Examples of errors due to non-compliance with spelling rules. Typical errors in the Russian language: grammatical, speech and spelling

Types of grammatical errors

Examples of errors

Correct option/rule

Errors in management

Incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

* Pay for travel

I miss you

*according to the order,

on arrival

(to whom; to what?)


According to

Upon arrival e, arrive And, completed And, expiration And, return And(in pp.)

Disruption of connection between subject and predicate

Mixing the designs of the main and subordinate clauses

*MSU completed O reception

*The chair-bed stood A

*Came good doctor Ivanova.

No one, not even excellent students, decided And.

*Those, (who was late), didn't look movie.

Main word-m.r.

Main word-sr.r


Nobody decided

They didn't look to see who was late.

Errors in sentence construction with homogeneous members

1.Use of general salary at o.ch.p. , requiring different management

2. Incorrect word order in a sentence with double conjunctions

3. Use of double conjunctions in a distorted form

4. Redundancy of allied funds

5. Elimination of not only identical, but also different prepositions

6. Discrepancy between the form of the generalizing word and the o.c.p.

7. Uniting “unequal” components in a homogeneous series.

* Graduate student is engaged selection and observation over the facts.

*Living branches are not only unsuitable for starting a fire, but also for maintaining it.

*Living branches are not suitable Not only for starting a fire, and to maintain it.

*The owner was surprised, but nevertheless remained silent.

*Concerts took place IN theaters, parks, stadiums.

*She raised five children: two boys and three girls.

* Found / lost yesterday / dog and ( which the neighbors were looking for)

Selection (what?)

Observation (over what?)

not only for breeding, but also for maintenance.

Not only but

Both and

but nonetheless

ON stadiums

Two boys and three girls

Or 2 /p.o/, or 2 subordinate clauses!!!

Error in sentence construction with participial phrase

- torn apart by a qualifying word

Incorrect agreement of the participle with the word being defined

*From a distance were visible/floating logs on water/

We saw logs, floating their on water

Logs /floating on water/

Error in sentence construction with participial phrase

The participle and the verb must have the same character

* Flipping through album, me got caught two photos

Flipping through album, I saw two photos.

Violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

- the application should be in Im.p. in the presence of a qualifying noun, and in its absence - in the required case.

*In the novel "The Captain's Daughter" Pushkin reflected the events of the 18th century.

*IN "Captain's daughter" main character– P. Grinev.

In the novel "Captain's daughter"..

IN "The Captain's Daughter"...

Error in construction complex sentence

- with attributive clause(it refers to the last noun in the main)

-using compound conjunctions in a distorted form

-redundancy of allied funds

*The seminar was organized by Professor Matveev, who passed very interesting.

* Before write a letter, he was looking for a long time the right words.

* He asked, What is where his things.

* I don't know, What we can whether we find mutual language

Professor Matveev organized seminar that took place very interesting

Before as

In order to

Instead of




Similar to

In view of the fact that

Due to the fact that despite the fact that

He asked, Where his things.

I don't know if we can whether we will find...

Indirect speech

Direct speech

Means of communication when replaced with indirect one

Indirect speech

Declarative sentence

* « I I’ll wait for you somewhere nearby,” said Valya.

*Valya said thatshe will be waiting for me nearby.

Incentive offer

*Ivan asked: “Name, Lyuba, all the members of the headquarters and describe each of them.”


* Ivan asked Lyuba to name all the members of the headquarters and describe each of them.”

Interrogative sentence

“Aren’t you thinking of playing hide and seek with me?” Vanya said with annoyance.

*Vanya said with annoyance, am I thinking of playing hide and seek with him?

In indirect

Direct speech

Examples of errors

Indirect speech

He said:

He said,that he will do this work for me.

He said:"Come early."

He said,so that I come early.

You ask:

You ask,

I'm asking:“Were you at the institute yesterday?”

I'm asking,were you at the institute yesterday?

5. fall; the shades they express are conveyed only approximately by other lexical means, for example:

1. If direct speech is declarative sentence, then when replacing it with indirect speech, the conjunction that is used, for example:

*The servant entered and announced that the horses had been served (P.). (Wed: The servant entered and announced: “The horses have been served”).

2. If direct speech is incentive offer, then when replacing it with indirect speech, the conjunction so is used, for example:

*Tell him to get out... (Ch.). (Wed: Say: “Get out...”).

3.If direct speech is interrogative sentence, then when replacing it with indirect speech, two cases are possible:

a) when present in direct speech interrogative pronominal words they are preserved in indirect speech in the role of relative words, for example: They drove up to the hut and asked, Where here to find the economic part (Furm.). (Wed: They drove up to the hut and asked: “ Where can I find the economic part here?”).

b) in the absence of interrogative pronominal words in direct speech, an indirect question is expressed using the particle whether as a conjunction, for example: The general inquired if I was the son of Andrei Petrovich Grinev (P.). (Cf.: The general inquired: “Are you the son of Andrei Petrovich Grinev?” or “Aren’t you the son of Andrei Petrovich Grinev?”).

