Service volt repair of intercoms. Volt service intercom repair How much does it cost to repair an intercom door

Today it is difficult to imagine an apartment building or office building no intercoms. These intercoms quickly gained popularity and spread everywhere. Given the active use of such devices, over time they still tend to fail. During use, parts wear out; in addition, failure can occur as a result of a voltage drop. In any of these situations, getting the device back to work will help good master for intercom repair.

Our company offers high-quality repairs audio and video intercoms of any complexity with a quality guarantee. Specialists with extensive experience in this field are ready to as soon as possible diagnose the device and fix the problem. We repair calling panels, subscriber devices, keypads, switches and other device components. All work is carried out using professional tools, and the price for repairing intercoms is affordable to everyone who uses this device.

Before starting repairs, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis of all elements of the intercom, determine the source and cause of the malfunction. Working with electronics requires certain skills and experience, so if you have not experienced repairing such devices, you should not try to repair them yourself. The actions of an unprofessional technician can completely damage the device, which will entail the cost of purchasing a new intercom. Repairs must be carried out by qualified personnel.

Typical faults of intercom systems

Often there are malfunctions that can be eliminated by early stage, thereby preventing serious damage. In order to notice any deviations in the operation of the intercom in time, you need to have an idea of typical problems ah most intercoms. Let's consider situations in which intercom repair may be required.

    The intercom is completely out of order, does not respond to keys, the call button and does not open the lock. This is a fairly serious malfunction, most often occurring as a result of a sudden voltage drop. In this case, both the power adapter could be damaged, which is not very scary, as well as the controller responsible for all the functions of the intercom. Only thorough diagnostics using special equipment will allow the breakdown to be identified.

    The intercom does not respond to magnetic keys. This problem may be related to the failure of the reader or the keys themselves. If the intercom does not respond to all the keys or plastic cards included in the kit, then you need to look for the cause of the malfunction in the reader.

    Extraneous sounds(squeaking, clicking, background or knocking) in the speaker of the calling panel or handset of the subscriber device. This is often due to poor wire contact. When exposed to moisture, the terminals oxidize over time, causing signal quality to deteriorate. Eliminating such a malfunction does not cause problems.

    No sound. IN in this case a specialist needs to diagnose microphones, speakers, connecting wires and the switch responsible for transmitting the signal from the calling panel to the subscriber device.

    Malfunctions of the video camera that manifest themselves in the form of a poor-quality image on the screen, interference, noise or a complete absence of a picture. Owners of video intercoms encounter this problem. These devices are somewhat more expensive to repair than conventional “tubes”. To identify and eliminate such a malfunction, it is necessary to diagnose the video camera, and also check the contacts for breaks or oxidation.

    The electromechanical lock does not work, the electromagnet does not hold the door securely closed position. In this case, the fault must be looked for not so much in the intercom itself, but in the lock. It would be a good idea to check the door closer, since its proper operation can significantly extend the service life of the locking elements.

What to do if the intercom is broken

If the intercom breaks down or there are signs of improper operation of the device, it is recommended to seek help from qualified technicians. When ordering repairs, you must describe the problem in detail, in which case the specialist will be able to take it with you necessary details and fix the problem on site. If you repair the intercom without transporting it to service center fails, non-working elements will be dismantled and repaired as soon as possible. After this, the technician will install the intercom back and make sure that the entire system is working. In some situations, it is impractical to carry out repairs for certain reasons and it is more profitable to purchase a new unit.

Our company provides repair services for locks and intercoms in Moscow. Qualified specialists will diagnose the device at a time convenient for you and take all measures to eliminate the malfunction. Great experience works of masters and modern instrument allow us to guarantee high level quality of repair.

If your intercom is not working correctly, call us at

We are pleased to offer you cooperation in the field of repair of video surveillance and intercoms with an access control system.

