Make a rotary mechanism for the door yourself. Roto-door - what kind of beast is it? Installation of revolving doors

When asked which door is more suitable than others for small and cramped spaces, many of us answer: a sliding door or a folding door. But most of the respondents are simply not aware that new ones have appeared today unique systems- roto sliding doors.

They are so convenient, functional and original that saving space is not the only argument in favor of purchasing them.

Installation of rotating doors

A unique roto mechanism was proposed and patented by the famous Russian company"Sofia." Today they are produced by several manufacturers.

The rotating mechanism is equipped with a roller that easily moves along a special groove in the upper part of the box, ensuring easy and silent opening and closing. The door rotates around its axis, simultaneously moving to the side, but remains inside the frame.

Dimensions and design

Ready-made revolving doors are produced in standard sizes, but if necessary, they can always be made to order for a ready-made individual opening. Moreover, it can be either single-leaf or double-leaf.

As for the design, they can be made of any material, including glass, solid wood, MDF (see), plastic, etc. Moreover, almost any canvas that suits you in size and design can be equipped with a rotating mechanism.

Fittings and accessories

The accessories for them include, in addition to a rotary-sliding mechanism, a special magnetic lock with a handle and brush seal.

As a rule, all fittings are cut in and installed in production using a special professional tool, which greatly simplifies the installation of such a door in place and ensures reliability and long-term operation.

Advantages and disadvantages of rotary doors


  • Any interior door can be made as a rotary door, except all-glass.
  • Doors are supplied fully equipped, with assembled mechanisms, which reduces time and labor costs for their installation.
  • Rotary doors are universal- can open in both directions.
  • Thanks to the original magnetic lock, the door is securely fixed in the frame and does not open due to drafts.
  • Narthex Density and, accordingly, heat leakage and protection of the room from penetration into it extraneous sounds and dust, is ensured by a brush seal.
  • The door can be used in very small and narrow spaces: thanks to the rotating mechanism in open position it extends less than half into each adjacent room.
  • Ease of use for people with limited mobility.
  • Ease of use for both right-handed and left-handed people.
  • No sagging- the main problem of swing doors.

You can see for yourself the convenience, functionality and ease of use of such systems by watching a video about rotary doors or by personally contacting a salon that sells and installs them.


Despite a lot of advantages, rotary doors also have some disadvantages, which it is better to know about in advance.

  • High price- perhaps the main, but temporary drawback. Today, doors with a rotating mechanism are ultra-modern and, like everything new and super fashionable, they are not cheap. However, the high cost also depends on quality materials, used for the manufacture of mechanisms that must withstand significant loads.
  • If you like exclusively massive doors , which are heavy, it is also better to abandon the rotary mechanism, since its service life may not be as long as expected.
  • Finally, this modern solution Not suitable for every interior style. If your apartment is decorated in a deliberately rustic (Provence) or, on the contrary, luxuriously antique (Baroque, Empire) style, then rotating doors will bring obvious disharmony to the interior.

Installation of revolving doors

People who are accustomed to doing a lot of things with their own hands are, of course, concerned with the question of whether such doors can be installed independently. In principle, it is possible, especially if the door is ordered from a good company and is already equipped with all the necessary fittings and detailed instructions. But it’s still better not to risk the guarantee and a lot of money paid for the product, and hire professionals.

But it is necessary to properly prepare the opening for installation and supervise the work of specialists.

Preparing the opening

As is the case with almost all other door systems, rotary doors are installed in a fully formed opening after finishing work is completed.

What does it mean:

Checking the completeness

The rotary door kit should include:

  • A ready-to-install door leaf with an embedded magnetic lock and production-made technological holes and grooves.
  • Ready-to-assemble door frame with built-in mechanism.
  • Brush seal.
  • Telescopic platbands.
  • If necessary, a set of extensions for finishing wide slopes.

