Gardens and parks of the Czech Republic. National parks and reserves in the Czech Republic Parks in the Czech Republic

1. Bohemian Switzerland National Park - one of the most beautiful places in Europe

Czech Switzerland - the youngest national park in the Czech Republic. It was officially opened on January 1, 2000. The park area covers 79 km2. It is located in the Usti region and is adjacent to the state border, where another national park begins - Saxon Switzerland. The main attraction of the park is the unique rock city. Here tourists visit the observation deck at Jetřichovice, admire the Kamenice gorge and walk along the natural rock bridge Pravcické brany, which is considered a symbol of Czech Switzerland. Along the perimeter of the park you can also see numerous monuments of folk architecture.

Address: Pražská 52, 407 46 Krásná Lípa
GPS: 50.914085 14.509806

Czech Switzerland,

2. Nature Park Meander Ploucnica

This national park, located along the banks of the Ploucnica River between the cities of Mimon and Ceska Lipa, covers an area of ​​270 hectares. The greatest interest in this park is the endless meadow forests and fields with different types plants and animals. The nature in this area is untouched; there are not even paths near the river: therefore, boat tourism is popular in the reserve.

Address: Meandry Ploučnice, 471 23 Zákupy
GPS: 50.633161 14.670934

Meanders Ploucnica

3. Czech Grand Canyon - Great America

The famous western Lemonade Joe was filmed here. Once upon a time, unwanted political prisoners were also taken here. All these are the Wapentsa canyons, which are called Great and Little America. This is incredible a nice place is located near the Karlstejn fortress in the Czech Karst, but not all tourists visiting the castle get to it.

Address: Karlstejn 334, 267 18 Karlstejn
GPS: 49.957515 14.194851

Velka America Canyon,

4. Rock town Adrspach

The largest rock city in the Czech Republic. It is located in the Adrspash-Teplice Rocks - the largest natural complex in Central Europe, which has inspired tourists and travelers since the 18th century. You will not see such a number of picturesque corners as in the Adrspash-Teplice Rocks almost anywhere. Many of the bizarre rock formations have hiking trails leading to them, while some can only be reached by stairs. Those who overcome all the steps will be able to admire the mountain lake and the Adrspash waterfall. There is another lake right at the entrance to the complex, where you can go boating in the summer (50 CZK per person).

Entrance to the park: 70 CZK
Address: Dolni Adršpach čp. 26, 549 57 Adršpach
GPS: 50.614957 16.122890


5. Chalupská slat - a lake in the largest peat bog in the Czech Republic

Lake Chalupská slat is located at the mouth of the Vydří stream at an altitude of 910 meters. Oaks, spruces and numerous other plants grow around the largest peat lake in the Czech Republic. A small educational trail leads through the swamp to the lake where the floating islands appear. You can get to the lake along an asphalt and wooden path, along which there are many information signs.

Address: Borová Lada-Svinná Lada 21, 385 01 Borová Lada
GPS: 48.998611 13.659167

Lake Chalupská send,

6. Mshenske nicknames - giant rocky mushrooms in the Giant Mountains

The sandstone pillars near Mshen look like huge mushrooms. They appeared naturally as a result of weathering due to the fact that the upper part of the rocks, with a higher iron content, resisted erosion better than the lower part. You can see this beauty in the Kokořínský dol nature reserve, one of the largest national parks in the Czech Republic.

Address: Mšeno
GPS: 50.438015 14.631287

Mshenske nicknames,

7. The Devil's Pulpit in the Rychlebské Mountains is one of the most beautiful viewing platforms in the Czech Republic

The most beautiful natural observation deck of the Devil's Cathedral (Čertovy kazatelny) is located on the way to the ancient fortress of Rychleby (3 km) in the Rykhleby Mountains. The site is a formation of gneiss rocks with a high and steep southern wall, which is shaped like a pulpit. From here you have a beautiful view of the canyon of the Racha valley and relict forests. You can get to this place by car; parking is provided for tourists.

