Why doesn't the door close tightly? DIY interior door repair. If the plastic door does not close

An interior door is a beautiful and functional solution. It should work properly for many years. But sometimes problems arise with this. She simply starts to get in the way. If the interior door doesn’t close well, who would like that? This is the source negative emotions, like the creaking hinges, the lock. It's very bad if the door doesn't close all the way.

If it was recently installed, most likely the work was done poorly. Another such installation and the doorway will have to be restored. If the door has been standing for a long time, everything has always been fine with it, but now for some reason it does not close, no matter how you look at it, the time has come for unplanned expenses. If the interior door does not close, what should I do? How to adjust it?

It only seems

This is a reliable product. When problems arise during operation, there is a high probability that the interior door is just poorly adjusted. The hinges can become loose over time because the door is constantly used. As a result, it does not close. But you just need to pick up a screwdriver and comfort will immediately return to your home. Of course, there are also serious problems that you have to face at the most inopportune moment. Sometimes it’s important to think about whether an interior door is needed at all?

In order for doubts to stop bothering you, you need to take the situation into your own hands. How to adjust the door without outside help?

Professionalism is for professionals

You can use a level and measure everything accurately, or you can, at night, turn on the light in the room that the interior door encloses, and turn it off in the adjacent one - look at the cracks.

Common complaints about interior doors:

  • it began to close poorly;
  • The handle or lock began to act up.

There may be several reasons for this.

The door leaf is warped, the hinges are loose

If the canvas is warped, there will be a gap at the top between it and the loot, and the bottom edge will scratch the floor. What to do if you discover such a defect, how to adjust the design?

The doors themselves most likely have nothing to do with it. The first step is to check the condition of the hinges. Perhaps they were poorly screwed on and became loose during use. The screws need to be tightened. If they don't stop hanging around, it's time to think about replacing the hinges. The holes for the screws were drilled incorrectly, so it became difficult to open.

The canvas is warped, the hinges sag in the wood

It also happens that the hinges have shifted and shifted significantly, sank in the tree, and began to destroy its structure. This is very bad. Hinges ruin the entire structure. In order for them to stop doing this, there is nothing else left to do but remove them and screw new ones in places where the board is not damaged.

You should not use the door in this condition, nor should you try to close it completely. Such hinge displacements can be caused by manufacturing or installation errors. But sometimes the residents themselves are to blame for not using the door carefully.

It's easy to fix everything yourself. All you need is a set of new hinges, a chisel and a screwdriver. They are classified as building materials and are sold at all specialized sales points.

Eliminating defects from previous fastenings in this situation is the main difficulty. Putty will help fix everything and suitable color enamel or varnish. Of course, the doors will not be like new after such repairs, but it will be quite possible to disguise the shortcomings and make them invisible. The interior door will continue to perform its aesthetic function in the apartment.

Ludka has moved

The door frame sometimes moves. This happens for a number of reasons. This is both the result of global processes throughout the house, and the result of the influence of the microclimate in the room, and the consequence of a defect during installation, and low quality materials. Bottom line - door leaf does not close, which, of course, upsets the residents. What to do in this case?

If the interior doors stop closing, and gaps are found between the panel and the door, you need to attach it more securely to the wall. For this you will need a drill, construction foam, dowels 130-150 cm long.

  • the loot must be attached to the wall with dowels;
  • it is necessary to make three holes, distributing them evenly along the entire length of the side of the doorway;
  • the cracks that remain should be filled with construction foam;
  • after the work is completed, the remaining foam can be removed and decoration can begin.

Problems with the lock and handle of the interior door

When the interior door lock does not close, does not open or jams, this a big problem, because you can accidentally fall into a trap and find yourself locked in one of the rooms. I would like to call a specialist right away. And, perhaps, this is the right decision - fixing the lock yourself is very difficult. This is a complex mechanism, no matter how you look at it.

Replacing the lock and handle is not a tricky matter, especially if you don’t have time to wait for a specialist. You just need to gather courage and determination, carefully remove the old mechanism and put in its place a new, good, reliable one, so that you don’t get scared anymore when the interior door lock closes.

The first symptoms of faulty interior doors

It would seem that the door either closes or does not close. But interior doors do not break down seriously right away. At first, they may behave only strangely - they close, open, and spring randomly. This is very bad. It is better to remove it or fix it securely. A working one does not function like that. Usually you need a very strong draft in the apartment for the interior doors to slam shut on their own. What to do in this situation?

