Symbols of love according to Feng Shui. The most powerful symbols of love according to Feng Shui

IN ancient China always at all times important had symbolic things. According to Chinese experts, it is necessary to know the purpose and meaning of each thing, and even more so the one you have chosen as your talisman. Correct location an object or its correctly defined purpose according to Feng Shui will bring great benefits not only to you, but also to the people around you, bringing good luck and prosperity to your home, and love and joy to your life. That's why this is so important.

According to Feng Shui, it is believed that when using love symbols, you can soon meet your loved one.

One of the Feng Shui love symbols that has been used for many years is the tangerine duck. They are considered a very strong symbol of love and a successful marriage, the basis of which will be love, sincerity and honesty, since these amazing birds stay together for life. Another peculiarity of mandarin ducks is that when they lose a partner, they do not look for more than another, since they equate this with the loss of their other half.

The talisman of mandarin ducks is highly valued in Feng Shui. They say that it will give a single person the one and only love of a lifetime, and for those who are already married or have a husband, it will keep him stable and prosperous.

No less important and popular is another symbol of love according to Feng Shui called rose quartz, which has an unheard of connecting power with love and luck. Whoever owns it will soon meet a delightful and only life partner. This talisman makes relationships harmonious and sincere, thereby eliminating existing disagreements in marriage. Rose Quartz simultaneously promotes the development of self-love, as it is an integral part of a balanced and calm relationship.

The double symbol of happiness is a special talisman, which, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, means eternal, never-ending happiness. This badge will help you meet a faithful and caring partner, and for marriage relationships it will become a symbolic amulet and a great benefit. The double sign also improves physical state both partners and makes expressions of love more emotional.

A number of lucky talismans according to Feng Shui have a symbol called a magic knot. For centuries, this talisman has been used to bring endless love into relationships. The sign of the magic knot symbolized a long and eternal connection between two lovers.

The last symbol of love according to Feng Shui that I wanted to talk about is the peony. In addition to being the national flower of China, the peony is also an ancient symbol of attracting love and has been used for many centuries. In its homeland, the second name of this flower sounds like “flower of wealth and glory.” In China, the peony is revered in a special way.

Family is social institution, an equal union of a man and a woman, a fortress in which we feel protected. But it still needs to be built, and the relationship in marriage needs to be made truly strong and happy. There are certain symbols whose meaning we will consider here.


Currently, in our country, the sign of pure love is chamomile; in addition, it also signifies fidelity, tenderness and simplicity. White color it represents purity, and the yellow center represents home. The petals seem to unite into one whole - into a strong family. This flower has become a symbol of love and fidelity, celebrated in Russia since 2008. It reflects a pure and great feeling. Recommended in summer period keep bouquets of daisies at home, and in other seasons it would be nice to hang an ikebana at home, consisting of at least 5 chamomile flowers.

Open palms are also a symbol of family, implying the unity of relatives and the warmth they give each other.

Ancient family symbols

The Slavs worshiped the forces of nature, and this was reflected in the making of amulets. Such symbols could be found everywhere: they were not only a means of decoration, but, according to legend, they provided certain protection and attracted good luck.

So, among these signs that our distant ancestors used, we can distinguish such as Solard, Ladinets, Colard, Bunny, Svadebnik. They grant protection. Let's consider them in more detail.

Solard - marks prosperity, wealth. The Colard sign is a similar symbol, the difference is that the swastika of these signs is located differently: clockwise and counterclockwise. It helps strengthen the family unit and gives health to the offspring.

These two signs are solar and fiery, they are aimed at maintaining well-being in the home, and patronize those who live in peace and harmony.

Ladinets symbolizes happiness, love and is a truly feminine amulet, for example, it gives protection from the evil eye. For married women takes on the importance of protecting the family hearth, well-being and prosperity in the home. Often the pair of this amulet was the Kolyadnik, who was the personification of male power. In those days, the god Kolyada was considered the patroness of women, and the god Kolyada was considered the patroness of men. The combination of these two signs represents the unity of the two sexes, mutual understanding between them, the strengthening of marriage bonds, and, of course, true love.

