Variety of plants. What is plant species diversity? Diversity of plants on Earth. Flowering plants. Diversity of plants on earth diagram

The plant world, or flora of the Earth, is the totality of all types of nuclear, multicellular, photosynthetic plants found in. Most organisms are those that synthesize their food using solar energy, but there are also heterotrophic plants and very few species that are both autotrophs and heterotrophs. The history of life on Earth and the existence of many organisms literally depend on the life of plants. Since animals cannot obtain energy directly from the Sun, they must eat plants (or other animals that have a herbivorous diet) to survive. Plants also provide oxygen to people and animals because they absorb carbon dioxide c and release oxygen into the atmosphere.

Diversity of flora

Plants are common on land, in the oceans and in fresh water. They have existed on our planet for millions of years. The number of species of currently existing green plants is presented in the following table:

The table shows the total quantity various types green plants ( Viridiplantae). It is estimated that there are about 300,000 living species Viridiplantae, of which 85-90% are flowering plants. (Note from the author: Since the data is taken from different sources and has different dates, in some cases the calculations are subject to some uncertainty)

Differences between plants and animals


Eucalyptus regal

The flora of Australia is characterized by the presence of a large number of endemic species - plants that are not found anywhere else. Nevertheless, with the advent of settlers, many other “non-native” species took root on the mainland. Australian vegetation is characterized by the predominance of two types of plants - eucalyptus and acacia.


Asia has the greatest diversity of flora of any part of the world, as it occupies the most large area, is located in different climatic zones and natural areas. Here you can find more than 100 thousand species of plants, from tropical to arctic, which makes up about 40% of the Earth's flora. The mainland also has a large number of endemic plants.


Colobanthus Quito

Antarctica is the most inhospitable place on Earth for both plants and plants. There are no trees here, but only two types of flowering plants and many mosses, lichens, algae, etc. The continent is very fragile and is suffering due to climate change and human activities.


Euphorbia thorn

Africa is the second largest continent in the world and is home to many unique plants. The flora of the mainland is divided into three main ones -, and. At the same time, they do not have a wide species diversity, because this biome is characterized by difficult climatic conditions, including high temperatures and drought. The Sahara Desert, located in northern Africa, is one of the driest places on Earth. However, African wet evergreens contain a wide variety of plants.


Despite the fact that Europe is located on the same continent as Asia, called Eurasia, it does not have such a rich species diversity of flora as its eastern neighbor. The flora of Europe is largely influenced by the Alps mountain range, which stretches from west to east.

North America

In the territory North America The main biomes of the planet are located, from deserts to arctic tundras. Each biome is characterized by a collection of certain plant species that have adapted to grow in certain environmental conditions.

South America

South America, like Asia, is home to a huge variety of plant species. There is a huge ecosystem here that supports the life of many plants.

The meaning of the plant world

The importance of plants in human life

Plants serve as the foundation of all life on Earth and are important and necessary for human well-being. Think about how your everyday life depends on the plants.

  • Air: Oxygen comes to us from plants as a byproduct of photosynthesis.
  • Food: Everything we eat comes directly or indirectly from plants. Throughout human history, approximately 7,000 different plant species have been used by humans as food.
  • Water: plants regulate - they help distribute and cleanse. They also help move water through a process called transpiration.
  • Medicines: one quarter of all prescription drugs come directly from or are derived from plants. In addition, four out of five people worldwide today rely on primary health care settings.
  • Vitamins: Plants are the largest source of vitamins necessary for the human body.
  • Cloth: plants are a major source of raw materials for textile materials.
  • Culture: images of some plants are used on national emblems, including trees and flowers.
  • Furniture and housing: The wood of the plants is used in the construction of houses and also for making furniture.
  • Aesthetic pleasure: The presence of plants in people's lives allows them to enjoy their appearance and relieves stress. That's why many people grow ornamental plants in houses and garden plots.

The meaning of plants in nature

Amazon rainforests

The environment and climate are largely interconnected with flora. Precipitation, humidity and temperature depend on the presence and nature of vegetation. The reduction of plants also disturbs the balance in and indirectly affects human life.