The extensive experience of our technical specialists allows us to quickly and efficiently eliminate any malfunctions in video surveillance systems, intercoms, and access control systems. Totally agree last years we have completed more than 500 government contracts. You can view completed contracts at.

When performing repair work security systems, we not only identify existing faults and eliminate them, but also try to prevent possible way out failure of system components. Based on the results of repairs of video surveillance and intercoms, we provide a 12-month guarantee on the work performed and installed equipment. Modern intercoms and video surveillance systems are high-tech devices, which, unfortunately, sometimes cause unpleasant breakdowns, and they need to be eliminated as quickly as possible. After all, your safety and the safety of the protected object depend on this first of all! The primary goal of our company is long-term cooperation with the client, therefore, regardless of the situation, we always fulfill warranty obligations without delays or other problems!

When working with us, you can be sure that all work on repairing video surveillance and intercoms will be completed efficiently and on time, regardless of the volume and labor intensity, whether we are changing the exit button for you or relaying a low-current route with excavation of the soil and opening of the asphalt surface.

Thanks to numerous and long-term contacts with trusted suppliers in the field of security systems, our company has the ability to supply any required equipment in the shortest possible time. If broken equipment is discontinued, we will be able to select options for its replacement, or we will offer technical upgrades to the video surveillance system and intercoms at your facility.

Below is a list of the main types of repair work for video surveillance and intercoms with access control.

Working with us is very simple, no prepayments or imposition of services, only the required repairs. Payment for repairs is made only for the result! The cost of repairing video surveillance and intercoms is determined based on the diagnostic results. Before repairs are carried out, the cost of repairs must be agreed upon with the Customer. At any time before execution starts repair work you can refuse without any explanation!

We efficiently and quickly repair all intercoms famous brands: Commax, Kenwei, Falcon, Vizit, Eltis, Kocom, Quantum, Cyfral, Metakom(Metacom), Gardi (Gardi), ActiVision and others.

We provide high quality:

    Intercom repair;

    Video repair;

    Repair of intercoms in Moscow, inexpensive repair video surveillance in Moscow, video surveillance repair in Moscow;

    Repair of intercoms in apartments;

    Repair of intercoms in a private house;

    Repair of intercom in the office, we can also install video surveillance in the office;

    Video intercom repair;

    CCTV repair, office CCTV repair;

    24-hour repair of intercoms.

You can find prices here - services and prices.

Do you need qualified assistance in repairing an intercom? Call by phone : 8 495 585 32 97 And 8 905 781 98 98 , leave a request and we will help you as soon as possible!

We work for you around the clock and seven days a week!

Over the phone, the technician will discuss the current situation with you in detail, offer options for further action, and give you an estimate of the cost of repairs. If you have a standard breakdown, the technician will tell you the exact amount; if not, he will indicate the price range so that you can understand the final cost of repairing the intercom. If you understand that everything suits you, you can agree with the master about the time and place of the meeting. You can call a specialist to your place or bring the intercom to us.

A technician’s visit to Moscow is free, diagnostics cost 1,000 rubles.

Departure of a specialist to the Moscow region – 500 rubles + 40 rubles/km.

E If you bring your intercom to us, diagnostics will cost 500 rubles.

Intercom repair from 500 rubles depending on the complexity and use of spare parts.

In some cases, in order to determine the cause of a breakdown, on-site diagnostics of your system are required. In this case, options for further action and the cost of repairs are determined based on the diagnostic results. Diagnostics is a check of the functionality of the device (video intercom monitor or audio handset), low and high voltage cables, video cameras, calling panels, reading and locking devices.

During telephone conversation try to be precise and tell the technician in as much detail as possible about the breakdown or malfunction of the intercom. Also tell the craftsman your wishes and preferences so that he has with him everything necessary for production additional work of necessity.

We have been focused on repairing intercoms for quite a long time, so our company has its own suppliers of equipment, spare parts and components. This is what allows us to be confident in the success of any intercom repair. In 90% of cases, the technician eliminates all problems and malfunctions of the intercom system on site; in other cases, we offer to dismantle your device, repair it in our specialized laboratory and return it to you in working condition.

