Do-it-yourself ceiling putty for painting. Putty for painting the ceiling: a complete analysis of the process. Plastering the ceiling: sequence of work

Sometimes the question arises: who should I trust to renovate my apartment? I would like to immediately invite a team of qualified craftsmen. They can do it. They have practice. But on various reasons it is not always possible to do this.

What if you take a spatula and paint brush yourself? And start the repair from the ceiling, namely by puttingtying the ceiling for painting with your own hands. This task requires skill, so first you need to study the question of how to putty the ceiling for painting yourself.

When planning repair or finishing work, the first thing you should pay attention to is the ceiling. Is it good enough to paint? Do I need to putty the ceiling before painting?

Often the slabs lie unevenly on the ceiling. Then first you need to try to get rid of this defect plastering the ceiling.

In addition, on its surface you can find a lot of irregularities, cracks, and depressions. And then you simply cannot do without ceiling putty for painting yourself.

What does it take to get work going?


For ease of puttying before painting, you need to prepare all the necessary equipment:

  • spatulas of different sizes;
  • roller;
  • half;
  • dishes for preparing the mixture;
  • device for good mixing of the mixture.


Before you putty the ceiling for painting with your own hands, you need to figure out what is the best way to do it.

For high-quality ceiling putty for painting, it is important choose the right putty mixture. Putty is a mixture intended for leveling any surface. Her the choice depends on the material what the ceiling is made of: wood, concrete or plasterboard.

Each material requires its own type of mixture. Available for sale dry mixes(they must be diluted with water before use) and ready-made mixtures(ready to use), which are sold in plastic buckets. The latter are higher in price, but of better quality.

You must first decide what type of putty is needed for the job. Distinguish three types of putty for the ceiling. Which one to choose:

  • starting;
  • finishing;
  • universal.

Starting mixtures used to fill cracks and level out distortions. Finishing putty The ceiling for painting gives the surface an unusual shine and completes the work of putty. Universal mixtures work in the intervals between the initial and final stages.

Types of putties by composition

Putty mixtures are divided into groups according to composition:

  • mixtures cement based. They have excellent resistance to moisture. They are recommended to putty the ceiling in the kitchen and bathroom;
  • gypsum mixtures suitable for leveling ceilings in rooms and corridors;
  • polymer putty not bad for rooms and corridors, but has a longer drying period, but is more convenient to apply than others and gives the ceiling a smooth effect better than other mixtures.

Technology of ceiling putty for painting

Do-it-yourself puttying of the ceiling for painting includes several stages.

Preparing the ceiling surface

It doesn’t matter who you are making the repairs after: builders or just getting ready for cosmetic repairs - in any case, if you intend to have a high-quality completed repair, you need to do the ceiling. How to properly putty a ceiling for painting:

  1. The first thing to do is remove all interference: old wallpaper, glue, whitewash. To do this, we wet the surface (it’s more convenient to do this with a sprayer), wait for a while, and then remove all roughness with a spatula. It's better to act this way small areas(1 m by 1 m), otherwise the ceiling will have time to dry before you start removing all unnecessary things from it.
  2. Next, for high-quality adhesion of the putty to the ceiling, you need to apply it to it. primer. Apply it in two layers. We place the first one parallel to the wall where the window is located, and the second one – perpendicular to the first one. The primer must be applied smoothly, without smudges. The most suitable tool For this purpose, use a roller with short fur. If the ceiling has recesses, you will have to work with a brush.

How to properly putty a ceiling for painting

Puttying the ceiling with your own hands before painting is not an easy job. Its result largely depends on what kind of putty should be chosen for the ceiling.

For rooms with high humidity need to choose waterproof mixtures. In this case, you need to choose the appropriate paint - water-repellent. Otherwise, after the repair, there will come a time when the paint begins to crumble along with the putty.

To the rooms with high humidity include kitchen and bathrooms. This means that to the question of how to putty the ceiling in a bathroom before painting, the answer is obvious - waterproof putty.

To the rooms with moderate humidity An ordinary putty containing gypsum and cement is suitable. However, it must be remembered that such a mixture is difficult to place on the ceiling.

Standard putty has the designation KR, marking LR+ suggests that this material can be used in wet areas. When choosing a ceiling putty for painting, study the manufacturer's advice and choose which one is best for you.

It’s good if they are prepared for work right away home page And finishing putty. You'll need both. It is better to take a dry mixture and prepare a solution as needed. Know how to calculate how much material you will need to work in a certain area. Unused mixture will quickly harden and become unusable.

After priming, we begin putty. How to level a ceiling with putty before painting? What are the nuances here? We remember that last layer primer is placed perpendicular to the window. This means that the first layer of starting putty must be applied parallel to the wall with the window.

Using a small spatula, apply the mixture evenly onto a large spatula. Then big tool Apply the putty to the wall as thinly and evenly as possible. The thickness of the layer can be adjusted by the angle of the spatula relative to the ceiling: larger angle - thinner layer. We remove the remaining material from the large putty with a small tool and throw it into a bowl. The entire ceiling is processed in this way.

