Berry picking: berry calendar and picking rules. Collecting wild berries How and where cranberries grow

- wild strawberry. It has excellent taste and makes excellent jam. Strawberries grow in abundance on the edges of birch, mixed and coniferous forests, in glades and slopes, preferring fairly dry soddy-podzolic soil. It is also found in the forest between trees, but much less often, because it loves light. It does not tolerate excessive moisture at all, so it does not grow in swamps.

The ripening time of wild strawberries depends on the specific climatic conditions of a particular area. In most of the European territory of Russia, it can be collected from the first ten days of June; collection usually lasts two to three weeks.

Cranberries, on the contrary, thrive in swamps, which is why they are collected there. This dark red sour berry has a lot of advantages: it contains many vitamins (especially vitamin C), other useful substances, its decoctions have a general strengthening and antipyretic effect. The famous cranberry juice is very tasty. Cranberries are harvested in mid to early October.

Lingonberry is a smaller, dense burgundy-red berry, often with a white side. This is very healthy berry. A decoction of lingonberry leaves helps well with kidney diseases, the berries have a beneficial effect on rheumatism and tuberculosis. Pickled lingonberries are an excellent side dish for meat, poultry, and fish. Thanks to the high concentration of a natural preservative - benzoic acid - this berry does not spoil for a long time. It is collected from the second half to the beginning of September in coniferous forests and peat bogs.

Blueberries are also extremely useful. It is eaten fresh, ground with sugar, and jam and jelly are made from it. It has a beneficial effect on vision, eliminates disorders gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the oral cavity. Blueberries grow in coniferous forests, in peat bogs, and sometimes on mountain slopes; they are harvested in July-August.

Of course, we must not forget about wild raspberries. Although its berries are smaller than those of the garden berry, they are also tasty and aromatic. Raspberries have an antipyretic effect and normalize metabolism. In many regions of Siberia, raspberry forests are extensive and very dense. Therefore, local residents, while picking berries, talk loudly and knock on the door from time to time. metal objects: both in order not to lose each other, and in order to scare away the bear, who also really loves to eat this fragrant berry. The harvest time for wild raspberries falls at the end of July - beginning of August.

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To say that blueberries are healthy means to say nothing. This is a real storehouse of minerals and vitamins; it is successfully used not only in cooking, but also in medicine. Blueberries will help with stomach upsets and improve vision. If you have ever picked by hand in your life, you probably know what hard work it is, but this berry is worth it. And if you are going to the forest for the first time to pick berries, read the tips and recommendations.

The berry contains 30% sugar, 7% is malic, succinic, citric, quinic, oxalic and lactic acids, also B, A, C and keratin.

Blueberry leaves are no less useful than berries. In addition, the leaves contain essential oil, as well as ursulic, olenic, quinic, and resin acids. So the entire plant is used for treatment.

Blueberries themselves and preparations from this plant are used for acute eczema, in the kidneys. Fresh berries are recommended for use for pain.

Elderly people and those who lead a sedentary lifestyle (cashiers, office workers, banks) benefit from drinking a decoction of dry berries of the plant, which affects the digestive processes.

The decoction also helps with inflammation of the gums and oral mucosa. Very effective remedy prevention of the threat of periodontal disease.

Berries should be collected during the ripening period, leaves - during the flowering period; collection should be done only in dry weather.

Blueberries are a miracle berry that has not only excellent taste, but incredible abilities to defeat various diseases. Scientists have found that blueberries have rejuvenating properties, prevent loss of visual acuity, impaired coordination of movement, memory loss, etc. Where does this miracle berry grow?

Description of blueberries

Blueberries are small perennial shrub, whose height reaches from 15 to 30 centimeters. The stems are erect, have many branches, smooth, the rhizome is long, creeping. Blueberry leaves are light green and oval in shape. Their length varies from 10 to 30 mm. Blooms this shrub in late May-early June, the berries ripen only in July-August.

