BBC Russian Service - Information services. Ukraine decided to celebrate the abundance of the Crimean War

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2001 – 2002 2003 2004 – 2005 See also: Other events in 2003 There were various scientific and technological events in 2003, some of which are presented below. Contents 1 Events ... Wikipedia

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 See also: Other events in 2003 This article describes the events that occurred in football in 2003. Contents 1 ... Wikipedia

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 See also: Other events in 2003 History of railway transport in 2003 History of public transport in 2003 This article lists the main events in the history of subways... Wikipedia

2003 in boxing. Years in boxing 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Decades in boxing 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s 2020s 2030s Centuries in boxing 20th century in boxing 21st century boxing XXII century Contents ... Wikipedia

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 See also: Other events in 2003 Other events in the history of the metro Other events in railway transport This article lists the main events in the history of public ... Wikipedia

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Full list years See also: Other events in 2003 Events of September 11 Leaked source code of Half Life 2 Releases January 12 Pa ... Wikipedia


  • Year of the Rooster, Vdazhimir Shpakov. The book THE YEAR OF THE ROoster consists of stories written over the past ten years - from 1993 to 2003 - and is divided into two large sections: VIA DOLOROSA and THE YEAR OF THE ROoster. The first part contains texts...
  • Accounting and tax reporting for 2003, I. V. Geits. The book discusses the principles of preparing annual accounting and tax reporting based on regulatory documents with amendments and additions as of December 10, 2003. Described in detail...

EVENTS IN RUSSIA: 1. Elections to the State Duma: for the first time in history new Russia one Political Party — "United Russia" - received a majority in the lower house of parliament. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation lost the support of half of its supporters. The right-wing parties "Yabloko" and the Union of Right Forces generally found themselves outside the parliament, having not overcome the 5 percent barrier.

2. Referendum in Chechnya, as a result of which absolute majority The Constitution of the Republic was adopted by votes. This made it possible to begin to form legitimate government bodies and hold presidential elections in Chechnya.

3. Fight against terrorism. As a result of the terrorist attacks in Tushino (Moscow), a military hospital in Mozdok, on a train in Essentuki, and near the capital's National Hotel, more than a hundred people were killed and about 400 were injured. According to the FSB, most of the terrorist attacks were prevented: more than a thousand special operations were carried out, about 3 thousand explosive devices and 600 kg of toxic substances were seized.

4. Resignation of the “Kremlin centenarian”- Head of the Presidential Administration Alexander Voloshin, who held this post longer than all his predecessors - more than four and a half years.

5. Arrest of the now former head of the Yukos oil company Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who is accused under seven articles of the Criminal Code, including theft of someone else’s property by deception as part of an organized group on a large scale, and tax evasion. According to investigations, the amount of damage caused by Khodorkovsky’s actions amounts to more than $1 billion.

6. Assignment to Russia- for the first time in its history - investment rating international rating agency "Moody's" increased the attractiveness of the Russian economy for foreign capital.

7. New stage of economic reforms: no later than in 10 years to double the gross domestic product - this is the task set by the President of Russia. Beginning of pension and administrative reforms, structural reform of the electric power industry and railway transport, adoption of insurance laws bank deposits citizens, significant liberalization of the law on currency regulation and control.

8. Celebrating the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg. More than forty leaders of foreign countries gathered for the anniversary of the Northern capital.

9. Reform of security forces: creation of the State Committee for Control of Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, Federal service on economic and tax crimes, the abolition of the tax police, the disbandment of FAPSI with the transfer of its functions to a number of law enforcement agencies, the transfer of the Federal border service under the jurisdiction of the FSB.

10. Election of Valentina Matvienko as governor of St. Petersburg. For the first time in the history of the Northern capital, a woman became the mayor.

WORLD EVENTS: 1. Military operation of the United States and its allies in Iraq: the world was divided into supporters and opponents of war, according to different countries a new wave of terrorism has swept through. In Iraq itself, after the start of the occupation, many more Americans and military personnel from other countries of the anti-Iraq coalition died as a result of attacks by resistance units and suicide bombers than during the fighting. Former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was captured 9 months after the start of the operation.

2. Bloody series of terrorist attacks in Istanbul, as a result of which 60 people were killed, including the British consul, and about 700 people were injured.

3. Destructive earthquake in Iran. According to preliminary data, in the southeastern Iranian city of Bam, the disaster claimed the lives of 40 thousand people. The city, which existed for about 2 thousand years, was completely destroyed.

4. Columbia shuttle disaster. 7 astronauts were killed, including the first Israeli to go into space. The final cause of the tragedy has not been named, but the possibility of a terrorist attack has been ruled out. With the death of Columbia and the cessation of shuttle flights until the end of 2004, the entire burden of providing manned and transport flights to the International Space Station fell on Russia.

5. SARS epidemic in the world. Of the 8.4 thousand people who fell ill with SARS in 32 countries, about 800 people died.

6. Withdrawal of the DPRK from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons/NPT/ led to a new round of tension not only on the Korean Peninsula, but throughout the world.

7. Iran's accession to the IAEA Additional Protocol, under which Tehran is obliged to provide information on previous and current nuclear programs, as well as Libya's refusal to develop nuclear weapons.

8. Assassination of Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic. It was his government that extradited former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic International Tribunal in The Hague.

9. New escalation of the conflict in the Middle East. Terrorist attacks against Israelis alternated with Israeli military actions in the Palestinian territories, as a result of which houses were destroyed and civilians were killed. Israel has begun building a "security wall" to separate Jewish settlements in the West Bank from Arab ones.

10. Unprecedented weakening of the dollar, caused by the strengthening of the euro and the reluctance of the US administration to take measures to strengthen the national currency. At the beginning of 2003, 1 euro cost only 86 cents in Europe; at the end of December, the price of the single European currency on the European exchange was 1 dollar 25 cents.

The US-NATO blitzkrieg war in Iraq in 2003 was predicted in the Bible in the book of Daniel, and the Archangel Michael led this battle, which lasted 21 days.

The Euronews television channel reported through the Russian TV channel Kultura that the United States plans to attack Iraq at 0 o'clock on the night of February 21, 2003, although Colin Pauwels stated that there is no exact date for the attack. Turkey is also drawing up troops to the border with Iraq. US Secretary of Defense Donald Ransfield signed a directive to send Persian Gulf ground services and military equipment.

A train with anti-aircraft missile systems arrived at the city of Nusaybin at the junction of three borders - Turkey, Syria and Iraq. Baghdad handed over to UN inspectors a list of Iraqi scientists involved in the development of chemical, bacteriological and nuclear weapons. And Iraqi missile programs.

During the day from January 3 to January 4, 2003, heavy rains and floods in Europe claimed the lives of 26 people, and dozens went missing. In Portugal, the Douro River overflowed its banks, flooding the central and northern regions of the country. The country's second city, Porto, is partially under water. Hundreds of people have lost their homes, there is no electricity.

In Germany there are floods on the Rhine and Danube. There is ice in the north, rain in the center, a hurricane is raging in the south at a speed of 190 km per hour. The south of Great Britain is flooded, roads and railway tracks are washed out.

George W. Bush visited the largest military base in Texas, where in a speech he said: “If Saddam Hussein chooses to refuse voluntary disarmament and ignores the opinion of the whole world, then you will have to fight. You will fight not to take over another country, but to the name of liberation of an entire people. We believe in freedom, the people of Iraq hate oppression, they long for a different life, free and dignified.

The letter containing anthrax spores, sent by Al-Qaeda terrorists, was intended for one of the senior officials of the US Federal Reserve System. This institution performs the functions of the US central bank.

The peak of this anthrax-related terrorism occurred in the first weeks after the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001. At that time, 23 people in the United States were infected and five of them died. This crime has still not been solved, although a large reward has been offered.

