DIY brick bath tray. How to make a shower stall with your own hands from bricks and tiles. What equipment is needed

Small bathrooms often have showers. They are popular in bathhouses and dachas, they are installed instead of bathrooms in apartments and houses, or as an addition - depending on how you choose. But not everyone likes plastic cabins: they are too flimsy. A do-it-yourself shower cabin, although it takes more time, is more reliable.

If you want to make your own shower stall to save money, do the math first. Many people note that a homemade shower cabin is no cheaper. And that's still good. It often turns out even more expensive. But the advantage is that you can make it exactly the way you like. As big as you want (or whatever you want). Just estimate the cost for each item and add up the total. Here's what you'll need.

A homemade shower cabin is not as cheap as it seems

  • You will need good waterproofing, and most likely for swimming pools.
  • Simply necessary good drain.
  • To install a drain, you will need to raise the floor, and this requires a decent amount of solution with plasticizers that increase water repellency.
  • For finishing you will need a good floor tiles with a non-slip surface or mosaic, and glue (water-repellent).
  • It would also be nice to have underfloor heating - on concrete floor It is very unpleasant to stand in winter.
  • You will also need doors, although you can get by with a curtain.

The amount is already considerable. If you also need to build walls, even from plasterboard, then there will definitely be no savings.

Inexpensive independent device shower stall only if there is a ready-made nook that is simply fenced off with a door or curtain. But even in this case, the costs of installing a drain and a floor do not go away.

Ways to organize a drain in a shower stall

Despite the almost identical appearance - the walls and floor are tiled, some doors, homemade shower stalls have many options internal structure. There really is plenty to choose from.

Types of pallets

The simplest and reliable option make a waterproof floor in the shower stall - install a ready-made tray. It can be installed on bricks or made from foam blocks. By “finished pallet” we mean two types: acrylic and enameled. Acrylic is lightweight and non-slip, but turns yellow over time. Enameled - not bad to use, but slippery when wet: you have to put a rubber mat on it. Another advantage of acrylic is that it doesn’t feel as cold.

If both options are not suitable, make a pallet from brick or monolithic concrete, which is then tiled - regular, for the floor, or mosaic. This is a capital decision, but difficult to implement. If you decide to make a shower tray from tiles, but you live in apartment building, you will need very good multi-layer waterproofing: so that there are no problems with neighbors below and on the sides. This does not mean that in a private house a shower cabin is made with your own hands without waterproofing. It’s just that if you mess up, you will suffer yourself.

There is another option - an intermediate one. A “trough” of suitable dimensions is made from metal, and it is well treated with anti-corrosion materials. They are installed on a podium made of bricks or foam blocks (a drain is also needed), if necessary, they are lined with bricks on the outside, forming a side or a step. A mosaic is glued on the inside.

These are the options you usually choose from. There is also a device without a visible tray at all, and the drain can be made into the wall, but then in the entire bathroom it is necessary to raise the floor level and form a slope towards the drain.

Sizes and shape: choose

Now about the sizes of shower cabins and trays in particular:

If you want comfort, make at least a meter gap from wall to wall, but if the dimensions are very limited, try to leave at least 90 cm. One note: a square is not the best best form For shower. A rectangle is more practical in this regard. With a cabin depth of 80 cm and a width of 100 cm, you already feel free. And if the width is 110-120 cm, this is complete freedom.

Organization of drainage

Next, you need to choose how the drain will be arranged. There are two devices: a siphon and a ladder. The ladder is more expensive, but it is usually smaller in height and more reliable. Its safety margin is enough for a decent period and can be poured into concrete, which is usually done.

The siphon is cheaper, but when installing a tray, you will have to provide for the possibility of replacing it. Just monolithing it is not the best good idea, because if a repair issue arises, you will have to work with a hammer drill to get to it. You present the results. Therefore, when using a siphon, leave an inspection passage, which is closed with a hatch or small door.

Do-it-yourself shower cabin: how to make an inspection hatch

In any case, the drain must be serviceable. This means that the upper part - the mesh - can be removed and the pipe can be cleaned with a cable. And for this to be possible, drain pipe lay it so that the maximum angle of rotation to the sewer is 45°, but it is better not to make it more than 30°.

