Step-by-step instructions for selling your dacha yourself. When is it better to sell a dacha - in spring or autumn? How to sell a cottage with a bad location

You need to know how to sell real estate. There are several techniques and tricks that will help you bring your idea to life without much difficulty and in the shortest possible time. How to sell a dacha quickly? This question interests readers more and more often. The fact is that people often first dream of having a dacha, then realize that they need to constantly look after and look after it, during which they want to give up their existing property. And selling here is the most logical solution.

But not everyone knows how to complete a transaction correctly and easily. What advice can you give to the owners of this property? What should you pay attention to first? How does the purchase and sale of a dacha go? More on all this later. In fact, there is nothing difficult in implementing the idea. Just a few steps and the job is done. The main thing is to approach the solution of the task responsibly.


So, the first stage is the real estate assessment. Required item. It helps set an adequate price for the plot and the dacha as a whole. Often people simply do not know how much this or that property can be sold for.

The assessment is carried out by specialized organizations, usually for a fee. Without this procedure, concluding a purchase and sale agreement for a dacha is very problematic. After all, buyers will probably want to know the real value of real estate.

When the appropriate assessment report is in hand, you can put the dacha up for sale. But before this (or even better, shortly before the appraiser’s visit), you will have to prepare the property. What are we talking about?


That the dacha should look normal and tidy. That is, beautiful and civilized. Before you sell any property, it needs to be in order.

A person is wondering how to sell a dacha quickly? Then you will first have to clean up the area, if there is one. And in the building itself too. After all, many buyers evaluate real estate based on external indicators. The price of the product will depend on them. For example, a beautiful dacha with a swimming pool is a priori more expensive than a forgotten dacha plot overgrown with grass. And this will have to be taken into account.

By the way, if everything in the dacha is overgrown with grass, you need to try hard to make the “appearance” of the property attract attention. Then there is a possibility of a quick sale.


The following advice helps a lot of people. We are talking about photographs. Once the site and the dacha itself are in order, it is recommended to take several images of the objects for sale. And from different angles. Some even invite photographers to do this.

In fact, it’s not difficult to cope on your own either. It is important to capture every detail of the site and the house. So that when a person sees the ad, he understands what exactly he is going to purchase. Successful and beautiful photographs are the key to the success of a deal. As practice shows, the presence of photos, and high-quality ones, contributes to the quick sale of real estate. Moreover, anyone, not necessarily a dacha or a plot of land.

Internet help

How to sell a dacha quickly? To speed up the process, you can and even need to turn to the Internet for help. Today there are a huge number of free platforms for posting advertisements on the Internet. You can use them.

Avito is now in great demand in Russia. It is recommended to place an advertisement for the sale of real estate here. In this case, it is worth describing the dacha in detail, as well as uploading photographs of the property for sale. If you post on multiple boards, things will go faster. The main thing is that the ads attract the audience. And, as already mentioned, the property should look neat and attract attention.

Don't forget about the season

What else should you pay attention to when selling? There is such a thing as seasonality. The sale of dachas moves faster at some times of the year than at others. This factor should be taken into account by every seller.

When is the best time to make deals? It is recommended to give preference to the spring-summer period. It is at these times of the year that the demand for summer cottages increases. But the deal is unlikely to be implemented quickly in the fall and winter. This must be taken into account without fail.

However, it is recommended to post advertisements for the sale of summer cottages all year round. It is likely that even in winter it will be possible to conclude a deal. But if you need an urgent sale, then it is best to list the property in the summer. Progress will be achieved faster than in the cold season.

Real estate agency

The following tip is used quite often by potential sellers. Moreover, it is often regarded as a mandatory item. How to sell a dacha quickly? It is recommended to seek help from a real estate agency.

They will take care of finding buyers. Also, such organizations accompany the conclusion of a purchase and sale agreement. But they have one drawback - the markup that real estate receives. This percentage is taken for the transaction by one or another real estate agency. Therefore, when selling a dacha in this way, it is worth setting the price slightly lower than the desired one. So that in the end, with a markup, the cost of real estate does not scare away clients.


You can attract buyers with the opportunity to bargain. Selling dachas is not that difficult. But it involves a lot of money. People love to bargain. And they try to give preference to offers that allow, for one reason or another, to reduce the cost of real estate.

