About the extension, continuation. The insulation loop is closed! Closing the thermal circuit

Our construction is not moving at a very fast pace, but little by little we are getting closer to closing the insulation loop of the western extension.
So, in order.
To begin with, I am posting an updated plan of the House, where the annex is highlighted in lilac. Everything there is quite schematic and not quite to scale, but it is quite enough for understanding, especially if there are photographs.

Updated House Plan

The insulation of the external frame was already completed.

We stretch the membrane on the south side of the house, where the entrance will be

We continue to insulate the walls along the internal frame

Concerning external walls, our frame is three-layer. The first to be built load-bearing frame from a board 150x50. He was the first to be insulated, for the most part, because... it was technically more convenient. Then it was built external frame And internal frame , both from 100x50 boards, which were already nailed flat. As a result, the total thickness of the insulation of the external walls of the extension (and the House in general) is 250 mm, that is, five layers mineral wool RockWool 50 mm.

And the total thickness of the insulation along the upper floor is 300 mm, i.e. six layers of the same mineral wool.

Ceiling insulation

Here we had to be clever in every possible way: having insulated a small piece, stretched a vapor barrier and nailed down boards that provide an air gap and are the lathing for interior decoration

The ceiling was almost completely insulated, with the exception of a fragment of the ceiling of the future kitchen, where a ventilation duct is planned.

We installed a window in the future kitchen on the north side. View from the northwest

And a window in the future boiler room. View from the southwest

We are used to calling this room a boiler room, but there will be a lot more there besides the boiler. Technical room, in general. In the future, barrels of water and filters should move there, in general, the entire water supply system from the terrace, and, of course, including the boiler. And also an electrical panel. The dimensions of the room allow you to maintain the required distances. In addition, I have a secret dream - at least temporarily, before the construction of the second, eastern extension, in which the bathroom is planned - to place there washing machine.

The walls are already insulated for the most part, only the walls are not insulated window hole, where the second, western window of the future kitchen is planned, and which we now use as the entrance to the house. Until the issue with the front door is finally resolved, kitchen window There is no point in putting it, since the need to enter and leave the house is permanent.
And the frame of the southern wall, where the entrance door is eventually planned, is not yet completely ready; the door itself is needed to understand the distances.
These circumstances, aggravated by the colder weather, forced us to somehow become more active in the direction of purchasing an entrance door. The existing proposals have already been more or less studied. The market was disappointing: entrance doors Only metal ones are offered. Wooden doors- only interior ones. In general, in the absence of material assets and the pressing need to somehow continue construction, we bought the cheapest steel door in the nearest store.

I bought it alone (Zhenya did the insulation), and talked with the seller during the process. Theoretically, you can order an insulated metal one, however, the price tag there is completely different, the difference is severalfold. I think this is useless. My opinion: it won’t be warmer, even if there is insulation inside the door /metal/, any kind, even swan’s down! by her own steel door and a metal box - in themselves they already represent a not frail bridge of cold, and in light of this, it’s not so important what’s inside.
During the purchasing process, I was very worried that something would be missing or something would be mixed up. Because a wealth of negative experience has already been accumulated. It was not in vain that I worried. They brought the door, loaded it into the GAZelle, gave the command to sit down, they say, that's it, let's go! I inquired about the locks and handles, emphasizing that I would not like to return to them again, especially emphasizing the fact that on the corrugated cardboard packaging, with a black marker on the gray-beige corrugation in which our door was packed, was clearly written: “Without fittings!” As a result, the loader and driver, under the constant supervision of the manager and mine, tore apart all the packaging around the perimeter, and the only result of their search was a pack of 6 fasteners intended for installing this door in a reinforced concrete wall. I will give them back if necessary, because... We don't have reinforced concrete walls. No locks, no handles, nothing was found. And only after that the young man went back to the warehouse and brought me a box where it all seemed to be. More precisely, that’s what I hoped then! And she left happily, because... I didn’t get a tooth on tooth anymore. But later it became clear that my hopes were in vain: there were no instructions .
Buying a door cost me a slight sore throat, because... I dressed for the car, and not for a half-hour vigil in the cold and wind.