  • Food chains: In every food chain, plants are found at the base and lead the chain as a source of food. For example: Grass → Cow → Lion; Grass → Insect → Frog → Snake → Eagle. Here the plant begins the chain, and other animals depend on it directly or indirectly. Without plants there can be no life on Earth.
  • Habitat: Of course, in addition to the vast number of people, plants form the basis of all habitats.
  • Climate: Plants accumulate carbon, which is released into the atmosphere when burned.
  • Soil erosion: plants growing in the soil in sufficient quantities prevent wind erosion (when, in times of wind, fertile upper layer soil is carried away by air).
  • Ecological balance: plants help reduce heat and prevent moisture evaporation. Thus, they are environmentally beneficial.
  • Precipitation support: Plants and trees have a cooling effect on the atmosphere, leading to precipitation. Therefore, rain in deserts is an extremely rare occurrence.
  • Soil fertility: plants maintain soil fertility. Fallen leaves, fruits, etc. rot in the soil and humus is formed, which in turn increases soil fertility, as it is favorable for microorganisms.
  • Habitat: plants - best places habitat for birds and animals, including monkeys, squirrels, etc. Birds build their nests in trees for egg laying, sleeping, hunting and safety. In forests, animals can take shelter under trees in extreme heat and rain. They also provide food for many (earthworms), insects, rodents, etc.

Threats to the flora


There are a huge number of species of flora on our planet, both recorded and unstudied or even unnamed. However, while the threat to the existence of many wild animals is now widely recognized, few people know that plants are also in great danger. In February 2015, the Center for Biological Diversity stated: "Of more than 300,000 known species Plants The IUCN has assessed only 12,914 species, finding that about 68% of the plant species assessed are at risk of extinction."

Vast areas of deserts around the world indicate the destruction of vegetation by humans. Much of the Middle East is now desert or is being redeveloped at great expense. Once upon a time there were many forests in the Mediterranean, now these lands are bare and eroded. In many parts of Africa and India, cattle and goats wander the rocky plains, eating any patch of greenery that appears in the barren lands that were once good pasture. Overgrazing by domestic and wild animals is, in fact, the biggest threat to plants, although "raids" of botanists and other enthusiasts on some beautiful plants sometimes entail serious losses for rare species.

Perhaps people forget that all our cultivated plants and garden flowers come from wild flora. Equally important is the fact that plants provide a high proportion of medicines in modern world. Who knows what secret treasures for humanity are still locked away among the vegetation, waiting to be discovered. Tropical rainforests are among the most vulnerable habitats on the planet, containing 63% of the world's most threatened plant species.

One of the most serious threats to flora is the conversion of natural habitats into areas for agricultural use and livestock farming, for example when rainforests are destroyed for grazing or growing soybeans, animal feed, or oil palms. Ancient woodlands are special because they have been standing for at least 400 years and provide the basis for biodiversity as well as supporting abundant wildlife.

Plant protection

Protection of flora - a set of measures aimed at protecting existing plants and especially endangered species. The main document that lists plants that are subject to protection is the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red Book.

The IUCN Red List has clear criteria for assessing the extinction risks of thousands of species and subspecies. These criteria are relevant for all species and regions of the world. The goal is to convey the importance of conservation issues to the public and national governments, and to help the international community try to reduce species extinction. According to the IUCN, the stated objectives of the Red List are to:

  • provide scientifically sound information on the status of species and subspecies at the global level;
  • draw attention to the scale and importance of endangered flora;
  • influence national and international policy and decision-making;
  • provide information for possible plant conservation actions.

One of the most important conservation actions is the creation of national parks, nature reserves, nature reserves, botanical gardens, etc. These environmental sites make it possible to preserve natural environment plant habitats and protect them from overexploitation by humans.

Plants can be found everywhere on our planet, even in the most remote corners with harsh climates. They not only decorate the Earth, but also purify the air, are food and building material. The diversity of plants is amazing: in nature there are very tiny specimens, and real giants, reaching several tens of meters.

Algae are inhabitants of water that differ from other plants in their simplest structure. They do not have roots, stems or leaves, and they absorb nutrients with their entire body.

The sizes of algae can be very different. There are absolutely tiny algae that can only be seen under a microscope. In summer, water “blooms” when it becomes saturated green color. This color is given to the water by single-celled green algae.

In nature, there are also specimens that can reach a length of 40 meters. Such algae grow in the seas and oceans.

Rice. 1. Algae.

Small algae float freely in the water, while large ones attach to the bottom and form a real underwater jungle. The color can also be very different: brown, green, red.

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Algae play a big role in nature:

  • are food for water inhabitants;
  • enrich water with oxygen;
  • purify water from putrefactive bacteria;
  • serve as a component of many medicines.


Mosses are small plants, the height of which does not exceed a few centimeters. These are one of the most ancient inhabitants of the planet, which appeared much earlier than dinosaurs.

Since mosses do not have true roots, they may appear weak and fragile at first glance. But this is not true at all. Mosses are extremely hardy plants, able to survive in the harshest climates. But they prefer to live in damp, shady corners of the forest.

