Powdered form of insecticide DDT. Dust (DDT) and analogues: benefits and dangers of use. Properties of insecticides developed on the basis of DDT

On modern market presented many various means to combat bedbugs, not to mention traditional methods. It is quite difficult to choose the optimal product that harmoniously combines price and effectiveness. One thing is for sure: if there are a lot of bedbugs and the room is large, then you need to use dust.

Indeed, bedbug dust is an inexpensive but effective remedy that is quite easy to use. There are a huge number of dust manufacturers, all of them are equally effective, but incorrect use of the powder and ignorance of its main features can lead to not the best results.

Dust against bedbugs: what is this miracle remedy?

As mentioned above, dust is an anti-bedbug remedy that comes in powder form. The concentration of poison in the powder is usually low.

The poison has no smell. There are two ways of exposure to dust: ingestion of a bug or contact exposure. The first option is impossible: bedbugs do not eat anything other than blood, which means that poison cannot enter their body from the outside through the intestinal tract.

Modern substances are completely safe for humans, and therefore can easily be used in residential areas. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that powders are not profitable to use in places with high humidity- they lose their poisonous properties.

You can buy a packet of powder containing 50 g of product at any household store or supermarket. One pack will cost up to 20 rubles depending on the manufacturer and will be enough to process 10 meters.

Features of dust: advantages and disadvantages

Before you buy any anti-bedbug product, you need to weigh all its pros and cons. After all, a poison that helped some will not necessarily help others, because insecticides behave differently in different conditions. Powders are quite stable and behave the same in all situations, but sometimes they still fail.

Among the advantages of dust, the following should be highlighted:

  • instant effect upon contact with an insect;
  • broad spectrum of action;
  • low price of insecticide;
  • safety for people;
  • low concentration of poison;
  • long period of validity;
  • possibility of use for preventive purposes;
  • has no toxic odor.

Thanks to the advantages described above, it is very convenient to use dust in large rooms: the powder lasts for a very long time, without giving bedbugs any chance to settle in a house or apartment. Bed bug dust can also be dissolved in water, creating a solution that can be sprayed various surfaces. After drying, microparticles of the powder will be able to fall on the bedbugs and destroy them. Dust also has its drawbacks, including an inconvenient method of application.

The difficulty of using dust is that you need to ensure that it reaches the insect, which is not always possible. For these purposes, it is much more convenient to use insecticides in the form of aerosols, which are easier to treat various surfaces. It is not advisable to use the powder in homes where there are pets, because the powder can negatively affect animals.

Using powder against bedbugs

Bedbug dust is used in the same way as all insecticides, because it has a similar method of action. Before you buy dust, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for its use: they are not suitable for everyone.

You need to prepare your apartment in advance: wash everything thoroughly, pack food, personal hygiene items, and clothes. Then you need to close the windows and doors tightly: although the powder is odorless, it emits certain fumes, so it is better to keep the room closed. You need to dress as closely as possible, be sure to use a protective mask, goggles and gloves.

You need to scatter the powder throughout the apartment. There is no need to pour it in heaps: a thin, barely noticeable layer is enough. Special attention You need to pay attention to baseboards, seams of upholstered furniture, cabinets, and walls behind furniture. It is important to find bedbug nests in advance and treat them with powder. When cleaning the nesting beds of bedbugs, it is better not to touch them so that the insects do not scatter throughout the apartment.

It is not necessary to use dust in powder form: you can dilute it in water, but maintain a high concentration of the product.

All surfaces should be sprayed with a dust solution, especially those that are difficult to treat with powder: walls, ceilings, furniture frames, polished cabinets and cabinets next to the bed. Upon completion of work, you need to leave the room for at least 5-6 hours. Afterwards you need to clean up, wiping all used surfaces and ventilating the room. There is no need to wash the powder out from behind baseboards, on walls and furniture frames. It is important to note: the more powder closer to the bed, the better.

Dust efficiency

Insecticidal dust "Clean House" is intended for the destruction of cockroaches, ants, fleas, bed bugs, flies (breeding sites).

The packaging is designed for 10 sq.m. treated surface.