To the standard question, which doors are better for a home, most people will answer without hesitation that these are sliding doors, since they can significantly save usable area premises. Only a few familiar with new products modern market, will answer this question differently - they will highlight the so-called rotary door, which in all its parameters and performance characteristics is many times superior to all its relatives. At least, that’s what its developers say, but is it really so, we’ll just have to figure it out in this article, in which, together with the website, we’ll study the design of a rotary door, the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the technology for its installation.

Roto door photo

Roto door: design features

By by and large, a rotary door can safely be called a hybrid, which combines not only the operating principles of sliding, swing and sliding doors, but also all their advantages, leaving virtually no room for shortcomings. The culprit of this alliance is a special mechanism that sets a unique trajectory of the door during its operation - it simultaneously moves to the side and swings open, making a rotational movement, which is where its name comes from. Such doors can work in two directions - if we draw analogies, then it can open both towards itself and away from itself, without taking up useful space on either side.

As you already understand, the whole secret of such doors lies in the unique rotary-sliding rotary door mechanism, which structurally consists of two parts. A grooved track that is installed at the top, a swivel hinge with a roller that allows the door to both easily rotate and move along the top track. A special lever is mounted at the bottom of the door leaf, connected to the upper mechanism by an axis of rotation, which is built into one of the pillars of the door frame - thanks to this lever, a fixed position of the leaf in space is ensured. Simply put, this lever holds the blade in a strictly vertical position, despite its position in doorway.

Roto door mechanism photo

Yes, the mechanism is complex, which entails an equally difficult installation technology - to make this process a little easier for installers, interior rotary doors are supplied assembled. In fact, all that remains is to install them in the doorway. Which, on the one hand, is an undeniable advantage - by the way, such positive points Roto has quite a lot of doors. Let's talk about them in a little more detail.

Advantages and disadvantages of turning and sliding doors

There are quite a lot of advantages that a rotary door has - it is easier to list their disadvantages, which is what we will do from the very beginning. In addition, it is much easier to determine their actual value based on the shortcomings of a product. The negative aspects of such doors can easily be attributed to three main points.

As you can see, these doors have no disadvantages, even if we consider them performance characteristics. If we talk about the advantages, then we can highlight a lot of advantages. Let's get acquainted with the main ones.

  1. Their most important advantage is their versatility. They performed well in both large and small spaces. When open, they protrude from the doorway by less than half their width - in the case of a 600mm leaf, this dimension is only 260mm. Even if the corridor is only 80cm wide, such doors will not cause any inconvenience. In addition, they open in any direction - both towards themselves and away from themselves. These doors are neither left nor right.
  2. Simple installation of a roto door, accessible for independent implementation - as mentioned above, they are delivered fully assembled, and the master only needs to secure it in the doorway. We'll talk about this in more detail a little later.

In addition to these two main advantages, we can highlight such points as high heat and energy, which is provided by special brushes. Ease of use (such doors are recommended for use in premises inhabited by people with limited mobility) and, naturally, unusual way a discovery that may seem outlandish to many of your friends.

You can see all the advantages described above with your own eyes by watching this video, which also shows the technology for assembling such doors.

Installation of interior rotary doors: subtleties and nuances

As can be seen from the video, the technology for assembling roto doors is quite complex process, which is shown here in detail, and it is, in principle, possible for a competent person to reproduce it independently. Moreover, such products in most cases are supplied in the form ready-made elements and is complemented by detailed instructions - it will not be difficult to assemble. It is much more difficult and important to maintain some nuances, which will be discussed further. Special attention you will need to pay attention to formation, and this needs to be done at the repair stage - it should be understood that such high-tech doors are installed at the final stage of repair. When all other work has already been completed.

The following requirements are put forward for the doorway for such doors.

These requirements entail one necessity. If the standard purchase of doors is carried out at the end of the renovation, then it is better to purchase doors of this type in advance so that the opening can be formed in accordance with them. Alternatively, you can simply have an assembly drawing that shows all the required dimensions. Again, this is not a very good solution, since already having rotary doors, the rest of the interior of the room can be formed around them.