Address: Račí údolí, 790 70 Javorník
GPS:50.368773 16.992611

Devil's pulpit,

8. Teplitsky rock city - a mystery of wild nature

The Teplice Rocks are massive rock walls that rise to the very sky (in some places over 70 m) and the largest mountain labyrinth in Central Europe, narrow valleys and mysterious caves. Walking along the Teplice Rocks is admiration and adrenaline at the same time. The area is well prepared for tourism, but compared to the Adrspash Rocks, walking here is more difficult.

Address: Horní 13, 549 57 Teplice nad Metují
GPS: 50.594966 16.169974

Teplice rock walls,

9. Czech Sahara - sand dune near Vlkova

Vlkovsky dune, or the Czech Sahara, is one of the most famous and visited places of its kind in the Czech Republic. Here, pine trees and other plants grow on the pleasant yellow sand, and the wind creates fancy sand figures (though only a few centimeters high). As in any desert, the Czech Sahara is always warmer than in the surrounding area, because the sand perfectly reflects sunlight. You can get to the mini-desert from the parking lot at Horusický rybník.

Address: Veselí nad Lužnicí
GPS:49.159418 14.713224

Czech Sahara,

10. Beseditsky rocks - a romantic natural labyrinth

In the Besedice Rocks you will find a secret prayer house of the Czech brothers and beautiful views. A walk through the rock labyrinths of Kalikh and Chlevishte in the Bohemian Paradise region will be an unforgettable romantic adventure. If you're into geology, you'll love the nature trail with information boards. You can also take a walk around this complex with children, who will definitely enjoy narrow corridors between the rocks.

Address: Besedice, 468 22 Koberovy
GPS:50.628287 15.208218

Observation deck on the Besedice Rocks,

11. Peklo - a valley at the confluence of the Metui and Oleshenka rivers

Despite the intimidating name, Peklo (translated from Czech language- underworld, hell) is a fairly popular and very beautiful national park in the Czech Republic in a romantic valley at the confluence of the Metuje and Oleshenka rivers. The park received this name in honor of the old Pekelec mill, which was rebuilt according to the design of the architect Dusan Jurkovic into a tourist restaurant with elements of folk architecture. The restaurant is decorated with various devils, and the menu includes several devil-themed dishes.

Address: Peklo u Nového Města nad Metují, 547 01 Nové Město nad Metují
GPS:50.378614 16.186745

Peklo National Park,

12. Khromnitskoe Red Lake - a European unique

Red Lake water is a weak solution of sulfuric acid. It is sterile and there is no life in it. Iron compounds give the lake its red color. This is a unique natural attraction in Europe, which you can see for free.

Address: Hromnice č.p. 60, 330 11 Třemošná
GPS:49.850941 13.447312

Red Lake near Chromnice,

13. Gruboskalsky rock city

Between the Wallenstein Fortress and the Hruba Skala Castle near Turnov, in the Bohemian Paradise region there is an unusual area called the Hruboskal Rock Town. There are more than 400 natural towers here, the tallest of which reach 50 meters.

Address: Hruba Skala
GPS:50.544630 15.200404

Rough rocks,

14. Broumov walls

Amazing rock formations surrounded by pristine nature are hidden in a 410 km2 Protected Nature Reserve. This area delights with its beauty, incredible views and mysterious rocks of bizarre shapes.

Address: Ledhujská 59, 549 54 Police nad Metují
GPS:50.538096 16.236269


15. Panchavsky waterfall in the Krkonose Mountains - the highest in the Czech Republic

Pančavský waterfall is the highest in the Czech Republic. Its height is 148 meters. The waterfall cascades down the rocky steps onto the Laba Valley. Near the waterfall there is an observation deck called Ambrožova, from which you can see beautiful view to the valley and mountains.

