Politically active youth. Youth political activity: problems and trends. State youth policy and its influence on the formation of political activity of young people: main trends and development prospects

socio-political activity of youth public organizations

Baranova G.V., Kostenko B.B.

Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia, Orel, Russia


Baranov G.M., Kostenko V.V.

Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation,

The article substantiates the importance of developing constructive socio-political activity of youth public organizations. An analysis of the protest activities of youth formations in the modern post-Soviet period is presented. Based on the dynamics of protest activity, the most active youth associations were identified and classified into groups.

Key words: socio-political activity, youth public organizations, protest activity, constructive nature, destructive socio-political activity, dynamics of protest activity.

In article the importance of development of constructive sociopolitical activity of youth public organizations is proven. The analysis of protest activity of youth formations of the modern Post-Soviet period is submitted. On the basis of the dynamics of protest activity the most active youth associations are allocated and classified in groups.

Keywords: socio-political activity, youth public organizations, protest activity, constructive character, destructive socio-political activity, dynamics of protest activity.

The emergence of Russia as a legal democratic state actualizes the need to form a civil society in it, which, characterized by a high degree of self-organization, regulates not only its political, cultural, but also economic and social life. This is a society whose stability is supported not so much by the power of state coercion, but by the socio-political activity of the citizens themselves, aimed at solving the problems of transforming society, which is one of the most important conditions for its evolutionary development and predetermines the tendency to strengthen all public associations and the state as a whole.

Modern civil society in Russia is only in its formation stage. “Democratic institutions are generally formed and stabilized, but their quality is very far from ideal. Civil society is weak, the level of self-organization and self-government is low,” says D.A. Medvedev in his address to the citizens of the country.

Increasing the level of socio-political activity and its constructive manifestation is axiomatically significant for the development of society. Despite the fact that in general in the country the degree of civil initiative, self-organization of the population, and responsibility still leaves much to be desired, nevertheless, contradictions and confrontations between public structures, social state institutions and subjects of power structures are expressed in various forms of disagreement with the position, image and the quality of life imposed on them from above. Increasing interest in the country's problems at the local and state level indicates the process of development in Russia of democracy and a certain level of socio-political activity

of people. Currently, there is an objective interest of the state and citizens in the development of socio-political activity, its constructive form and, as a consequence, the development of initiative and self-government in all spheres of public life, as an institution of democracy.

Based on an analysis of the results of scientific research on this problem, secondary processing of sociological surveys conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion, the Analytical Center of Yu. Levada, and the author’s research on socio-political activity, it was concluded that in the process of historical development of society with changes in socio-political regimes, and, consequently, the conditions for the development of society, under the influence of external and internal factors, the forms of manifestation of socio-political activity change, become more complex, and are supplemented with new ones. This is due to the fact that in different conditions preconditions are created that stimulate the growth of certain potentials of people and social groups, giving rise to new behavioral stereotypes, abilities and opportunities. Purposeful initiative and sometimes spontaneous actions of subjects (as an expression of socio-political activity) have an ambiguous degree of impact on society, which allows us to speak about the contradictory nature of socio-political activity.

One of the forms of expression of people's socio-political activity is their protest activity, aimed at expressing dissatisfaction, opposition to the plans and actions of the authorities, the attitude of citizens to the existing socio-political system, to socio-political institutions, parties, movements, documents, decisions, phenomena and processes, politicians, socio-economic problems, interethnic and religious relations.

It is important to note that along with numerous types of protest activity that are constructive, peaceful in nature (without material, moral, moral damage, harm to people’s health or threats to their lives), which make it possible to reveal existing problems, there is also destructive socio-political activity. It is characterized by negative, conflictual forms of proactive protest activity, the results of which sometimes have unpredictable, destructive consequences that destabilize society and certainly have a negative impact on the evolution of society. These forms include:

■ coordinated boycott of elections;

■ certain types of socio-political protests (unauthorized force strikes, lockdowns, hunger strikes, even armed conflicts and terrorist acts), which have consequences in the form of material damage and threats to human health.

In the modern structuring of society, young people occupy a particularly significant place due to their demographic characteristics and capabilities. It is the young generation that is the main driving force of the future state. The future of our country depends on the nature of the active work of young people and the constructiveness of their impact on the development of society.

Today, as noted by V.V. Putin, “Unfortunately, in the wake of the crisis, a number of problems remain relevant that we could not solve before - I mean aggressiveness, crime, extremism, and national intolerance among young people. All this, unfortunately, exists, and one cannot ignore it.”

With the beginning of democratic reforms in the USSR, the proclamation of glasnost, the emergence of civil society, social

The political life of young people has noticeably revived and expanded. Voluntary youth organizations and associations of various directions began to form: political, student, human rights, environmental, religious, sports and others. United by common goals, they actively became involved in the socio-political life of the country, putting forward various problems for consideration by the state and society, attracting public attention to them.

Along with various forms of initiative, self-organized, self-governing, creative, innovative activity, the activity of public youth organizations is also expressed in protest actions. Organizations have emerged (in which it is young people who represent the main composition) that have an ambiguous, and sometimes anti-state and illegal nature of activity. Some of them receive financial and other assistance from foreign state and public funds aimed at influencing government bodies and public associations in resolving various issues of internal political life in Russia.

Thus, on the basis of the illegality of actions that have negative consequences, from 2003 to 2010, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation adopted and entered into legal force decisions to recognize as terrorist and liquidate or ban the activities of a whole range of both international and domestic radical nationalist organizations. These include: the interregional public organization "National Bolshevik Party", the movement against illegal immigration (DPNI), the regional public association "National Socialist Workers' Party of Russia" (NSRPR), the interregional public movement "Slavic Union" and others. However, many of them, despite the official ban, continue their activities illegally, initiate various unauthorized protest actions and therefore require constant close attention and control and management from the state.

The need for timely regulation of processes occurring in the youth environment, increasing management efficiency to create conditions for the development of its constructive direction, determines the importance of a detailed study of the problem of the origin and development of protest activity of youth public organizations, the causes, forms and nature of its manifestation.

Currently, quite a lot of research is devoted to the activities of young people. Thus, in the works of E.A. Anufrieva, L.A. Gordon, A.I. Kovaleva, Yu.A. Levada, E.N. Smetanina, M.A. Shabanova, E.B. Shestopal, reflects the theory of youth socialization and political adaptation. The concept of youth participation in political processes is presented in the works of such researchers as: S.V. Aleshchenok, P.I. Babochkina, E.A. Grishina, A.A. Kozlova, B.A. Ruchkin and others. “Color revolutions” and the participation of young people in them are explored in the works of B. Hoffman. Different in nature (positive and negative) forms of youth protest activity are studied by D.I. Aminova, Yu.A. Zubok, and others. However, these studies are mainly devoted to young people in general (as a social group based on demographic characteristics). Insufficient attention has been paid to the problem of the activities of youth branches of political parties, socio-political youth organizations, various nationalist, etc.

BARANOV A.A. - 2014

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240 rub. | 75 UAH | $3.75 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Abstract - 240 rubles, delivery 1-3 hours, from 10-19 (Moscow time), except Sunday

Piskulova Natalya Borisovna. Political activity of youth in the post-Soviet period: dissertation... candidate of political sciences: 23.00.02.- Tver, 2002.- 129 pp.: ill. RSL OD, 61 03-23/107-9


CHAPTER 1. Political activity of young people: essence, content and forms of manifestation p. 20

CHAPTER 2. Informal youth associations as one of the forms of implementation of political activity of youth in the post-Soviet period p. 51

CHAPTER 3. State youth policy and its influence on the formation of political activity of young people: main trends and development prospects p. 72



Introduction to the work

The current state of Russian society acutely raises the question of the state’s attitude towards youth as a socio-demographic group. The changes taking place in Russian society most significantly affect the younger generation, since it is they who most often find themselves drawn into conflicts and unrest. Young people cannot be a passive party and only observe what is being done in relation to them by society. Young people are themselves interested in social change and should strive to contribute to the transformation of society. Not only the effectiveness of social transformations, but also the future development of our country depends and will depend on the positions and activity of the younger generation. Modern young people act as successors, subjects of social relations, as well as various kinds of innovations in the social, economic and political spheres.

In addition, it is young people who represent an attractive and important object for the close attention and interest of political parties and public associations for their political socialization, for their involvement in active political life.

A feature of the post-Soviet period in the development of Russia was the emergence of many political movements and groupings seeking to gain political power and implement political programs through government bodies.

It should be noted that at the same time there is a significant rejuvenation of power structures, that often young leaders head socio-political organizations and movements and occupy key positions in power and administrative structures.

But, for one reason or another, the majority of young people are still unable to secure social advancement that would allow them to take a worthy place in society, although the scale of changes in all spheres of life, as well as the success or failure of ongoing initiatives, largely depends on the activity of young people. reforms.

The financial situation of a significant part of young people is worse than that of the population as a whole. A decline in living standards, the emergence of unemployment, and uncertainty about the future lead to the fact that young people can become the driving force of a social explosion, which means that the study of the political activity of young people is of particular relevance today.

This topic is quite multifaceted, so the central problem of the study was the study of the political activity of the younger generation, and, above all, through the analysis of current youth problems, forms of youth participation in socio-political life.