The bunny personifies renewal and is considered a family talisman. During pregnancy, it was customary to wear a belt with this sign; it was believed that it endows mother and baby with light, sunny energy.

Powerful family symbol

The wedding party is considered a strong talisman. It means the fusion of masculine and feminine principles, two genders into one whole. Since ancient times the Slavs great importance attached to the wedding ceremony and the institution of marriage. This sign was usually given by parents to newlyweds. It is intended exclusively for married couples. The image of this symbol is a combination of four rings of red and of blue color as a sign of infinity.

Feng Shui: symbols of family well-being

In Feng Shui practice, a figurine of mandarin ducks is considered a symbol of inseparability and devotion for a married couple. As a rule, it is placed in the southwestern part of the home. Also in this teaching, trees are signs of family. Among them are bamboo, cypress, pine, and plum. In addition, a dragon figurine can contribute to well-being. It brings good luck and protects all family members.

Framed photographs of household members are also a kind of talismans. They should be located in the eastern part of the home. Frames must be rectangular shape and made of wood. It is advisable to choose green or blue color.

Icons protecting family well-being

Also, the image with which parents bless the newlyweds is a symbol of family and brings happiness.

Items in everyday life that are amulets

Symbols of family and marriage: bast shoes, figurine of a house, linen, horseshoe, donut, chain. Onion is a talisman against tears. Bread means prosperity and harmony in the home. Sunflower seeds promise health for children. Corn - family cohesion, procreation, protection from disease, mutual understanding. Female and male figurine tied with strings - inextricability of bonds and love. The knot is a talisman against scandals.

Wedding symbols

A pair of doves is also a symbol of love and family well-being. It’s not for nothing that there is such a wedding tradition as releasing these birds into the sky.

Wedding rings are symbols of family, an unbreakable union between a man and a woman entering into marriage. By exchanging rings, spouses transfer part of their energy to each other. It is recommended not to take them off in the first months after the wedding and not let anyone try them on.

Veil - gives the bride protection from the evil eye. The custom of wearing it at a wedding came from Poland. It creates a kind of energy shield that reflects negativity directed towards the bride. At the same time, after the wedding, it is necessary to carefully store the veil; it will serve as a talisman that can protect the young family.

The bride's bouquet is another important attribute. According to legend, the girl who catches him should soon get married, this happens because she begins to emit special energy, and the wreath seems to come to her. It is better to have white flowers in the bouquet: they are a sign of purity and eternity.

A magical symbol for a family is a loaf. Only in order for it to become such, it must be baked correctly. The mother, relative or godmother of the bride, that close woman who has a good relationship, should work on its production. It must be baked so that it has a neat shape, without cracks.

Family symbols are laid out on the loaf, which give protection to the young couple. Flowers, birds, viburnum, mint and rye are often used as them. The loaf is distributed to all guests, so that the energy of the two families merges together.

Towel - the bride must embroider it herself, in secret from everyone. She should be alone and in complete silence. First, the girl reads a prayer. When embroidering, her thoughts should be positive and filled with ideas about her future family life. Work must begin on Thursday. It is embroidered on a clean and whole canvas. The towel is a symbol of life path, which the family must go through together.

Parents bless the newlyweds on it, and no strangers should be at home. The towel has male and female halves, so it is important to stand on it correctly during the blessing. From this moment on, this attribute takes on the meaning of a talisman. The ceremony must certainly take place on Sunday.

Parental blessing is an important symbol of family happiness. The attributes for the bride are the icon of the Mother of God, and for the groom - the icon of Christ the Savior.

Stones that are a symbol of family happiness

These include:

  • Beryl is a sign of family, loyalty and love.
  • Aquamarine - protects the happiness of spouses.
  • Sapphire is a stone of love, family and fidelity.
  • Carnelian - preserves home peace, happiness and protects against evil spells.