North Korea rejected the opportunity to discuss proposals for food and fuel supplies from the United States in exchange for Pyongyang’s refusal to develop a nuclear program. The Korean peninsula should be free of nuclear weapons. China, the United States, South Korea and many countries agree with this. But it is unlikely to agree with this Russia, since the leaders of the DPRK from the 30s and 40s of the twentieth century were agents of the KGB. They created the most terrible regime in the DPRK and supplied the leaders of this regime with their nuclear weapons, and use the threats of North Korea to intimidate Western countries.

UN inspectors have discovered the remains of cruise missiles in Baghdad. The Baghdad general, who heads the special control, called the story with the warheads “a storm in a teacup.”

Severe flooding in Brazil, landslides in the southeast of the country, destroying thousands of residential buildings.

The newspaper "Functional Times" published an article "Traces of the conspiracy lead to the Panki Gorge of Georgia." In Tbilisi, the Research Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology believes that in the Panki Gorge it was quite possible to obtain unrefined retsin, said the director of the institute, Otar Kvesitadze. "In these two rooms you can obtain recin. Obtaining the crude preparation of recin can be done anywhere.

This fact caused outrage among Georgian politicians. Sandro Bregadze, Member of the Georgian Parliament. said: “The Georgian government and the Georgian Ministry of Security must apologize to the international community for the fact that they have been claiming for a year that there are no militants in the Panki Gorge.

New warships are leaving San Diego from the United States, they will deliver 10 thousand marines and landing helicopters to the borders of Iraq.

In London there are demonstrations of protest against the war in Iraq, in Ireland there are pickets at Shannon International Airport.

US plans to start military operation no later than mid-February. The military contingent should be increased to 250 thousand people. 10 thousand American infantry are sent to the region on seven landing ships, and in a month they will arrive at the Iraqi border.

There is a protest march in France. Jacques Chirac spoke out against striking Iraq. American General Richard Myers arrived in Turkey on Sunday at the Incerlik base. From here, British and American aircraft exercise control over Iraqi airspace.

In London, the head of government said that Al-Qaeda and Bin Laden founded their network of 50 arrested terrorists here.

Ten warheads found by UN inspectors in Iraq without fillings.The weapon was written off and forgotten about.

A meeting of the UN Security Council opened in New York. Foreign ministers showed differences in their views on the Iraqi problem.

There are already 30 thousand British military personnel in the Persian Gulf Zone, which is a quarter of the personnel of the British armed forces. The Seventh Armored Brigade “Desert Rats”. 120 Challenger tanks, 150 Volvo armored vehicles... By mid-February, the entire British contingent is planned to be stationed in Kuwait.

26 thousand soldiers were sent to the Gulf area, where 4,000 military personnel are already located. The British aircraft carrier Arkroel, leading a flotilla of 16 ships. The Pentagon gave the order to send two aircraft carrier groups and 37 thousand soldiers there.

The United States will lead a coalition of countries willing to disarm Iraq, said the head of the White House.

Italian professor Antinori began a hunger strike, announcing that the police were persecuting him for experiments in human cloning. He demands a personal meeting with President Silvio Berlusconi. In November, he announced that three more women had been impregnated by him with cloned embryos. After this, the Italian government banned cloning experiments Antinori insists that cloning will open up new possibilities for humanity, and that he will starve until the authorities lift the ban on cloning.

Earthquake in Mexico City. People fled their homes in panic. Cracks appeared in the houses, there was no electricity. The epicenter of the earthquake was off the Pacific coast.***

Colin Powell said that the United States is not afraid of being left without allies in the war with Iraq

An Al-Qaeda cell was discovered near Paris in Barcelona, ​​and the trail of terrorists leads to Chechnya. The detainees are immigrants from Algeria.

The Russian TV channel TVC gave an interview with Nikolai Melnichenko, a former employee of the SBU of Ukraine. He said: “I recorded conversations with Kuchma using an ordinary digital voice recorder hidden in a chair in Kuchma’s office.

And he loved to talk using a speakerphone. So I became the owner of an amazing collection of Kuchma’s conversations on a variety of topics.”

Now Nikolai Melnichenko is a resident of New York, he gave an interview next to the UN building, and he is sure that he is making his contribution to the rapprochement of Russia and Ukraine, and that Russia is the only one that did not turn away from Leonid Danilovich, even when it became known about the sale of Ukrainian weapons - systems "Kolchuga" to Iraq.

Some facts of the films are being studied in the American government, in particular the fact of joint special operations by Kuchma’s SBU and Putin’s FSB. Kuchma and Putin sold missile launchers to Iraq, Iran and Libya.

Viktor Chernomyrdin cursed when journalists asked him about this.

In Turkey, tent cities for refugees have begun to be set up on the border with Iraq. At Davos in Switzerland, Colin Powell said: “If war is the only way to disarm Hussein, then war cannot be avoided.”

The US Navy strike group is led by the aircraft carrier Costalation, which has 75 aircraft on board. The military is now inspecting merchant ships to prevent smuggled weapons from entering Iraq.

The British Navy, led by the helicopter carrier Ocean, set off from Plymouth Britain to Iraq. More than 600 people gathered near the Fayford airbase.

The United States plans to use the latest microwave bombs and satellite-guided systems against Iraq. The Pentagon has announced that it will fire 300-400 cruise missiles into Iraq every day. In 1991, this number of missiles was used throughout the entire Gulf War.

15 EU countries approved the continuation of the UN inspection in Iraq.

Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov announced Moscow’s position through the pan-Arab TV channel Al Jazeera: “A unilateral force action will strike at the unity of the international community.”

Russian TV channels say nothing about Moscow’s financing of terrorism in Islamic countries since the 70s under Andropov, about its preparation of 11 terrorist attacks against Israel, where hundreds of civilians were killed, about the financing of the leaders of Islamic terrorists Abu-Abas and Abu-Nidal and their use of Iraqi embassies for around the world to organize terrorist attacks and sabotage in leading Western countries, including the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in New York.

Our TV channels have been silent about the sale of Russian chemical and bacteriological weapons and Soviet submarines to Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon since the time of Andropov.

All this remains behind the scenes and is classified as secret, which is why there is a wave of protests around the world against the war in Iraq.

The Russian TV channel ORT gave an interview with Sergei Lavrov, Russia's permanent representative to the UN, he said: “...They concerned four dossiers - nuclear, chemical, bacteriological and missile. El Baradei announced his intention to close this dossier in the near future. Hans Blix said that The Iraqis have suspended new information on missiles and biotechnology."

Two hundred UN Blue Helmets peacekeeping troops are located five kilometers from the Kuwaiti border and 10 kilometers from the Iraqi border. For 12 years, Kuwaiti and Iraqi troops have been prohibited from approaching the demilitarized zone.

Since the Falkland War of 1982, the island of Cyprus has become a US and NATO base.

John Negroponte, the US Ambassador to the UN, said: “It will do no one any good if Saddam Hussein lets things slide like he did 12 years ago. Arik Fleischer, a White House spokesman, said: "America must prevent new opportunity 11 September".

An earthquake in Mexico with a magnitude of 7.7. 28 people died. On the same day, an earthquake in Asia, in Turkey - 3.6.

An earthquake in Buryatia near Lake Baikal with a magnitude of 4.7 about the village of Ulenkhon.

At night, the United States bombed the southern regions of Iraq, where air defense installations are located. Israel is sending tanks and helicopters to the Gaza Strip. The daily picture in Israel is terrorist attacks, murders, explosions.

Igor Ivanov said: “The United States refused to add Chechen militants to the list of terrorist organizations. This is a relapse of the Cold War. We are sitting in the same boat.”

The head of Chechnya, Akhmat Kadyrov, announced in Jordan that he was flying to Libya, where he would meet with the odious Muammar Gaddafi. Kadyrov and Gaddafi, like Saddam Hussein, have long been lured by the Kremlin.

In New York, the report of the head of UN inspectors, Hans Blix, to the UN Security Council: “Tons of chemical, bacteriological and toxic substances may remain in Iraq. Iraq was modernizing missile technology in circumvention of UN prohibitions, rocket engines and fuel were imported here.”