Address: Harrachov 442, 512 46 Harrachov
GPS: 50.754486 15.555267

Pančavski waterfall, Giant Mountains,

In addition to health and ski resorts, parks and reserves in the Czech Republic are extremely popular. Families with children, as well as those who prefer an active and healthy holiday, especially love to be in the bosom of nature. Undoubtedly, after walking in the parks and reserves of the Czech Republic you will have only wonderful memories!

Due to the influx of tourists and nature lovers, the Czech government has issued a number of laws protecting environment. It is thanks to this that you can enjoy beautiful views of nature, not spoiled by the presence of garbage and waste. The amazing air deserves special mention - it is clean and satisfying. Anyone who has spent some time walking through picturesque places will be deeply impressed.

The largest forest area in the Czech Republic is the famous Šumava National Park. Thanks to the pristine beauty of nature, this picturesque place was included in the UNESCO “golden collection”. The length of this park is about one hundred and thirty kilometers, the area is 685 sq. km. That is why the park has no analogues, and other parks and reserves of the Republic cannot compare with it either in size or beauty.

If the Šumava National Park is the largest forest area, then the Krkonoše Mountains are the most attractive and large mountain range. If you are interested in the Czech Republic's head start, then you will be rewarded with contemplation of the most unusual and beautiful plants, which only can be. Here, in the Giant Mountains, everyone can get their dose of adrenaline - it is the local mountains that invite you to enjoy the luxurious ski trip. Don't expect mind-blowing heights - the mountains in the Czech Republic are not as high and impressive as in Austria or Germany. However, anyone who knows how to stand on skis can have a great ride.

The unique reserve "White Carpathians" enjoys well-deserved world fame. This is where you can see the most different plants(there are about 2000 species in total), there are also rare specimens practically unknown to science.

The Czech Republic is a beautiful country surrounded by mighty forests and picturesque mountains. In addition to the main nature reserves, there are many parks here that are valuable on both a city and national scale. An excellent example is the national park with the telling name “Czech Switzerland”; the nature here is amazingly beautiful. There are also summer camps in the Czech Republic, which not only combine active and interesting vacation, but will also help with language learning. You can have a wonderful holiday in the capital of the Czech Republic - Prague and at the same time get to know the culture and local people better, learn the language and just have a great time!

Despite quite small sizes Czech Republic, on its territory there are as many as 1,350 (!) state reserves, including three national parks with total area more than 11 thousand sq. km. Thus, in total, more than 12% of the republic’s territory has been assigned protected status.

Czech Switzerland

The most famous is the country's youngest (2000) national park, "", often called Bohemian Switzerland after the entire rocky region around the city of Decin (80 km northwest of Prague). These regions received their rather unusual name not from the country of Switzerland, but in honor of two Swiss artists - Adrian Zing and Anton Graff, who worked on the reconstruction of the Dresden Gallery and in free time who went plein air to small villages near the Saxon-Czech border. They liked these places so much that both masters decided not to return home under the pretext that they had already found their Switzerland.


The famous Krkonose National Park (Krkonose, approximately 130 km northeast of Prague) was founded in 1963 and protects dense pine forests and the sources of dozens of rivers in the highest mountain range of the Czech Republic. The protected area stretches from Harrachov in the west to Žaclerz, covering an area of ​​186.4 thousand square meters. km. Not the entire park is open to the public - the “main zone” occupies a quarter of the entire territory and here any economic activity is prohibited, but this does not bother the 10 million people who visit this unique region every year, since the other two zones are open and quite easily accessible. In addition, near the border there are many mountain resorts, many interesting in themselves.

Here you can see the majestic mountains Snezka (1602 m), Luční hora (1555 m), Studniční hora (1554 m) and Vysoké kolo (1508 m), numerous rivers with waterfalls (Pančavskе, Labský, Mumlavský , Horní and Dolní Úpský, as well as about 20 others, quite large), clean mountain lakes (Wielki Staw, Maly Staw, Sniezne Stawki, Mechove jezirko and others), more than 1200 species of plants, 250 species of animals and about 600 species of insects, and also beautiful rock formations.