Blueberries grow in coniferous forests (spruce and pine), but you can also see them in mixed forests. Mountain slopes, as well as wetlands, are favorite places for blueberries to grow. Occurs this plant almost throughout the entire territory of the European part of Russia, East Asia, and North America.

Blueberry picking and storage

Berry picking begins in July, and only in dry weather. After picking, the berries are poured onto specially prepared baking sheets, dried in a warm, well-ventilated room, and then dried in an oven. Dried berries are perfect not only for preparing various delicacies in the form of jelly, compotes, etc., but also for treatment.

Blueberries make excellent jam, as well as jellies, jams, etc.

Blueberries can also be stored frozen; when frozen, they lose only a small part of their beneficial properties. To do this, you need to lightly dry the blueberries, then package them in bags or special containers, close them tightly and put them in freezer, the temperature in which is not lower than minus eight degrees.

Blueberries have unique beneficial properties; their main wealth is antioxidants. When people hear the mention of this berry, they immediately remember its ability to restore vision. However, in folk medicine it is used to treat and prevent a number of diseases.

Blueberries are a source of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and carbohydrates. In addition, it contains minerals, organic acids, iron, copper and sodium. It contains vitamins B1 and B6, C, PP and pantothenic acid. The pectins in its composition can cleanse the intestines of decomposition products, toxins and heavy metal salts.

Antioxidants in blueberries bind free electrons, affect the body at the cellular level and prevent the formation of low-quality tumors. Blueberry antioxidants are also called anthocyanins. Therefore blueberries - excellent remedy for the prevention of cancer.

Regular consumption of blueberries helps prevent the development of heart disease. It strengthens blood vessels, warns infectious diseases, improves memory, helps maintain normal weight and can be used as an anti-aging agent. Blueberries also strengthen blood vessels back wall eyes, thereby improving the ability to see in the dark and restoring vision.

Sick diabetes mellitus you need to take a decoction of blueberry leaves and eat a large portion of fresh berries. For the winter, the berries can be frozen and the leaves can be dried to continue the blueberry treatment. This therapy helps lower blood sugar levels and stimulate the pancreas. In some cases, after taking the blueberry complex, the need for insulin disappears.

To keep blueberries well, grind them with sugar in a 1:1 ratio and store in tightly closed containers in the freezer.

Blueberries can be used for genitourinary diseases. Blueberries delay the aging process human body and at the cellular level prevents the development of prostate tumors.

Blueberries are very low in calories, but they are a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. In addition, the berry contains a large amount of fiber. Frozen blueberries can be stored in the freezer for a long time; when frozen, they do not lose their beneficial qualities and have the same properties as fresh berries. Dried blueberries are almost as healthy as fresh ones.

It is better to limit the consumption of dried berries in case of malfunctions of the biliary tract and diseases of the pancreas.

Blueberry infusion or juice can be used to rinse the mouth and throat for stomatitis, sore throat and catarrh of the upper respiratory tract. The juice can be taken orally several times a day, 1/3 cup. It is most often used as a diuretic. It is used in the presence of sand in the kidneys and for the treatment of bedwetting.

Blueberries contain phytoncides, which are effective in treating the pathogens of diphtheria, staphylococcus, dysentery bacillus and even typhoid fever.

An infusion of blueberry leaves can be used to treat wounds until they heal. To prepare the composition you need to pour 1 tsp. leaves with 1 cup boiling water and leave for 30 minutes on a hot stove. After this, the composition must be filtered.

This July marks a hot time for berry growers: the 2017 berry picking begins. To avoid missing the optimal time for picking, check out our berry calendar for the current year. It tells not only about the timing of picking berries, but also about their beneficial properties.