Cost of repairs and related work in our company is below the Moscow average. We work efficiently and quickly! All work is guaranteed 6 months, the equipment is covered by the manufacturer's official warranty.

Our team includes specialists with 7 or more years of experience in Moscow, so we undertake both the elimination of simple intercom malfunctions and the repair of non-standard systems of any level of complexity. For example, such as: Commax APV 480 L, Commax APV 481 L, Kocom 510 A. As well as systems like SAFE. Contact us - we will fix everything for you with great pleasure!

List of standard faults/breakdowns of the intercom:

The door does not open with the button

The intercom is “crackling” and phoning

The image has deteriorated

The intercom works, but the image is gone

You can hear the call outside, but not inside

Fonit calling panel

The lock does not magnetize

Keys don't work

The intercom does not respond to anything

An intercom is the same equipment as a camera, telephone, iron or vacuum cleaner, and has its own service life, during or at the end of which all sorts of breakdowns of individual elements occur.

In this article we will analyze the repair of such fundamental parts as the electromechanical lock and handset. Less commonly, the problem occurs in the wiring or calling panels.

With the growing popularity of intercoms and their prevalence in apartment buildings, many owners often face such a problem as a broken pipe - the same one that causes people outside the house to request entry inside.

Particularly cunning craftsmen can raise the price for repairs highly if they discover that the owner of the apartment has no idea about the operating principle of this or that equipment. And if the tube is also of poor quality and is prone to frequent breakdowns, then you can completely grab your head at how much money is spent on repairs! If this problem is familiar to the reader, then it’s time to learn how to repair this element of protection with your own hands, almost free of charge.

Typical problems include the following:

  • There is no call from the intercom in the apartment;
  • The equipment does not respond to calls from the calling panel;
  • The wrong person is called;

And they occur due to failures of the intercom calling system, but there are physical malfunctions inside the handset itself. Depending on the model and manufacturer, the handset is modified with LEDs, the ability to mute the sound, change the tone, ringer volume and the ability to connect a second handset, while also having its own ordinary functions - an intercom door open button and an intercom.

If you disassemble the body of the handset, you can see an ordinary circuit: a small board, several wires, a speaker, a switch, a button, a reed switch, and everything in the middle of a huge free space. Most often, reed switches, switches, buttons and the housing itself break. The main reasons for their failure are:

  1. Failure of the entire system;
  2. Mechanical damage.

Most often, the “tongues” of the case that act as a holder for the tube itself break. The repair method couldn’t be simpler: just solder the broken part back into place, and if you have good superglue, that will be enough, but not for very long. If such a “language” also includes a communication chain, then you will have to use only a soldering iron and with extreme care, so as not to cause breakdown of the rest of the system.

Another common problem with tubes is poor functioning of the door release button. They may not work the first time or even perform a reset function.

The root of the problem is always the microswitch under this button.

To begin the repair, you need to open the tube and inspect the switch. It is usually installed in two positions:

  • Separate from the board. In this case, it will be enough to simply check the tightness of the soldering of the wires to its legs, and if one of the wires is really poorly secured, solder it.
  • Tightly mounted into the board. There is a high probability of a malfunction of the switch itself, and in this case you have to buy a completely new one at a radio parts store, after carefully removing the broken one from the board.

If, when you press the door open button, the bell is reset, but the door does not move, then you need to evaluate the quality of the soldering of the wires near the speaker in the handset. By soldering the wire back, you can completely get rid of this problem.

But a rarer case may also occur: broken wire in speaker coil, and, unlike the first problem, it will no longer be possible to visually determine it; you will have to use a multimeter or tester. But most common reason– contamination of contacts created to turn off the bell in order not to wake up the whole house from a late guest who has the wrong number.

