An essay on the topic of my future profession as a programmer. Essay “My future profession is a programmer” I am proud of my profession as a programmer

Why do I want to become a programmer?

I am thirteen years old and I have already decided on my future profession. When I grow up, I will become a successful programmer. I feel that this is my calling - the call of my soul.

Why do I want to become a programmer, and not, say, a doctor or an architect? Yes, because I have already started learning programming, and I do it with great pleasure. This is the activity on which I am ready to spend all my free time.

On weekdays, when I return from school, I try to do my homework quickly so that I can get to the computer as quickly as possible. I'm interested in writing code and then seeing the results of my efforts. I'm learning the JavaScript programming language and I enjoy working with Canvas. This is a software element that can be used to draw graphics and create animations. To make the programmer's task easier, a special framework has been developed. It is a software platform that can be used to create an interactive background for a web page. Overall, JavaScript is a promising programming language that is great for beginners.

The time remaining until I graduate from school and enter university, I will continue to study programming. For me, this is my life's work!

My future profession is programmer

I know exactly what I will become in the future - a programmer. I am already learning the basics of this profession.

My dad inspired me with the idea of ​​learning programming, for which I am very grateful to him. Already at the age of three I had a personal computer. But then I only watched cartoons and played primitive games. By the age of ten, I already considered myself a confident computer user, as I had mastered basic office programs, including the most popular graphics editor and its free analogue. And then my dad advised me to download a programming textbook on the Internet and start studying with it. To make sure that the material covered has been successfully mastered, I take a test at the end of each section of the textbook. The test result reflects the real indicator of acquired skills. The closer to one hundred percent, the higher the level of knowledge. If you fail to reach the maximum on the first try, you can take the test again.

Currently, there is an increased demand for programmers in the labor market. At the same time, there are clearly not enough professional information technology specialists. Since the demand for programmers significantly exceeds the supply, employers offer them high, competitive salaries. And the same trend can be seen in all countries of the world. Highly qualified programmers are highly valued; all of them are rightfully considered successful people.

I hope I was able to justify why I chose the profession of a programmer.

Programmer is my favorite profession

Every person, even in his youth, thinks about what he wants to become in the future. My favorite profession is a programmer, I will do my best to master it successfully.

What attracts me to working as a programmer is the opportunity to work remotely - not to visit the employer’s office and not waste personal time traveling in public transport. After all, time is money, that is, a limited resource that must be spent economically and profitably. It is for this reason that I almost stopped playing computer games: it’s a pity for wasted time. I am only interested in new games, and only from the point of view of mastering my future profession. After all, in order to create games yourself, you need to be aware of all the latest market trends in the computer games industry.

In a few years I plan to create my own computer game. For this purpose, I have already purchased a domain name for the site. I hope that in the future this idea will be implemented and my gaming site will become popular.

In the more distant future, I dream of creating a software product that has no analogues. I would really like to become an innovator in the field of innovative technologies and the creation of computer software and hardware.

In the meantime, I continue to study diligently. Although I have decided on the priority subjects, that is, the ones I need in the future, I cannot neglect the other disciplines. Therefore, first I have to graduate from school, and then from university. And only after its successful completion it will be possible to say that my favorite profession - programmer - has been mastered.

My dream profession is programmer

I have long decided on my future profession - I want to become a programmer. This is my dream job.

To master this profession, a good knowledge of English is required. That's why I stopped taking courses, preferring to learn English at home. Self-study allows you to study intensively, which allows you to memorize new material faster and more efficiently. I hope that by the time I graduate from school, my knowledge of English will reach the level of fluency, and I will be able to speak fluently on any topic.

I devote my free time to sports. I used to attend the boxing section at a sports school, now I train at home. In a healthy body healthy mind. This catchphrase reflects the undeniable truth: by keeping the body healthy, a person maintains mental health. Therefore, regardless of the chosen profession, you must not be lazy to do physical exercises.

We live in the era of information technology. In the future, the role of the Internet in our lives will grow, bringing us closer and closer to the creation of virtual reality. This is the next evolutionary stage in the development of humanity, which will very soon change the world beyond recognition. Therefore, learning programming today is an opportunity to keep up with the times tomorrow.