Here you will learn about how to pick cranberries and blueberries, when strawberries and lingonberries are ripe, what is the difference between boneberries and princelings, and how berries such as blueberries and cloudberries are beneficial for the body.
About the beneficial properties of berries

Let's talk about the characteristics that each sotr berry has. Berries, both wild and cultivated, play an important role in the human diet. They are able to increase the vitality of the body, immunity, as well as physical and mental performance. Berries are not just tasty, but also very healthy!

How to pick berries correctly

We all love our berries to be beautiful, ripe and fragrant. But to preserve the high quality and beneficial properties of berries, you need to know how to pick them correctly.

  • When picking berries, do not use scoops, combs or other mechanical devices. They damage fruitful berry fields, harm future harvests, and often spoil the berries themselves.
  • Try to pick the most ripe berries - since after picking they do not fully ripen.
  • An interesting and useful fact: for jam and canning, berries are picked on the WANING MOON (they are stored longer). And in order to eat it right away, you can pick berries on the Waxing Moon (they have higher taste and aromatic qualities).
  • It is best to pick berries during cool hours (morning and evening).
  • When transporting the collected berries, protect them from direct sunlight.

Berry picking 2017: Berry calendar

The green color in the calendar indicates the period of flowering of berries, and the green color indicates the time of their collection.

When to pick wild berries May June July August September October
Wild strawberry
Common cranberry
Small-fruited cranberry
Large cranberry
Stone berry
Caucasian blueberry
Blueberry oval-leaved

When to pick lingonberries

The lingonberry harvest begins in August September. Lingonberry is a small berry of dark red (wine) color with a sour, slightly bitter taste.

The lingonberry harvest season is from late summer until the first snowfalls.

Lingonberries are a real storehouse of vitamins. These small sour-bitter berries contain an impressive range of biologically active substances, organic acids, and sugars.

Berry picking 2017: When to pick strawberries

Wild strawberries can be harvested as early as June-July; the further north you go, the later the harvest time for this berry is and, accordingly, the later the harvest season ends.

Strawberries have many beneficial properties - this berry is a real champion in terms of iron, vitamin E, folic acid and calcium. Also, this tasty and aromatic berry contains sugars, pectins, acids, fiber, vitamins and essential oils.

Strawberries are not only a very tasty berry, they help to restore strength faster, normalize digestion, and help with anemia.

Strawberries are also used in the treatment of diseases of the biliary tract, kidneys and genitourinary system, normalizes metabolism. Thanks to the properties of strawberries, toxins and cholesterol are removed from the body. Strawberries are prepared for future use by drying, freezing or rubbing with sugar.

When to pick cranberries

The cranberry harvest season begins in September and lasts very long. Cranberry is a recognized superfood that has many beneficial properties for the human body.

Cranberry is an excellent antioxidant, improves immunity due to its high content of potassium salts and vitamin C. It has pronounced natural antibiotic properties due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Cranberry is an excellent means of preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques in plaque vessels and the formation of blood clots.

Cranberries are used for varicose veins veins, as it helps to increase the strength and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries.

It is best to eat fresh or frozen cranberries.

When to pick crowberries

Crowberry (shiksha, crowberry) is a berry that grows in the northern regions of the country. The collection season begins in August and continues until frost.

Voronika is one of the best helpers health. It supports the immune system, removes radionuclides from the body, treats hypertension, migraines, insomnia, metabolic disorders and seizures.

Watery and a good thirst quencher, this berry has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, wound-healing, astringent, anticonvulsant, antispasmodic and antioxidant properties.

This berry is unpretentious in storage (fill with water in a sterile jar, close the lid and put in a cool, dark place- this way it can be stored for years), tolerates freezing very well.

Berry picking 2017: When to pick blueberries

Blueberry harvest season is from July to September. This berry perfectly removes radionuclides, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes heart function, and slows down aging. nerve cells and brain. Blueberries have antisclerotic, cardiotonic, hypotensive and anti-inflammatory effects. Effective for atherosclerosis, hypertension, capillary toxicosis and other diseases associated with insufficiency of blood capillaries. Blueberries are recommended for diabetics, as they promote tissue repair, enhance the effect of medications that lower blood sugar, and enhance metabolism.

