Shipitsyna L.N. Shipitsyna L.M. (comp.) Education of children with developmental problems in different countries of the world - file n1.rtf. Review of foreign literature

  • Yadeshko V.I., Sokhin F.A. (ed.) Preschool pedagogy (Document)
  • Babunova T.M. Preschool pedagogy - development pedagogy (Document)
  • Zanina L.V., Menshikova N.P. Fundamentals of teaching skills (Document)
  • Filicheva T.B., Cheveleva N.A., Chirkina G.V. Fundamentals of speech therapy: Textbook. manual for pedagogical students. Institute for specialties Pedagogy and psychology (preschool) (Document)
  • Thesis - Formation of social adaptation of preschool children with Down syndrome (Graduate work)
  • Pichugina N.O., Assaulova S.V., Aidasheva G.A. Preschool pedagogy (Document)
  • Keneman A.V., Khukhlaeva D.V. Theory and methods of physical education of preschool children (Document)
  • n1.doc

    Federal Target Program for Book Publishing in Russia

    Publishing program “Textbooks and teaching aids for teacher training schools and colleges” Program Manager Z.A.Nefedova

    T.A.Kulikova (chap. I, II, III of section one; chapter IX of section two; chapter. XII, XIII

    section third; Ch. XIV - XX sections. fourth; Ch. XXI section fifth), S.A. Kozlova (Chapter IV, V section of the first; Chapter VI, VII, VIII, X, XI section of the second; Chapter XXII section of the fifth; Chapter XXIII, XXIV section of the sixth)

    Reviewers: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor B. T. Likhachev; teacher of pedagogy at Moscow Pedagogical College No. 6 E.M.Kudelina

    Kozlova S.A., Kulikova T.A.

    Preschool pedagogy: Proc. aid for students Wednesday, ped. textbook establishments. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2000. - 416 p.

    ISBN 5-7695-0188-Х

    The manual reveals the main issues preschool pedagogy taking into account the latest psycho-pedagogical research in our country and abroad. The contents of the book correspond to the state educational standards and provides for continuity of professional education at its second stage (at a university). In addition, the manual includes additional information for the curious, pedagogical tasks, practical

    Dear friends, future colleagues! You have chosen the teaching profession and decided to devote your life to educating and training the younger generation. Your pupils will be the smallest members of our society - children of early and preschool age. Education is a very responsible matter. It is doubly responsible when we're talking about about raising children from birth to school entry. To understand a small child, who cannot always explain in words what he wants, what excites, interests, cares, offends, pleases, you need to know a lot, be able to, understand, feel with your heart. The preschool pedagogy that you begin to study should help you in raising a small child.

    Modern pedagogy is a science that has extensive knowledge. Even the briefest outline of them cannot be contained within the framework of a textbook for college students. Such a task was not faced by the authors. We strived to:

    • captivate you with this wonderful science;

    • reveal to you its special role in the system of professional training of a modern preschool teacher;

    • introduce you to the system of pedagogical knowledge, show their practical significance in building educational process;

    • arouse interest in the theoretical explanation of pedagogical processes;

    • influence your professional development.
    Any scientific knowledge, including pedagogical,

    The basis of modern vocational education is independent work. In our book you will find many recommendations.

    Are you preparing for practical work with children, so it is advisable to complete all the tasks offered in the manual. This way you will learn to analyze your teaching work and your personal qualities, on which the success of your professional activities will largely depend.

    You will also need to study additional literature. A list is given at the end of the book. Don't be intimidated by the large number of names. Anyone who really wants to become a master of their craft needs to fall in love with this fascinating process of reading professional literature.

    A dictionary of terms will also help you understand the educational material. Gradually they will enter your professional vocabulary.

    The “Appendix” to the textbook contains two most important documents, without knowledge of which one cannot begin to study the course, much less begin practical activities. This is the Convention on the Rights of the Child, accepted throughout the world, and the Law Russian Federation"About Education".

    We wanted to ensure that studying preschool pedagogy does not turn into a boring task for you. And the pedagogical process itself can be entertaining and even fun. Therefore, we have placed tasks for the “Pedagogical skit” in the “Appendix”. This material will tell you how to conduct interesting, fun teaching evenings, Olympiads, competitions, etc. We are sure that based on our ideas you will come up with a lot of interesting things yourself.