In December 1998, Iraq's nuclear program was neutralized.

Putin and Kuchma signed a block of agreements.

Tony Blair meets Silvio Berlusconi in London.

V. Putin said: “If Iraq resists inspections, if it creates problems, then Russia intends to work together with the United States and the UN to develop more stringent measures than today.”

Elections have ended in Israel and Ariel Sharon has won again.

In Italy, a trial on bribery charges has been dragging on for many years.

media mogul and part-time president of the country Silvio Berlusconi. The National Parliament of Italy passed a law allowing the court to be changed if its bias is revealed. Berlusconi's lawyers took advantage of this. Putin and Berlusconi are friends. Why? Berlusconi is depraved, there are constant reports on television about his harems and numerous young mistresses.

The summit of the CIS countries opened in Kyiv, which included the “Caucasian Four” - Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia.

40 Nobel laureates signed a petition against the start of the war in Iraq, including Nobel laureate in physics Hans Beta, who participated in the creation of the American atomic bomb.


This is the fifth disaster of American spacecraft. The first were in 1967, 1971 and in 1986, when the Charenger exploded with seven astronauts on board.

On February 1, 2003, the Columbia explosion occurred at an altitude of 20 thousand kilometers, the wreckage of the ship fell on several US states - Nevada, Illinois, and in the state of Texas near President Bush's ranch.

This shuttle was about to be decommissioned; its first flight was in 1981. In 1991, it suffered a fuel leak and a breakdown of the on-board computers. In 1991, it was major renovation ship.

What happened to Columbia now?

At an altitude of 60 kilometers, the temperature of the ship’s skin suddenly jumped sharply, on the fuselage - up to 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

The connection was lost. The on-board system detected significant resistance, flow from the left side. The astronauts had to begin actively manipulating the Shuttle's ailerons, and they were brought to high angles of attack, which is not typical for the landing of the ship.

The US astrologer calculated the mysticism with the number 16 in the events with Columbia.

The spacecraft took off on January 16, 2003. The sum of the numbers gives 7. The crew had seven astronauts. They were in orbit for 16 days. The shuttle was supposed to land at 7 hours 45 minutes (the sum of the numbers again is 16).

The ship exploded 16 minutes before landing.

Everywhere, even in communication sessions, the astrologer saw the ill-fated seven. The remains of the ship were delivered to the Dover base.

17 years ago, in 1986, the bodies of seven cosmonauts from the lost Cherenger spacecraft were delivered to the same base. Both then and now, seven cosmonauts each died.

At 6 a.m., Russian radio Mayak reported that a San Francisco photographer was photographing the Shuttle Columbia at the time of the explosion and had submitted five of his photographs to the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper.

In five photographs taken at the moment of its entry into the atmosphere, a semblance of an electrical discharge passing through the trace left by the ship is clearly visible. This is a bright, uneven flash, shaped like the Latin letter “ L». No explanation has been provided for this phenomenon.

A white stripe cut the sky. The sound was like a shot, pieces of the ship fell on houses, broke the roofs of houses. Their fragments are toxic - they contain hydrazine.

The Shuttle was designed 40 years ago, and there are now twice as many 60-year-old NASA scientists as there are 40-year-olds. The death of the Shuttle-Columbia just before the start of the war in Iraq shows that it was sabotage, most likely planned by Moscow. George Bush and the Pentagon planned to conduct military operations in Iraq with the help of American astronauts and satellites.

Russian started spaceship"Progress-M-47". Why such a rush? -following Columbia. A mysterious crack on the left wing of the Columbia is the cause of the death of the ship, Euronews TV channel showed.

The Independent newspaper reported that the International Space Station and Shuttles would be mothballed for years.

The US space shuttle program will increase from $3.2 billion to $3.5 billion. But what caused the disaster? Unknown. More and more mysteries.

Russian TV channels gave an interview with Leonid Ivashov, general, president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems.

He said: “The entire Shuttle-Columbia mission was dedicated to reconnaissance - detailed photography of the terrain in Iraq. Preparing data for flights from different directions of Tomahawk missiles - there are digital models.

Every meter needs to be examined - atmospheric phenomena and military installations. The Shuttle was hastily prepared for the war in Iraq, but there was not enough time.”

The words of Leonid Ivashov confirm that Putin-Russian agents in the United States could create a crack in the left wing of Columbia.

This endless secret terrorist war of Andropov, then Putin around the world with the help of their secret agents with a claim to world domination and the seizure of foreign territories by Russia has not stopped for a single day since 1917. It did not stop in 1937, when Stalin concluded an agreement with Hitler to seize European countries, and began to capture them in 1938 under the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, and when Stalin drowned 40 million of our fellow citizens in the blood of the Gulags. Nothing changed in the minds of Russian rulers in 1991, 1999, 2000 and beyond.

The International Space Station will be mothballed for years after the death of Columbia.

Emma Nicholson, President of the European Parliament, said:

“I brought fresh evidence from Iraq that Baghdad was purchasing components of prohibited weapons. European parliamentarians insist that they have invoices for the purchase of dangerous chemical elements Iraqi organizations to create weapons of mass destruction."

The EU delegation reported to UN Secretary General Koffi Anen and UN Chief Inspector Hans Blix about these facts.

Russian TV channels showed how Saddam Hussein's adviser Amar Al-Saadi said with a grin that this was nonsense. Sadam, listening to this, grinned with smoking pipe in his mouth surrounded by his generals.

Tony Blair said at parliament in Britain that the process of disarmament in Iraq is entering the final stage of its 12-year history.

North Korea has announced its intention to begin producing weapons-grade plutonium.

Strategic bombers B-1 and B-52 and warships of the US Armed Forces are put on alert for deployment to the shores of North Korea in response to the DPRK's announcement of the start of production of weapons-grade plutonium. The US has its military bases in South Korea and Japan.

The aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk is on duty off the Korean coast.

The Republic of Yugoslavia ceased to exist; instead, two new entities appeared - Serbia and Montenegro.***

The issue of removing Zhirinovsky was not put on the agenda in the State Duma, although everything was heading towards this after his public insults by George Bush.

Colin Powell's report to the UN Security Council lasted more than an hour.

This report became a historical turning point in the world.

Powell provided recordings of telephone conversations between a general and a colonel of the Iraqi special services, where they say that a modified installation - a mobile biological laboratory - remains in Iraq. Powell said that “he cannot provide the UN Security Council with everything that the intelligence services know, but he has all the evidence that Iraq has a sophisticated mobile system for the production of bacteriological weapons.

Since 1998, Iraq has been conducting experiments on prisoners on the effectiveness of the chemical weapons it is developing.

Iraq possesses two of the required three components for production nuclear weapons, and trying with all his might to get the third component.”

Alkaida is going to use chemical and bacteriological weapons against the Americans." this statement was made in

K. Powell's speeches at the UN Security Council were broadcast by all leading American and Russian television channels. The report was discussed by 12 foreign ministers from 16 states.

Konstantin Kosachev said in the Russian State Duma: “The situation in Iraq has been serious since 1998. The international community has been deprived of the opportunity to control the events taking place there. Therefore, the Powell report to the UN must be taken seriously. The information must be carefully studied. It cannot be ignored. Conclusions based on these data should be drawn not by diplomats and politicians, but by experts, and all intelligence services in the world will cooperate. I consider what happened at the UN Security Council to be an important event.”

America’s support was also expressed by the “Vilnius Ten” – ten countries that are candidates for joining NATO.

The real danger posed by Hussein's regime requires a united response from democracies, they said in a joint statement issued hours after Powell's report.

The Slovak government has previously expressed its readiness to send a chemical defense company to the Persian Gulf region, and the parliament of this country intends to discuss Bratislava's possible participation in military action against Iraq.

Australia and the UK believe that the Iraqi regime continues to mislead the international community and impede the work of inspectors.