When to pick blueberries

Blueberry picking season is from July to September. Blueberries have a tonic effect and accelerate metabolic processes; blueberries also have hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic and diuretic properties.

Blueberries are known in cosmetology for their ability to slow down the aging process and rejuvenate the body. In ophthalmology, blueberries are also always popular - regular consumption of this berry improves blood supply to the retina and accelerates the regeneration of retinal tissue.

Blueberries are the most powerful natural antioxidant. It is suggested that just half a glass of blueberries a day can prevent Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. Blueberry extract has shown the ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Blueberries can lower blood cholesterol as well as some drugs and can be a powerful weapon in the fight against heart disease.

The berry picking season is very long. The earliest species ripen by the end of spring, the later ones by mid-autumn. I love berries, so I enjoy growing them in the garden and picking them in the forest. In order not to injure the plant, follow a number of rules for picking berries, which I will tell you about.

When to pick berries

Regarding the timing of berry picking, there are concepts: botanical and consumer ripeness of berries. The first occurs when the berry stops growing, the beneficial substances in it have reached their maximum. This crop is suitable for long-term storage and processing. The second is characterized by the berries achieving the color, taste and aroma characteristic of the species. Such fruits are only suitable for consumption immediately after picking. The time difference between the stages of maturity ranges from several days (almost all types of garden berries) to two months (viburnum). Pick ripe berries; picking them too early leads to loss of taste; picking them too late threatens rotting fruits and reduced yield.

How to pick berries

When harvesting berries, remember a number of rules:

  • Never pick berries near highways, factories or landfills. Eating such a crop risks poisoning.
  • Best time for picking berries - the morning of a dry day.
  • Start picking berries from trees and bushes from the lower branches, gradually moving upward.
  • The more tender the berry pulp, the smaller the container for collection. Then the berry will remain intact.
  • Most berries are picked with the stalk (strawberries, cherries) or whole clusters (currants).
  • For transportation, collect the berries immediately in the container in which you will transport them. Transferring from one container to another provokes damage to the crop.
  • The frequency of harvesting berries depends on the type of plant. Currants are harvested at one time; strawberry or raspberry bushes are approached once every two days.

Garden berry picking

The most difficult picking is picking raspberries. This is due to the fact that the berries on this shrub ripen at different times.

When to pick raspberries? From mid-July to the end of August, every day or every other day. Garden Raspberry pruning for beginners

The best way to pick raspberries depends on your further actions with the berry. If raspberries go straight to the table or for processing, pick ripe berries that are easily separated from the fruit. If transportation and storage are required, pick the raspberries together with the stalk and slightly unripe ones.

Collect currant berries with brushes, remove them from the brush immediately before consumption or processing. Gooseberries are collected together with the stalk. For transportation, pick off slightly unripe fruits. Cherries are harvested from mid-July. Be sure to cover the tree with netting to protect the berries from birds.

All types of berries are characterized by one more harvesting rule: when harvesting an edible crop, pick off rotten and spoiled berries. Leaving them on the plant increases the risk of disease, rot and reduced yield.

Collection of wild berries

Nowadays, any wild berry can be purchased on the market. But no purchased berry can compare in taste and aroma to one picked with one’s own hands in the forest. In addition, wild berries are a source of useful and important microelements and vitamins for the body; they form the basis of a huge amount folk recipes treatment of diseases. Pay attention to the berry calendar. It will help you navigate the timing of flowering and ripening of wild berries.

Summer is the time to get plenty of vitamins. Berries play an irreplaceable role in this process. Grow berries on your plot, pick them in the nearest forest, and don’t let summer go to waste!