I hope I have chosen a good profession that will be in demand. What attracts me to it is the opportunity to be on the cutting edge of modern digital technology, as well as the need to think outside the box.

Without a doubt, a programmer is the profession of the future. I will do my best to purchase it.


Programmers are a general category of people who develop algorithms and programs based on mathematical models. Programmers can be roughly divided into three categories:

Application programmers. Such specialists are engaged in the development of specific programs necessary for the operation of the organization. For example, this includes 1C programmers.

System programmers program operating systems, interfaces to distributed databases, and work with networks.

Web programmers deal with networks, but usually global ones, such as the Internet. They write web interfaces to databases, create dynamic web pages, etc.

Specifics of the profession:

Pros of the profession:

Constant professional self-improvement,

High demand in the market,

High profit payment,

You can work without a diploma

Mainly a creative profession.

Disadvantages of the profession:

What is clear to the programmer is not always clear to the user; you have to explain a lot,

It happens to work in emergency mode,

Working on a computer is bad for your health

And here is the place for routine,

Profession leaves its mark on character.

Place of work:

Research centers,

IT companies,

Organizations that have programmer departments (or staff units) in their structure.

Personal qualities:

First of all, a programmer must have patience and endurance. These are absolutely irreplaceable qualities in his work.

Programming is a rapidly developing field, so you need to be able to adapt quickly and constantly learn something new. Otherwise, in a few years your value as a specialist may significantly decrease.

The ability to objectively assess the capabilities of technologies and their use in each specific case. So that it doesn’t turn out that the firewood is cut using the latest laser developments.

Career and salary:

Head of a group of programmers, IT director, project manager, you can move within the specialty, improving professionally.

Programmer: a reluctant genius In his head, numbers, algorithms and original ideas form useful, simple and accessible programs that can make life easier for millions of personal computer users.

Programmer is one of the most popular and highly paid professions in Russia. Even the least advanced specialist can find a job in accordance with his level of knowledge, and then gradually learn and gain experience.

A good start to your career can be joining a group of programmers when developing a project. Large projects often attract the attention of Western companies, which “outbid” Russian programmers. For example, once a group of our young scientists developed the Elbrus processor for the Ministry of Defense, but in the end they were all bought up by Intel Corporation, and now our scientists and programmers work abroad, and the Elbrus project itself was slowly closed. The problem of “brain drain” in this profession is one of the most acute. However, in Russia today there is plenty of work for programmers - they are needed both by domestic software development companies and by any company where there is a computer network and it is necessary to adapt and configure software for the needs of the organization.

The leaders of the IT market in Russia include Kaspersky Lab, R-Style, LANIT, EPAM Systems, etc.

I wish I could invent a BIOS...

The demand in the labor market for programmers is high, but there is corresponding competition. You will be able to find an interesting and highly paid job only if you know your business perfectly. One of the most difficult things in programming is the development of system software - services that manage the components of a computer system (processor, communication and peripheral devices, as well as those that are designed to ensure the functioning and performance of the entire system (boot loaders, operating systems, device drivers, etc.) Such specialists are not in great demand in Russia today, since almost all products of this kind are manufactured abroad. Therefore, there is a chance to find a well-paid job in Western companies.

Creators and "coders"

Another area of ​​work for programmers is the development and creation of software that offers certain services to users (text editors, accounting programs, games, software for video surveillance systems, databases, etc.).

The requirements for such programmers depend on the needs of the employer: from basic knowledge of the most popular programming languages ​​(Delphi, Java, C++, etc.) and the ability to troubleshoot any office equipment to such rare skills as Lotus Notes development, knowledge of WinSock, WinInet, ATL, STL etc.

Today there is also a demand for specialists who adapt ready-made programs (mainly “1C: Accounting”, “1C: Warehouse”, etc.) to the characteristics of a particular enterprise.

Web programmers

The Internet is developing more and more actively every year, and it is simply not serious for an organization not to have its own website. Accordingly, the need for professionals capable of creating a website and providing its technical support is steadily growing. Traditional requirements for web programmers: knowledge of PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML, DHTML, CSS, XML, etc. Often programmers also have to do web design.

There is one drawback to this work - after a while, the responsibilities of a full-time web specialist are reduced to updating content, eliminating errors and writing simple scripts. If you are a creative person and like to work independently, it is better to discuss working conditions and responsibilities in advance.