Members of the NATO alliance were unable to resolve disagreements about

preparations for war with Iraq. The United States insisted on helping Turkey, but France, Germany and Belgium said it was premature.

NATO is a collective defense alliance comprising the United States, Canada and a growing number of European states. It was created in 1949 to counter the threat of post-war communist expansion of the USSR.

However, the collapse of the USSR in 1991 forced NATO to look for new ways and

arguments.Eight European countries signed a letter of solidarity with the United States.

Most of the former Soviet republics of the USSR support American policy towards Iraq. Most Poles are against a war with Iraq.

Countries of Eastern Europe They trust the USA more than Europe; they owe their independence to the USA.

George Bush and Colin Powell harshly criticized the position of Germany and France on Iraq. They called Germany’s refusal “a delusion of the discredited Chancellor Schröder, and the position of Paris as more dangerous and serious.”

The NATO Council has met to discuss the Iraq problem. It may direct the military committee to begin formulating a plan to hold Iraq accountable for its failure to implement Resolution 14-41.

The Pentagon has redeployed F-117 stealth aircraft to Knight Hawk Air Force Base in the Persian Gulf, the first redeployment of fighter jets from Hollaman Air Force Base since 1999, when they took part in the bombing of Yugoslavia.

Previously, F-17s played a key role in the Gulf War in 1991.

The American space agency NASA is faced with a dilemma - without the Shuttle, it will not be able to complete the installation of the station. There are scientists who argue that the International Space Station is an unaffordable luxury, and the astronaut flight program is a waste of money that would be more efficiently spent on unmanned spacecraft.

The volume of the US budget in 2003 will be 2.3 million dollars, the budget deficit will be up to 350 billion dollars. Nobody knows the figure for the costs of the US war in Iraq, the preliminary figure is from 50 to 70 billion dollars.

Powell's report to the UN Security Council included transcripts of the wiretaps at the last minute. telephone conversations senior Iraqi officials.

At first, CIA chief George Ternet opposed the release of such documents., since they could endanger the lives of those sources who provided this information to the CIA. But then it was decided to publish the results of the wiretaps, and this was done on the personal orders of President George W. Bush.

The US Secretary of State also intends to provide documented evidence in his report about the connections of the Iraqi government with Al-Qaeda terrorists.

These data are based on reports from Iraqi defectors, as well as interrogations of Afghan prisoners at the Guanttanum base and in Afghanistan.

Colin Powell provided in his report satellite images showing the movement of weapons of mass destruction from one place to another on the eve of the arrival of international inspectors at certain points. The display of these revealing photographs caused an effect similar to photographs of Soviet missiles deployed in Cuba in 1962. They were then shown to the UN Security Council by the US representative to the UN, Adlais Stevenson.

Tony Blair was deeply impressed by the Powell Report's arbitrariness.

After the Powell report, members of the UN Security Council may find Iraq guilty of violating the previous UN Resolution No. 14-41, and then the need to adopt a new resolution in the UN Security Council will automatically disappear, and the green light will be given to begin military action against Saddam Hussein.

Kim che-jung received Nobel Prize peace for their contribution to the process of reconciliation of the two Koreas. In 2001, he entered into a secret agreement with the North Korean leader, he did not admit that the government transferred money to North Korean accounts. The largest conglomerate South Korea Handa then transferred $186 million to North Korean accounts with his approval, in order to obtain exclusive rights to economic projects in this country.

Saddam Hussein issued a decree banning weapons of mass destruction. In the event of war, 600 thousand citizens of this country will have to leave Iraq.

Iraqi troops blew up an underground tunnel connecting the southern part of the Gaza Strip with Egypt. Through this tunnel, weapons were regularly supplied to the Palestinians. The operation was carried out the day before in the city of Rafah - 13 houses were blown up, and entrances to the tunnel were dug from them.

The US 101st Airborne Division is deployed to Iraq and played a key role during Operation Desert Storm in 1991.

In mid-February, a 150,000-strong group of NATO troops will be deployed in the region near the Persian Gulf and 3 US aircraft carriers. The fourth aircraft carrier is approaching.

In the United States, a helicopter crashed into a lake in Louisville, Kentucky, while it was trying to cover military exercises.

The United States is able to defeat the Iraqi army alone. But create in Iraq new mode Without the support of the international community it is unlikely to succeed.

The Hussein regime is so terrible and guilty, along with the Kremlin and Al-Qaida, of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2011. Russia now remains neutral. 61 percent of Russians are ready to vote for the war in Iraq.

Iraq has at its disposal thousands of liters of anthrax pathogens, donated to Iraq under the USSR. The people of the United States are in fear because they remember the Vietnam War.

Colin Powell presented at a meeting of the UN Security Council interceptions of telephone conversations of Iraqi senior military personnel, which confirm that Iraq possesses chemical and bacteriological weapons, but they are located on mobile installations and are difficult to detect.

The transfer of Turkish units and equipment to the border with Iraq continues. The NATO Council does not have a unanimous opinion regarding the start of military operations in Iraq.

German television channels are now broadcasting the opinions of experts from various countries.

The United States will take upon itself the modernization of the military bases it uses. The transfer of Turkish units and equipment to the border with Iraq continues. The NATO Council will meet to discuss the alliance's actions regarding Iraq in the light of Powell's speech.

The United States sent 10 thousand troops to Iraq from the Hot Candle base.

At night, a magnitude 5.5 earthquake occurred in Hawaii. The El Popo volcano awoke near Mexico City. Emissions of gas and ash.

The scientist who discovered super-bacteria that progress in stressful situations has been nominated for the international Vilev Prize.

On the eve of a closed meeting of the UN Security Council on humanitarian assistance to Iraq, it was decided that human rights observers would be sent there, pointing out the possibility of bloodshed and repression after the fall of the Iraqi regime.

Germany protests the war in Iraq most harshly, since Chancellor Schröder is backed by his Democratic Party and the Green Party, and Schröder’s friendship with Putin, who greatly “rewarded” Schröder by donating most of the state budget from the Russian treasury, is a symbol of the invisible opposition to the United States.

Putin-Schroeder do not want to quarrel with the Islamic world, which Andropov has been feeding with Soviet weapons since the 70s, including chemical and bacteriological ones.

On Saturday, Tariq Azis will hold a meeting and visit the Christian community in Iraq in the town of Assisi, where St. Francis was born, and will light the lamp of peace in the Basilica, where the relics of the saint rest. The head of the Assize church said: “We hope to awaken in people the need to preserve peace.” The city of Assisi belongs to the Assyro-Chalcedonian Church, one of the Catholic churches of the Eastern Rite, and is in ecclesiastical communion with Rome.

On Friday, February 14, 2014, the Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister will meet with Pope John Paul II in the Vatican.

Russia is introducing universal registration of foreigners.

Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov arrived in New York to participate in a meeting of the UN Security Council on Iraq. The results of this meeting determine whether the war in Iraq will begin in the coming days.

Report to the UN Security Council by Hans Blix Albaraday.

The USA and Great Britain will present new project resolution on the need to disarm Iraq by force. And about the transfer of half a billion dollars to North Korea. The chief adviser to the President of South Korea said that the money was transferred to a private company, and South Korean intelligence was involved in the transfer of money to Pyongyang.

15 foreign organizations were closed in Russia by order of the Prosecutor General. RF.

Austria does not want to provide the United States and Great Britain with their airspace for flights of NATO combat vehicles. Austria was paid for by Putin from the Russian state budget by transferring money and oil products from Russia to Germany and Austria, mainly through Raiffeisen Bank..

US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfield accused Austria of blocking the movement of American troops from Germany to Italy and Iraq.

Could George Tenet amaze US Congressmen today, February 14, 2003, with sensational intelligence information on Iraq?

Hardly. Everyone in the Senate is convinced that even without super intelligence secrets, a war with Iraq is necessary.

Rumsfield said: “Everything is ready for war with Iraq. It's up to the president."

The United States is sending special forces to the Philippines - 2,000 special forces and marines to eliminate the militants of the Islamic organization Abu Sayyab.