Now about the slopes. To prevent water from stagnating in the pipes, the pipe from the drain to the sewer outlet is laid with a slope of at least 4-5%. This means that for one meter of length the height difference is 4-5 cm. The floor should have approximately the same bevel: water should flow to the drainage point.

How to make a shower tray

We will talk about how to make a floor in a shower stall yourself, with your own hands. The height of the floor inside the shower stall is far from arbitrary. It depends on how it is made, how high the drain or siphon is set. And it, in turn, is set with such a condition as to form required slope. That is, the lower your entrance to the sewer, the less you will need to lift up the drain and floor.

That is, before starting work you will have to install a ladder. A cup, for sure. But wrap it well and close it, plug the drain with crumpled newspaper or a rag so that nothing gets inside while working. Keep the decorative grille on hand so you can try it on in time.

How to install one of the ladder options - linear - see the video. Maybe the model will be different, but general principles will remain the same.

Homemade shower cabin with a brick tray (with step-by-step photos)

When installing a brick shower tray, the floor must be at least relatively level. If there are very large differences, level them in advance (make a rough screed). They install the drainage device, connect it to the sewer, and then step by step like this:

If you are going to build such a shower cabin with your own hands in an apartment building, it is better to add another layer of waterproofing: break the screed layer into two parts. Schematically then everything looks like in the photo below.

Determining the screed height

Regardless of whether you are making a pallet from brick or concrete, you need to know at what height to pour the screed. Its height should be slightly lower than the drain mesh - siphon or drain. It is more convenient to repel its position on the walls using. If it is not there, you will have to transfer the marks with watermarks. To make it a little clearer, watch the video. It is shown how to set screed levels on walls and how to make a rough screed.

Shower doors

If the cabin is rectangular, everything is solved more or less simply: the rectangle can be cut out of glass in the workshop. There are many canopies for glass doors, you can choose the one that is more convenient for your case. Just order doors with canopies: you will have to drill holes for them, and it is best to try them on.

It is advisable to take tempered glass. Even if it breaks, it will be into small fragments with blunt edges that are difficult to injure. But, most likely, the fragments will remain hanging on the film. The downside of this glass is that it is expensive. To save money, you can order a regular thick one - 5-6 mm, and at home cover it on both sides with a translucent polymer film. You will have to tinker, but the effect will be almost the same as with tempered glass: The fragments will be on the film.

The simplest, but most expensive option is to homemade cabin put glass doors for the shower

One point: the glass is washed before applying the film, then degreased. The film is glued to wet glass. This makes it easier to expel air bubbles, and you can also move the film for a while.

If glass doors you don’t want to, but you need translucent ones, you can make them from polycarbonate, but not cellular, but sheet. We'll have to find the right one furniture profile, make a frame out of it and put polycarbonate in the frame on the sealant. For reliability, you can also attach it through with screws and washers.

Another option is to buy ready-made doors. They are also made of glass specifically for cabins, or they can be adapted as in the video.

Video on topic

There are shower drains different designs: regular ones that look like a round or square mesh in the floor, like a tray. There are more modern models- wall-mounted. A shower tray and a wall drain are necessary if you are making a cabin with a large flow of water. In this case, the conventional design may not cope with the drainage and more efficient models are required. And the tray can hold two drainage devices. Features of their installation in a video from one of the manufacturers.

One of the ways to waterproof a shower stall

And another type of waterproofing

This article is intended for people who are not professional builders. The fact is that such a shower tray is quite easy to make with your own hands, without resorting to the services of specialists. And there is no need to buy a ready-made pallet (and there are quite a few of them on the plumbing products market), since not every one of them can be suitable either in size or design. In addition, depending on the material, they have certain disadvantages. And you can make any pallet yourself: both in shape and design. After all, all houses and bathrooms (shower rooms) are individual; everywhere there are some peculiarities, including in the design of the room and in its dimensions.