The relevance of the research topic is due to the characteristic interest in modern domestic political science in the study of the political activity of young people in general, and in the post-Soviet period in particular. It is necessary to consider and determine the place and role of youth in the political struggle and the possibility of its influence on the nature and content of political and managerial decisions. All this is of great importance for the future development of the country.

The object of the study is Russian youth in the post-Soviet period, and the subject of scientific research is the political activity of the younger generation and informal youth associations as one of the ways to implement this activity.

Analysis of current problems of young people, forms and methods of their participation in social affairs attract the attention of researchers of various scientific profiles. The historiography of this work includes diverse literature, when assessing which it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the events

August 1991 are the dividing element of the study. Prior to this, all publications focused on the leadership role of the CPSU and the Komsomol, but subsequent events influenced the change in research topics.

Based on the range of problems covered, it seems advisable to combine the existing studies into several groups.

The main group consists of studies of a general theoretical nature, such as the works of S.N. Ikonnikova, I.M. Ilyinsky and V.T. Lisovsky and others, 1 in which youth issues are shown as the most important social problem, without the solution of which the future development of the country is impossible.

Of greatest interest are the works of the famous researcher I.M. Ilyinsky, in which the author examines the formation and development of the younger generation in the context of socio-political events. The author pays special attention to the social protection of youth in a changing society and focuses on the development of a young person in conditions of a social crisis.

Ilyinsky I.M. Youth as a global problem for humanity. Youth policy as an imperative of the 21st century. -M., 1998. Ilyinsky I.M. On the youth policy of Russian political centrism. - M., 1999.

Ilyinsky I.M. Development of socialism and youth // Communist. - M., 1987. -No. 6.

Lisovsky V.T. Conceptual foundations of social protection of the population in a changing environment. A young man in crisis. - M.; St. Petersburg, 1994. Lisovsky V.T. Soviet students. Sociological essays. - M., 1990.

For a number of years, under the leadership of V.T. Lisovsky, a comprehensive scientific program “Youth of Russia” has been carried out, aimed at developing social policy regarding youth. Researchers from different regions of the country take part in the implementation of this program. Within the framework of this program, the current socio-economic situation in society was studied, the social priorities of young people were theoretically and practically substantiated, and factors leading to social activity were noted.

One of the centers for studying youth problems is the Youth Institute (Moscow). It was his scientists who prepared state reports on the situation of youth in the Russian Federation (1995, 1996, 1998). Of particular value in terms of the breadth of coverage and depth of analysis of youth problems are the socio-political studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which analyze the general situation of young people at the turn of the century.

The next group consists of works that focus on the activity of young people in the social sphere. This area of ​​research has identified the main vectors and forms of youth activity. In the approach to the problem of activity, two main directions can be distinguished. The first one went from the “activity” concept, which understands activity as activity in general, 3 to the understanding of activity as a measure of activity, as well as the level and

2 Youth and society at the turn of the century. - M., 1999.

Youth of Russia: social development. Institute of Socio-Political

research of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - M., 1992.

Youth of Russia: generational aspect. - M., 1997.

Youth of the Russian Federation: situation, choice of path. -M., 2000.

3 Volkov Yu.E. Socio-political activity of the masses is a vital feature
socialist way of life. - M., 1977.

Angelov M.A. The role of youth social activity in building a developed socialist society in the People's Republic of Bulgaria // Questions

the degree of its intensity. Researchers in this area analyze the current socio-economic situation in society, theoretically and practically substantiate the social priorities of young people, and also note the factors leading to activity. 4 From this point of view, the works of E.A. Anufriev and G.S. Arefieva are of greatest interest, 5 in which

scientific communism. Vol. 44. Republican interdepartmental

scientific collection. -Kiev, 1980.

Kuznetsova I.M., Danilov V.I.. Social activity of the individual. - L., 1982.

4 Anufriev E.A. Social status and activity of the individual (personality as
object and subject of social relationships). -M., 1984.
Arefieva G.S. Social activity. - M, 1974.

Babakaev E.V., Ivanov V.I. Socio-political orientations and life values ​​of students // Socio-political sciences. - M., 1991.-No. 6.

Berezkina T.E., Bykova S.N., Borovik B.S. Youth of Russia: social development. - M., 1992.

Vishnevsky Yu.D., Rubina L.Ya. Social image of students in the 90s // Socis.-M., 1997. - No. 10.

Volkov Yu.G. Socio-political activity of the masses - a vital feature of the socialist way of life // Problems of the socialist way of life. - M., 1977.

Grishchenko Zh.M., Polikarpov V.A. Self-determination of youth under perestroika: experience of social typologies // Sotsis. - M., 1990. - No. 7.

5 Anufriev E.A. Social status and activity of the individual (personality as
object and subject of social relationships). - M., 1984.
Arefieva G.S. Social activity. - M., 1974.

the reasons leading to the active life position of young people are analyzed. They also consider the individual as an object and subject of social relationships.

The second direction of activity analysis proceeds from the fact that activity is self-activity, arising primarily from the internal needs and interests of the individual. 6

Researchers of social activity study not only the general forms of this phenomenon, but also its varieties, for example, labor, creative and, most importantly, political. This includes the studies of A.V. Zhuganov, I.A. Grigorieva 7 and others.

Activism in the sphere of politics or political activism is a type of activity that has general characteristics of social activity and has its own specifics, determined mainly by the nature of politics.

The similar concepts “political” identified in studies

activity", "socio-political activity" and "social

Human social activity: philosophical analysis. Collection of scientific papers. - Krasnodar, 1986. Social activity and personal freedom. - Volgograd, 1981.

Zhuganov A.V. Creative activity of the individual. Contents, ways of formation and implementation. - L., 1991.

Grigorieva I.A. Social policy and social reform in Russia in the 90s. - St. Petersburg, 1998.

Klyuev A.V. Political activity and the formation of a harmoniously developed, socially active personality. - L., 1989.

Formation of socio-political activity of university students / Ed. G.P. Davidyuk and others - Minsk, 1985.

political activity" have essentially the same subject of study, i.e. consider the political initiative of people.

The sphere of political activity includes a huge variety of social events, ranging from street riots to civil wars, from individual participation in elections to state regulation of contradictions, and from casual attendance at a political rally to conscious activity in various political associations." 1

By the beginning of the 90s, there was a decline in the interest of researchers in the problem of political activity. With the development of political knowledge in domestic research, the problem of political participation, understood as the action through which ordinary members of the political system influence the results of its activities, comes to the fore. In this regard, the work of M.R. Kholmskaya deserves attention, in which the factors and conditions influencing the development of political participation of young people are analyzed.

Development of socio-political activity of workers in modern conditions. Interuniversity collection of scientific papers / Ed. V.F.Listvina. - Saratov, 1983.

11 Anatolyev P. Youth and elections // New Life. - 1989. - No. 8.
Babochkin P.I. Youth policy and the formation of a new generation
// Youth policy. News bulletin. - M., 1998.
Borovik L.A. Political activity of modern youth. - M., 1990.
Dembitskaya O.Yu. Electoral activity of youth // Sotsis. - M., 1996.

Klyuev A.V. Political activity and the formation of the harmonious development of a socially active personality. - L., 1989.

12 Theory of political participation. - M., 1997.

Kholmskaya M.R. Political participation as an object of research // Polis.

Conducting these studies made it possible to avoid one-sidedness in the analysis of political activity, as well as to determine the factors and conditions that determine its development.

In connection with the changes that began in Soviet society in the mid-80s, interest in informal youth organizations increased (research by S.N. Ikonnikova, V.T. Lisovsky, V.F. Levicheva, E.N. Mikhailova, D.V. Olshansky, D.I. Feldshtein, etc.) 13, which

M., 1999.-No. 5.

13 Babosov E.M., Matusevich A.V. Amateur social movements.

Minsk, 1989.

Bluvshtein N.I., Yustitsky V.Yu. Informal group: what is it? // Young communist. - M., 1987. - No. 6.

Gribanov V.V., Gribanova G.I. Initiative of amateur youth movements. - L., 1991.

Grishin V.A., Ovchinsky V.S., Radzikhovich L.A. Amateur youth formations // Sociological studies. - M., 1988. -No. 6.

Deitsev SV. Youth associations and democratization of the political system // New political thinking and the process of democratization. -M., 1990. Zhukhovitsky L. What to do with these youth? // Youth. - M., 1988. - No. 9.

Zapesatsky A.S., Fain A.P. This incomprehensible youth. Problems of informal youth associations. - M., 1990.

Ikonnikova S.N., Lisovsky V.T. On the threshold of civic maturity. - L., 1982.

Kofogrin N.V. Problems of studying informal youth groups. - L., 1991.

Criminal and informal youth associations. - M., 1990.

represented the main “channel” for the implementation of political activity of young people at the turn of the 80s - 90s of the XX century. These works examine the main areas of activity of informal youth groups, provide various classifications, characterize socio-political orientations, and also show the process of politicization of informal associations.

Of greatest interest are the studies of V.F. Levicheva and V.T. Lisovsky, which characterize the nature of informal groups. They present various kinds of arguments for and against the informal movement. The work of E.N. Mikhailova shows the dynamics of the development of the informal movement, and D.I. Feldshtein analyzes the psychological aspects of this phenomenon.

Levicheva V.F. Informal group: looking for ourselves // Smena. - M., 1987. - No. 12. Levicheva V.F. Informal amateur associations. Sociological essay. - M., 1989.