Important! Particular attention should be paid to the corners: they immediately catch the eye. Therefore, it is better to start work from the corners, and after completing the putty, carefully inspect them again.

After the first layer has dried, you should remove all roughness. For this you can use coarse sandpaper. After this work, a lot of dust will remain on the ceiling, which can affect the quality finished work. Therefore, this dust should be removed or used with a spatula.

It's time to apply second layer of putty. It is placed perpendicular to the first. The question may arise: how many times to putty the ceiling? It depends on the degree of unevenness of the ceiling. The more irregularities, the more layers. Work continues until the ceiling takes on its ideal appearance. This is very easy to check: hold a flashlight to the ceiling and you will see irregularities.

Advice. When putting putty on the ceiling, you must strive to level it horizontally. In uneven areas, more mixture is applied. The next layer of putty is applied after the previous layer has dried.

So that the ceiling does not disappoint you after repair, after working with the starting putty you need to go through it again primer. Now you can take on the finishing putty. Its layer should be the thinnest. It should be applied quickly, avoiding the mixture drying out around the edges. Place the solution on the ceiling with a wide spatula and immediately remove the remaining solution from the surface, pressing the spatula forcefully against the ceiling.

If you want to get a thin layer, you need to hold the spatula practically perpendicular to the surface. If you received flat ceiling, then there is no need to sand it. But if you plan to paint the ceiling, you will still have to sand it down with fine sandpaper. What if the ceiling is made of plasterboard? How to properly putty a plasterboard ceiling for painting?

Do-it-yourself plasterboard ceiling putty for painting

Do-it-yourself puttying of a plasterboard ceiling for painting has a number of features: after all, the canvas itself is already smooth and does not need leveling. Therefore, you will have to work here with seams and screw heads.

As a rule, the edges of the plasterboard sheets already have an oblique cut. If this is not the case, then you will have to prepare the canvas yourself: cut sharp knife 45® chamfer. After the drywall is fixed to the ceiling, the joints and seams must be primed in order to cover them with a special fiberglass mesh, which has a self-adhesive backing. This work will not be difficult.

Then apply the mixture with a narrow spatula, trying to fill the seam as much as possible, and level it with a wide tool. We putty the screw caps crosswise. This allows you to completely fill all the grooves of the screws. We wait for the putty to dry and sand it and apply it to a primer, for which we choose an acrylic-based primer. It doesn't take long to dry. Now we apply finishing putty all over the ceiling to give the ceiling an overall smoothness.

What putty to putty on a plasterboard ceiling for painting

If plasterboard ceiling is being prepared for painting, it is better to use polymer putties, which have a fine grain size. This allows you to achieve the most even surface possible.

Ceiling putty under water-based paint does not have any special features. Any fine-grained material is suitable for the job. gypsum putty. The leading manufacturers of putty materials are KNAUF, VETONIT, CERESITE, ATLAS.

How to avoid trouble later

To ensure that repairs do not have to be resumed after some time, you need to observe some nuances:

  • As a finishing putty you should use waterproof material, otherwise, when applying paint (which contains water), the putty will spread. You can do it differently: add a water-repellent primer to regular putty. It should be taken into account that the primer is first diluted in water, only then added to the mixture.
  • In order to give the putty special strength, coat the surface well before applying it to the ceiling. waterproof primer.
  • When painting the ceiling, do not press too hard on the roller and do not swipe over the same place several times.

Plastering a ceiling for painting is a job that requires patience, hard work and good investment. It will require time and effort. Haste and stinginess will be unnecessary here. If the ceiling putty is done in compliance with all requirements, then at the end you will get perfectly flat ceiling, ready for painting.

Useful video

Let's watch a master class on high-quality ceiling putty for painting:

If you would like to receive excellent result ceiling putty for painting, take primer, putty and paint from one manufacturer.

Plastering the ceiling for painting is carried out in several stages. If you do each one correctly and efficiently, then ceiling will do for any type of finishing.

Plastering the ceiling before painting is a mandatory step repair work. In this case, you can remove all visible surface defects and get a guarantee that the ceiling will be perfectly flat and smooth. The question arises: how to properly putty the ceiling before painting? ? It is important to carry out the procedure efficiently in order to avoid troubles, while finishing the ceiling is carried out without any particular difficulties.

Before painting the ceiling, it needs to be thoroughly puttied. . It is better to proceed directly to this process after the preparatory work has been completed. They consist not only in finishing, but also preliminary work. Puttying a ceiling for painting always begins with preparing the surface:

  1. The first stage refers to cleaning the surface from old building materials.
  2. The second thing you need to do is sweep away the dusty layer.
  3. The third stage is priming the ceiling in two layers.
  4. The fourth is to apply putty.

Residues need to be thoroughly cleaned from the ceiling surface. old paint, pieces of wallpaper or whitewash. The whitewash should be washed with a wet brush. First, wet the whitewash, and after 15 minutes, remove it in layers using a metal spatula.