General information about the shower tray

As a rule, during individual construction (and even in city apartments) they are filled with concrete. This means that we can assume that the primary concrete screed the floor is already there. Therefore, it is best to make a tray using ceramic tiles. Today you can buy tiles for every taste. Moreover, it is also used, as a rule, to decorate the walls in the shower room. And if you “raise” the walls and increase the dimensions of the tray, it will turn into a full-fledged bathtub.

Main advantage self-construction pallet - the opportunity to make dimensions, configuration, finishing based on your wishes, and not from the wishes of manufacturers of such products. It’s about arranging just such a pallet that we’ll be talking about.

If the pallet is placed in wooden building(for example, a bathhouse), then the walls from the concrete floor are insulated with roofing felt and plastic film. Essentially, the pallet is a concrete floor with ceramic tiles laid on top. A wall is built along the perimeter of the base of the pallet, which is also covered with tiles. Under the base there is a water drainage channel, which has a drain hole on the surface of the bottom of the pan. All parts of the floor are made with some inclination towards it. It doesn't matter where the drain hole is located. The main thing is that it does not interfere with normal washing, and that it is convenient to arrange the floor.

Water drain system

This is the first place to start. It has already been indicated that the presence of a concrete screed is implied. If there is already a tiled floor, it should be removed.

On a note. This point needs to be taken into account. The water should flow out by gravity. This means that from the drain hole to the common sewer pipe, the drain pipe must be laid with a slope towards the sewer - otherwise the water will just stand.

Therefore, everything needs to be provided for. The pallet may have to be raised (on an elevated position). To do this, you will need to arrange additional formwork and “lift” concrete base floor in this place (something like a pedestal under the shower).

It is recommended to make the water drainage angle at least 3 degrees. It may be worth considering this option: do not connect the outlet to the sewer pipe in the house (the pipe is usually at floor level), but lead it directly to the street, into a well. But this depends on the circumstances, the main thing is to ensure a deviation.

Step-by-step arrangement of the pallet

  1. The shower drain (drain neck) and drain pipe are installed. The ladder and pipes are laid on “stands”. It is better to use wooden chocks, as they will be needed at different heights to ensure the slope of the outlet pipes. It is recommended to use plastic pipes, and the drain too. They fit together well, and there will be no leaks in the future, and they are much easier to install. Plus - they are more durable than metal pipes;
  2. Primary concrete is made (if the level of the pallet needs to be raised). We fill the screed either over the entire room, or just under the pallet;
  3. Next, the enclosing walls are made. There may be two options here. The first option is to make formwork, into which it is then poured concrete mortar. Such walls can then be easily tiled. The second option is to lay the wall out of brick, and then apply several layers of plaster, and then - tiles. This is more convenient for everyone, but the purpose of the wall is clear. It prevents water from spreading throughout the room;
  4. After the walls are ready, a concrete screed is made on the bottom of the pan with an inclination towards the drain neck. How to do this depends on the selected pallet geometry. But water should flow from the bottom into the drain from any point on the surface. There is no point in especially leveling the screed, since complete leveling will be done when laying the tiles. The level of this screed must be such that the drain hole is exactly at the level of the laid ceramic tiles;
  5. The dried screed and walls are primed and treated with a waterproofing compound;
  6. The final finishing of the pallet is its lining.

When finishing a pallet with tiles, you need to use waterproof grades of glue. When choosing a particular tile, you should also inquire about the adhesive recommended by the manufacturer. The store will tell you what is best to use.

It should be taken into account that it is not recommended to install a massive pallet in a city apartment - it will create an excessive load on the floor slabs. It is unlikely that you will be able to make all the calculations yourself, so you will need to consult a specialist.

Why is it necessary to install a bathtub in newly finished buildings? Everything is very simple. Eat building codes and the rules according to which a bathtub must be installed in family-type apartments and dormitories during design and construction.

Shower instead of bath

However, in SNiP 2.08.01-89, about which we're talking about, there is no prohibition on installing a shower instead of a bathtub. Even if there were such prohibitions, nothing would stop our person from, if necessary, redoing the bathtub and installing a shower tray instead of a pour-in bathtub to expand the space.