    A few words about the structure of the manual. It consists of six sections, each of which is divided into chapters (23 in total). The book begins with the section “General Fundamentals of Pedagogy.” This material gives an idea of ​​general pedagogical approaches to education, introduces you to the education system, and introduces you to the world pedagogical science, its modern industries. The first chapter of the textbook is “Teacher: profession and personality.” You, of course, understand why the study of the preschool pedagogy course begins with this topic? It opens up the prospect of upcoming activities, allows the student to look at himself from the inside, “try on” the chosen profession, and determine ways to develop in himself those qualities and properties that will ensure success in the chosen profession.

    Since this book is devoted to age-related pedagogy, the first section provides “scientific portraits”, characteristics of children of early and preschool age. In subsequent chapters and sections, these characteristics are deepened and specified. However, they will remain incomplete if you do not rely on the knowledge about the child that you acquire in the course of studying psychology, anatomy and physiology, and private techniques.

    The second section of the manual - “Content and methods of raising children - consists of six chapters. From them you will learn about general pedagogical approaches to education and the features of this process at different age stages of preschool childhood. You will supplement your knowledge by studying other disciplines: “Methods of developing children’s speech”, “Methods physical education children”, “Introducing children to social reality”, art subjects, etc.

    The third section of the manual - “Education of early and preschool children” - talks about the construction of the learning process in a preschool institution, the forms of its organization, and the pedagogically appropriate methods and techniques with which it is carried out.

    A special (fourth) section is devoted to the education of preschoolers through play. When you begin this topic, you will already have an idea of ​​the role of play in a child’s development. The educational material, which is contained in the seven chapters of the section, will help you master the basics of pedagogical game theory, study the characteristics of various types of games, and understand their place in the pedagogical process. Based on this knowledge, you should develop the ability to organize children's games, determine the extent of your participation in each, and ensure the individual development of your students.

    The fifth section reveals the relationship between the preschool institution, family and school in achieving a common goal for all - raising a comprehensively developed personality. Each of these links in the education system occupies its own special place in the complex process of personality development. It is very important to understand the specifics of each link, their relationship, and their role in establishing the relationship.

    The sixth section - “Pedagogical process in a preschool institution” - will help you understand the problem of rational organization of work on raising and educating children in a preschool institution. Without planning, it is difficult for a thinking teacher to solve the problems that confront him. Reasonable planning does not interfere with, but helps creativity and pedagogical search.

    So, here you have the first pages of the tutorial. We will believe that we have achieved our goal if, after reading the last page of the book, you say: “What a fascinating science of pedagogy, how much I still don’t know. But I will strive to expand my knowledge because I want to be a good teacher of young children!”

    We wish you success in studying preschool pedagogy and all other disciplines that will help you become real teachers!


    Chapter I


    The teaching profession is one of the oldest and most honorable in the history of mankind. However, determine exact dates its appearance is not possible.

    Generations, therefore it is advisable to make a short historical excursion to find out when the need for raising and educating children arose in human society. It should be emphasized that over a long historical period of time, education was carried out without professionally trained specialists in the course of natural life relationships between the older generation and the younger.

    Materials from archaeological excavations and ethnographic data allowed scientists to make the assumption that education as an objective process began to take shape during the period of primitive man’s transition from animal-like forms of activity to actual labor and tool activity. Tool activity influenced the biomorphological development of man, contributed to a change in his consciousness, and the emergence of articulate speech. The evolution in economic activity has affected general conditions people's lives: food improved, permanent camps began to appear. These changes entailed an increase in the number of children and a lengthening of the childhood period.

    An objective need for education began to form in society: there was a need to transfer to children the experience of using tools labor activity in order, on the one hand, to preserve this experience, and on the other, to prepare them for a future independent life.

    Initially, this need was satisfied in the joint activities of adults and children. Early introduction of the younger generation to economic activity For adults, it was made easier by the fact that both the work itself (collecting roots and fruits; cooking; participation in hunting, fishing, etc.) and the tools with which it was carried out were quite primitive. At first, all adult members of the community showed concern for the younger generation. Then it is concentrated in the hands of a representative of the older, experienced generation.

