Sports games in physical education lessons. Outdoor sports games

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Recommendations for teachers physical culture
Kalininsky district of Donetsk
Outdoor games in physical education lessons
culture for students of 58 classes
physical education teacher
DOSH IIIIst. No. 20
Yaremenko I.Yu.

Donetsk 2010
Outdoor games are the most accessible and effective method impact on a child
his active assistance. Thanks to games, the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and therefore especially
attractive. The game uses natural movements mostly in
entertaining unobtrusive form. Play is a child’s natural companion and therefore responds
laws laid down by nature itself in the developing body of a child - irrepressible
his need for cheerful movements. The main feature of outdoor games is the presence
active motor actions, due to which they are a recognized means and
method physical education and development. The educational value of outdoor games is not
comes down to the development of only such valuable physical qualities as speed, strength, agility,
endurance, flexibility. Many intellectual qualities develop: observation,
memory, logical thinking, intelligence.
The most important result of the game is joy and emotional uplift. Thereby
The remarkable property of outdoor games, especially with elements of competition, is more than
other forms of physical education are adequate to the needs of children. In addition, mobile
games selected taking into account age, health status, degree of physical
children's preparedness contributes to health improvement, hardening, strengthening of the body
When organizing outdoor games, it is necessary to carefully monitor sanitary
hygienic conditions of the classes, in particular cleanliness and temperature
the room and air used. Cleanliness of body and clothing is no less important.
those involved themselves. During the game, the metabolism in the body increases significantly
playing, gas exchange and heat transfer increase, in connection with this, students must
cultivate the habit of systematically washing hands and feet, wiping damp towel body
or douse yourself with water using generally accepted rules of hygiene and hardening the body
water procedures. Content orientation of the practical use of gaming
material in physical education lessons is, first of all, as follows.
If the lesson being conducted solves the problem of developing strength, then it is very beneficial
include auxiliary and leading games associated with short-term speed
power tension and a wide variety of forms of overcoming muscular
enemy resistance in direct contact with him. Basic
the content components of such games include various tugging, holding,
push-ups, elements of wrestling, weightlifting, etc. Very effective for solving
This task also includes motor operations with the player’s available
weights – bending, squats, push-ups, lifting, twisting, spinning, running or
jumping with a load that is feasible for them. This should also include quite useful for strength
development of those involved in throwing various items to range.
To develop the quality of speed, you should select games that require instant
responses to visual, sound or tactile signals. These games should include
includes physical exercises with periodic accelerations, sudden stops,
rapid jerks, momentary delays, running short distances in
the shortest possible time and other motor acts aimed at conscious and
purposefully ahead of the opponent.
To develop dexterity, it is necessary to use games that require precise
coordination of movements and quick coordination of their actions with teammates,
Possessing a certain physical skill.

To develop endurance, you need to find games that are obviously expensive.
strength and energy, with frequent repetitions of compound motor operations or with prolonged
continuous motor activity determined by the rules of the game being used.
Outdoor games are best used in close conjunction with other means
physical education, through integrated use with general developmental,
leading and special exercises.
When planning an outdoor game, you need to take into account the overall load of the lesson and determine
purpose, time and place among other exercises and learning tasks used.
Difficulty level of games used in lessons based on physical activity and complexity
game interaction between participants should be available to those involved and increase
methodically sound, smoothly and gradually.
In the process of practical implementation of the planned games, serious attention
it is necessary to pay strict adherence to the norms generally accepted in physical education lessons and
safety rules for both the players themselves and the spectators around them.
Gymnastics with basics of acrobatics
Keep your balance
Goal: development of coordination abilities, courage, prudence. Used in
as an auxiliary exercise for training tasks on the balance beam
or other narrow support.

common starting line. The distance between columns is 23 m. In front of each team
placed on a gymnastic bench on which 3 medicine balls are located, and through
A rotating stand is installed 10 m behind the bench.
Conduct: At the signal, the first players of each team rush forward and run
along the bench, jumping over the balls lying on it, then run to the counter, go around
her to the left, and return back, give the start to the next player of their team by touching
arms outstretched, after which they stand at the end of the column. If a player is running
loses his balance and leaves the bench, he must resume movement from the beginning
benches, having knocked the ball down, put it in place. The team that finishes wins
relay first.
Crossing on narrow poles
Goal: development of dexterity, vestibular apparatus, attention and prudence.
Organization: the class is divided into equal teams, lined up one at a time.
common starting line. The distance between the columns is 3 m. 10 m in front of each
the team installs 2 inverted benches (parallel and close to each other
Conduct: At the signal, each team, holding hands, runs up to its
“crossing” and begins to cross the “river” along the narrow edges of an inverted bench -
in a chain, without letting go of the neighbors' hands. The fastest team wins
“cross” without losing balance or breaking the chain.
Balance beam wrestling
Goal: development of coordination abilities, business perseverance and tactical
thinking. Used as a lead-in exercise for training assignments on
gymnastic balance beam.
Organization: the class is divided into equal teams, lined up one at a time
(boys in front, girls behind them) from different ends of the log, lined with mats.

Conduct: At a signal, one player from each team climbs onto a log from
their end and, meeting in the middle, try to deduce with the help of deceptive movements
throw the opponent off balance and push him. The player who pushes the opponent brings his
point for team, etc. The team that scores wins large quantity points.
Acrobatic relay
Goal: development of agility, speed, courage. Used as an auxiliary
exercises for training assignments in acrobatics.
Organization: the class is divided into three teams, lining up in columns one at a time
starting line. 7 m in front of the columns are placed transversely, close to each other, 3
benches covered with mats. A turning point is placed 15 m in front of each column.
Carrying out: At the signal, the guides of all columns run to their rotary stand,
with a long somersault, they overcome three benches standing in the way, go around
rotary stand and return back, etc. The team that finishes wins
relay first.
Medicine ball medley relay
Goal: development of agility, speed-strength qualities, flexibility. Used as
lead-in exercise for training tasks in acrobatics.
Organization: the class is divided into two teams, each of which, divided into 2 groups,
line up in opposing columns, legs slightly wider than shoulders. Distance between
opposing columns are 10 m, and between players 0.7 m. In the middle between the columns
a gymnastic mat is laid. Team captains receive a medicine ball.
Carrying out: At the signal, the guides pass the medicine ball over the head back,
bending over. The second player, having received the ball, leans forward and passes it back between his legs.
etc. The last player, having received the ball, runs forward with it, reaching the mat, makes
rolls forward with the ball in his hands, then continues running and passes the ball to the guide
counter column. They do the same thing, and he moves away. As a result, with
With each successive cycle, there are fewer and fewer players left. The team wins, the participants
which will finish the game faster.
Don't let the hoop fall
Goal: development of dexterity, prudence, speed. Used as a lead
Exercises for training tasks with a hoop.
Organization: the class is divided into teams that communicate at a distance
At arm's length, ranks line up one after another behind the common starting line. At 6, 8 and
Three lines are drawn 10 m from the start line. The players in the first row are given a hoop.
Conduct: At the signal, the players in the first rank must roll their hoop forward, and
when he crosses the 6th mark, run out and catch him before he falls to the floor. Member, not
Those who managed to catch their hoop or ran out ahead of time are eliminated from the game (1st round). In 2
round - 8 m, etc. The team that retains the most players after winning wins.
final round.
Ten jump ropes
Goal: development of dexterity, speed, attention. Used as a lead
exercises for learning tasks with a skipping rope.
Organization: the class is built in a column of four. Interval – 1.5 m, distance – 3 m.
The right flank players in the ranks are given a rope each. The method of jumping is discussed.
Conduct: At the signal, the right-flank players of all ranks perform 10 jumps on
place (in an agreed upon way) and pass the rope to the next player, etc. last

The player, having completed the task, lifts the rope above his head. The team wins
completed the task before others.
Catching "frogs"
Goal: development of agility, speed, attention, strength. Used as
auxiliary exercise for training tasks with vaults.
Organization: At a distance of 1012 m, the start and finish lines are marked. At 1.5 m
a second one is marked in front of the starting line. The class is divided into 2 teams, one of
who stands behind the starting line and takes an emphasis crouching with support on his hands,
set slightly forward. 1.5 m in front of them the players take the same position
another team.
Conduct: At the signal, all participants in the game begin jumping forward with a “frog”
pushing off with your arms and legs. The task of the back players is to catch up and harass the players
leading team until they reach the finish line. Then both teams
return to the start and change places. The team that catches the most wins
number of "frogs".
Running downhill
Goal: development of speed in easier conditions and attention. Used as
auxiliary exercise for training tasks in sprinting.
Organization: in a free clearing with a slope of up to 1012, the class is lined up in one
line behind the common starting line. Ahead, at 20 and 50 m, two transverse
control lines.
Conduct: At the signal, all players run forward, downhill, and for the first 20 m they
must run evenly, not overtaking each other, but catching up with the first line,
start running the race. The winner is the participant who crosses the 50 m line first, without
breaking the rules. There are separate scores for boys and girls.
Obstacle relay
Goal: development of speed and agility. Used as a lead-in exercise
for training sessions with the passing of the baton.

common starting line. The interval between columns is 3 m. The guides receive
relay baton. At 15 m there is a rotary stand, and in the middle of the 15 m segment is placed
a hoop in the center of which a small white circle is drawn with chalk.
Conduct: At the signal, the guiding players of the columns run to the turning post,
having reached the hoop lying on the way, they crawl through it, then put the hoop in place,
with a white circle in the center, and run on. Having caught up with the turning post, they go around
her and return back, climbing through the hoop again, after which, according to the rules
The athletics relay passes the baton to the next player. The team wins
who finished the relay faster.
Jumping on one leg
Goal: development of strength, agility, jumping ability. Used as an auxiliary
exercises for long jump training tasks.
Organization: the class is divided into 2 teams, lining up in a column one at a time
common starting line.
Carrying out: At a signal, the guiding players of the columns, standing on one leg, perform it
five jumps in a row, as far forward as possible, and stop. Second numbers

begin this task from the place where the previous jumper stopped
teams, etc. The winner is determined by the total length of jumps of all team players.
Jump over the stream
Goal: development of speed, jumping ability, prudence. Used as
auxiliary exercise for long jump training tasks.
Organization: the class is divided into two teams, forming a column one at a time
starting line. 8 m from the start, two parallel lines indicate
a conditional stream two meters wide, and after another 8 m in front of each column there is a
swivel stand.
Conduct: At the signal, the guiding players of the columns run to the turning post, with
take off jump over the stream, go around the stand and return back, overcoming
stream in the same way, and pass the baton to the next player. For each
Failure to cross the stream will add 2 penalty seconds to the team. The team wins
who completed the relay in the shortest time.
Accurate throwing
Goal: development of dexterity and prudence. Used as an auxiliary
exercises for training tasks on throwing at a target.
Organization: the class is divided into competing pairs, who are given a small ball each
and a gymnastic mace. The players of each pair stand facing each other at the ends
8m line, in the middle of which the mace is placed. Transverse marks are made on the line
distance 1 m.
Conduct: At the signal, players in pairs begin to take turns throwing the ball at the club,
trying to knock her over. The player who knocks down the mace moves it one meter closer to himself, and
the game continues under the same conditions. The winner is the one who, with accurate throwing, leads
mace to yourself.
Dodge the ball
Goal: development of speed and dexterity, operational thinking. Used as
lead-in exercise for training tasks involving throwing a ball at a target.
Organization: the participants of the game disperse around the site, in the center of which is located
driver with a tennis ball in his hands.
Conduct: At a signal, players move randomly around the court, dodging
the ball thrown at them by the driver. The participant who was hit by the ball enters the group
support the driver and together with him they upset the rest of the players using
auxiliary passes of the ball. As a result, the number of embattled players increases.
The winner is the last remaining undefeated player recognized
the fastest and most agile.
Throwing with maximum bounce
Goal: development of dexterity, prudence, strength. Used as an auxiliary
exercises for training tasks on throwing a ball and a grenade at a target and at a distance.
Organization: The starting line is drawn 8 m opposite the basketball backboard. For her
parallel lines are drawn through each meter with a digital indication of the footage. Class
is divided into 2 teams, and they line up in columns, one at a time, behind the starting line.
The guides receive the ball.
Conduct: At a signal, the guiding players of the columns throw the ball at the backboard at a distance
rebound, immediately run and pick it up and give it to the next participant. The further
rebound, the more points. The team whose players score a large amount
Catch up with the one in front