Externally, mosses are very similar to sponges and are able to absorb water. If you take a piece of moss in your hand and squeeze it, a lot of water will flow out of it.

Ferns are one of the most ancient plants, widely distributed around the globe, but most often found in moist forests. These plants were able to adapt to different living conditions, and are able to grow not only in the soil, but also on trees, in rock cracks, even in the desert.

The sizes of ferns range from very tiny to large tree-like forms up to 25 m high. They are distinguished by beautiful long leaves that look like feathers.

Rice. 2. Ferns.

Ferns have a root, a short stem and large leaves, but they never bloom. These plants do not have seeds. Instead, they form spores, with the help of which they reproduce.

Coniferous plants

Main difference coniferous trees- the shape of leaves that resemble needles. These are needles, thanks to which trees can grow in regions with cold climates. In winter, instead of shedding their leaves like all other trees, conifers retain their needles. They change once every few years.

Coniferous plants include larch, fir, pine, spruce, cedar, and juniper.

Flowering plants

Flowering plants are the most widespread on our planet. They can be found on any landmass, from Antarctica to the Arctic.

home distinguishing feature of all flowering plants - the formation of flowers, which, after withering, form fruits with seeds. Once in the ground, the seeds germinate - this is how flowering plants reproduce.

Rice. 3. Lily of the valley.

All cultivated plants that humans have bred are representatives of this plant department.

Table “Plant diversity”






Lower plants

Live in water

Higher plants

Lives in moist, shaded areas, very hardy, does not have flowers


In the form of needles - needles

Seeds are produced in cones

Almost all representatives are evergreen


Grassy or woody

Leaf plate

Flowers that produce fruits with seeds

Differ in great variety

What have we learned?

When studying the topic “Plant Diversity” according to the 3rd grade program of the surrounding world, we learned how large and diverse the plant world is. We found out that in nature there are lower plants with a simple structure, and higher plants, which differ more complex structure and a variety of forms.

Test on the topic

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Lesson plant diversity

Teacher's goals :

Educational: create conditions for familiarization with the diversity of groups of the plant kingdom; formation of ideas about a plant as a living organism.

Educational: promote the development of skills to identify significant features, establish the causes and consequences of natural phenomena.

Educational: promote a caring attitude towards nature.

Equipment: crossword “Plants”; diagrams “Groups of plants”, “Signs of plant life”; test; illustrations medicinal plants, herbariums.

Lesson script

I. Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

We love the forest at any time season,

We hear the rivers speaking slowly...

All this is called nature,

Let's always take care of her!

In the meadows of daisies sunny color,

Such that it is brighter to live in the world...

All this is called nature,

Let's be friends with nature!

II. Checking homework.

What importance does soil have to us? Why should the soil be protected?

ToCan soil be classified as living or non-living nature?( V Soil contains components of inanimate nature - clay, sand, air, water, salts, and living ones - bacteria.)

III. Communicating the topic of the lesson and setting goals.

RLet's solve the crossword puzzle and determine the topic of our today's lesson.

Crossword "Plants"

1. It’s not fire, it burns.(Nettle.)

2. Little red nesting doll, little white heart.(Raspberries.)

3. What kind of tree stands -

There is no wind, but the leaf is shaking?(Aspen.)

4. The last smile of autumn.

Star in the flowerbed(Aster.)

5. Sticky buds, green leaves.

With white bark, they grow under the mountain.(Birch.)

6. The branch in the bunch is dressed up 7. Takes from my flower

Violet color. The bee has the most delicious honey.

It's on a hot summer day,(Linden.)

Bloomed in the garden...(lilac.) 8. The dress got lost

The buttons remain.(Rowan.)

Today in class we will talk about part of living nature -plants .

There is nothing more beautiful than flowers

Those who came to the palisades and dwellings.

They came from depth of centuries,

To make life more sublime and purer.

(S. Krasikov.)

d The children recite the poem by heart:

They live slowlydtrees,

They've been standing still for a century,

Rooted inhI mean,

Stretching branches toWithto the sun.

They are not looking for anything

They don't ask for anything -

They only need so little:

Light, Earth, Water andVeter –

What you don't need to look for

Something that is given to everyone for free.

And alsodtrees need

So thaththe earth was beautiful

And they livedtrees,

Decorating ourhI mean:

The beauty of thin branches,

The beauty of mighty trunks,

Indescribable beauty

Your eternal kindness!..

(B. Zakhoder. Why trees don’t walk.)