Old wallpaper is also removed in the same way. Wet the paper thoroughly with a brush or damp cloth. The processing principle is the same as when removing whitewash. Sometimes the procedure has to be repeated several times.

The paint is the hardest to remove. If the paint is strongly stuck, then the paint can only be removed using a sanding machine, which will thoroughly clean off all layers. Many people remove paint using a regular spatula.

When the surface is completely clear of unnecessary debris, remove the dust. This is best done with an old vacuum cleaner with a soft attachment. If you don’t have a vacuum cleaner, a soft brush or broom can replace such a tool. First sweep away the dust and then wipe the base damp cloth. Thus, it is completely possible to avoid the appearance of lumps or irregularities that form when particles roll off during the priming process.

Selection of building mixtures and materials

When the primer is completely dry, you can proceed directly to puttying. But first you have to choose mortar. There are mainly two types of such material: dry mixture and finished products.

If the procedure is performed for the first time and experience in construction work practically no, it is difficult to decide which putty to choose for the ceiling and how to make the right choice. Ceiling putty for painting may have the following features:

  1. Some species are adapted to aggressive external influences. Therefore, when choosing a material, you should take into account the operating characteristics of the room. For example, not every putty is suitable for treating the ceiling in a bathroom.
  2. Ceiling putty differs in terms of bases and additional impurities, which determine the characteristics of use.
  3. Different brands are responsible for using relatively different types of material. There are different types of this material for plaster, drywall and others.

Building material consultants can tell you exactly how much and what mixture to choose if there are any doubts. Many people often make the mistake that there is no difference between the starting and finishing mixtures, buying the same type of product. There should be as much finishing putty as the starting putty.

How to putty a ceiling for painting

Finishing the ceiling for painting with your own hands is much more profitable and in financially, and aesthetically. But with these advantages, putting on the ceiling with your own hands takes much more time, although the result will be no worse than that of experienced builders.

In order not to waste the material for finishing work and not damage the surface itself, you should familiarize yourself with the technology, which will tell you exactly how to putty the ceiling for painting. The technology for do-it-yourself ceiling putty for painting consists of the following steps:

  1. Initially, the surface is prepared. By this time, you should decide what kind of putty will be used for processing, buy the necessary tools, and decide on the most convenient consistency of the product.
  2. It is better to perform priming in two stages. This required condition, If we're talking about about rooms with high humidity. Room with normal conditions does not require additional processing.
  3. The mixture should be prepared correctly: a little water is poured into the container, and the dry mixture is gradually poured in. It is better not to cook a lot of product, as it will harden quickly. Initially, a mixture of starting powder is prepared.
  4. If the ceiling is made of plasterboard, then it is usually not completely finished. Only the joints between the sheets and the places where the gypsum boards are attached to the metal profile are covered.

Regarding the puttying of the plastered surface, it is done over the entire surface - using a wide spatula, the mixture is evenly distributed in all directions. The finishing of the slabs is also carried out.

  1. Product is being applied thin layer, approximately 1 centimeter if cracks or irregularities are present. You can choose a thickness or less. The finishing line is 1-2 millimeters maximum.
  2. When the first layer has dried, a special mesh is applied if necessary. Then secondary finishing is done with starting putty. In corners, processing is carried out only with the help of a special stripping bar.
  3. For an already puttied base, grinding is carried out. For this purpose it is used sandpaper or Grinder. This should be done so as not to remove the layer completely or even partially.
  4. After this, the ceiling is finished with putty for painting. Using lighting, areas with unevenness are highlighted. These places require special attention during the finishing process. And this layer is sanded at the end.
  5. Be sure to clean the surface from dust. It is formed as a result of grinding and removing excess parts of the leveling mixture. The better the cleaning is done, the better the subsequent layers of building material will be applied.
  6. Before painting finishing layer primed and treated with an antifungal agent. The primer is applied twice. The first layer must dry, then only the second is applied. An antifungal agent is sprayed onto the primer when it is completely dry.

How to putty a ceiling for painting becomes clear during the work itself. For better understanding and avoiding mistakes, it is better to watch training video instructions. Do not forget about precautions and all stages of work - this is the main task of a beginner in this matter. If you complete all the steps in accordance with the instructions, the finishing will be completed efficiently - the layers will not fall off, and the paint will lie evenly.

On video: detailed instructions for puttying surfaces.

Painting the ceiling simply cannot be done without first finishing work, which is puttying and priming.

Minimum number of putty tools: two metal spatulas - wide and narrow, sandpaper ( Sander), abrasive mesh.

Should be paid Special attention for processing corners where the wall meets the ceiling. Apply ready mix a thin layer, preferably using a narrow spatula. This way you can optimally and precisely control the amount of material applied and its layer. It is also important to do the sanding carefully here.

Before painting, defects and unevenness must be accurately corrected. For this purpose, lighting is used, which is supplied at a certain angle. The lamp is brought as close to the ceiling as possible. Where there is a flaw on the surface, a shadow will definitely appear. For precise adjustments, these shadows are lightly outlined with a simple pencil.