Thus, we have determined that there are many different designations for the institution of marriage, and interpreted the meaning of the symbols of family and love. They have been used since ancient times, when they firmly believed that the mysterious forces of nature could help in building happiness. Be that as it may, we should not forget that the basis of true well-being in a family is sincere love, respect and loyalty.

Hearts, doves, swans, cupids - these are not all the symbols of love that people use in different countries. All symbols can be safely divided into several categories: classic and original. We are all familiar with the classic ones, but you will get to know the original ones in this article...

Heart. Everyone knows this symbol for sure. A heart pierced by an arrow is drawn, valentines are given for the holiday, and this is the symbol that is used most often. But the image doesn’t look at all like a real heart and it was born in Greece, and had erotic overtones. The shape of the drawing symbolized the female form.

Swans. This is another popular and famous symbol. A pair of swans means loyalty for life. These birds form a pair once during their lives, and if one of them dies, the second fades away from melancholy.

Pigeons. Or rather, a pair of pigeons. It’s not for nothing that lovers are called “cooing doves.” The similarity is truly enormous. In this symbol, some see lifelong attachment, while others see fleeting feelings, one way or another this symbol exists. There are a lot of options about its origin, one of which is that the goddess Venus loved doves. She is the patroness of lovers and the goddess of love.

Two wedding rings. It is a symbol of love and a symbol of marriage. They can be safely called a sign of a mature relationship that leads to the creation of a family. The ring is a circle, and the circle is a symbol of infinity. Even the finger chosen to wear the ring is not random. It is the artery of the ring finger that leads directly to the heart.

Cupid. Symbol of love and infatuation. This mischievous baby with wings and a bow always causes affection. His image is found everywhere, from antique stucco to images on the cars of newlyweds.

Stork. This symbol is much less common, probably because it symbolizes the arrival of a baby. Not all couples reach this point in their relationships.

There are also symbols that are used much less frequently. Such designations usually originate from other countries.

Red rose. The deep red rose has long signified passion and intense feelings. The origin of this symbol is very difficult to find out, and assumptions are very contradictory. One opinion says that the symbol comes from Egypt and belonged to the goddess Isis. It was the rose that was the flower of this goddess. The second option is associated with the goddess Venus and her lover Adonis. According to legend, the goddess fell in love with a beautiful young man, but he died while hunting. After his funeral, beautiful flowers bloomed on the grave Red roses, which became a symbol of the couple’s immortal love.

Phoenix. This is a rather unusual mythical symbol of love and rebirth. The Phoenix came from the sun and gave people light, warmth and tender feelings.

Tree. This symbol is directly related to the wedding day. Some peoples have a tradition of tying a ribbon for good luck on a special tree, and some even have a tradition of planting a plant on their wedding day. The larger the seedling becomes, the stronger the feelings of the newlyweds become.

Feelings can also be expressed in the language of flowers. For this purpose, each country uses its own flowers. For example, in Russia used to indicate feelings daisies. They are guessed "loves - does not love." The white petals of this cute flower symbolize not only the presence of feelings, but also the family circle. The yellow center of a chamomile is a symbol of warm and tender relationships.

In China on the contrary, it became a symbol of the passion of two lovers tangerine tree . But warm and tender feelings, such as love and infatuation, are personified by the peony flower. Bright mandarin ducks are also a symbol of fidelity and marriage in China. There is a legend according to which they saved the marriage of one of the emperors. So the emperor planned to break off the marriage and wanted to tell his wife about it while out for a walk, but he saw a couple of ducks preening each other’s feathers. The man was flooded with memories of the very beginning of his relationship with his wife, and he changed his mind about ruining his family.

In the distant India became a symbol of hot feelings Jasmine flower. IN Africa took on the role of pigeons bright parrots, and usually red. IN Iran considered a symbol of love blooming trees, in particular olive and apple trees.

