A selection of scary photos in the morgue. The last journey: Photo excursion to the morgue (79 photos). Venus for autopsy

Zelichenko: Bishkek necrophile opened the graves of girls for 28 years

The famous publicist, retired police colonel Alexander Zelichenko, remembers hundreds of stories from the world of crime. He served in the criminal investigation department for many years, headed one of the internal affairs departments of the city of Frunze, led the investigative “sphere” in the Issyk-Kul region, the fight against drug trafficking in Kyrgyzstan and the Center for Reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

© Sputnik / Azamat Totubaev

Well-known publicist, retired police colonel Alexander Zelichenko

We met with Alexander Leonidovich for an interview, but the conversation turned out to be so interesting and large-scale that it was decided to divide it into several parts - today we will talk about the most resonant crimes committed on the territory of Kyrgyzstan at different times.

Let's start with the story of a necrophiliac from the city of Frunze, who for 28 years traveled through cemeteries, opened the graves of girls and satisfied his lust. The following story is told on behalf of Alexander Zelichenko himself.

The police were on their ears

The maniac receives sexual pleasure from the very act of crime and falls into nirvana. This is the main danger - in pursuit of a terrible buzz, he will “hunt” all his life.

The famous Frunze necrophile Mikhail Lukyanov was detained in 1995. The police searched for him for 28 long years. I just got a job in the criminal investigation department when he was at the peak of his “fame.” This man operated not only in the capital’s cemetery, but throughout the Chui Valley, even in Kazakhstan and Russia. Everywhere the police were on alert; a team of Moscow super-sleuths who specialized in necrophiliacs was brought into the case.

“When I had intercourse with a dead woman for the first time, I realized what I was missing,” Bishkek necrophile Lukyanov admitted to investigators

We literally spent the night in cemeteries back then. They set up ambushes so that they could observe the graveyards from afar, and sat with night vision devices. But he never got caught - never, anywhere.

The man tracked funeral processions with the bodies of girls, and when everyone left the cemetery, under the cover of darkness he opened the graves and did his job. He raped the corpses and threw them there, near the dug up graves. He left virtually no traces - we had no idea who we were looking for. For "sluggishness and inefficiency" stars and epaulets flew from the shoulders. But one day everything became clear...

Cemetery Dweller

He was detained in Kemin. When they told us, no one believed that this was the same necrophiliac.

He was 46 years old. Unprepossessing, frail, short... I talked to him personally. It was very interesting with professional and human points vision of how you can get to this point, and he told me everything. I remember that he himself smelled like a grave, and he spoke confusedly and in a hurry.

© Photo / Alexander Zelichenko

“I understand that there is some kind of evil inside me, but I can’t do anything about it. I was born this way,” Lukyanov said

When Mikhail was 10 years old, his father left the family. After a while, the mother brought her stepfather, who terrorized everyone in the household and beat them. One day the man got drunk and fell into a sound sleep. Mikhail found a heavy one somewhere stone slab and brought it down on the head of the sleeping man. Before the murder, he smoked half a pack of cigarettes - he just couldn’t make up his mind...

He was sentenced to ten years in prison, but he served eight years and was released under an amnesty.

In the mid-1960s, Lukyanov suffered from meningitis, after which he developed an inexplicable craving for vagrancy. It wasn’t that the man had nothing to eat - he had excellent skills as a carpenter, plumber, and electrician, but he liked to wander through cemeteries and landfills. He worked part-time - in some places they fed him for it, in others they gave him a little money. He lived mainly in cemeteries, treating himself to what people left on the graves when they came to remember their relatives.

By the way, it turned out that Lukyanov had a wife. She periodically came to him, brought clothes and food...

"Having opened the grave, I realized what I was missing..."

From the testimony of a necrophiliac:

“I have never been distinguished by masculine strength. Sometimes I succeeded with women, sometimes not. More often I was followed by failures, so I shunned women - they laughed at me.

Once, when I was spending the night in a cemetery, I saw a fresh grave. I read that a girl was buried in it, but a long time ago - 3-4 months ago. And then suddenly I felt such a surge of male power... just something impossible. I rushed to the grave and, like a dog, began to dig the ground. When I got to the coffin, ejaculation occurred - then I realized: this is what I was missing so much.

Since then he began to roam throughout the region. I understood that they would be looking for me, but I continued to do this."