Goal: development of speed and dexterity, attention. Used as a lead
exercises for learning tasks with low or high start.
Organization: the class is divided into 2 teams, which line up in single ranks
behind the other. The distance between the ranks is 23 m. 3040 m in front of the first rank
a control line is drawn.
Conduct: At the signal, both teams run from a high (low) start to the control
lines. At the same time, the players in the back rank try to catch up and, with a touch of their hand, sully
running in front of you. Players who are spotted before the control line must
stop and raise your hand. Their number is counted. Then the teams change
in some places.
Long jumps with a penguin ball
Goal: development of speed and agility, jumping ability, prudence. Used as
lead-in exercise for long jump training tasks.
Organization: the class is divided into 2 teams, which line up in columns behind
starting line. A rotating stand is placed at 15 m. Directing players take
basketball and squeeze it between your legs.
Conduct: At the signal, the players directing the columns with long jumps with the ball,
squeezed between the knees, rush to the counter, go around it and return back. Player,
who loses the ball must pick it up, return to the place where he lost it and continue from there
movement. The team that finishes the relay first wins.
Throw the ball higher
Goal: development of speed, strength, prudence. Used as an auxiliary
exercises for educational tasks with running and throwing a ball at a distance.
Organization: participants stand in one line in front of a circle with a diameter of 3 m, in
in which a small ball lies, and are calculated in order. From the circle there is a marked
treadmill. Two judges are appointed: one at the circle, the other at the treadmill (he has
in hand different color checkboxes).
Conduct: At a signal, the first player enters the playing circle from the line and takes there
lying ball and throws it up. While the ball is flying, the player runs on a treadmill,
trying to run as far as possible while the ball is flying. When the ball lands
the judge at the circle says loudly: “stop”, and the judge at the track puts a flag against it
the place where the runner was caught by the ball landing. Then the same task is performed alternately
All participants. The winner is the one whose flag will stand next.
Running with obstacles
Goal: development of speed, jumping ability, attention. Used as
auxiliary exercise for training tasks on overcoming vertical and
horizontal obstacles.
Organization: the class is divided into 23 teams, which at 5-meter intervals
stand on the site behind the starting line in columns one at a time. Placed at 20 m
a rotating stand, and on the way to it, 2 barriers are installed at an equal distance. On
In the middle of the return journey a checkmate is placed.
Conduct: At the signal, the first players in the columns run to the stand, jumping over along the way
through 2 barriers, go around the counter and come back, jumping over the
checkmate, then touch the hand and pass the baton. For each barrier or mat not jumped over
2 penalty seconds are added. The team that completes the task in
least time.
Goal: development of speed, dexterity, tactics of joint actions.

Organization: the class is divided into 2 teams, lined up in columns, one behind the starting line
line. A medicine ball is placed 10 meters in front of each team.
Conduct: At the signal, participants sit on the floor with their legs bent. Each participant
grabs the partner sitting behind him by the ankles, and the whole column reminds
a crawling caterpillar, alternately moving its legs and buttocks. Moving like this
thus they reach medicine ball go around it and also return back.
Handicap Chase
Goal: development of speed, dexterity, attention.
Organization: At an interval of 34 m, draw 2 parallel lines A and B. Line
finish line C is held at a distance of 810 m from line B. Players are divided into 2 teams and
line up in 2 lines on lines A and B. Team B players occupy an awkward position
Conduct: At the signal, the participants rush to the finish line, with the players at the back
teams try to catch up and tarnish the players of the front team. For every person who gets dirty
one point is awarded. Then the teams change places. Victory is awarded to the team
who scored a large amount of points.
Sport games
Ten hits with a pass

exercises for training tasks on dribbling and passing the ball in basketball or handball.
Organization: the class is lined up in 3 lines. Right wing players of all ranks
get hit with the ball. Distance and interval – 2 m.
Conduct: At the signal, the right-wing players begin dribbling the ball on the spot from 10
bounce off the floor, and with the 11th blow they direct the ball’s rebound to the next player. Last
The player, having completed the task, raises the ball above his head. The winner is the team that completes
task before anyone else.
Ball flight
Goal: development of speed, dexterity, prudence. Used as a lead
exercises for training tasks on receiving and passing the ball in basketball, volleyball.
Organization: the class is divided into several equal teams that line up
in ranks one after another. One meter in front of the first rank between two posts
At a height of 2.5 m, a cord with flags is pulled. The players in the first row are given a ball.
Conduct: At the signal, the players in the first row must throw the ball over the cord and,
quickly run under it and catch the ball on the other side. The player who failed to catch
the ball before it lands is out of the game. Then the second rank performs the same task.
In the 2nd round, the distance increases to 1.5 m, in the 3rd – to 2 m, etc. The team wins
retaining the largest number of players after the final round.
Race balls in a circle with side steps
Goal: development of speed, dexterity, attention. Used as an auxiliary
exercises for educational tasks with receiving, dribbling, passing the ball in basketball.
Organization: the class is divided into 2 teams, which line up opposite
each other behind the end lines of the basketball court. 2 m in front of each line
A circle with a diameter of 6 m is drawn with chalk, and the guide is given a ball.

Conduct: At the signal, players of both ranks begin dribbling the ball with their side arms
steps in their circle, making the first turn with the right side forward, and the second player
left side, after which they pass the ball to the second numbers of their ranks and step aside.
The team that completes the task first wins.
Ball interception
Goal: development of speed, dexterity, operational thinking. Used as
auxiliary exercise for training tasks with passing the ball in basketball.
Organization: the participants of the game receive the ball and line up in a circle. Selected
ball interceptor who goes to the center of the circle.
Carrying out: At the signal, the players begin to pass the ball, and the interceptor, running
in a circle, tries to intercept the ball in flight, on the floor, or take it out of his hands. Having taken possession of the ball,
The interceptor takes the place of the player who lost the ball.
Fast passes
Goal: development of speed, dexterity, attention. Used as an auxiliary
exercises for training tasks on passing the ball in volleyball, basketball.
Organization: the class is divided into several equal teams, which choose captains and
stand in columns one at a time behind the starting line. Behind another line drawn at 46
In front of each team, its captain stands with the ball in his hands. To be specified
way of passing the ball.
Conduct: At the signal, the captains begin passing the ball to the first player of their
columns. Having accepted the ball, the player returns it to the captain and squats, etc. If
During these passes, the receiving player misses the ball, he must run to pick it up
him, return to his place and only then continue the game. The team wins
finished the task first.
Shots into the basket from the spot
Goal: development of dexterity, attention, accuracy. Used as an auxiliary
exercises for educational tasks with throwing baskets in basketball.
Organization: the class is divided into 2 teams, each of which occupies its own half
basketball court and line up one at a time behind the free throw line
throw. The guides receive the ball.
Conduct: At the signal, the captains begin to throw into the ring, then run to
board to pick up the ball and pass it to the next player in their column, and
They themselves return and stand at the end of the column. The team whose players wins
will throw more balls into the basket.
Volleyball relay race
Goal: development of speed, accuracy of movements, attention. Used as
lead-in exercise for training tasks with targeted passing of the ball in volleyball.
Organization: the class is divided into 2 teams, each of which is assigned a longitudinal
half of the volleyball court. Each team lines up in its area of ​​2
counter columns on opposite sides of the net, behind the attack lines. Captains receive
on the ball.
Conduct: At the signal, the captains pass the ball with both hands from above
through the net to the guide of the opposite column of their team and run to the end
of his column. The one to whom the ball is addressed sends it through the net in the same way
to the next player. The team that completes the volleyball relay wins.
Martial arts at the shield

Goal: development of speed, dexterity, attention. Used as an auxiliary
Exercises for training tasks involving fighting for the ball in basketball.
Organization: the class is divided into 2 teams, which line up in columns one at a time
behind the center line of the basketball court and are calculated in order. Distance
between columns 23 m.
Conduct: the teacher throws a basketball at the backboard and names any ordinal
number of game participants. Players from both teams with this number run out of formation and
rush to the backboard, trying to take possession of the ball before the opponent. The one who succeeds
brings his team a point and immediately makes a long pass to the guide
to the player in his column, and he, having received the ball, quickly passes it back with both hands
column, from hand to hand, until the last player in the line, who, having received the ball, raises
him up. The player who lost the ball in a single combat at the backboard runs with side steps towards
his former place in the column, trying to overtake the ball that is passed overhead
players of the rival team. If the runner with side steps ends up on his
place before the ball finishes, then his team is awarded one point. If not, then one more
The opposing team gets a point. The team whose players score
a large amount of points.

Teacher of preschool school III st. No. 20
Yaremenko I.Yu.
Outdoor games for attention and observation.
Traffic light
Two teams line up one at a time. The leader stands in front of the line, in his hands
“traffic light” 2 cardboard mugs. The first circle is green on one side,
yellow, the second one is red, the other side is yellow. Students at the green light
march in place, on yellow - they stop and clap their hands, on red -
squat quickly. The team whose players made fewer mistakes wins.
Simple Arithmetic
The guys line up one by one. The presenter calls out different numbers one after another,
and after each number the students name the next one in order. If the number occurs
0, then we put our hands on the belt, if there are two zeros - hands forward, three zeros - sit down. Marked
players who made fewer mistakes.
Right and left
The players stand in a circle, with their backs to the center. The leader moves along outside
circle and, stopping near one of the players, says: “Hands.” The player to whom

turned, stands calmly, but the player on the right raises his right hand, and on the left – his left.
The one who makes a mistake is out of the game.
Look and remember
Two teams. Players sit on the bench, each team facing the opposite direction
side. In 1 – 1.5 minutes. The guys must remember everything they see in front of them. Then
The teams turn to face each other and tell what they remember. For
This is where players from opposing teams ask each other questions. An example of what lies behind
gymnastic mat? What's standing by the window? How many balls are there on the floor? For every correct
The team's answer receives 10 points.
Water – earth – air
The players form a circle, leading with the ball in the center. He throws the ball to any player,
naming one of the words. The player, having caught the ball, must quickly name the animal, fish or
birds living in this environment. After that, he returns the ball to the leader. Answers
players should not repeat themselves.
Who has the item?
Players form a tight circle with their hands behind their backs. One of the players has a small
item. In the center of the circle is the driver. On command, students begin to quietly transmit
item from hand to hand. The driver’s task is to carefully observe the actions of the players and
guess who has the item. The one he points to stretches his arms forward. If the driver
If you guess right, then this player and the driver change places.
Keen hearing
Players move in a column one at a time and listen to the signals given by the leader. U
leading two whistles of different tones. At the signal of each whistle, students perform
various movements. The one who confuses the signals becomes the horse of the column.
"We wear hats"
The players stand holding a light load on their heads, for example, a bag of sand weighing 200500
g - “hat”. After checking the students’ posture, the presenter gives the signal to walk. Children should
in the usual way, keeping correct posture. The winner is the one who never wears a hat.
fell and at the same time he did not break his posture.
"Listen carefully"
Students walk in a circle and take poses as directed by the leader. On
the word “stump” they kneel on one knee, lowering their head and hands, then immediately stand up and
continue moving in a circle. At the word “Christmas tree” they stop and leave
arms lowered from the body, taking the correct posture. On the word "stop"
stop and raise their hands up, connecting them above their head. Then data three
The leader breaks down the commands. If one of the players makes a mistake, he leaves the game.
First, commands are given every 610 seconds, then the interval gradually
reduced to 35 sec. The presenter constantly monitors the correct posture of the children.
Children stand in a basic stance, arms extended upward. The presenter invites them to move
body weight per right leg and at the same time bring the torso horizontal
position. The left straight leg is pulled back and assumes a horizontal
position. Then do the same with your left leg.
This position must be maintained for as long as possible, preferably bending over
back. More difficult option exercise is to perform the “swallow” with
eyes closed. The facilitator evaluates the students and notes their successes.
The players line up in two lines parallel to each other, the participants in the second line face each other.
the back of the players heads first. Schoolchildren from the first rank get on all fours (hands