Wild berries - generous gifts nature - a variety of aromas, tastes and colors! Nowadays, any berries can be bought in the store at any time of the year, but their taste and aroma are not at all the same as those of freshly picked wild berries. Differ and beneficial features Forest berries like these contain more vitamins! Don't miss out summer season ripening of wild berries, take note of the calendar of flowering and ripening of berries, and you will always know when to pick berries in the summer.

Useful properties of berries

Below is a brief description of the berries and the beneficial properties of the berries are described. Berries have important in human nutrition. Berries are of particular value as a source of vitamins and organic acids, which play an important role in human life, increasing the vitality of the body, its physical and mental performance and resistance to various diseases. How to use the beneficial properties of berries to improve your health.

Rules for picking berries

To save high quality and the beneficial properties of berries, you must adhere to simple rules for picking berries.
  • When picking berries, it is prohibited to use various mechanical devices (scoops, combs, etc.) that damage the berry bushes and reduce the berry yield in subsequent years.
  • Picked berries do not ripen after picking, so pick only ripe ones.
  • Pick berries that you want to eat right away during the waxing moon, then they will be more fragrant.
  • Pick berries for canning during the waning moon, then they will last longer.
  • Collect berries in cool hours (morning and evening) every other day, and in the case of dry, hot weather, every day, avoiding overripening.
  • The collected berries should be immediately removed to a cool place protected from the sun, since berries heated in the sun very quickly lose their appearance, taste and beneficial properties.
  • When carrying berries, they should also be protected from sunlight.

Berry calendar

Calendar of average flowering and ripening periods of herbal and dwarf forest berries. The berry picking calendar shows the average flowering and ripening times for most wild berries and fruits growing in our country.

Berry picking
When to pick wild berries May June July August September October
Wild strawberry
Common cranberry
Small-fruited cranberry
Large cranberry
Stone berry
Caucasian blueberry
Blueberry oval-leaved

As a rule, the lingonberry harvest season begins in August–September. Lingonberries have a sour taste with a bitterness that goes away only after frost; lingonberries are harvested until November. The beneficial properties of lingonberries are known to everyone, so when the lingonberries ripen, take the baskets into the forest.

Useful properties of lingonberries

Lingonberries are a valuable vitamin carrier; lingonberries contain a whole range of biologically active substances, organic acids, and sugars. After harvesting, lingonberries can be stored fresh for a month, as they contain benzoic acid. Lingonberries and their juice are taken for high blood pressure and are a good thirst quencher, laxative and antipyretic. Lingonberry juice has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, an antimicrobial and detoxifying effect, and helps with flu and acute respiratory diseases.

Lingonberry, boletus, lingonberry

When to pick crowberries

Crowberry (aka crowberry, aka crowberry) is a plant of the tundra and the north. The crowberry ripens in August, and the crowberry is harvested in the fall, right up to frost. The crowberry leaves, similar to pine needles, remain on the plant even in winter, only they turn purple-black. The beneficial properties of crowberry berries are very diverse.

Useful properties of crowberry

Voronika is good at removing radionuclides from the body and helps improve immunity. Hypertension, migraines, insomnia, metabolic disorders and seizures can also be treated with crowberry juice. In the tundra, crowberries quench thirst with berries instead of water. Crowberry has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, wound-healing, astringent, anticonvulsant, antispasmodic and antioxidant properties. For long-term storage Just put it in a jar, fill it with water and put it in the basement. Crowberry can be stored in this form for up to a year or more. You can also freeze crowberries.

Crowberry, crowberry, crowberry, bearberry, bagnovka

When to pick blueberries

The harvest season for wild blueberries or gonobobel occurs in July, August and even September. The beneficial properties of blueberries will help everyone who picks blueberries - bluish-black berries with a strong bluish-gray bloom and greenish flesh.

Beneficial properties of blueberries

Blueberries have a number of unique properties: remove radionuclides, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize heart function, slow down the aging of nerve cells and the brain. Blueberries have antisclerotic, cardiotonic, hypotensive and anti-inflammatory effects. Effective for atherosclerosis, hypertension, capillary toxicosis and other diseases associated with insufficiency of blood capillaries. Blueberries are recommended for diabetics, as they promote tissue repair, enhance the effect of medications that lower blood sugar, and enhance metabolism.