Another option is to find a position in a company that professionally develops custom websites.

Career & Salary

The first step in your career can be the position of a trainee programmer. Large IT companies often publish similar vacancies. It is necessary to have good theoretical training, it is advisable to know high-level languages ​​(C++, VB, VFP, C#, VB. Net.). An intern's salary is about $1000. A full-time programmer in a mid-level company (not IT) receives up to $1500-1800, a little more in an organization associated with mass software development. The lead programmer's salary is $2500-3000. The next step is the head of the IT department. The required knowledge is supplemented by mandatory work experience, knowledge of a foreign language, personnel management skills, etc., and earnings can reach $4,000. A good programmer can become the manager of a large software development project, and here the income level reaches $5,000 and above.

Many programmers prefer not to work for a company, but to be freelancers (i.e., “freelance artists”) and carry out one-time orders without leaving home. The freelancer receives a remuneration that directly depends on the complexity of the project. For a typical task, which takes two to three days to complete, you can get $300-500. The upper limit of payment can be absolutely anything ($3000 and above). The advantage of this way of working is that you can simultaneously perform several tasks from different employers, thus earning much more.

Applied InformaticsWhat does it mean to be a graduate of the Applied Informatics specialty? This means being one hundred percent sure that with the help of information technology, automation of routine processes, technologies for collecting and processing information, the life of a modern person can be made easier and more convenient.

Who is the profession suitable for?

You don't have to be able to assemble a computer blindfolded and reinstall software with just a glance at the mouse. Of course, it will be significantly easier to learn for someone who is already interested in computers. However, something else is important: do you believe with all your heart that the development of technology is right, that you need to look for moments that require improvement, and automate various processes so that millions of operations can take place without human intervention. (For example, in the field of exchange trading of securities, even about 1.3 billion transactions are carried out on accounts every day on an average day: 99.9% are automatic, and only 0.1% of the remaining require human participation.)

Those who want to master a highly regulated specialty will be mistaken if they choose applied computer science. This is an innovative specialty, where you are always pioneers. Even if there is someone else doing the same thing, your job is to figure out how to do it differently.

And for the attention of overly creative people: in this area, especially if we are talking about a complex application, it is easier not to automate the work from scratch, but to improve something. There is something to build on, there is already a general vision of the system by the customer. In a “from scratch” project, six months may pass before the client begins to understand what he needs.

The essence of the matter and the wide possibilities

It is difficult to evaluate the work of an innovative specialist correctly. Often there is no right and wrong, because after a while it turns out that another way of solving a problem is optimal in relation to the once generally accepted one. And this time must be waited.

Applied computer science studies information technologies used elsewhere. A specialist in applied computer science combines skills in building an information environment that is convenient and easy to use, as well as optimally suited to the task, and knowledge in any subject area of ​​his choice.

Let's take a look at a professional... a library, for example. What processes require innovation here? Perhaps this is the accumulation of information about various authors and topics, the construction of a library catalog according to a selected characteristic... Or the process of accepting and issuing books - by the way, why not speed it up by using a barcode scanner? In this way, reading debt will be determined more accurately, and librarians will become happier!

Now imagine that this is not a library, but a bank. The scope has changed, but nothing has changed globally. There is a need for cataloging, accumulation of information and, possibly, the use of a barcode scanner (for a faster and more convenient way for clients to deposit money into an account or move this money from a client's account).

So any area requires professional attention from an applied scientist. There is a certain process logic that needs to be studied before making improvements. And the specialist’s goal is to understand how technical knowledge can be adapted to solve problems in the subject area.

Automation is needed everywhere. Cashiers in a store punch receipts using a barcode scanner configured for the store’s product range and its accounting documents. At the factory, information about each part also enters the accounting program directly from the machine. At the dental clinic, your record is maintained electronically; In many Western and some of our medical laboratories, analysis is processed automatically, without human intervention. Accountants work with R-keeper, 1C, SAP-R3 systems, which automate their work.

At the same time, automation tools are still far from perfect - and are constantly evolving. Let’s say, if you are interested in foreign languages ​​and want to study applied computer science, please, there are systems like Lingvo or Promt and electronic dictionaries, and you, as a specialist interested in languages, will understand the requirements for such systems better than others and will be able to improve existing programs with pleasure or develop a new one that will successfully compete with them.