straightened, hands resting on the floor, legs slightly apart). Those behind them
in the second rank, the legs in front are grabbed by the ankles. At the teacher's signal
each resulting “wheelbarrow” (from two students) begins to move forward
forward, trying to be the first to reach the finish line drawn on the ground at a distance
1520 m from the start. A competition is held between pairs for quality and speed.
completing the task.
Children stand in a circle or in ranks, feet shoulder-width apart. Their right hand is raised up and
moves forward, describing a circle, while the left one moves back and up. Hands all the time
located on one straight line and form, as it were, two propeller blades. Leading
At the end he names the fastest and most clearly working “propellers”.
On one side of the site they draw a circle - a “house” in which the “geese” live. On
On the opposite side there is a “shepherd”. On the side of the house there is a “den” in which there is
"wolf". The rest of the place is “meadow”. The teacher assigns children to the role of a wolf and a shepherd.
The rest portray geese: they walk with a proud posture, stretch their necks up, fly, hiss.
The shepherd says: “Geese, geese.” The geese stop and answer: “Eider.” Shepherd: “They have elbows, and they walk in place, depicting a “train.” Teacher loud
pronounces words so that each syllable falls on a step. per syllable in a word, per
which the emphasis falls, the players perform a more solid foot placement.
The team that makes a mistake receives a penalty point.
 Ball relay – words are written in a column on the cards. Participants
In the relay race, you need to select and write test words for these words.
Example, sit - sitting, measure - measure. On command, the first participant clamps
the ball between the legs, jumps with it to the chair, completes the task and runs back to
your team.
 Relay race with gymnastic sticks - words with words are written on the cards
(cart, almond, vogzal). Two teams. On command, the participant places the g/stick on
shoulders, runs to the chair, completes the task, corrects the mistake and returns running
to your team, passing the g/stick to another participant.
 Game for attention. The students stand in a line. The teacher explains: “I will be loud
name and perform various exercises. If you hear the word
related to a noun, then do the exercise with me
(raise your arms up, squat, etc.). If the spoken word refers to
other part of speech, then you stand motionless.” For every violation of the rules of the game
the participant takes a step forward.
 Game “Catch and run away”. Participants are divided into two teams and line up
center line at a distance of 3 m from each other. On opposite ends
lines are drawn in the hall - “houses”. One command is nouns, and the other is
adjectives. The teacher alternately names words (nouns or
adjectives). The command whose name refers to the spoken word,
tries to catch up with the players of the opposing team, and they try to run away
your house. Players who are caught up join the opposing team.

Development of fine motor skills of the hands.
Working with a small ball.
Vertical direction.
 Throw the ball straight down and catch (up; up - to the floor - catch from below)
Oblique direction.

Stand in front of the wall. Throw the ball forward and up towards the wall, give it
fall to the floor and then from below, when it bounces off the floor, catch it.
 Ball against the wall - catch
 The ball is slanted downwards and forwards against the floor towards the wall - to catch
 Catch the ball obliquely down and forward on the floor towards the wall
 With your back to the wall, throw the ball obliquely back and up - against the wall - catch
Arc-shaped direction.
 Place your left hand with your palm against the wall and, bringing your right hand under your left, throw
the ball from the left side with the left hand so that it flies in an arc and so that it
could be caught on the right side of the left hand (same with the other hand)
 Place one foot against the wall, throw the ball with the same hand, bringing it
under the leg on the opposite side so that it can be caught on the right
sides (same with the other leg)
Exercises in throwing the ball from the right hand to the left
 Place the ball on the floor in front of you with one hand, catch it with the other
 Throwing the ball from one hand to the other (palm up; palm down)
 Passing the ball from one hand to the other under the foot
Relay races

"Shuttle run" work with cubes
“Changing objects” working with pins and cubes
“Swamp” work with planks 15*30 (three pieces)
“Collect the eggs” kinder surprise eggs, different colors
1. Grishkov V.I. Novosibirsk book edition, 1992.
2. Fridman M.G. Sports and recreational work in a children's recreation camp - M.:
"Enlightenment", 1991.
3. Babenkova E.A. How to help children become healthy. – M.: Toolkit, 2003.
4. Bogranova G.P. Physical education lessons in 57 classes. – M.: “Enlightenment”, 1999.
Magazines “Physical education at school”, 2009-2010.

Description: participants move freely around the hall in a basketball player’s stance: straight, right side, left side, back forward, while trying not to touch each other. At the teacher’s signal, they perform a two-step stop and take a basketball player’s stance.

The one with the correct stance wins.

Notes: Players who complete the exercise correctly can further evaluate other participants.

“Brother Rabbit, Brother Fox.”

Venue: small hall or any venue.

Description of the game: all participants in the game line up in one line. The teacher walks along the line behind the students and touches one of them - this is the “fox”. Then all the participants (“rabbits”) disperse around the hall and say the following words: “If you drop a bowl, the bowl will break, if the fox’s tail is close, then Liska is close.”

After these words, the “fox” loudly shouts “Here I am!”, while simultaneously jumping up and raising his arms, after which he catches the “rabbits”. The one whom the “fox” caught goes to the “fox’s house.” After the game is stopped, all participants line up again and a new “fox” is selected. Game continues.


  • When choosing a “fox,” students stand with their eyes closed and their hands clasped “in a boat” behind their backs. Whoever the teacher touches by the hands is a “fox”;
  • if the child does not want to be the driver, he puts his hands on his stomach;
  • if during the first period of the game a participant was caught, then in the next period he cannot be a “fox” (when choosing a “fox”, he puts his hands on his stomach);
  • As you master the game, the teacher must explain that the “fox” is not only fast, but also cunning, so she must deceive the “rabbits” - not give herself away ahead of time and choose a place in the hall where there are the most participants in the game (so that you can immediately hurt some of them);
  • if the “fox” did not shout “Here I am!”, or did not raise her hand (i.e. she was not visible or audible) - the game stops and a new “fox” is selected;
  • the score is given to the fastest “fox” - she hunted well; "most" sly fox” - for cunning; “rabbits” who did not get caught during the entire game or got caught, but before that they had to dodge the “fox” for a very long time and deftly.

“Swift-footed deer”

Venue: sports ground or large hall.

Description of the game: the teacher chooses four drivers - these are “wolves”, the rest of the participants are “swift-footed deer”. “Wolves” are divided into two groups: two “wolves” are “beaters”, the other two are in “ambush”. At the teacher’s signal, the “deer” run away from the “wolves” to the other side of the site. “Wolf beaters” catch “deer” throughout the entire area, and “wolves in ambush” only on midline hall After each dash, the number of caught “deer” is counted, after which they can again take their place on the site. Game continues.


  • the number of runs and “wolves” depends on the size of the site and the number of participants in the game;
  • caught “deer” may be eliminated from the game and placed in a specially designated place. They enter the game when it is chosen a new group“wolves”;
  • “wolves” are chosen from those participants who were not pinned;
  • the score is given best group“wolves” and those “deer” that were not caught during the entire game.

“Bouncers in the Square”

Venue: gym, any designated area.

Description: the participants of the game are divided into two teams, one of which will be in a square of 10 x 10 m, and the other outside it. At the signal, the members of the outside team begin to knock out their opponents with the ball.

Notes: The player who is eliminated must sit on the bench.


  1. The team that eliminates all opponents in the shortest time wins.
  2. The team that eliminates the most players in a certain time wins.


Description: participants with small balls in their hands are located throughout the hall. At the teacher’s command, children throw and catch the ball: with one hand, with two, throwing from hand to hand, etc. The participant(s) who stays on the site the longest wins.

Notes: the player who dropped the ball sits on a bench or goes “backstage” (a specially designated part of the hall) and there continues to perform exercises with the ball.

“Team of Fleet Foot.”

Venue: sports hall.

Description of the game: two teams are located on the volleyball court, each on its own side. Participants line up in a column or line. There are racks on each side of the court, one or two in each zone of the volleyball court, the total number of racks corresponds to the number of players in the team. Each team member knows which zone he must move to when given a signal. The participant must run to the counter and return back. The team that is the first to line up at the starting line in its entirety wins. The starting line, as well as the location of the team on it, can be changed. It is also possible for participants to perform certain exercises near the counter. In addition, at each stage of the game, players change zones.

“Team relay race on the ground.”

Venue: area around the school.

Game description: participants are divided into two teams. Then both teams inspect the area through which the relay route will pass, as well as the obstacles that they will need to overcome. If possible, a judge is appointed at each stage. After this, the teams draw lots, and one of the teams goes to the start. The finish is determined by the last player. Then the second team starts. The results of both teams are recorded using a stopwatch and at the end of the relay are compared taking into account penalty points.

Obstacles in the relay race are determined taking into account the sports equipment located on the site.

The team moves between obstacles by running.

“Curly mice.”

Venue: gym or any site.

Description: participants are divided into two teams, each of which forms a circle. A prerequisite for the game is that the participants hold hands tightly and do not separate until the end of the game. Both teams are on the middle line. The teacher or a specially selected driver says the following words: “ears, dryers, buns, mice, curls.” For each of these words, team members must “twist”, crawling under each other’s arms. The result will be a “curl” circle. Then the driver begins to count, and the teams take one step at a time towards the wall or some landmarks. The first team to reach the goal wins.


  • The count is kept slowly so that each participant has time to take a step
  • the reference point can be a student (or two students) released from class who stand with their arms outstretched. As soon as he touches someone from the approaching team, he raises his hands up, i.e. this team wins.

“Fox Hunt”

Venue: the game is played near the school or in any limited area.

Description of the game: all participants are divided into 2 teams, after which a lot is drawn. One of the teams becomes “hunters”, the other - “foxes”. At the teacher’s signal, the “foxes” run away and hide in the area. After 30-40 seconds, the “hunters” run after them. The task of the “hunters” is to catch up or find the “fox”, make fun of it and lead it by the hand to the “hunting lodge”. The game ends when the “hunters” catch all the “foxes”.


  • members of the “fox” team put on bib numbers;
  • “hunters” are in the so-called “hunting lodge” and always stand with their backs to the “foxes”;
  • the starting line for the “foxes” team is 5-10 meters from “ hunting lodge”;
  • “foxes” are prohibited from: going beyond the boundary lines (fence, etc.), climbing trees, hiding in the school building and refusing to go with the “hunters” if he has insulted him. In all these cases, the “fox” player is punished with penalty points and is considered caught;
  • “hunters” are forbidden to fight with the “fox” if it does not want to go. In this case, you need to run to the start line and name the number of the “fox” who broke the rules;
  • if the “hunter” hits the “fox”, then he needs to take her by the hand and lead her to the “hunting lodge”. You can also transfer the “fox” to another “hunter”, and run on to “hunt” yourself. In the same way, you can transmit the number of the “fox” who broke the rules;
  • the team that, being a team of “hunters”, caught all the “foxes” in less time wins;
  • Penalty points are converted into seconds and deducted from the time spent catching the foxes by the opposing team.

“Hunters, wolves and fir trees.”

Venue: gym or any site.

Description of the game: one or more drivers are selected (depending on the size of the area and the number of participants), who are located in the corner of the hall or on the edge of the area - these are hunters. The rest of the participants are wolves. At a signal, the hunters run out of their shelter and try to hit the wolves (with a ball or hand). The caught wolf does not leave the game, but “transforms” into a Christmas tree - it stops in place and raises its arms like branches. Nearby trees can move towards each other, join hands and form a forest. Those wolves that have not yet been greased can hide behind fir trees or behind the forest, but even in this case they can be greased. The wolf or several wolves that are the last to be killed wins (they become the hunters).

"Ginger cat"

Venue: gym or playground.

Description of the game: the teacher chooses one driver - this is “Red Cat”. He stands in the center of the hall, and the rest of the game participants (“mice”) sit around the “cat” and join hands. Then the “cat” crouches down and covers his eyes with his palms, as if he is sleeping. “Mice” address the “cat” with the following words:

“The couch potato red cat lay down on his stomach.

