Modern heating of a private house without gas. How to heat a room in the absence of electricity? Geothermal heating - "ecological" heat

You are the owner country house, where main gas is not supplied, but Electricity of the net are not designed for heavy loads, hence the allocated limit of 5 kW for all needs. Another variation on the theme: you are a rural resident of Ukraine, where the cost of blue fuel has jumped to 7.2 UAH. (0.3 USD) per 1 m³, so you cannot use it due to low income. There are other, more complex situations.

In this situation, you are faced with the task of providing heating for a private house without gas and electricity, preferably economically. Let's identify alternative heating methods and look at all the nuances associated with their implementation.

Heating options without the use of electricity and gas

To list all the ways you can heat Vacation home or a dacha, we will assume that electricity is still supplied there. The supplier company has set a small limit on power consumption (3-5 kW), which does not allow electricity to be used as a heat source, but makes it possible to connect heating equipment. When studying each option in detail, we will highlight those that do not require the use of an electrical network.

Houses located on the outskirts are often not gasified

So, if there is no gas and electricity (sufficient power), then heating for the house can be organized in the following ways:

  1. Install a stove or solid fuel boiler connected to a water heating system. Use firewood, coal, fuel briquettes or pellets as an energy source.
  2. Arrange autonomous heating with liquefied propane from a ramp with cylinders or a gas holder. The heat source will be a conventional gas boiler or convectors that heat the rooms with warm air.
  3. Use diesel fuel and waste oil to generate heat by installing the appropriate equipment.
  4. Draw energy from renewable natural sources, using solar collectors and a heat pump for alternative heating of a country house.

Note. Unfortunately, almost all of these methods become useless when you need to decide how to heat your apartment. We'll have to do without liquefied gas and firewood, but liquid fuel there is no question. There is only one way out - economical heating with electricity using infrared heaters or an air-to-air heat pump (in the southern regions an inverter air conditioner will do).

Heating equipment options for an apartment

Let's highlight heat sources that do not require a connection to the house electrical network to operate:

  • wood stoves metal and brick, fireplaces;
  • solid fuel boilers, equipped with a mechanical draft regulator and working in conjunction with a gravity (gravity) heating system;
  • non-volatile floor standing boilers, capable of operating on liquefied gas and connected to a water gravity system with radiators.

To implement other methods, electricity is required, albeit in small quantities. If we do not take into account the various homemade devices, then to burn diesel fuel you need a burner with a pump and a fan powered from the mains. The same is the case with all heat pumps and TT boilers with forced air supply, including pellet ones. Now let’s take a closer look at ways to heat a country house or cottage if there is no gas and the electricity supply is limited.

Solid fuel combustion

One of the most common methods for heating a house without gas is the use of coal, firewood and briquettes compressed from various biomass waste (sawdust, straw, sunflower husks, pine needles, and so on). To burn them and obtain the required amount of heat, a variety of furnaces and boilers are used. The former are designed for direct heating of indoor air, the latter work with water systems - radiators or heated floors.

The easiest option is to install a nice metal stove

Amendment. In a room where a wood or coal stove is located, heat spreads not only by convection from heating the air, but also by infrared radiation emitted by its heated walls.

Heating stoves come in three types: steel, cast iron and brick. The positive aspects of their operation are as follows:

  1. Heating your home with a steel or cast iron stove is the cheapest and easiest way. To install and launch it, it is not necessary to invite specialists; everything can be done with your own hands.
  2. A stationary brick stove is capable of heating several rooms, accumulating a large amount of heat in the thickness of the walls.
  3. Any of these heat sources can be adapted for cooking, drying clothes and shoes.
  4. The design of many stoves includes a water circuit built into the firebox in the form of a tank or coil connected to several radiators located in neighboring rooms. There is a point here: for the coolant to move, you need to lay pipes of increased diameter in compliance with the slope (gravity system) or install circulation pump.
  5. Firewood and coal are the cheapest fuels among all energy sources, so heating costs are acceptable for most homeowners.
  6. Ovens do not require electricity at all.
Brick stove gives a nice healthy warmth, but is not easy to build

Note. A heat source such as wood burning fireplace. True, it is enough to heat only one room in which it is located.

There were also some negative aspects:

  • stove heating of a private house without gas means chopping and carrying firewood, loading it and daily cleaning of ash;
  • for the heater to operate, a chimney with good natural draft is required;
  • metal stoves are incapable of heating large country cottages; their power is only enough for country house IR or 1-2 rooms;
  • construction brick oven– the pleasure is not cheap, and a place for it must be provided at the stage of design and construction of the building.

It must be taken into account that the brick oven is built on a foundation

Heating stone or wooden house using a water system with a solid fuel boiler is more economical, since the efficiency of these units is higher (75% versus a maximum of 60% for stoves). Due to this, the combustion duration from one fuel load increases, plus the issue of complete heating of the building by rooms separated is resolved. heating devices. This gives rise to the possibility of heating large areas at home in the absence of gas and regulation of the intensity of heating of the premises.