4. Indirect personal speeches and possessive pronouns and the persons of the verb are used from the point of view of the author, and not the person of the speaker, for example:

Direct speech

Examples of errors

Indirect speech

He said:"I'll do this job for you."

He said I will do this work for you.

He said,which will do the job for me.

He said:"Come early."

He said come early.

He said,so that I come early.

You ask:“When will you give me back my book?”

You are asking when you will return my book to me.

You ask,when I return your book to you.

I'm asking:“Were you at the institute yesterday?”

I ask that you were at the institute yesterday?

I'm asking,were you at the institute yesterday?

5.Addresses, interjections, emotional particles, available in direct speech, in indirect speech fall; the shades they express are conveyed only approximately by other lexical means, for example.

Grammatical errors arise when the rules of the Russian language are not followed, which sometimes gives the speech an unflattering sound. We cannot always convey a beautifully presented idea to our interlocutor if we allow such inaccuracies in verbal and writing. By remembering the rules in speech patterns, you can avoid the occurrence of grammatical errors in order to speak or write beautifully, elegantly and expressively. A grammatical error is the weakest point in completing tasks in the Russian language, so in this article we will look at them in more detail.

A little theory

Grammatical errors are errors in the structures of linguistic units, in the structures of words, phrases, and sentences. These also include violations of one or another grammatical norm: morphological, word-formation or syntactic. Below you can take a closer look at the table, which shows options for such a violation as a grammatical error. Study the examples of incorrect use of words and their combinations carefully. Try to remember simple rules that will be useful in later life when constructing beautiful dialogues.

Grammatical errors


Type of error Example
1 Erroneous word formations

Hardworking, you mock me

2 Erroneous formations of noun forms

Various miracles of electronics, not enough time

3 Erroneous formations of adjective forms

More attractive, beautiful

4 Erroneous formations of numeral formsWith six hundred rubles

Erroneous formations of pronoun forms

Their neighbor, their urchins
6 Erroneous formations of verb formsThey walk around, unwillingly, writing about what happened

Negotiation violations

He knows a lot of girls who do needlework

Control violations

You need to make your speech more correct. Tells readers

9 Violations of connections between subjects and predicatesA minority objected to such an assessment of his creation

Violations of ways of expressing predicates in individual constructions

He wrote a novel that is epic
11 Errors in sentences with homogeneous membersThe team loved and was proud of the goalkeeper.

In the letter I wanted to show the importance of competitions and why I love them


Errors in sentences with participial phrases

Reading the article, I get this feeling...

Errors in sentences with participial phrases

The wide road was covered with snow falling under the boots

Errors in constructing complex sentences

This book made me respect and appreciate my parents, which I read in my youth.

It seemed to me that this...


Violation of sentence boundaries

And when the hero came to his senses. It was too late.

Mixing indirect and direct speech

The author wrote that I agree with this reviewer’s opinion


Studying the grammatical rules of the language and cases of their violation will allow you to make your speech more accurate and expressive. Your cultural level as a native speaker will increase. Indeed, beautiful, clean speech in compliance with all rules and regulations literary language distinguished by logic, richness, purity and euphony. Believe me, in conversation and writing, grammatical errors (and any others) do not look very dignified, so remember the simple rules and try to speak and write beautifully!

Even literate people make grammatical mistakes. It is not difficult to notice that some rules of Russian do not cause difficulties, while others regularly trip up the majority. It's not so much that these rules are complicated. Rather, they are simply inconvenient, and some have so many exceptions and peculiarities of application that their presentation takes up an entire page - it seems that it is impossible to learn them without being an academician.

Let's look at the most typical mistakes in the Russian language, made not by schoolchildren, but by fairly literate people.

What is considered a grammatical error?

A grammatical error is a violation of a generally accepted established norm. Grammar refers to any errors related to word formation (for example, the wrong suffix is ​​used), morphology (for example, the wrong declension of a verb), syntax (for example, inconsistent with the main sentence

It is necessary to distinguish grammatical errors from spelling or speech errors.

The most common mistakes are related to punctuation:

1. Many people are used to highlighting “however” with commas and are very surprised when Word underlines the comma after it as an error. More attentive people will notice that a comma after “however” is considered an error only when it appears at the beginning of a sentence. Indeed, if the meaning of this word is similar to “still”, “nevertheless”, and it is in the middle of a sentence, then it is considered introductory and must be separated by commas. If it means “but”, as, for example, in the sentence “However, she did not understand him” (= “But she did not understand him”), then there is no need to put a comma.

2. There is often confusion with the dash and colon signs. Many, faced with a missing conjunction, intuitively understand that they need to use a more “solid” sign than a comma. But which one exactly? The rule is actually quite simple. You need to choose the most suitable words to replace the missing conjunction.