Lisovsky V.T. “Informals”: ​​pros and cons // Agitator. - M, 1989. - No. 7.9. Lisovsky V.T. What does it mean to be modern? - M., 1980. Markov V.P. Amateur youth associations. - L., 1988. Mikhailova E.N. Informal youth movement: dynamics of development // Soviet pedagogy. - M., 1990. - No. 7.

Informal youth associations yesterday, today... And tomorrow? -M., 1998.

Informals: Who are they? Where is the name? - M., 1990. Informals: social initiatives. - M., 1990.

Olshansky D.V. Informals: group portrait in the interior. - M., 1990. Feldshtein D.I. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of studying informal youth associations // Soviet pedagogy. - M., 1987. -No. 6.

A separate group consists of studies on the relationship between the CPSU and
youth. Until 1990, this problem was viewed from the perspective
leadership of the Komsomol party. 14 In the late 80s and early 90s of the XX century
the causes of the crisis of the Komsomol organization are beginning to be explored, as well as
the role of the CPSU in this process. Therefore, works on the youth policy of the CPSU in
this period is relatively short. 1 Researchers show that until the end

In the 80s of the 20th century, the CPSU did not have a specific youth policy, and paternalistic tendencies were clearly visible in its relationship with the Komsomol. 16 These works are of interest from the point of view of analyzing the situation of young people in Soviet society.

As a result of changes in the youth environment that followed political and economic transformations, the Komsomol ceased to occupy a dominant position in the youth movement and was forced to begin revising its past and present, and then ceased to exist altogether. 17

The ongoing democratization of Russian society has highlighted obvious gaps in the scientific study of the political activity of young people. This caused the emergence of a new group of studies on the problems of creating a multi-party

Party leadership of the Komsomol activities. Collection of scientific papers / Ed. V.K. Krivoruchenko, A.S. Troinin. - M., 1984.

15 Korolev A.A. Party and youth. - M., 1989.

Pavlova O.F. CPSU and the development of social activity of working youth during the period of mature socialism. - M., 1984.

16 The situation of youth in Soviet society. Analytical report.
-M., 1990.

17 Where is the Komsomol going? - M., 1990.

Krivoruchenko V.K. In the grip of Stalinism: the tragedy of the Komsomol. - M., 1991.

systems and activities of political forces. It is necessary to note the works of V.A. Oleshchuk, V.B. Pavlenko, Yu.K. Abramov and T.Yu. Golovina. 18

A special group consists of works that determine the place and role of state youth policy. 19 The research of P.I. Babochkin deserves attention, 20 as well as the reports of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on Youth Affairs, analyzing the new socio-economic situation in society, identifying the main

Oleshchuk V.A., Pavlenko V.B. Russia: parties, blocs, leaders. Year 1997. Directory. - M., 1997.

Abramov YLS, Golovina T.Yu. Political parties of Russia. 1996. Yearbook. - M., 1996.

19 State youth policy in action: based on materials from districts, cities, regions of Russia. - M., 1994.

State youth policy. Regional implementation experience. - M., 1998.

State youth policy: modern perspective // ​​Youth policy. Special issue. - M., 1999. - No. 185 - 187.

Report of the State Committee for Youth Affairs on Youth Affairs. The situation of youth in the Russian Federation: 1995. -M., 1996.

Ilyinsky I.M. Youth as a global problem for humanity. Youth policy as an imperative of the 21st century. - M., 1998. Ilyinsky I.M. On the youth policy of Russian political centrism. - M., 1999.

Youth and youth policy. “INISTUM”, - M., 1997. - No. 6, 7. Youth - 89. Social status of youth and issues of youth policy in the USSR. Materials of the scientific session of the Scientific Research Center on April 13-15, 1989. -M., 1989.

Babochkin P.I. Youth policy and the formation of a new generation // Youth policy. News bulletin. -M., 1998.

trends of its development. In accordance with this, the new content of youth policy is determined. The authors examine factors that have a significant impact on the formation and implementation of youth policy in the post-reform period. Extensive material is contained in the reports of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on Youth Affairs, which annually analyze the situation of youth in Russia.

It is also necessary to note those dissertation studies that

are in one way or another related to various aspects of the chosen topic. They examine the role of youth and youth organizations in society, as well as objective and subjective factors influencing the political activity of the younger generation.

Analysis of scientific literature, dissertations, information materials on the topic of research indicates the ongoing comprehensive attention of scientists to the study of youth problems. Today, the development of political activity of the younger generation is at an early stage of development and requires a more in-depth and comprehensive study. Despite the fact that there are numerous works affecting certain

Sarychev SM. Youth policy as a direction of social policy in the region (sociological aspect). Dissertation for the degree of candidate of sociological sciences. - M., 2001. Skulov A.I. History of the formation of political activity of youth of the USSR and the Russian Federation (1985 - 1996). Dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences. - Voronezh, 1999. Tseplyaev A.N. Social values ​​of modern Russian youth: state, dynamics, direction. Dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Philosophical Sciences. - M., 2000.

Shanaev S.F. Social activism and politics. Dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Philosophical Sciences. - M., 1999.

other aspects of youth issues, there is no generalized work on the process of formation of political activity of young people. This served as the basis for writing this dissertation.

The relevance of the topic, its insufficiently systematic and in-depth development in scientific and specialized literature allows us to determine the goal of the dissertation research, namely, an analysis of the essence of political activity of young people in the post-Soviet period, identifying the main forms of its manifestation, trends and development prospects.

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were identified:

    clarify the concept of the essence of political activity;

    analyze the nature of political activity of young people in the post-Soviet period;

    identify the main forms of manifestation of political activity of young people in the post-Soviet period;

    consider the main directions of state youth policy in the Russian Federation and its impact on political activity;

    analyze the results of the implementation of state youth policy in the region;

    explore informal youth associations as one of the forms of political activity.

To solve the problems set in the study, the following methods were used:

    problematic - chronological - to identify the origins of certain forms and methods of activity of political forces in working with youth;

    comparatively - historical - to establish the various stages in the development of political activity of young people;

    a method of concrete sociological research to identify trends and changes in the value orientations and life plans of young people;

    logical method - to build a clear relationship between existing phenomena and processes.

It was the use of these methods in combination that made it possible to more accurately and deeply study the existing problem.

The chronological scope of the study covers the period from 1985 to the 90s of the 20th century. 1985 marks the beginning of the restructuring of Soviet society and life in general. Subsequent years included: the liquidation of the monopoly represented by the CPSU, the collapse of the USSR, the formation of the CIS, as well as various kinds of socio-political changes in society. The study concerns only Soviet and Russian society, a society of a turning point, when all social and political processes are clearly visible.

The source base for the study was a wide range of archival documents from the State Archive of the Tver Region and the Center for New and Contemporary Documentation.

When working with sources, a number of difficulties arose, namely that most of them only state facts without any special attempts to analyze them, therefore, when working with documents, a balanced, critical approach was necessary.

The dissertation research also used published documents of political parties, movements and informal youth organizations.

One of the significant sources of this work was the periodical press. Magazines, central and regional newspapers, and publications of informal associations were widely used. They contain extensive information about the most important events in the life of society and young people.

The author also used a number of statistical collections that reflected the results of elections to the bodies of representative and legislative power, based on which it was possible to trace changes in the political activity of young people.

The empirical basis of the work was made up of documents from regional and local government bodies on social policy and regional youth policy, materials from sociological research by VTsIOM both in the country as a whole and specifically in the region, and some of these studies were carried out with the participation of the author. 3

The scientific novelty of the proposed dissertation lies in the fact that it is essentially the first comprehensive study of the political activity of young people in the post-Soviet period, as well as in achieving theoretical results, generalizations and conclusions in the process of developing and solving the assigned problems, which are expected to be presented for defense in a detailed form. Specifically, it is as follows:

    The definition of political activity of young people has been clarified, its essence, structure and main forms of its manifestation have been revealed.

    The state of state youth policy is analyzed and the possibilities, nature and direction of influence of this policy on the process of formation and forms of manifestation of political activity of young people are determined.

A set of measures for the legal education of voters and professional training of organizers of elections and referendums for 2000-2005. // Youth and elections. - M., 1999. - No. 2, 6, 7. 23 Volkov Yu.G., Dobrenkov V.I., Kadaria F.D. and others. Sociology of youth. - Rostov-on-Don, 2001.

    The features and trends in the development of regional youth structures are analyzed by considering the directions of their activities in shaping the political activity of young people.

    The possibilities and features of the functioning of informal youth associations as one of the forms of realizing the political activity of youth have been comprehensively studied.

In general, the scientific novelty of the study lies in the initial

formulation and results of socio-political analysis of the issues raised

problems that, until recently, were not considered in

level of special dissertation research.

The practical significance lies in the study of one of the most important

problems of our time, which are of great practical importance for

future development of the country. The main generalizations and conclusions of the dissertation can

be used when reading special courses, when conducting special

seminars in the subjects “Political Science” and “Sociology”, as well as

formation of youth policy of parties and movements.

The main provisions and results of the study are presented in the following publications:

    Piskulova N.B. Political preferences of youth in 2000 // Sat. Election Commission of the Tver Region. - Tver, 2000. - 0.5 p.l.

    Piskulova N.B. Political preferences of the youth of the Tver region at the turn of the century // Sat. Socio-political processes in a changing world. - Tver, 2001. - 0.3 p.l.