IV. Updating basic knowledge. Introduction to the topic.


What is a plant?

Plants - These are the bodies of living nature. On Earth there are the most various plants by type, height, age. During the lesson we will talk about the diversity of plants in nature, and will help us with thisbotany – plant science.

Name the groups of plants known to you, give examples.

Fill indiagram:

What importance do plants have in human life?

What trees, shrubs, and herbs grow in our region?

Where do wild plants grow?(In the forest, in the mountains, on reservoirs, meadows.)

What plants are called cultivated?

Where do cultivated plants grow?(Field, garden, vegetable garden.)

Give examples of wild and cultivated plants.

Practical work (work in pairs).

Like any living organism, a plant has organs. Let's carry out practical work and learn to identify organs in plants. Take herbariums. We work in pairs. Help each other.

1. Identify the organ that strengthens the plant in the soil.(Root.)

2. A tree has one, but a bush has many.(Stem.)

3. When it grows, it turns green, when it flies, it turns yellow, when it falls, it turns black.(Sheet.)

4. Bright, fragrant...(flower) .

5. It can be tasty and juicy, but it can also be dry and hard.. (Fetus.)

6. A new plant grows from it.(Seed.)



1. Which of these plants is grown in gardens?

A)Pwheat; b) plum; c) tomato.

2. Which of these cultivated plants do people grow in their gardens?

A)Rfire; b) spruce; c) cucumbers.

3. Which of these cultivated plants do people grow in the fields?

A)dynya; b) oats; c) apple tree.

4. Which of these cultivated plants do people grow in melon fields?

A)Witheyelids; b) watermelons; c) potatoes.

5. What can you call fruits in one word? garden trees?

A)Ovegetables; b) fruits; c) root vegetables.

Answers: 1-b. 2-in. 3-b. 4-b. 5 B.

Peer review of work.

V. Learning new material.

1. Plant kingdom.

b Yeseda.

Why are plants considered living organisms?

What does a plant need to grow and develop?

We looked at plants that have all the organs, but it turns out that in nature there are also plants that do not have a fruit or flower or leaves. And some manage to exist even without a root. What kind of plants are these?

Let's take an amazing journey into the kingdom. Yes, yes, don't be surprised. The fairy-tale word “kingdom” is also scientific - this is how scientists call the plant world. Queen Flora rules the plant kingdom. Together with Flora, we will get acquainted with the inhabitants of her kingdom. Let's start with the simplest ones.


The teacher demonstrates the herbarium.

Seaweed - plants that live mainly in water. This is very amazing plants. They have no roots, no stems, no leaves, no flowers or fruits with seeds. They consist of identical cells - one or many. They live in salty sea and fresh water, they can live on tree trunks, feeding on drops of rain and dew, and they can also live in an aquarium. Did you guess it? Name these plants.

Some algae survive in very hot water(+80 °C), and there are also those that freeze into ice, and when they thaw they begin to move. Chlorella algae has even been to space spaceship. It releases oxygen more than other plants. Sea kale is a seaweed, kelp. It is rich in iodine, which strengthens the human body.

Some seaweeds look like brown ribbons up to several tens of meters long. Algae never have leaves, stems or roots.

Mosses - small plants of simple structure growing in damp places. Mosses have stems and leaves, but they do not have roots, flowers, or fruits with seeds. Mosses originated from algae; they can be found in damp, gloomy places, in swamps, in spruce forests, in crevices between stones.

Moss is not a flowering plant, but a capsule of spores that mosses use to reproduce.

Ferns - plants with large, feather-like leaves. Ferns have stems and roots, but do not have flowers or fruits with seeds. The leaves of the fern are large, their petioles are covered with brown scales, and the young leaves are curled like a snail. In hot countries, fern leaves grow upward like a branch for several years. It is not for nothing that fern leaves are called flat fronds. Coal was formed from dead ferns.

Let us remember the holiday of Ivan Kupala that existed in Rus', when real and mythical flowers became the occasion for dancing, singing and funny jokes, as well as the search for the mysterious Perunov fireflower (Perun - the pagan god of lightning) - a fern flower, which, according to legend, bloomed only at the height of the summer equinox, on the night from the sixth to the seventh of July, and could reveal the secrets of underground treasures. However, see flowering plant it was very difficult, because the flower was guarded by evil spirits and forest divas, who brought various troubles upon people.

On the night of Ivan Kupala, bonfires were lit on high hills, fields were shrouded in thick smoke, cattle were fumigated, people jumped over the bright flames. All these were rites of purification and protection of the future harvest, all living things from dark forces.