A wide choice of areas of application of knowledge is certainly an advantage for a graduate. Knowledge about how to look for problems to improve processes for working with information and how to solve them is completely unified. After graduation, you can equally well go to work either in a laboratory or in a trading company; both to school and to government agencies. The choice is determined by what your soul is about.

Job responsibilities

The analyst mainly communicates with the development team and with the customer (the project can be either external or internal). He collects information from both customers and intended users of the product and describes it to the development team in terms that they can understand. Answers the question: what needs to be done? It is the analyst who is engaged in the activities most relevant to his specialty.

A programmer is a member of the development team. Answers the question: how should it be done? Receives information either directly from the customer and users (if the project is very small and does not involve analysts), or from the analyst and from the documents that he prepared. After that, he creates the program.

Tester - testing engineer. Unfortunately, the role of this specialist in the project is underestimated. However, it is the tester, or tester, who is responsible for the quality of the product: he writes test scripts for the program to cover the maximum possible use cases and identify the maximum possible number of failures in its operation, as well as the maximum possible number of programmer errors.

A project manager often combines the role of a project analyst and project management responsibilities - distributing tasks, monitoring their implementation, helping the team in difficult situations and providing a friendly infrastructure (comfortable conditions and the availability of all necessary programs).

Additional requirements

From the very beginning, a specialist will have to get used to evaluating his work in terms of labor costs. It will be necessary to predict how much time a particular task will take, so that the project manager or client can then estimate these labor costs at the rates established for them.

This job also requires well-developed communication skills. One of the main skills is the ability to prove and show that everything is well thought out. It is very difficult to prove to a client that he is wrong. And it’s even more difficult to admit later that it was the client who was right, because the “ideal” scenario does not work.

But there is an even more important skill - the ability to recognize the client as the main carrier of knowledge in his subject area. Alas, very often the specialist thinks out for the client what he supposedly needs, and then the client is surprised: even what was not asked for was done. However, it happens that the client himself does not know what he wants. Or he formulates his wishes inaccurately and inattentively, because he simply does not understand what else needs to be explained: for him everything is obvious.

Working at the intersection of areas of knowledge, you will often be an intermediary between narrow specialists in the chosen subject area and technical specialists. And it depends on you whether they will find a common language, whether they will gain a common vision of the situation and a common point of view on the problem being solved. If you are creating a system for a commercial company, then for more than six months you will be explaining to other application specialists “what debit and credit are”, “how can I calculate this coefficient that is indicated in the document.” And explain it as simply as possible. And then you will repeatedly explain to users “when to click on this button,” and object to attacks like “is it difficult to add a new report? It’s almost the same as the other report.”

Your social circle will expand. You will be able to navigate the realities of subject areas. However, conflicts are also possible - so your choice depends on how comfortable you feel in conflict situations and with an abundance of communication.

Basic knowledge

You must have a good understanding of algebra and the school computer science course - this is not discussed. What about physics and geometry? They are also needed to develop abstract thinking.

It is very important to know English! Precisely English: otherwise it will be difficult to work even with Russian-speaking clients. The specialty is full of Englishisms and untranslatable terms; new technologies are accompanied by documentation only in English. If the main foreign language is not English, then you need to think carefully before choosing applied computer science.

And it would be nice to be able to play chess - this will develop logical thinking.

Choosing a university and studying

A very good selection criterion is practical teachers! If teaching is the main and only occupation of university teachers, then this is bad: there is a risk that very soon they will teach outdated information.

Look for a university where they give you a lot of tasks, where you need to think a lot abstractly, learn to think in an unusual way, and also constantly look for analogies: after all, the more complex the subject area and the further it is from what the programmer is already familiar with, the more difficult and interesting it will be work.

How can you become a sought-after expert if you are more interested in the applied aspect rather than the technical details? Take a look at universities that specialize in the subject area you want to choose. One person will be more interested in applied computer science in economics, another - in medicine or tourism. And look for training in the specialty “Applied Informatics” in the relevant higher educational institutions.