God's punishment

One night Lukyanov came to the cemetery in Kemin, saw the girl’s fresh grave and began to dig. He had simple equipment with him - a shovel and a rake. When the necrophiliac had already reached the coffin and opened it, a heavy downpour began. He tried to get out, but couldn’t - the ground was slippery and clay was flowing around him. And then a tombstone collapsed on Mikhail. He himself later said that it was some kind of sign from above.

The maniac lost consciousness right in the grave. In the morning, a cemetery watchman found him and immediately called the police.

"There's some kind of evil inside me"

During the conversation, Lukyanov gave the impression of a completely adequate person. He said: “Yes, I understand that there is some kind of evil in me, but what can I do if I was born this way?”

© Photo / Alexander Zelichenko

Mikhail Lukyanov violated the corpses of 48 girls and killed his stepfather

Science classifies necrophiliacs as mentally ill people, but he was found to be absolutely sane. Mikhail did not hide anything and told everything he remembered. The investigation lasted a very long time; the accused was taken under escort to Kazakhstan and Russia.

They didn’t forgive him in the zone

In the history of criminology, there has not been a single case of such monsters “getting involved” with crimes on their own. They are stopped either by prison, or illness, or death.

Lukyanov was tried in the Keminsky district. The investigation convicted him of 46 cases of desecration of graves, and the court sentenced him to 10 years in prison. He hanged himself in his cell: the zone had its own rules, and no one forgave his crimes... In my memory, Mikhail Lukyanov remained not a reasonable person, but some kind of alien.

At first glance, these photographs may seem ordinary and harmless, but behind each of them terrible events are hidden - from accidents to particularly brutal murders and cannibalism.

1. There is nothing unusual in this photo until you notice the gnawed human spine in the lower right corner.

The subjects of the photo are the players of the Uruguayan rugby team Old Cristians, in a plane crash on October 13, 1972: their plane crashed in the Andes. Of the 40 passengers and five crew members, 12 died in the disaster or shortly thereafter; five more died the next morning.

Search operations stopped on the eighth day, and the survivors had to fight for life for more than two months. Food supplies quickly ran out, and they had to eat the frozen corpses of their friends.

Without receiving help, some of the victims made a dangerous and long journey through the mountains, which turned out to be successful. 16 men escaped.

2. In 2012, Mexican music star Jenni Rivera died in a plane crash. A selfie with friends on the plane was taken a few minutes before the tragedy.

No one survived the plane crash.

3. In August 1975, American Mary McQuilken photographed two brothers: Michael and Sean, in severe bad weather. They were on top of a cliff in California national park"Sequoia".

A second after the photo was taken, all three were struck by lightning. Only 18-year-old Michael managed to survive. In this photo is the boys' sister Mary.

The atmospheric discharge was so powerful and close that the hair of the young people literally stood on end. Survivor Michael works as a computer engineer and still receives letters asking what happened that day.

4. Serial killer Robert Ben Rhodes took this photo of 14-year-old Regina Walters moments before he killed her. The maniac took Regina into an abandoned barn, cut her hair and forced her to wear black dress and shoes.

Rhodes traveled around the United States in a huge trailer equipped with a torture chamber. At least three people a month became his victims.

Walters' body was found in a barn that was supposed to be burned.

5. In April 1999, high school students from the American Columbine School posed for a group photo.

Despite the general gaiety, hardly anyone paid attention to the two guys pretending to point a rifle and a pistol at the camera.

A few days later, these guys, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, showed up at Columbine with guns and homemade explosives. 13 students became victims, and 23 people were injured.

The crime was carefully planned. The culprits were not detained because they shot themselves. It later became known that the teenagers were outsiders at school, and the incident became a brutal act of revenge.

6. In November 1985, the Ruiz volcano erupted in Colombia, causing mudflows to cover the Armero province.

13-year-old Omayra Sanchez became a victim of the tragedy: her body got stuck in the rubble of a building, and the girl stood up to her neck in mud for three days. Her face was swollen, her hands were almost white, and her eyes were bloodshot.

Rescuers tried to rescue the girl different ways, but in vain.

The corpse remained motionless in front of the lens, which is why it appeared clearly: photographs in those days were taken with long exposures, and it took a long time to pose. Perhaps that's why they became incredibly fashion photos“postmortem”, that is, posthumous. The heroine of this photo is also already dead.