In general, whether to negotiate or not is a decision for each seller individually. Often citizens deliberately put up their dachas and apartments for a higher price. And during the bargaining they reset it to what they originally wanted. A common technique that allows you to attract buyers. Especially those who have the money to purchase a plot of land even without bargaining.


The next step that must be taken is to prepare documents for a summer cottage. Not many are required. But every citizen should worry about their presence. As practice shows, when inspecting real estate, potential buyers check the owner's documents for the property. Having all the necessary papers is the key to success. This technique confirms the seller’s integrity. This means it increases the chances of a successful transaction.

What might be useful? At the moment, most often the following list of papers is required to sell a dacha:

  • certificate of ownership of the dacha and plot;
  • certificate of real estate valuation (optional);
  • statements about the absence of debts on certain payments;
  • documents from Rosreestr about the absence of encumbrances on the dacha;
  • cadastral passport of real estate (land and house).

But these are not all the documents. In addition to them, if the dacha has several owners, the consent of everyone is required. Plus, you must attach copies of the identity cards of the remaining owners. And, of course, the passport of the main seller.

With this list of documents, the contract for the sale and purchase of a summer house can be concluded without any problems. It is enough just to attach to the package of papers a corresponding agreement with a detailed description of the property and the terms of the transaction.

Politeness and attentiveness

It is also recommended to be a polite seller, attentive to customers. Chances are that your potential client will start asking a lot of questions about the property. A good and conscientious seller will give honest answers, even if they were written in the ad.

So being attentive and polite are traits that contribute to a successful transaction. Not a panacea, but if it is pleasant to communicate with the owner of the property, then buyers have a subconscious tendency to conclude an agreement.

Make a deal

Let's assume that buyers are found. What does buying and selling a dacha now require? A contract can be concluded in several ways. Either without intermediaries, or with them. In the second case, it is enough to provide the seller’s identification card. Next, it will be up to the real estate agency. At the end of the transaction, the seller receives money for the dacha.

But independent selling requires additional steps. It is required to come to a notary with the previously listed documents and conclude a purchase and sale agreement in his presence. Also at this moment, the buyer transfers funds to the seller. And the second one draws up a receipt for receiving the money. The notary certifies the transaction - the job is done. In fact, if a person is thinking about how to sell a dacha quickly, then the suggested tips will definitely help with this.

And I want to continue this topic, using the experience gained last summer. A good friend of mine, experiencing financial problems, decided to sell his dacha and, since he had never done this, asked for help. To be honest, I myself am far from real estate transactions, but the desire to help a friend and the opportunity to gain new experience captivated me.

Of course, a certain amount of literature was read, several consultations were held with specialists, and a large amount of work was done to prepare for the sale of a summer cottage. And based on the experience gained, I present to your attention several useful conclusions that I made for myself after going through this difficult path. I hope my advice will help you in selling your own dacha.

We are preparing a summer cottage for sale

1. First, properly evaluate your summer cottage. Collect all advertisements from newspapers and on the Internet about the sale of similar summer cottages in your area. These are your direct competitors. When assigning a price, be sure to take into account the prices in other advertisements.

2. The first buyer who appeared on my summer cottage, first of all, paid attention to the condition of the farm - the quality of buildings, the presence of plantings, the well-groomed nature of the land, the presence and condition of communications. Therefore, before selling, I advise you to restore total order. In order to prepare the house for sale, it is worth making minor repairs. Clean and tidy up the windows, check the electrical wiring, fix leaks, put up wallpaper, etc. Be sure to remove old unnecessary things from your home, then the rooms will look more spacious and brighter.

3. Clean up the entire dacha area. There is a risk that a cluttered area, with dry trees and things lying around, will lead the buyer to think about asking for a discount on trash removal. Therefore, remove everything unnecessary, straighten the fence, sweep the paths, mow the grass.

4. Once order is in place, take a few photographs of the views of your dacha. Select at least 6 of the most successful photographs and place them on online real estate websites and online bulletin boards. Try to fully and competently describe the advantages of your summer cottage, especially focusing on the advantageous points.

5. To sell your dacha profitably, consider the seasonality of the sale. It is better to start selling in early spring, then you will have some time to resolve your issue. Please note that many buyers reason like this: “Don’t rush into buying a summer house. The purchase of a summer house should be postponed until late autumn or even winter, when prices will be lowest.” If you expect to sell your dacha this season, it is better not to inflate the starting price.