The powder is great for getting rid of bedbugs. We already know that they hide in furniture, clothes, beds and even in your pets' terrariums. The powder can be poured into any crack in the house, this is its special advantage.

Contents and composition of Dust

1.Talc (plays the role of a filler)

2. Cypermethrin (colorless, viscous liquid)

3. Malathion (effective against all types of insects)

3. Synergist piperonyl butoxide (PPB - the most important thing in the composition)

4. Solvent

5. "Slimmer"

The composition may vary depending on the wishes of the manufacturer.

Dust should be stored in a dry, cool, protected from sun rays place.

In places inaccessible to children and animals, away from food products. The shelf life is usually 3 years (indicated on the seam of the package)

The powder is used to kill bedbugs, but is also great for removing pests such as ants, cockroaches, lice, and so on.

Precautionary measures:

  • When cleaning the premises, wear gloves.
  • With open vents and windows
  • In the absence of people and animals
  • There should be no food or utensils nearby during processing.
  • Avoid contact of dust with eyes and skin (in case of accidental contact, rinse with water)
  • After finishing treatment, wash your face and hands with soap and water.
  • Cleaning can be done 24 hours after treatment with a soap-soda solution using rubber gloves.

You can buy anti-bedbug dust in specialized hardware stores, and in stalls for gardeners and vegetable gardeners. The price is for the 50g bag shown in the photo. is only 14.50 rubles. Perhaps this is the most inexpensive remedy for bedbugs. When choosing, pay attention to the degree of toxicity; a highly concentrated mixture will certainly help faster, but remember that you still have to live in this house.

Before you start using the dust, be sure to determine whether there are bedbugs in your home. This can be determined by the following signs:

1) Red spots on the skin (like blisters).

Bed bug bite

2) Traces of blood on the bed (they could appear when you pressed them without realizing it during sleep).

3) Traces of insect excrement (somewhat reminiscent of red-brown crumbs).

4) Unpleasant smell(This is how bedbugs have a defensive reaction).

5) Unlike fleas, bedbugs only bite open areas bodies.

Instructions for use

  1. The package must be opened.
  2. Apply dust thin layer to habitats, aggregations or movements of insects.
  3. To remove bedbugs, you need to sprinkle the places where insects may live (the back surface of carpets, furniture, paintings, sofas, armchairs, beds, crevices in baseboards) with dust.
  4. Treat bedding and rugs for animals from the bottom side, be sure to thoroughly knock them out after 24 hours, and wash them after 3 days before subsequent use.

Using powder to remove bedbugs is not a quick process! Follow the following expert advice!

Tip #1

Personal hygiene products and food must be isolated in sealed packaging.

Tip #2

Remove roommates and animals from your home.

Tip #3

To prevent the product from getting on the skin, an allergic reaction does not occur (which most often happens in people who miss this advice), you need to wear rubber gloves, clothing that fits close to your body (or purchase special clothing), and a medical mask.


Use powder on furniture, clothes, disassemble a computer (in daytime bedbugs love places like this), behind the baseboard, don’t miss a single place. Move the furniture in advance.

Tip #5

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap


Leave the house for 2-3 days.

Tip #7

Upholstered furniture needs to be vacuumed.


Wash all clothes, it is better to boil them. Bedbugs die at temperatures from 30 to 40◦ C.

Bedbug bites are terrible and unpleasant. Bites mean that bedbugs have been in the house for a long time and have already managed to increase their population. Painful bites are left by larvae, itchy bites by adults.

Along with indoor prevention, start treating bites or allergic reactions from them:

  1. First, take an anti-allergy medicine, it will not do any harm, and it will be an excellent preventive measure, since 80% of people suffering from bedbugs are allergic.

  2. Wash itchy bites with soap (preferably bactericidal, baby or laundry soap).

  3. Apply ice cubes for 30 seconds (this will stop the burning temporarily)

  4. Cauterize the bites with alcohol, alcoholic infusions of herbs, and cauterize with Menovazin at night.

  5. Use Fenistil gel, applying it to the inflamed area.

Not only are bites a consequence of bedbugs living in the house, but they also cause restless sleep, children experience a huge fear of going to bed, depression, nervousness, and so on occur.