Need to constantly learn new things

An applied scientist is always learning. And you need to learn the processes of producing programs and technologies, study the new technologies themselves used in a specific project, master new areas of application of knowledge, and comprehend business processes set up differently. The result in training must be achieved very quickly - and just as quickly switch between different knowledge that you already have. During the time you are students, new algorithms for designing processes, new methods of automation, new programs for documentation will be invented - everything will become new.

In the field of information technology, changes are unregulated and often undocumented. There are so many different technologies today that a specialist will most likely have to work on a project where some of the technologies used will be practically unfamiliar to him. When you get into a project, you may encounter a situation where not only do you not have the slightest idea how to work with the new technology, but seasoned specialists are also not up to date. And that's okay. However, will you have time to complete your studies? But won't the new knowledge turn out to be too complicated?

However, having just graduated from university, you will already be on the same level as many colleagues in your industry.

Programmer: familiar with a computer

Job sites are overloaded with vacancies for programmers. A salary of $1000 is considered the minimum today...

The information technology (IT) sector in Russia is developing rapidly: the growth rate is 25% per year - this is higher than in Europe and the USA. Russian universities annually graduate up to 100 thousand programmers, and still demand exceeds supply. It is not only Russia that is experiencing a shortage of specialists. Professionals are invited to foreign companies (in particular the USA) for so-called offshore programming - work commissioned by foreign companies. A Russian specialist in such a company can earn $3-4 thousand per month.

Let's go to developers!

The highest paid programmers are developers of new operating systems, applications and programs (MS Office, Adobe Photoshop, etc.). This is done by highly qualified specialists from foreign manufacturing companies such as Microsoft, Sun, Oracle, Adobe, etc. In domestic companies, such projects are rare; users install mainly Western products on their PCs. Some Russian software development companies exist, but they are few in number (for example, Kaspersky Lab, which produces antivirus programs). Government agencies are also involved in creating programs: research institutes and design bureaus of the military-industrial complex, astronautics, but the salaries here are not comparable with salaries in commercial organizations.

Shall we play at work?

A separate area of ​​work for a programmer is the development of computer games. In the West, this is a business where huge amounts of money are circulating. The six-month income of foreign gaming industry giants Electronic Arts and Activision is hundreds of millions of dollars. In Russia, the amounts, of course, are several times smaller, but this area is actively developing, and some domestic companies have managed to occupy their niche in this business - Nival, Akkela, KD-Lab... Today in Russia and the CIS countries game development are conducted by about 200 companies. Competition between companies is fierce and experienced programmers are constantly needed. They are the ones who create three-dimensional landscapes for future strategy games, “explain” to the computer the principles of character movement in the catacombs of the labyrinth, develop artificial intelligence of opponents, deal with special effects, animation, etc. The work is interesting, however, the salary in Russian development companies is usually low. is small ($600-1500 per month), whereas in the USA even a novice specialist receives from $4,000 per month.

Business on the computer

Choose this area if you:

Love computer science

Have a technical mind

Attentive, collected

Ready to solve complex technical problems

Do not choose this profession if you:

Don't be friends with math

Wouldn't like to do sedentary work

Wear glasses from – 5 diopters

You don’t know what “BASIC”, “Pascal”, “Assembler” are

But the programming profession does not owe its popularity in our country to development companies. In Russia, application programmers are mainly required: almost any company today needs to automate its business, the ability to work on an internal computer network, quickly exchange information between divisions and departments, keep records of products, purchases, and goods sold in electronic form. Programmers are indispensable here; they adapt, and if necessary, develop a software package, taking into account the specifics of the organization’s business: it is one thing to automate the activities of a publishing house, another thing to automate a trading company or restaurant. When creating such business systems, programmers write database applications, programs for input and output of information, etc.

Many enterprises are ready to hire such a specialist on staff - not only for business development and automation, but also for constant monitoring of the established system and its changes in the event of company expansion. Other companies prefer to order the automation of their business from specialized IT firms that provide such services. Programmers are also needed here, but the work is more interesting, clients change, you have to deal with different organizations and solve different problems.