African representatives in Paris supported the position of Russia and France on the Iraq problem. A statement was published from 52 African states that there is an alternative to a military solution.

Washington froze the accounts of Chechen militants as terrorist organizations.

There are 150 thousand military personnel concentrated in the Persian Gulf region.

George Bush said: “A second resolution on Iraq would be useful, although we don’t really need it. It is clear that Hussein is ignoring even the first resolution

14-41. But we want to be together with our friends and allies and will seek a second resolution.”

In the Persian Gulf region, the US military power is sufficient to wage war.

By February 22, about 200 thousand American troops and 40 thousand British troops will arrive in the Persian Gulf.

For Turkey, all these events are a dilemma. The Turkish President said: “We are worried about the post-war structure of Iraq. The Kurds living in the north of the country may declare independence.

Washington has repeatedly told Ankara that it will not allow the Kurdish-controlled oil-rich territory to become an autonomous state, either during or after the war. The dispute with Ankara over the amount of compensation will be resolved. The Kurds of northern Iraq after the war may seize Kirka, and then there may be an independent, oil-rich Kurdish state."

The 2003 US-NATO war in Iraq is mentioned in the Bible.

It was and is a war for oil. It continues today - in 2016. After Iraq, it spread to Syria in 2011.

The Euphrates River also flows in Syria, which is mentioned in the Bible as the site of the main events of the “end time.” The Bible mentions the Valley of Megiddo in Israel, where later the last battle of nations will take place and throughout the planet there will be the greatest earthquakes, which have not happened since the creation of the world, and two billion people will die.

“And the water of the Euphrates river dried up so that the way for kings would be opened from the rising of the sun” - said in the 16th chapter of the Revelation of John in the New Testament.

The 2003 Iraq War was a US war against Saddam. It was a response to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on New York, organized by Saddam along with the Kremlin and Al-Qaeda.

The Kremlin has long used Iraqi embassies around the world to organize

terrorist attacks and sabotage, starting from Andropov’s times in the 70s.

It was a war to destroy the terrible regime of Saddam Hussein, nurtured by the Kremlin. Nostradamus prophesied about Saddam in the 76th quatrain of the 9th century:

“Black and bloodthirsty Rapax.

The offspring of the disgusting Nero.

The left military hand points to Mesopotamia.

But he will be killed by a young, bald scoffer."

Nostradamus called Sadam Mabus in the 62nd quatrain of the 2nd century:

"Mabus will soon die. Then he will come

terrible death for people and animals."

If Mabus is written in Latin letters and placed in front of a mirror, we will see the word “Sadam”: Mabus – Sudam.

In Russian, the name is Sa-dam - I will give hell, promises the bearer of this name.

In Adrop’s times, Asia Minor gave refuge to many pro-Kremlin terrorists. The terrible terrorist Abu Nidal was preceded by Abu Abbas. Since 1986, Abu Abbas had his headquarters in Baghdad under the wing of Saddam. Abu Nidal used embassies around the world to organize terrorist attacks planned by the Kremlin, and Sadam was always supported by the Kremlin.

In January 2001, Sadam secretly transferred $16 million to Zhirinovsky and Voloshin for Putin and his entourage. Sadamov's intelligence has always been connected with Al-Qaeda and Abu Nidal, with his base in Baghdad and with the Kremlin.

The terrorists who attacked the World Trade Center towers in New York were trained at the Abu Nidal base in the summer of 2001 on secret orders from Putin's Kremlin. The head of Iraqi intelligence wrote about this in a secret note to Hussein on July 1, 2001.

Radio Mayak reported this on December 14, 2003. Not a single Russian TV channel commented on this fact. On that day, Hussein was arrested in his basement hometown Tigrita.

The Blitz War in Iraq lasted 21 days in 2003 from March 20 to April 11, 2003.

This war was predicted in the Bible in the Book of the Prophet Daniel in chapter 4 in verses 13, 14, where the Heavenly Man said to Daniel, who was at the Tigris River:

“The prince of the kingdom of Persia stood against me for 21 days; but Prince Michael, one of the first princes, came to help me, and I stayed there under the Persian kings... Now I will return to fight the Prince of Persia, and when I leave, the Prince of Greece will come.”

This was said on the 24th day of the first month of the third year of the reign of Cyrus. The date coincides in numbers with January 24, 2003, based on the transtemporality of the category of time in the Bible.

In verse 20, the Heavenly Man said to Daniel: “... Do you know why I came to you? Now I will return to fight the Prince of Persia, and when I leave, the Prince of Greece will come.”

Verse 21: “Nevertheless, I will declare to you what is written in the true Scripture; and there is no one who would support me in this except Mikhail, your prince.”

In April 2003, I realized that the Higher Divine Powers knew 2500 years ago, when they dictated this book to the Prophet Daniel, how events would happen in our modern Apocalypse.

The war in Iraq occurred in the first week (seven years) of the Apocalypse - the “end time”, at the end of its half - 42 months or 3 and a half years - on February 11, 2003.

The beginning of the first week of the “time of the beast—the time of the last” occurred at the moment of the great solar eclipse on August 11, 1999.

The chronicle of the days of February 2003 shows that the preparations for the war in Iraq entered the most active phase at that moment on February 11, 2003.

He himself helped carry out this lightning war with the bloody Saddam

Archangel Michael, who has always protected Israel for thousands of years.

The radiant appearance of the Heavenly Man transported Daniel from the year 500 BC to 2500 years forward, and showed him 2003 year - war in Iraq, and then showed later events - the war between the kingdom of the north and the kingdom of the south, which is narrated in the 11th chapter of the Book of Daniel in the Bible.

Perhaps Daniel did not know from which dimension of time this shining appearance came to him, but at that moment he felt a huge responsibility - to capture on paper everything that happened to him, so that people of the future would know about it.

Chapters 7 to 12 of the Book of Daniel describe the events of the “end times” - our time, when “ There will be a fourth country in the world that will trample and oppress the whole world.”

This is the USSR - Russia.

Russia is now the fourth most important country – among the four leading countries: the USA, the European Union, China, and Russia.

The ruler-beast of this Fourth Country is “different from everyone else and very terrible - “he devoured and crushed, and trampled the remnants underfoot.” “And about the ten horns that were on his head, and about another that came out again, in front of which three fell.”

The one who came out again is probably Ukraine, and three fell in front of it - (Latvia, Estonia. Lithuania.)

In the 8th chapter of the Book of Daniel, the rulers of the United States and Iraq are given in the images of Aries and Goat.

“Aries (Iraq) at first butted to the west, to the north and to the south, and no beast could resist him. He did what he wanted and boasted."

But Aries was soon defeated by the Goat - that is, Iraq was defeated by the United States in the 2003 war.

“And I saw how he, approaching the Ram, became angry with him and struck the ram, and broke both of its horns; and the ram did not have enough strength to withstand him, and he threw him to the ground and trampled him, and there was no one who could save the ram from him.”

(Chapter 8th verse of the 7th Book of Daniel.)

Archangel Gabriel explained this vision to Daniel that “ Aries is the kings of Media and Persia (Iraq and Iran), and Goat is the king of Greece,” that is, the king of the entire white race, which will live in Europe and the USA in the “end times.”

Later the Goat will become exalted, and “His great horn will be broken, from which four countries will emerge, directed toward the four winds of heaven.” From one country “a small horn will come out, which will grow to the south, to the east and to a beautiful country.”

The small horn is probably Ukraine. Israel is probably called a beautiful country.

The insidious king-beast will come out of the 4th country (Russia), and he will wage war with the saints and overcome them. “From this kingdom will rise ten kings, and after them another will arise, different from the previous ones, and will destroy the three kings .” (Verse 24 of Chapter 7 of the Book of Daniel).

Beast King of the 4th Country “He will speak words against the Most High and oppress the saints of the Most High; even dream of abolishing their holidays and the law, and they will be delivered into his hand until a time and times and half time."