Advantages of the drug Dust:

  1. Does not need to be diluted with water (if you do this, the drug will become ineffective)
  2. Cheapness. (less than 15 rubles for 50g.) The most expensive drug of this type is highly toxic.
  3. Economical. The package is enough for an average one-room apartment.
  4. General purpose drug. Effective on 30 types of insects.
  5. Less harmful to humans.
  6. Sold almost everywhere.


  1. Inconvenient to use. You have to sprinkle everything and then rub it in.
  2. Low concentration.
  3. Not a pleasant smell

Well-known companies that produce Dust:

The boy was bitten by bedbugs while he was sleeping

“Klopoveron” is toxic, which means it is the most powerful and expensive.

“Clean House” is popular in professional use.

“Fencasin” is odorless and is often used for prevention.

"Fast-double" - a wide range of uses.

"Riapan" is not addictive to insects. Can be used constantly.

“Karbofos” is increasingly used in households.

For reference

Contact insecticides are toxic substances that can penetrate the body of insects through their chitinous cover. To kill a bug, it is enough for him to simply run through the dust with such an insecticide or accidentally smear himself in it. Contact insecticides include the widely and notorious DDT, and more modern and safe ones include Karbofos, Chlorophos, Pyrethrum, Neopin, Neopinamine, Cypermethrin and some other substances.

Among all the drugs that are actively advertised today as reliable drugs against household insects, including bedbugs, let’s try to highlight those that not only pass the test for fundamental suitability, but also those that have managed to gain popularity among the people. Still, theory is theory, but in practice, many drugs manifest themselves differently.

Anton, Maly Mayak

The most common dusts today and the rules for their use

Among the large number of dusts against bedbugs, which can be bought both in markets and stores, and via the Internet, there are not so many that are truly effective. The most reliable means are used in their work by specialists from pest control and sanitary epidemiological stations. Among these dusts:

  • Klopoveron is one of the most difficult to obtain and expensive drugs against bedbugs ( domestic production). In addition, it is rightfully considered one of and is used in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Navy.
  • Phenaxin is a product that, in addition to its effectiveness, is distinguished by its absence of odor, which is rare for insecticides.
  • Insect repellent Clean House.
  • Pyrethrum is the only one among truly effective means completely natural product.
  • Riapan.
  • Biocyfen

…and some others. This list is constantly updated with new developments, and they should be checked for effectiveness based on their composition.

On a note

All modern insecticides relatively safe for humans, but with serious treatment of the premises they require compliance with all safety rules. When scattering them or spraying the solution, you must use gloves and a face mask. After applying dusts, you should not clean the room for several days, and it is advisable not to wash the bed elements for several weeks.

See also our experiments on bedbugs:

We catch bedbugs and test for them different means- see the results...

Modern dusts against bedbugs are odorless and do not evaporate, and therefore their presence in the bedroom is quite safe for humans.

This is interesting

It was precisely because of its toxicity and ability to accumulate in the body that DDT ceased to be used in everyday life, and then in agriculture. Almost all modern insecticides are not inferior to it in effectiveness, but are safer when in contact with the human body and warm-blooded animals.


Klopoveron is rightfully considered one of the most powerful and effective remedies for bedbugs. The drug was developed for the purposes Soviet army(and more precisely, for poisoning bedbugs on military ships and submarines) and today is used only by a few professional companies due to its high cost.

You can buy this dust for bedbugs at a price of about 1,800 rubles for 250 grams of powder - it’s cheaper and much easier to contact a regular professional insect removal company. Klopoveron contains a synthetic insecticide that ensures the rapid onset of paralysis in insects.

Ilya Ivanovich, Yaroslavl

Dust Clean House

Dust Clean House is also a fairly effective insecticide, known for being actively used by pest control services. The powder is quite toxic, so it requires careful use.

The product is scattered under the bed mattress, along the baseboards and near the cabinets. For processing medium studio apartment you should buy 5 packs of dust of 50 grams each and use them all - the result in this case should be well expressed. It is optimal to repeat the treatment of the apartment a week after the first treatment, but with a smaller amount of the product.

A pack of Clean House dust weighing 50 grams costs approximately 12 rubles.