    Piskulova N.B. Electoral activity of youth // Sat. Scientific notes. - Tver, 2002. - 0.3 p.l.

The purpose and objectives of the work predetermined the structure and content of the dissertation, which includes an introduction, 3 chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

Political activity of young people: essence, content and forms of manifestation

Politics as a sphere of activity for the management of society enters the life of every person quite early. It is necessary to reconcile the divergent interests of individuals and entire groups to ensure the integrity of society as a viable system.

In interpreting the political image of modern youth, one should adhere to a certain degree of caution. Political participation is mainly concentrated outside the sphere of the basic everyday interests of a young Russian. But, at the same time, apoliticality is not so total. More than half of young Russians, although sporadically, still follow the events taking place in the country. In addition, as you grow older and gain life experience, your interest in politics grows. The formation of an opinion about politics as an alien sphere and far from the interests of young people is greatly facilitated by young people’s ideas about the low professional qualities of those who are in power today. The picture of specific political attitudes and orientations of young people is very motley, but with all the costs of modern life and the conviction that reforms are not carried out in their interests, young people are still not inclined to completely deny today's Russian reality, equally as those events that separate the “old” time from the “present”. At the same time, relatively prosperous youth generally gravitate towards liberal market values, less prosperous ones - towards national-patriotic ones, and disadvantaged ones - towards socialist ones.

The liberal reforms that began in society forced young people to take a different look at the world around them. The high level of expectations and hopes, the spread of openness, pluralism of opinions and the relative democratization of society led to new incentives for activity.

Attention to the problems of young people is caused not only by their significant share in the country's population. It is especially important that young people by their nature are the most proactive, active and self-motivated; they want to become independent, free from any restrictions other than those that they impose on themselves by their own choice and desire. Young people strive for social self-affirmation, since youth is the time of blossoming of spiritual and physical strength, the time of choosing a life path.

In modern philosophical, historical and sociological literature, several types and forms of social activity have been identified: labor, creative, spiritual, cultural and creative, as well as political activity.

Political activity as a social phenomenon, being one of the basic types of social activity, is a complex, multifaceted phenomenon. Political activity is the manifestation of the conscious, purposeful life of people or their political groups and associations, aimed at maintaining, functioning or changing the existing political structure of public life.24

The political activity of youth is a characteristic of the conscious, purposeful activity of young people or their associations (including political ones), aimed at preserving, functioning or changing the existing political structure of society, as well as realizing their political interests.

This representation of youth political activity made it possible to determine its content and analyze the main forms of manifestation.

Political activity, as a type of social activity, covers, first of all, the political sphere of society, but at the same time goes beyond the “purely” political sphere, manifesting itself in any type of social activity. Those. political activity is always socially oriented and focuses on satisfying socially significant interests.

Analysis of the development of youth political activity involves a classification of factors influencing it. The classification of factors of political activity of young people, like many other social groups in society, is complex. The following can be identified as the main factors in the development of activity: socio-economic, organizational-political, socio-psychological, socio-demographic, material and household, cultural-technical and other factors.

Informal youth associations as one of the forms of implementation of political activity of youth in the post-Soviet period

The mid-80s were accompanied by intensive growth of the youth movement, the emergence of many new youth associations and unions. The most frequent and widespread definition for this type of formation was the definition of “informal”.

Researchers identify several features that are characteristic of the entire informal movement. It is customary to include all initiative groups and formations of citizens that arose as a free initiative of citizens, as an initiative coming from below.

Informals are those who stood out from the formalized structures of Soviet life, did not fit into the usual rules of behavior, and sought to live in accordance with their own, and not others’, interests imposed from outside. It was informal youth associations that were the main way to implement the political activity of young people in the post-Soviet period.

From the moment youth began to be defined as a special socio-demographic group, informal youth associations have been a historically natural phenomenon. They arose spontaneously and were relatively stable, built on the basis of common age interests, norms of behavior and had their own ordered structure of relationships, and, as a rule, their own informal leader.

For example, informal associations of the city of Tver, and then Kalinin, were no exception. The revival of social and political life in Tver should be attributed to 1988. Participants in amateur groups and associations included people, as a rule, with increased social activity, which needed to be implemented within the framework of their work collectives or public organizations. However, in this environment, there were many maximalists and losers, people with an unfulfilled destiny.

Most informal associations are based on various shades of socialist philosophical teachings, others focus on Marxism - Leninism, or gravitate towards a socialist orientation. As for the public speeches of informals, they sometimes allow unfounded criticism of Soviet and party bodies on issues of social renewal.47

Depending on their attitude towards power structures, Tver informals can be divided into two groups: loyal and radical (Table 1).

Those who are loyal include: 1. The cultural and historical group “Return”, which emerged in March 1988 with the aim of implementing the moral concept: “A person and a society without a past have no future.” Subsequently, the group’s activities developed into a broad social and cultural-historical movement.

The group was led by a teacher at Kalinin State University, Yu.A. Sharkov, and a member of the CPSU, B.A. Ershov.

The initiative group “Return” was a voluntary organization whose goal was to actively promote the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments in the Kalinin Region. The group's work was based on the principles of democratic pluralism. Members of the initiative group “Return” could be all citizens of the USSR who had reached the age of fourteen, recognized the charter of the group (established on July 6, 1988) and contributed to the development, propaganda and preservation of historical and cultural monuments.

The “Return” group existed on voluntary contributions and donations from members of its organization. The group consisted of several dozen people, and weekly meetings were held in the Herzen Library.

The range of activities of the “Return” group was quite wide.

A) In the field of history and culture:

Return to the city of Kalinin named Tver,

Raising funds for the creation of a monument to Mikhail Tverskoy,

Participation in the restoration of architectural monuments,

Promotion and implementation of cultural events to promote the historical heritage of Tver and the Tver region;

B) in the field of morality:

Participation in the fight against relapses of “leadership”, Stalinism and bureaucracy;

B) in the political sphere:

The struggle for democratization and openness,

The fight for pluralism

Support for progressive political figures - the fight against monopolism; D) in the social sphere:

Participation in the protection of human rights,

Activation of public life of the city and region,

Achieving normal environmental conditions.

State youth policy and its influence on the formation of political activity of young people: main trends and development prospects

Changes in the social system of Russian society raise the question in a new way about the state’s attitude towards youth, about what youth policy should be.

Politics is an integral part of any society. This is the activity of state authorities and public administration, reflecting the social system and economic structure of the country, as well as the activities of various kinds of public organizations and groups. Social policy is one type of policy in general. It is usually considered in a broad and narrow sense. In the first case, it covers decisions and activities affecting all aspects of the life of the population, and in the second, the content of social policy is limited to purely social decisions and activities related to supporting various sectors of society, including youth.

Youth policy is presented in the literature, first of all, as the activities of the state, political parties, socio-political organizations, movements and other subjects of social relations, aimed at solving the specific problems of youth, with the goal of influencing the socialization and social development of young people and thereby the future state of society.

State youth policy is carried out primarily by government structures. It is aimed at creating legal, economic and organizational conditions and guarantees for the self-realization of a young person’s personality, and at the development of youth associations and movements. Legislative consolidation of certain rights of young people has now become commonplace. Laws on social protection of youth are already in force in a number of countries: Austria, Greece, Sweden, etc. In many countries, state bodies for youth affairs have been created, and special youth programs are being adopted and implemented.

Various political forces and movements are interested in supporting youth. They organize the development and implementation of a specific system of ideas, events, and create institutions with the aim of organizing influence on young people.

Since 1995, state youth policy activities at the federal level have been carried out in accordance with the federal program “Youth of Russia”, approved by the President of the Russian Federation by Decree No. 1922.70 of September 15, 1994

State youth policy is implemented in two main directions.

The first includes social protection of that part of young people who find themselves in a difficult life situation and cannot independently solve their problems, primarily economic ones. This makes it possible to ensure the entry of young people into public life and to compensate for the lack of social status that remains with any young person even if they have legal equality.

The second direction involves the creation of the necessary factors for the development of the intellectual, creative, spiritual and moral potential of young people. This is a kind of social design of the future of the country.

Youth policy affects each specific social layer of youth and all young people in general. But this can be correctly determined only if society and, most importantly, the power structures have a clear understanding of the nature of youth social problems that must be solved by social management methods, which is especially important in today’s rather contradictory situation.

When implementing state youth policy measures, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account the fact that modern young people represent a very unprotected social category of the population. The development and implementation of youth policy involves the inclusion in this process of the entire variety of social resources, such as: economic, intellectual, informational, communication, organizational and others.

When assessing youth policy resources, it is necessary to take into account the available funds of youth structures. Also important are the orientations of the youth themselves, which can act as motivations for participation in the process of implementing youth policy.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

FSBEI HPE "Perm State National Research University"

Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology

Department of Sociology

Course work

Youth political activityin modern Russiansociety


Bagmanyan V.V.

Scientific director:

Markova Yu.S.


Relevance of the research topic. Youth, as a special socio-demographic group, has always been at the forefront of socio-political changes in society. It is not for nothing that youth are associated with the future of humanity, since it is young people who will in the future put their ideas and ideas into practice, determining the course of history. Undoubtedly, youth are a driving force in all spheres of public life: social, economic, spiritual and political. Young people analyze the past, delve into the present and dictate (direct?) the future. The more interesting it becomes to study the political activity of young people in modern Russian society. The need of society to strengthen, renew and modernize politics and society as a whole cannot be fully satisfied without the active participation of the younger generation.