I want to eat, but I’m too lazy to toss and turn.

So the red cat is waiting - maybe the mouse will crawl up!”

After these words, the “mice” scatter, and the “cat” catches them. The caught “mice” sit on a bench and “grieve” because the “cat” ate them. The game lasts 10-20 seconds, after which the “cat” chooses a new “cat” from the uncaught “mice!” Then the “eaten mice” re-enter the game and it continues. The game is played 3-5 times.


  • The “cat” covers his eyes with his hands so that he does not look in advance at the “mouse” that he is about to catch. But the “cat” is allowed to spread his fingers and secretly peep at the “mice”;
  • you can choose two “cats” and even three if the game is played in a large hall (in this case they are positioned with their backs to each other);
  • As they master the game, the actions of the “mice” become more complicated - they can walk in a circle (on their heels, on their toes, etc.) or perform some attention exercises in a circle;
  • a score is given to the “cat” who caught a lot of “mice”, or the “cat” who ran out very quickly and immediately caught several “mice”; or “mice” who were not caught during the entire game

“The most accurate team.”

Venue: gym or any site.

Description: participants are divided into two teams. Then they line up in two columns, with their legs apart and their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. The very first participant holds the ball in his hands. At the signal, that player leans forward and rolls it backwards as hard as possible. The last player receives the ball, runs forward with it and continues the action of the first participant. The team whose captain, with the ball in his hands, is again ahead of the team wins. For a victory, the team is awarded one point. After this, other captains are chosen, but the scheme of the game changes: the participants close their eyes (either themselves or the player in front), and the players with the balls change their location, but at the same time try to be close to each other. At the signal, the remaining participants open their eyes, run to their captains, line up in the same order and repeat the previous exercise.

The game is repeated 5-6 times, with the captains changing each time. The distance to which the players with the balls run back is not limited, but they must be within the field of view of the other participants.

The team with the most points wins.

Notes: the ball is passed only after the last participant has stood in the column. This player must give the person in front some kind of sound command or password: for example, “the rocket is ready” or any other command.


Venue: gym or any sports ground.

Description: all participants are positioned facing the wall. The teacher or driver hides a small object (for example, a key) anywhere. At the signal, participants begin to look for the hidden object. Whoever finds it first becomes the “best detective.”

Notes: The “best detective” can then be the driver.

“Round dance”

Venue: gym or any site.

Description: all participants are divided into groups, each of which must contain both boys and girls. The group joins hands and forms a round dance, trying to remember each other. Then the participants disperse to opposite ends of the hall (separately: boys and girls) and line up. Then everyone performs turns or some other exercises at the teacher’s command, possibly with their eyes closed. At the command “Round Dance”, participants must join their groups. The team that does it faster than others wins.

Notes: It is advisable to mark the place where the “Round Dance” participants line up with chips.

Municipal Budget Educational institution

Basic educational school No. 15

Completed by a physical education teacher:

Babitskaya O.V.__________



Table of contents.

    Explanatory note. Introduction

    Outdoor games.

    Outdoor games with a ball.

    Outdoor games for reaction.

    Counting books.



The game has long been an integral part of human life, used for the purpose of education and physical development of the younger generation.

The concept of "game" includes many various forms gaming folklore, each of which ultimately contributes to the comprehensive development of children: physical, mental, mental. Playing activity is one of the needs determined by human nature itself - this is the need for muscle training and internal organs, the need to communicate, obtain external information.

The game process is associated with physical and motor exercises that are prestigious for children; the game always contains an element of the new, unknown.

Outdoor play is a natural companion in a child’s life, a source of joyful emotions that have enormous educational power. Folk outdoor games are a traditional means of pedagogy. From time immemorial, they clearly reflected the way of life of the people, national foundations, the idea of ​​honesty, courage, the desire to have strength, agility, endurance, speed of movement, to show ingenuity, endurance, resourcefulness, will and the desire to win. It is the game process that ensures the development of the educational potential of the individual, his individuality, creative attitude to activity; many games of the peoples of the world are similar to each other, and for almost all nations one of the most favorite attributes is the ball.

So, recently, our children have been leading a sedentary lifestyle, replacing physical education and sports with spending time watching TV and the computer, and children’s health is deteriorating. Moreover, the ball is in modern school becomes one of the traumatic objects: very often, children, having not received the proper development of physical skills in early and primary school age, subsequently receive injuries to the hand and fingers. Exercises with different balls (small, large) are dynamic and emotional. They promote the development of strength, athletic and strength qualities, coordination abilities, speed of simple and complex motor reactions, require resourcefulness, the ability to concentrate and switch attention, spatial, temporal, dynamic precision of movements and their biochemical rationalization.

They effectively influence the development of both mental processes (attention, perception, memory, imagination) and physiological ones (increases blood circulation, breathing, metabolism).

Target: strengthening children's health, developing skills healthy image life and physical development of students.


1. Expanding motor experience and enriching it with new, more complex movements
2. Improving motor skills and their use in changing game situations
3.Development of creative abilities and physical qualities
4. Fostering independence and activity with new, more complex movements
5. Introducing basic norms and rules of relationships with peers.

When conducting outdoor games among primary school students, it is necessary to take into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of children of this age, the relative susceptibility of their body various influences environment and fatigue. The skeleton of a primary school student is still developing. A significant layer of cartilage tissue causes greater flexibility of bones, especially the spine. The muscles are relatively weak (in particular, the back and abdominal muscles). The strength of the supporting apparatus is also still low. Therefore, outdoor games with a variety of movements, without prolonged muscle tension, become of great importance.

Children show great motor activity in games, especially in cases where jumping, running, and other actions that require a lot of effort and energy are mixed with at least short breaks, active recreation. However, they get tired quite quickly, especially when performing monotonous movements. Considering the above, physical activity when playing outdoor games must be strictly regulated and limited. The game should not be too long.

Attention function junior schoolchildren is not yet sufficiently developed, they are often absent-minded, switching from one subject to another. In this regard, it is advisable to offer them short-term outdoor games, in which greater mobility alternates with short breaks. The simplicity and sparseness of the rules is due to insufficient stability of attention and relatively poorly developed strong-willed qualities children 6-9 years old. Children of this age are active, independent, inquisitive, strive to immediately and simultaneously be involved in the games being played, and during the game they try to be relatively short term achieve set goals; they still lack patience and perseverance. Their mood changes often. They are easily upset when they fail in the game, but, being carried away by it, they soon forget about their grievances.

Children in grades 1-3 are very active, but, of course, cannot calculate their capabilities. All of them basically want to be drivers, so the leader must appoint them himself in accordance with their abilities. You can also appoint the player who won the previous game as the driver, rewarding him for the fact that he remained undetected, completed the task better than others, accepted the most beautiful pose in the game, etc.

The choice of driver should contribute to the development in children of the ability to correctly assess their own strengths and the strengths of their comrades. It is recommended to change the driver more often so that as many children as possible can play this role.

It is better to give signals in games for primary school children not with a whistle, but with verbal commands, which contributes to the development of the signaling system, which is still very imperfect at this age. Recitatives are also good. Rhymed words spoken by the choir develop children's speech and at the same time allow them to prepare for performing the action in the last recitative. Children at this age are very vulnerable, so it is not recommended to take them out of the game for mistakes.

The manager must be tolerant of violations in the game and non-compliance with the rules, remembering that this is mainly due to inexperience, inability to play group games and insufficient general physical development of children.

The predominant place is occupied by games with short dashes in all directions, in a straight line, in a circle, with changes in directions; games with running like “catch up and run away” and with dodging; games with bouncing on one or two legs, jumping over conditional obstacles and over objects (a low bench); games involving passing, throwing, catching and throwing balls, cones, sandbags, pebbles at a distance and at a target; games with various movements of an imitative or creative nature.

To carry out most games in the lower grades, the leader needs bright, colorful equipment, since in children the visual receptor is still poorly developed, and attention is scattered. The equipment should be light, convenient in volume, and correspond to the physical capabilities of children.

It is recommended to distribute outdoor games during the lesson as follows. In the main part of the lesson, to develop speed and dexterity, it is better to play games - dashes (“Wolves in the Moat”), in which children, after running quickly with dodging, jumping, and jumping, can relax. Games with rhythmic walking and additional gymnastic movements, requiring organization, attention, and coordination of movements from the players, contribute to the overall physical development(for example, the game “Who Came Up”). It is better to include them in the preparatory and final parts of the lesson.

Each game has certain rules that each participant must follow. Modern children know few games. Therefore, taking into account the individual characteristics of the children in the class, they must first be taught, introduced to the rules of a particular game, and helped to organize themselves so that in the future the children can play games independently, without a teacher.

    Outdoor games.


Preparation. An “owl” is selected from among the players. Her nest is to the side of the site. It can be outlined and fenced off with a gymnastic bench. The players on the court are positioned randomly, “owl in the nest.”

Contents of the game. At the presenter’s signal: “The day is coming, everything comes to life!” - children begin to run, jump, imitating the flight of butterflies, birds, beetles, imitating frogs, mice, kittens. At the second signal: “Night is coming, everything freezes - the owl flies out!” - the players stop, freeze in the position in which the signal caught them. “Owl” go hunting. Noticing the player moving, she takes him by the hand and leads him to her nest. In one exit she can kill two or even three players. Then the “Owl” returns to its nest again and the children again begin to frolic freely on the playground.

The winners are the players who have never been caught. You can also note the best driver - the one who caught the most players.

Rules of the game :

The “Owl” is prohibited from observing the same player for a long time, and the caught one is prohibited from breaking free.

After 2-3 outings of the “Owl” on the hunt, she is replaced by new drivers from among those she has never come across.

"Two and Three"

The players scatter all over the court. At the signal “Two!” The players form pairs with anyone standing next to them. At the signal “Three!” stand in threes.

“Tea, tea, help out!”

A driver is selected from among the children. Those children whom he touched are considered caught. They stand with their legs spread wide, arms to the sides and say: “Tea, tea, help out!” Any player can help the caught person if he crawls between his legs.

"Santiki-candy wrappers-limpompo"

Number of participants: from 6 people

The players form a circle, facing the center. The driver steps asidebecause he shouldn’t see who is chosen as the “ringleader”. The ringleader's task isshow the various movements that should be right there, keeping up withhim, repeated by the players: clap your hands, squat, jump,shake a finger, etc. All players, except the driver, say duringmovements of the words: “Santiki-candy wrappers-limpompo!” The driver is called into the circle, and hebegins to walk inside it, looking closely to see who is commanding the players.The ringleader must imperceptibly change movements, choosing the moment whenthe driver does not look at him. If the driver guessed the ringleader, then he changes withroles, and if not, the game continues.

« Empty place»

Goals : improve running skills, develop agility.

The players stand in a circle and choose a driver. Starting the game, he runs past the players, pats one of them on the shoulder and continues to run further in a circle. The stained one quickly runs intothe opposite side from the driver. Which one will get there first?to a free place in the circle, he takes it, and the latecomerbecomes a driver.

« Best lap»

Goals : improve running skills.

All players are divided into four teams, join hands and formfour circles. These circles should be equally distant fromcircle drawn in the center of the site. By command signaltrying, without releasing their hands, to get into thecentral circle.

Rules of the game : Teams should not interfere with each other. Winsthe team that managed to get into the circle without releasing their hands.


Goals : develop dexterity.

Participants are divided into two unequal subgroups. Smaller(about a third of the players) forms a circle - a mousetrap. The rest are mice, they are located outside the circle. Players forming a circlemousetrap, raise their clasped hands up. Mouse playersThey run into the circle and immediately run out. At the signal “Clap!” playingin a circle they lower their hands and squat. The mousetrap is considered slammed. Mice that did not have time to run out of the circle are considered caught. They stand in a circle and the game continues. WhenMost of the mice are caught and the players switch roles.

"Neighbour's Hands"

Goals : develop attention, intelligence.

The players stand in a circle. The head of the game walks inside the circle andstopping near someone playing, he says: “Hands!”

The player to whom the words are addressed must stand quietly, butthe player standing to his right must raise his righthand, and the one standing on the left - left.