To help the accountant

The so-called “1C programmers” are in particular demand in the labor market - the same application specialists, but adapting a ready-made 1C software package to the needs of a specific enterprise, mainly accounting. Analyzing the company's requirements, they install programs that facilitate calculations, optimize staff work, and improve document flow. Such programmers are especially in demand by trading companies, and less often by manufacturing companies. For example, in a car dealership, the work of a 1C programmer will allow you to quickly take into account operations for the sale, sale and storage of cars, in a printing house - to calculate the amount of material to order, place an order, etc. In a restaurant - to facilitate all operations related to the purchase and storage of products, production and the sale of dishes, mutual settlements with suppliers, customers and employees. Salaries in this area range from $1300 to $2000.

With your head on the Internet

Prestigious and highly paid job

High demand for specialists

Opportunity to work not only in Russia, but also abroad

High competition in the labor market

Hard study

Routine painstaking work (in most cases)

Another option for a programmer is web programming: development, modernization and support of websites. This area requires knowledge of many specialized programs (PHP, MYSQL, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML). Very often, employers want to get a two-in-one specialist - a web designer and a web programmer, so that he not only solves technical issues (fast loading of the site, work of links, search engine), but also deals with the design of the site and even its information content.

Web programmers are one of the most sought-after specialists today, and with the development of the Internet in Russia, work will only increase.

Take your time with the work!

It is not a problem for a programmer, even a beginner, to find a job as an application specialist in one of the many companies, but professionals advise not to rush and try to get a job in a software development company. Even if they pay less here at first, there are prospects for career growth, and most importantly, it’s an interesting job. Even writing a simple text editor requires a creative approach - you need to come up with an interface, select algorithms. Designing computer games, anti-virus applications, electronic dictionaries - all this allows the programmer to create.

Constant self-education is a necessary condition for working as a programmer. New versions of programs are released monthly, hardware specifications are updated, and you need to be aware of all the changes. Even a slight lag makes a programmer unsuitable for professional work.

ALMA MATER for the programmer

There are many universities in Moscow where you can get a good education in the IT field.


SCHOOL No. 1080










Introduction page 3

1. My future profession p. 4

1.1. Who is a programmer and what does he do page 4

1.2. History of the profession page 4

1.3. Demand for the profession in the labor market p. 5

1.4. Why did I choose this profession page 6

1.5. Profession specialties. Which one do I want to choose page 7

1.6. Comparison of professional qualities and my qualities page 8

1.7. Pros of the profession p. 9

1.8. Disadvantages of the profession p. 9

1.9. Areas of work page 9

1.10. Interesting facts about the profession page 10

II. My plan for preparing for a professional career page 11

2.1. Paths to obtaining a profession p. 11

2.2. My certificate average page 11

2.3. Basic steps page 11

2.4. Features of career growth p. 12

2.5. Interview page 13

Conclusion page 14

Sources of information page 15

Appendix page 16


“Here's the best advice you can give to young people: Find something you love to do, and then find someone to pay you for it.”

Katherine Whitehorn

A person’s future largely depends on the chosen profession. Almost all schoolchildren face this problem, because their entire future life depends on what this choice will be. Students in grades 9 and 11 are at a crossroads in life: childhood ends and adulthood begins. In order not to stray from the path of life, they need to set a goal for themselves.

Objective of the project:

Find out whether the programmer profession is right for me, decide on a specialty and university.

Project objectives:

    Find out who a programmer is and what he does;

    Find out the pros and cons of this profession;

    Find out what skills a specialist should have;

    Find out where to learn this profession;

    Learn about career development;

    Find out about the demand for this profession;

    Consider ways to achieve a profession;

    Find out the qualities necessary in development for successful work.

1. My future profession is programmer

1.1. Who is a programmer and what does he do?

A programmer is a specialist who develops algorithms and computer programs based on special mathematical models. Programmers develop algorithms and computer programs.

A programmer's responsibilities include several tasks.

Firstly, a specialist develops operating systems, works with networks, writes interfaces to various distributed databases, and also develops software systems that, in turn, manage the computing system. The list of tasks also includes ensuring the functioning and operation of the created systems.
Secondly, a programmer develops application software - games, accounting programs, etc. Their responsibilities also include adapting existing programs to the needs of a particular organization or user.

Thirdly, the programmer works with networks. He writes the software components of websites, creates dynamic web pages, web interfaces for working with databases.

1.2. History of the profession

The first program for the Analytical Engine was written back in 1843 by George Byron's daughter Countess Ada Augusta Lovelace, and the first programmable computer started operating in 1941. It was launched (and at the same time invented the first programming language) by the German engineer Konrad Zuse.