8. The woman in this photo died in childbirth. In photo salons, for recording corpses, they installed special devices, and also opened the eyes of the dead and buried them in special remedy so that the mucous membrane does not dry out and the eyes do not become cloudy.

9. It would seem like an ordinary photo of three divers. But why is one of them lying at the very bottom?

26-year-old Tina Watson died during her honeymoon on October 22, 2003, and divers accidentally discovered her body. After the wedding, the girl and her husband Gabe went to Australia, where they decided to go diving.

According to the photographer accompanying the couple, underwater the man turned off the young wife’s oxygen tank and held her at the bottom until she suffocated. When it turned out that Watson’s wife, shortly before the tragedy, had taken out a new life insurance policy and in the event of her death, Gabe would have received a considerable amount, everyone began to suspect him of premeditated murder. After serving a year and a half in prison, he returned to Alabama and was again put on trial, but the case was closed due to lack of evidence. Watson later remarried.

10. Looking closely, you can see that in front of this brooding African lie a severed child’s foot and hand. The photo was taken in 1904.

The photo shows a Congolese rubber plantation worker who was unable to work out the quota. As punishment, the overseers ate his five-year-old daughter, giving him the child's remains as an edification. This was practiced quite often.

Failure to comply with standards was punishable by execution. To prove that the cartridge was used for its intended purpose and not sold, it was necessary to provide the severed hand of the executed person, and for each execution the punishers received a reward. The desire to rise in the ranks led to the fact that everyone’s hands were cut off, including children. Those who pretended to be dead could remain alive.

11. At first glance it looks like a Halloween photo. Two Swedish schoolchildren thought the same thing on October 22, 2015, when 21-year-old Anton Lundin Peterson came to their school in Trollhättan dressed like this: they took it as a joke and joyfully took a photo with a stranger in a strange outfit.

Peterson stabbed these young men to death and went after his next victims. He ended up killing one teacher and four children. The police opened fire on him, and he died from his wounds in hospital. The incident became the deadliest armed attack on educational institution in the history of Sweden.

12. Americans Sailor Gilliams and Brendan Vega went on a hike together in the vicinity of Santa Barbara, but due to inexperience they got lost. There was no connection, and due to the heat and lack of water, the girl was left completely exhausted. Going for help, Brendan fell off a cliff and died.

These photos were taken by a group of experienced tourists. Having already returned home, they noticed with horror in the background a red-haired girl lying unconscious on the ground. Rescuers went by helicopter to the scene of the tragedy, and Sailor survived.

13. It would seem that there is nothing unusual in the fact that an older boy leads a younger one by the hand, but behind this photo lies a terrible tragedy.

10-year-olds Jon Venables and Robert Thompson were taken from shopping center Two-year-old James Bulger, who was briefly left unattended by his mother, had his face brutally covered in paint and left to die on railroad tracks to disguise the murder as a train accident.

The killers were found thanks to surveillance video. The criminals received the maximum sentence for their age - 10 years, which extremely outraged the public and the victim's mother. Moreover, in 2001 they were released and received documents under new names.

In 2010, it was reported that Jon Venables had been returned to prison due to a parole violation.

Venables was later charged with possession and distribution of child pornography. Police found 57 relevant images on his computer. In hopes of obtaining more child pornography, Venables posed as a 35-year-old woman online. married woman bragged about abusing her eight-year-old daughter.

The photo was taken by Filipino adviser Reynaldo Dagza. The killer decided to take revenge on him for helping to arrest him for stealing a car.

It was the photo that helped quickly identify the killer and send him back to jail.

15. A Chinese reporter captured fog on the Yangtze River and only after a detailed study of the photo discovered a man falling from a bridge. As it turned out later, a few seconds later his girlfriend jumped after him.

16. The camera with this photograph was found in washing machine 27-year-old Travis Alexander. He was killed in the shower by being stabbed 25 times, including in the neck, and shot in the head.

Other photographs found at the crime scene showed the pair in sexual poses, and an image of Travis in the shower was taken at 5.29pm on the day of the murder. In photographs taken just minutes later, Alexander was already lying in blood on the floor.

17. A father and daughter posing for a photo are unaware that the red Vauxhall Cavalier behind them contains explosives that will detonate within seconds.