Blueberry, gonobobel, blueberry, drunkard

When to pick strawberries

Wild strawberries ripen in June-July; in more northern regions, strawberries can be harvested even in August. There are legends about the beneficial properties of strawberries. Strawberries are the berry that ranks first among all in terms of the content of iron, vitamin E, folic acid and calcium.

Useful properties of strawberries

Strawberries are useful because they contain trace elements, sugars, pectins, acids, fiber, vitamins and essential oils. They not only improve appetite, but also help normalize digestion. Strawberries help restore strength, cure diarrhea in children and help with anemia. Strawberries have vitamin, anti-allergenic, choleretic and diuretic properties, and normalize metabolism. Thanks to the properties of strawberries, toxins and cholesterol are removed from the body. Strawberries are prepared for future use by drying, freezing or rubbing with sugar.

Wild strawberry, sunberry, drifting snow, berry

When to pick cranberries

Cranberries bloom in June, and the berries are harvested starting in September throughout the fall. Doctors have classified this berry as one of the healthiest foods for humans.

Beneficial properties of cranberries

Cranberries are an excellent antioxidant. Due to the high content of potassium salts and vitamin C, cranberries are very beneficial for the body during infectious and colds. Cranberry is considered a natural antibiotic due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Cranberries contain substances that prevent the formation of plaques and blood clots in blood vessels. Rich medicinal properties Cranberry is indicated for varicose veins, as it helps increase the strength and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries. Most of all, cranberries are useful in fresh form, which last for quite a long time due to the content of benzoic acid.

Cranberry, stonefly, crane fly, snowdrop

When to collect the prince

Princeberry berries ripen in July - August. The prince has a very pleasant taste- it is sweet, but with a sour aftertaste and a strong aroma, reminiscent of both pineapple and peach.

Useful properties of princesses

In addition to the fact that knyazhenika is tastier than regular raspberries, it is also useful as raspberries. Infusions and decoctions of princes in folk medicine are recommended as an antipyretic, for gargling when coughing, for catarrh of the upper respiratory tract and bronchial asthma. Princess berries quench thirst and act as an antipyretic; infusions of the berries are given to patients as a drink. Princes prepare delicious fruit tea from young leaves. Infusions of the leaves are used as a gargle for sore throats and coughs and as an astringent for diarrhea. Fresh leaves are applied to wounds to relieve inflammation and speed up healing.

Knyazhenika, polyanika, mamura

When to collect stone fruits

Drupes ripen in July - August. Drupes are collected until the end of September to enjoy the taste of the berry and its healing properties.

Useful properties of stone fruit

Due to the high content of vitamin C (about 150 mg%), tannins and pectin substances, organic acids, the juice from the fruit of the stone fruit is used as an antiscorbutic and protistocidal drug. Drupal juices are recommended for anemia and anemia. Drupe berry juice helps improve metabolism, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and remove toxins and cholesterol from the body. Infusions of stone fruit also help relieve pain in the heart area. Effective for cystitis and colds. Drupe berries have a pronounced antipyretic agent, therefore they are recommended as an inclusion in complex therapy for diseases accompanied by “high fever.”

Kostyanik, kostritsa, stone stone

When to collect redberry

Krasnika grows on Sakhalin, the south of Kamchatka and some other places. Redberry is harvested in August - September. The taste of redberry berries is unique: at first they seem sweet, later they seem sour, and when you completely chew them, they seem bitter and salty.

