consumed fresh.

Gribovskaya winter pumpkin

Large-fruited, table.
Late ripening.
The fruit is round, gray, without a pattern, smooth or slightly segmented. Average pumpkin weight: 3-4 kg.
The pulp is dense, juicy, sweet, bright yellow or orange. Sugar content up to 10.4%.
The variety has high taste qualities and is perfectly stored until the next harvest. Resistant to major pumpkin diseases.

Large-fruited, table.
Climbing, medium length lashes
The fruits are round, light gray, slightly segmented or smooth. Average weight – 3-5 kg.
The pulp is yellow, dense, sweet.
A very unpretentious variety, resistant to a range of diseases. Stores well and for a long time. The seeds of this variety have a high oil content.

Pumpkin Amazon

Large-fruited, table.
Early ripening.
Climbing, but the lashes are short, no more than a meter.
The fruits are portioned, weighing 1-1.5 kg, slightly flattened, orange with light stripes.
The pulp is crispy, very sweet, bright orange in color with a high content of sugar and carotene.
The advantages of the variety are its high taste (can be consumed fresh) and suitability for long-term storage.

Pumpkin Gymnosperm

Solid bark, dining room.
Medium climbing.
The fruits can be either spherical or pear-shaped, dark green or green with a yellow mesh, weighing up to 2 kg.
The pulp is orange-yellow, tender, sweet (5-8% sugars).
First of all, gymnosperm pumpkin seeds are valued - large, fleshy, with a high oil content, and most importantly - without skin.

Pumpkin Big Moon

Large-fruited, table.
Medium late.
Powerful, climbing, lashes up to 3 meters long.
The fruits are very large, yellow, smooth or slightly segmented, the pumpkin weighs 15-40 kg, but this is not the limit. Some pumpkins can reach 90 kg.
The pulp is yellow-orange, dense, juicy, of good taste.
The variety is valued for its large size, good keeping quality, ease of cultivation and resistance to major diseases.

Parisian golden pumpkin

Large-fruited, table.
Medium early.
Climbing, the lashes are long and powerful.
The fruits are flattened, yellow-orange with distinct segments, weighing 8-10 kg.
The pulp is yellow-orange, thick, tender, dense and sweet.
A high-yielding variety that is resistant to unfavorable growing conditions. Tastes at the highest level, rich in vitamins. Stores well and for a long time.

Pumpkin Palav Kadu

Muscat, dining room.
The fruits are orange, round, segmented and large: weighing up to 10 kg.
The pulp is orange, very juicy, sweet.
The variety is valued for its amazing taste and unprecedented juiciness.

Pumpkin Potimaron Red sun

Large-fruited, table.
Medium late.
Climbing, long lashes.
The fruits are small orange (may have green stripes), with an elongated neck. Average pumpkin weight: 2-3 kg.
The pulp is yellow, dense and sweet.
The variety has an excellent taste and works well in the middle zone. It can be stored until the new year without loss of taste.

Pumpkin Roll

Large-fruited, versatile.
The fruits are spherical, gray, smooth or slightly segmented, weighing up to 10 kg.
The pulp is yellow, juicy, but not very sweet (sugar content about 4%).
It is grown mainly for its seeds, which have a high oil content. In addition, very healthy juice is obtained from this variety.

Pumpkin Titan

Large-fruited, versatile.
Climbing, long lashes.
The fruits are huge, orange, spherical, segmented. Average pumpkin weight: 20-50 kg, but they say that this is not the limit
The pulp is yellow, thick, and quite sweet.
The variety is grown mainly for its size; the taste of the variety, although not bad, is not outstanding. To grow a giant, you need to leave only one pumpkin on the lash.

Pumpkin Prikubanskaya

Muscat, dining room.
Medium late.
Climbing, the lashes reach 3-4 meters.
The fruits are smooth or slightly segmented, pear-shaped, orange-brown in color with orange and brown spots, weighing 2-5 kg.

Pumpkin is a very healthy vegetable, it is used in all areas of agriculture, eaten, and fed to livestock and poultry. Pumpkin varieties with photos and descriptions will help you get a complete picture about this vegetable, and you can also find out which varieties are best to plant for certain purposes. It is clear that there are very well-known varieties, and there are completely new ones with unknown characteristics, and to evaluate them you need to try growing pumpkin on your plot, or read our article, in which we described everything in detail, you just have to read and remember this one for sure useful information.