At this stage, it is practically impossible for residents to find the truth, to understand what is happening to the door. Still, you can try. If the interior doors close on their own or spring back, the problem is still in the same hinges, door or lock. After viewing the photos and videos, the situation will probably become clearer.

In order for doors to stop causing unpleasant emotions, you need to either take a level and measure the structure instead of the installers, or wait for more vivid and clear manifestations of the breakdown, or call a specialist, or immediately install a new door.

Interior doors are installed in every home, but not everyone understands the need for regular care. As a result, we notice a problem when it already requires an immediate solution. But its occurrence can be prevented if you monitor the structure and properly care for it.

Attention! There are many different problems that relate to interior doors. It swells when excess moisture, problems arise with closing the structure. Most problems are fixed with my own hands. Initially, you will have to discover the root cause, and only then begin to get rid of it.

What problems can affect an interior door?

If you neglect to care for your models, defects will eventually occur. Often structures fall down and touch the floor with their surface, leaving scratches on it. When opening and closing appears unpleasant creaking. Also, sometimes models do not hold firmly on the hinges; during operation, force is required due to rubbing in the door frame. Cracks appear on the surface of the canvas, the door frame becomes loose or loses its attractiveness decorative finishing. Of course, that's not all possible problems which lead to the door not closing properly.

Specific problems depend on the room in which the door is located. In other words, the model closes poorly for various reasons. If this is a bathroom or toilet, there is a high probability that the structures are swollen. That's why they stopped closing. It is difficult to solve such a problem, so if possible it is better to replace the structure.

The door does not close and touches the floor: what to do?

Sometimes interior doors stop closing due to the fact that they cling to the floor. To solve the problem, it is important to discover the cause. One of the reasons that the structure touches the floor during operation may be a problem with the hinges.

In this case, you will have to adjust or rehang the hinges, or in the worst case scenario, replace them. First of all, inspect the screws securing the hinges to the canvas; if they are loose, tighten them. If the screws turn and it is impossible to tighten them, the following options are possible:

  1. Replace the screws with larger fasteners.
  2. Insert a piece of wood of suitable diameter into the hole for the screws.
  3. Change the location of the hinges by moving them slightly up or down.

Metal washer good helper in this matter. You will need to complete the following steps. This will lift the door and get rid of scratches and other problems that prevent it from opening. A metal washer or wire ring is placed on the hinge pin. An element made by yourself will save you from problems.

The doors stopped closing: we are looking for reasons

Sometimes the cause of problems with closing the door is a violation of the geometric parameters of the door leaf. Moreover, often to identify this defect it is not even necessary to take measurements; everything is visible to the naked eye. The cause is exposure to moisture or, conversely, too hot and dry air.

Also, if the door is used for a long period of time, too large a layer of old paint or varnish. When tight closed door evaluate the existing gaps. If their size is too small or they are missing altogether, remove the door from the hinges and use a plane to remove excess on the trim. This is not difficult to do, and the operation of the door leaf will again be easy and affordable.

If the interior door does not close, the question arises of what to do. However, if the reason lies in excess varnish or paint, this can be considered good luck. Of course, you will have to work hard to return door design former performance characteristics, however, as a result you will also change the appearance of the door in better side.

There are many various techniques door decoration. Initially, it will have to be removed from its hinges. After this, they get rid of the old layers of decor. This is not difficult to do. Next, you should carefully examine own interior, decide on color scheme and his style. The next step is to select your preferred processing method. You can choose from the following options:

  1. Easy painting in your chosen color.
  2. Coating the door with varnish, especially if it is a wooden surface.
  3. Using decoupage technology. It is important to take a comprehensive approach to choosing a pattern so that it complements the design of the room.
  4. Glass mosaic on the door leaf.
  5. Acrylic painting of the door leaf.
  6. Using fabric as the main means of decoration.
  7. Application of patchwork technique.

Removing the old layer of paint or varnish will solve the problem of the interior door not closing. Subsequent independent decor using the chosen technique will add a luxurious touch to the door leaf. appearance, and the interior is decorated with sophistication.

What else could be the reason?

If the door manufacturing technology is violated and insufficiently dried wood is used, over time the door leaf dries out and changes its geometry. Which in turn leads to the appearance of large gaps between the door frame and the door, the tongue of the lock or latch not falling into its hole, and a number of other problems.