TT boiler with mechanical draft regulator in operation

Otherwise, TT boilers inherit the operating features of furnaces. They also need a chimney, periodic cleaning and loading of new portions of firewood and coal. If we compare the cost, the installation of a solid fuel boiler together with the system occupies a middle position between the purchase metal stove and brick construction.

Important point. A water heating unit that runs on wood or briquettes can be installed in any habitable home. If there is not enough space, an extension is made to the building where heating equipment is installed.

Separately, it is worth mentioning automatic pellet boilers, which greatly simplify the life of the homeowner, since they need to be cleaned and fuel added once a week. Another thing is the price of equipment and fuel, and also the increased consumption of electricity. In addition to automation, such heat generators use the following electrical installations:

  • feed auger motor;
  • blower fan electric motor or ;
  • heating element used for automatic ignition of pellets.

Automatic pellet or coal boiler - great choice, but he also needs electricity

The listed elements are installed in a pellet burner and in total consume about 500 W from the mains, which is significant for a private home without gas and with a limited limit on the use of electricity. On the other side, pellet boilers more efficient and economical than conventional ones (efficiency - 80% versus 75%), and their operation is more comfortable and safe (automation will prevent the unit from boiling). The question is the financial capabilities of the homeowner and the amount of the allocated electrical power limit.

Heating with liquefied gas

Let us immediately make a reservation that in the absence of main gas and electricity, using this fuel is not profitable in all countries former USSR. If Russian prices for liquefied propane still allow you to heat houses with it, then in Ukraine this method It is practically not used anywhere because the fuel is too expensive. You can see the exact breakdown of the cost of heating with different energy sources in.

Any gas heat generator is suitable for working on propane, only a wall-mounted one will have to be connected to the mains

To burn a propane-butane mixture, you will need a regular gas boiler, preferably a non-volatile floor-mounted one, so as not to connect electricity to it. Accordingly, the heating system is water gravity with expansion tank open type. Gas is supplied to the boiler in two ways - from a ramp with cylinders or from a large underground tank– gas holder.

When installing and operating the equipment, you will encounter the following points:

  1. Installing a gas train with cylinders (at least 4 pieces are required) will be inexpensive, but the cash costs will have to be offset by labor costs. At permanent residence you will have to worry about transporting and refilling cylinders much more than if you heat your house with wood.
  2. Installing a gas tank is a costly undertaking. But as a result, you will get autonomous heating without connecting to the gas main.
  3. Liquefied propane is no less efficient and comfortable energy carrier than natural gas, and provides the same advantages during equipment operation.

Methods for supplying liquefied fuel to the heat generator

Advice. It is better to organize heating with cylinders in a small country house, where you visit and live for 2-3 days. Our team will tell you more about all the nuances of using liquefied gas. experienced expert in his video:

Diesel fuel – more disadvantages than advantages

As a rule, burning diesel fuel and waste machine oil implemented in situations where heating a private house nothing more. Sometimes this option is used as a temporary option while the built house is not yet connected to the natural gas main. In this case, you buy a universal gas boiler, temporarily equipped with a diesel burner.

The unpopularity of liquid fuel as an energy carrier for heating private homes is explained by the following reasons:

  • economical heating of a house with diesel fuel is an unrealistic concept, since the price of fuel is quite high;
  • diesel burners cost a lot of money and do not function without electricity (we do not take into account any homemade products made by home craftsmen);
  • liquid fuel means dirt and smell in the boiler room, no matter how hard you try to keep it clean;
  • Due to the low quality of fuel, the equipment must be serviced frequently, and with the help of qualified personnel.

Heating a country cottage with a Buderus diesel boiler

For reference. If you have a reliable supplier of used oil at a reasonable price, you can try to make your own Babbington burner, saving on the purchase of equipment. Manufacturing instructions - in.

So, diesel fuel is far from an economical option, but in some situations it can help out. It is better to organize such heating than to leave the house without heating.

Alternative sources of thermal energy

The first thing that comes to mind when country cottage there is neither gas nor electricity - organize the generation of electricity in some way. For example, install solar panels And wind farm, capable of meeting all the needs of a private household and serving as a power source for any boiler. But similar project you are unlikely to cope alone due to the decent cost of the equipment and the work required to install it. Unless you manage to involve a dozen more neighbors in the implementation of the project.

Generation free electricity using wind turbines and solar panels will require significant investments

A more realistic option for alternative heating is to use a heat pump. This is a baby advanced technologies It is widely used in Western Europe and the USA, but in the post-Soviet space it is not available to everyone. The reason is again the high price. The principle of operation of the pump is similar to an air conditioner: thermal energy is extracted in one place (from natural sources) and moved to another (inside a private home).