Rules of the game : If one of the players makes a mistake (raises the wronghand or hesitates), he is eliminated from the game.

Tags "Feet off the ground"

To escape from the “tag”, the players must lift their feet off the ground (floor). For this purpose, they climb onto some object or sit down, lie down, raising their legs up. In this situation, the “salka” has no right to salt them.

Salki "Give me your hand"

In this game, the person running away from the tag shouts: “Give me your hand!” If any of the players take his hand, then the driver has no right to insult them. If another player joins on the other side, that is, there will be three of them, the driver has the right to kill any last one.

"Find yourself a mate"

Goals : develop attention.

Participants stand in pairs, holding hands. At the driver's signalthe players run away. On another signal they must quicklyfind your friend.

Rules of the game : It is forbidden to push, to stand in someone other than your owna real couple.


Site 20*30 m. On the left and right sides sites define places for rescuing “fish”, limited by lines along the width of the site. The rest of the area is “water” on which “fish” swim. At the beginning of the game, all participants are divided into “fish” (2-3 participants) and “net” (the remaining participants). The “fish” are in houses on one side of the site, and the players, representing the “net,” join hands to form a chain. At a signal, the “fish” leave the houses and enter the “water,” swim in the “water” or run across to the other side. Those depicting the “net”, keeping the chain, run towards them. They try to surround one or more “fish”. When the hands of the two extreme players in the chain close, forming a ring, all the “fish” that are in it are considered caught and leave the game. They play like this until 2-3 “fish” remain free.


Driversits in a circle with eyes closed. The players move in a circle within words:Grandfather of the water, why are you sitting under the water, look out for a little bit,For one minute. The circle stops.Water gets up and, without opening his eyes, approaches one of theplaying. His task is to determine who is in front of him.Watercan touch the player standing in front of him, but cannot open his eyes. Ifwaterguessed it, hechanges role and now the one whose name was named becomes the driver.

« Shore and river"

This game requires children to be attentive. Two lines are drawn on the ground at a distance of about one meter. Between these lines -river, and at the edges -shore. All the guys are standing on the banks. The leader gives the command: river, and all the guys jump into the river. By commandshore everyone jumps ashore. The presenter gives commands quickly and randomly to confuse the players. For example: shore, river, river, shore, river, river, river...If on commandshore If someone ends up in the water, he is out of the game. Inattentive players who find themselves on the bank during the river command also leave the game. The game continues until the most attentive participant is determined. You can congratulate him and start the game again.


Six players stand in pairs, holding both hands and raising them up. Thistraps, they are located at a small distance from each other. All other players join hands, forming a chain. They must move through traps. When the leader claps, the traps slam shut, i.e. the guys pretending to be traps give up. Those players who are caught in a trap form pairs and also become traps. In this game, the most dexterous and fastest of the guys is revealed - the one who managed not to fall into any trap until the end of the game.

"The Kite and the Mother Hen"

One of the players is chosen as a “kite,” another as a “hen,” and the rest as “chickens.” They stand behind the “hen”, forming a column. Everyone is holding on to each other. At a signal, the “kite” flies out of the nest and tries to catch the “chick” standing last in the column. The “mother hen,” stretching her arms to the sides, prevents the “kite” from grabbing the “chicken.” All the “chicks” follow the movements of the “kite” and quickly move behind the “hen”. You can’t: unclasp your hands and hold the “kite” with your hands.

"Crucian carp and pike"

Half of the children form a circle - “pebbles in a pond”. The distance between players is two steps. The rest of the players are divided into 2 pike.” Which is located behind the circle, and “crucian carp”. Running inside a circle. At the signal, the “pike” quickly runs into the circle, trying to catch the “crucian carp”. They rush to take a place behind one of the players standing in a circle (“pebbles”). The “pike” catches those who did not have time to stand behind the “pebble”. After 3-4 repetitions, the caught “crucians” are counted; children depicting “pebbles” and children depicting “crucian carp” change roles; a new “pike” is appointed.

"Crows and Sparrows"

At a distance of 1-1.5 meters, two parallel lines are drawn. Another 4-5 meters are measured from them, and another line is drawn. The first two lines are the starting lines, the second- houses. Teams line up with their backs to each other near the first lines, i.e. at a distance of 1-1.5 meters. There are two teams, one of them is calledsparrows, and the second -crows. The presenter stands between the teams and says the words:sparrows orcrows. If the presenter said:crows, then the crows catch up with the sparrows, which are trying to escape behind the second line, i.e. hide inhouse All caught sparrows become crows. If the presenter speakssparrows, then the sparrows run and catch the crows. The game can continue until there are no players left on one team. Or the game is played a certain number of times, and then the team with the most players wins.


Everyone stands in a circle facing shoulder to shoulder. The driver walks along the outside of the circle and touches one of the players. The driver and the player who was hit run in different directions along the outside of the circle. Having met, they shake hands and say: “Hello.” You can also say your name. Then they run on, trying to occupy free place in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes the driver.

"Hare Without a Lair"

The participants of the game stand in pairs facing each other, raising their clasped hands up. This -hare's lair Two drivers are selected -hare Andhunter. Haregotta run away fromhunter,at the same time he can hide inlair,those. stand between the players. The one to whom his back is turned becomeshareand runs away fromhunter. If hunter" osalithare, then they change roles.

"Traffic light"

Two lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 5-6 meters from each other. The players stand behind one line. The driver stands between the lines approximately in the middle with his back to the players. The driver names a color. If the players have this color in their clothes, they freely pass by the leader to the other line. If there is no such color in clothes, then the driver can insult the player running across the space between the lines. The greasy one becomes a driver. If the players have all moved to the other side, then the driver again stands with his back to the players and calls out the letter.

"Wolves in the Moat"

A corridor is being drawn on the site(moat) up to 1 meter wide. The ditch can be drawn in a zigzag shape, narrower in places and wider in others. InI'm tearing up the drivers are located -wolves. There are not many of them - only 2 or 3. All the others playing -hares - they try to jump over the ditch and not get greasy. If the hare is touched, he is eliminated from the game or becomeswolf Wolves they can make you look badhares only while in the ditch.Hares They do not run across the ditch, but jump over it. If the leghare touched the territory of the ditch, this means that itfell into a ditch and in this case also leaves the game.


12-20 people are needed to play.

Two circles are formed: an outer one and an inner one with the same number of players. One person from the inner circle and one from the outer circle form a pair (everyone must remember their partner). At the leader’s command, the outer circle begins to run clockwise, and the inner circle counterclockwise. The leader will give commands that each pair must carry out, and very quickly. The pair that comes out last is out of the game.

For example, if the presenter shouts:Back to back! This means that couples must connect with precisely these parts of the body. The last couple to do this is out of the game. The couple that reaches the end wins.

The leader's commands can be the following:

palm to palm

ear to shoulder

knee to palm

heel to heel

knee to shoulder

elbow to heel

back to back

heel to toe, etc.

"Cones, acorns, nuts"

The players stand in a circle of 3, one after another, facing the center. The driver becomes in the center. The leader gives all the players a name: the first in threes are cones, the second are acorns, the third are nuts. At the signal, the driver says, for example, “Nuts!” All players called nuts must change places. The driver strives to take any vacant seat. If he succeeds, then the player left without a place becomes the driver. If the driver says “Acorns!” The players who are standing second change, and if “Bumps!”, then the first players. You can shout all three names out of order. The winners are the players who have never been a driver. You can build each three not in a column, but in a circle.

"Hurry up to take a seat"

The players form a circle and are counted in numerical order. The driver stands in the center of the circle. He loudly calls any 2 numbers. The numbers called must immediately switch places. The driver tries to get ahead of one of them and take his place. The one left without a seat goes to drive. The numbers should not change.

"Changing Places"

The players are divided into two equal teams. On two opposite sides of the hall, two boundaries are marked for both teams. One team stands behind another border, the other behind another. The distance between teams is at least 12-15 meters. At the leader’s signal, each team simultaneously runs across the opposite boundary, i.e., the teams change places. You can move around different ways: running, jumping, on two legs, on one, etc. The method of movement is determined in advance. The team that manages to quickly take places on the opposite side wins.

"The fastest"

Two teams play, the players of each settle in order and remember their numbers. They stand in a common circle (one by one) facing the center. There is a ball in the center of the circle. The presenter calls any number, the players with this number from both teams run around the circle outside (both run in the same direction), and having reached the place where they stood before, they run towards the ball to take possession of it. Whoever does this first brings their team a winning point. The game lasts 3-5 minutes. The team whose players score more points wins.

"Tarnish the Last One"

Two teams of 5-7 people stand next to each other and grab the belt. One column stands opposite the other. At the signal, the first player of each column strives to stain the trailing player of the other team. A touch is counted if the players on his team do not release their hands. To do this, they must be very mobile and carefully monitor the movement of the team - the caterpillar, which is trying to deliver a retaliatory injection. For each correct touch, the team is awarded a point. The game lasts 3-4 minutes, after which the winner is determined - the team with the most points.

"Third Wheel on a Walk"

Having split into pairs, the players stand in a circle and slowly walk in one direction, holding hands or arm in arm. Free hand on the belt. A person running away, when he is in danger, joins a pair, taking the last one by the arm, and then he cannot be caught. The third player on the other side of the pair must run away from the driver and also to escape persecution. Join any pair on the right or left, grabbing the last one by the arm. The game continues until the driver catches one of the runners. Then the caught one changes roles with the driver. In this game, the driver and the runner are allowed to run through the circle, but it is forbidden to unnecessarily touch the players in pairs as they run past.

2. Outdoor games with a ball.


Purpose of the game : development of endurance, speed and coordination abilities.

Rules of the game:

Simple option.The players sit freely in the hall (on the court). One of the participants is the driver. They give him a ball, which he raises up and says loudly: “I am a tag!” Salka tries to catch up and touch one of the players with her hand. The ball is passed to the one who is saluted, he says loudly: “I am a tag” - and the game continues.

The new driver is not allowed to immediately touch the player who insulted him with his hand. The winners are the guys who were not salted.

When playing a game with a large number of participants, it is better to divide the court into three or four independent plot. Then the tag and the group of players run only within their area.

More complicated options:a) When helping a friend, you can cross the driver’s path. Then the tag begins to chase the one who crossed his path, or another player; b) there are one or two houses (outlined circles) where players are not allowed to shoot. Stay in the house for more than 10 seconds. not allowed; c) the tag is not allowed to touch the hand of the person who jumped on the apparatus, climbed the gymnastics wall, grabbed the crossbar, in a word, lifted his feet off the ground. The rules prohibit the tag from guarding the runner for more than 5 seconds. The saluted one changes roles with the pursuer.

"Calling numbers"

Purpose of the game : development of attention, correct execution tasks.

Rules of the game:

Players line up in columns in front of posts located 15-20 m apart and are counted out in order. The teacher calls a number loudly, for example “5”. The fifth team numbers run to the post, performing various tasks with the ball, run around it and return to their places. Whoever crosses the finish line first (which is held four steps in front of the columns) receives one point. If more than two teams play, the result is summarized in the same way as in the previous game. If two teams are playing, the one who finishes second does not receive any points.

The teacher calls the players in any order and does not stop the game until everyone starts one or two times. An assistant can count the points.

« Ball to the average"

Purpose of the game : development of speed, accuracy.

Rules of the game :

The players form several circles. In the center of each circle is the middle one, who alternately throws the ball to his comrades, and they pass it back to him, in a circle. Having received the ball from the last player, the middle one lifts it up. The team that finishes passing the balls first wins. After this, you can change the central player.

If, when passing the ball, it falls out of your hands, you must pick it up and continue playing. The middle one is not allowed to let any of the players pass, he must pass the ball to each one in turn.

"Ball Race in Columns"

Purpose of the game : development of speed and agility.

Rules of the game:

The players are divided into two, three or four teams and stand in columns one at a time. Those standing in front each have a volleyball. At the teacher's signal, the balls are passed back. When the ball reaches the person standing behind him, he runs forward with the ball (everyone takes a step back), becomes first and starts passing the ball back, etc. The game continues until each of the team players is first.