After that, everyone started having fun. The youth collected flowers, sang songs, and danced around the fires. The bravest ones swam in the mysterious river at night. The girls used wreaths floating along the river to tell fortunes.

Coniferous plants - plants that have needle-shaped leaves - needles. Conifers do not have flowers or fruits. Their seeds ripen in cones. Coniferous plants include spruce, pine, larch, juniper and others. All conifers produce resin. It quickly appears in places where the trunk or branch is damaged and heals wounds. The resin is called “resin”. The leaves-needles do not fall off in the winter.

Flowering plants - plants that have roots and shoots. Flowers, fruits with seeds. This is the largest group.

Each flower is a star that has fallen from the sky. There is nothing more beautiful and tender on earth than flowers. Look(demonstrates) .

Flowers have always been loved by people. They gave each other flowers, thereby expressing their feelings: love, respect, gratitude, reverence.

Flowers, like people, are generous with goodness,

And, generously giving tenderness to people,

They bloom, warming hearts,

Like little warm fires.

(K. Genet.)

Can plants grow on rocks?(Yes, but only special ones. These are lichens , similar to green and orange spots.)

Physical education minute (see lesson 13, p. 87)

2. Plants in human life.


What importance do plants have in human life?(Students' answers.)

The teacher reads a poem and demonstrates a herbarium of medicinal plants:

Consider and remember these flowers,

They have so much warmth and earthly


Everything, man, that surrounds you,

Loves and heals you, protects you.

Don't trample the plantain leaf,

Heal an abrasion or a wound with it.

You're sick and the pharmacy is closed.

The jar of raspberry mama is open.

This is jam, it's also medicine,

The disease's insidiousness quickly disappears.

Mint will help on winter days,

In the summer, dry it and save it.

Brew tea in the winter cold,

Drink it and sleep until dawn.

Here is St. John's wort and chamomile next to it.

The flowers look at you with a tender gaze.

You, man, understand them,

Use them, don't abuse them.

(N.D. Kovalenko.)

Which medicinal herbs are they used for colds? ( w alpheus, thyme, basil, raspberry leaves and berries, etc.)

What medicinal herbs help in treating wounds?( h istotel, plantain, nettle decoction.)

Teacher's story about how the science of plants - botany - appeared.

Since ancient times, man, collecting and then cultivating plants, learned their useful and harmful properties. When excavating ancient buildings, archaeologists found seeds of various cereals, flax, poppy, peas, garden and many other plants. Already scientists Ancient Greece began to describe plants and make lists of them. This is how plant science came into being -botany , which received its name from the Greek word “botane” - “grass”.

For thousands of years, people collected edible fruits and berries, mushrooms, medicinal herbs in the forests, fished and hunted - and all this without harming nature. And now – as if they forgot that they are children of nature, children of the Earth! Imagine what will happen to us if we destroy all the forests: we will deprive ourselves of the most beautiful thing - communication with nature.

Despite the fact that on globe there are a lot of plants, a large number of them die. Many of them are listed in the Red Book and are protected. Which ones are you familiar with? Keep them safe!

VI. Repetition and consolidation of learned material.

What does "living organism" mean?(It breathes, eats, develops, reproduces, dies.)

Are the same conditions needed for different plants?( O students' answers.)

Toapusta, cucumbers, wheat - moisture-loving; cactus, wormwood, camel thorn - drought-resistant; lily of the valley, horsetail, fern are shade-tolerant; pine, cotton, grapes, coltsfoot - light-loving; moss, wormwood, spruce, birch - cold-loving; lemon, watermelon, melon, grapes are heat-loving.

What plants are called flowering plants?

What organs do all flowering plants have?

VII. Lesson summary.

Why is city greening important for people?

Why is it good for your health to take walks in the forest?

Around which plants is the air considered the healthiest?

Why and for what purpose was the Red Book of Plants created?

How many types of trees are there?

What did you learn that was useful for you in class today?

Will this knowledge be useful to you in life?

Have you expanded your knowledge base?

Did you enjoy the lesson?

I think you are convinced that the kingdom of Flora is diverse.Flora – translated into Russian means “plants”.

Homework: workbook, tasks no.3,4 , With.41 ; prepare a story (orally) about interesting plant on the topics: “My favorite flower”, “What I grew in the country, in the garden”, or draw favorite plant; textbook, p. 69–73.