There are 4 types of heat pumps, which we will indicate along with the cost of the equipment:

  1. "Air - air." It acts exactly like a household split system for heating. The issue price is from 1800 USD. e., plus installation at least 150 USD. e.
  2. "Air - water." It differs from the previous version in that the thermal energy taken from the outside air is transferred to water into the heating system. The cost of installation of average quality is from 2000 USD. e., installations - about 1700 USD. e.
  3. “Water is water.” These units heat the coolant in the house using energy taken from groundwater or a nearby body of water. More or less reliable equipment will cost you 3000-3300 USD. That is, and the cost of installation depends on the number of wells, the remoteness of the reservoir and other factors.
  4. Geothermal installation "earth - water". Here, an external circuit of pipes delivers heat into the house from deep within the earth, heating the coolant for heating. The most reliable and expensive system, the price starts from 8000 USD. That is, installation - at least 2000 USD. e.

Contours from pipes (left) are subtracted thermal energy earth and water, and the installation (on the right) directs it to heat the house

The trick is that these units still need electricity to move thermal energy. To obtain 3-4 kW of heat and use it for heating, you need to spend 1 kW of electricity.

When the limit on electrical power entering the house is limited to 5 kilowatts, then 3 of them can be spent on heating. The geothermal pump will produce 12 kW of thermal energy, which is enough to heat a living area of ​​120-160 m², no more.

For reference. When purchasing and operating heat pumps at current prices, we are not talking about any payback for the equipment; subsequent energy savings are taken into account. Our expert will give you more information in his video:

Finally, let’s say a few words about how to heat a private house with solar collectors. These are groups glass tubes with coolant flowing inside, which are heated by infrared radiation from the sun. Unfortunately, such installations cannot operate independently and here’s why:

  • at night there is no sun, and there is no heating of the coolant;
  • V winter period, especially in the northern regions, too little solar energy is received;
  • To move the coolant you will need a circulation pump powered by electricity.

Connection diagram solar collectors to the heating system

For these reasons, solar collectors are usually connected by pipes to special fittings in a buffer tank, where they transfer the resulting heat. But the reservoir is also heated from other sources (boilers, furnaces), so the outlet temperature is enough to heat the house.


Under current conditions The best way fully heat a country house without gas and electricity - burn solid fuel in boilers or furnaces. The main role here is played by the combination of cost heating installations and prices of firewood, coal and other briquettes with pellets. Other options will cost more.

An economically advantageous energy source in our conditions is firewood.

Please note that when choosing thermal power equipment, a simple rule applies: the smaller the initial cash investments, the more troublesome its operation. Any homeowner who wants to organize super-economical heating at a low price must invest more work and time. Conversely, when purchasing and installing expensive heat pumps, the owner of the house is left with one concern - sometimes monitoring the temperature and monitoring the operation of the units.

Methods economical heating private house without gas and electricity

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How to warm it up at least small room or heat/cook food in the absence of such an achievement of civilization as electricity? The review contains advice and instructions from people who have already encountered such a pressing problem.

In a situation where the room is cold, the heating is not working and the electric heater either cannot be turned on, or not in any way - there is no light, for example - anyone can find themselves. And Lugansk residents are already familiar with the ban on using electric heaters due to the danger of overloading power lines, which could lead to a complete blackout of the city from electricity, as the Lugansk City Council warns about almost daily.

And if in the summer, in the absence of light, the only question is how to prepare food, then with the onset of cold weather, the problem of heating the room becomes no less acute.

But, as they say, the need for invention is cunning. And Lugansk residents are not the only ones who are faced with the problem of heating a room in the absence of basic amenities of civilization. Below we have collected popular and tried-and-true methods for heating a small (!) room, heating food and improvised heating pads from scrap materials.

1. Candle heater

The candle flame shines quite nicely, but trying to warm up with it seems crazy. Meanwhile, just as a light source, a candle is an extremely wasteful device. But as a room heater it can be useful. Under a number of conditions.

Californian inventor Doyle Doss and his company DOSS Products offer the original Kandle Heeter system, that is, the “Candle Heater”.

This strange-looking candlestick, its creator claims, can be indispensable during a power outage. Its height is about 23 and its width is about 18 centimeters.

And from its appearance, the inverted pot above the candle attracts attention. In this pot (and it's in " past life» flower pot and was) and the main highlight of the system is hidden.

This pot is not simple, but composite. It is made from three pots different diameters, nested one inside the other and connected by a long metal bolt, on which a whole bunch of washers and nuts are strung (fortunately, the pots usually already have holes in the bottom).

An ordinary candle, burning in a room, produces, as it seems, very little heat. But the point here is that its hot “exhaust” simply goes up and quickly evaporates with the ventilation.

Meanwhile, the energy reserve in a candle is not so small. Moreover, with the hot flow of combustion products, most of its energy content leaves, and only a smaller part is converted into light.

The labyrinth cap above the flame collects energy and carefully stores it, heating up quite strongly (the central rod is especially hot). And then this heat is slowly transferred to the air by the entire surface of the ceramic radiator.

The pots also help trap soot from the fire, which helps keep the ceiling clean.