But, unfortunately, we are currently faced with the problem of the passive attitude of young people to public life, including participation in politics. An even more alarming signal is that young people, due to their specific characteristics, are the easiest to involve in various kinds of extremist activities. These and some other problems can lead to destabilization of society and government. President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin said at one of the press conferences: “The role of youth in the politics of any country is extremely important. The whole country and complete decision-making will be in their hands. The sooner young people get involved in politics, the better...Russia really needs their active position.”

The degree of scientific study of the problem. Issues of socio-political activity of young people have received a significant amount of attention in domestic sociology and political science. As for the theoretical foundations of the modern understanding of youth social activity (including political?), they were laid in the works of V.P. Moshnyagi, V.Ts. Khudaverdyan, V.A. Lukova et al. The current stage of research into the political activity of young people is characterized by the presence of many approaches to the study of this topic. In the works of S.N. Zakharova, V.V. Inyutina, O.M. Karpenko, I.A. Lamanov examines the political participation of young people, including youth electoral activity. A number of studies are devoted to various aspects of state youth policy, the main directions and forms of state regulation of relations with youth (V.V. Pavlovsky, B.B. Gusev and A.M. Lopukhin). Significant contributions to the study of the political activity of young people were made by such foreign scientific researchers as: G. Spencer, M. Weber, E. Durkheim, G. Tarde, K. Manheim, G. Almond, S. Verba, L. Milbras, E. Downs and etc.

Briefly describe what the work of foreign researchers was devoted to (similar to domestic ones)

Object research is Russian youth as a participant in the political life of the country.

Subject of study- political activity of modern Russian youth.

Purpose of the study- analysis of the state and trends in the development of political activity of young people in modern Russian society.

Research objectives:

1) Consider sociological approaches to the study of political activity of young people

2) Study the forms of political activity of young people

3) Consider the characteristics of the forms of political activity of modern Russian youth

4) Identify factors influencing the level of involvement of Russian youth in the political sphere.

Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological basis for studying the political activity of youth

1.1 Sociological approaches to the study of political activity of young people

It is necessary to give a more generalized idea of ​​the approaches in Western sociology (see, among other things, the article that I recommended to you): systematize.

As for approaches in Western sociology, as an example we can consider the concept of rational choice by E. Downs. In his opinion, political participation is possible only if the condition of maximum benefit is met. This concept examines the relationship between the selected means and the chosen goal in people’s political behavior and allows us to identify the dependence of forms of political activity on the means available to the individual.

The formation of the concept of E. Downs was continued in the works of M. Fiorina, but this scientist reconsidered the influence of ideology on a person’s voting preferences. The scientist focuses on the influence of economic and social conditions on political behavior. He believes that a voter votes for the “party in power” if he is satisfied with his life, and if not, then for the opposition. See: I.M. Dzyaloshinsky. Media and social activity of youth. M.: Media. Information. Communication.№3. 2012.

The transition to domestic sociology - to register.

Zh.T. Toshchenko considers the participation of young people in the political life of society as “a special form of consolidation of their group interests, reflecting the conscious characteristics of their own social status, role and place in society and the method of their implementation” See: Political sociology: textbook / ed. Zh.T. Toshchenko. M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2012. P.409-435.. The author believes that depending on the level of self-identification of young people with various power structures, the degree of activity in the political life of society, a distinction is made between “formal” and “real” political participation. As for real political activity, it is characterized by the “expression of the will” of young people of their political rights in various ways and in various forms. Moreover, the expression of political interest and the exercise of rights by young citizens must be carried out constantly. Otherwise, political participation should be considered formal.

It seems to me that it is better to start analyzing the works of domestic authors with it (i.e. before Toshchenko, he falls out of the general logic - think about where to include him based on the chronology you provide). M. Kholmskaya in her work “Political participation as an object of research” (link to the work) argues that in our country the study of political participation can be divided into two stages: before and after 1991. In the works of the first period, under the influence of the Soviet state, this topic was not fully disclosed - only within the framework of studies of the political activity of workers and individuals in a socialist society and were described in the works of A.I. Kovler, I.A. Markelova, V.V. Smirnova. Manifestations of political participation were viewed mainly through social groups and almost always as a positive phenomenon that grows with the development of socialist society. The main drawback of works on this topic is the conceptual predetermination of scientific results, which are based for the most part on statistics, which are far from the real political process.

As for post-Soviet Russia, in the conditions of democratization of the political sphere, works appeared that reflected the views of Western, primarily American, political scientists on the topic under consideration. In domestic science, the concept of “political participation” in its modern interpretation began to be established. The development of such categories as the political behavior of individual social groups (students, pensioners, military personnel, the unemployed), the nature, forms, mechanism, effectiveness of citizen participation in public administration at various levels, the process of political socialization, party-organizational structuring of society, etc. began. . - these are mainly the works of S. Andreev, A. Demidov, G. Kotanjyan, Y. Levada, R. Matveev and others. New conditions and opportunities for political participation, the content of emerging political interests, the nature of participation in the political process of some social groups are identified population (most often young people), attempts are made to assess the scale and effectiveness of forms of political participation, etc.

Along with the great successes of domestic scientists in the field of studying the characteristics of the political behavior of modern Russian youth, it should be noted that the range of transformation of the political behavior of young people is insufficiently illuminated and studied; the subjective foundations of political behavior are poorly identified; the correlation between the individualization of values ​​and individual political behavior is not analyzed, which makes it problematic. dissertation research and determines the subject field of the research, its purpose and objectives.

1.2 Forms of political activity of young people

As for the political activity of young people, in its most general form it is understood as “a form of social activity implemented in the sphere of national and international politics; one of the fundamental elements of human behavior in political life." See: Kapto A. S. Political activity // Sociology of youth: Encyclopedic Dictionary. M.: Academia, 2009. P. 12.

The classical typology of M. Kaase and A. Masha is based on the level of activity. They distinguish five groups (what?) depending on the prevailing forms of participation: 1. Inactive. Representatives of this category either do not participate in politics at all, or, as a last resort, read newspapers and can sign a petition if asked to do so. 2. Conformists. They take more active part. Some of them may even participate in political campaigns. But mostly they avoid direct political participation. 3. Reformists. Conformists participate more actively, and they can also use legal forms of political protest, such as demonstrations and boycotts. 4. Activists. They are most actively involved in political life. How? 5. Protesters. In terms of their level of activity, they are similar to reformists and activists, but differ from them in that they practically do not participate in the political process in conventional forms Kaase M., Marsh A. Political Action Repertory // Political action: Mass Participation in Five Western Democracies / Ed. by Barnes S., Kaase M. Beverly Hills, London, 1979. P. 153-155. .

Some researchers distinguish between “autonomous” and “mobilized” political participation. Mobilized participation is the involvement of citizens in politics against their will: An individual is included in political life, becoming a hostage to the will of leaders, authorities and their art of manipulating people. Such participation excludes the possibility of citizens to influence the actions of political forces to resolve their own problems. The mobilization type of management is one of the most effective ways to maintain and exercise power in authoritarian and totalitarian regimes. But the manifestation of mobilized political participation is not uncommon in democracies, when mobilization is of a softer nature, does not limit the physical freedom of citizens, but directs their actions in the desired (for the authorities) political direction. See: I.M. Dzyaloshinsky. Media and social activity of youth. M.: Media. Information. Communication.№3. 2012.

L. Milbras identified three groups of forms of political activity: “spectator activity” - playing the role of an object of influence of political incentives, voting, etc.; “transitional activity” - includes acting as a target of political incentives, voting, initiating political discussions, trying to persuade others to vote in a certain way; “gladiatorial activity” - participation in a political campaign, playing the role of an activist of a political party, playing the role of a member of the core of the party or participating in the development of its strategy, accumulating funds, playing the role of a candidate for any leadership position in the political sphere, occupying leadership positions in bodies authorities or parties. Milbrath L.W. Political Participation. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1965.

Domestic sociologists identify the following as forms of political participation of young people: voting (the main and most widespread aspect of political participation in competitive systems), participation in political campaigns, personal contacts with politicians, participation in local political life, participation in protests (conflict participation ) and others. See: Goncharov D.V., Goptareva I.B. Introduction to Political Science. M., 1996. p. 10. In Western society, for example, the most common participation is in the form of cooperation between citizens and state or local government structures. And in Russian? - the question naturally arises. The choice of a particular form of participation is determined by the traditional sociocultural context of a given society and the nature of the institutionalization of participation in planning and decision-making processes. See: Ibid., p. 180

The last paragraph does not correspond to this paragraph, it is rather related to the first. political activist reform party

As for the features of youth as a subject of political activity, three main ones can be distinguished: the first feature is associated with the incompleteness of the formation of their own subjectivity in socio-political relations. Youth is still an emerging subject of social and political relations. As a consequence, there are many age restrictions on her political rights, enshrined in law. At the same time, one can often find manifestations of discrimination against young people based on age. Age, therefore, plays the role of a significant stratification basis and is an important factor in the participation of young people in the socio-political life of society. The second feature is determined by the specific social status of young people. It is characterized by the instability and mobility of young people’s positions in the social structure, their relatively low social status, and limited social connections. This puts young people in an unequal position with economically and socially more advanced groups and, as a consequence, many social conflicts with political overtones. The third feature is associated with the specifics of youth consciousness (lability, transgressiveness, extremeness), determined both by age and the position of youth as a social groups. See: Eliseev S.M. Political sociology: textbook. St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Nestor-History", 2007.