To view the presentation with pictures, design and slides, download its file and open it in PowerPoint on your computer.
Text content of presentation slides:
Diversity of plants on Earth The world 1st grade Teacher MBOU ESOSH No. 1 Kravtsun M.G. Stanitsa Egorlykskaya, Rostov region

Ferns Many millions of years ago, these plants dominated the globe. Back then, ferns were huge trees up to 40 meters high. Currently, drainage ferns can only be found in tropical forests. Herbaceous ferns grow in our country. They are more complex in structure than mosses, since in addition to stems and leaves they have roots.

Conifers (gymnosperms) Conifers (trees and shrubs) live everywhere in our country. Among them, you are well aware of spruce, pine, and larch. Coniferous plants have not only roots, stems and leaves, but also seeds, which are located openly (barely) on the scales of the cones. Coniferous plants reproduce from these seeds.

I have longer needles than a Christmas tree. I grow very straight in height. Both in winter and in summer, If I’m not at the edge of the forest, I’m dressed in a green fur coat. The branches are only on the top of my head. In the Crimea, over the sea, As if on patrol, They stand in columns, Always green, Wonderfully slender. There are many algae on Earth different types plants. A large group consists of algae. These plants have no roots, no stems, no leaves, no flowers. The simplest of them are unicellular algae. They are so small that they can only be seen with a microscope. Despite their small size, in summer they are easy to notice in the water, because there is an extremely large amount of these algae. On warm sunny days, algae multiply very quickly, and the water in which they live turns green. Among algae there are also multicellular ones. There are especially many of them in the seas and oceans. Here they form dense thickets, underwater “forests”.

Flowering Nowadays, most plants on Earth are flowering. They are called so because they have flowers from which fruits with seeds are formed. Flowering plants are the most numerous and widespread group of plants on Earth. They are found everywhere in forests, meadows, ponds...

There is a little curly hair standing in the forest - a white shirt. Heart of gold, what is it? It is very similar to an animal's mouth, but only it is not dangerous to fall into. The stem is winged, the leaf is mustachioed, Flower - fragrant, And the fruit is fluffy. Mosses You, of course, know about plants such as mosses. They can be found in a damp forest, in a swamp, on the trunk of an old tree. They often form a continuous cover of emerald green color on the soil. Moss has only a stem and leaves, but no roots or flowers. The life of mosses is highly dependent on water. They absorb everything like a sponge. If there is not enough water, the mosses dry out and their life is suspended. But mosses are very tenacious. Some of them survived after nine years of “imprisonment” in the herbarium.

You are human. Loving nature, At least sometimes feel sorry for it. On pleasure trips, Do not trample her fields. In the bustle of the station of the century, You are in a hurry to appreciate her. She is your good old healer, She is the ally of the soul. Do not burn her recklessly. And do not exhaust it to the dregs. And remember the simple truth There are many of us, but she is one.

Lesson project:
Subject - extracurricular activities;
The purpose of the lesson: acquaintance with the diversity of plants on Earth, developing the ability to work in pairs and groups
Lesson objectives:

  1. Introduce the diversity of plants on Earth.
  2. Expand children's knowledge about plants.
  3. Strengthen the skills of setting work goals.
  4. Build a skill self-study material.
  5. Develop skills of working in pairs and groups
  6. Developing the skill of identifying errors in your own work and the work of classmates.
  7. Fostering mutual assistance, mutual assistance, and responsibility for one’s actions.
  8. Development of speech, memory, imagination

Planned achievements of students in the lesson (what the student should learn, what should be learned):

  1. Develop the ability to work with textbook text and additional literature.
  2. Develop the ability to highlight the main thing.
  3. Learn to work in pairs and groups.
  4. Determine the level of your knowledge, conduct a self-assessment of your activities.

Progress of the lesson

Stage number

Lesson stages

Teacher activities

Student activities

Organizing time.

We can formulate the topic of today’s lesson by solving the riddle:

Breathes, grows,

But he can’t walk (plant)

Remember what you know about plants.

I propose to conduct our lesson according to the following plan.


living organism, without it life is impossible

Introduction to the topic and plan

Setting a work goal

What are the goals of our lesson?

You have set wonderful goals for yourself.

Goal setting.

  1. Get to know the diversity of plants on Earth.
  2. Joint study of the properties of plant groups.

Familiarization with the scheme.

Joint study of material according to plan

Let's look at the diagram "Plant diversity on Earth."

What groups of plants are represented in it?

Can you name representatives of each of these groups?

Review of the diagram.

List of representatives of each of the groups represented

Introduction to the topic of study.

Reflection 1.


What did you learn about the first group of plants?

Summing up the work.

Dynamic pause.

Exercises to relieve eye strain.