This terrorist attack in August 1998 was carried out by the illegal organization Genuine Irish Republican Army. 29 people were killed and more than 220 were injured. The camera with the first photo was found under the rubble, and his heroes miraculously survived.

Author: A few days ago I had the opportunity to visit an ordinary morgue. It would seem, what’s wrong with this? Well, the morgue, well, we’ll all be there. The point is that without being a mortuary employee or his comrade, “outsiders” have no special opportunity to inspect, much less photograph, all the premises. Relatives of the deceased visit only the farewell hall and a couple of other rooms ready to receive them, medical students visit the auditorium and sometimes the sectional room.
In the review below the cut, I suggest you familiarize yourself with how the true last journey occurs - the journey of the body from the moment of death to the moment the coffin with the body is handed over to relatives for further burial/sending to the crematorium. The review is illustrated, but is as ethical as possible. There is only one corpse in the photographs, and that one with a bag on his head.

It all starts with the fact that a person dies.
This can happen at home, or outside the home, or even in the hospital.
Death can be discovered immediately - by those around or close to you, or maybe after a different amount of time, which affects the form in which the corpse is delivered to the morgue.

They call for “suspicion of death” ambulance, with whom the police also arrive. The doctor pronounces death and the body is taken to the morgue.
If the death occurred in a hospital, the police do not seem to be needed.

1. And so, they bring him here...

2. A door with a sign “reception of bodies”, a forgotten gurney, and then immediately - coffins

5. The morgue consists of two floors and a basement. First cooling chamber disabled due to lack of need for it (the second one in the basement is enough)

6. Then there is a table on which the body is washed if necessary. Please note - the table is granite. According to the orderly, such tables (Russian, stone) are much more convenient than more modern iron (imported) ones - they do not rattle and are easier to clean. These are the tables that are used in the morgue, which appeared on the Internet some time ago with the label “Prison Morgue” (although in fact this is one of the Moscow morgues at the time of the influx of clients) - the remains of the photos can be found on Google.

7. Then the measurement takes place (height is measured to determine the size of the coffin: the coffin should be 20 cm longer than body) and registration. Here the ambulance doctor hands over the body to the orderly and Required documents. At this moment, the person finally ceases to be a person, and instead of his full name, he is assigned a number, which is written on a tag and tied to his wrist (a more common option is to his toe).

8. The orderlies who work here in daily shifts and regularly touch all sorts of things are required to wash their hands frequently and wash themselves completely. For this purpose, the morgue is full of sinks, showers and changing rooms.

11. By the way, the morgue also has the Internet and Wi-Fi (in a hospital where patients are alive, this benefit is not provided)

12. The registry is needed more by relatives - after all, this is where the services provided by the morgue are processed, a death certificate is issued, etc.

13. A person can die suddenly or after a long illness. Having been observed by various doctors and having appropriate entries in their medical histories (medical records at the place of treatment), citizens, after being delivered to the morgue, are sent to the dressing room, where orderlies bring them into proper shape using simple cosmetics

16. The range of morgue services also includes the sale of coffins and accessories, organization of farewells, funeral services and the provision of funeral transport.

18. Coffins, wreaths, etc. are displayed in the sales hall

21. And also in the corridor of the first floor

23. And for some reason in the toilet

24. The coffin on the right is Muslim

25. The cat on the “roof” of the Muslim coffin is not included in the set. By the way, there are four cats here - a cat and three cats. They are kept to control the absence of rodents, which tend to eat bodies.

26. In addition to length (from 160 to 210), coffins differ in width. For obese citizens there is a standard coffin called a “deck”

For those who are completely non-standard, the option of making a coffin to order is possible.

27. If a person’s death was not so predictable, his body is sent for an autopsy. The autopsy takes place in rooms called “sectional rooms.” The sectional ones look like this (the explosive metal tables are right here)

30. Opening tools

31. Another sectional, with its own tools

34. Hard lining-pillow under the head - numerous marks from the tool

35. During the autopsy, the necessary samples, tests, samples are taken from the corpse

36. These samples are sent for research to laboratories located on the second floor

39. The duty officer's place is on the second floor

40. Forensic experts have not been here for a long time, all that is left of them is an empty room

41. But there are many laboratories

43. We look into several of them - a lot of equipment, understandable and not completely

46. ​​Next laboratory

49. Just a jungle

50. And one more lab

53. This unit is alive. It beeps and moves regularly, the lid rises, the drum with cans makes some movements

54. The archive is filled in real time

55. On the second floor there is also an archive, in a more familiar form

57. And this is what thin colored sections of organs look like, which are examined to determine the causes of death

59. Research Answers

60. There is also an auditorium where students come

62. Although there are only two floors and a basement, there is an elevator, because it is inconvenient to move up the stairs with a wheelchair. The elevator connects the first floor and the basement, and the second floor houses its engine room.