The inventor emphasizes that one such device will in no way save you in the winter when the heating and electricity are turned off, but, on the other hand, it is better than nothing at all.

By the way, clay pots, of course not bad, but they have low thermal conductivity and it is better to replace them with a similar metal structure, for example from tin cans different sizes or old Soviet cans for bulk products, who else keeps these as a memory :))

2. Mini tea light warmer

The author purchased a tent heater powered by tea candles. Several of these heaters save fishermen in tents from freezing. This means that several candles in tin cans with holes for air flow are also suitable for a small room or office :)

3. Heater + camping stove for heating food from cans - alcohol lamp

The design is known abroad as an alcohol stove, or in Russian - an alcohol lamp. The Swedish army has even adopted it.

Alcohol is used because it does not smoke when burned. This means the dishes remain clean and no soot or smoke floats in the air. The design is as simple as 3 kopecks and can be repeated in a few minutes from any available materials. For example, a beer can, coffee can or condensed milk can be used as a donor for the stove.

More specifically: you need a small iron container with an iron lid, or you will have to cover it with something.

So: we take a jar, a ruler, a strip of checkered leaves and a marker or any drawing or scratching object.

1. Mark a stripe on the can, moving one third from the top. The easiest way to do this is by spinning the jar while holding the marker in one position.

2. We wrap a strip of paper around the edge of the mark and fasten it with a piece of tape or glue.

3. We begin to drill, pierce with an awl or cut holes with a knife along the marked strip. IN in this case I made a series of holes with a diameter of 0.8 mm through 10 mm and through 5 mm - which option is better for you - decide for yourself. You can see how they burn below. A small hole diameter for proper combustion is better than a large one, but you can make 3-5 holes a centimeter each. The uniformity of the holes is a purely aesthetic point in order to get a beautiful crown of flame as from an ordinary gas stove. All!

Well, not quite of course, now we’re learning how to light it up. You need to add alcohol and close the lid, 50 ml burns for 15 minutes or more. Place on a non-flammable surface and shake lightly so that the alcohol flows a little onto the outside of the jar through the holes. We light the alcohol outside and wait until it burns out. We repeat the procedure until we get a self-sustaining flame from improvised nozzles around the can. Usually it is enough to repeat 2-3 times and everything starts working on its own.

Its operating principle is simple: the flame heats the walls of the jar, the heat is transferred down the walls to the alcohol, the alcohol boils near the walls and the pressure inside increases, the alcohol vapor comes out under pressure through the holes and mixes with air and burns beautifully. Now we put a pot, a teapot, a mug on top, or we just warm ourselves around the stove - it gives a lot of heat and burns for a long time.

For greater heat transfer, you can place a homemade alcohol lamp in a larger iron container, which would heat up and release heat:

The smaller the number of holes, the harder it is to light, but the less fuel consumption and less heat from it. A liter of water boils in less than 10 minutes. It is resistant to wind, extinguish by covering, add as much fuel as needed, otherwise you will have to wait for it to burn out or pour the hot alcohol back into the container, which is not safe.

Similar options “for one mug” from a tin can with a filler hole, which is closed with a coin and from aerosol can:

4. Wood burner for heating food

And here they offer a little more complex design burners running on wood fuel - from 2-3 cans. True, with this option you need to remember about ventilation in the tent or room.

5. Warmers made from plastic bottles

This way to warm up an ice bed or warm your feet while sitting at desk well known to students living in dormitories :))

Regular plastic bottles Can be filled with hot water and used instead of a heating pad.

Attention! If the water temperature is close to boiling, then when filling the bottle something will definitely happen: the bottle will begin to shrink... A water temperature of 60-70 degrees is optimal.

The experience of our employees shows that you can even sit on slightly flattened bottles, not completely filled with warm/hot water, tightly closed (!) :) or carry 1-2 bottles of hot water in your backpack to “warm” your back))

By the way, in the summer you can make “air conditioner” from these same bottles.

Freeze a few bottles filled with water, place them on a tray or towel (they will begin to gradually thaw) in front of the fan turned on. The temperature in the room will drop significantly.

The most important: in an effort to stay warm, do not forget about the rules fire safety and be careful!

Most large settlements have a branched centralized system gas supply, which meets the needs of residents. In remote places, the situation is not always good.

Long distances to main pipelines and significant gas costs force the use of alternative options space heating. When studying the issue, it turns out that efficient heating in a private house without gas can be achieved using various types of liquid and solid fuel, and in some cases, without it at all.

Gas saving

In climates with harsh winters, there are additional concerns. Too much low temperatures outdoor air conditions necessitate high gas consumption, which significantly increases the financial costs of maintaining comfortable conditions.

Heating payments in winter make up a significant part of a family's budget. There is a natural desire to reduce the volume of payments where possible. Therefore, attention is focused on everyone possible ways saving gas without compromising temperature conditions.

Insulation of the house

You can significantly reduce heating costs in advance, during construction. Correct thermal insulation walls, foundation, roof will prevent thermal energy from escaping into the atmosphere. Upcoming heating costs will be acceptable. If the house is no longer new, you can insulate it at the renovation stage.