Learning new material

Work according to the “route”. Instructions for use.

1.Introduction to the topic of study.

For better study material, I propose to conduct a thorough study of each group of plants.

But such great material It will be difficult to study on your own, so we will divide into groups and work along the route.

Each of you has your own task.

Read the topic of study for each group

1st group: With our heads buried under the waves, we turn green between the stones,
We don’t have flowers or leaves; to be honest, we don’t have roots.
We will be lost on land: we always live in water.

Group 2: Between cranberries and cloudberries, among forest swamps,
My relative always grows in moist soil.
It may be green or almost gray,
But you need to bend down so that you meet him.
In the forest, in the damp lowlands, you will always meet us,
After all, we need water most of all for our lives.

Can you guess what plants we are talking about?

Group 3: Forest grass - carved foliage,

Doesn't boast about branches, but is proud of his ancestors -

mighty giants with dense crowns

1 more hint:

I also love moisture.
In the shadows, in the wilderness,
My carved leaves are, of course, good.
But I'm not proud of them!
Our very ancient family
It brings warmth and light from the planet's past.

Group 4:

We are ours green view all year round You are all dear.
We are easy to recognize by our cones and abundance of resin.
Our leaves are very prickly, called needles,
And although we bring you joy, we never bloom

Group 5:

Well, we, and we with flowers,
We bloom, we bear fruit,
We will feed you with seeds,
We will decorate the house with ourselves.
We are in forests, meadows and fields,
We are in the desert and in the water.
By flowers, like by password,
You will recognize us everywhere



Coniferous plants

Flowering plants

2. Study the plan of work on the topic.

Any work must proceed according to a strictly defined plan.

Let’s read the work plan “along the route” given on the individual card and on the screen

Do you have questions about this plan?

I wish you fruitful collaboration.

Studying the work plan “along the route”.

(Annex 1).

  1. Independent study of the topic.

Work in groups using cards.

1. Algae

3. Ferns

4. Conifers

5. Flowering plants

  1. Peer education

Guys, tell me, where can we find plants? Let's create a cluster.

Work “along the route” defined on the cards (Appendix 3)

Reflection 2.


What have you learned about plant groups?

Were you able to study the material?

What helped you with this?

Summing up the work.


Evaluating the work of classmates.

Dynamic pause.

Exercises to relieve tension in the muscles of the arms and torso.

Express test.

To confirm the success of the work in the lesson, I propose to conduct an express test with self-assessment.

Performing an express test (Appendix 2).

Self-assessment of work

Reflection No. 3.

What did we learn in the lesson?

Have we achieved the goals we set for ourselves?

What helped us achieve it?

Discussion of writing on the board.

Children's statements about the form of the lesson.

Performance evaluation

We did great work together today.

Assessing the work of teams and individual students.

Assessing the work of individual students.

Annex 1

Work plan “along the route”

  1. Read the article.
  2. Prepare a retelling.
  3. Ask your questions, listen to your neighbor's answers.
  4. Retell your article to your neighbor.
  5. Listen carefully to your neighbor's story.
  6. Answer his questions.
  7. Evaluate your work.

Appendix 2

Express test “Test yourself” on the topic “Plants in human life”

Appendix 3

1) Algae.

Algae have no roots, no stems, no leaves, although some large marine representatives of this group of organisms have formations that superficially resemble these organs. Why don't algae need roots? Algae do not need roots, since they live in a solution of nutrients and can absorb them over their entire surface

Some algae, mostly seaweed, have plates shaped like leaves. Seaweed has been used for a long time and quite widely in human food, as animal feed, as fertilizer, as a raw material for the manufacture of medicines, and also as ingredients for bread and cakes , canned meat, ice cream, jelly and various emulsions. Iodine can be extracted from the depths of the earth, but almost all over the world it continues to be extracted from seaweed. - Crimson and brown - an ancient group of algae, inhabitants of the seas. In some countries they are widely used in food as seasonings and snacks.
- During the period of mass reproduction of unicellular algae, the water turns bright colors - “blooms,” as people say. Some algae can even grow on snow in the mountains or polar regions, giving the snow different shades. The snow fields of Greenland are sometimes colored yellow, green, or red. Perhaps this is precisely what Greenland owes its name to (translated as green country).

Seaweed like medicine was known back in the 13th century in China. In the 13th century, the Chinese emperor issued a decree obliging the population to systematically consume it as a dietary and prophylactic remedy and to deliver it for these purposes to settlements at the expense of the state.


Those crossing the Atlantic Ocean, not far from the shores of America, met with surprise and fear entire fields of floating brown-yellow algae.