The selected mixture must most accurately meet all the features of the functional room in which this kind of finishing will be done. Stores often recommend using universal putty. But you should choose the material of the appropriate brand.

Many people are interested in why the primer is made. This stage in many cases is simply necessary. The surface becomes smoother and aesthetically prepared for painting. The remedy lies in even layers and will be used much longer in the future. In the future, the method of removing the old coating will be simplified.

Sometimes the abrasive mesh is not laid between layers of building material. For beginners, the difficulty is that the mesh may partially sag or protrude beyond the edges. It is almost impossible to correct this defect.

Help with puttying the ceiling before painting (2 videos)

Leveling ceilings is a task that requires patience and endurance from the master. Numerous Construction Materials and companies offer many options for eliminating surface defects. However, when they find out how much it costs to putty the ceiling before painting with the services of professionals, many owners set to work with their own hands. Let's look at what ceiling putty for painting is, what materials and tools are required, and describe in detail the stages of work.

Advantages of a putty ceiling for painting

A ceiling leveled with putty and then painted in the desired tone has numerous advantages over an untreated surface:

  1. Affordable price for materials. Plastering the ceiling for painting, the price per m2 of which, if done by hand, will cost from $2-3, and this is much cheaper than the services of specialists.
  2. Wide variety of materials. Thanks to the assortment, the owner can select the desired performance and strength characteristics of the product, depending on the application.
  3. Puttying increases the fire safety of the room - the compounds do not burn, do not support or spread fire.
  4. Putty is safe material, indicated for use in residential and public premises.
  5. Leveling with the composition gives the ceiling aesthetics and facilitates the finishing decoration process.

Despite the high user characteristics, preparing the ceiling for painting with putty yourself does not allow increasing noise absorption. The soundproofing properties of the composition are low, so more serious measures are required to eliminate the problem.

Tools and materials for work

Repairing a ceiling for painting will not be complete without a set of the following tools and materials:

  • drill with an attachment for kneading compounds;
  • container for putty;
  • roller for primer, paint;
  • set of spatulas, trowel;
  • construction float with abrasives of various sizes;
  • grinding for grouting the ceiling, removing old coating;
  • paint brushes for sweeping away dust and painting;
  • individual protection means.

Set of materials:

  1. Deep penetration primer. The composition should be selected depending on the type of base.
  2. Putty mixture to level the ceiling. This is the starting composition of the plaster. It’s better to look at all the mixtures from one manufacturer - this way you can reduce the risk of the layers peeling off.
  3. Finishing putty. If the starting one is a coarse mixture intended to “tighten” defects, then the finishing one is a composition with fine particles that level out ceiling surface in an ideal plane.

Important! The maximum layer of application of the starting putty is up to 15 mm, the finishing putty is applied in a minimally thin layer, up to 1.5-2 mm.

Choice of putty

It has already been said that the compositions should be as similar in components as possible and preferably from the same manufacturer, but What other parameters are taken into account when choosing:

  1. Features of the operation of the premises. When choosing which putty is best to putty on the ceiling for painting, you need to know where exactly the process is being carried out: in the kitchen, bathroom, living room. All rooms have their own microclimate and level of aggressive influence on finishing materials.
  2. The presence of additional components, impurities, bases that determine the features of use. These are compounds against rotting, fungus, and water-repellent components.
  3. The marking determines the use of the material for different types bases: plaster, plasterboard sheets, etc.

Advice! Difficulties regarding the brand and properties of ceiling putty for painting and which one to choose will be resolved by a professional store manager. But if the seller understands little about the product, pay attention to the brand, manufacturer, labeling: for rooms with normal humidity, the compositions are indicated by letters KR, with increased –LR+. And the last thing: finishing putty should be exactly the same as the starting one.

Choosing a primer for the ceiling

Having chosen which putty is best for the ceiling for painting, you should pay tribute to the primer. The composition must also correspond to the type of base, quality ceiling. There are ready-made and dry mixtures on sale, which must be diluted with water before use.

Advice! The universal composition Betonkontakt is a ceiling primer for deep penetration putty, which has proven itself in the most different types grounds. The mixture contains pure quartz sand, which, when dried, provides better adhesion of the mixture and prevents peeling of the putty composition.

Today there are several types of soil:

  • Acrylic. It is used for processing concrete, foam concrete, wood, plaster, and gypsum board sheets.
  • Phenolic. Indicated for wooden, metal bases, plasterboard sheets.
  • Alkyd. It is good to use before painting alkyd compounds on wooden surfaces.
  • Gyphthalic. Used on metal, wood. A highly toxic mixture that works best outside or in well-ventilated areas.

Important! When choosing a primer for the ceiling under putty in the kitchen or bathroom, it is better to give preference to compounds with moisture-proof and anti-fungal properties.

When discussing the possibility of painting a concrete ceiling without putty or primer, one should take into account the risks of peeling off the decor. Preliminary preparation of the ceiling for painting with your own hands ensures a long service life without updating or repairing the ceiling.