6. Another important point - as soon as the thought of selling your dacha comes to your mind, check the readiness of the documents. At the time of sale, you must have Certificates of Title to the land and buildings. If there is no evidence, address the issue immediately. Preparing documents is a rather lengthy process and not every buyer will want to wait for you.

7. During customer visits, be friendly and attentive. It's better to start your inspection at home. Next, walk the guests around the site, pay attention to the advantages of your dacha, plantings, and layout of the site. End your visit by showing some attraction that will probably be found on your summer cottage and will remain in the memory of buyers.

8. Now about bargaining. Sometimes the buyer begins to bargain during the first telephone conversation. I do not recommend giving any affirmative answers. Invite your interlocutor to first look at the site and promise that you will definitely return to his question during a personal meeting. In the future, if you see that a person is interested in buying, you can defend your price.

These are just general tips; if you do not want to understand the intricacies of selling suburban areas, then it is better to contact a good real estate agency.

Real estate in installments

And you can also buy a dacha or.

A few tips for country property owners who are selling houses when demand is low

Photo: Maxim Stulov/Vedomosti/TASS

The suburban real estate market is experiencing the consequences of the crisis. While the demand for city apartments has returned, most cottages and dachas remain idle on the market for a long time. Competition is high - there are a lot of offers on the secondary market. And in order to interest as many potential buyers as possible, owners need to highlight their offer among others. In many cases, this requires very little effort.

We have prepared several tips that will help make country real estate more attractive in order to sell it faster and more profitably in conditions of low demand.

Clear and fence off the area

Often buyers are interested not so much in the country house itself as in the land on which it stands. Therefore, first of all, you need to put the site and the area behind the fence in order: clear the driveways and parking space, fill in deep holes, mow the lawn, uproot old trees. The area should look neat. It is necessary to achieve such an effect that the buyer’s gaze slides over the area, and does not cling to the shortcomings. And if the land is not fenced in any way, it is better to put up a fence, even the simplest one (driven in pegs, mesh).

“The absolute majority makes a choice based on visual perception,” says Ilya Menzhunov, managing director of Metrium Premium. — The buyer will not understand the dimensions of the unfenced area. Stories that its boundaries are somewhere between pine and birch do not give an accurate picture. Nobody wants to invest a lot of money in something that is approximate and incomprehensible, and the buyer may go to another seller.”

Demolish dilapidated buildings

The value of suburban real estate can be increased if dilapidated buildings are removed from the site, Metrium experts believe. First of all, they include an old house. If there are cracks in the foundation, load-bearing structures and floors are worn out, then housing is worthless and becomes an unnecessary addition to the site. It is easier for a buyer to choose an empty plot and build a house to suit his tastes and needs than to spend money on expensive major repairs or pay for dismantling and garbage removal.

Other outdated buildings should also be demolished - for example, a dilapidated greenhouse, a dilapidated barn, a rickety gazebo. The buyer most likely will not want to spend time and money disassembling them.

Make repairs

The impression of the property takes just a few seconds, realtors say. Therefore, first of all, repair what is visible from the outside. “If a buyer sees broken windows and a full-length crack in the wall, then the chances of selling the property are significantly reduced,” notes Ilya Menzhunov. “It’s not necessary to replace wooden doors with metal ones or re-tile the tiles, you just need to give your home a fresh look.”

It is also important to carry out a technical inspection inside the house: put communications in order, fix everything that is broken, check the condition of the roof, attic and basement. It is also better to paint over scuffs, remove old furniture and unnecessary things that clutter the room. Ideally, the buyer should have the impression that no one has lived in the house before.

Determine the right price

An adequate price is the most important condition for selling real estate. If you initially set a price tag 20-30% higher than the real market value of the property, then most likely you will sell it 10-15% cheaper than it is worth. This is especially true for secondary “fences”, where today about 80% of prices are inflated and lots have been standing for years, notes Anton Arkhipov, director of the country real estate department at Inkom-Real Estate. Sooner or later the price will still have to be lowered.

The cost of dachas and cottages is determined by location, distance from the Moscow Ring Road, transport accessibility, category and type of permitted use of land, level of the village, area of ​​the plot, type and material of the house, etc. All these characteristics must be taken into account when setting the price of the property. Houses with good transport accessibility sell better and are more expensive than properties located far away and inconveniently, even if the building itself and the site are in excellent condition.