    Educational relations between adults and children were not limited to the sphere of work. Adults also directed the children’s behavior, teaching them to comply with the rules, requirements, and prohibitions established in the community. This meant origin actual forms of education, the purpose of which was not only the transfer of work experience, but also the development in children of such qualities and forms of behavior that met the requirements of society and the peculiarities of economic management.

    For a long time, preparing a child for life was not separated from his practical participation in the collective and working life of the community. However, according to ethnographic researchers, the period of primitive society includes the emergence and accumulation of empirical means of education and training (toys, rituals, ceremonies, works of oral folk art).

    With the streamlining of marriage relations and the emergence of paired marriages, home-family forms of education, where the function of education is performed by parents and relatives. The increasing complexity of economic activity and social connections has led to changes in the upbringing of children and adolescents. Arises first V history of mankind form of education And learning - initiation. Initiation is the performance of ritual rites of initiation of boys and girls into the adult class. This was (for many nations it remains to this day) a kind of test of adulthood. For successful completion exam, it was necessary to master an extensive program, consisting of certain knowledge, practical skills, physical, ritual, social and moral training. The main thing in the preparation of boys was the formation of skills and abilities of the activities that they were expected to do in adult life(agriculture, hunting, cattle breeding, military affairs, etc.). Girls mastered the secrets of home economics, learned weaving, pottery, weaving, etc.

    Children acquired a significant part of the skills required by initiation in the family and in the community. But just before

    At the initiation, boys and girls were gathered (separately) into special houses or youth camps, where step-by-step training took place. These houses and camps can be considered a prototype of the school. At the same time, individuals emerged in the community who devoted their lives to teaching and educating young people. Of course, these are not yet teachers in the full sense of the word, but they, undoubtedly, were the historical predecessors of professional teachers.

    The word "teacher" arose in Ancient Greece.IN In this cradle of human civilization, in wealthy families, the care of children was entrusted to a more or less educated slave, who accompanied his master’s child to school, carried everything necessary for study, waited for the end of classes, so that, respectfully following behind his ward, he brought him home. At home, the slave watched the child, his behavior, and protected him from various kinds of dangers. This slave's name was teacher, which is literally translated from Greek (paidagogos ) means schoolmaster.

    Later, from an ordinary slave, the teacher turned into a home educator. Thus, the word “teacher” has lost its original meaning. Professional educators, and then teachers, began to be called teachers.

    For the curious

    In the Old Russian language, the word “teacher” was usually used in its highest meaning - a mentor in life path, a person who preaches “doctrine,” the word of God. The student was obliged to experience feelings of veneration, respect, and gratitude for the teacher all his life. From the time of Kievan Rus“The Word about not forgetting your teachers” by Kirill Turovsky was copied from manuscript to manuscript: “If you have learned from common man, and not from the priest, then keep in your heart and mind the memory of him until the end of your soul...” (Manuscript of gr. A.S. Uvarov. - St. Petersburg, 1858. - T. 2. - P. 131) .

    People who were professionally involved in teaching children to read and write in Rus' were most often called not “teacher”, but “master of literacy” or simply “master”. For such masters, teaching, as a rule, was not the main activity. They became people of various professions who were literate - book scribes, icon painters, clerks, etc. Children, as a rule, acquired professional skills in the family or in their immediate class environment. Sometimes the child was sent to be trained by a professional master. Thus, training was carried out within the framework of folk labor “pedagogy” and class traditions.

    IN " Explanatory dictionary living Great Russian language" by V.I. Dahl, the meaning of the word "teacher" is defined as mentor, teacher.

    A mentor instructs how to live, how to behave in order to become a real person, i.e. educates. The teacher equips children with knowledge and helps them master the elements different cultures, human values, i.e. teaches. These two components (education and training) of the activity of transmitting socio-historical experience to the younger generation, forming value orientations and preparing them for life and work are carried out by one person - the teacher. Thus, in the modern understanding, a teacher is a profession whose content is training and education.