What does a shower tray provide?

Dimensions of urban bathrooms in houses old building not very big, but more often just small. The desire to increase the free space of the bathroom has long inspired designers to develop dozens. All such redevelopments involve a shower instead of a bath.

I'll tell you from practice. In fact, on the floor, a shower (shower tray, shower cabin) instead of a bath frees up quite a large space. On the other hand, after installing, say, a shower cabin, it seems that the bathroom has become smaller. This is due to the height of the finished shower stall and its dimensions.

Such visual clutter can be reduced by installing not a ready-made shower cabin, but by making a shower tray in the bathroom.

9 Ways to Make a Bathroom Shower Tray

Note: As you understand, the option of installing a finished shower cabin is not considered here.

Buy a ready-made shower tray

Simple and best option buy a ready-made pallet made of steel or acrylic. Immediately about the subjective shortcomings of the finished shower tray:

  • High price of a high-quality acrylic pallet. In addition to the pallet itself, you have to buy a special supporting frame. You can save money by building a stand for a pallet made of brick or concrete;
  • Low quality inexpensive steel pallet. Steel pallets very noisy and afraid of falling objects;
  • Large pallet sizes. Standard sizes 900×900 and 800×800 mm do not save much space in a standard bath. And 700x700 pallets are difficult to find and have a hefty price tag, because acrylic is imported.

Here it’s time to remind you that a shower tray is not a cabinet that you installed and are standing. To drain the water, you need to connect a sewer pipe to it, and install a siphon under the drain hole. This can only be done from below. This means that a technical distance must be provided under the pan for the sewer pipe and the installation of a siphon. And this is at least 12 cm (back to back).

Build a shower tray yourself

A great option to use your own hands is to make a shower tray in the bathroom. It can be done;

  • Made of brick;
  • Made from bricks and moisture-resistant building blocks;
  • Made of concrete;
  • Of steel.

Brick pallet

Red solid brick is not afraid of moisture and is quite suitable for pallet construction. There are no size restrictions, except for the space for the siphon. Standard brick dimensions are 120x65 (wxh), allowing you to make a pallet using masonry: one brick (two rows), three-quarters of a brick or half a brick.

Here the idea is as follows. The bottom of the pallet is made of brick with any masonry. The walls of the pallet are made of moisture-resistant GGP blocks or cinder blocks.

Concrete shower tray

Using the technology of concreting in formwork, it is possible to make a pallet on site from lightweight concrete.

If you have access to of stainless steel, why not make a pallet out of it. You say it will look like a trough. I will answer how you do it, and it will be similar. By the way, steel is perfectly coated with two-component bath enamel.

Make a pallet from extruded polystyrene

extruded polystyrene tray

There is a material called extruded polystyrene with a layer of waterproofing. It should not be confused with insulation.

These are hard slabs 10-12 cm thick, covered with a layer roll waterproofing. For the pallet, you need to cut a square or rectangular piece, cut a hole for the layers and lay it on the floor instead of the pallet.

Since the material cuts well. Then you can choose any shape of the pallet. It is recommended for trays at the same level as the bathtub floor, but this is not necessary. A pallet of any shape and depth can be constructed from polystyrene.

Make a pallet from decking boards

Terrace board is a polymeric material for finishing the floors of verandas, open areas, showers, and other rooms and areas, including embankments. You already understand terrace board not afraid of water at all. As an option, let’s look at a photo of an example of a pallet made from a decking board.

Make a wooden pallet

Photo: upon request from Yandex and Google

When renovating a bathroom, we first of all replace the finishing materials of the walls, floor and ceiling, and also update the plumbing. If your room is not spacious enough to install a large bathtub in it, then you can significantly “save” space with the help of a shower. This article will talk about how to make a pallet design yourself.

Types of shower trays by materials

Pallet- this is the basis for our shower stall, which means it must be made of really durable materials. They can be classified as follows:

  • made of cast iron. These pallets are some of the strongest and most durable. Among the disadvantages are very heavy weight, long warm-up time and high price.