Don't mislead the buyer

Many owners, trying to sell their property, position it incorrectly and attribute to it advantages that it actually does not have. This is a wasted effort, because at the showing the potential buyer will still see the house and land as they really are.

“It often happens that the type of house indicated in the ad is “old dacha, historic house,” says Alexander Moskatov, managing director of the brokerage department of Miel-Network of Real Estate Offices. - And the price is determined in accordance with the request. But in fact it turns out that by old dacha we mean an ancient panel house of 20 square meters. m, which is guaranteed to be demolished. Such objects should be positioned as a site with communications and it should be separately indicated that the building is dilapidated and must be demolished.”

Don't sell emotions

There is one factor due to which many realtors prefer to conduct viewings in the absence of owners - owners often “sell emotions,” Moskatov notes. For example, they try to sell a house at a higher price on the grounds that it is expensive for family members and is connected with some events in their lives. But for the buyer this has no meaning and, moreover, prevents him from correctly assessing the attractiveness of the property. Therefore, it is better to restrain emotions and use objective advantages as arguments - communications, location, etc.

Prepare documents in advance

No matter how attractive the property may be, it will not be possible to quickly find a buyer and sell the property profitably if there is no complete package of documents for the house or land. Today, when supply is many times greater than demand, few people are willing to wait about a month until the owner collects all the certificates, extracts and certificates.

“It often happens that a buyer is found, and an agreement is reached on the price, but it is impossible to reach a deal because the land is not demarcated, the plot is not registered correctly, and the house is not registered,” says Alexander Moskatov.

What documents need to be prepared:

  • seller's passport;
  • certificate of registration or divorce;
  • notarized consent of the spouse to the transaction or a copy of the marriage contract;
  • documents confirming ownership (for example, a gift agreement or a certificate of inheritance, etc.);
  • a certificate of absence of debts on utility bills and confirmation of payment of membership fees in the gardening association;
  • a certificate of absence of registered persons in the house, if the house is located on the lands of settlements and/or has residential status;
  • documents confirming land surveying and defining the boundaries of the site. Since the land surveying procedure is quite lengthy, it is better to do this several months before putting the house up for sale.

It’s a big plus if the owner has a folder with other documents: from the house design to contracts with companies that installed something in it. Firstly, the client sees the seller’s responsible attitude towards his home, and secondly, he knows that he has somewhere to turn if problems arise, advises Anton Arkhipov. It is also advisable to add your own description of any nuances associated with the use of technical equipment.

There can be many reasons to sell your dacha. This includes moving, purchasing a new, more suitable dacha, and even an urgent need for money. But for the deal to take place, you must properly prepare the dacha for sale.

It is clear that if the dacha is in very good and well-maintained condition, it will be much easier to sell it. But if there are some problems with the site or buildings, they need to be resolved as quickly as possible so that the buyer does not even find out about them and does not begin to “bring down” the price. There are many opinions on this matter, and for almost all of us it is not ethical to hide the problems of the site in front of the buyer. And therefore they need to be solved, but in such a way that we do not lose a lot of time and do not invest serious funds in the process.

Today the site will tell site readers how to quickly sell a summer cottage with or without a house. In view of the fact that we are read not only in Russia, but also in many other countries and regions, we will not talk about the documentary part, because the process of re-registration is not the same everywhere. But we will tell you in detail about preparing the site and buildings for sale!

Selling a dacha: making a plan

This is not even a plan of specific actions, but an initial description of problems, of which, we are sure, there will be quite a lot at the dacha. Even if everything is in more or less normal condition, you must know the smallest defects in the house, sewer system, or garden in order to adequately respond to the fact that the buyer discovers them.

You must be prepared for the fact that they will try to seriously reduce the price, and therefore all problems found must be eliminated if possible!

Inspection of the summer cottage

You can start right from the entrance. Gates and wickets, a fence around the dacha, fences between you and your neighbors, in the farm yard, in the garden. All this will definitely be inspected by future buyers, and therefore everything should be without surprises.

Next, move on to the lawn and watering systems, the young garden and the recreation area that has been created here. After completing your inspection of the area, move on to the buildings and be sure to write down everything you don’t like and what can be fixed.