    In the “fan” of closely intertwined teaching professions, teacher An educator is a person who provides education and takes responsibility for the living conditions and personal development of another person. The profession of a teacher has been known, as noted above, since antiquity. In the Middle Ages and in modern times, in some educational institutions (gymnasium, institute for noble maidens, cadet corps, etc.), educational functions were performed by special officials - class ladies, class overseer, mentor, etc. Wealthy families were invited (and are currently invited) home educators - tutors, bonnes, etc.

    IN modern system Public education has approved special positions that implement educational functions. This is the teacher in orphanage, boarding school, preschool institution. However, it should be taken into account that in the pedagogical process, training and education are closely interconnected, due to which the functions of education are carried out by every teacher working in a kindergarten, school, college, university.

    Preschool teacher - one of the mass modern teaching professions. It arose in the 17th-18th centuries, when the first preschool institutions appeared. IN In Europe, including Russia, such institutions were originally intended for orphans. Later, charitable institutions were established to help families of poor people (“Shelters” in France, “Child Protection Schools” in Germany, nurseries and shelters in Russia). Then private paid children's institutions arose, where children of wealthy parents came to play and study. The persons who looked after the children conducted games and activities with them, i.e. carried out educational work in different countries were called in their own way: nannies, leaders, teachers, mentors, educators. It is noteworthy that among the first teachers of preschool institutions there were more males than in the future.

    1840 was marked in the history of pedagogy by the fact that F. Frebel (1782-1852), an outstanding German teacher, gave his preschool institution (opening year - 1837) in Blankenburg the name kindergarten. However, not only the name of the preschool institution was new, but also its meaning, namely: to teach mothers, through practical guidance and demonstration of techniques, in the proper upbringing of children. The ideas of F. Froebel and the content recommendations he developed educational work with children have become widespread in preschool institutions in many countries around the world. Russia was no exception, where kindergartens were organized according to the F. Froebel system, as well as training courses for teachers to work in them. The teachers who worked in Froebel's kindergartens began to be called gardeners or “frebels”.

    Today there is not a single country in the world where the special importance of the period of the first years of a person’s life for the formation of his personality in subsequent years is not realized. Challenges for the development of public preschool education included in the program social policy many states. In developed countries (France, Great Britain, USA), the coverage of children in preschool institutions is 80-90%. The need to expand the network of preschool institutions is dictated not only by pedagogical, but also by socio-economic reasons (increasing influx of women into the labor market, the need to provide assistance to low-income families in raising children, etc.). The trend for further development of public preschool education is associated with a constant increase in the number of professional educators. Considering the increasing requirements for the educational functions of a preschool institution, more high level professional training of a modern educator, he is increasingly called a teacher.

    The words “teacher”, “teacher”, “teacher”, “educator” are very close in meaning, since they are used to describe people who have devoted themselves to teaching and have chosen to serve the teaching profession.

    A teacher, wherever he works - in a preschool institution, school, college, university, art studio, sports section, in advanced courses.

    social qualifications, etc., is significance -

    Representative of one of the most social

    ha but significant humanistic professions

    Siy. His activities are aimed at the development and formation of man. The spiritual reproduction of man, the creation of personality - this is the purpose of a teacher in society. IN This is the most important social function of the teacher.

    IN modern science It is customary to divide professions into those whose representatives are employed in the production sector (in the creation of material assets), and those whose representatives are not employed in this area. A teacher, preschool teacher, university lecturer, etc. do not directly participate in social production. But they, contributing to the formation of man as the creator of all material and spiritual values ​​and as the main spiritual value of society, directly influence the development of the productive forces of society, introduce the younger generation to all the achievements of world culture and thereby create the prerequisites for the further progress of mankind.

    However, in order to truly contribute to the progressive development of society, teachers, like the educational system (preschool institutions, schools, colleges, etc.) in which they work, must be focused and focused on the future. Children attending kindergarten today and school students will enter independent life after a more or less significant number of years. A college student who masters the content of educational work will enter the time of his independent professional activity, no longer in modern school, not in the current preschool. What will life be like then, which has been changing so rapidly lately? How prepared will today's pupils, pupils and students be for it?