In this case, they resort to the following method to solve the problem - rearrange the hinges so as to raise the door up as much as possible. Attached to the bottom of the door according to the measurements taken wooden plank, which, if necessary, is processed using a plane. Existing side gaps are eliminated in the same way. The plank is attached from the hinge side. Get started finishing, fill and clean existing cracks, paint or varnish. You can choose some other methods for decorating the door surface. It is important that the resulting door fits harmoniously into the overall design and became its integral component.

In some cases, cracks appear on the door leaf. Oddly enough, they can also lead to problems with closing the door leaf. This is explained by the downward displacement of the structure and the impossibility of complete closure. Sealing cracks requires a lot of labor and great care, but the result will more than pay for all the efforts.

The algorithm as a whole is simple. The door is removed from its hinges and placed on a flat surface. The old coating is removed from the surface of the door leaf. To do this, use sandpaper or special chemicals. By using sandpaper different grain sizes, grinding the surface of the door leaf. Small cracks and scratches are filled with putty.

A good result is obtained by using a mixture of epoxy glue and sawdust. After drying, the surface is sanded again. Through and large cracks are sealed with sized wooden inserts. They are attached with glue. Identified irregularities are puttied and sanded. This is repeated until the desired result is achieved. After which a layer of primer is applied to the surface of the door leaf. The door is painted or a layer of varnish is applied to it.

Remember that if none of these methods helped to cope with the failure of the interior door to close, the problem may be much more serious. In this case there are two possible options solutions. The first involves calling experienced specialists. They will inspect the door leaf and determine the cause of the problem. After that, they will solve this problem, relieving you of discomfort. However, this method is associated with significant costs, which is not always convenient.

An alternative is to simply replace the interior door. In this case, you will have to spend money, but the new door leaf will serve for an extremely long time, and there will be no problems with closing it for a long time. Installation is worth trusting experienced craftsmen to eliminate possible fabric defects due to self-installation.

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The annoying problem of doors sagging

The annoying problem of sagging doors, especially wooden ones, can occur for a number of reasons.

The root causes may be different, but each of them leads to the fact that over time the door may not close at all, scratch the floor and completely stop working. It is possible to correct the situation with your own hands.
The interior door sank, what should I do? Video

Replacing or adjusting doors if interior doors sag

Replacing and adjusting doors
Repair of doors is required over time for any overlap of the opening of adjacent rooms.
The door structure is not only a decorative element of the interior design of a home, but also the main functional detail, which is simply indispensable for a comfortable stay at home. After all, a door is so necessary in buildings of any type of use:
Protects the room from drafts;
Separates adjacent rooms relatively functional purpose;
Creates a cozy atmosphere and plays a decorative role in the stylistic design.

Not only can a used door fail, but also a completely new product due to failure correct installation, shrinkage of the structure as a whole, and so on.
In many cases, households begin to think about quickly replacing a door that has ceased to be visually attractive and has lost a number of functionality. If the question arises about whether you need to replace the block with something new, or start repairing the doors, then know that even an inanimate interior detail requires attention and care.
A product may no longer please you for a number of reasons that you can fix yourself:
The door leaf made of natural solid wood has cracked.

Such a visual misunderstanding is corrected by restoration work or decoration, a list of which is simply inconceivable to choose from. The entire process, both restoration and decorative finishing of the door structure, can be reproduced with one’s own hands in everyday conditions with low financial costs.
If restoration involves a thorough list of work, then decorating the sash can be done with your own hands without even removing it from its hinges: decoupage, painting, and so on.
The ceiling structure has become loose.

You can also strengthen the door frame with your own hands at home. Why just disassemble the block using a simple tool that everyone has? home handyman or borrow for a short period of time from a neighbor. In this case, you may only need to strengthen the door frame at the installation site, tighten the hinges, or tighten the leaf itself, that is, strengthen loose or cracked panels wooden structure.
Nasty, cutting to the ear and nerves, creaking.

Lubricate the door

The creaking of a sash opening or closing is often caused by the friction of the pins, which are elements door hinges. The cause of the creaking may also relate to poor fastening of the hinges themselves to the hinge beam or the end of the canvas.
To eliminate the harsh sound, it is recommended to check the fastening of the hinges and lubricate them machine oil, or use graphite, pieces of which are inserted into the hinge gaps.
The doors don't close well.