Chapter 2. State and trends in the development of political activity of young people in modern Russian society

2.1 Characteristics of forms of political activity of modern Russian youth

To characterize the forms of political participation of Russian youth, let’s take one of the classic typologies - M. Kaase and A. Masha (inactive, conformists, reformists, activists, protesters) - it is described in more detail in the previous chapter.

A distrustful attitude towards the authorities and the political system of society determines the protest behavior of young people, and the form of this protest among young people in modern conditions is their apathy, absolute inactivity in political life, while waiting for a complete or partial change in the political system. It is becoming less and less common for young people to participate in any social and political organizations. THEM. Dzyaloshinsky claims that about 98% of young people are outside the sphere of active politics. But 25-30% of young people systematically discuss political problems in their immediate circle, which may mean that they have some kind of political potential See: I.M. Dzyaloshinsky. Media and social activity of youth. M.: Media. Information. Communication.№3. 2012.

According to the results of research by the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in the younger age group of young people (17-20 years old) interest in politics to varying degrees is manifested in 41%, in the middle age group (21-23 years old) - in 48%, in the older age group (24-26 years old) - in 57%. Among young people aged 18 to 25 years old, 16% want to join a political party and 74% said they have no such desire; 96% have never been a member of any political organization or party.

As for the conformists, only a small part of the voting youth is confident that by voting they can influence the election results. Thus, 7.5% of young people indicated the answer “yes, the success of a candidate or the failure of his competitor depends on me”, 27.5% - “yes, if I don’t vote, then my vote will go in favor of another candidate”, 45% - “no, the election results are usually predicted, the candidate is known,” 10% do not trust anyone, and the same number found it difficult to answer. See: I.M. Dzyaloshinsky. Media and social activity of youth. M.: Media. Information. Communication.№3. 2012 An interesting survey was conducted by the online newspaper RG.RU regarding the elections. Half of young Russians cannot answer sociologists which party they would vote for if elections happened tomorrow. Of these, 22% had no intention of going to the polling stations at all. The votes of the politically active part of young people are distributed between United Russia and the Liberal Democratic Party (32.7% and 7.2%, respectively). Young people support the party in power more actively than the older generation (25%), and dislike SPS and Yabloko (3%). She is also indifferent to the left - the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and A Just Russia gained 1.7% and 3.6% among young people, although in older age groups they have more significant weight - 9 and 6.7%.

Reformists and activists belong to political parties, propose various reforms, etc. Examples include: “Young Russia” (the main ideology of the organization is civil nationalism), “Local” (its main areas of activity: environmental, anti-crisis and national programs), etc., and the right, aggressively patriotic, as an example bring the movement “Eurasian Youth Union” (members of the organization do not accept the modern world and its values ​​at all, they are opposed to the values ​​of the sacred world, and they call the historical process a process of degradation), “Defense” (democratization of Russia, protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens). See: Bricklayer K.E. Youth policy in the activities of political parties in modern Russia. M.: MyusGu. 2010. P.1 Here it would be useful to consider in more detail other forms, in addition to participation in political parties: rallies, demonstrations (what you wrote about when describing the types in the previous chapter), political Internet activity, etc. How pronounced? Who are the participants?

Protesters. As was said earlier, in terms of the level of activity, the protesters are very similar to reformists and activists, but differ from them in their unconventional form (i.e., not generally accepted). These are, for example, extremist (commitment to extreme views, measures most often manifested in politics, international relations, religion, etc. See: Kudryavtseva V.N. Criminology: Textbook. M.: 2009. P. 562) organizations . As an example, the “National Bolshevik Party” is a Russian socio-political organization called “National Bolsheviks”, which in 2007 was officially banned on the territory of the Russian Federation as extremist. In July 2010, members of the banned NBP created a new political party - “The Other Russia”. It would also be interesting to trace the dynamics of protest sentiments... As well as trends in extremism (an increase is recorded).

2.2 Factors influencing youth involvement in the political sphere in modern Russia

The characteristic features of the political consciousness of Russian youth can be defined as a lack of respect for the law, along with ignorance of the law and general political illiteracy and reluctance to fight for their own political and civil rights, combined with a feeling of their civic insecurity.

Modern Russian youth have almost completely ceased to regard political activity as a socially significant phenomenon. The majority of young people do not know the basics of the Russian government, have not heard about the principle of separation of powers, and have no idea about their civil rights. She does not monitor changes in legislation and the adoption of decisions that are vital for her in the field of youth policy, and is indifferent to the activities of power structures. She has almost completely no desire for social and political activity, as can be seen from the previous paragraph.

In the opinions of young people, political nihilism is quite common, expressed in great distrust of the existing apparatus of certain institutions of power, in a disdainful attitude towards them and the decisions they make. According to I.M. Dzyaloshinsky, young people in our country believe that in Russia real power belongs to the mafia - 31% of boys and girls, to the President - 24%, to the Government - 7%, to Parliament - 4%. The degree of trust in government institutions depends on the presence of elements of state youth policy in their activities. The Russian parliament has so far paid the least attention to youth problems at the federal level. See: I.M. Dzyaloshinsky. Media and social activity of youth. M.: Media. Information. Communication.№3. 2012

The declared democratic values ​​are mainly borrowed from the West and do not enjoy understanding or widespread support among young people. There is no basis among young people for the formation of mass political movements and parties. Young people get used to focusing only on leaders and their promises.

However, despite the low socio-political activity of young people, the majority has their own point of view on various political issues. During an all-Russian study (a survey of the population in 100 settlements of 44 regions, territories and republics of Russia), conducted by the Public Opinion Foundation in June 2005, it was revealed that only 33% of young respondents (under 35 years of age) are interested in politics, while among citizens middle age - 40%, and among those over 55 - 45%.

Today in Russia, many political parties are creating their own youth party organizations: “Young Guard”, “Youth Yabloko”, “Russian Agrarian Youth Union”, “Zhirinovsky’s Falcons”, “Youth Organization of the Union of Right Forces”, etc., are trying create party schools with the aim of training activists for subsequent party work. However, they have so far been weak in mobilizing the younger generation to solve important problems facing society, although youth departments under political parties provide an opportunity for interested young people to gain experience in party work and even make a career along the party line.

The lack of trust among young people in political parties is also due to the fact that the latter, as a rule, do not have a clearly developed youth policy, but use young people as a reserve to replenish party ranks or as a “combat wing” for street actions and radical protests. The activities of young people in such organizations often consist of going to rallies and posting leaflets, rather than participating in leadership and decision-making.

Dzyaloshinsky notes the following among the reasons for the low political activity of young people: the lack of a strong youth policy aimed at unlocking the political potential of the younger generation, the lack of a consolidating idea; insufficient attention to the process of political socialization of youth, both at the federal and regional levels; the inconsistency of Russian political culture; the bad reputation of most Russian politicians; lack of charisma among most youth political leaders; attachment of political parties and youth organizations to power structures, bureaucracy; weakness and contradictory experience of political participation. See: I.M. Dzyaloshinsky. Media and social activity of youth. M.: Media. Information. Communication.№3. 2012

Either at the end of the last paragraph or in the conclusion, indicate possible ways to increase the political activity of young people.

Complete everything according to the requirements (see guidelines for writing coursework), including literature.


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18. Chirun S.N. Political activity and political participation of youth: problems and opportunities // Bulletin of Tomsk State University. 2010. No. 332.

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In this work, an attempt was made to understand the rather poorly covered topic of youth political organizations in the Russian Federation, as well as to answer several important questions: For what purpose are youth organizations created? Do they shape the idea of ​​civil society among young people or is it one of the ways to enter into power? What characteristic features do modern youth parties have?

The relevance of research youth political organizations in the Russian Federation is due to the need to build a new political system, as well as the formation of ideas about civil society among the population. The current system of youth movements, which developed after 2005, is quite complex and ineffective, but transformation mechanisms have already been launched within it, which will ultimately create a new system of political relations between youth and government. Studying the current transitional phase will make it possible to understand youth movements in general, and in the future, to predict the situation.

Object work is the system of youth political movements in the Russian Federation.

Subject research are the most famous youth organizations in Russia and their activity in the political system.

The purpose of scientific work is an analysis of the activity of youth political movements. In this regard, I plan to solve the following research tasks:

  • Consider the main political youth organizations of the Russian Federation, from the point of view of their activities.
  • Provide a brief description of each of the movements, according to the author’s methodology.
  • To typologize youth political movements in Russia.
  • Highlight general trends in the development of youth political organizations.
  • Determine periods of activity of youth movements.
  • Assess the activity of youth movements in the Russian segment of the Internet.
  • Characterize the Russian political system of youth organizations.

Research methods:

Content analysis, sociological and expert surveys, statistical data processing, study of material from scientific publications on the problem.

The largest youth political organizations in the Russian Federation.

Currently in Russia there are a fairly small number of large youth political associations. Apart from regional organizations, at the moment in the Russian Federation there are only a few truly large organizations. This article will consider only a few, the most characteristic or large of them.


Eurasian Youth Union.