This king-beast of the fourth country will unite with the king of the south, and together they will kill Christians and destroy churches, and destroy the Vatican and kill the Pope - Nostradamus wrote about this in his Letter to King Henry in 1558.

Daniel saw the same thing in a vision - how this king-beast would take away from Christians the daily sacrifice - prayer in temples , “and the place of his sanctuary was desecrated. And the army was delivered up along with the daily sacrifice for wickedness

The king-beast of the 4th country, throwing the truth to the ground, “I acted everywhere and succeeded.”

And this trampling of truth will continue “for two thousand three hundred evenings and mornings, and then the sanctuary will be cleansed.”

2300 evenings and mornings is 1150 days or 3 years 3 months and 20 days.

This trampling of the Truth of God will coincide with a great sorrow such as no civilization has known before.

This will happen during the last week of the Apocalypse.

The 13th verse of Daniel 8 reads: “ And I heard one saint saying... how long will this vision of daily sacrifice and devastating wickedness last, when the shrine and the army will be trampled under foot?

Verse 14: And he said to me, “For 2300 evenings and mornings, and then the sanctuary will be cleansed.”

Archangel Gabriel explained to Daniel : “Know, son of man, that the vision refers to the end of time. I reveal to you what will happen in last days anger. The vision of evening and morning, about which it is said, hide this vision, for it refers to distant times.”

Nostradamus wrote about the same thing 2000 years after Daniel in his Letter to King Henry: “when the blood of true Christians will flow everywhere, and when one of the rulers will be praised for shedding more blood of the church supporters than anyone could shed wine. This ruler will commit incredible crimes against the church... when the sea turns red from a naval battle , and people will be terrified by a terrible plague.”

Since January 2003, the whole world has been watching the preparations for the US-NATO war against Iraq, when a huge amount of military equipment, the latest fighter planes with computer guidance from satellites, and the latest unmanned aircraft were poured into the Persian Gulf.

The 21 days of the Iraq War in 2003 were predicted in the Bible...

The number 21 is made up of three sevens. 777. This is the Divine transcendental number. This is the number of God's victory over Satan, the ancient serpent.

Today the world is on the eve of the Third World War in the Middle East in Syria, where the Euphrates River flows, mentioned in the Bible by the Old Testament prophets who spoke about the “end time” - about our time.

This river is also mentioned in the Revelation of John in the New Testament in chapter 16 in verse 12: “ The sixth angel poured out his bowl into the great river Euphrates, and the water in it dried up, so that the way for the kings would be ready from the rising of the sun.

13. And I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet three unclean spirits like frogs. 14. These are demonic spirits that work signs, they go out to the kings of the earth of the whole world to gather them for battle on that great day God Almighty.

16. And he gathered them to a place called in Hebrew Armageddon.”

The water in the Euphrates River could dry up due to a nuclear explosion.

Chapter 16 verse 16 is a symbol of the 16th year of the century and millennium. Is this 2016?

The battle of nations in Syria on the Euphrates River will apparently take place in April 2016,

But this is just an assumption, since no one knows the exact dates of the events of the last time. Then, much later, perhaps years and years later, there will be a battle in Israel in the Valley of Megiddo - the last battle of the nations, after which two billion people will die - two thirds of the people on the entire planet - as stated in the Revelation of John.

In the book of Alan Miss, an American astrologer, “Horoscope of the New Millennium”, published in Moscow in June 1995 by the publishing house

Kron Press said:

“At the end of February 2003, another outbreak of aggression is expected, when Mars will connect with Pluto and will be in opposition to Saturn, and in January 2003, Jupiter will be in opposition to Neptune. Mars will become stationary at zero degrees of Pisces and will connect with Uranus - this will cause outbreaks of protest in the world.

Oppressive Saturn will be in September 2003 in the 13th degree of Cancer.

Then it will be dangerous period from November 23, 2003, when the planets will be at critical degrees. There will be protests and attempts to shake The White house and the US Congress...Transportation accidents and naval battles may break out in September-November 2003

In April 2004 there will be a solar eclipse, and military action is possible, when, under the influence of Pluto in Sagittarius and in opposition to Mars, religious Islamist fans will declare war on the United States and NATO.

In 2003, the Uranus cycle will end (it began after the First World War), when the countries of Eastern Europe will probably join NATO. Uranus will enter the sign of Pisces in 2003.”
April 4, 2004 - the fourth day of the fourth month of the fourth year - was a full moon and Palm Sunday. In the morning, all television channels reported that a new powerful round of war had begun in Iraq in the city of Fallujah, the Shiites killed four American soldiers and hung their corpses on the bridge. US helicopters began striking Shiite locations. That day, seven Americans were killed and twenty were wounded. And in just one day, 12 American soldiers died. Explosions, crying, funerals, screams, cries of despair.

By April 7, 2004, 15 Iraqis and 40 American military personnel had died in Iraq. Such battles had not occurred since the spring of 2003.

Exactly a year earlier, on April 7, 2003, the Americans entered Baghdad. On April 7, 2004, American missiles destroyed an Iraqi mosque, and US artillery and aircraft bombed several Iraqi cities.

Then the terrorist attacks and explosions in Iraq did not stop for a single day. The war smoldered and continued for years and years.


Baghdad did not report to the UN about its former prohibited military programs, and agreed to overflights of its territory by US and Russian reconnaissance aircraft.

Protest rallies against US plans in Iraq were held in 400 cities around the world. An airplane with a banner “No to war!” flew over the American city of Oakland.

Boris Gromov, governor of the Moscow region, told TV channels: “ On February 15, 1989, the last Soviet troops left Afghanistan. The 15-year war ended, and 15 thousand Soviet troops and 100 thousand Afghans became its victims.”

Who needed this war in Afghanistan, except for the crazy Kremlin elders and the demon Andropov?

The USSR and Yeltsin-Putin's Russia are endless wars and expansion with a claim to world domination, this will continue, and the fourth beast - the king of Russia, called Gog and Magog in the book of the prophet Ezekiel in the Bible, will lead civilization to a world war.

10 million people took part in demonstrations against the war with Iraq in February 2003 in Great Britain, Italy, Spain, whose governments supported US plans in Iraq.

But if there had not been a 21-day lightning war in Iraq in March-April 2003, Hussein would have continued, secretly led by the Kremlin, his terrorist attacks around the world and the use of bacteriological and chemical weapons.

NATO overcame its differences over Turkey in 2003.

The NATO Council did not authorize military assistance to Turkey. The EU summit on Iraq opened in Brussels.

Greece was the initiator and chairman of the European Union.

Germany, France, and Belgium resisted US pressure for several days within NATO. The Spanish prime minister, after millions of demonstrations, said that he could not help but respect people’s opinions.

In Cairo at the summit Arab countries passed a resolution to renounce support for any form of war against Iraq.

On February 15, 2003, Russia suspended the law prohibiting human trafficking - there is no article in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation about this. Income from human trafficking in the world exceeds the turnover from drug trafficking. Drug trafficking networks coincide with human trafficking networks.

An emergency EU summit on Iraq has opened in Brussels.

From February 23 to 25, the United States plans to start a war in Iraq. The first stage of the war is massive bombing for 4-5 days.

A fire in the subway in the city of Daego, South Korea. 139 people died. It was again a terrorist attack.

Aerial photography of Iraqi territory lasted 4.5 hours using U-2 aircraft, French Mirages, and the Russian AN-30B aircraft.

Heaviest snowfalls in the USA. Airports are closed, 10 people are killed.

There is a state of emergency in the States of Maryland and Virginia. In Canada, in the city of New Foundland, a flood occurred due to an ice jam in the radiance of three rivers. Water rushed into the city at 20-degree frosts.

Only roofs of houses and cars are visible.

Radio Russia reported that 100 Arab and Chechen terrorists have been hiding in the Panki Gorge in Georgia since August 2002.

To pass a forceful resolution, nine votes are required if none of the permanent members of the UN Security Council uses the veto.