65. There is also a ventilation room

67. Rest room for orderlies

68. And the canteen where morgue workers have lunch

69. The morgue also has a roof - in good weather You can go there to hang out, set off fireworks, etc., but in winter there is knee-deep snow on it

70. Basement of the morgue. First of all, in the basement there is another sectional and the main refrigerator

72. A bag is put on the head of a corpse so that the face does not dry out

73. Three cats live in the basement (two in the frame, the third ran away ahead of time)

74. There is an unused hyperbaric chamber-on-wheels, where nurses go out to smoke

75. And old medical records of long-dead and buried citizens

76. Underground tunnels connecting all hospital buildings converge to the basement of the morgue

78. After all the procedures for autopsy, make-up, dressing, etc., traditionally on the third day the body in a coffin is given to relatives - from this veranda, where artificial flowers covered with snow stand forlornly

79. Well, what can I say in conclusion? Based on the results of my communication with the orderly working there, working there is not scary at all, interesting in places, but mostly mundane. And let's cross our fingers that you and your loved ones will not soon find yourself in this or a similar establishment

Thank you for attention! I hope it was interesting and not too disgusting.

Five years have passed since Mexican President Felippe Calderon declared an all-out war on organized crime. Massacres during the drug mafia's struggle for territory, random casualties among the civilian population, the inability of the police to prevent impending crimes and investigate those committed...

The government had to act decisively to save the country from the rule of organized crime. Over the next five years, 45,000 people were deployed to fight the drug mafia and about $46 billion were spent.

However, the chaos only intensified: deprived of leaders, the gangs disintegrated into smaller groups and acted even more aggressively, and the corrupt local authorities did nothing to oppose them. The number of victims since 2006 has increased from 2,000 to 45,000 people. Drugs continued to flow into the United States.

The corpse of a man with his hands tied behind his back, the resort city of Acapulco, Mexico. . (AP Photo/Bernandino Hernandez, File)

Soldiers in formation before being loaded into vehicles at the Military School in Mexico City and sent to destroy plantations owned by drug cartels. In total, 45,000 police officers and soldiers and several thousand marines took part in the war against the drug mafia. According to various sources, 45,000 people died during this time, although the Mexican government stopped publishing statistics when the figure reached 35,000. (AP Photo/Dario Lopez-Mills, File

A soldier guards a detainee as he is shown to reporters, Tijuana, Mexico, October 18, 2010. As a result of a joint operation between the police and the army, 105 tons of marijuana were confiscated and 11 people were detained. (AP Photo/Guillermo Arias)

Mexican Army soldiers stand near a hidden methamphetamine laboratory in Tamazul, Mexico, August 10, 2009. According to authorities, the laboratory could produce up to one ton of methamphetamine per week. (AP Photo/Miguel Tovar)

Friends and relatives of Reyes Ricardo next to his body. Ricardo was one of 14 killed in a shootout in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. (AP Photo/Raymundo Ruiz, File

A police officer runs away from the scene of an explosion in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. The bomb destroyed two police cars and killed two police officers. (AP Photo, File)

Soldiers carry the coffins of their comrades who were found beheaded in Chilpancingo, Mexico. This incident was one of the most brutal in the entire war between the army and the drug mafia. (AP Photo/Claudio Cruz, File)

The bodies of two men shot near Caleta Beach in Acapulco on August 16, 2011. (AP Photo/Bernandino Hernandez, File)

The mutilated body of an unknown man hangs under a bridge on the Rosarito Highway, Tijuana, Mexico. (AP Photo/Guillermo Arias, File)

A cyclist rides past a police patrol in Ciudad Juarez on April 9, 2009. The war against the drug mafia launched by President Calderon led to an increase in the activity of criminals. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

Funeral workers walk to a hearse after a funeral at San Rafael Cemetery in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, April 8, 2009. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