2) Mosses. Sphagnum moss grows in swamps. Sphagnum is a common name for various (primarily in color) types of mosses: “white moss”, “brown moss”, “red moss”, etc. What is common to all mosses is that living on very moist soils, they accumulate in There is a lot of water in the leaves and in the surface layers of the stems. Mosses have no roots, and it is thanks to the aquifer cells that sphagnum leaves have hygroscopic properties, that is, they are able to retain water. The word sphagnum is translated from Greek language means sponge

Sphagnum mosses play a major role in the formation and life of swamps. Peat deposits are formed from the dead remains of sphagnum. Sphagnum moss grows at the top of the stem, and its lower part dies off (“peat”). This is how huge deposits of peat are formed over many years. Peat is a valuable raw material for the production of wax, paraffin, ammonia, alcohol, etc. It is used in medicine, in construction industry, as fuel, fertilizers.

Sphagnum moss is used both in folk and scientific medicine as an antiseptic and a dressing material for purulent wounds, as it has the ability to absorb large amounts of moisture.

3) Ferns. Tree ferns are almost extinct, but herbaceous ferns feel good in modern conditions. The word “wine glass” is borrowed from French and means fern. Leaves sometimes reach up to one and a half meters, but grow very slowly. Only in the spring of the third year do they reach full development. In the fall, the leaves of our forest ferns tend to die back. Ferns are moisture-loving and shade-tolerant plants. In addition to stems and leaves, they have roots.

Among the Slavs, the fern was a legendary plant - it was credited with witchcraft powers. - Ferns are ancient plants. In Rus' there was a legend that the fern blooms fire flower, which blooms once a year in the dead of night under the rumble of thunder and flashes of lightning on the holiday of Ivan Kupala (July 7). On this mysterious night there were festivities, round dances, people jumped over fires and went to look for the “fiery fern flower” that revealed treasures. It was believed that whoever managed to pick this flower would discover all the treasures and hear the voices of trees and herbs.

4) Coniferous plants

Conifers- higher plants. Found throughout the Earth, adapted to unfavorable conditions. There are more than 600 species. They have cones containing seeds and pollen. Durable wood is used for construction and in the furniture industry

Conifers- are woody forms, less often shrubs. These are: spruce, pine, fir, cedar, cypress, larch, sequoia. Their needle-shaped leaves are called needles. There are also deciduous conifers, this is larch. Conifers have cones with seeds, from which vitamins and cedar oil are obtained. Coniferous forests are guardians of water and release a lot of oxygen. Silk, paper, and plastics are made from wood.
- These plants are also called gymnosperms, because in addition to the root, stem and leaves, they also have seeds that are located openly (barely) on the scales of the cones. The giant sequoia can grow to about 95 m, and the diameter of its trunk can range from 5 to 11 m. The largest of these trees is about 4000 years old.

5) Flowering plants

Flowering - the most common group of plants, there are about 250 thousand species. Among them there are many trees, shrubs, and herbs. Found everywhere. Many flowering plants are cultivated and are used by humans as food and medicine. Wild ones are food for animals. Flowering plants dominate flora. And if you are delighted by any beautiful flower- know that the plant is probably a flowering plant.

Plants play a huge role in our lives. They are food and industrial raw materials. And herbs play another important role in our lives. Since ancient times, people have known their healing power. Among wild plants, the world famous “root of life” is ginseng. No less famous are nettle, plantain, and St. John's wort. However, in our country, 500 plant species are on the verge of extinction. Excessive collection of forest and field bouquets contributed to the impoverishment of plants. The swimsuit, the dream-grass, and the anemone are leaving us. You rarely see a lily of the valley near the city. The Red Book has come to the aid of plants. Much depends on you and me. While relaxing in the forest, resist the temptation to pick a flower.

Flowering plants do not bloom for people. Bright colors Flowers need scent to attract insects.

Only we humans can admire the beauty of flowers. But for insects, only the color, shape of the flower and smell are important. After all, flowers not only attract, they also feed some insects with juice-nectar, others with pollen, and still others with both.


We have learned the characteristics of various groups and species of plants, and now we can analyze and generalize new knowledge. There is a table on each table. Now you will need to, based on the knowledge you have acquired, fill it out.

List of used literature

1. Vinogradova N.F., Kalinova G.S. The world around us. 3rd grade. Part 1.- M.: “Ventana-Graf”, 2012.
2. Isakova O.A. Lesson plans according to the textbook by Vinogradova N.F., Kalinova G.S. - V.: “Teacher”, 2006.
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