Useful properties of redberry

Fresh berries and redberry juice effectively reduce blood pressure in hypertension. It has been established that redberry berries are rich in P-active substances, which dilate blood vessels and strengthen their walls. Krasnika berries contain vitamin C, benzoic and other organic acids, fiber, 7 essential amino acids, microelements (copper, cobalt, manganese, zinc and chromium). Krasnika is useful for colds; for headaches, the analgesic effect of Krasnika is manifested. Redberry juice and liquid extract It is also used as a laxative. In addition to the berries, the redberry's young leaves are edible, and their taste is reminiscent of sorrel.

Krasnika, Klopovka

When to pick cloudberries

Cloudberries bloom in May - June, and cloudberries can be collected in July and August. From time immemorial in Rus', fresh and soaked cloudberries were served at the royal table as the most valuable berry of the North. In the North it is still called the Tsar’s berry.

Useful properties of cloudberries

Cloudberries contain 3 times more vitamin C than oranges. Cloudberries are superior to carrots in the content of provitamin A, which rejuvenates cell populations. The miracle cloudberry is a rich source of tocopherols, which accelerate the regeneration of damaged cells and participate in the most important processes of tissue metabolism. Since cloudberries contain a lot of potassium, they help protect against cancer and cardiovascular diseases. The fruits along with honey are good to give to weakened patients to strengthen them. One of latest requests A.S. Pushkin had a desire to eat pickled cloudberries.

Cloudberry, gloshina, bugbear

When to pick blueberries

Blueberries are harvested from July to September. Blueberries are a healing berry; they contain many vitamins and minerals. It tones and stimulates metabolic processes, has a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic, and diuretic effect.

Beneficial properties of blueberries

Blueberries can powerfully counteract aging and even rejuvenate the body. Eating blueberries improves blood supply to the retina of the eye, and as a result, regeneration of retinal tissue is accelerated. Blueberries are the richest source of so-called anthocyanidins - the most powerful of all natural antioxidants. Flavonoids found in blueberries can raise glutathione levels (a powerful protector of nerve tissue). It is suggested that just half a glass of blueberries a day can prevent Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. Blueberry extract has shown the ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Blueberries can lower blood cholesterol as well as some drugs and can be a powerful weapon in the fight against heart disease.

Blueberry, blueberry

Summer is a great time to relax and pick berries. To ensure that the beneficial properties of berries remain healing, let us recall one more simple rule for picking berries: pick berries away from highways, industrial enterprises, landfills and others dangerous places. I hope our berry calendar has awakened in you the desire to immediately go into the forest to pick berries.

Tell me how to make cranberry juice?

To get a liter of fruit drink, you will need 800 ml of boiling water, 125 g of cranberries and 3 tbsp. spoons of honey or granulated sugar. Wash the berries and mash them with a wooden masher. Then put the cranberry mass in cheesecloth, folded in several layers, and use it to squeeze out the juice. Pour in the cake hot water, boil for 5-10 minutes and strain through a strainer or cheesecloth. Mix the resulting broth with the prepared juice, add honey or sugar and cool it. That's all - the delicious drink is ready! Just don’t forget that the dishes for cranberry juice should be enamel, glass or stainless steel. Aluminum pans can oxidize and will healthy drink harmful.

Lisa Chernikina

In 2016, the fantasy film Warcraft was released on the silver screen, based on the popular series of games (with the original title Warcraft). Many people liked the picture, which raised the question: when will the sequel come out - the movie Warcraft 2.

In fact The big question is whether Warcraft 2 will ever be made.

And the point here is not at all a lack of audience interest in the story or a lack of source material. Many fans are eagerly awaiting the release of the film's sequel. One young man even posted a tweet in which he claimed that he had seen the science fiction film 4 times in IMAX, and was now biting his nails in anticipation of the sequel. To which I even received a response from Duncan Jones, the director of the first Warcraft, who replied that he himself was looking forward to this happening, but it all depends on the decision of the production media company Legendary Entertainment.

It is also unlikely to interfere with the release of Warcraft 2 and big number negative reviews, which collected the first film. There are many examples when, after serious criticism of the first parts, studios released sequels that had some success.