The profession of a programmer became prestigious and well-paid in the 1970s, and with the advent and development of the Internet, a huge number of specializations in programming were added.

1.3. Demand for the profession in the labor market

The profession of a programmer is among the top 10 most in-demand professions, according to the Moscow Employment Center (see Fig. 2)

1.4. Why did I choose this profession

The reason for choosing this profession was that I liked it. The programmer needs to quickly find the correct and shortest solution, find and correct mistakes. In addition, creators of software for personal computers, tablets, cell phones and other devices, without which the life of a modern person makes no sense, must make their products not only work correctly, but also attractive to the user. To do this you need to be truly interested in your profession.

1. 5. Profession specialties:

    Information technology security in law enforcement;

    Business Informatics;

    Informatics and Computer Science;

    Information Security;

    Information security of automated systems;

    Information security of telecommunication systems;

    Information systems and technologies;

    Computer security;

    Ship weapons;

    Laser equipment and laser technologies;

    Mathematics and Computer Science;

    Mathematics and computer science in the profile: Mathematical methods in economics and finance;

    Applied Informatics;

    Software Engineering;

    Photonics and optoinformatics;

    Nuclear physics and technology.

Which specialty do I want to choose?

I chose the specialty “Information Systems and Technologies” because I want to learn programming technology, data management and information processing technology. The course also includes an introduction to the theory of information processes and the architecture of information systems.

1.6. Professional quality that ensure success in the profession, and necessary knowledge :







    ability to make decisions independently;

    independence (having your own opinion).

My personal qualities :




    propensity for intellectual activities;



Conclusion about the compliance of personal characteristics with the requirements of the profession:




propensity for intellectual activities






1.7. Pros of the profession :

1) A fairly easy area of ​​knowledge to master.

If you wish, you can learn programming without leaving your home, at minimal cost.

2) Currently one of the most popular and highly paid professions for young people.

3) Possibility of freelancing, flexible schedule, remote work, etc.

4) One of the most important advantages is that working in IT in general, and as a programmer in particular, provides an excellent opportunity to simultaneously study many other subject areas.

1.8. Disadvantages of the profession:

1) There is practically no room to grow in terms of career.

2) Often the work of a programmer becomes too individual. That is, communication with people is reduced to a minimum, limited to the immediate environment - the task manager, colleagues in the department, the project team.

3) The disadvantage common to all “sedentary” jobs is that you need to carefully monitor your health. The work is creative, sometimes it’s so absorbing that you don’t think about the fact that you’ve been sitting in front of the monitor for 5-6 hours without a break.

1.9. Areas of work :

    Research institutes and computing centers;

    Companies and firms working in the field of information technology;

    Organizations that in their structure include departments of programmers (or staff);

    Educational institutions (schools, technical schools, colleges).

1.10. Interesting facts about the profession

    The emergence of programming as an occupation and, especially, as a professional activity is difficult to date unambiguously.

    Often considered the first programmable device, the jacquard loom was built in 1804 by Joseph Marie Jacquard, which revolutionized the weaving industry by providing the ability to program patterns on fabrics using punched cards.

    Ada Augusta, Countess of Lovelace, is generally considered an honorary first programmer (although, of course, writing a single program cannot be considered an occupation or professional activity by modern standards). History has preserved her name in the name of the universal programming language “Ada”.

    History has not preserved the names of the people who first began to professionally carry out the work of programming itself (in isolation from setting up computer equipment), since at first programming was viewed as a secondary setup operation.

2. My plan for preparing for a profession

2.1. Paths to obtaining a profession :

1) Higher education

2) Courses

3) Self-study

MSTU im. N.E. Bauman.

Direction – information systems and technologies

Training base

9th grade

9th grade

Grade 11

Form of study


Full-time / Correspondence



From 5990 rub.

RUB 257,572/year

Passing score

Not required

Not required

270 points

Budget places

76 seats

Training period


4 years

2.2. My GPA

My certificate average is 4.67.

2.3. Basic Steps :

1) Complete 11th grade and successfully pass the Unified State Exam;

2) Enter the chosen university;

3) Successful completion of university, obtaining a diploma and getting a job.