It is clear that a complete renovation of the dacha, which we talked about in this article, will not have to be done, because it is very expensive, but a minimum program must be drawn up and implemented.

Try to pay attention to the smallest details and, if they can influence the buyer’s decisions and the cost of the dacha, work with them. You can read the material about a loan for a dacha.

Fence and fence repair

Put in order the fence, the repair of which we advise you to do, the gate, the gate, so that everything works without squeaks and jerks, and there are no tears or cracks under the fences or inside them. Take paint and update the appearance of the fence, adjust the stability of the sections, install new hinges on the gate so that it tightly closes the entrance opening. All this will give a first positive impression, because the entrance and fence of the dacha are its face.

Comprehensive lawn inspection

Working with a lawn is a pleasure for the person who loves nature and greenery on his own site. Therefore, we are confident that everything is in order here. But if you know for sure that there are some problems, fix them immediately.

You need to inspect the lawn, mow the grass, roll it, and perhaps sow young grass here and there, if necessary.

Be sure to check the irrigation system, clean the nozzles, check how well the equipment works.

If you have a Moorish lawn at your dacha, details of which can be found in this material, take care of the timely planting of annuals, they will give a good impression of the green carpet. If it is rolled gas, you may have to buy several meters of carpet and lay it in those places where it is worn out. But it may be enough that part of the lawn is cut off, and the soil in these areas is processed and mulched. We recommend how you can decorate these areas. It can be pebbles, expanded clay and even crushed stone.

Putting order in flower beds

To begin with, we recommend that you study what alpine slides are so that you understand the structure of such landscape elements. We are sure that almost every dacha has one, but it is not necessary that the owner himself was involved in the arrangement, and it will be up to you to put the slide in order. Here it is important to correct the details and establish balance, but not to disturb anything, especially the growth of plants.

Also, it’s worth working with the flower beds, and especially with their fencing. Often these are just borders made of concrete, stone or brick, but sometimes they are also low decorative fences. It is very important to ensure that they are not hidden by plants and are in good condition, clean and restored. This is possible without financial investments; for example, you will only need to straighten the fences, rub them with burlap or a broom to remove dried soil that has stuck during watering.

It is imperative to remove weeds from flower beds, take them out and burn them. It is important to work with the plants - pruning, removing dead wood, weeding the inside of the flower beds so that the weeds do not obscure the beauty of the flowers.

Take care of more remarkable places if you have built retaining walls at one time (if not, you can read about the construction of such in this article). They are quite visible on the site, like gabion structures, and therefore must be in very good condition.

We recommend that you pay attention to hanging flower pots and the high flower beds and beds we described earlier, where many of us grow flowers or herbs. Their supports should be strong, their suspensions should be strong, and their overall appearance should leave only positive impressions.

Pre-sale preparation of the garden

In this section we want to talk not only about the orchard itself, but also about shrubs and ornamental plants in this area. Here you will need some experience, because working with pruners and a hacksaw is not suitable for everyone.

It is advisable to choose the right tools for the garden, you can even follow our recommendations, and learn the technique of working with them.

You need to clear the area so that it is pleasant to walk around the garden, or spend time here on a bench with a cup of tea. Therefore, weed removal, mandatory removal, pruning of dry branches in the crowns and those that especially interfere with movement along garden paths. Tree trunks should be whitened this way, and the trunk circles of each tree should also be mulched. This will give a neat and well-groomed look, which has a very good effect on the buyer!

Let's talk about bushes. There is practically nothing needed here other than cleaning up dry branches and leaves. It’s not worth it to just take and trim bushes for the sake of their good appearance, unless it’s a hedge. But you can mulch the soil and clean up around them, because we all understand that drafts pull a lot of cobwebs, feathers, leaves, pieces of paper and other debris under the base of any bush.

When cleanliness has been established around each plant, on the lawn, flower beds and in the garden, we have to inspect and correct everything that we once built in the country, because the condition of each structure should not cause any negative emotions in the future buyer!

Country paths

To begin with, we recommend reading the article about the construction of country paths, as well as about the restoration of paths, because such information in this case will be very useful. You don’t have to dwell too much on the selection of materials and full repairs, because it’s important to just put everything in order.

Using construction materials or even construction waste mixed into the mortar, it is possible to qualitatively correct all defects. As a result, it is important to obtain paths from which parts of pebbles, sand, or large pieces will not fall out. Sometimes, to do this, it is enough to simply rub the seams between the tiles or stones with bulk materials.