Soldiers begin an operation to destroy drugs confiscated in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, April 7, 2009. About 18 tons of marijuana and 300 kg of cocaine were confiscated and burned. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

The hand of one of the corpses in a morgue where forensic experts are trying to identify bodies found in a hidden mass grave in Durango, Mexico. (AP Photo/Dario Lopez-Mills, File)

Soldiers burn marijuana from Mexico's largest plantation, near San Quentin, Mexico. (AP Photo/Alexandre Meneghini, File)

A firefighter searches for bodies inside a burned-out casino in Monterrey, Mexico, August 26, 2011. Fighters from one of the drug cartels set fire to a casino, killing 52 people. President Calderon called the crime "monstrous and barbaric." (AFP PHOTO/RONALDO SCHEMIDT)

Morgue workers unload a body found in a mass grave from a car in Mexico City on April 14, 2011. Police discovered a burial site containing 6 bodies near the American border, bringing the total number of bodies found near the border to 122. (AP Photo/Marco Ugarte)

The bodies of men with their hands tied behind their backs and their faces wrapped in duct tape lie by the roadside in Veracruz, Mexico, December 6, 2011. In total on this day different parts Veracruz, 4 corpses were found. The battle of drug cartels for the region continues. (AP Photo/Felix Marquez)

Confiscated weapons at a Ministry of Defense warehouse in Mexico City, April 24, 2009. (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo, File)

The reflection of police officers in the window of a taxi, inside which six bodies were found, Acapulco, Mexico, January 8, 2011. (AP Photo/Bernandino Hernandez, File)

This young man was shot and killed by unknown assailants in eastern Saltillo, Mexico, on December 7, 2011. Three men were killed in the attack, according to a statement from the state's chief spokesman. (AP Photo/Alberto Puente)

A soldier on duty on a hilltop guards mass celebrations Good Friday in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, April 10, 2009. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

A local resident examines a pool of blood on the sidewalk, Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, April 12, 2009. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

Suspects are shown to the press in Tijuana, Mexico, March 9, 2009. The Mexican army arrested 58 people at a local party. (AP Photo/Guillermo Arias, File)

Soldiers guard packages of marijuana at a warehouse in Tecate, Mexico, April 8, 2009. 297 packages weighing a total of 1,900 kg of marijuana were found. (AP Photo/Guillermo Arias)

Crosses and photographs of people killed or kidnapped by gangs lie on the sidewalk during a demonstration in Mexico City on December 11, 2011. People demand peace and order in the city. (AP Photo/Marco Ugarte)

Bodies awaiting autopsy in the morgue, Ciudad Juarez, February 18, 2009. Bodies in the morgues of Mexico's border cities are the “dead history” of drug cartel wars, the ferocity of which is growing every year. (AP Photo/Guillermo Arias)

Graves at San Rafael Cemetery, Ciudad Juarez, April 8, 2009. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

Students and activists protest against the drug war in Mexico City on February 17. (Jorge Dan Lopez/Reuters)

Morgue workers move a body found at a mass grave site to a mortuary in Matamoros on April 7. Security forces responding to a kidnapping call in Tamaulipas state, on the Texas border, stumbled upon pits containing 59 bodies near the ranch where criminals killed 72 migrant workers from Central and United States last year. South America. (Alexandre Meneghini/AP)

People walk past silhouettes of human bodies in the city of Cuernavaca during a protest in support of the poet Javier Sicilla. Javier's dead son was found among six others killed in a car in Cuernavaca. Widespread demonstrations against President Felipe Calderon's anti-drug cartel policies, which have killed 37,000 people since 2006, were planned across the country, as well as in Buenos Aires, Paris, New York and Barcelona. (Margarito Perez/Reuters)

Mexican soldiers at the arsenal in the city of Xuitlhahuac on March 14. Soldiers found an arsenal of weapons and a training camp in the state of Veracruz. Trenches were dug on the territory of the camp, and there was a cache of 12,344 rounds of various calibers, 191 magazines, 28 grenades, and more than a dozen machine guns, including AK-47. (Sergio Hernandez/AFP/Getty Images)

Colombian Navy officials visit a confiscated smuggler's submarine at a makeshift shipyard in Timbicuy, Colombia, February 14. The submarine was used to transport eight tons of cocaine to Mexico. (Jaime Saldarriaga/Reuters)