Did you know that some varieties can be consumed raw, using them as salad components? And what about large-fruited varieties of pumpkins that are best stored? All interesting facts about this vegetable are below.

“Acorn” - or acorn, in common parlance. You probably already guessed that the fruits of this variety look very similar to acorns. The color of the pulp is orange with a yellowish tint, and the taste is sweet. The peel has different color shades.


The shape of the vegetable is almost round; according to the ripening period, it belongs to the mid-season varieties of pumpkin. The peel color is orange, the fruits are quite large, up to seven kilograms. The pulp is distinguished by its delicate, sweet taste, the color of the pulp is orange with a yellow tint.

Pumpkin "smile"

A representative of early ripening varieties, the ripening period is slightly less than 3 months. You can collect up to 10 fruits from a bush, but they themselves are small, weighing about one and a half kilograms, the peel is light orange, divided by light stripes. It is well preserved and can be stored right up to January at room temperature. Sweet pulp with an unsurpassed aroma will definitely delight lovers of this vegetable.

Spaghetti pumpkin

The name speaks for itself. You probably already guessed that the pulp of this variety will be fibrous and reminiscent of the famous Italian dish. The color and shape are very similar to the color and shape of a melon. The maturity of the fruit can be determined this way, because when they turn yellow, then they are already fully ripe.


Belongs to early ripening varieties. The vegetable itself is not large, and rarely exceeds a weight of three kilograms. The skin is light green. The flesh is orange with a yellow tint, the taste is sweet, somewhat reminiscent of a pear. Refers to high-yielding varieties with good keeping quality.

"Gribovskaya bush 189"

Representative of varieties with an early ripening period, approximately 100 days, from planting to harvest. The shape of the fruit is oval, long, the color of the peel is light orange. The fruits themselves are not large, their weight does not exceed four kilograms. The pulp is orange and very tasty.

Pumpkin "dacha"

Refers to varieties of medium ripening. The fruit is oval-shaped, orange in color with green spots, weighing a little more than four kilograms. The pulp is orange, bright, has a juicy structure, sweet taste and vanilla aroma. The yield of “dacha” is quite high, and the shelf life of the fruit is up to four months.

Orange bush pumpkin

Belongs to representatives of early ripening varieties. The fruits are quite large, up to five kilograms, round in shape, orange in color. The pulp is fleshy, up to seven centimeters, the taste is very high. It is characterized by good keeping quality and ease of cultivation and care.

Large-fruited pumpkin varieties:

Large pumpkin fruits, excellent resistance to cold, unpretentiousness to conditions, this is what distinguishes large-fruited varieties.


Refers to early ripening pumpkin varieties. The fruits are pear-shaped, orange in color, quite small, weighing on average only 3.5 kilograms, but this is compensated by high yield and cold resistance. The tender pulp has a melon flavor.


Such fruits can be found everywhere in the gardens of summer residents; the fruits are quite large, over 20 kilograms, but they have the peculiarity that the smaller they are, the more pleasant their taste.

"Gribovskaya winter"

Late ripening period, from planting to harvesting takes 4.5 months. The pumpkins themselves are quite small, weighing up to 4 kilograms, with a gray skin. The pulp is bright yellow, or even reddish. It is distinguished by its brightly sweet taste and delicate structure; the pulp itself is thick, up to 6 centimeters. The fruits have good keeping quality.

"Winter Sweet"

Belongs to late-ripening varieties. The fruits themselves are quite large, up to six kilograms, slightly flattened, segmented in structure. The peel is dark gray. The pulp itself is bright orange, thick, quite sweet, it contains a lot of juice, it is often fed to small children, or juices are made from the pulp of sweet winter pumpkin.

Pumpkin "medicinal"

Belongs to early ripening varieties, very often recommended as part of dietary nutrition. The fruits are flattened, their weight ranges from 3 to 5 kilograms. It has a thin skin and is gray in color. The pulp, orange in color, crunches pleasantly under the teeth, has a sweetish taste, and juicy pulp.

"Merchant's Wife"

The ripening period is medium early. The peel is yellow, the fruits themselves are flattened and quite large, on average about 18 kilograms, sometimes reaching a weight of 24 kilograms. They have good keeping quality and can be stored for a little less than six months. The taste is quite pleasant.