    The function of a modern teacher is to help students adapt to the changing socio-cultural situation of modern society, to teach them to live according to laws and norms, which today are just emerging, but tomorrow will become an ideal. For example, in many countries of the world, including ours, there is a surge in violence, terrorism, and extremism. This problem is constantly being discussed in the media, considered at the state level, etc. But it is not brute force and violation of human rights, but the sprouts of humanism, symbolized by the world-famous Mother Teresa, that is the basis of the progress of society. And it is on humanism, and not on the cultivation of force, intolerance towards people of other views, other nationalities and religions, that today’s education should be built.

    IN the very activity of the teacher is laid down humanistic beginning. It is realized in the desire to cultivate humanity in a person, manifested in relation to all participants in the educational process (the child, his family, colleagues, etc.).

    Humanization and democratization of all spheres of public life, and above all the public education system, led to the strengthening social functions teacher Modern society places increased demands on teachers of any educational institution. A decade ago, the famous sociologist I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada called kindergartens “storage chambers,” thereby emphasizing that they are only suitable for looking after children. Today, the function of childcare in public educational institutions is one of the important ones for society, but not the only one; the school requires that the preschool institution provide full preparation for school. Parents of preschool pupils want the teacher to study the individual characteristics of the children and build the education process accordingly, so that their daughters and sons receive a broad education that goes beyond the traditional ( foreign languages, sports activities, introduction to art, etc. .d.). No less urgent is the issue of training an “effective teacher”, capable of providing a high level of education in a mass school environment, as well as taking qualified care of the health and leisure of students, and participating in family education. To meet today's increased requirements, The teacher must constantly expand his knowledge of general cultural and professional nature, work with significant effort, dedication, carry high responsibility for their actions.

    Thus, in modern world objective is growing social significance profession of a teacher. However, in fairness, it must be said that at the same time there is an underestimation of pedagogical work on the part of society.

    Pedagogical activity has features common to any activity, and at the same time differs in a number of features.

    Characteristics of pedagogical activities, as well as

    pedagogical any other activity, represents activity, - 1

    is a system that has a certain

    structure, internal transitions and transformations. In it you can

    highlight the following components: motive ■=> goal ■=> subject

    ^ methods of implementation ■=> result.

    Its success largely depends on the motives that motivate pedagogical activity. They significantly influence the formation of inclinations and abilities for teaching work. Motives pedagogical activity appear at the stage professional self-determination, what exactly motivates you to choose a teaching profession and devote yourself to the education of the younger generation. According to sociological research, modern students of pedagogical colleges and universities often have insufficiently conscious motives for choosing a profession. Sometimes a young man does not have a main goal future profession, the prospects of the latter. However, over the years of study there is a restructuring of the motives that initially prompted the boy or girl to choose a profession. Students become imbued with the importance of the teaching profession, master its content and technology. The profession acquires personal meaning, emotional overtones, and evokes a desire for self-improvement and self-actualization in the interests of future students. The motives that motivate such activity are called meaningful (A.N. Leontiev).

    The purpose of teaching activity determined by society. It is of a generalized nature, but for each teacher it is transformed into an individual attitude, which he tries to implement in his activities. For example, the goal of education - the diversified development of a child - is specified by many preschool teachers as full preparation for school, health promotion, and the formation of creative abilities.

    According to the theory of A.N. Leontiev, the main thing that distinguishes one activity from another is the object to which it is directed. The uniqueness of pedagogical activity lies in the specificity of the subject, the object of work. In any activity there is a subject (the one who performs it) and an object (to whom the efforts of the subject are directed). In pedagogical activity, the role of the subject is the teacher, and the role of the object is the pupil (student). The object of pedagogical influence is a material unique in its value. This developing personality, which is in constant change. The nature of these changes is largely determined by the position of the teacher. If the teacher takes into account the characteristics of the student, his needs, emotions, capabilities, stimulates his activity, and does not suppress his authority, then the object of pedagogical activity becomes its subject. In this case Pedagogical activity turns from subject-object into subject-subjective, which makes it complex, non-standard, and creative.