For several weeks, there were five times fewer supporters of the war than opponents.

John Down, Australia's permanent representative to the UN, said:

“The Security Council cannot wait forever. It is time to think about a future resolution on Iraq, otherwise the question will arise not only of the disarmament of Iraq, but also of the collective security system.”

This is a minority opinion - the USA, Japan, Australia, Great Britain. And with serious reservations - Argentina and Peru. The majority of countries are for the continuation of UN inspections without war.

But what will these inspections give if Sadam and his generals are taking away mobile installations of bacteriological weapons from place to place?

Javad Zarif, Iran's permanent representative to the UN, said:

“We cannot accept conditions for the effectiveness of the UN to be determined by just one country. We should not forget that the Security Council adopted dozens of resolutions demanding an end to the Israeli occupation of Arab lands. However, this did not lead to anything.”

Colin Powell: “These countries are simply afraid to take responsibility for implementing the will of the international community.”

At a meeting in Moscow, Putin spoke about visa-free travel to EU countries for Russian citizens.

Western television companies distributed an interview with an Iraqi scientist who fled Iraq several years ago. He told where Sadam Hussein hides weapons of mass destruction. This is the scientist Hussein Al-Sheristani: “My biochemist colleagues were directly involved in the development of weapons of mass destruction. Chemicals are hidden underground. , the production and storage of which is prohibited by UN resolution.”

After a closed interview with this scientist, a press conference was held, which was attended by journalists from almost all Western publications and television channels, where the scientist said:

“UN inspectors come and investigate, and meanwhile mobile Iraqi laboratories are traveling along the mountain roads, where chemists obtain anthrax spores.

This work is also being carried out under Iraqi administrative buildings, where an extensive network of tunnels runs, and forbidden weapons are hidden there.”

George Bush received the President of Latvia, Mrs. Freiburga, who fully supports the United States, at the White House.

An earthquake in China with a magnitude of 6.7 in Xing Jin, an autonomous region of China.

The American frigate Kar and the destroyer Oscar Austin proceeded through the Pesi Canal to the Persian Gulf region to join the Navy group. They were accompanied by three Italian warships and a Danish submarine. By the beginning of March, there will be 200 thousand American troops here.

The first NATO AWACS long-range radar aircraft will take off today from an air base near the West German Galli Kirchen in the direction of Turkey. The aircraft will be located 200 kilometers from Ankara. To control airspace in the event of a military strike on Iraq.

Volunteers from several countries arrived to fight in Iraq as part of the Human Shield campaign.

The death toll during the earthquake in China on February 22-23, 2003 was 258 people, more than a thousand people were injured. The earthquake measured 6.8 on the Richter scale - the strongest in this region since 1949

Storm warning in Novorossiysk, Anapa and Gelendzhik.

Russian television channels distort the essence of the events with the war in Iraq, justifying Hussein, condemning Bush, and almost do not comment on the Powell report, which was broadcast on the main Russian television channels and on Euronews.

In an interview with the Rossiya TV channel, Alexander Bovin said: “The war of protests around the world has caused bewilderment and resentment among Bush and his entourage. How can this be? Europe is so ungrateful. We fed her, we protected her. The Pope, the Vatican are firmly against the war. There are many churches in America - Baptists, Marmons, and Bush belongs to the Methodist United Church. People protest that there is no evidence of a connection with Al-Qaeda. How is there no connection? After all, Iraq is helping Palestinian terrorists. What is Iraq’s connection with the global terrorist network? No one has proven it...”

Bovin broadcast this half-truth, half-lie on air to the whole country.

But then, in 2003, I still did not understand what kind of shameless lies Russian television was capable of, carrying out the secret orders of Putin and his entourage. I realized this only in 2014, when Putin treacherously attacked eastern Ukraine and bombed it day and night with his Grads, tanks, Buk installations, Russian TV channels lied day and night that it was the Ukrainian military that was bombing, and that there was no Russian troops and Russian weapons.

In this Putin’s furnace of his war in Ukraine, tens of thousands of military and civilians on both sides died.

All subsequent years after 2003, deceitful Russian TV channels insisted that there was no evidence of the development and use of bacteriological and chemical weapons by Iraq. But everything was proven in the report of Colin Powell at the UN Security Council, which was broadcast during the day on three Russian television channels. And I saw this report, and I saw photographs from satellites proving how bacteriological laboratories on wheels of Saddam move, creating spores of anthrax obtained even under Andropov from the USSR.

Therefore, UN inspectors could not detect and stop these laboratories.

This terrible lie of the Kremlin and Sadam in the name of what? To continue to secretly spread these anthrax spores throughout the world? And then publicly blame the mythical Al-Qaeda and the West for this?

After all, this lie continues to this day by the terrible Putin regime, and this lie is believed by a huge country, thanks to Putin’s TV-zombies, this country occupies one sixth of the planet’s landmass. And try today in Russia to say something against this policy - they will immediately come after you surveillance, wiretapping, looking through your apartment, and they will begin to irradiate you with radio frequencies, kill you with infrasound, and then they will do everything to send you to a mental hospital.

Alexander Bovin at the end of his interview in February 2003 said:

“The Hussein regime is terrible. I would be glad if this regime was overthrown. But sovereignty - this principle has not been abolished, no matter how disgusting we are with the Iraqi regime... Oil and the US economic lobby.

But the motive of oil and testing precision weapons is not the main one, and the main thing is a response to the tragedy of September 11.”

But neither Bovin nor other journalists have ever told the truth on TV channels over these 13 years that the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 was prepared by Saddam Hussein together with Iran and Al-Qaeda on the secret orders of Zhirinovsky, Putin and the Kremlin, and that the terrorists who crashed the planes in the Trade Center towers in New York. trained at the Abu Nidal bases in Baghdad under Hussein in the summer of 2001.

Not a single TV channel in Russia has ever said anything about this in these 15 years.

And what can we expect from such a country as Russia - the fourth beast, which drowned 40 million of its fellow citizens in the blood under Stalin in the Gulags? And after the war, this Fourth beast, according to the prophecies of the Bible, oppressed and is oppressing the whole world with endless terrorist attacks, wars and sabotage. At the same time, Putin and Zhirinovsky and his criminal entourage consider themselves God-believing people.

The Times newspaper, citing sources in the Pentagon, reported: “The number of military personnel after the overthrow of the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq will be from 50-200 thousand people. These forces will remain in Iraq for six months, exercising tight control over the entire Iraqi territory. The role of the head of state of Iraq will be carried out by the head of the US Central Command, Tom Frank."

Iraq provided international inspectors with information about the destruction of weapons of mass destruction used in 1991. The Iraqi side reported that a bomb was found at one of the facilitiesR-400., equipped with some kind of liquid, which, possibly, is a biological weapon.

USA nominated new version– why UN inspectors cannot find weapons of mass destruction.

D. Rumsfield: “Iraq may store prohibited weapons in other countries - Iran and Syria. Iraq has an unmanned aircraft for transporting chemical and biological weapons abroad. Iraq sent several such aircraft to Iran in 1991 to hide them from attacks by the US Army . Iran did not return these planes to Iraq."

Jack Davis from the Pentagon told the media: “An incident occurred between US and North Korean Air Force fighter jets and a US reconnaissance aircraft.

Four North Korean aircraft flew for twenty minutes in the vicinity of an American reconnaissance aircraft, Arcee 135, on a surveillance mission over the Sea of ​​Japan. North Korean planes targeted him using fire support radars. The mission was aborted and the aircraft returned to its air base."

On the Moscow-Don highway near Tula at 4 o'clock in the morning, 21 cars collided - 13 cars and 8 trucks. Five people were killed, 20 people were wounded and maimed.

The BBC TV channel reported: “Iraq has buried weapons of mass destruction underground, and some of its components are transported from place to place every half day to hide them from UN inspectors,” a former Iraqi scientist who fled from Iraq said at a press conference. countries in the USA."