It is important to ensure that the ball is passed with straight arms and tilted back, and that the distance between the players in the columns is at least half a meter.

"Sharp on target"

Purpose of the game : development of dexterity, accuracy when throwing the ball.

Rules of the game :

Two teams line up in two lines, one opposite the other, at a distance of 10-12 m. A line is drawn in the middle, along which ten towns are placed. Players on one team each receive a ball (tennis, rag) and, at a signal, they all simultaneously throw the balls so as to hit the towns and knock them down (as many as possible). The downed town is placed one step closer to the team that threw the balls.

The other team picks up the balls and knocks down the towns in the same way. Now the downed towns are moved one step closer to the same team. Then the first team performs the throws again, and so on four times in turn.

The team that knocks down the most towns (in a total of four throws) wins.

“Hunters and Ducks” (“Circular Rounders”)

Purpose of the game : development of coordination abilities, accuracy.

Rules of the game:

The players are divided into two teams, one of whichorykh- “hunters” - stands in a circle (in front of the line), the second - “ducks” - enters the middle of the circle. The "hunters" have a volleyball. At the signal, they begin to knock out the “ducks” from the circle. Each player can pass the ball to a teammate for a throw. The “Ducks”, running inside the circle, escape from the ball by dodging and jumping. The knocked-out duck leaves the circle. The game ends when there are no “ducks” left in the circle, after which the players change roles. The team that manages to shoot the ducks in less time wins.

The teacher can set a game time for throwing the ball at the ducks. Thenresultis summed up by the number of ducks knocked out during this time.

The rules of the game prohibit stepping over the line when throwing the ball. Those in the circle do not have the right to catch the ball with their hands. They are not considered knocked out if the ball bounces off the floor at them.

In the “Circle Basket”, players in a circle are allowed to catch a ball thrown at them. At unsuccessful attempt the player leaves the circle, but if the ball is in hand, the player who was previously knocked out returns to the circle. If there is no one outside the circle, then the team that caught the ball is awarded a spare point and the one knocked out remains in the circle after some time.

Hitting a player from the ground is also not counted; it is not allowed to step outside the circle when throwing.

« Catch the ball"

Purpose of the game : development of speed.

Rules of the game:

Description of the game. 2-4 corridors are made from gymnastic sticks, up to 30 cm wide and 3-4 m long. Children are divided into 3-4 teams and line up at the beginning of the corridors. The first one rolls the ball, runs after it and tries to catch it, preventing it from rolling out of the corridor. Then he passes the ball to the next one, stands behind the formation or sits on a chair. The team that not only quickly but also completes the task correctly wins.


The teacher stands at the other end of the corridor and monitors the correct execution of the exercise: “Don’t throw the ball so hard if you don’t have time to catch it. Cover the ball with your hand on top of the boat.” Offers new tasks: catch a rolling ball after the words: “One-two-three! Catch"; catch at the end of the corridor, in the middle, at the flag.

"Have time to catch"

Purpose of the game : development of eye and coordination abilities.

Rules of the game :

The game is played in four subgroups standing in circles. In the center of each circle is the driver. Children throw the ball to each other, trying to prevent the driver from touching or catching it. If he succeeds, he takes the place of the one who threw the ball unsuccessfully. The last one goes to the middle of the circle.


The teacher makes sure that the children do not hold the ball for a long time or throw it to the same child. If the driver cannot catch the ball for a long time, a new one is assigned. The game can be complicated: introduce two drivers and throw two balls.

"Jump over"

Purpose of the game : development of coordination abilities, teach accurate and strong throw at a horizontal target.

Rules of the game:

The players line up in a column, one at a time, against the wall at a distance of 3-4 m. The first throws the ball at the wall, jumps over it after the rebound, the second catches it after hitting the ground and also throws the ball at the wall and jumps over, etc.


The teacher helps the children complete the task correctly with specific comments. If the ball does not bounce well off the floor, he says: “Throw the ball higher at the wall!” If children touch the ball while jumping: “Don’t be late with your jump.”


Purpose of the game : improving the technique of passing the ball and throwing at the target.

Rules of the game :

They play on the volleyball court. The players are divided into 2 equal teams, each with a captain appointed. The captains stand in squares behind the end lines of the court, on opposite sides, that is, so that the opposing team is between the captain and his team. They play with a volleyball.

A player hit by a ball thrown at him must leave the field and go to his captain. A hit does not count if the ball is hit to the head or off the ground. When a player is caught or otherwise hit, the bounced or dropped ball may be picked up, but if it rolls out of bounds onto the opponent's side, the team loses it. When all the players in a team are knocked off the field, the captain enters the field. The team that eliminates all players from the field, including the captain, wins.

"Don't give the ball to the driver"

Goals : improve ball handling skills.

At the beginning of the game, the driver is in the middle of the court. Restplayers, running around the court in random order, throwball to each other. The driver tries to take possession of the ball. From that placewhere he managed to catch the ball, he throws the ball at any player. INIn case of a hit, the player becomes the driver, and the previous driverparticipates in the game equally with everyone else.

Rules of the game : 1. The player whom the driver hit with the ball raiseshand and loudly says: “I am the driver.”

2. Any player has the right to lift or catch the ball that has bouncedfrom the player who has become the driver and continue the game.

"Chasing the Ball"

Goals : develop agility, speed.

The players form a circle. The teacher gives the players standing indifferent places on the ball. Then he says: “Catch the ball!” Playingat the same time they begin to transfer them to their comrades. If one ballcatches up with the other, i.e. both end up in the hands of one player, then heleaves the game.

Rules of the game : Each player passes the ball quickly without missingother players.


Description of the game. Players choose a driver who stands in a circle. All players stand around him and are counted in numerical order. At the leader’s signal, the driver hits the ball on the floor and calls any number. The player who was called runs to the middle of the circle and tries to catch the ball. The remaining players scatter in different directions. As soon as the new driver catches the ball, he says: “Stop!” The players must stop and stand motionless in place, and the driver tries to hit any player with the ball. Players can dodge the ball without leaving their position. If the driver misses the player, he must run after the ball; The players scatter around the court again. Having caught the ball, the driver says: “Stop!” If the driver hits someone, they change places and the game continues.

"Find the ball!"

Goals : develop dexterity, improve ball handling skills.The players stand in a circle, close to each other, facing the centercircle. The driver goes to the middle of the circle. All the children hold their handsback. One of them is given a medium-sized ball. Children begin to pass the ball to each other behind their backs. The driver tries to guess who has the ball. Turning now to one child, now to another,he says: “Hands!” According to this requirement, the player must immediatelyextend both arms forward.

Rules of the game : The driver becomes the one who has the ball, or whodropped the ball.

"Tag and Ball"

The players run around the court, escaping from the pursuit of the driver, and pass the ball to each other; the task is to pass the ball to the player who is being overtaken by the driver, since the player with the ball cannot be hit. In this case, the driver must chase the new player. The rules allow the driver to throw the ball on the fly during the game, intercepting it. If the ball is in the hands of the driver, he is replaced by the player responsible for losing the ball.

"Ball for a neighbor"

The players stand in a circle facing the center at a distance of a step from each other. Two players standing on two opposite sides of the circle each have a volleyball. At the established signal from the leader, the players begin to pass the balls to each other to the right or left in a circle in one direction so that one ball catches up with the other. The player who ends up with two balls loses. The game then starts over, with the balls given to two players standing on opposite sides of the circle. At the end of the game, the best players are celebrated. The ball must be passed to each player, without missing anyone; the player who dropped the ball must pick it up and return to his place, passing it on.

    Reaction games.

"Ball in the Palm"

Inventory: Small ball or smooth pebble

Minimum number of players: 6-8.

The players line up in a row, holding their hands with open palms behind their backs.

The driver walks behind their backs and finally drops the ball into someone else's palms. This playermust unexpectedly leave the line, and his neighbors try to grab him without leavingat the same time from the spot. If they succeed, then the captured person changes places with the leader. Ifno, then the player returns to his place and the game continues.


Equipment: a ring or a small similar object that can be easily hidden between the palms.

Venue: gym, open area.

Minimum number of players: 7-8..

Develops: reaction, observation.

The players line up a few steps in front of some wall, and opposite themThe presenter stands up. Players hold their palms cupped in front of them. LeadingHe also folds his palms into a boat and hides the ring between them.

Approaching each player in turn, the presenter passes his “boat” over the “boat”player, pretending that he is giving the ring to him.

After the tour of all players is completed (one of them must have a ringtransmitted), the presenter says: “Ring-ring, go out onto the porch!”

The player who has the ring must run out to avoid being grabbed and touchhand walls. If he succeeds, then he changes roles with the presenter.


A sedentary but very exciting game.

The number of players is not limited, but the optimal number is from 3 to 10 (more is possible,but then you need to have enough time at your disposal and stock uppatience).

Game description:

The players sit close to each other. Left hand everyone lies on the right kneeone neighbor, and the right one - on the left knee of the other. If the circle is not closed, then the extremeput one hand on your knee. During the game, you need to quickly clap your palm on your knee without breaking the sequence: one hand after the other. If someone claps out of turn or simply raises his hand, he removes the “wrong hand.” Eventuallyone or more winners remain. For more interest you need during the gamekeep the pace high.

Rules of the game:.

1. You need to slap your knee once in strict sequence.

2. In case of a mistake, the player removes only one hand - the “mistaken” one.

    If the playermade a mistake twice, he is out of the game.

4. Counting books.

1. The counting begins: There is a starling and a jackdaw on an oak tree. The starling flew homeand the countdown ends.2. One day the mice came outsee what time it is.One two three four!The mice pulled the weights.Suddenly a terrible ringing sound was heard.The mice have run away!3. The bees flew into the field,buzzed, buzzed. The bees sat on the flowers.We played - you drive. 4. The squirrels treated the hares, they were given carrots,ate all the nuts ourselves,and they told you to drive. 5. For glass doors there is a bear with pies.Hello, my dear friendhow much does a pie cost?A pie costs three, but you’ll be driving. 6. Three dolphins swamThey arched their backs to the sky, They swooped in from three sides. You shark, get out! 7. One, two, three, four, five, -we want to play now.Don't say "yes" or "no"you still have to drive. 8. One, two, three, four, five,We can't count our friendsand life is hard without a friend,get out of the circle quickly. 9. One, two, three, four, five,We're going to play.A magpie flew to us and told you to lead us. 10. A zealous horse with a long mane gallops through the fields, here and there, where he gallops, come outout. 11. A thread, a needle - a Komsomol member came out.12. Three knives flew from the second floor - red, blue, light blue - take your pick.13. There are cars in the garage - Volga, Chaika, Zhiguli - choose your keys. 14. On the golden porch sat the king - prince, king - prince, shoemaker, tailor - choose who you will be. 15. A crocodile was walking, smoking a pipe, the pipe fell and wrote: “The mouse made a noise, farted, came out.” 16. Enibeni, ricky - faki, turbo - urbo, synthbrucks, eus, beus, cosmodeus - bam.17. Eniki - beniks ate dumplings, how many dumplings did the beniks eat.18. The month came out of the fog, took a knife out of my pocket - I will cut, I will beat - I will still lead you. 19. An apple rolled through the garden and fell straight into the gurgling water. 20. The car was driving through a dark forest for some kind of interest, inti - inti - interest, go out to the letter “C”.


    Culture of health from childhood by S. A. Isaeva “Changes and dynamic pauses at school”, Practical guide, Moscow IRIS PRESS, 2010.

    A popular manual for parents and teachers by L.P. Fateev “300 outdoor games for primary schoolchildren.”

    To help preschool teachers. ABOUT. Casino "Physical education in kindergarten".

The materials in this article will be useful to teachers primary school and GPD teachers, physical education teachers.

Outdoor group games for boys and girls

Game for children “Hide and Seek”

Played by 3 to 10 people. The selected driver stands in the appointed place with his eyes closed, leaning against a tree or other object. This place is called kon. The driver counts loudly to 20-30 (by agreement) or recites a counting rhyme. Meanwhile, the others are hiding in different places.