When it comes to love and romantic relationships, words sometimes cannot express the passion and emotional attachment we feel; symbols do it for us. Symbols of love and romantic relationships we see everywhere: in fine arts, graffiti on walls, billboards, greeting cards and even the clothes we wear. Hearts, flowers, gods and other love symbols conjure up emotional signs of love and evoke associative memories that deepen our feeling. The meaning of the symbol may be simple, or it may have a deeper hidden meaning that better expresses the degree of love.

Each symbol has a specific meaning and when it comes to feelings, there are many ways that help us convey the essence to a romantic partner.


Cupid, the winged god of Roman mythology, depicted with a bow and golden arrows, symbolizes the personification of desires and courtship. Cupid is known to the Greeks as Eros. In the Roman version, he is born from the union of Mars and Venus. In art, Cupid is often depicted with his eyes closed, symbolizing the blindness of love. The belief that being wounded by Cupid's arrow would lead to hopeless love came from the myth of Cupid and Psych: When Venus ordered Cupid to make her rival Psych fall in love with the most vile creature in the world, Cupid accidentally got scratched by his own arrow and fell hopelessly in love with Psych, flying to her every night and watched her sleep.


Diamonds in jewelry symbolize eternal love. The Greeks believed that diamonds were the tears of the gods, and the Romans believed that diamonds were fragments of fallen stars. First wedding ring with diamond, known to history, given by Archduke Maximilian of Austria to Mary of Burgundy in 1477. In the 19th century, Napoleon presented his wife Marie Louise with an elegant diamond necklace as a token of gratitude for the birth of their son. The most famous romantic diamond gift, a 33-carat diamond worth $9 million, was given to Elizabeth Taylor by Richard Burton.


Nothing says “I love you” more simply than a heart. But where did this stylized symbol come from? Nobody knows for sure. However, the earliest extant image of it was minted on Cyrenes coins in the 7th century BC, in fact it was an image of a silphium plant pod, which was shaped like a heart and was used as a spice for birth control. The theory is that the symbol originally represented a man, and later began to symbolize the heart and love. The heart became very popular due to the popularity of exchanging Valentine cards during the Victorian era in England.


The velvety black center of the tulip represents the lover's heart, darkened by the fire of passion. A Turkish legend adds an additional interpretation to the symbolism of the red tulip. Legend has it that a prince named Farhad fell in love with a girl named Shirin. When Farhad found out his beloved was killed, he could not cope with his grief, and pierced himself with a dagger, while his horse still wandered along the edge of the cliff. So, in the spring, from every drop of his blood a red tulip sprouts, which means “perfect love.”


Emma Goldman said, "I would rather have roses on my desk than diamonds on my neck." Since time immemorial, roses have been a symbol of the divine and romantic love, beauty and perfection. Every color option adds detailed meaning to a romantic symbol: yellow – joyful love; red – passion and immortal love; and pink symbolizes first love.


Cooing and bowing - the courtship ritual of doves inspires lovers. Doves have long been considered a symbol of true and eternal love because they are united for life. And if one pigeon dies, then the other will not look for a new partner, and will remain alone. The symbol of two doves together symbolizes constant love.

Maple leaves

In Chinese and Japanese culture, the maple leaf is the insignia of lovers. Just like maple syrup, maple leaves also serve love symbols- they express the sweetness and joy of love in Everyday life. North American settlers used to place maple leaves at the foot of their beds to encourage sexual desire and restful sleep.

A symbol of abundance, wisdom and love, the apple contains secret meaning and has mystical and magical properties. At the wedding of Zeus and Hera, Gaia, the goddess of the Earth, gave them an apple tree with golden apples as a sign of long love and strong union. Dionysus, the Greek god of wine, wooed Aphrodite by offering her an apple and won her love.