There is a wide range of materials that provide thermal insulation of buildings in general, individual apartments and houses in particular. Qualified professionals will help you choose an effective and economical solution insulation of the house. In addition to working with walls, flooring, ceiling structures, window and door openings should be carefully sealed.

Additional sources of savings

When building and technically equipping a house, it is important to correctly calculate the required boiler power. Excessive equipment capacity will lead to excessive consumption of gas fuel and an increase in the amount of payments.

Reduces costs by up to 15% correct wiring thermal pipeline.

The installation of a collector coolant distribution system allows you to save your budget. In the bedrooms you can increase the heating at night, in the living room - during the day. It is advisable to install automated temperature sensors in the house or country house. You need to do this once, enjoy the result constantly. When the outside air temperature drops, the gas supply and the operating intensity of the heat boiler increase. The sensor can operate remotely, which is especially convenient for adjusting the heating of a country house.

It allows you to significantly reduce gas consumption for heating modern version ventilation devices. Installation of a recuperator in which hot air leaves the room through inner pipe, and the cold enters through the outer jacket, warming up at the same time, allowing you to heat the house with minimal costs fuel.

You can install heated floors in living areas. This economical way raise the air temperature in your home at minimal cost. Of course, you need to install gas consumption meters. They help to significantly save money on heating.

How to do without gas

In a country with enormous resources, there is always an alternative choice of fuel. It is possible to inexpensively organize home heating without gas or electricity. There are several options, the choice of which depends on the specifics of the place of residence, the availability of one or another organic raw material.

Solid fuel

Many houses in the villages had wood stoves. The tradition has been preserved to this day in the corners of the forest zone of the country, which has no problems with the delivery of wood. In addition to firewood, other raw materials can be used for heating.

Exist modern designs boilers with automatic device, intended for the use of various types of solid fuel:

  • firewood;
  • straw briquettes;
  • peat;
  • coal;
  • pellets from various raw materials.

In many regions, solid fuel is the cheapest source of heat. Sometimes boilers are made for a specific type of raw material, but universal equipment is popular. This autonomous heating method involves the need to constantly monitor the operation of boilers, add organic raw materials, regularly remove ash and clean chimneys.

The use of coal stoves is not environmentally friendly; a lot of harmful gases are released. It is best to use pellets or briquettes as fuel.

A good option for heating a private home is to install a fireplace. In addition to conventional fireplaces that heat one room with warm air, you can build a pipeline system with coolant that can heat a country house completely without gas. Water entering the radiators or air, distributed to all rooms through air ducts with adjustable dampers, are used as a heat carrier. Fireplaces have a high inertia, so you will have to wait until the entire home warms up. Some inconvenience of heating is compensated by the special comfort that the fireplace creates and pleasant aesthetic impressions.

Liquid fuel

You can heat your house cheaply and without gas using liquid raw materials. The efficiency of liquid fuel boilers and stoves is high, although they are large in size and weight. To install heating stoves, you need to provide separate room with good ventilation and a smoke exhaust system. How heat sources can be used:

  • kerosene;
  • fuel oil;
  • diesel fuel;
  • waste fuels or lubricants.

Liquid fuel has a strong, unpleasant odor; a separate facility must be built for storage. Outdoors at low winter temperatures, flammable liquids will freeze, so the storage room must be heated or be prepared for the fuel to be brought to the required condition before use. Taking into account all the difficulties, heating a wooden house with liquid fuel only makes sense if there are no other available options.

Electrical heating

Regardless of your geographic location, you can use electricity to heat your home. There are many models of electric heating equipment on sale that work effectively without any gas and are easy to use. It will not always be possible to save money. Costs are comparable to gas heating costs, which makes us think about other technologies.

However, if you use film infrared heaters, then energy consumption will be more economical. Sometimes heating with gas or wood is combined with the installation of electric heating devices, making living conditions more comfortable. Electricity is used to heat individual areas of the premises, and install portable heaters in utility rooms and dachas.

Modern alternative

There are completely different approaches to using energy for heating purposes without the use of gas. The choice depends on your readiness to take the equipment seriously new system, financial capabilities of the home owners.

Heat pumps

An as yet unusual option for organizing home heating is the use of a heat pump, the operating principle of which is based on converting the energy of soil, air or water into heat. The unit takes the low temperature potential from environment, heats the coolant in the evaporator and transfers it to the heating system.

The energy source can be:

  • soil located close to the surface of the earth;
  • wells;
  • heat from non-freezing reservoirs.

In the first case, the contour is laid horizontally under a layer of soil located just below the freezing level. It takes a part adjoining plot. After installation of the heating complex is completed, the soil can be used to grow plants with small roots.

Wells are made in deep systems. Curved collectors made of polyethylene pipes. The number of wells and their depth are determined by calculations. Installation of the heater can be done quite quickly.