Having finished counting, the driver opens his eyes and begins to look for the guys. Seeing the player, he calls him by name and runs to the horse. The person found runs in the same direction, trying to overtake the driver and touch the object he was standing next to. If he does this before the driver, he is not considered caught and remains with the horse while the driver looks for others. When everyone is found, the first player who fails to get to the horse before the driver becomes the driver.

Sometimes they put a stick on the line. Then everyone who came running earlier to the con must knock the wand on the object and say: “Master wand, help me out!” After these words, he is considered bailed out.

Those who are hiding may not wait for the driver to find them and run to the horse at a convenient moment. Therefore, the driver needs to keep an eye on this.

We can also agree on the following rule: if the last player manages to run to the horse before the driver, he shouts, hitting with his wand: “Lifesaver, help us all out!” After these words, everyone is considered bailed out and the former player leads again.

Game for children “Twelve Sticks”

This is a more complicated type of hide and seek. A board 60-70 centimeters long is placed on a stone or branch, and 12 sticks 12-14 centimeters long are placed on one end. One of the players or the driver kicks the raised free end of the board. The sticks scatter in different directions, and the driver begins to collect them. During this time everyone hides. Having placed all 12 sticks on the end of the board, the driver goes on a search. Each one found is eliminated from the game. If one of those hiding managed to run to the board and with the words “Twelve sticks are flying!” hit it with your foot, then the driver collects them again, and the rest of the participants in the game (caught and not caught) hide. The player found last becomes the driver.

Game for children “Walk fast”

The driver turns his face to a wall or tree, covers his face with his hands or elbow and says: “Walk quickly, if I look around, freeze... one, two, three, four, five... Stop!” The driver can say the word “stop!” after any number. and quickly look back. The rest of the guys, located behind the line 15-20 steps from the driver, quickly move towards the driver during the counting. When the driver shouts “Stop!” and turns to face the players, they freeze in place. A player who did not manage to stop in time or moved after stopping is sent back beyond the line by the driver. After this, the driver closes his eyes and repeats the recitative. Everyone again moves forward from their places, including those starting to move from the line. This continues until someone comes close to the driver, touches him with his hand and, turning in a circle, rushes over the line as quickly as possible. All players do the same. The driver runs after them, trying to make someone look crazy. The upset player becomes the new driver. If it was not possible to catch up with anyone, the driver returns to his original place, and the game continues with the same driver.

Game for children “Tag” (“Tag”)

Participants (up to 10 people) scatter around the site, and the driver catches up with them in order to stain (grudge) them within the established boundaries. The upset player becomes the driver.

Additional rules can be added to the game. Here are some of them:

1. Everyone playing, except tag, has a ribbon under their belt. Fifteen, catching up with the runner, pulls out the ribbon from him, then the runner raises his hand and says: “I am Fifteen!”

2. The player can escape from tag if he joins hands with another player, stands on one leg, takes a “swallow” pose, etc.

3. If a tag is chasing someone, and another player crosses his path, then he is obliged to chase the one who blocked his path.

"Tag with jump rope"

The players move around the court by jumping rope. Fifteen catches up with them, jumping on one leg.

"Tag with houses"

On the site, 1-2 circles with a diameter of 2 steps are outlined - houses where those running away can escape persecution. However, you cannot stay in such a house for more than 5 seconds.

"Fifteen in a Circle"

The players sit in a circle at arm's length. They choose two drivers, one of whom becomes a tag, and the other becomes a runaway. Before the start of the game, they are located outside the circle with different sides.

At a signal, the tag runs along the circle, trying to make fun of the one running away. The latter, when they begin to overtake him, stands in a circle between the other players in any place. At the same moment, the neighbor on the right becomes a new runner, and the tag continues to pursue him. If the tag managed to touch the running player's hand, they change roles.

To complicate the game, you can introduce the following rule. If the escaping player stands in a circle, then the neighbor who is on the right (or on the left - by agreement) becomes a tag, and the former tag must run away from him without wasting time. During the game, participants are not allowed to run through the circle.

Game for children “Ted”

Just like in the game "Circle Tag", the runner can at any time stand in front of one of the players, and then the one behind becomes the runner.

If there are many players, they stand in a circle in pairs at the back of each other’s heads. In this case, the runner (the third wheel) stands in front of any of the pairs, and the one who is third runs away.

Game for children “Third wheel on a walk”

The game differs from the tag games described above in that all its participants are constantly on the move. Having split into pairs, the players stand in a circle and slowly walk in one direction, holding hands or arm in arm, with their free hand on their belts. There are two drivers. One of them runs away, and the other catches up with him. A person running away, when he is in danger, joins a pair, taking the last one by the arm, and then he cannot be caught. The player who finds himself third on the other side of the pair must run away from the driver and, also, escaping from pursuit, joins any pair on the right or left, grabbing the last one by the arm.

The game continues until the driver catches one of the runners. Then the caught player changes roles with the driver. In this game, the driver and the runner are allowed to run through the circle, but it is forbidden to unnecessarily touch the players in pairs while running past.

Game for children “Empty Space”

These are a kind of tag games with a challenge. The players form a circle. The driver runs along the outside of the circle, touches one of the players, and then runs into reverse side. The called player rushes in the opposite direction. Having met, the players stop, offer both hands to each other, then squat, and, having risen, continue running in the same direction. Everyone strives to take an empty seat in the circle. The player who came in second continues to drive.

The winner is the player who did not play the role of driver during the game, i.e., who always took the first place.

Game for children “Hurry up to take a seat”

The players form a circle and are counted in numerical order. The driver stands in the center of the circle. He calls any two numbers loudly. The numbers called must immediately switch places. Taking advantage of this, the driver tries to get ahead of one of them and take his place. The player left without a seat goes to lead.

The numbers assigned to the participants at the beginning of the game should not change when one or another of them temporarily becomes the driver.

Game for children “Golden Gate”

The game involves from 6 to 20 people. They choose two stronger players, they step aside and agree which of them will be the “sun” and which will be the “moon”. Then they face each other, hold hands and raise them to form a “gate.” The rest of the players join hands and walk in a line through the “gate”. At the same time, they can sing a song. When the last one passes through the “gate”, it “closes” - the raised hands are lowered and the closing one finds himself between them. The detainee is quietly asked which side he would like to take: “the moon” or “the sun.” He chooses and stands behind the corresponding player. The rest again go through the "gate", and again the last player ends up in the "moon" or "sun" group. When all the players are distributed, a draw is arranged between the two groups. In this case, a rope, a stick, or players take each other by the belt are used.

Game for children “Falling stick”

Everyone stands in a circle and settles in numerical order. The first number stands in the middle of the circle, holding a gymnastic stick in his hands. He places one end of it on the ground and holds the other end with his hand from above so that the stick stands vertically. Then he loudly calls a number and releases the stick. The player with the named number must have time to catch the falling stick. The driver runs back at this time. If the called player managed to grab the stick and it did not fall to the ground, then he returns to his place, and the driver continues to drive. If he does not catch the stick, then he becomes the driver, and the one who drove goes to his place in the circle.

playing set time, after which it will become clear who was the driver the least number of times. He is considered the winner.

If there are more than 10 people who want to play, then it is better to organize two circles for the game.

Game for children "Compass"

A circle with a diameter of 2-3 meters is drawn on the ground. At a distance of about 3 meters from the circle, write (mark) the cardinal directions, checking with a compass: N (north), S (south), 3 (west) and E (east). The players stand with their backs to the center and listen to the leader’s command: “South!”, “North!”, “West!”, “East!” Hearing, for example, the command “North!”, everyone should turn towards the north. Players facing south turn 180 degrees; others only need to make a half turn to the right or left.

Various commands are given, and the players take the appropriate positions. The one who made a mistake (turned in the wrong direction) receives penalty points. The winner is the player who scores smallest number penalty points.

Game for children “Jumping rope” (“Fishermen and fish”)

The players stand in a circle, in the middle is the driver with a skipping rope in his hands. Holding the rope by one end, he begins to rotate it so that its other end sweeps above the ground under the feet of the players, who jump at the moment when the handle of the rope is under their feet. Anyone who is hit above the foot by the rope is eliminated from the game. The driver spins the rope again. He himself does not rotate with her, but sits down and intercepts her behind his back.

Another version of the game involves changing the driver every time someone standing in a circle touches it with their foot. He replaces the driver, who takes his place.

Everyone should learn to rotate the rope well (in a front and back squat). The jump rope can be replaced with a 2.5 meter long rope, to the end of which is attached a bag of sand weighing 150-200 grams.

Game for children "Wheel"

The players are divided into 3-4 groups of 5-7 people in each and choose a driver. A circle with a diameter of 1.5-2 meters is drawn on the ground. Each group is lined up in a column, one at a time, behind a guide that approaches the circle.) The columns stand on different sides of the circle in a radial manner, like spokes in a wheel. The driver stands to the side.

At the signal, he runs in any direction around the “wheel”, stands at the back of the head of the last player in any “spoke” and touches him. This player transmits the signal to the one in front, who passes on, and so on until the first “spoke” player. After that, he shouts: “Yes!”, runs out behind the “wheel” and runs around it in a circle outside, returning to his place. All the players in this column (and the driver) run after him, trying to overtake each other. The last player in the column becomes the driver. It may also be the previous driver, who continues to drive, standing next to another “spoke” and running around the “wheel” with it. If the driver fails three times in a row to get ahead of the runners and take a place in the “spoke,” he is replaced by a new player, and he stands at the head of one of the columns.

Game for children “Counting in circles”

Participants (6-8 people) stand in a circle and, at a signal, begin to count from 1 to 70 (from left to right). At the same time, no one misses their turn. There is a rule that a number that contains the number 7 or is divisible by 7 cannot be pronounced, but must say the word “by.” After this, the counting (without delay) continues. The one who named the prohibited number is eliminated, and the player standing to his right continues counting. Gradually the circle becomes smaller.

The winners are the guys who remain in the circle after the last participant says the number 70.

Game for children “Take the Town”

For the game you need small towns (tennis balls, pebbles of the same size) in an amount one less than the number of participants in the game. For example, 6 towns are placed in a circle (1 meter from one another), and 7 players stand on the outside, one step away from them. At the signal, everyone goes, then runs around the towns (right or left) until the whistle or the command “Take!” Then each player strives to capture the town. Whoever doesn't get the item is eliminated. There is one less player left, so one town is removed from the circle. When 1 town and 2 participants remain at stake, they play for first place among themselves.

Game for children “Fishing in pairs”

Court (volleyball or smaller), bounded by lines, serves as the place where the players are located. A driver is selected, who stands outside the court before the game.

At the signal, he runs inside the court and pursues one of the players. Having captured him, he makes the caught one his assistant. Holding hands, they run to catch the new player, trying to surround him hands free. The caught player moves aside and waits for a couple of players to catch another one running around the court. After this, a second pair is formed, which also catches the remaining players. Each time, a new pair is made from two caught by catchers.

The game continues until there is one uncaught player left on the court.

The rules of the game prohibit players from running beyond the boundaries of the court and breaking free after the catchers close their hands around the caught one. You cannot grab clothes or hands; in this case, the caught player is released. If running players break the rules, they are considered caught.

We offer several types of outdoor games and relay races, which (at the teacher’s discretion) can be included in a physical education lesson, as well as used in extracurricular work with young gymnasts. This depends on the tasks that the teacher sets for himself, on the level of preparation of the students and the conditions of the classes. Games in gymnastics lessons are designed to activate the attention of students and are associated with the performance of general developmental exercises. Naturally, the motor content of games allows for purposeful implementation of versatile physical training schoolchildren using gymnastics.

Games for attention

“Group, stand still!”

The players stand in line, half a step apart, facing the leader, who gives commands and at the same time performs simple exercises. All students must follow him through the exercises if the teacher says the word “group” before the team. If he did not say this word, then the students stand motionless. Those who violate this rule or do not follow the correct command take a small step forward from the formation and continue to play. The game lasts 3-4 minutes. After its completion, only the most attentive remain in the ranks. An approximate set of commands for the game is as follows: “Equal!”, “At attention!”, “Hands forward!”, “Sit down!”, “Stand up!”, “March in place!”, “Left!”, “Raise your right hand!” » and etc.