Putty technology

Knowing how to putty a ceiling for painting with your own hands, you can save a lot of money, but you will have to spend time. For example, professional finishing putty of the ceiling for painting - the price is from $6-8 per m2, and if leveling, putty of the ceiling for painting, the price for the work will be even higher. Doing it yourself will cost much less. Moreover, step-by-step instruction work is provided, and to make the task easier, study in detail how to prepare the ceiling for finishing and the process of puttingtying the ceiling for painting with your own hands.

Cleaning the surface and sealing cracks

First, you should clear the room of furniture and accessories, cover the floors with cellophane, and cover the doorway.

And now the process of removing the old coating and cleaning the surface:

  1. The easiest way is to remove old wallpaper. You should wet the coating, let it soak and after 20-25 minutes remove the decor, removing the remaining small shreds and glue with an iron spatula.
  2. The whitewash is also soaked and then cleaned off. In places where the chalk layer adjoins particularly tightly, you will have to work with sanding and a spatula.
  3. The water-based emulsion is removed by washing it out, then sanded from the ceiling surface.
  4. Remove the paint with a spatula, especially dense areas are burned out construction hairdryer until peeling off, then also cleaned off with a spatula.
  5. The loose plaster is removed completely or to stable areas. You need a spatula that is dense and of medium width. Border areas are sanded so that there are no significant differences in height.

Advice! Prepare old ceiling It is difficult to paint; it will require removing the old decor along with layers of plaster down to concrete base. But in this way the user minimizes the risks of delamination of the compositions and their further cracking and deformation.

After cleaning the ceiling, cracks appear and these also need to be eliminated.

The process is like this:

  1. Widen the crack for better penetration composition. This is done with a spatula, sander or hammer drill. The cutting should be 3-5 mm deep and wide.
  2. Then the areas are treated with a primer and dried.
  3. A layer of putty or polyurethane foam is applied.

Advice! Foam is used for particularly deep cracks, minor defects are leveled with a starting putty compound or a special putty for leveling.

  1. After drying, the areas are cleaned and leveled.

Advice! If the crack is large, it is better to apply serpyanka (reinforcing mesh) to the putty.

After the sealing areas have completely dried, the priming stage begins. To enhance the adhesion effect, apply 2 layers of primer. The first is in the direction of the light, the second is against. It turns out that the layers are laid perpendicularly, which means that there will be no unsaturated areas left. The second layer is applied only after the first has completely dried.

Preparation of putty

Each type of composition has its own dilution proportions, so before you start puttingtying the ceiling for painting, you must read the instructions on the package. Ready-made polymer mixtures do not require mixing, so they are good for home craftsmen who are starting to putty the ceiling for painting with their own hands for the first time, and the video will explain in detail all the nuances of the process.

Mixing is carried out with a drill with an attachment or a construction mixer.

General operating principle:

  • pour into container required quantity dry mixture;
  • add water;
  • stir with a drill at medium speed until smooth;
  • wait 1-2 minutes, mix the composition again.

Important! The starting putty is mixed thicker than the finishing putty. The consistency of the latter should resemble milk. Gypsum mixtures have a short drying time, so mixing is carried out in batches - no more than the volume produced by the master over a certain period of time. The drying time is indicated on the packaging.

Methods for applying putty to the ceiling

It is necessary to determine the level of complexity of the seal: in some cases you can do without starting putty, but there is no answer to the question - is it possible to paint the ceiling without putty. There should be at least a thin layer of finishing mixture with a preliminary primer. Otherwise, the paint will simply fall off the base in a very short time.

How to putty a ceiling for painting:

  1. The prepared composition is taken with a spatula, transferred to a trowel and spread over the base, starting from the corner.
  2. The trowel must be pressed well against the plane so that the mixture covers all defects.
  3. Then the material is leveled, stripes at the boundaries of the treated and untreated zones are eliminated.
  4. As soon as the composition dries, it is sanded in a circular motion with a construction float with abrasive No. 40-60.

Advice! To see all the errors in the seal, checking the evenness is carried out with a light bulb or a flashlight - it illuminates the treated areas.

  1. If necessary, apply another layer of starting mixture to eliminate significant defects. The second layer should be no thicker than the first, the sum of the thickness of the starting composition applied should not be more than 10-12 mm.
  2. Wait until the layer dries completely, then thoroughly grout the ceiling again before painting. This is a mandatory step that will ensure a more even application of the finishing putty and painting.

After finishing the grouting, remove the dust and then prime the ceiling. And wait for the composition to dry.

Finishing the ceiling

This stage involves surface treatment finishing putty, the layer of which should be as thin and even as possible. To complete the task, finishers use polymer compounds- These are smooth mixtures suitable for painting after drying.

Carrying out repairs in an apartment or house makes many people think about how to putty the ceiling for painting, because this type decorative covering although it is very convenient and beautiful, it still has one significant drawback, namely, it does not hide existing defects. Even wallpaper can largely hide unevenness or roughness, but when painting a ceiling that is not well puttied, any unevenness will be very noticeable.