Laying polyethylene heating pipes on the bottom of a reservoir is more difficult to do. The fasteners should not only firmly fix the pipeline under water, but also weigh down the plastic structure. There are unsuccessful examples when, due to savings on fasteners, polyethylene fragments of the collector floated up, broke, and the coolant poured into the reservoir.

You can take regular air from the street to operate the heat pump. This is the simplest option, which is economically justified only in places where frosts do not exceed 20 ° C.

All types geothermal equipment for heating are environmentally friendly. For their operation, a compressor is needed, it is good if it can be powered not only from the central power supply, but also from a mobile generator. Heat pumps are more than three times more efficient than gas boilers, but first you need to invest a considerable amount of money, which will not pay off right away.


Increased environmental literacy and the level of general awareness of the population make it possible to use non-traditional energy sources, an example of which are various types of biofuels. Biological materials As a result of fermentation, gas is released. The combustion of gaseous products produces energy that can be used to heat a private home or greenhouse.

Any organic waste of animal or plant origin can be taken as raw materials. Most often, they take manure and mix it with sawdust, peat, fallen leaves, straw, and other plant waste. This must be done in a sealed bunker or pit. To initiate fermentation, the mixture is heated to a temperature of 35 ℃. After the start of the reaction, heating continues spontaneously, organic gas is released, which must be sent into the pipeline system and used for heating as usual gas fuel. It is important to take into account that the composition of biological gas differs from natural gas. Therefore, the burners must be adjusted to operate under the given conditions.

Most often, biofuels are used to heat greenhouses and utility rooms. The popularity of the technology is growing, the benefits are obvious. In the near future, biological fuel will begin to be widely used for heating homes.

Solar collectors

The possibility of using solar energy for heating purposes is interesting. There are systems that convert solar energy into electrical and thermal energy. The former are called solar panels, the latter – collectors.

Batteries powered by the sun are rare in our country. But heating collectors are gaining popularity every year, although they also have their own characteristics that complicate their widespread use.

It will not be possible to install heating without gas throughout the entire country using solar collectors. For this purpose, in winter there will not be enough daylight hours and radiation intensity. However, from spring to late autumn, the sun's energy is quite sufficient to heat water as a coolant. The heat accumulated in the collectors is forced to circulate in the system due to the operation of the pump.

There are gravity-fed models that operate completely autonomously without the use of electricity. A pump is not needed in such heating systems.

Any types of solar collectors cost a lot. Additional costs are required for the purchase of a storage tank. They will pay off in at least 10 years. In the southern regions, the use of solar energy for heating is justified by high solar activity. It is quite possible to do without gas here.

Innovative and traditional technologies allow us to consider alternative sources supplying energy for heating without the use of natural gas. In addition to those listed, there are heating systems that use wind and geyser energy.

When planning the construction of a new house or the refurbishment of an old home, you should study the issue thoroughly, assess the availability of a particular source, and calculate the fuel consumption for heating the entire area. In this case, you will be able to save significantly on heating and do without gas.

If you have a large farm, you have access to cheap diesel fuel If you find a free shed to house a diesel boiler, you can purchase it. Such boilers are expensive and only exist in powerful floor-standing versions.

In environmental terms, they are worse than wood-burning ones. In the house itself, you can also allocate a room for a boiler room, but you will have to take care of enhanced ventilation and soundproofing of the walls - these boilers are very noisy.

Modification of a liquid fuel unit - a boiler undergoing testing. They are low-power. A simple device, such a boiler is easy to assemble with your own hands. The advantage is that it is “omnivorous”: it can be heated with waste oil, diesel fuel, etc. The downside is low environmental friendliness. These models are often installed in garages and outbuildings.

Air heating

A feature of most boilers is that they are designed to work with a water circuit. There are steam models, but they are rarely used in residential buildings, usually at technical facilities. The disadvantage of water heating is its dependence on electricity: it runs a circulation pump ().

Heating a private house without gas and electricity can be done in three ways:

  • install a gravity pipeline - without a pump, on natural circulation. Installation is technically more difficult; such a system will not be able to effectively heat a large house;
  • use an autonomous energy source (see below);
  • heating without electricity and without gas is possible using an air heating system, without a water pipeline.

Most famous alternative heating in a private house without gas - a classic village stove: Russian, Dutch, Swedish, in the bathhouse - a heater. Metal analogue – so-called. “potbelly stove”: it has low inertia; unlike brick and stone, the metal quickly heats up and quickly loses heat.

Brick stoves retain heat for a long time. If desired, you can make an improvised water boiler from the stove: install a heat exchanger above the firebox. But in this case, a pump will be needed for heating.

Minus stove heatinglimited area. Eat different ways increase furnace efficiency. It is often placed in the middle of the house, in the wall separating rooms.

IN two-story house They install another smaller stove on the second floor, strictly above the first one. Brick/stone masonry is heavy; such a structure requires its own.

Another option to expand the heated area is to connect air ducts to the stove. An example is a Buleryan metal boiler: a barrel installed horizontally with a loading door at the end.