A Homeland Security special agent in a tunnel found in a warehouse near the US-Mexico border on November 4, 2010. More than 30 tons of marijuana were found in a tunnel leading to a warehouse in Tijuana. (Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images)

Suspects stand next to containers of methamphetamine and chemicals in Tijuana on February 12. Nine suspects working for the La Familia drug syndicate were arrested during a raid on a methamphetamine laboratory, according to Baja police. (Guillermo Arias/AP)

Police officers and journalists look at the body of a man suspended from a bridge in Morelia on March 17. A poster was tied to the body that read: “We killed him because he was a robber and kidnapped people.” Signed: “Knights of the Order of the Temple.” (Leovigildo Gonzalez/Reuters)

A federal police representative stands next to a dismembered corpse found in Acapulco in a burnt-out car next to the bodies of four people shot dead. (Pedro PARDO/AFP/Getty Images)

Marisol Valles Garcia, 20, in her new office after the inauguration ceremony as police chief of the border town of Praxedis G. Guerrero on October 20, 2010. This girl, who made it to the pages of Mexican newspapers thanks to her new position, soon quit after they began to threaten her. (Raymundo Ruiz/AP)

Bullet marks littered the grounds of the police station where Maristol Valles García used to work in Praxedis G. Guerrero on March 7. Criminology student Maristol Valles was hired as local police chief after other candidates were afraid to apply for the dangerous position. (Gael Gonzalez/Reuters)

Students pose for photos in front of burning drugs at a military base in Ciudad Juarez on March 2. Students were invited to watch the burning of 1,500 kilograms of drugs seized during raids over the past few months. (Gael Gonzalez/Reuters)

"Warriors" provide humanitarian aid to residents of a poor area of ​​Ciudad Juarez on January 23. These women on pink motorcycles are distributing food and medicine to the poor in one of the most dangerous cities in the world. This is their sign of protest against violence. Challenging drug cartels, the women travel every Sunday to poor areas of the city on the border with El Paso, Texas. (Gael Gonzalez/Reuters)

Musicians on an empty Papagayo beach in Acapulco on January 15. Acapulco was once a temple of international tourism, but now the city's reputation is hopelessly damaged due to the wars that have unfolded between drug traffickers. (Alexandre Meneghini/AP)

Keychains in a souvenir shop in Acapulco. (Alexandre Meneghini/AP)

The sculpture “Cocaine Man” by Mexican artist Emiliano Gironella at the exhibition “Mexico al Filo” (“Mexico to the end”) at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City. The exhibition featured works related to the drug world and the violence associated with it. (Alfredo EstrellaAFP/Getty Images)

17. A policeman holds a jar of urine while taking tests in Guadeloupe. 550 police officers were tested for narcotic substances in the body after the military detained two police officers on suspicion of assisting criminal gangs. (Tomas Bravo/Reuters)

Sarah Reis in the tent where she lives with her family, outside the prosecutor's office in Ciudad Juarez. Last year, two of Reis' children and grandson were killed after the military was accused of human rights abuses during raids on criminal gangs. Armed people burned the Reis house and threw the bodies of the dead near the city. (Gael Gonzalez/Reuters)

The corpses of a woman and her granddaughter on the floor of a house in Acapulco. As a result of the brutal crime, the woman's second granddaughter also died. (Pedro Pardo/AFP/Getty Images)

Firefighters battle a supermarket fire after a shootout between soldiers and criminals in Acapulco on April 4. As a result of the shootout, a soldier and two drug dealers were killed, and the supermarket and the adjacent cinema and shops were destroyed. (Bernandino Hernandez/AP)
Night in Tijuana. (©Nadav Neuhaus)

Following the Juarez killings, police sealed off the area and took control of it on December 20, 2008. (©Nadav Neuhaus)

Former convict, gang member and confessed killer Pedro Martin Nunez (center in a white T-shirt) conducted a service in christian church Ciudad Juarez, which he now governs. (©Nadav Neuhaus)

A girl is afraid to enter an apartment riddled with bullets, March 6, 2009. Thus, the drug syndicate wanted to send a warning to the owner of the house. (©Nadav Neuhaus)

A man digs a grave for the upcoming funeral of a slain police officer in Juarez. (©Nadav Neuhaus)

Grieving relatives attend the funeral of a Mexican policeman killed by a drug syndicate. (©Nadav Neuhaus)