Before painting the ceiling, it must be leveled with putty.

How to properly prepare a ceiling for puttying?

Preliminary preparation of the ceiling for putty includes a whole range of measures. First of all, you should carefully inspect the ceiling and determine whether it is worth removing the old putty. If the putty is old and cracked and peeling off in places, then it must be removed, since applying a new layer will lead to cracks and other defects appearing on it very quickly.

Before starting puttying, you should remove old finishing, using water, a knife and a spatula.

In addition, if there is an old decorative layer on the ceiling, it should be removed in advance, regardless of whether it is paint, whitewash or any other material. Until recently, paint was applied only to wallpaper, so removing it will be as easy as regular wallpaper. Using a special wallpaper tiger, that is, a device with big amount thorns, you can quickly make a lot of holes in the wallpaper and paint, through which water will quickly seep into the glue, ensuring that the wallpaper and paint come off together. If the paint was applied directly to the ceiling, then the matter becomes somewhat more complicated, since you will have to work with a spatula.

With whitewash everything is a little more complicated, since it needs to be washed off. When carrying out the whitewash removal procedure, you need to take a roller with a long handle and thoroughly wet the ceiling hot water. Be sure to moisten it very generously so that the entire layer of whitewash is well saturated. Next, you need to leave the ceiling to soak for about 15-20 minutes, after which the whitewash can be removed using a regular wide spatula. After all the whitewash has come off, the ceiling is washed again several times with clean hot water using a roller to remove any remaining decorative material.

It is better to remove the old putty that is located between the seams of the slabs, since it is in these areas that, as a rule, the greatest number of defects can arise in the future. While the ceiling dries after removing the decorative coating and old putty, need to take care of necessary tools, which will be useful during work. These include:

  • large capacity;
  • spatula – 100 mm;
  • spatula – 250 mm;
  • spatula – 450 mm;
  • construction mixer;
  • a table that can support the weight of a person;
  • paint roller;
  • container for primer;
  • respirator;
  • protective glasses;
  • nylon mesh with cells 2x2 mm;
  • waterproof fine-grained sandpaper.

Tools for ceiling putty: spatula, mixer, brush, roller, sandpaper, usually a bucket for stirring the mixture.

After all the tools are prepared, you need to take care of purchasing both the starting and finishing putty, as well as a primer. There are many varieties of these materials from different manufacturers, so you can choose the most suitable option after consulting with the seller of the materials.

After the ceiling has dried and all the necessary tools have been prepared, you can begin the final stage of surface preparation - applying putty. At this stage, the cleaned ceiling surface is primed. The primer is very important, as it not only prevents the appearance of mold and mildew, but also promotes good adhesion of the putty to the surface. The primer is best applied in several layers. After the primer has dried, a nylon mesh is attached, which will further protect the putty from deformation and cracking.

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How to apply starting putty before painting the ceiling?

After all preparatory work You can start making the starting putty and applying it. Starting putty is sold dry, so first of all you need to prepare the mixture correctly. The packaging of the material always contains clear instructions in what proportions to mix the dry mixture with water. For mixing you need to use a wide container and a construction mixer. The consistency of the finished starting putty should resemble very thick sour cream. After the starting putty is ready, you need to take the narrowest spatula and carefully repair all the small cracks and defects that are on the ceiling. Then you can begin the main part of the work.

Using a small spatula, you need to scoop out putty from a container. a small amount of material and apply it evenly onto the largest spatula included in the set. Puttying is carried out with a wide spatula. The thickness of the first layer of starting putty should be no more than 1 cm. During work, you should try not to leave marks from the spatula, but at the same time apply the layer as evenly and thinly as possible.

Direction for applying the finishing layer of putty to the ceiling.

For achievement good result you need to hold the spatula at an angle of 45 degrees, and do not press it too hard against the surface. After applying the first layer, you need to apply the 2nd layer of nylon mesh. The mesh is literally sunk into the existing layer of putty. Apply another 1-2 mm layer of putty on top of the mesh.

Next, you need to let the initial layer dry completely, which will take at least 8 hours. After this, a second layer of starting putty is applied, the thickness of which should be no more than 1 cm. The starting putty for painting must dry completely, which may take more than 24 hours. After this, you need to carefully inspect the ceiling and use sanding paper to remove all smudges, irregularities and lumps that may be visible. When applying all layers of starting putty, you should very carefully treat the areas adjacent to the wall and corners, as they are the most problematic.

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How to apply finishing putty before painting?

After the putty has dried, the ceiling must be sanded.

Finishing putty on the ceiling before painting is absolutely necessary. It is applied over the starting layer in a thinner layer, and the application technology is significantly different. To form the finishing layer of putty, it is best to use a 250 mm wide spatula. First, according to the instructions, you need to prepare a putty solution, which should also have a consistency similar to very thick sour cream.

If you plan to paint the ceiling smoothly, it is better to purchase ready-made finishing acrylic putty, which is sold in an already diluted form and does not contain lumps or other elements, so it allows you to create more high-quality coating. The layer of finishing putty should be 1-2 mm, so when applying the material you need to press the spatula well against the ceiling.