Pumpkin candy description - Refers to varieties of medium ripening. Fertile soils are best suited for its cultivation. All the fruits in the bush ripen at about the same time; there can be up to eight of them, each weighing up to 2.5 kilograms. Her skin has a reddish tint, which is diluted with green spots. High-yielding.

The pulp is orange in color, very bright, has a high taste, very juicy, and has a pleasant crunch. The sugar content is approximately 8%, and it also contains a lot of vitamin C.

Pumpkin candy photo


The rating participant is on the side of mid-season varieties. The color of the fruits is grayish green, and they themselves are slightly flat. Small in size and weight, about 5 kilograms each. The pulp is orange in color, quite sweet and juicy, with a pleasant crunch. Suitable for growing in the southern regions, it is not afraid of drought, and loves warmth; it does not cope well with frost. Has good keeping quality.

Volga gray pumpkin

It is classified as a mid-season variety based on its ripening period. The fruits of this variety are gray, as is clear from the name, round in shape, weighing on average 7.5 kilograms. The pulp is orange, sometimes yellow in color, moderately sweet and juicy, has good keeping quality, and does well in the southern regions.


Maturation occurs in the average time range, as with all representatives of this category. Peel color, light gray, fairly flat, small, up to three kilograms in weight. The pulp is sweet, yellow, but not juicy.

Pumpkin Altair.

It has a gray peel, very juicy and sweet pulp, which can be eaten raw.

Butternut squash varieties:

Muscat representatives have both their advantages: good keeping quality, excellent taste, and disadvantages: they are demanding to care for, love warmth, and do not cope well with cold weather; they are better suited for growing in the southern regions. In the northern regions, they are grown only as seedlings at first, after which they are planted in open ground. The pulp of nutmeg pumpkins can be eaten raw.

Butternut squash is also known as butternut squash or butternut squash. The fruits are pear-shaped and small in size, weighing up to one kilogram. The pulp is orange in color, very juicy and has a strong aroma. It is stewed, baked, and eaten raw; the latter is the most rational option if you want to get maximum benefits, because it contains a lot of minerals and vitamins that are beneficial to the body.


It has a gray peel, orange flesh, juicy and sweet. It is recommended to consume it raw.

"Vitamin Pumpkin"

It takes quite a long time to ripen. The fruits are oval-shaped, green, small in size, each weighing approximately 5.6 kilograms. The pulp is orange in color, tender, has a very high taste, and is sweet. It is often included in baby food, served raw, and juices are also made from it.

Video of pumpkin varieties with description:


We have provided pumpkin varieties with photos and descriptions, we hope you are satisfied with the completeness of the information and its diversity, all that remains is to choose the one suitable for yourself and start growing it. We wish you good luck in your garden, there was a website with you - all the best and see you again!

Pumpkin is recognized throughout the world as a valuable vegetable plant. Pumpkin dishes are easy to digest, contain many beneficial substances for the body and are very affordable. But neither the majority of housewives who add pumpkin to porridge, making delicious juice or tasty jam for the winter, nor gardeners know that very different interesting crops are united under one name.

Moreover, these plants not only belong to different species, but also have completely different purposes.

Classification of pumpkin varieties

The genus Cucurbita, which unites numerous varieties of pumpkin, includes 18 species, most of which have no culinary value, and some are used as fodder, ornamental and industrial crops.

The main center of origin and distribution of pumpkin plant species is Central and South America, where these plants were familiar and used by people in ancient times. However, some subspecies originate from the Asian region and Africa. Currently, thanks to the development of connections between countries and continents, gardeners have access to all species diversity, and they can try to grow the most unusual plants on their own plot.

And the most famous cultural food species in the world include:

  • large-fruited pumpkin or Cucurbita maxima;
  • hard-bark pumpkin or Cucurbita pepo;
  • or Cucurbita moschata.

At the same time, two types, namely large-fruited and hard-barked pumpkins, are also grown for livestock feed.

One of the large-fruited subspecies is the spectacularly shaped pumpkin shown in the photo, reminiscent of Turkish headdresses and grown as an ornamental crop. But loved by many and, although eaten in the form of greens, they also belong to pumpkins and belong to the species Cucurbita pepo.