Beginning the front door installation process

Today we have completely completed the insulation of the walls along the internal frame. We finally fixed a fragment of the ceiling in the future kitchen, the most difficult, since it is the last, and, moreover, in it vent. We insulated the space above the door. There are no photos, there was no time for that. Tomorrow I'll try to shoot at least something.
There is not much left before closing the insulation loop: completely assemble the door, install all the locks and foam it. Modify the internal frame in the area of ​​the current temporary entrance, insert a window and foam it, insulate the fragment below the window.

The window is already ready

Well, lay some kind of plywood on the floor so that you can walk through the door along the entire extension.
Globally moving the entrance to the place where it should be according to the House plan is the next stage, requiring internal rearrangement in the hall, etc.

The door was assembled in half

There are two castles in it. One is simply three-pin, the second, a “crab” type, extends pins in all directions

Of these, the first one works fine, but the second one is still only half working. One of these days we will try to reassemble the lock itself; there are suspicions about the cause of the malfunction.
The door itself seems to be quite reliable. It's easier to take it out with the box than to open it. Our house is not brick...

Add it from the inside. There is a canopy to the first row of racks. After the second, where the leaned OSB sheets lie - the kitchen

Our temporary entrance has been walled up. There is no turning back. ;-) Now there is a window there, and there is a small hole left from the entrance. Let's pass a piece of insulation through it one more time and seal it up completely.

Zhenya foams the window

As for the door, I have long had the feeling that Russian products staffed entirely by colorblind people. Well, or complete indifference.
In our case, the door is dark brown, and for some reason the plugs for the holes are burgundy... Or maybe these are features of my perception, like professional deformation takes its toll, I don’t know

Installed door. For the first time in I-don’t-remember-how many years, our House is closing. Although, this is quite arbitrary, given that the walls are fragmentary from insulation and membrane)))

It was very funny to watch the dogs in the evening when they were let out for an evening walk. These were “bewildered dogs.”)) Seeing a blank wall at the exit site, they were clearly at a dead end. :-)))) But they are not used to changes, when I called them, they immediately got their bearings and rushed to new door. In his haste, Gray even fell off the porch, fortunately without injury.

We were nervous in the morning.
They let the dogs out, everything was fine. How to let me back in - the door won't come off.
In the end they opened it.
It turned out that the reason was in the foam, which had not yet completely hardened, and which in some places was pushed out to where the lock tongues were (which was clearly a design flaw, or a jamb during assembly!) And the first discovery provoked further expansion of the foam, hence the difficulties in second opening.
The castle was rebuilt, everything works. I went twice for foam, because yesterday there wasn’t enough of it just a little, I brought a bottle, but somehow it quickly ran out and it was again a little short... And it was the same with the windows! But now, it seems, everything is foamy. Phew!
We are very glad that we followed the advice found on the internet that by installing inexpensive steel doors, they should be foamed only in a closed state, because Otherwise, there is a risk that the door will no longer be closed. The metal is thin, so it’s bursting...
The main thing, in general, is that everything works tomorrow! ;-)

Our extension from the northeast

...and from the southeast

The insulation circuit is actually completed, however, before it can be heated, the vapor barrier still needs to be tightened, but this is not very difficult and does not take long. Yesterday I hung a thermometer in the annex, in the evening it was -1°, despite the fact that outside it was -8°, and there were still some holes around the door.

There should be a definition warm circuit from its name. If we talk in simple language, then the thermal circuit is the circuit of the house that retains heat and is subject to heating.

What is a home heating circuit?

The thermal circuit of a house made of laminated veneer lumber must be installed taking into account all the features of the difficult Russian climate - dampness, cold winter, wind. Every builder, if he is a professional, will say that the thermal circuit must be given great importance. If technology was not followed or material of dubious quality was used, no matter how good the walls were, such a structure will bring you many problems.

Agree that you do not want your house made of timber to be drafty and cold; no one wants their home to be high humidity. Of course, when you contact us, you don’t have to worry about this. Our wooden houses are not afraid of such problems.

What is actually included in the thermal circuit?

Firstly, this is the foundation, including the ground floor.

Secondly, these are the walls. Glued laminated timber is one of the best building materials, the walls of houses made from it do not crack or blow out.

Thirdly, these are windows. Windows can be either wooden or plastic. The most important thing is that the windows are reliable. It should also be noted that laminated veneer lumber has an important mission here, because laminated veneer lumber is subject to minimal shrinkage. Deformation of windows in houses made of laminated veneer lumber does not occur. They retain heat reliably and are important part thermal circuit.

Fourthly, these are doors. As with windows, doors can be installed as tightly and correctly as possible.