  • of steel. Very light, inexpensive and quite durable. However, such pallets have very fragile enamel and low sound insulation.

  • from ceramics. These pallets are very attractive and easy to use. But they usually have no legs and are very fragile.

  • from artificial stone. You will definitely be attracted by the surface texture of such a pallet, but low thermal conductivity, high price and heavy weight may discourage you from purchasing.

  • made of acrylic. Practical, light, beautiful, absorbs noise well. Such pallets have only one drawback: they are susceptible to damage and deformation.

  • made of wood. Suitable for a cottage or country house. Ecologically pure material, however, it will last no more than three to four years.

  • made of plastic. A very budget-friendly and short-lived option that we would not recommend for an apartment or house: rather, for a summer shower.

How to make a shower tray with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

For convenience, we suggest dividing the entire process into several stages. The first, important one, is the preparation of all the materials necessary for the work. So, you will need:

  • A drain, in other words, a drainage system.
  • Several concrete blocks or bricks (optional).
  • A little sand and cement. It is also desirable to have plasticizers.
  • Ruberoid or a couple of sheets of plastic film, a little water-repellent mastic.
  • Among finishing materialsmosaic tiles or tile (at your discretion).
  • Tile grout and good glue.

Now about the tools:

  • A small bucket in which we will mix the solution.
  • Mixer.
  • Trowel (construction trowel).
  • Laser or water level.
  • A hammer drill, a drill, several screwdrivers of different sizes.
  • Spatulas and roller.

Stage 1. Screed under the shower tray. First, the surface should be thoroughly cleaned of residues. old tiles, dust and dirt. Now we prime in two layers. As for the primer, it is better that it is moisture resistant. After the soil has dried, the shower tray is waterproofed. To do this, you need to coat it with a special mastic (be especially careful in treating the corners). Then it is laid on the floor polyethylene film(preferably a couple of layers). Once the mastic has dried, you can pour the cement screed. As for the thickness of the screed, it should be approximately five to eight centimeters.

Advice! When you lay the film, try not to exclude air gaps. If there are any, there will be no effect from waterproofing.

Stage 2. Install a shower drain and drain pipes, make a neck for water drainage. Before installing a drain ladder, you need to connect a sewer pipe to the place where the water drains (the drain is connected to it). Pay attention to the installation height: the slope must be at least three degrees. Fix it well with cement-sand mortar. This stage is very important, because if you loosely secure the drain and its structure moves during subsequent work, the pan will leak inside in the future. As a result, the entire system will have to be disassembled.

Stage 3. Line the sides of the shower tray with bricks. After the waterproofing along with the drain is installed, we can directly form the shower tray. The sides around the perimeter of the pallet are made of brick. First, the shape of the future pallet is drawn up (the types of pallet shapes are shown in the photo above). The markings are done on the floor using a simple marker. According to the markings, we lay out our brick side using cement-sand mortar.

Advice! The proportion of the solution should be the same as for the screed: one to two. As for the height of the side, it should be close to the level of the grating of our ladder - plus twelve to fifteen centimeters. This will prevent water from leaking onto the bathroom floor.

Stage 4. Pouring the base for shower cabins. Again, we use cement, to which it is worth adding a little special hydro-repellent agent, for example, liquid glass. First you need to fill the layer up to the drain (horizontal). As soon as it dries, install several special beacons (plaster beacon slats). Thanks to this, you will form the correct inclined plane.

Advice! Before pouring the base, make sure that the floor is strong. After all, the concrete base of the shower tray is quite thick and, accordingly, weighs a lot.

Stage 5. Waterproofing the pallet. It would be useful to add another layer of waterproofing. Now on the completed structure of our pallet. We coat the base with mastic, as well as the external and internal sides. It is best to apply two layers. Now we can safely call the isolation reliable.

Stage 6. Shower tray lining, decoration. After the water-repellent mastic has dried, coat the tray cement plaster. The seams of the shower tray are treated with special care. Please note that the selected plaster must have increased resistance to moisture. It is also mandatory to use plaster mesh with a small cell. This way the layer of plaster will lie more firmly.