With a lot of common features and properties, cultivated types and varieties of pumpkin, as in the photo, have a number of differences in the appearance of the green parts of plants and fruits, as well as in their quality.

If you look at the stems, the large-fruited pumpkin will have an almost rounded cross-section, while the hard-barked pumpkin will have clearly visible edges.

A plant belonging to the species Cucurbita maxima can be recognized by its almost flat leaf blades, while the leaves of the butternut squash have a clearly visible notch in the center. And the leaves of the hard-barked pumpkin are covered with coarse, thorn-like hair.

  • The fruits of hard-barked and large-fruited pumpkins most often have a round or elongated shape, and the seeds are located in the middle of the fruit in volumetric cavities.
  • In the pear-shaped nutmeg pumpkin, the pulp occupies almost the entire volume of the fruit, and there are very few seeds, and they are located closer to the expanding end.

Pumpkins cultivated in Russia and all over the world can have a climbing or bush form. Moreover, the subgroup of bush pumpkins, as in the photo, includes zucchini, zucchini, and zucchini, cut from the plant at the age of 6–14 days.

So what is good about this or that type of pumpkin? What are its characteristic features and features? Photos of types and varieties of pumpkin will help you understand all the diversity.

The name of this type of pumpkin speaks for itself.

Large-fruited pumpkin varieties are popular among gardeners all over the world, but the most outstanding specimens can only be obtained in long, warm summers. Under favorable conditions, the weight of pumpkins reaches several hundred kilograms, and gourmet varieties accumulate up to 15% sugar.

It is not surprising that the Cucurbita maxima pumpkin species is most widespread in its homeland, Peru, as well as in the southern states of the USA, Bolivia and India, where many interesting local varieties have been obtained. It is interesting that large-fruited pumpkins, even those belonging to the same species, amaze with their shapes, colors and even sizes. Along with giant plants, there are also dwarfs that produce very modest fruits, like the already mentioned turban-shaped pumpkin in the photo.

A striking representative of a large-fruited species in Russian beds can be considered such a well-known variety as the “Hundred Pound” pumpkin, in the photo, even in the middle zone it grows up to 10–15 kg, and in warmer regions it pleases summer residents with fruits of 35–50 kg. The pumpkin variety is distinguished by its thin orange bark, loose yellow-orange pulp and resistance to common crop diseases.

Among the large-fruited record holders are pumpkins of the “Titan” and “Kupchikha” varieties, which have not let down gardeners for many years.

But the hybrid “Teschenka” only recently appeared in vegetable gardens, but has already established itself as a high-yielding crop, producing fruits weighing up to 20 kg. The pulp of such pumpkins is rich in carotene, has a decent taste and does not lose quality during long-term storage.

Hardbark pumpkin (Cucurbita rero)

This type of pumpkin growing wild was once discovered by the Indian tribes of Central America and became one of the most popular, if not iconic, plants in the region.

The annual vegetable plant, now represented by many dozens of varieties and varieties, is grown everywhere from southern Mexico to the central United States. The culture contains both climbing and bush plants, and some of the subspecies are decorative pumpkins, as in the photo, used to decorate the garden and interior.

Cucurbita pepo, as a species, is divided into several independent varieties, including: hard-barked pumpkin, squash and squash.

The hard-barked pumpkin got its name due to the rough, very dense layer of bark that gains strength as the fruits ripen. This is the fastest ripening species in Russian gardens, but pumpkin lovers should note that the pulp of this type of fruit can be quite coarse, so you should choose varieties for cultivation especially carefully. Today, summer residents are offered many interesting hybrids and varieties of pumpkin, among which there are plants of very unusual appearance and properties.

An early ripening hard-bark pumpkin of the “Spaghetti” variety ripens in 65–80 days and during the growing season forms a long-climbing plant with oval fruits of a yellowish or cream color. Pumpkin weight ranges from 800 to 1.5 kg, but the main feature of the variety is hidden under the hard bark. This is a low-juicy pulp that breaks down into separate fibers, the appearance of which gave the name to the variety. The sweetness of this pumpkin, in the photo, is not great, but the variety is loved by vegetarians and adherents of proper nutrition for the opportunity to enjoy unusual vegetable “pasta”.