One more problem - hang up the call immediately after picking up the handset. Depending on the handset model, a reed switch or a switch located under the tongue is responsible for disconnecting the circuit when the handset is returned to the base without opening the door. In this case, it is enough to simply replace the faulty switch.

Reset when dialing an apartment- a situation that occurs immediately after installing an intercom and handsets in the house. If the technician did not take into account the polarity of many wires and contacts when connecting them, which is important and is the root of the problem, then the caller simply will not be able to get through to the required apartment.

This may not happen with modern intercoms, because the polarity marking of the place where the base is connected to the main line is present in the same way as on the wires.

Poor audibility during a call– a malfunction in the microphone and speaker. Most intercoms have a trimming resistor on the board, which is directly related to adjusting the balance between the microphone and speaker. By remembering the initial position of the slider, tugging it from side to side and returning it to its original position, you can completely get rid of poor hearing. But it is worth noting that terrible audibility, interference and nasty sounds can be a consequence of economy, a consequence of buying a cheap intercom.

What is an electromechanical lock, and how to fix it?

The definition of this element is simple - it is a mechanism that directly closes the intercom. There are several factors of failure, and they can exist both together and separately:

  • Human. High traffic through the doors of entrance intercoms and the vandal habits of some individuals in not particularly prosperous areas leads to the movement of the lock anchor along the axis. In addition, most residents completely forget about the need for preventive maintenance and maintenance of intercoms;
  • Natural. If there are no canopies over the intercoms, rain, snow, hail, high or low temperature, as well as humidity and dirt in the entrance, at a minimum, have an adverse effect on the condition of the wiring and fasteners, and under mechanical stress the fasteners were worn out and deformed.
  • Closer's work. The door closer is designed for installation indoors, but it can also work outside. In the absence of seasonal adjustment, the intercom may close poorly in the summer, and loudly clap in the summer, which also leads to malfunctions of the fasteners.

The first and most necessary step in repairing any part is diagnostics. Thanks to it, you can determine the plan, duration and cost of the work, and it must be carried out regardless of the obviousness of the ailments.

Repair and restoration work continues with the purchase of parts necessary for replacement, and then checking the condition of the cable line. You can install new parts yourself, but whether they will start is another question, the answer to which is best found in the first stages of work.

You need to install a rubber lining under the lock anchor, thanks to which no external forces will not be able to open the door, thereby deforming the anchor or fasteners.

The unevenness of the surface to which the electromechanical lock will be attached must be measured, leveled with a hammer, and holes drilled in in the right places, calculating them several times as accurately as possible to avoid distortions. Leaving the gaps for the future, you can adjust the position of the lock and the tightness of its fit to the anchor. The lock installation is complete.

If the cable line is also in poor condition, it must be restored. It is necessary to check the joints, seal them if necessary with electrical tape or a corrugated sleeve, connect broken wires or replace them completely, if appearance unsatisfactory. If everything is done correctly, the mechanism will work instantly.

All that remains is to check the operation of the closer. If it is not suitable for working outdoors, replace it and regulate the pressure in the off-season, where the door closing process is fast in the first 2/3, and slow in the remaining third. This way you can avoid loud and unpleasant bangs in the summer, and slow, heat-dispersing closing in the winter. Repairing the lock will cost about two and a half thousand rubles, together with the handset - in most cases free of charge.

Useful video

Review and internal organization electromechanical lock.

Intercom handset repair


As it turned out, repairing intercoms and taking care of them is a necessary and not so complicated procedure, ensuring the reliability of the protection for which funds were collected from the entire entrance, and even the house. If you managed to convince stingy neighbors to donate money for the purchase and installation of an intercom, then in order to avoid wasting more more nerves, we can advise you to simply take on the repairs yourself, because if you want to do it well, do it yourself. And if your neighbors are loyal to you and are faced with a breakdown, this is a chance to earn a little money that you shouldn’t miss.