The final component is the roof, as well as interfloor ceilings and internal partitions.

In order to build your own house you do not need to have special skills or education.

It is enough to understand the basic aspects of construction and constantly use common sense. A complex task is easily divided into small components, which, in turn, are much easier to understand than the entire process at once.

Main aspects

There are three main aspects that require special control during construction. This:

  • Construction of load-bearing structures.
  • Organization of the thermal circuit.
  • Organization of roofing and gutters.

All other parts of the building can be modernized and remodeled during operation.

The thermal circuit is the basis of the internal climate of the room. To put it simply, a thermal circuit is a sealed box made of materials with low or zero thermal conductivity.

That is, along the entire perimeter of the walls, ceiling, floor and openings, holes in the insulation or the absence of a heat-resistant insert are excluded. And installed doors with windows tend to retain heat.

Only fibrous materials will be considered. The so-called "glass wool". These insulation materials have several types of density: soft, medium and hard. The material must be laid with overlapping seams of the previous layer.

For insulation, steam and wind insulation is used.

A special film that allows moisture to pass through in one direction and retains it in the other. The film also saves the cotton wool from being blown away by the wind.

The walls are insulated from the outside or from the inside. Inside, it is customary to use softer insulation from the middle density segment. The vapor barrier is attached on top and inside, respectively, with the moisture-resistant side facing out.

Must be given Special attention corners and junctions with openings of windows and doors where a full layer of insulation is brought close to the opening and connected to the door or window frame.

External insulation is made with denser medium-density insulation. The vapor barrier is placed only on top, the moisture-resistant side facing out. The situation is similar for windows and doors.

The ceiling can be insulated both from the inside and from the attic. The insulation here is soft and two layers of vapor barrier with the membrane facing out. The guide beams, depending on the material of manufacture, are wrapped only in film (wood), more thin layer insulation (concrete) and the same layer as the entire ceiling (iron).

The floor is insulated with dense grades of glass wool. The joists are wrapped or partially wrapped depending on the material. And the film is laid on top, with the moisture-resistant side facing out.

The most important aspect! Always ensure tightness! Along the entire perimeter and openings, the insulation is connected to the thickness of the entire blanket!

Conclusion on the topic

Of course, they are described here general provisions, and in each specific situation you should act accordingly, but having already an idea of ​​the subject and knowing the rules, you can safely improvise in a specific situation.

The construction of a thermal circuit represents a basic set of volumes construction work. Upon completion of this stage, the house becomes a full-fledged structure, requiring only interior decoration and the organization of functioning communications.

The thermal circuit consists of several mandatory elements:

  • Foundation;
  • Walls;
  • Roof;
  • Window;
  • Floor partitions.
  • The thermal circuit is closed by installing windows and doors, which contributes to the formation of a microclimate in the premises of the house with a stable temperature and normal humidity, necessary for high-quality finishing works. After the construction of the thermal circuit, the house reaches the stage of readiness at which, if necessary, the construction can be “frozen” for a long time without damage to the house.

    The ROTENSTEIN company builds houses exclusively using the closed thermal loop method. Namely, insulating the roof and installing windows and doors. These items are already included in the price of our houses.

    Only dried materials are used in roof construction. wooden beams. This allows you to cover and insulate the roof immediately, and also eliminates deformation of the structure. And the installation of windows and doors makes it possible to suspend work, for example, on winter period, excluding precipitation from entering the house.

    Our specialists approach the installation of windows with particular scrupulousness, because they are often the cause of significant heat loss. Depending on your preferences, you can choose two-chamber plastic windows(it is possible to choose any shade of color coating), or put wooden double glazed windows premium class. All the lineup windows are of exceptional quality, which our customers have already appreciated. Rotenstein houses are equipped with metal entrance doors with a safe lock and two sealing circuits, which in severe frosts prevents the formation of perspiration from inside doors. This solution eliminates the need to design a vestibule, as well as install an additional “internal” entrance door.

    The construction time for a closed thermal circuit in our company ranges from 4 to 8 months. Just like the cost, the terms are fixed in the contract. And are subject to revision only if it is impossible to carry out work due to weather conditions. We strictly adhere to masonry technology and without exception building codes, therefore, if frost occurs during work, construction is suspended until spring. During this time, the object is preserved according to unique technology Wienerberger, which does not allow the influence of atmospheric conditions on the structure.