In general, to sum up, we can only say one thing - the question of how to install a rotary door is, on the one hand, easy to solve, but on the other, not so easy. This is due to their complex mechanism, the assembly of which is best left to a professional - you can only prepare the opening yourself. In principle, if the purchased roto door is ready for installation, then it is also not difficult to install it yourself.

Interior design never stops evolving. Buyers are becoming more and more demanding, and design solutions are becoming more sophisticated. New trends have also affected door structures. One of the latest such solutions was the invention of rotary doors. In competition with classic hinged and sliding doors, the roto door is becoming increasingly popular. This is not surprising, because the design feature allows you to save space, and in design, such doors fit very well into popular interior design styles, such as hi-tech and minimalism.

The operating principle on which rotary doors are designed is to simultaneously rotate the door leaf and move it to the side. This happens along a certain trajectory.

The rotary door opening system consists of two main elements: a guide, which is mounted on top of the doorway, and a hinge unit placed directly on the door leaf.

The hinge sets the position of the door leaf relative to the plane of the doorway, and the guide ensures movement in this plane. The rotary doors operate completely silently, they open in both directions and require minimal effort to open.

Types of doors

The variety of rotary doors is in no way inferior to doors of other designs. Actually, the only unique thing is the mechanism that sets the rotary door apart from others. Main criterion when choosing a material - a light weight designs. For example use:


Thanks to its unique design, the roto door compares favorably with other door mechanisms.

  • Easy to use. Roto the door mechanism is only slightly inferior in simplicity to the hinged mechanism, and significantly outperforms sliding doors. The main element of this mechanism is a guide with a groove along which the hinge moves.
  • Since the door leaf can open in any direction, they are very suitable for installation in apartments where children, elderly people or people with disabilities live. disabilities.

  • Due to the fact that the rotor mechanism is mounted on the axis of the center of mass of the door leaf, sagging is completely eliminated. This also ensures maximum smoothness when turning the door.
  • Space saving. When open, interior rotary doors protrude only slightly beyond the level of the walls. Whereas standard doors take up space in the room equal to the size of the door. There are designs in which the door leaf is divided into two parts adjacent to the jambs.

Interior rotary doors occupy half the space.


Despite the many advantages, doors with a rotary mechanism also have some disadvantages.

  • Product price. The high cost is due to the high cost of materials and high requirements for technical support door production.
  • Limitations on the weight of the door leaf and the impossibility of mounting the structure on walls less than eight centimeters thick.
  • Does not fit well into interiors made in classical and historical styles.


Technically the right decision will entrust the installation of the roto mechanism to specialists. But in reality this process is not represents a great complexity. Moreover, the doors come with instructions that describe the installation of the rotary door in detail. So those who have already carried out renovations in the apartment themselves can easily install the rotary door mechanism with their own hands.

This process can be divided into three stages:

Sections of the article:

Lack of free space is one of the problems of small living spaces. To save space in an apartment or house, a rotary door was developed. Innovative technology in such a design can be considered a rotary-sliding mechanism. In terms of functionality, this new product in the world of doors is far superior to its predecessors.

Design features

The system is a hybrid of folding, swing and swing door structures. Its operation is based on a retractable rotary mechanism. It radically changes the position of the sash during its opening and closing.

The door consists of two main components:

  • Guide block;
  • Lever system.

These nodes include the following elements:

  • Guide;
  • Upper arm;
  • Top bar with carriage;
  • Support rod;
  • Bottom bar;
  • Lower arm.

Rotary mechanism design

A guide with grooves is installed in the door frame, its upper part. To facilitate rotation of the door leaf, it is equipped with a special rotary hinge, which moves using a roller. The hinge assembly also ensures smooth movement along the door leaf guide.

The upper part of the structure is connected using a vertical rod to the lower lever, which is built into the door leaf. The axis of rotation serves as a connecting link between the upper and lower node. This lever design allows you to fix the rotary door strictly vertically in any position during movement.

Principle of operation

The built-in mechanism creates a special trajectory along which the door leaf moves. At this time, two processes occur simultaneously:

  • Opening;
  • Moving to the side.