Phenaxin for bedbugs

Phenaxin contains fenvalerate, the main active insecticide, as well as boric acid(no effect on bedbugs) and lubricating oil. This composition provides an excellent effect against bedbugs, but the main thing is that it practically does not smell of anything. This advantage allows Phenaxin to be used not only in residential buildings, but also in hotels and catering establishments.

125 grams of Phenaxin costs about 20 rubles.

“When my daughter moved into the institute dormitory in the first semester, she came to us for a week in horror - she said that there were bugs on the walls in the dormitory. We called everyone we knew and found only Phenaxin powder and said it was effective. My daughter sprinkled it all over the baseboards, the bed under the mattress, the parquet floor, and the closet. The result was good, but we constantly had to treat the room because the bedbugs were creeping in from the neighbors.”

Anna, Kurgan


Insect dust Fast-double is not much different from Phenaxin, but has many positive feedback and is often used to combat not only bedbugs, but almost all other household insects.

Fast-double costs approximately 20 rubles per 125 grams.

Riapan against bed bugs

Riapan is a dust that, when used in an apartment, retains its effectiveness for 2-3 weeks. Active substance in the drug - Permethrin. A pack of 125 grams of dust is enough to treat 20 square meters. m. premises.

“Bedbugs appeared in our house a long time ago, but we poisoned them more and more with folk remedies - tansy, wormwood. I constantly had to buy these, but the number of bedbugs did not decrease. We were advised to buy insecticide, we found Riapan. This excellent remedy. We spent about 250 rubles on the whole house, sprinkled everything, and then carried out a control stain. As a result, for the first time in two years we found ourselves in a house without bedbugs at all. Just in case, we bought a few more bags and are ready to poison the bedbugs as soon as they appear.”

Antonina Petrovna, Tula

When applying any dust indoors, you must always remember that a child or pet may accidentally get dirty in it. And although in Not large quantities Most of these drugs are low-risk; it is better to prevent children and pets from coming into contact with them. When treating a room, you should take into account the specifics of all the inhabitants of the house (for example, take into account the possibility of allergies in sensitive people) and follow the safety measures specified for a specific drug.

Bedbug bites are not dangerous to humans; the maximum they can provoke is allergic reaction, itching and small rash. You can read about the consequences of bites. Bedbugs do not carry any serious diseases.

But, nevertheless, most people do not want to put up with such a forced proximity, and try to get rid of insects with everything accessible ways, even folk. ABOUT folk remedies You can find out how to get rid of bedbugs by clicking on.

Among the wide range modern drugs, Dust does not give up its positions, it is still in demand and popular among most of the population, as in Soviet times. In this article we will try to consider whether dust helps against bedbugs.

Dust from bedbugs - powdered preparation, which includes such components How:

  • Boric acid;
  • Pyrethrum;
  • Pineronyl butoxide;
  • Other additives (affect the color and aroma of the drug).

Dust, at proper storage,retains all his abilities for more than five years. It is resistant to sudden temperature changes and does not respond to exposure to direct ultraviolet rays.

Dust only afraid high humidity . When exposed to a humid environment, the powder becomes viscous and loses some of its properties.

Reference. In terms of its effectiveness in the fight against bedbugs, dust does not occupy a leading place, but it is an effective, proven and reliable means.

Operating principle

Dust can be like contact actions and intestinal.

The intestinal preparation is not suitable for bedbugs. Bedbugs – blood-sucking insects, therefore, the structure of their jaw and mouth as a whole is not designed for eating dry food. No matter how attractive dust is to bedbugs, they physically cannot eat it.

Advantages and disadvantages of using dust

Dust, like any drug, has its own strengths and weak sides, which are important to consider before you start baiting bedbugs.


  • Ease of use (sold ready-made).
  • Budget cost.
  • Low consumption (50 g is enough to treat a room of 10 square meters).
  • Long shelf life (up to 5 years).
  • Small dosage of insecticides, the drug is not toxic to humans.
  • Wide spectrum of action, can be used not only against bedbugs, but also against other insects (ants, cockroaches, fleas).


  • The low concentration of poison does not allow the drug to act immediately.
  • Harmless to bedbug larvae, kills only adults and young individuals.
  • Repeated treatment is required after 5-7 days.
  • Dust is strictly not recommended for use in areas where children and pets may be present. If ingested, it can cause intoxication and respiratory spasm.