    In many types of activities, work done in bad faith can be redone. In education, a marriage committed by a teacher has irreversible consequences. Therefore, taking into account the fragility and vulnerability of the child’s body, the child’s great impressionability, the teacher avoids negligence, rudeness, and harshness in communicating with students. If a child was accidentally offended in the morning and caressed in the evening, the trace of the offense will not disappear. What the baby lacked in his development today (he didn’t play much because rehearsals for the upcoming matinee took up half the day, etc.) cannot be compensated for at another time.

    Psychological studies of a number of scientists (O.S. Gazman, V.A. Petrovsky, etc.) indicate the important role of the mechanism of “infection” by the teacher’s traits, which the child does not realize, and the student’s borrowing of the teacher’s behavioral characteristics and manners. Depending on type personal qualities As a teacher, children exhibit peculiarities of thinking (flexibility or, on the contrary, inertia of thinking, originality of judgments or adherence to stereotypes), a preferential attitude towards one or another area of ​​knowledge is formed, etc.

    The main “tools” of pedagogical work are the voice (tempo, volume, intonation, expressiveness), facial expressions, plasticity, gestures. The so-called pedagogy gical technology - these are a variety of skills and techniques of personal influence of the teacher on students in order to stimulate their activity. The teacher must be able to choose the right tone and style of communication with children depending on the specific situation. Speech culture is also important - good command of words, clear diction, intonation variety for expressing feelings and relationships. Pedagogical technology plays a service (not semantic) role in the educational process and allows one to achieve better results with less energy.

    The peculiarity of pedagogical activity is that an educator, a teacher, a lecturer does not always manage to reap the fruits of his labor, to observe with his own eyes its true results: they will appear in the future. Teachers implementing professional education, may never see what kind of specialist they have trained, since the mastery, the foundations of which were laid in college or university, will be revealed over time. The preschool teacher will not know what his efforts resulted in. Teacher working V present, “grows the future.”

    Another feature of pedagogical activity is that it is impossible to determine the extent of the contribution of any specific person to the development of a child. Many people are involved in the process of education and training. Thus, in a preschool institution, a child is the object of influence of teachers, an assistant teacher, a music director, etc. The work of a teacher is connected with the work of the head, methodologist, medical personnel, psychologist and other employees. It’s good if they all represent a team of like-minded people: they discuss goals, objectives, the content of educational work, and develop common approaches to the pedagogical process as a whole and to each child individually. But even in this case, there is no need to talk about the “purity” of the results obtained, since the influence of the family on the development of the child, especially in the first years of life, is more significant than the influence of any public institution. Therefore, a modern teacher must be imbued with the idea that raising a child - collective case, care about successful results require unity (coordination of approaches to education, its content, methods of implementation) of the forces of all interested adults. The initiator of such unity is the teacher as a person professionally prepared for educational work.

    Pedagogical activity belongs to the category of managerial, since it is focused on stimulating, organizing, and correcting the work of all participants in the educational process (children, their parents, colleagues, etc.). Any influence of the teacher must be purposeful, causing one or another activity (mental, practical), giving it a positive character.

    Pedagogical creativity is an indispensable condition of modern pedagogical process, the central figure of which was a child(not abstract children, as has been the case for decades). A child, being a unique personality, requires special, individualized methods of influence and forms of communication. This means that a modern teacher is faced with the need to creatively interact with his students, to creatively transform them.

    Presence creativity due to the very essence of the educational process. It is impossible to foresee all the situations that may arise in the everyday life of preschoolers, school and college students. Consequently, it is impossible to provide the future teacher with ready-made recipes or unambiguous recommendations. Having analyzed specific situation, the teacher must independently make a competent decision, showing quick thinking, initiative, creativity. Difficult situations and problems arise for the teacher constantly. However, it should be borne in mind that his work also involves reproductive actions, which, as a result of repetition, achieve automatism. Thus, a preschool teacher in in a certain order gathers children for a walk, helps them get dressed, uses developed techniques to keep all the pupils in his field of vision, etc. This saves him energy and time, and gives him the opportunity to help some children organize new game, to attract the attention of others to the crow walking importantly in the snow, with others to remember the call “Come, spring!..”, etc. This means that automatism and creativity do not exclude, but complement each other.