If words such as “what”, “namely” are suitable in meaning, then you need to put a colon. A colon is also placed if the first sentence ends with words denoting perception and suggesting that they will be followed by a description. These can be words: see, understand, feel, etc.

I remember (that): it was evening, a quiet pipe was playing.

He was difficult person(namely): hot-tempered, bilious, gloomy.

I recognized him immediately: (because) he was wearing one yellow shoe.

I see: a barge is floating, on it is a barefoot boy, tanned, unfamiliar, but sparkling with a smile and the very next second he waves his hand at me.

If you can insert words such as “a”, “but”, “and”, “as if”, “it”, “therefore”, “as if”, then you need to use a dash.

He took a wide step - his pants tore.

Across the sea, the heifer (this) is half a piece, and carries a ruble.

The wind blew - (therefore) the old forest groaned and creaked.

A dash is also used when the words “if” or “when” can be added at the beginning of a sentence.

(When) I thought about Grisha - he was right there.

(If) I get a fee, we’ll go to sea!

Grammatical errors related to morphology

Difficulties arise with the “nn” in suffixes (although everyone remembers glass, tin, and wood); it is especially difficult to deal with the double “n” in adverbs. And also many people are confused by the use of particles not/nor. Quite a few educated people, unbeknownst to themselves, make mistakes in management. Which is correct, “control for” or “control over”? Confusion between the two is another popular grammatical error. Example:

  • quality control;
  • control over the execution of orders;
  • water level control.

Which option is correct? All. This or that type of management in this case is selected depending on the characteristics of the subsequent word. For example, “control over” is used before verbal nouns (perform - execution). There are other subtleties.

This article does not cover all common grammatical errors. It is quite possible to learn not to commit them by studying the rules. We hope we have been able to demonstrate that learning the secrets native language- it’s a fascinating thing, and sometimes a superficial acquaintance with the rule is enough to realize all its logic and expediency. We also hope that you noticed the use of the rules described above in the article itself, and not just under the headings “examples”.

Grammar mistake– this is a violation of the norms of word formation, inflection, construction of phrases and sentences.

Grammar mistake

I . Grammatical errors in word structure may be associated with incorrect word formation and morphology.

1) Errors in word formation are the incorrect formation of a word according to the models available in the language, when the writer or speaker uses the wrong suffix or the wrong prefix, “loses” a morpheme, invents words that do not exist in the language and does not motivate this in any way: fawns, mocks, slipped

2) Errors in the formation of word forms appear when the speaker or writer changes the word in a way that is not typical for him. Each part of speech has its own difficult cases shaping. Let's look at examples of errors.

a) Noun: form formation plural (engineer, contract); forms R.p. plural (hollows, bottoms, socks, stockings).

b) Adjective: formation of the form of degrees of comparison ( more impressive, deepest).

c) Pronouns: formation of possessive pronoun forms their(theirs, theirs); the use of the initial letter “n” in 3rd person pronouns ( thanks to him, instead of her).

d) Numeral name: declension of cardinal numerals ( with five hundred and sixty-seven subjects); Declension of ordinal numbers ( in two thousand eight); use of collective numerals ( two participants, both functions).

e) Verbs: use of colloquial forms ( measures, pinches); formation of forms of 1st person ( I'll win, I'll vacuum); formation of participles ( sleeping, eating).

II. Grammatical errors in the structure of the phrase.

a) Violation of approval norms: Described the types of essays used in Russian language lessons.

b) Violation of management norms, that is, placing the dependent word in a different case ( laughs at me, head of the department, I missed you), incorrect use of prepositions when forming the case form of a dependent word ( pay for participation in the conference).

III.Grammatical errors in sentence structure.

1) Violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate ( Those whoresearched verbal aggression, came to the conclusion...; The relationship between the theme and the main idea of ​​the text becomes obvious to me.).

2) Violations of the way of expressing the predicate ( I found a quote in the article thatfriend ).

3) Errors in constructing sentences with homogeneous members: the use of a common object with homogeneous predicates when they require different cases of the dependent word ( We love and are passionate about psychology); use as a homogeneous phrase and subordinate clause ( This was an article written by I. Brandt and which I studied).

4) Errors in constructing sentences with participial phrases ( The data presented in the article...).

5) Errors in constructing sentences with adverbial verbs ( After reading the text, it seems to me that...; After studying the statistics, the conclusions have changed).

6) Errors in the construction of complex sentences ( The research data is reflected in the publications that he received during many years of practice).

7) Errors in transmitting someone else’s speech ( Academician L. Shcherba wrote that: “Replicas are absolutely not characterized by complex sentences, which are the domain of only a monologue»).

8) Violation of word order in a sentence ( He not only studied written speech, but also oral).

Speech error– this is the incorrect use of a linguistic unit: a word, phraseological unit, phrase. Such errors are associated with a poor or passive vocabulary, the inability to choose the right word to express a thought, the use of speech cliches, and the inability to eliminate the possibility of ambiguous understanding of a phrase due to the context.