Dust from bedbugs. Instructions for use

Before starting bedbug baiting, the buyer should carefully read instructions provided by the manufacturer. Although all types of dust preparations are used almost identically, sometimes there may be individual characteristics in the use of one or another product.

Attention! To achieve the greatest effect, the use of dust against bedbugs should be carried out strictly according to the instructions attached to it.

Step-by-step algorithm of actions:


  • Remove bed linen, bedspreads and pillows (they need to be washed as quickly as possible). hot water, not lower than 50 degrees, dry and iron on both sides).
  • Remove small items.
  • Take out food items. An exception may be products stored in a refrigerator with a tightly fitting door.
  • Children and animals should not be allowed into the room during treatment and for another day after it.
  • The person who will be processing the premises must wear protective equipment. personal protection– hand gloves, respirator, special glasses and outerwear.


  • In hard-to-reach places, the powder can be poured directly from the bag.
  • To treat accessible surfaces, use a dry sponge, dip it into the powder and distribute it evenly over all surfaces in the room: baseboards, interior cabinet walls, window sills on all sides, ventilation grates. Must be carefully processed cushioned furniture along the seams, on the back side of the products and, if possible, on the internal parts.
  • The product is left for an average of 4-10 hours (see instructions), after which you can ventilate the room and carry out a damp general cleaning. Hard to reach places You can not wash it, but leave it as a preventative insect repellent.


  • After treating the room, the person who carried out this procedure needs to take a shower, wash his face, hair and hands well, and change clothes.
  • Wash clothes in hot water, personal protective equipment, and throw away after use.
  • Rags, sponges and napkins, after spring cleaning, should also be recycled or simply thrown away.

Attention! The dust is completely harmless to bedbug larvae, so after the initial treatment of the room, secondary treatment will be required after 5-7 days. Failure to follow this recommendation will result in re-infection of the premises.

Dust from bedbugs. Review:

Elizaveta, Samara

Top – 3 popular dusts against bedbugs

A wide range of powders sometimes confuses the consumer about which product to choose. According to statistics, the most popular drugs include the following:

Clean house

  • Suitable for home and professional use.
  • Economical (disinfection costs two-room apartment– 10 packs, 50 g each).
  • Budget price (the cost of one pack weighing 50 g is on average 12-15 rubles).
  • Repeated treatment is carried out with a smaller dose of the drug (for a two-room apartment you will need 5-6 packs of 50 g each). Available for free sale.


I went on a business trip to Ryazan and rented the cheapest accommodation for a couple of weeks. I was at work all day, I only came to the apartment to sleep, so the comfort of rented housing did not bother me much. On the third day I noticed strange small pimples that were very itchy, I got scared, went to the doctor, it turned out to be bedbug bites. Somehow I survived my business trip in this ill-fated apartment and happily returned home. A week later I discovered that I had brought bedbugs with me, which was a complete surprise. They tormented me so much while on a business trip that I couldn’t stand such a nightmare at home. I went to a hardware store and bought, on the advice of the seller, the “Clean House” product, applied it exactly according to the instructions, and was not too lazy to treat the entire apartment twice. I was pleased with the result, the bedbugs went away immediately and it’s been three months since I forgot about them. I can safely say that dust helps against bedbugs.

Veniamin, Minsk.


  • Suitable for treating residential premises and industrial enterprises Catering.
  • Doesn't have strong smell, washes out quickly and works effectively.
  • Economical. Available in packs of 125 g, two packs are enough to treat a standard one-room apartment.
  • Budget cost. On average, the price for 125 g ranges from 20 to 25 rubles. Available for free sale.


Maria, Tomsk.


  • A universal remedy for combating different types insects Easily and quickly destroys not only bedbugs, but also ants, cockroaches, roaches, fleas and lice.
  • Economical. To treat rooms of 65-70 square meters, only 150 g of powder is enough.
  • Budget cost. One package weighing 50 g costs from 20 to 30 rubles. Available for free sale.

You can also find out how to use dust from bedbugs in the video below:

You can find out about other powders, crayons and pencils against bedbugs by clicking on.