Terrorist attack at an airport in the Philippines. 50 people were killed, 150 injured. The terrorist attack was organized by one of the Islamist leaders, Hamiraj Sali.

For many years, Abu Saya, through bloody terror, has been seeking to create an independent Islamic state in the south of the Philippines. Air ports with oil storage facilities have been taken under his control.

Sergei Lavrov said at the UN that Russia will not support the resolution on starting a war in Iraq. Russia will use its veto. Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov travels to England and France, persuading them to join the veto.

“The veto of Russia and France will be overcome,” Powell said on British television.

Pakistani intelligence agencies have managed to intercept several letters personally written by Osama bin Laden, who is probably located in Islamabad in the northern regions of Pakistan.

USA-Russia teleconference - interview of Oleg Kudenko with Judith Yaffe, a Middle East specialist and former US intelligence officer.

Kudenko said: “In Vietnam, the Americans lost more than 50 thousand killed, killing 2.5 Vietnamese. Then they got stuck in Afghanistan. Why did the defeat of the Taliban lead to a sharp increase in drug trafficking from this country? The Taliban was suppressed, and they suppressed the drug trade.”

But why didn’t Kudenko mention Putin’s complicity in this drug trafficking since the 90s together with the Colombian drug cartel?

The first object that the United States plans to capture will be international Airport Baghdad. Such raids have not been seen in military practice since the Second World War.

Australia and New Zealand were unable to bring their positions closer together on the situation around Iraq. The Australian Prime Minister expressed support for the United States, and New Zealand announced that it would not provide its support and its territory.

Saudi Arabia will not agree to the use of its territory to conduct military operations against Iraq.

TV channels reported that the start of the war in Iraq would occur in a day or two.

All TV channels reported on the spread of a terrible virus throughout Southeast Asia - from Taiwan to Japan. In Australia, people are dying from flu-like symptoms and pneumonia.

In the morning at 5:30 a.m. the United States began bombing Iraq. The war began.

This war lasted exactly 21 days. As it was predicted about her in the Book of the Prophet Daniel in the Bible.

At 6 a.m., Mayak radio broadcast US intelligence information that Saddam Hussein was constantly talking on the phone with his fourth wife and their 20-year-old son living in Lebanon.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, all Russian TV channels reported that Saddam Hussein had been arrested in basement in Tigrit.

The Daily Telegraph reported that the terrorists who attacked the United States on September 11, 2001, were trained in Iraq at the Abu Nidal base. The former head of Iraqi intelligence wrote in a secret note to Saddam Hussein details of the three-day stay in Baghdad of Al-Qaeda terrorist Muhammad Atta. He was responsible for the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in the United States and was on one of the planes.

According to a note dated July 1, 2001, shortly before the terrorist attack, Atta was trained at the Baghdad base of terrorist Abu Nidal. The former head of Iraqi intelligence characterizes Atta as a determined student.

The Iraqi Interim Governing Council stated that it periodically finds evidence of Hussein's connection with Al-Qaeda, but this note is the most compelling argument.

On this day, not a single Russian TV channel discussed this information.

TV channels showed a scruffy Saddam Hussein, overgrown with long hair and a beard. He hid in this basement for several months. A bag containing 700 thousand dollars was found next to him.

The Americans brought Sadam to their military base, and he is soon to appear in court in Iraq, where there will be international representatives.

This is how the prophecy of the Revelation of John was fulfilled, where in chapter 15, verse two it says: “And I saw as it were a sea of ​​glass mixed with fire; and those who conquered the beast, and his image, and his mark, and the number of his name, stand on that sea of ​​glass.”

A sea of ​​glass mixed with fire is the tragedy in New York on September 11, 2001. The terrorist attack of the Islamists of Iraq and Iran, Al-Qaeda, Taliban, Hezbollah, led by the Kremlin and Lubyanka; terrorist attack by Islamists who sent planes to buildings World shopping center, similar to the number 11.

The face of the devil was clearly visible in the smoke above the first tower, filmed by CNN. And the number of the name of the beast 666 is associated with the number 11 and the date September 11, 2001. The coincidence of events and names of terrorists with the number 11, the telephone code of Iraq and Iran is 119, which in the sum of the numbers 11 seems incredible. The number 11 is a symbol of tragic transformation, a sign of life and of death.

“And they that conquered the beast, and his image, and his mark, and the number of his name, stand on that sea of ​​glass.”

Those who defeated the beast were the lightning war of the United States against the terrible regime of Saddam Hussein, led by the Kremlin and Lubyanka, which lasted 21 days from March 20 to April 11, 2003. But the fight against the main beast of the Apocalypse - the fourth beast - still lies ahead.

In March 2016 at home page Facebook I read the material

“Evidence of the involvement of Putin’s intelligence services in the attack on America on September 11, 2001.

These facts became a revelation for me. It turns out that the attack on the New York towers on September 11, 2001 was carried out by a resident of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Ministry of Defense in the Middle East, IMAD MUGHNIYE, NICKNAMED HYENA.

He is a former ally of Yasser Arafat and the leader of the Hezbollah movement. He organized the bombings of American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.

The Hyena group killed unwanted Egyptian politicians and Anwar Sadat in the 80s.

Iraq was involved in organizing the 9-11 terrorist attack. The article contains a secret document from the head of an Iraqi air base calling for the active recruitment of suicide bombers for explosions in New York. Iraqi intelligence was closely connected with Lubyanka, and the terrorist Muhammad Atta met with an Iraqi diplomat in Prague. - an Iraqi intelligence agent before the terrorist attack. This employee of the Iraqi Embassy in the Czech Republic was preparing a terrorist attack against Radio Free Europe in Prague.

The current head of Al-Qaeda, Aiman ​​Zaharivi, is a long-time resident of Lubyanka, an accomplice in the preparation of the 9-11 terrorist attack, and spent six months interning in Russia with the FSB. Alexander Litvinenko reported: “Zakharivi is a long-time FSB agent who prepared a series of bombings in London. In 1998, Zakharivi was in Dagestan, trained at the FSB training base, after which he was transferred to Afghanistan, and his “teachers” were sent for promotion to Moscow.

On December 17, 2001, the Manhattan District Court recognized the involvement of Iran and Iraq, as well as the terrorist Magnier-Guiena, in organizing the terrorist attack in the United States on September 11, 2001.

The court found the involvement of Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda, sponsored by Iran, and the Taliban, as well as Iraq and Saddam Hussein, in organizing the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 in the United States.

Evidence of the role of Russian intelligence services in organizing this terrorist attack of the century has been proven. They were published in open sources. They are collected in the book “Old Square and International Terrorism.”

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 See also: Other events in 2003 ... Wikipedia

2003 in the history of railway transport- 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Portal:Railway transport See also: Other events in 2003 History of the metro in 2 ... Wikipedia

2003 in the theater- 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 Portal: Theater See also: Other events in 2003 Events in music and Events in cinema Contents ... Wikipedia

2003 in Canada- 2003 in Canadian history 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 ... Wikipedia

2003 in science- 2001 – 2002 2003 2004 – 2005 See also: Other events in 2003 There were various scientific and technological events in 2003, some of which are presented below. Contents 1 Events ... Wikipedia

2003 in football- 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 See also: Other events in 2003 This article describes the events that occurred in football in 2003. Contents 1 ... Wikipedia

2003 in the history of the metro- 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 See also: Other events in 2003 History of railway transport in 2003 History of public transport in 2003 This article lists the main events in the history of subways... Wikipedia

2003 in boxing- 2003 in boxing. Years in boxing 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Decades in boxing 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s 2020s 2030s Centuries in boxing 20th century in boxing 21st century boxing XXII century Contents ... Wikipedia

2003 in the history of public transport- 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 See also: Other events in 2003 Other events in the history of the metro Other events in railway transport This article lists the main events in the history of public... Wikipedia

2003 in games- 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Full list of years See also: Other events in 2003 Events of September 11th Half Life 2 source code leak Releases January 12th Pa ... Wikipedia


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