Make sure that all the borders are in order; to do this, just sweep them up and trim them a little.

We tidy up country buildings

We will start with the country house, because this is the main building on the site. Buyers often pay attention to a house or even a small house, depending on the status of the cottage.

But no matter what size it is and how many years ago it was built, the house must be in a habitable condition.

Here it is important to carry out external and internal cleaning, slightly repair chips and cracks, wash and paint the windows, and if necessary, even repair them as we advised in this article. There is no point in describing the entire cleaning process, because every housewife herself understands perfectly well what cleanliness is. But renovating a country house is a completely different matter, and we definitely recommend thinking about it.

Naturally, no one will carry out major repairs to the house before selling it, because this is a serious investment, but you will still have to spend a little money. You will need to repair the roof, the stairs to the attic, which buyers will want to inspect, cover up cracks in the walls, and generally clean up the interior of the house.

When you have dealt with the country house, we move on to other buildings. Everything is the same here - external and internal cleaning. But besides this, everything that we built earlier must be in working order:

  • The shed should close well, the inside should be clean and dry, all shelves should be in order, garden tools should be clean and stacked on racks;
  • The garage is dry and warm, with a minimum of drafts, with a clean repair pit or cellar that may be inside. It is important to tidy up the floor as much as possible, remove oily rags, and place all spare parts in drawers and cabinets;
  • The toilet and outdoor shower (the construction of which we recommend) must be fully functional. Naturally, a minimum of odors and humidity, good ventilation, a mandatory supply of water to the shower, well, or a working tank and a new watering can. We won’t say anything about hygiene, everything is clear here;
  • Gazebos, sheds, stoves and barbecues, utility and landscape buildings... look at them and just ask yourself what you would like to see them like? Naturally, well-groomed, clean and ready to continue to carry out their tasks, right? Then everything is in your hands!!!

A similar approach can be applied to any area of ​​your site or object built here. It is very important to show the buyer that everything is in order, and most importantly, that when checking everything is exactly like that!!!

The cost of preparing a cottage for sale

Many will say that they themselves need such a clean, well-groomed and renovated dacha, and so it is. After all, when the plot is tidied up and “works” like a real dacha, and not just an overgrown field, you don’t even want to part with it. But our task is to quickly and profitably sell a summer cottage, so no regrets!

The fact remains that preparing a summer house for sale can cost money, and sometimes quite a lot. High-quality preparation with cosmetic repairs and restoration can be estimated at even 20-30% of the invoiced cost, but no one is forcing you to spend that much money. Of course, it is very necessary to bring everything to fruition, but there are other methods, for example, high-quality preparation of the dacha and just a nice conversation with the buyer in which you describe all the advantages of your site!!!

How to sell correctly (video)

How to offer a dacha to a buyer

Everyone understands that the more good things you can tell about your site and home, the more positive impressions the buyer should have. They are the ones who can convince him of a positive decision. This is partly true, but you need to understand what you can tell the buyer and what you can’t.

Here everyone has the right to act according to their conscience, describe the advantages and keep silent about the disadvantages, make discounts or talk about what has never happened and will never happen. But we will not give you “dark advice” on such methods, but will simply mention what will be useful.

What to tell the buyer of a summer house

  • First of all, point out the advantages of plot size. If it is small, talk about compactness, the proximity of each object to each other, eliminating fatigue from walking around the site and carrying heavy loads. If, on the contrary, it is very large, tell us about your ideas, which, unfortunately, did not have time to be realized - a small football field, an alpine meadow lawn with flowers, a picnic area, a huge playground, the possibility of doing business on the site with the construction of greenhouses and flower beds, etc. ;
  • Next, you need to independently introduce the buyer to every corner of your dacha. It is better to lead him to the shortcomings than to hide them, because many, as luck would have it, themselves find the problems of the dacha, but the opinion of the secretive owner is already spoiled. Show the unfinished grill, but also point out all the necessary materials in the shed. Take the buyer to the old gazebo, but immediately tell them that they did not renovate it only because they chose a new location for a more modern gazebo. Be sure to point out all the benefits of the garden, describe the amount of harvest, show jars of jam or barrels of pickled apples. It is very important that you mention garden plants a lot if you notice that the buyer is interested in vegetables, herbs and other similar crops;
  • Try to introduce the buyer to your future neighbors and, naturally, take them not to the grumpy granny across the street who doesn’t like you because of noisy gatherings, but to the neighbor to the side who has been given the opportunity to use a tool more than once or been treated to homemade wine.