On the side walls there are several short pipes through which heated air exits. For heating small area The unit can be used as is. IN big house Air ducts are connected to the branch pipes and routed to different rooms.

Among air options For heating a country house without gas, electrical heating appliances should also be mentioned: oil batteries, convectors, fan heaters, heat guns.

The gun cannot be used for constant heating: it has high power and high energy consumption. It is used when you need to heat a room instantly. Convectors or oil batteries are suitable for constant heating.

Other technologies

Among the water types of heating a country house without gas, heat and geothermal pumps should be mentioned. The principle of their operation is the extraction of heat from the earth, water, air and redirection of this energy into the home heating pipeline.

Geothermal systems come in three types:

  • vertical - the collector is located in a well up to 200 meters deep;
  • horizontal – the collector is located area-wise, in trenches buried below the soil freezing line;
  • water - placed on the bottom of an ice-free reservoir.

The operating principle of the pump is similar to that of a refrigerator. The only difference is that the refrigerator uses cold, and the pump, on the contrary, uses the heat released when the refrigerant condenses. This technology is most effective in areas where hot water is located close to the surface.

In the Russian Federation there are also such areas - Kamchatka, Kuril Islands. But still, for Russia, such heating without gas or firewood is a new thing. Heating a house without gas is most often done using more traditional methods.

The geothermal system is unpopular due to the expensive installation process: high costs for drilling, for excavation. They pay for themselves in a few years, but the initial investment is large. In addition, this produces heating without gas or wood, but it still requires electricity - a heat pump runs on it.

There is inexpensive and accessible technology– biogas. Came to us from China. Organic waste (for example, manure) is loaded into a sealed container, water is added, and heated. In a closed container, the mixture begins to ferment.

The gas released in this case is discharged through pipes to home system gas supply.

An important point is monitoring the pressure in the tank: if it exceeds a critical value, the tank may explode.


Since it is impossible to live without electricity in the house, regardless of heating, in the absence of electricity supply or in the unreliable operation of the centralized power grid, residents country houses resort to autonomous sources. The most common are electric generators.

Divided by fuel type:

  • gasoline;
  • gas;
  • diesel

Gasoline generators are usually low-power (). Their resource is relatively small. They are not used as a constant current source, only as an emergency option in case of wire breaks.

Diesel - only powerful ones. Can be used as a permanent stand-alone station in a large house or farm. Cons: high fuel costs, low environmental friendliness, noisy operation.

Gas engines have the largest power range. Among them, you can choose a model for both a permanent station and for emergency situations. For emergency situations - low-power: have air system cooling, they have a shorter resource. Have powerful ones that are suitable for permanent job, liquid cooling. But if you need heating without gas in a private home, such a generator will not work.

Alternative energy sources

Is heating possible without gas and firewood, pipes and boilers? In such cases, alternative natural technologies are used to generate electricity: solar panels, wind generators, water turbines.

Solar panels - an option for the south or middle zone: they accumulate energy even in winter, although to a lesser extent. In the north, they work constantly during the polar day, but in the winter they will have to look for another source of energy.

Wind turbines are justified if the average annual wind speed is sufficient.

Their installation requires permission from the local administration, because:

  • the height of the mast may exceed the permissible height of buildings in the area;
  • the device is electrically dangerous;
  • creates noise and interference with television/radio broadcasts.

The installation of a hydraulic turbine also requires permission.

You will need to justify that your design will not harm the ecology of the reservoir and will not destroy the coastline.

Video about heating a house without gas and without electricity.

It is considered a pressing issue for residents of private households. Gas is a cheap and accessible type of fuel. However, some settlements are still deprived of this heating method. In the absence of gas, alternative methods of heating a private home are used.

Heating private houses without using gas is quite common today. This is due to both technological reasons and the lack of connectivity to the mainline due to a financial or technical issue

When choosing heating for your home, you take into account the availability, environmental friendliness and cost-effectiveness of the chosen method.

Stoves and fireplaces

The stove is the oldest method of heating. Designs with an average heat capacity are used, which are heated twice a day.

Stove heating is not difficult. Needed correctly.

For construction furnace structures Sand, brick, lime and clay are used.

It is important to decide what to heat the stove with besides wood. Coal is suitable for these purposes. Maintenance of this design is associated with additional difficulties. Regular combustion and chimney cleaning are carried out. The stove occupies a large space in the room and is characterized by a fire hazard. There is a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning when using the equipment.

A stove or fireplace is used to create a cozy atmosphere. The stove is built from brick or purchased ready-made from metal. It is cheaper to heat a house at .

The furnace is installed on the foundation. The part of the structure that goes into the attic is called a chimney.

You can set up the oven in the following way:

  1. The foundation is being installed. Insulating material is laid on the base.
  2. The masonry is done using bricks on a mixture of cement and sand.
  3. No clay mortar is used during construction.
  4. The chimney opening is divided. This is done for fire safety.
  5. At two brick rows fluffing is performed. If this is not done, the stove will smoke.