Leninist Communist Youth Union of the Russian Federation (LKSM RF).

Young guard.

Youth organization LDPR.

Youth apple.

A brief description of.


Number of people: about one hundred people.

Activity: Most likely experiencing peak activity at the moment. Most often they hold a few events that are widely covered by their own press on social networks.

Eurasian Youth Union.

Number: from one (the probable number of participants, calculated on the basis of data on ESM cells and divisions in Russia) to 25 thousand people (a clearly inflated number, often indicated in the media by ESM leaders).

Activity: peak activity occurred between 2005 and 2011. Currently, it practically does not carry out its own large-scale projects.

Komsomol of the Russian Federation.

Number: approximately 3 thousand people throughout Russia.

Activism: focuses on military-patriotic projects and demonstrations held under the auspices of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Over the past few years, they have been actively developing their activities against the backdrop of increasing pro-Soviet sentiment in the Russian Federation.

Young guard.

Number: 100 thousand people (according to Mikhail Cherepanov), most likely about five thousand. This conclusion was made based on an analysis of young guard activist groups on social networks and data received from the heads of regional branches.

Activity: Young Guard projects are primarily related to the involvement of young people in government projects; this organization is also the main source of personnel for United Russia.

Youth organization LDPR.

Number: from five hundred to a thousand people.

Activism: practically does not carry out political actions as such; it positions its activities as human rights ones. He often holds meetings between young people and deputies of the State Duma from the LDPR faction.

Youth apple.

Number: from one thousand to two thousand people.

Activity: a youth organization with the most extensive field of activity in terms of diversity. Being an internal party association of the Yabloko faction, it defends the interests of the mother party.

System of youth political organizations in the Russian Federation.

The parties presented above are typical and quite popular youth political organizations in Russia. However, the range of such organizations is much wider. It makes no sense to list youth associations that are small in number and differ little from each other; it will be enough to identify their communities or categories.

In relation to power:

The parties in power.

This includes associations created directly by government leaders or the United Russia party.

Their characteristic features can be called 1) the presence of a fairly large administrative resource 2) the absence of a clearly defined ideology 3) focus on upholding the interests of the authorities 4) anti-opposition 5) the motivational nature of the involvement of members, based on personal self-interest 6) fragility.

Vivid examples of such organizations are or were: Young Guard, Ours, Young Russia.

The activities of these parties make it possible, with the help of the media, to create the image of an oppositionist enemy and largely shape public opinion. It is possible that such associations can be effective in the early stages of the “orange” revolutions, but the authorities cannot count on serious support during unrest, due to the insufficient ideologization of these organizations.

Pro-government parties.

Such organizations are created either only with the indirect participation of the authorities, or by forces that are heading towards rapprochement with it.

Pro-government parties 1) have a different ideology from the official one 2) are aggressively anti-opposition 3) do not agree with the authorities on issues that are not critical, but are tacitly supported by the population 4) are small in number 5) short-lived.

Examples of such parties are: European Youth Union, Motherland, Movement against Illegal Emigration.

It is difficult to identify the specifics of the activities of such associations. Perhaps such projects defend, albeit covertly, the interests of very specific politicians, such as Alexander Dugin and Alexander Potkin. The main problem of these organizations is the lack of opportunities to realize the ambitions of young people; the path to power for members of such parties is actually closed.

Pseudo opposition parties.

Here are fairly large youth associations created with the direct participation of some factions of the State Duma.

These youth organizations 1) are youth backups of parent parties 2) defend party interests 3) are ideological, but only nominally 4) stable and resilient 5) moderately, declaredly oppositional.

Parties: Komsomol of the Russian Federation, youth organization LDPR, Youth Apple.

Through their activities, such associations draw away part of the protest potential from truly opposition parties and direct it in a direction that is safe for the authorities. Due to their sufficient popularity and prevalence throughout Russia, they block the development of truly left-wing and liberal parties.

Opposition parties.

Opposition associations are very heterogeneous and are united only by their antagonistic position to power.

Opposition youth parties 1) are most often created by a specific person 2) become more active during periods of protest sentiments 3) do not have a clear program 4) are small in number 5) are extremely short-lived 6) are extremely disunited.

In Russia, representatives of the “real” opposition can be called: We, I think, are AKM.

The activities of such parties are aimed primarily at traditional criticism of the current government and often do not have a creative aspect. At the moment, opposition organizations do not enjoy sufficient support from the population, and therefore quickly disappear. A possible solution to the problem could be the creation of a bloc of such parties, but all attempts made up to this point have invariably failed.

By ideology:

It makes no sense to single out youth political organizations based on their ideological coloring, since this affects the party’s behavior strategy only to a small extent.

Innovations of modern youth political organizations.

In general, the all-Russian trends in the field of youth political organizations include:

Active use of the Internet and media space. Dwarf youth organizations are appearing, conducting their activities exclusively virtually: through live magazines and social networks. Moreover, the field of their activity is limited to large cities with a developed Internet structure. Examples of such parties include: the now defunct “Walking Without Putin”, “We”, as well as the existing ones: the student movement “I Think” and the non-partisan youth association “Spring”, which is developing its activities in St. Petersburg.

Attempts to create youth organizations based on administrative or financial resources. Such parties are quickly created and in a short period of time gather a large number of supporters around them. However, if the supply of resources ceases, these associations disintegrate at exactly the same speed, leaving no traces behind. These are, for example, the now dead movements “Defense”, “Ours”, “Walking Together”.

Young people are losing interest in politics, and apolitical sentiments remain and even intensify in the central regions. The authorities, on the contrary, are beginning to pay attention to youth organizations and rightly regard them as a significant force in the political struggle.

Figure 1. Infographic “Youth Movements”


The research I conducted is divided into two stages: the first stage - identifying the most mentioned and popular youth movement in the Russian-language segment of the Internet, the second stage - conducting a sociological survey in order to clarify the attitude of citizens towards political youth movements.

Stage I.

Research on search engines.

Yandex– share in the Russian-language search market – 54.1%

Using the internal service “WordStat” of the Yandex search engine, the following results were obtained (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Average monthly number of queries on the Yandex search network

Rambler– share in the Russian-language search market – 0.9%

The internal service “WordStat” of the search engine “Rambler” gave the following result (Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Average monthly number of queries on the Rambler search network

Search engines “Google” share 35% and “Search.Mail.ru” share 8.3% do not provide data on search queries for keywords. However, based on the number of pages matching the request and the Google Trends service, it can be assumed that the number of requests for the youth movements under study is negligible.

"In contact with"- share in the Russian-language social network market – 46.67%, results (Fig. 4).

Figure 4. Number of members in the official community group of the social network “Vkontakte”

"Facebook"- share in the Russian-language social network market – 28.64%, results (Fig. 5).

Figure 5. Number of participants in groups of the social network “Facebook”

"Classmates"– share in the Russian-language social network market – 14.56%, results (Fig. 6).

Figure 6. Total number of participants in groups of the Odnoklassniki social network

General traffic activity on the Internet

The formula for calculation I used is the following:

(100Z + S + 10P)/10000

Where Z– average monthly number of queries on search engines.

S– the total number of participants in social networks.

P– average monthly number of visits to the traffic site.

The results obtained are marked in Fig. 7.

The youth organization of United Russia, Young Guard, is much more active on the Internet; this is ensured, firstly, by fairly broad coverage of the movement’s activities on major news portals, including state ones, and secondly, by the active creation of news content, and and finally, thirdly, the presence of a competent policy for promoting the organization on the Internet.

The Komsomol of the Russian Federation does not have a solid base within Russian social networks, but due to frequent search queries, as well as mentions in news media portals, it ranks first in activity on the Internet among formally non-state youth movements.

The St. Petersburg movement "Spring", which has no more than thirty members, unexpectedly is ahead of the largest youth parties in its activity on the Internet. This is explained by the strikingly different type of party from others. The “Spring” movement is focused primarily on the Internet audience; it conducts its main activities within the virtual space. Small events, individual, fairly resonant actions. This type of youth movement is gaining popularity in Russia, and is gradually occupying its niche among other youth movements.

Stage II.

In order to study public opinion on the issue of youth movements, I conducted a sociological survey, covering 203 people, aged from 14 to 46 years. The results obtained are presented below.

More than half of the respondents (52.1%) believe that society needs youth movements, but such organizations should not be political in nature.

21.5% of respondents indicate that youth movements are also needed, but they, on the contrary, should be primarily political.

16% call youth movements tools of specific political individuals and parties.

About ten percent (9.7) believe that youth movements do not play any significant role in the life of society.

Thus, the majority of respondents (68.8%) have a rather negative attitude towards the activities of youth political movements and do not see any practical meaning in them for society as a whole.

The most famous movement is the Young Guard, 68% of respondents are familiar with it.

Next is the youth organization LDPR with 26.4% percent.

The Eurasian Union is familiar to 24% of respondents.

Youth Apple (14.45), Komsomol of the Russian Federation (12%) and the Spring movement (9.6%) are known only to a small proportion of survey participants. Despite the fact that the Komsomol of the Russian Federation and “Vesna” are quite active on the Internet, these organizations are not widely known among the population.

20% of the population is unfamiliar with any youth movement, which is a fairly serious figure.

Based on the results obtained, we can conclude that the Internet, at this stage of development, is only an auxiliary tool for youth organizations. And a new type of youth political movements, based primarily on the Internet, cannot yet compete with traditional youth structures.