You need to hold the spatula at an angle of 70-90 degrees. The larger the angle, the thinner the layer will be applied to the ceiling. All excess mixture must be carefully removed using a small spatula. After applying the first layer of finishing putty, you need to form the same thin 2nd layer overlapping the 1st.

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How to putty a ceiling for painting so that you won’t be ashamed later

Leveling the ceiling for painting has always been considered quite hard work, and most owners tried to hire a professional for this. In this article I will tell you in detail how to putty a ceiling for painting yourself, and will also tell you about all the subtleties that I know related to this process.

Is it worth puttingty

The first question that any average person thinks about when faced with such work is whether it is possible to paint the ceiling without puttying? Theoretically, if your ceiling is absolutely flat, which I honestly have never encountered, then you can prime it and try to paint it.

But here you need to be prepared for the fact that it will take you several times more paint than when applied to a putty ceiling:

  • Firstly, the paint layer will be strongly absorbed;
  • Secondly, the dark base will definitely show through;
  • And finally, when you want to update or change the color of the ceiling, you will definitely face the problem of washing off the old layer.

Tools and materials

With tools, everything is quite simple - puttying the ceiling for painting does not require expensive and complex devices. The only relatively expensive thing is an electric drill; everything else is available for almost any budget.

Since we are going to do everything with our own hands, it is better to start by purchasing a set of spatulas. More precisely, you will need not one, but two sets:

  • The first set is basic, it includes at least 3 spatulas with metal blades. Small with blade size up to 100 mm, medium with blade size up to 300 mm and large with blade size 350 – 450 mm;
  • The second set consists of several rubber spatulas, they cost pennies and won’t stretch your wallet too much;

  • We need the above-mentioned electric drill to stir the dry putty, but we will also have to buy a mixing attachment for it;

  • It is definitely necessary and desirable that this roller have a long or telescopic handle. Otherwise, you will have to work from a stepladder, which is much more difficult. Plus, for this roller you need to immediately take several replaceable casings: with long pile, short pile and foam rubber;

  • The so-called “Venetian” trowel will also not be superfluous; it differs from the usual one in the perfect polishing of the metal on work surface and rounded corners;

  • For painting, of course, you will need brushes, because not everywhere can be reached with a roller;
  • Naturally we need a couple plastic containers for mixing compositions;
  • Ceiling putty for painting involves intermediate and final sanding. For these purposes, you need to buy a set of sanding plaster mesh and the same set of emery cloths with different grains;

Use wooden block It is inconvenient for attaching the emery. Now a special plastic block with ready-made clamps is sold.

  • When you get to the ceiling sanding stage, there will be a lot of dust, so it is better to immediately buy a mask and goggles. It would also be useful to think about how you will clean the room after finishing the work; personally, I immediately buy a roll of technical polyethylene and cover everything I can with it.

Now let's talk about which putty and other auxiliary materials to choose. When asked which putty is best for painting the ceiling, each master has his own answer.

But it is traditionally believed that it is better to take both the composition itself and all accompanying materials from one manufacturer. At least I advise all amateurs to do just that.

After all, any reputable manufacturer such as “Knauf”, “Vetonit”, “Starateli” and others develop a line of products that are absolutely compatible with each other. And if you take the soil from one manufacturer, the starting composition from another, and the finishing composition from a third, then there is a possibility of rejection.

In domestic formulations everything is simple; all the necessary information is written right on the packaging in capital letters. If you decide to take imported goods, then keep in mind the letters “LR” in the name indicate the moisture resistance of the putty. And the letters “KR” mark conventional compositions for dry rooms.

For those who don't know, there is a starting putty and a finishing putty. As the name suggests, the surface is prepared with starting compounds, and the finishing ones are brought to perfection.

In the example that I will describe in detail below, deep penetration soil was used. As a start, I applied 2 layers of Vetonit dry starting putty. And to finish the ceiling, I bought a ready-to-use universal compound from Sheetrock and also applied it to the ceiling 2 times.

The German company Knauf produces products of decent quality, but they are expensive and you need to get used to them. For example, the Rotband gypsum putty from this manufacturer sets quite quickly, does not tolerate dirty tools and is difficult to sand. But I repeat, this is a personal opinion, thousands of masters work with it all over the world and they are satisfied with everything.

In principle, our manufacturers also produce fairly high-quality compositions, any master can confirm this to you. Although no matter what brand you prefer, it is better to use for finishing ceiling putty ready-made compositions. The price for them is, of course, a little higher, but for an amateur with such a composition it will be much easier to work with.

Ceiling finishing technique

You may have noticed that some compounds say “putty” and others say “putty”. So, this incident has nothing to do with the quality of the product; both options are correct. Just it is necessary to write through the letter “T” in official documents, and the term “putty” is considered colloquial.

Ceiling preparation

Like any work, ceiling putty for painting begins with preparing the base. In short, the base should be clean, smooth and strong. If old plaster falls, then it certainly needs to be knocked down.