To ensure that the fireplace burns well, free space is left in front of the firebox. The fireplace insert is installed in stone or brick cladding.

The stove can take up to five percent of the total area of ​​the room

Solid fuel boilers: wood, coal, pellets

An alternative to gas heating in a private home is solid fuel equipment. efficiency and safety. At the same time, the coolant heats up, which transfers heat to the radiators and into the room. Solid fuel boilers are either pyrolysis or classic. It is cheap and characterized by the availability of fuel.

The disadvantages include difficulty in operation. It is necessary to regularly clean the combustion chamber and load the firebox.

IN standard boilers fuel combustion process occurs. In the pyrolysis structure, flammable gas is released, which enters the combustion chamber and is burned.

You can heat your house with solid fuel appliances, which are divided into cast iron and steel.

Solid fuel products have the following advantages:

  • high environmental performance;
  • fuel availability;
  • increased level of security.

Firewood and briquettes are used as fuel. Wood processing industry waste is used. They are crushed and collected into granules. You can heat the boiler with coal. In this case, heating is carried out even in the absence of electricity.

Which works for heating and creating hot water supply.

To ensure a stable water supply, the boiler is connected to a boiler.

Solid fuel boilers today they are the best replacement for main gas

Liquid fuel boilers

You can heat your living space using equipment that runs on liquid fuel. Diesel is used as fuel. Such boilers are equipped with fan burners.

This device atomizes fuel and supplies it to the combustion chamber.

The device is equipped with a special regulator. It controls the appliances that are connected to the boiler. This could be a burner or a pump.

An important parameter of an oil-fuel boiler is power. This option requires preliminary calculation. This takes into account the number of window and doorways, thickness of walls and ceilings.

A separate room is selected for installation of the liquid fuel boiler. It should have a hood and a place to store fuel.

To heat a house without gas or electricity, you need to equip the device with a special filter. This will prevent the injectors from clogging.

If the fuel needs to be replaced, the burner is reconfigured.

The equipment is characterized by noiselessness and performance.

Liquid fuel structures have high efficiency and can heat large rooms.

This system It can be completely autonomous, which allows heating without gas or wood. No permits are required to install such a system. Similar designs work on various types fuel and any coolants.

When arranging equipment, it is worth considering the following features:

  1. Fuel costs are increasing compared to .
  2. A container for storing fuel raw materials is installed in the room.
  3. It is being equipped because the heating system is characterized by unpleasant odors.
  4. Electricity will be required, since when the power goes out, the backup generator must be started. In this case, you can heat your house without gas.
If we compare performance and characteristics, an oil-fuel boiler is on the same level as a gas boiler, differing only in the price of fuel and its types


Without gas it is possible with electricity. Electric heating is compact and environmentally friendly. Disadvantages of the system include interruptions in power supply.

In electrical structures, the coolant is heated by heat exchangers with built-in heating elements.

There are the following options heating a country house without gas using electricity:

  • When using coolant, normal wiring is used.
  • Direct heating is used. In this case, convectors are installed, which operate as part of the system or separately.

Electric heat without gas has the following advantages:

  1. Installation of equipment has a low price. There is no need to make a project, install a chimney and numerous sensors.
  2. Characterized by ease of maintenance. There are no frequently breaking elements in the system.
  3. The equipment is quiet, durable and safe.

If you choose economic heating of a private house without gas, then this design won't do. It has significant energy consumption. The disadvantages of the equipment include dependence on the network voltage.

Modern types of heating a country house without gas include underfloor heating. This system consists of plates with an attached incandescent spiral.

The electric boiler is lightweight and compact; this equipment can be installed in residential premises

Autonomous gasification

If there is no gas, you can heat your house using imported fuel. In this case, gas is taken not from the central pipeline, but from its own storage facility.

Propane-butane cylinders are used.

This system is simple. It operates independently of the centralized gas supply using liquefied gas.

To cheaply heat a house, a similar design is used. It is characterized by high efficiency and safety. The system is installed in a short time.

Energy of sun

Heating energy. flat collectors.

This design depends on natural conditions and is expensive installation work. Such heating without gas converts solar energy into thermal energy. Collectors are installed on the roofs. Characterized by high environmental friendliness.

When installing this structure, it is necessary to insulate the building. High-quality thermal insulation affects the cost of installation of the structure.

Geothermal heating

The installation will allow you to heat your house cheaply without gas geothermal system. This is an effective alternative standard types heating.

The operating principle of the design is based on the use of the energy capabilities of the earth.

Accumulates in the ground solar energy, which remains in the soil even in winter. The main devices of the design include a heat exchanger and a heat pump.

The cost of this installation is expensive. Benefits include security, low maintenance costs and unlimited resources.


The heat pump is connected to two circuits. One circuit consists of batteries and lines. The second circuit includes a heat exchanger, which is located underground.

The design of the structure depends on the depth and thermal conductivity of the soil.