Celtic love knot

The intertwining design of the Celtic Love Knot has no beginning or end, signifying the continuity of eternal love, the intertwining and anchoring of two souls. Christianity adapted Celtic symbolism, including patterns and ornaments, and often included them in religious manuscripts. Although the ancient Celts did not record the meanings of their designs, scholars believe that the symbols represented the basic principles of life, humanity and spirituality. Three knots tied together symbolized the unity of three: God, man and woman.

In the East, it is customary to arrange the surrounding space so that it is filled with energy and attracts the fulfillment of a person’s desires.

Today we will talk about feelings and find out which symbol of love according to Feng Shui is considered the most powerful for maintaining relationships and attracting the other half. The article will be useful both for lovers and married couples, and for those who are still in search of their personal happiness.

Mandarin ducks

These birds are considered a symbol of love according to Feng Shui for a reason, since they find a mate once and remain with their partner for the rest of their lives. If suddenly a separation occurs between the ducks, they sometimes can no longer meet new love and remain faithful to their only soul mate.

Tangerine ducks are not only very powerful, but also the oldest talisman of love in Eastern countries.

If such ducks are placed in the bedroom, they will strengthen the marriage and make the relationship more harmonious and happy. If the figurines “settle” in the home of a lonely person, they will help him meet true love and find personal happiness.

Rose quartz

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, stones can also awaken feelings, and rose quartz is especially successful in these matters. In China, jewelry and talismans with this mineral are sold at every turn. The action of rose quartz is based primarily on awakening self-love in a person, since without it he will never feel worthy of happiness and will not meet his other half.

For married couples, such a talisman will help in solving complex family problems. It harmonizes the relationship between partners and will return lost romance to them if it was “lost” somewhere during long years marriage.

Double luck sign

Along with various hieroglyphs, the Chinese sign of double luck is also very popular. In Feng Shui, any object with its image can become a symbol of love. It can be cross-stitched, drawn, sewn onto bedding or clothing, used as a pattern on furniture and interior items, and even as a design for a tattoo.

But the sign of double luck also has special nuances. Since it is closely related to family life, lovers of frivolous relationships should not wear it, otherwise they may quickly find themselves in marriage without psychologically preparing for it. But it will give married couples freedom from conflicts and misunderstandings.

Mystic knot

This interesting Chinese pattern, which has no ends, love relationships means infinity of feelings. It can be used in the same way as a sign double happiness– apply to any object, hang as a decoration around the neck or place somewhere in the interior.

Many people have a question: if a mystical or, as it is also called, a magical knot brings success in all areas of life, how can you set it up specifically for success in personal relationships?

Everything is very simple: you need to make it from a thread yourself or draw it with your own hands, putting the message you need into the amulet - then it will be charged with your energy and will “work” exactly in the area in which it is needed.


Flowers, especially peonies, also bring love energy into the house. Feng Shui experts recommend that single girls who want to get married quickly should keep a bouquet of live peonies or a painting with their image at the entrance to the bedroom. It can be embroidery or artistic canvas.

But in the bedroom married people such a talisman is not needed. Although images of peonies can make a spouse more loving, they can also force him to flirt and cheat with other women. Therefore, after you have met your other half, it is better to remove peonies from the bedroom.

Crystal or glass crystals

Another good feng shui symbol of love for women is crystals, as they are in close connection with the maternal principle and the feminine energy of mother earth. The best place to place them is the southwestern part of the bedroom.

Before finding a place for the love crystal, you need to keep it in water for a week with sea ​​salt. And if you want your chosen one to talk about his feelings as often as possible, come up with some kind of lighting for the magic crystal.

Paired symbols

If you don’t have the time or opportunity to look for rose quartz, a tangerine or a painting with peonies, and you don’t know how to do needlework, any image or figurine of a couple can become your talisman of love.

These can be people, animals, birds, mythical characters or angels, the main thing is that they must be of different sexes, and certainly together.

Traditionally, to attract love and strengthen a family, they use the image of two loving doves, swans, wolves or dolphins, but you can choose any images that you like best. As you can see, there are quite a lot of Feng Shui symbols of love, but this does not mean that some work worse and others work better.