According to many people, even without going into psychology, it is important to convince a person of the maximum positive. You even need to turn all the negativity in a positive direction, and then the desired result will become closer!

What is better to remain silent about?

We will immediately say that we do not recommend keeping silent about serious dacha problems, because someday they may come to light. This promises trouble or just a bad opinion of you. But, to tell the truth, if you disclose all the facts about the problems with the site, it can remain yours forever, since many of its indicators can cause the buyer to leave.

Therefore, it is worth “summoning an audience” with your conscience and trying to understand how much you want to sell your dacha. Of course, you can take a variety of steps, but it’s up to you to talk about problems or seriously oversaturate the advantages.

Pay attention again!

  • To sell your dacha, you need to prepare all the documents. A couple of signatures on collected papers doesn’t mean weeks of visiting notaries. In addition, not every buyer will wait while you delay with the papers, because today there are many options for good dachas;
  • Be sure to pay attention to the season in which the auction is scheduled. The best jackpot can be obtained in the spring; closer to winter, the cost of plots and dachas in general drops seriously;
  • Do not forget about affability and friendliness. Nobody likes people who are in no mood or who are in too much of a hurry. Give the buyer the right time and give a few smiles, this will increase the chance of a sale;
  • Bargain only as long as it is profitable for you. If you can interest the buyer in the qualities and advantages of the dacha, he will give a decent price for it;
  • Knowingly predicting bargaining and possible discounts, add a couple of percent of the cost, that is, include a discount in the preliminary cost of the dacha.

There can be a lot of similar advice, but to really help in selling a summer house you need to know almost everything about it. Therefore, let’s hope that both the previously stated requirements and our advice will help you sell your dacha profitably.

It is possible to sell a dacha, even at a high price, but you must try hard for this. Remember that the best assistant in this matter is loud information support. Announce the sale in your cooperative or cottage community, and believe me, your neighbors will really help you find a buyer. But do not forget also that advertisements in thematic publications, as well as on the Internet, also work great. Information about business ideas for summer cottages in winter will also be useful.

We ask all readers of this article to join this discussion. We are sure that you also have some advice regarding the sale of your dacha!

To do this, the future owner must:

  1. Write an application to the land committee at your official place of residence, providing evidence of the fact of inheritance;
  2. Obtain a resolution confirming the rights to own the dacha;
  3. Visit the cadastral chamber, where to register the plot;
  4. Conclude an agreement on territory ownership.

To sell a summer cottage owned by several owners, a written agreement from each of them is required. Preparing the site for sale The answer to the question of how to sell a dacha profitably is to put the property in order. Cosmetic repairs and general cleaning of the area can improve the site in the eyes of the buyer.

How to sell a dacha? Does anyone have experience with a realtor?

The main feature when pricing houses and dachas is that sellers strictly try to include in the price all their expenses for the construction of the facility and maintenance of the site for all years. But often, it is not possible to get your money back. You need to be aware of this and be prepared for it. Country real estate realtor The issue of buying and selling country real estate is multifaceted and complex.

Without special skills and knowledge in this market segment, financial losses and huge labor costs cannot be avoided. When selling a plot of land, a cottage or a summer house through a country real estate agent, you will save yourself from a lot of inconvenience, empty hassle and unnecessary costs. I, as a realtor with extensive sales experience, offer only an individual approach and efficiency of work.

Urgent sale of a dacha

If you understand that your property is losing in some respects, do not be upset, because at first glance, an unremarkable area, upon detailed analysis, can show its unique capabilities and advantages. These are the ones that need to be emphasized. Proper positioning is the main aspect when selling. After all, sometimes, the advantage is precisely the absence of all the benefits of civilization and the lack of roads, for those who want to live alone, or the first line of houses from a busy highway, for those who want to locate a retail facility...

Each object has its own buyer. But ultimately, only the market and demand determine the price. Until the market shows interest in you, all estimates of the value of the site are conditional. Views from potential buyers, or lack thereof, will ultimately push you to make the right decision...