    There should be no pattern or monotony in the content of the work, in the selection of means and methods of influencing children. Dull, monotonous work, in which there is no creativity, leads to premature professional withering, even aging of the individual, to the cessation of intellectual growth, and to a decrease in overall activity. Where there is no creativity, primitivism and formalism quite often take place, which negatively affects the development of children. The words spoken by JT at the beginning of the century sound surprisingly modern. N. Tolstoy that completeness and perfection in pedagogical work “... are unattainable, A development and improvement are endless.”

    IN last years educational institutions received a legal basis for creativity. In the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” to the school staff, kindergarten given the opportunity to independently determine the type of educational institution, choose a work program, etc. Allowed to create own program, experiment. But it should be taken into account that creativity in the pedagogical process is fruitful and justified if teachers have a good command of the basics of their profession. The fundamentals of the profession are determined by state educational standards.

    Any professional educational institution, including the college, must first of all train the future specialist to the standard. Perfect mastery of the standard allows you to achieve mastery. Without a foundation in the form of psychological and pedagogical training, creativity can lead to very serious consequences, since the teacher is dealing with the most complex and universal phenomenon, which is every child. Sometimes conservatism is more humane than radicalism.

    The rights of a teacher are determined by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. These are the rights to participate in management educational institution, to protect one’s professional honor and dignity, to freedom of choice and use of teaching and upbringing methods, teaching aids and materials, etc. The right to a six-hour working day and a shortened working week, to extended paid leave, to receive a long-service pension until reaching .retirement age.

    The professional activity of a preschool teacher has been the subject of study by psychologists and teachers (E.A. Panko, L.G. Semushina,

    „ G. V. I. Loginova, R. S. Bure). It was revealed

    General characteristics of the textbook

    Tutorial " Preschool pedagogy» authors S.A. Kozlova and T.A. Kulikova, has already gone through many reprints. The $15$ edition, revised and expanded, was published in $2015. This textbook is recommended for use by the Federal State Educational Institution “FIRO”, reflects the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education and is intended for students studying in the specialty “Preschool Education”.

    The authors of the textbook examine the main aspects of preschool pedagogy on the basis of modern Russian and foreign scientific research. The main difference between this textbook and a number of others is, together with theoretical material additional information for curious, pedagogical tasks, practical creative tasks in order to test the learned material.

    Structure of the manual

    The textbook consists of six sections, each of which is represented by several chapters.

    Section one aims to familiarize students with general principles pedagogy. While studying this section, students gain insight into:

    • about the profession of a teacher and professionally important personal qualities of a teacher;
    • about pedagogy as a science;
    • about the modern education system;
    • about development factors;
    • about the child as an object of pedagogy.

    In the second section six chapters discuss in detail the content and methods of raising children. Basics attention The authors pay attention to:

    • goal setting in pedagogy;
    • physical education;
    • moral education;
    • mental education;
    • aesthetic education;
    • labor education.

    Third section is dedicated to describing the features of teaching children of early and preschool age. The age aspect of the problem is considered, theoretical basis training, as well as methods and forms of organizing training.

    Leading activity V preschool age is a play activity, therefore the fourth section of the textbook examines raising children through play. The section is presented in seven chapters examining the theory of the game, methods and forms of organization, presented in detail different kinds games for preschoolers - role-playing game, theatrical play, play with building material, didactic game. A separate chapter analyzes the types of toys used at each age stage of preschool childhood and the requirements for toys.

    Section five The textbook covers issues of interaction between kindergarten, family and school. Such aspects of interaction as the relationship between the preschool institution and the families of pupils, as well as the relationship between the preschool institution and the school are considered.

    Sixth section“The pedagogical process in a preschool institution” allows students to gain an understanding of the pedagogical process in a preschool institution, the organizational foundations of the pedagogical process, different types planning the pedagogical process.

    To assist students and enhance their understanding educational material The authors provide a list of references. The appendices contain two important documents that students should definitely familiarize themselves with are the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Concept of Preschool Education.

    Note 1

    In order to more fully understand the educational material and more confidently master pedagogical terminology, the authors have placed a “Pedagogical Dictionary” at the end of the textbook. To increase student interest in studying preschool pedagogy in textbook Entertaining tasks for the “pedagogical skit” are presented.