When opening, the mechanism moves the door to the side, rotating the leaf around its axis. The rotational movement underlying the operating principle gave the name to the new type of rotary doors. In addition to this feature, such doors can open in two opposite directions: both forward and backward.

Free movement is ensured by a special hinge. It works together with a roller connected to it. The hinge assembly fits into the groove and moves along the upper guide bar. This results in silent opening and smooth movement of the door leaf.

Types of doors

Doors are classified according to several indicators. Let's look at the possible categories.

The first indicator is the material from which they are made. door system. Possible use:

  • Trees;
  • Glass;

Combinations of several materials can also be used.

The determining indicator in the choice of material is the weight of the door leaf. The lighter the sash, the longer the rotation mechanism will last. The best option there will be doors made of composite materials.

Decoration can be varied, it provides a large number of options. Variety of textures and colors correct selection style will suit any most sophisticated interior.

The dimensions of the roto door correspond to generally accepted standards. The width of the sash can be made in the range of 40–90 cm, and the height is always 210 cm. According to the design, the leaves used can be single-leaf or double-leaf. The choice depends on the functionality requirements.

Door systems are available in mechanical and automatic versions. The cost will depend on the control mechanism. In the second option it will be significantly higher.


The use of revolving doors is associated with big amount advantages. The very first of them is significant space savings. For standard swing door You will need a space equal to the width of the door. At the same time, to open, space is needed for the semicircle that the canvas describes.

In the case of a roto door, you will need significantly less space. The opening dimensions will be reduced by more than half. It is very convenient to use such a mechanism in narrow corridors small apartments.

In addition, operation is associated with a number of other advantages.

Functionality. Opening can be done in mutually opposite directions. Therefore, when choosing, it does not matter whether the door is left or right. Reliable fixation of the canvas in closed position, which is provided by a high-quality magnetic lock.

Easy to install. The design is supplied fully assembled, which significantly reduces and facilitates installation.

Long service life. The system is designed in such a way that it prevents the fabric from sagging over time.

The design of the rotary door is universal and will easily fit into any, even the narrowest space.


High quality innovative design requires large investments. Interior rotary doors are manufactured automatically on special installations. Hence the high cost of production. This is the most significant drawback.

It should also be noted that the weight of the canvas is limited. If you prefer massive materials, in this case the roto mechanism cannot be used for heavy doors. Cloths that are heavy will quickly render your structure unusable.


You can always use the services of installers who will perform quick installation. But in order to save money, you can install the door yourself. Any package is supplied with detailed installation instructions. The main thing is to adhere to a certain sequence during the work process.

The installation can be divided into several stages:

  • Checking the completeness;
  • Preparatory work for the doorway;
  • Installation;
  • Adjustment.

Each stage has its own characteristics that must be taken into account throughout the work. Let's take a closer look at the order of work.

Checking the completeness

In order to carry out the installation correctly, you must ensure that all components are fully present. This includes:

  • Door leaf with built-in lock and mounting holes;
  • Box with built-in guide mechanism;
  • Telescopic platbands;
  • Seal.

The door structure is supplied high-quality fittings, which is characterized by strength and durability. Also included is an installation kit with a hex adjustment wrench. After checking the configuration, you can proceed to the next stage.

Preparatory work for the doorway

This is a very important stage, because to install the door frame, exact matching of dimensions is necessary. Therefore, the following requirements are imposed on the quality of the opening:

The gap between the box and the wall should be minimal. It must fit within the maximum deviation parameter - 5 mm. The wall around the entire perimeter must have same size. The end planes of the opening must be aligned so that they strictly correspond to the horizontal and vertical levels.

In installation cases regular doors, the deviation can vary within 30 mm. And discrepancies along the entire length can be corrected by polyurethane foam.

If standard doors are installed at the end repair work, in the case of a rotary door, you need to take care of the opening in advance. It must be made in accordance with the dimensions and requirements for them, and the ends must be prepared for installation. Otherwise, installation will be very difficult.