The activity of youth movements.

By studying the chronology of the activities of various youth political organizations (Fig. 8), we can conclude that the periods of activity of youth movements are cyclical.

Conventionally, there are two types of cycles: “pre-election” and “crisis”. “Pre-election” ones, in turn, are divided into “long” and “short”.

“Long pre-election” cycles last five years and are associated with elections to the State Duma; the activity of youth movements increases slightly, but after the elections themselves they quickly return to their previous values.

“Short pre-election” cycles have the duration of presidential elections and are directly related to them. The surge in youth movement activity is significant and continues for quite a long period of time.

“Crisis” cycles most often coincide with economic or political crises. The economic crisis spurs the social activity of young people, forcing them to more actively participate in the political life of society. During political crises, youth political organizations are used as weapons in the struggle for power. The peak of such cycles is extremely short-lived and largely depends on the actions of the state apparatus.

Outside the peaks of the cycles, the activity of youth movements subsides and is more formal in nature (Fig. 9). This proves that youth movements are primarily focused on working with the external environment. Internal events with young people are held much less frequently and on a smaller scale.

Figure 9. Cycles of activity of youth political organizations


Youth movements in Russia have yet to go through the stage of institutionalization and integration into the political sphere of society. Most youth political organizations are not capable of implementing large projects and operate only within a limited community. This is explained by the rather negative attitude of the population towards politics in general, as well as the low interest of young people in political movements.

Despite the widespread and almost ubiquitous spread of the Internet, it has not yet become an alternative to more traditional methods of campaigning. Television, mass demonstrations and direct work with citizens are much more effective.

Youth movements undoubtedly contribute to the most complete understanding of young people about civil society, but in Russia, due to the lack of prevalence of such organizations, their influence on the general state of affairs is minimal.

The desire of the leaders of youth organizations to use the activists of the movement to implement specific political tasks in the interests of the mother party or third parties, the general reluctance of young people to participate in the political life of the country, the almost complete lack of real legislative power in organizations of this kind - all this does not allow youth political movements to become sufficiently significant figures in modern society.

Perhaps, after some time, youth movements will be able to truly influence state power and defend the interests of those for whom they were created, but at the moment the situation leaves much to be desired.


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St. Petersburg State University


youth, political activity, sociological research, youth, political participation, sociological survey

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Abstract to the article

The article examines the political activity of Russian youth in its various subgroups. The degree of involvement of young people in the political life of the country and the forms of political activity that most attract young people are studied. The materials of a sociological survey conducted in 2013 among students of St. Petersburg universities are analyzed.

Text of a scientific article

The problem of political activity and the formation of the socio-political consciousness of modern youth continues to remain relevant and attractive for many sociologists working within the framework of this issue. In recent decades, many youth organizations and youth wings of political parties have appeared in Russia. As a result, there is a feeling of significant politicization of young people. However, comparative studies do not reveal an increase in the political activity of young Russians in the last decade. Moreover, many studies reveal a low level of interest among young people in politics, their weak involvement and passive participation in the political life of the country, which is expressed only in participation in elections. There are only isolated surges of interest among young people in politics in connection with significant political events. Thus, a survey by the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences showed an extremely low level of youth participation in the political life of society - only 1% personally participating in political activities and 14% closely following information about political events in the country. While 35% are interested in politics only from time to time and 49% are not interested at all. Other authors, on the contrary, point to the recent growth of youth interest in politics and participation in it, especially in the context of recent events in Ukraine. The research presented in this article is based on the materials of a sociological survey of students of St. Petersburg universities, conducted in 2013 by employees of the Laboratory of Youth Problems of the Faculty of Sociology of St. Petersburg University (with the participation of the author of the article). The sample included 494 university students in St. Petersburg. The analysis and interpretation of data presented in this article belongs to its author. The purpose of this study is to study the political activity and involvement of young people in the political life of the country. These indicators are studied in various subgroups of young people, combined by gender, age, material security and place of primary residence of respondents. Data obtained during the study show that the majority of St. Petersburg students (71%) show only some interest in politics. Only 16% constantly follow the political life of the country. And 13% of respondents are not interested in politics at all. According to the respondents themselves, a third of them (35%) do not participate in the political life of the country. The majority of respondents (60%) participate only in elections. And only 5% of young people consider themselves politically active. Only 3% are members of any political organization. Let us analyze the level of political activity in various subgroups of youth. Thus, young men are somewhat more likely to consider themselves politically active (see Table 1) and vote more often in elections (64% versus 56% of girls). While among girls there are more of those who do not take any part in the political life of society (41% versus 30% of apolitical boys). This distribution of answers is not surprising, since politics has traditionally been a male sphere of activity and interests. Table 1 Distribution of answers to the question “To what extent are you included in the political life of the country?” depending on the gender of respondents (as a percentage of the number of respondents) Overall for the sample Men Women I am politically active 5 6 3 I take part only in elections 60 64 56 I do not participate in political life in any way 35 30 41 Young people 17-18 years old are much less likely vote in elections compared to older respondents (27% vs. 70%). This, of course, is largely explained by the fact that those under 18 years of age do not have the right to participate in elections. As a result, 65% of surveyed young people aged 17-18 do not take any part in the political life of the country, compared to 26-28% of older respondents who do not take part (see Table 2). Minor respondents, deprived of the opportunity to vote in elections, are more likely than others to refuse political activity altogether, since they do not see other ways to demonstrate political activity. On the other hand, among the youngest respondents, the majority consider themselves politically active - 8% versus 4% of activists among 19-22 year olds and 3% over 22 years old. Table 2 Distribution of answers to the question “To what extent are you included in the political life of the country?” depending on the age of respondents (as a percentage of the number of respondents) 17-18 years old 19-22 years old 23 years old and older I am politically active 8 4 3 I only take part in elections 27 70 69 I do not participate in political life in any way 65 26 28 It is interesting to note the dependence of political activity on the academic performance of students revealed during data analysis. It turns out that the better students study, the less often they vote in elections: from 56% of excellent students participating in elections to 59% of good students voting and 64% of C students (see Table 3). At the same time, among excellent students there are more active participants in political life (8% compared to 4% of good students and 3% of C students). Table 3 Distribution of answers to the question “To what extent are you included in the political life of the country? » depending on the academic performance of respondents (as a percentage of the number of respondents) I study mostly with “excellence” I study with “good” and “excellent” I study with “good” and “satisfactory” I am politically active 8 5 4 I take part only in elections 56 59 64 I do not participate in political life in any way 36 36 32 There is a certain dependence of the level of political activity of respondents on their financial situation. The higher the material security of young people, the less often they participate in elections (52% versus 60% of the middle-income and 67% of the low-income) and more often they turn out to be apolitical (39% versus 36% of the average-income and 30% of the low-income) (see Table 4). Apparently, dissatisfaction with their financial situation stimulates young people to become politically active. Table 4 Distribution of answers to the question “To what extent are you included in the political life of the country?” depending on the financial situation of respondents (as a percentage of the number of respondents) Low-income Average-income Well-off I am politically active 3 4 9 I take part only in elections 67 60 52 I do not participate in political life in any way 30 36 39 Students from St. Petersburg universities took part in the survey, but many of them lived in other cities or rural areas before entering university. Data analysis showed that the most politically active are residents of small towns (see Table 5). They are more likely to take part in elections (69% compared to 58% of residents of large cities and 50% of residents of rural areas). Also, among residents of small towns there are fewer of those who do not take any part in political life (27% versus 37% of residents of large cities and 50% of residents of villages). Young people from rural areas showed themselves to be the most apolitical in the survey - half of them do not take part in politics and do not vote in elections. None of the young villagers surveyed called themselves politically active. Table 5 Distribution of answers to the question “To what extent are you included in the political life of the country?” depending on the main place of residence of respondents (as a percentage of the number of respondents) I live in a big city I live in a small town I live in a rural area I am politically active 5 4 0 I only take part in elections 58 69 50 I do not participate in political life in any way 37 27 50 As one would expect, patriotically minded young people turned out to be more politically active (see Table 6). They take part in elections more often (65% compared to 56% of unpatriotic respondents and 51% who did not think about their patriotism) and are less likely to be apolitical (only 29% compared to 40% of unpatriotic respondents and 47% who did not think about it). The least politically active were those young people who did not think about whether they were patriots. Apparently, politics, like patriotism, are not among their interests. Table 6 Distribution of answers to the question “To what extent are you included in the political life of the country?” depending on the patriotism of respondents (as a percentage of the number of respondents) I can call myself a patriot of Russia I cannot call myself a patriot of Russia I haven’t thought about it I am politically active 6 4 2 I only take part in elections 65 56 51 I do not participate in political life in any way 29 40 47 The conducted research allows us to draw some conclusions. As one might expect, young men are somewhat more politically active than young women. The following main dependencies can be traced: the younger the respondents, the better they study and the higher their financial situation, the less often they take part in elections, but the more often they personally participate in political activities. The most apolitical group turned out to be rural youth. Respondents whose main place of residence is rural areas are less likely than their urban peers to participate in elections and do not find other ways to demonstrate their political activity. Apparently, rural youth have fewer opportunities for political activity and, even when moving to cities, are less likely to try to be politically active. The youth of small towns showed themselves to be the most politically active. She more often takes part in elections and is an active participant in the political life of the country.