As soon as the surface is dry, we begin to prime it with a moisture-resistant primer (several times). As soon as the primer is dry, you can start working on the decor. Congratulations, your DIY shower tray is ready!

Do you know how to make a shower tray? Share with our users in the comments below the article!

If you don’t have the time or desire to make a shower tray with your own hands, then welcome to our catalog: you will find dozens of stylish and high-quality options from trusted sellers.

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If you are planning to make a shower tray with your own hands, then do not delude yourself that it will be much cheaper for you. This can be understood if you calculate how much materials need to be purchased and how much work needs to be done.

For example, it is necessary to organize a good drainage. To do this, the bottom of the pallet rises above the floor level. For this purpose, brick is laid or concrete is poured with big amount plasticizer. It is also necessary to carry out waterproofing work, purchase high-quality non-slip tiles and perform other finishing.

Taken together, all this can be quite expensive. However, building a shower tray with your own hands has the main advantage - you can give it the shape you want, install it wherever you want, choose arbitrary sizes and the like.

In this article, we invite you to familiarize yourself in more detail with all technological processes for making a shower tray from tiles.

Advantages of homemade pallets

Although building a brick pallet takes time, the result will fully justify all the labor costs. First of all, you can install a shower even in an apartment with a small bathroom. It is possible to give it any shape and size, taking into account the individual needs and preferences of your family. In the case of a factory pallet, this will not work.

You can make this building special and extraordinary appearance, having purchased beautiful tiles. A tile shower tray will serve you for decades. While purchased ones may fail.

Selecting the appropriate material

Having weighed all the pros and cons in favor of making a shower tray with your own hands, you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail and, first of all, make a list of materials that will be needed during the work.

First of all, think about what the foundation will be made of. It is necessary to ensure a sufficient slope in the drain pipe. It is made of brick or concrete based on a cement-sand screed.

Advice! If the choice fell on brick, then give preference to ceramic or red. They have sufficient moisture resistance. However, if you make good waterproofing, then it is quite possible to use sand-lime brick.

It is also worth deciding on the type of waterproofing. For this purpose, liquid bitumen compounds, roofing felt, and PVC film are used. The main purpose of waterproofing is to prevent water from leaking through concrete.

Among other things, you must make a choice and facing material for a shower cabin with your own hands. Usually purchased ceramic tile or mosaic. In rare cases, lining is carried out natural stone. You also need to purchase a special moisture-resistant tile adhesive and moisture-resistant grout for the joints.

As you can see, you can make a shower tray with your own hands in literally any design and method. Thanks to this, you don’t have to adhere to standards, but use your imagination.

Selecting a location

It is equally important to decide where the shower cabin will be built with your own hands from tiles. Choosing the optimal location depends on several important factors:

  1. Availability and location of communications. To organize drainage, sewerage should be installed, as well as water pipes. If connecting the water supply does not pose any particular problems, then to ensure the proper slope of the sewer pipe, it is better for the riser to be as close as possible.
  2. Size and shape of the building. In this case, much will depend on the individual parameters of the selected room. First of all, you need to make sure that in this place you can shower safely. It is equally important to decide what shape the shower tray will be under the tiles. If it's difficult geometric shape, then it will be necessary to provide free access for its maintenance.

In general, a do-it-yourself shower stall with a tray can be installed directly in a bathroom, bathhouse, workshop, garage, and the like. Moreover, it does not matter whether it is an apartment or a house. When performing high-quality waterproofing work, all these restrictions are removed.

Required tools and materials

To make a shower tray from tiles with your own hands, you need to decide on the manufacturing process and, before starting work, see if there is suitable tool and material:


  • Grout for tile joints.
  • Waterproofing.
  • Tile adhesive.
  • Alabaster/plaster.
  • Sewer pipes.
  • Tile for lining a shower tray.
  • Board for making formwork. The thickness of the board can be up to 20 mm.
  • Plastic ladder.
  • Sand and cement (if the foundation is not made of brick).
  • Beacons for pouring screed.