2. 4. Features of career growth

A programmer can be considered successful if he has achieved positive results in his work and is in demand as a high-level specialist. It depends on individual qualities, level of education and practical experience.

The specialist works in various areas and has a wide private practice.

Over time and with experience, a programmer can move up the career ladder.

2. 5. Interview with a programmer

- What is your name and how old are you?

- My name is Evgeny Ivanov. I am 19 years old.

- Where are you studying?

- I'm studying in college, not by profession. I won't go to university.

- Are you working in a specialty you received at a university? Where and who do you work for?

- I work as a Software Engineer. I learn something different in college.

- Are you interested in what you do at work? Do you enjoy going to work?

- Of course it's interesting.

- If you were offered working conditions much more favorable than the current ones, would you agree to change jobs, provided that the new place has a completely different type of activity, a different specialty and everything would have to start almost from scratch?

- I would agree if it were programming, but not mobile and game development.

- Are you satisfied with the payment for your work?

- You always want more, but the main thing is the work, not the payment. First of all, I do this for the soul.

- Are you using your talents and abilities in your work? Do you think that your abilities have fully developed in your field of activity?

- Not always, Software engineer is a global profession, it has many areas in which I am better and in which I am worse.

- If you could go back in time to when your future profession was being determined, what advice would you give to yourself?

- I don't like going back to the past. I would advise you to start programming as soon as I get a PC. But it is unlikely that I would have listened to myself...

The author's spelling and punctuation have been preserved Evgeniy Ivanov , programmer.


    I learned the profession of a programmer and all the information related to his work.

    I chose a university and decided on a specialty.

    Completion of the formation of psychological readiness to make a choice of profession.

    Create a plan for future career development.

    I learned about a university where I can get the specialty I need.

    It follows from the project that this profession suits me.

    Qualities required for development:



    ability to make independent decisions


Information sources

    enjoy- job. ru



I want to be a programmer. I'm interested in computers. It's a whole new world.

Many people follow in the footsteps of their parents or grandparents, but for me it's the opposite. My mother is a teacher, and my father is a doctor. But I don't want to be either a teacher or a doctor.

My favorite subjects at school are mathematics, physics and, of course, programming. I am not interested in subjects such as geography, biology or chemistry. My hobbies are computer games and programming.

I have a computer at home and I can work on it for hours. On the computer

It is much easier to do different things, for example, write essays. You can change the text as many times as you need, and you won't have to rewrite the entire text again if you change something in it.

I think being a programmer provides a lot of opportunities. Computers are the most rapidly changing area of ​​modern technology. Today we live in the information age. And I think the future belongs to computers.

Today, in England or the United States, people can work, shop, and even go on dates while sitting in front of their computer. In our country, computers have only recently been used.

So after I finish school I want to go to university and study programming.

(2 ratings, average: 4.00 out of 5)

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Sooner or later, every person faces a choice - who to become? And now I also have the same question. I thought for a very long time about what I should become, since there are many important professions in the world. For example, a doctor is a very important profession, because without these people we would not be able to improve our health; a seamstress, without her we would wear ugly clothes, if we even had them; confectioners, without whom we would not have bread and other baked goods; The military, in my opinion, is almost the most important profession, because without it there would be no one to protect us.

Now is the 21st century, and I have chosen a profession that corresponds to this century - a programmer.

A person who chooses this profession must know a lot about computers and computer technologies. I chose her because she suits me according to the characteristics that, in my opinion, my profession should meet. Firstly, in our time, good earnings are one of the main criteria by which you need to choose a profession, and the earnings of a programmer, even if he is unemployed, will be good and constant, since almost every family has a computer, and, therefore, many of them will have malfunctions that

They won't fix it themselves. Secondly, I really like this job, and I am ready to study everything related to it. These were the “pros” of this profession, but there are also “cons”. A person, if he is a programmer, has to sit at the computer a lot, as it is harmful. Since I chose this profession, I will have to learn a lot about computers, because the subject of computer science is taught very little at school. But it’s not enough for me to know about programs; I also want to learn how to disassemble and repair computers, and be able to change parts.

To become a programmer I need to finish school well and go to university. Therefore, I began to pay more attention to my studies and try to get a certificate as best as possible. I will do my best to become a programmer.

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