I fill small cracks, up to 5 mm, with sealant. If the crack is large, then it should be widened and cleaned to the very bottom. After which the crack is primed and puttied with the same starting composition. This is where rubber spatulas come in handy.

Now a few words about how to properly remove wallpaper from the ceiling. When I have to work in apartments, I just wet the ceiling generously warm water and open all the windows. As a rule, due to a draft, the wallpaper will fall off on its own within half an hour.

If there are several layers of old water-based paint, then it will also need to be well moistened and when the surface is soaked (10 - 15 minutes), you need to scrape the paint off the ceiling. After which all residues are washed off with a foam sponge and warm water.

Most big problem is Oil paint. There are two ways out:

  • You can, armed with a construction spatula and a small spatula, heat and scrape the paint from the ceiling;
  • Or buy a modern remover and use it. But such removers are aggressive and stink quite strongly.

  • When everything is clean and solid, you can begin covering the ceiling with deep penetration primer. For this, as you see in the photo, a roller on a valley handle is used. In principle, the pile on the roller can be any, but with liquid soil it is easier to work with a foam roller;

  • It is necessary to treat with soil at least 2 times. Each subsequent time is applied only after the previous one has dried. There is a nuance here; puttying the ceiling for painting should be done simultaneously with puttying the upper part of the walls. This way it will be easier for you to beautifully draw the angle between the ceiling and the walls; accordingly, the walls will also need to be covered with soil for about half a meter;

Let's start finishing the ceiling

  • The first starting layer of putty is applied perpendicular to the application of the last layer of primer;

  • Next, take the widest spatula you have. Apply the starting composition to it with a small spatula and begin to apply it to the ceiling. There is no need to apply too much putty, as you will end up with waves. There should not be a lot of composition and it is important that it is evenly distributed along the entire length of the blade;

  • So evenly, in a thin layer, apply the first starting ball to the entire room, that is, to the ceiling and the upper part of the walls. After the starting layer has dried slightly, it will need to be cleaned of small burrs and irregularities. To do this, take a wide metal spatula, place the blade at an acute angle to the ceiling and scrape off all excess. The next layer is applied and cleaned in the same way, only perpendicular to the first;

  • After applying and sanding the second layer of starting plaster, take a little time and check how even the corners around the perimeter of the room are. At this stage, all defects are very easy to fix;

  • Many craftsmen skip this stage, but I believe that after treating the base with a start, you need to lightly sand the entire ceiling and the upper part of the walls with coarse sandpaper or plaster mesh. It is more convenient to do all such work with portable side lighting, so you can clearly see all the irregularities;

  • After sanding, brush off the dust and once again go completely over all surfaces of the ceiling and the top of the walls with soil. IN in this case deep penetration primer is mixed with water-dispersed paint, this will additionally strengthen the starting layer and there will be no problem of changing shade;

  • Two finishing layers of plaster can be applied, regardless of the direction of application of the previous layer, as you wish. In this case, it is better to work from a corner. Place the spatula clearly in the corner and spread the composition evenly across the ceiling. The upper part of the walls is processed in the same way, only the spatula, naturally, needs to be moved down from the corner;

Do not forget to clean the entire working surface with a wide metal spatula after each plastering. This simple trick will save you sanding.

  • Now all you have to do is bring your ceiling to perfect condition. This time you need to sand with medium and fine sandpaper. Everything is done as usual under side lighting.

Some important little things

Sometimes when painting the ceiling the putty falls off; this unpleasant situation can arise for various reasons and you need to think about them in advance:

  • To avoid such a situation, it is advisable that the finishing putty be waterproof. Of course, you will have to pay a little more for it, but you will agree that it is worth it;
  • If the materials have already been purchased and the waterproof putty somehow doesn’t work out, then you can add a little water-repellent primer diluted with water to the finishing composition. Only here you need to act without fanaticism, otherwise the water-dispersion paint will not stick to the ceiling;

  • I myself use more in a simple way: after finishing sanding, I once again cover the ceiling with primer diluted with water-dispersion paint;
  • And finally, for novice craftsmen, the finishing layer may peel off due to excessive zeal. Do not put too much pressure on the roller when painting and do not move the roller too long in one place.

In the list of recommended tools, I mentioned a wide “Venetian” trowel. It will be more convenient for you, as a novice master, to apply finishing layers of putty. Due to the rounded corners and perfectly polished metal surface you will have less problems with visible streaks from the sharp corners of the spatula.

Ready-made putty, which is sold in buckets, after opening the container, immediately reacts with air and slowly begins to set. To somehow slow down this undesirable process in this case, cut a piece of polyethylene according to the diameter of the bucket and after each selection of the composition, cover the rest with film. And make sure that there is no air left under the film.


I am sure that after reading the article you have figured out how to putty a ceiling for painting. For my part, I tried to describe the entire process in as much detail as possible. You can learn something for yourself from the photos and videos in this article. If you have any questions, write them in the comments and we’ll talk.