  • Roller and brush for applying waterproofing.
  • Building level.
  • Putty knife.
  • Marker.
  • Nails and hammer.
  • Trowel.
  • Grinder or tile cutter.
  • Roulette.
  • Container for mixing mortar and tile adhesive.
  • Rubber spatula for grouting joints.

Instructions for making a homemade pallet

So, to make a shower tray with your own hands, you need to follow a certain sequence. All work consists of the following stages:

  1. Filling the screed.
  2. Installation of the ladder.
  3. Construction of the side.
  4. Filling the inner screed of the pallet.
  5. Waterproofing.
  6. Facing.

Let's consider all these stages in more detail.

Filling the screed

First of all, the rough foundation is brought into the appropriate state. To do this, the old tile covering is completely dismantled. You should also make sure that rough screed in a good condition. It's easy to check. You can tap the floor, if you hear an empty sound, then it is better to dismantle it and fill in a new screed.

The floor is first primed in two layers. Next, waterproofing work is carried out. If liquid mastic is used, cover the entire floor and walls with it to a height of up to 400 mm. Special attention Pay attention to the junction of the floor and the wall and the corner between the two walls. If necessary, coat them twice.

The next step is to fill the rough screed. Please note that this stage of work is performed only if you have removed the rough screed.

Advice! For more comfort can be laid underfloor heating– heated floor system. Considering that the tiles are different high level thermal conductivity, a warm floor would prevent freezing until it leaks hot water or you are not adapting to this temperature.

Ladder installation

When the rough screed is ready, it is necessary to install the ladder. A sewer pipe is first connected to the selected location. It should be given a proper slope so that all the water from the pan does not accumulate, but quickly drains away. Be sure to check the slope of the pipe using a level.

To fix the ladder, you can use plaster or alabaster. You can place a brick under the ladder to achieve the required height. Special attention should be paid to fixing the ladder.

This is explained by the fact that during subsequent work it must remain in its place, in particular when pouring the finishing screed. Once installation is complete, it is recommended to perform a leak test.

Expert advice, initial calculation of the height of the pallet and rough filling

Pour a few liters of water down the drain and make sure it drains quickly enough and that all connections are tight. sewer pipes dry. If a leak is detected, then there is no need to risk it, fix the problem immediately.

Making a side

The side is made by hand from brick. This way you can already shape the future pallet. The side should follow the bend, turn you intended, or simply be even. That is, your tile shower stall can be square, rectangular, oval or other shape. And it is the side that should be formed.

You can pre-mark by marking with a marker directly on the floor. At the next stage, prepare a cement-sand mortar and lay the brick in the given shape. As for the height of the side, it should be higher than the ladder and rise above it by several centimeters.

There are no strict rules here either, but remember that too high a side can create problems for older people if they live in your house.

Pouring the internal screed

Now it's time to pour the final screed inside the shower stall without a tray. It is recommended to add hydro-repellent components, for example, liquid glass, to the cement composition.

Immediately before pouring, be sure to install beacons. Depending on where the ladder is located, the screed should have slight slope towards him. This slope is immediately formed by the lighthouses.


Before you pour the screed, make sure that the ceiling is relatively strong and reliable. After all, it must support the considerable weight of the entire concrete-filled structure.


When the screed has dried, it remains to carry out the final waterproofing. Using the same mastic, carefully coat the poured screed and the laid brick sides. Thanks to this, moisture will not penetrate into the pallet device.


So, everything is ready for tiling. You can lay it out dry and think about how best to lay it. It is important to think about it so that there are as few scraps as possible, and also that the cladding looks visually beautiful.

First of all, tiles are laid on the floor, and only then the sides of the structure are lined. In this case, the sides are first lined vertically (on the sides), and at the end the upper part of the side is laid. Here it is important to monitor the level so that everything turns out smoothly.

So, we have looked at the main features of how to make a shower tray. As you can see, the arrangement is quite easy. By strictly following all the technology, making a pallet will not cause you any difficulties during the work process.

Expert advice, do-it-yourself tile shower

Also, no problems will arise during operation. We hope that this material helped you understand all the technological processes. Additionally, we invite you to watch the prepared video material.