The main thing that determines whether Warcraft 2 will be released or not is the question of money. After all, it's just business. As you know, the first film failed at the US box office, but it did well in some other countries. For example, $156 million was collected in China, and overall box office receipts amounted to more than $430 million. That is, the financial success of the Warcraft 2 film is unlikely to be ensured in the United States, but in foreign markets, for example, in Russia and China, it will be possible to collect something. And producers, before starting filming, must decide for themselves whether they are willing to take the risk of the film failing at the box office or not. We expect that sooner or later a positive decision will be made on the production of the second part of the Warcraft film.

When will Warcraft 2 be released in Russia?

Despite the fact that there is no decision yet on the start of filming and the release date of the film Warcraft 2, an approximate release date can be given. Preliminary date is May 2020. In Russia, this may well be Thursday, May 14, 2020.

Although, of course, not all parenting days fall on Saturday. So, the first parents' day after Easter in 2019, called Radonitsa, is held on Tuesday a week after Easter Sunday.

Orthodox believers celebrated Easter in 2019 on April 28, respectively Radonitsa falls on May 7, 2019.

That is, what date will Radonitsa be (parent’s day after Easter 2019):
* on Tuesday May 7, 2019

In some Russian regions The date May 7, 2019 has been declared a holiday. Taking into account May holidays, at the beginning of May 2019, residents of these regions will have 10 days off.

Eid al-Fitr in 2019 - day off or working day:

In some regions of the country, the first day of Eid al-Fitr (in 2019 - June 4) is an official non-working day and an additional day off.

The following regions of the Russian Federation are celebrating the holiday:
* Republic of Adygea.
* Republic of Bashkortostan (Bashkiria).
* The Republic of Dagestan.
* Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (Kabardino-Balkaria).
* Karachay-Cherkess Republic (Karachay-Cherkessia).
* Republic of Crimea.
* Republic of Tatarstan.
* Chechen Republic.

In the listed regions, Tuesday June 4, 2019 is a day off, and the Monday before (June 3, 2019) is a short working day.

What is the date for the Scarlet Sails 2019 festival in St. Petersburg:

The Scarlet Sails festive festival is held annually in St. Petersburg and is traditionally considered a holiday for all graduates of St. Petersburg schools.

Residents of the northern capital are looking forward to Scarlet Sails 2019, because the festival has now gained immense popularity among them. Why, St. Petersburg residents, a large number of guests from all over Russia and countries near and far abroad are planning to make a summer trip to St. Petersburg in order to see an exciting water show, colorful fireworks and numerous music concerts.

In the waters of the Neva, as part of the festival, a grandiose water performance is held, which includes: races on motor boats and kayaks, sea pirate battles, and also, at its apotheosis, the passage of a sailboat with scarlet sails.

The date of the Scarlet Sails festival is dedicated to the longest white night. Events are held on the Saturday closest to it, during from June 18 to June 25, with minor exceptions. The most interesting part of the events takes place on the night from Saturday to Sunday.

The traditional date for Scarlet Sails 2019 is Saturday, June 22, 2019. However, June 22 in Russia is the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, the date of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Therefore, the obvious decision was moving the holiday to Sunday June 23, 2019. The option of moving the festival to Friday June 21, 2019 was not suitable for the reason that since the events last 2 days, they would end at dawn on June 22, just at the time of the attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR in 1941.

That is, the date of the Scarlet Sails 2019 festival:
* on the night from Sunday June 23, 2019 to Monday June 24, 2019

The venue for the Scarlet Sails 2019 celebrations will traditionally be Palace Square in St. Petersburg and the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island.

On which channel to watch the live broadcast of the Scarlet Sails 2019 festival:

According to established tradition, in live the most interesting points festive evening will show Channel 5. The live broadcast is scheduled to begin at 22:00 .

What time are the fireworks:

The festive fireworks, also known as fireworks or pyrotechnic show, will begin at the end of the concert program, after 00:30.

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