There are about 700 km of hiking trails in the most picturesque places. From here you can also visit the rock town of Adršpach (although it lies outside the boundaries of the park), the ruins of the Troski fortress (XIV century) between Turnov and Jicin, Prachovské skály with Parez Castle near Jicin, museums in Jilemnice, Paseky nad Jizerou, Vrchlabí and Harrachov.

The park's information centers are located in Harrachov, Pec pod Snezkou, Spindleruv Mlyn and Vrchlabí. Krkonoše, together with the reserve of the same name in the adjacent territory of Poland, is included in the UNESCO list of natural reserves of world significance.


In the very southwest of southern Bohemia, along the border with Germany and Austria, stretch the Šumava mountains, also known as the Bohemian Forest (Böhmerwald). Low (in the Czech Republic highest point- Mount Plekhi, 1378 m) and abundantly covered with forest, they are deservedly considered one of the country’s adornments. Although only one area of ​​local forest - the Boubin Reserve - is truly untouched, the Šumava National Park is the largest green area in the Czech Republic (about 685 sq. km) and can offer visitors one of the most beautiful mixed forests in Europe. In 1991, this natural complex was included in the UNESCO list of nature reserves.

These areas are ideal for walking or trekking, skiing and photography, mountaineering and river rafting (the Vltava and five other major rivers of the country originate from here), and five large glacial lakes (Plešné, Laka, Prášilské, Černé, Čertovo) and many small ones provide all the opportunities for relaxation by the water. Šumava was once a hunting ground, so species diversity There are quite a few large animals (about 70 species), but a huge number of birds live here and about 200 species grow higher plants- 80% of the park’s territory is covered with lush forests, and considerable areas are also occupied by ancient peat bogs and foothill plains.

Park information centers are located in the villages of Kvilda, Svinná Lada, Rokyta, Kašperské Hory, Alžbětín, Stožec, Březník and Poledník ).

White Carpathians

The White Carpathian Nature Reserve (Bílé Karpaty), which occupies part of the slopes of the Western Carpathians in the east of the Czech Republic, on the border with Slovakia, is world famous. This low mountain range (Velka Jaworzyna, 970 m) stretches only 80 km, and the area of ​​the entire protected zone does not exceed 715 sq. km. But at the same time, more than two thousand species of higher plants grow here (45% of the territory is forests, most of them beech), among which 44 species are on the verge of extinction, and there are many endemics listed in the Red Book. In 1996, the White Carpathians were included in the list of UNESCO biosphere reserves.

Reserves and nature in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic has incredibly picturesque nature and a huge number of national parks. In a small country you can even see volcanoes! There are 9 nature reserves in the Czech Republic, 4 of which are national.

White Carpathians. This mountain reserve is a kind of border separating the Czech Republic from Slovakia. In 1996, these surroundings were recognized as a nature reserve, since about 300 species were found here rare plants. The best time to come here is in spring, when most plants are in bloom. In the area of ​​this protected area there are the following cities: Godoni, Uherské Gladiste, Uherské Brod, Zlin. Here you will receive a warm welcome in high-comfort hotels.

Jizera Mountains. These mountains separate the Czech Republic from Poland. This reserve is quite old, it was founded in 1968. Here, the central object that is protected is the unique architecture. In this area you will see Jizer - a primeval beech forest. Come here for a ski holiday.

Křivokpatsko. This reserve is located in the valley of the Berounka River. Deciduous and mixed forests grow here. It's very easy to come here. The train journey takes only 20 minutes. The reserve is home to an incredibly large number of birds - black herons, eagles, black grouse, wood grouse. Picturesque forest landscapes give way to lake views. Often there are deer on the way of tourists.

Palava. Since 1988 it has been a UNESCO protected site. Here you can taste wine grown in local vineyards. In addition, there is a museum dedicated to the creation of this drink. This is a real paradise for everyone who likes underground travel, because it is in this reserve that there is a whole network of underground caves. It’s also good that a bicycle excursion is possible here.