Amazon is an early ripening variety of pumpkin, the main value of which is its small portioned fruits weighing about one kilogram. The juicy orange pulp of pumpkin is rich in sugar and carotenes, valuable for baby and dietary nutrition. At the same time, the productive variety can be classified as bush pumpkins with short, barely developed vines.

A characteristic feature of the culture is oil-rich, tasty seeds without a hard surface shell. The pumpkin in the photo is unpretentious, but it cannot be stored for a long time due to the danger of seeds sprouting inside the fruit.

The ultra-early ripening variety of bush pumpkin “Smile” easily tolerates frost, is productive and is valued as a source of sweet portioned fruits with pulp that smells like real melon.

A typical example of bush pumpkin varieties are squash and zucchini grown in every garden, as well as zucchini, popular today, with fruits of all shades of yellow and green.

Butternut squash can easily be called the most delicious of all cultivated species. It is not surprising that the seeds of this particular culture were found by archaeologists during the study of ancient settlements in South America.

According to morphological characteristics, namely the appearance of stems, leaves and flowers, this type of pumpkin occupies an intermediate position between Cucurbita maxima and Cucurbita pepo. But the pulp of the fruit is strikingly different in appearance and taste, because on average it contains up to 11.5% sugar, is dense, oily and has a subtle pleasant smell.

True, it is more difficult to grow nutmeg pumpkin fruits than large-fruited or hard-barked ones. Plants are demanding of heat and humidity, and pumpkin varieties are mid- or late-season. There are six subspecies of butternut squash in the world. But the most popular are pear-shaped pumpkins, called “butternut” due to the taste and consistency of the pulp.

For Russian summer residents, breeders offer fairly cold-resistant varieties of pumpkin of this type, which bear sweet, delicious fruits in 90–120 days.

An early-ripening variety of nutmeg pumpkin, “Sugar Mace,” forms climbing plants that can simultaneously ripen up to 8 fruits weighing from one and a half to two kilograms.

The peculiarity of the pumpkin variety, as in the photo, is the unusual shape of the fruits and their fairly rapid ripening. Sweet and juicy pulp, rich in carotene, vitamins and can be used for making juices, baby food and other types of culinary processing

Pumpkin variety "Pearl" ripens three weeks later. The fruits in this case have the classic shape of a pear-shaped pumpkin and reach 3–6 kg in weight. The rich orange pulp contains a lot of sugar and carotene, which makes it suitable for baby and medical nutrition. The plants tolerate dry periods well, and the fruits can ripen indoors.

“Pineapple” nutmeg pumpkin is a mid-season hybrid with long vines and pear-shaped delicious fruits weighing up to 2.5 kg. The bark of this variety of pumpkins, as in the photo, has a cream or yellowish tint, and the pulp can accumulate up to 10% sugar. Butternut squash is versatile and disease resistant.

The Peruvian jungle is home to another type of pumpkin, which, unlike the plants already described, is a perennial crop.

Externally, a green pumpkin, on the surface of which a whitish fancy pattern is clearly visible, when cut, looks more like an unripe watermelon. The oval or elongated fruit of the figleaf pumpkin has rough white or yellowish flesh with a sweetish aroma and taste. The seeds also resemble watermelon in both shape and hard black shell. The plants are vigorous, climbing, individual shoots reach 10 meters in length.

Green pumpkins of this type are used in vegetable side dishes, subjected to heat treatment, and ripe ones are a raw material for confectionery and alcoholic beverages. Despite its tropical origin, this type of pumpkin, as in the photo, can be easily grown even in the North-West of the country.

Wax gourd (Benincasa hispida)

Elongated green pumpkins of this species were originally known only in the Southeast. But today the first varieties of pumpkin of the genus Benincasa hispida have appeared in Russia. The fruits are dark green in color and have an unusual dense bark that feels like wax.

The Chengzhou wax gourd variety produces fruits that are ready for harvest 125-130 days after sowing. Pumpkins ripen on long powerful vines. The weight of each fruit reaches 6–15 kg, and its length ranges from 25 to 50 cm.

The milky pulp of this type of pumpkin can be used boiled, stewed or fried. Both green pumpkins that have not reached ripeness and ripe fruits are used for culinary purposes. As the pumpkin ripens, it accumulates some sugar, but it cannot compare with butternut squash. But wax pumpkin holds the record for shelf life. Without loss of quality, fruits can last up to 2–3 years.