Installation procedure

Before starting assembly, be sure to adjust the length of the guide bar. It is cut on one side only. The cutting plane is indicated by the manufacturer in the form of a guide arrow. After this, you can begin the main work.

They are performed in the following sequence:

The vertical and horizontal parts of the box are aligned strictly perpendicularly; the cover guides must also be cut off in the indicated places, according to required sizes.

A box is inserted into an opening prepared to the required dimensions and the box is fixed using wooden spacers. The resulting cavity is filled polyurethane foam, after it has completely hardened, the spacers are removed. Remaining after spacers empty seats They are also blown in with polyurethane foam and after it has hardened, you can begin installing the canvas.

The door leaf is inserted into the guide strip and secured with built-in fittings. If necessary, the opening is supplemented with extensions that adjust the width of the box. The last stage installation is done by mounting and fixing the platbands. You can see in more detail how a rotary door is installed in the video presented.


After complete assembly, it is necessary to carry out work to adjust the position of the blade. This condition is mandatory for the correct functioning of the system.

To do this, you will need a level with which you can adjust the verticality of the canvas. For these purposes, an adjusting screw with a lock is located in the upper part of the mechanism. Its rotation can be done with a special hex key, which is included in the repair kit. By turning the screw, it is necessary to fix the rotary door in a strictly vertical position.

After performing the adjustment work, the functionality of the entire structure is checked. The door should open freely, move smoothly and close tightly. All rubbing surfaces must be lubricated. To make it work quality construction, you must be careful and attentive throughout the entire assembly process.

Rotary door opening diagram Rotary door– the latest design with optimal organization of free space in the room with an improved opening mechanism. It originally appeared in the design doorways public premises (hospitals, supermarkets, restaurants, hotels). With fashion trends in the world of design and the desire for minimalism in the interior, it has become relevant to use interior doors with a rotary (turn and slide) mechanism in residential premises.

The practicality and comfort of these structures makes their installation in apartments and houses profitable:
- conditional zoning of space, doors do not interfere with free movement;
- for apartments with small square footage and narrow, inconvenient passages;
- if among the residents there are small children and people with limited mobility;
- to implement various design solutions, they are beautiful and original.

Rotary doors

The principle of opening a rotary door

A unique opportunity to open the canvas, both from the left and right side. A rotary door, like a product with a pendulum mechanism, allows you to move the door in any direction, just like a sliding door and a sliding door save space. When turning, the leaf does not go completely beyond the boundaries of the door perimeter, but becomes perpendicular to the frame, half remains outside the room and the other inside. Opens easily, effortlessly, silently. The magnetic lock ensures safe closing, which fixes the door securely in the frame, saves heat, and prevents noise penetration.

Requirements for the doorway

The doorway must be for standard leaves (400 - 900 mm wide and 2100 mm high);
- between the vertical and horizontal slats of the box the error should not exceed 5 mm;
- the same thickness of the walls of the opening around the entire perimeter;
- the presence of a flat floor without differences with a uniform coating.

You can order a door based on your personal project ( various sizes and design of the door leaf), in this case the parameters of the opening are determined individually.

The structure is installed after finishing works for room renovation.

Rotary door in open position

Requirements for the material of manufacture and design of the canvas

Any door leaf can be equipped with a rotary-sliding mechanism. The only limitation is that a door with a solid glass panel cannot be used as a rotary door. Glass is heavy and the weight door design with a rotary mechanism must not exceed 75 kg, also impossible to secure swivel mechanism. This problem can be solved by using glass in combination with plastic, wood, aluminum. Rotary design interior door depends on the general style of the room. Often such products are used for high-tech rooms with strict lines or, like flush doors, conveniently, the mechanism is completely hidden in the box.

The canvas can be either double or single.

Complete set of doors with a rotary mechanism

1. Door leaf with brush seal.
2. Door frame, ready for assembly.
3. Roto-mechanism (levers, guide, brush seal, fasteners, bushings for the door and axle, rod and lock).
4. Telescopic casing.
5. When installing in an opening whose thickness is more than 120 mm, an additional panel is provided.