Trebońsko. This is another place that is under UNESCO protection. Since 1977, this territory has been a nature reserve. Here you can see with your own eyes the king carp that are bred in local lakes. And there are a great many lakes here. You will also have a great opportunity to try local berries straight from the bushes - cranberries, lingonberries and blueberries. In addition, you will be amazed by the wide variety of butterflies and unusual species insects You can also see a Renaissance castle and a large lake.

Sumava. Since 1961, the territory has been under protection. The Šumava mountain range stretches for 140 kilometers. It is here that traces of the Ice Age can be found - eight lakes and seas, the bottom of which is covered with stone. The forests here are practically untouched by humans. If you are lucky, you will notice animals such as otter, lynx, deer or eagle owl in the forests. There is an amazingly rich flora and fauna here.

Czech Switzerland. There are special places on this border - the Pravcicka Gate and the Falcon's Nest castle.

It is surprising that the Falcon's Nest castle was built on the site of a beer hall. And the Pravchitsky Gate is a gate created by nature itself. They consist of solid rock.

In addition, in the reserve you will see the ruins of a mill (built in the Middle Ages), Falkenstein Castle (built on a rock) and other attractions.

In the Czech Republic it is very beautiful nature, in the west of the country there are the valleys of the Vltava and Laba rivers, with which the Sudeten Mountains are adjacent, however, the mountains are relatively low, the highest mountain in the Czech Republic Snezka is only 1602 meters high, it is located in the north of the country, and in the northwest are the Ore Mountains, note the large plain in east, which covers half of the entire territory of the Czech Republic. In the west of the Czech Republic lies the so-called Bohemia, a historical region in Central Europe, in the northeast it borders with Poland, in the north and southwest with Germany, in the south with Austria, in the east with Moravia, Bohemia is a hilly valley surrounded by mountains.

The Moravian Highlands are located in the extreme east of the Czech Republic on the border with Slovakia, in the north of Moravia there is Silesia, which consists of the Sudeten Mountains, where the Czech ski resorts are located; snow here remains from December to early April.

There are more than 1,350 protected areas in the Czech Republic with opportunities for hunters and fishermen.

National parks and reserves in the Czech Republic

Krkonose National Park

The park is located 130 kilometers from Prague, but only two-thirds of the park is open to tourists, including the highest mountain Snezka, Mount Studniczni 1554 meters, Mount Luční 1555 meters and Vysoke Kolo 1508 meters. Tourists have access to the picturesque lakes Mechove jezirko, Sniezne Stawki, Maly Staw and Wielki Staw, rivers and waterfalls Labský, Pančavske, Staw and Maly Staw. Many kilometers of hiking trails lead to various attractions, for example, you can visit the fortresses of Trosky and Parez, the city in the rock of Adrspach, the cities and museums under open air Harrachov, Vrchlabí, Paseky nad Jizerou and Jilemnice.

Czech Switzerland or Bohemian Switzerland

The name of the park did not come from the similarity of the landscape with Switzerland or its natural diversity, but from Swiss artists Anton Graff and Adrian Zingng, who vacationed in this area and fell in love with it so much that they stayed to live here, declaring that it was so beautiful not inferior to their native lands.

Sumava National Park

The park is located on the border with Austria and Germany, the mountainous area is covered with forests, the highest mountain is Plechy 1378 meters, this nature reserve in the Czech Republic is included in the UNESCO list. This is perhaps the most interesting park for tourists and lovers active rest outdoors, activities such as mountaineering, trekking, river canoeing and alpine skiing are available here. There are also picturesque lakes Čertovo, Černé, Prášilské, Laka and Plešné.

White Carpathians Nature Reserve

On the border with Slovakia in the east of the Czech Republic there is a mountain reserve with the highest mountain Velka Jaworzyna 970 meters. The White Carpathians are included in the UNESCO list of biosphere reserves.