Option 1 “Prohibited movement”.

The players stand in a line or line up in a circle (semicircle). The teacher is in front of them. He names and performs a series of movements (such as charging), which all players repeat after him. Before the start, one or two “prohibited movements” are specified that the players should not do (for example: “Hands on the belt”, “Bent forward”, etc.). A player who makes a mistake and follows the teacher in a “forbidden movement” must take a step forward.
Anyone who makes three mistakes is eliminated from the game.

Option 2 "Prohibited movement"

"Prohibited element." During classes on any of the apparatus, the teacher names one or more prohibited elements that cannot be performed while working on the apparatus. While distracting students with various tasks, the teacher from time to time offers to perform a “forbidden element.” It can be agreed that if the student makes a mistake, then as a “punishment” he performs 10 (20) push-ups while lying down at speed.

"Get it by youself".

The class is divided into two teams, which are lined up at opposite ends of the hall, facing the middle, counting in numerical order. The teacher calls any number. The player must quickly go to the middle of the hall and show 3 different exercises. Then a player from the other team comes out and shows 3 new exercises, different from the previous ones. If one of the exercises is repeated, the team will be awarded 1 penalty point. The game lasts 5-6 minutes, the result is summed up by the amount of penalty points.

"Catch - don't catch."

The players sit on a bench or stand in a line. The leader holds a tennis ball in his hands. He throws the ball to one of the players, while calling some gymnastic term, for example, “flip”, “somersault”, etc. He can also name another word not related to gymnastics (for example, “crawl”, “pole” , “nail”: etc.) - The one to whom the ball is addressed must catch it if the named term refers to gymnastics and, conversely, not react to the throw if the word has nothing to do with gymnastics. The winner is determined by the fewest penalty points.

"The word is the key."

In the process of teaching students on each apparatus, the teacher calls the “key word”, without which none of his commands should be carried out. He gives commands, always using or deliberately omitting the key word when giving certain orders (for example, he must say: “Attention” or “Start”, “Proceed”, “You can”, etc.). Students must carefully follow the teacher’s speech and commands. For incorrect execution of a command, the student receives 1 penalty point! The winner is determined after the end of classes based on the least amount of penalty points.

"Attention, let's begin!"

Students stand in ranks or in two or three columns. The teacher shows exercises numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in a certain sequence. Then he gives the command: “Exercise 3 (or any other) - start!” Students perform the exercise at the same time. The one who makes a mistake receives a penalty point. If the participants stand in a line, it can be agreed that the one who performed the movement incorrectly takes a step forward. The team in whose line after 3-4 minutes. If more players survive, the winner is declared.

"Jumpers and Crawlers."

Players - boys count on the first or second and move lightly around the hall, keeping a distance of 4-5 steps. At the teacher’s command “Arms to the sides,” the first numbers stop in the position of their legs apart, and the second numbers crawl between their legs. If the teacher raised his hands up, the second numbers stop and take a standing position, bent over with support on his knees, and the first numbers jump over them with support on their backs (leapfrog), pushing off with both legs. Then the first and second numbers switch roles. The exercise game lasts 2-3 minutes, after which the most attentive students are noted.

Games using different types of movement in gymnastics lessons

The games that are given below no longer set the task of testing the attention of students, as in the games described above, but include a variety of general developmental exercises related to various types movements.

"Gymnastic tag."

In the game, which can be called “tag with poses,” everyone runs around the hall, and the selected driver catches up and tries to make fun of one of the runners who did not have time to take the half-split position. Salinated becomes the new driver and the game continues. It is possible to agree on the evaders performing simpler gymnastic exercises- “swallows”, “herons”, etc.
In another version of the game, everyone moves freely around the hall, where gymnastic benches are placed. When running away from the driver, players can jump onto the bench. In this case, the driver must chase another player who did not have time to jump on the apparatus or hang on the gymnastics wall.


To play you need two parallel bars and mats. Two competing teams stand 5-6 m apart in a column, one at a time, in front of the parallel bars. At the signal, the first team numbers, reaching the uneven bars, take the position of the stop and, moving their arms one by one, move to the opposite end of the apparatus. Jumping, they return to their team, touching the hand of the second player, who repeats the exercise, etc. The team wins completing the task faster. However, the teacher has the right to give penalty points for falling from the apparatus, spreading the legs while moving, not pulling the socks off, as well as prematurely running out to the apparatus.

"Emphasis on a log."

Two teams with an equal number of players stand facing each other 5 m from the ends of the gymnastic beam. The middle of the log is marked with chalk. On command, the first numbers of each team run to the log, jump into a handstand position across the log and, moving their hands, begin to move to the middle. Having reached it, everyone jumps off the log and runs to their team, touching their hand to the next player and standing at the end of the column. The person who takes the baton repeats the exercise. Before the start of the game, it is explained that you need to start moving along the log from the very beginning, in case of a fall, pounce again and continue moving. The team that completes the task earlier and with fewer errors wins.

"Who is stronger."

Two teams of approximately equal strength line up opposite the ends of parallel bars (as in the game “Walkers”). At the teacher’s signal, the first teams run to the bars, take a position of support on their hands and perform flexion and extension of their arms in support. In this case, the angle of flexion of the arms must be at least 90°, and the arms must be fully extended. Having completed as many push-ups as possible for each, the players jump off and run back to their columns, passing the baton to the next player. The team that completes the most push-ups wins.

“Walk, don’t fall.”

On the site (floor), two ropes (5-7 m) mark a 2 m wide corridor. The class is divided into two teams. One is located on the starting line in the corridor, the other with inflatable balls (possibly volleyballs) 5 m on the sides (right and left) of the corridor.
At a signal, the players of the team located in the corridor, one after another at a random interval, perform a handstand and try to “walk” the entire length of the corridor in the handstand. If the person walking on his hands falls, the players of the opposing team throw the ball at him. If they manage to hit a given player, he is eliminated from the game. If the player manages to take a stance before he is hit with the ball, he has the right to continue moving further. Then the teams change roles. The winners are determined by the fewest number of eliminations from the game.

"Running on your hands."

The players unite in pairs. Each pair takes a support position lying on their hands, shoulder to shoulder. Hands placed side by side are tied with ribbon. At a signal, the pairs move in a lying position until the set mark, then return back in the same way. In another version, the pairs are located on the start line. One takes a lying position, and the other takes him by the shins. At a signal, the pairs move to the set mark, and then, exchanging places, return back. These game exercises can be carried out in the form of a relay race.


The class is divided into two teams.
The players of each team take a position of support while sitting in a column, holding their hands behind the feet of the person sitting on the team. The opponents are positioned in front of the starting line (head player). At a signal, both “caterpillars” move forward to the mark (8-10 m), and then return back. The team that finishes first wins. The team whose players become separated during movement is given a penalty point. For 3 penalty points, regardless of the championship at the finish line, the team is considered defeated.

“Sitting with the ball in close position.”

The players are divided into two teams, no more than 5 people in each. Landmarks are installed on the site (chairs, mats, horse, etc.). The game is played with one inflatable ball or ball.
Moving in an upright position while sitting on bent legs, the players of both teams try to hit the opponents' landmarks (there are no more than 3 for each team) by hitting the ball. At the same time, you can hit the ball, pass it, or put it into play with your head, body, or legs. There are no special players on the team; protecting landmarks, so the protection of landmarks is carried out by any of the players. The ball (ball) can be passed through the air, across the floor, it can be hit, bounced, rolled, etc.
Team, in 8-10 minutes. The game that hits the most landmarks is declared the winner.


To play you need a low crossbar and mats. Two teams of high school boys, equal in composition, line up perpendicular to the crossbar 5-6 m from it in parallel columns.
At the signal, the first numbers of each team, running up to the crossbar, with a swing of one and a push of the other, perform a point-blank lift. Having jumped off with a swing back with a 180° turn, they run back to their team, passing the baton with a touch of their hand to the second number, and they themselves stand behind. The team that completes the task first wins. You can complicate the task of the players by setting the requirement to perform 2-3 flips at point-blank range, and agreeing to perform another dismount.

"Hunting on hummocks."

The gymnastics mat or the middle of the hall, free from apparatus, is conventionally called a “swamp”. Its banks are delineated by lines formed by a long rope delimiting the area. Behind them are “hunters” with an inflatable ball. The other half of the players - the “little frogs” (6-10 people) are located in the “swamp” on the hummocks. The hummocks are gymnastic hoops (one for each frog) or gymnastic mats (one mat for two frogs).
At the signal, the hunters begin to throw the ball, trying to hit the frogs. They dodge the ball by crouching, jumping, but without leaving their mound. The player hit by the ball does not leave the court, but in this case the hunting team gets a point. The game lasts 3 minutes, after which the opponents change places. The winner is determined by the highest number of points received.
The rules of the game prohibit hunters from crossing the edge of the “shore” when throwing a ball, and frogs from leaving their “bumps.” In case of violation of these rules of the game, the opposing team is awarded one point.


Teams compete in arranging equipment, performing exercises, and cleaning equipment. For example, at the first signal, you need to install a gymnastics bench inclined to the gymnastics wall, strengthen the hanging bridge next to it, and place a gymnastics mat below. The team that completes the task first receives 10 points, the second - 8 points.
At the second signal, the players in the teams must climb up the bench onto the wall, move onto the bridge and perform a depth jump. For first place, the team is awarded 10 points. After this, a signal is given to remove the shells, for which the winners are awarded 10 points.

“Walk around the horse.”

A gymnastic horse without handles is placed in front of two teams. At the signal, the first team numbers jump on their horse. Everyone, being at point-blank range, must go around the horse in a circle. Then other team players do the same. For each fall from a horse, 1 penalty point is awarded. The team that finishes the game first and makes fewer mistakes wins.

"Don't lose your balance."

In this game, students compete with each other without dividing into teams. Jumps are performed one by one from the height of a gymnastic horse (gymnastic box, plinth). Upon landing after a deep dive, the player must follow the rules:
do not move from your place, do not touch the mat with your hands. During the game, a certain sequence of jumps is established. They are selected according to the degree of increasing difficulty (for example, in a tuck, bending over, legs apart, bending over with a 180° turn, etc.). Having reached a predetermined limit of the difficulty of jumps, players repeat them in reverse order. The presenter and the players themselves identify the schoolchildren who performed jumps more accurately and landed without falls or jumps.
Option 2.

The player jumps into the depths with a small ball in his hand. During the flight, you need to throw a tennis ball at a target (projectile or mat) located 8-10 m from the person making the jump. In another case, the player performs a jump and his teammate or leader throws him a ball, which he must catch and land without losing his balance.

"Passing the ball while lying down."

Two teams are located in columns next to each other (the distance between players is 1.5 m). Take a sitting position on your heels. The guides in each column are given a ball. At a signal, they fall onto their backs, without changing their original position, and pass the ball to the next one in the column. In the same way, the second number passes the ball to a friend from behind. The latter lies on his back, touches the ball to the floor behind his head and then passes the ball from hand to hand; to the player in front. The first team to complete the relay with the ball being passed in both directions wins.

Option 2.

Players in columns sit one after another, but the first numbers grab the ball with their feet, lie on their backs and pass the ball to the person sitting behind. Thus, the ball reaches the last player, after which everyone turns (sitting) 180°. The trailing player, holding the ball between his legs, also turns in a circle and, bending back (lying on his back), passes the ball to the beginning of the column. The head player, having received the ball, turns around again (everyone does this after him) and lifts the ball up. The team that finishes passing the ball first and without making mistakes wins.

"Bridge and cat"

Players from two teams are positioned one at a time at the starting line. In front of them, 5-10 m away, two circles with a diameter of 1 m are marked with a rope. At the signal, the first numbers run forward and, having reached the first circle, perform a bridge. Then the second numbers rush forward, crawl under the bridge and run to the far circle, where they take a standing position, bending over (arching their back like a cat). Now the first number runs to the far circle and crawls under the player, who has taken a bent-over position. After this, both players, holding hands, run towards their team. As soon as they cross the starting line, new players run forward one by one, and those who come running stand at the end of the column. The team that finishes the game first wins.