A wooden door does not open or does not close, then its problem is hidden in the conditions of internal operation. Over time, any product made from natural solid wood can swell, that is, significantly increase in size around the perimeter. The door does not close due to a violation of its geometry: the door has swollen, the door has sagged, the hinges have become loose, the frame has moved, and so on.
There can be a lot of reasons why the sash does not coincide in geometry with the frame. If the door is seriously sagging, then it is recommended to take the issue seriously, which we will discuss below.
Possible reasons malfunctions

If the structure has sagged slightly or significantly, then this is indicated by the following visual circumstances: functional activity block:

  • The first slight abrasions on the door sill, due to the fact that the doors do not close well;
  • Damage to the flooring when the door does not close at all, that is, it does not fit tightly around the perimeter of the frame;
  • Clear gaps appeared around the entire perimeter.

If at least one of the above violations in the quality service of the floor block is confirmed, there is only one conclusion - the door has collapsed with a violation of the fit geometry. Before any adjustment of the doors is undertaken, it is worth examining the unit for malfunctions, and only then getting to work.
The main reasons why an interior door made of natural solid wood or other material does not open internal use use, the following misunderstandings include:

  • The hinges have moved away from the installation site;
  • Deformation door frame;
  • Violation of the geometry of the sash itself;
  • Swelling of canvas made of natural solid wood.

Many defects can be corrected with your own hands, but the work will require in all of the above cases:

  • PVA glue or other adhesive composition for working with wood;
  • Screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • Planer, chisel;
  • Hammer.

You may need another simple one home tool, which, if you don’t have it in the pantry, you can ask for a loan from a neighbor.
Inspection and repair of hinges

First of all, if the door has sagged, it is recommended to inspect the hinged awnings, since the reason is most often hidden in them. To correct and return the functionality of the sash, door repairs will not be required; you just need to remove the door leaf from the hinges, inspect them and make adjustments. The answer to the question of how to remove a door from its hinges is simple:

  • Open the door;
  • Place a crowbar or other convenient object under it;
  • Using a crowbar (or your hands), lift the canvas from bottom to top.

This way, the sash will be freed from its hinges, but now it needs to be held safely so as not to be damaged. For these purposes, if such work is being reproduced for the first time, invite a member of the household to help, who will at least support the canvas so that it does not fall over.
Usually, hinges are secured to the hinge beam (door frame post) using wood screws. If the door sag significantly, then:
It is recommended to drive wood wedges under the unscrewed screws into the holes, then install the hinges on the screws in place.

First dip the wedges in PVA glue (or wood glue). To secure the hinges, use longer fasteners, and hang the door itself 24 hours after the adhesive has dried.
If the situation with the sagging of the ceiling has not been corrected after strengthening the hinges with wedges and new screws, then it is recommended to change the previous location of the hinges.

IN in this case you can use old hinges, but place them on the hinge beam in other places, as well as at the end of the sash itself.
The insertion of loops in new installation locations is done in the same way. The main thing is to correctly calculate the vertical axis of the location of the loop canopies and the distance between each other. The grooves in the wood are made using a chisel and striking with a hammer. It is better to use a chisel with a straight blade.
If the door sags in a short period after installation, then the problem lies in the large weight of the door itself, which the hinges cannot support.

The situation can be corrected simply by adding additional loops. You can embed a third loop, placing it at a distance of about 10-20 cm under the upper canopy. Or install an additional loop, moving the top one slightly higher.
If the door shrinks after a long service life, this may indicate wear on the hinges.

Over a long period of service, the core in the hinges wears out, which can simply be replaced. But this may not improve the functionality of old hinges, since they also wear out over time. It's better to buy new hinges.
If the door leaf is slightly sagging, the hinges do not need to be replaced, but slightly adjusted.

In this case, the door adjustment is made using a steel ring, which must be placed under the metal core of the element. A ball from a bearing of the appropriate size relative to the diameter can also help.
If this is not enough to correct the situation, then you can make a backing under the hinges that will slightly raise them from the hinge beam.
Do not forget that after manipulating hinge awnings, it is recommended to lubricate them with machine oil for prevention.

Detecting door frame deformation

After you have managed to adjust the door on its hinges, it may happen that it does not open or closes poorly. This means that the loops were not entirely to blame.
The problem, most likely, is the lack of the necessary functional gap between the frame of the structure and the sash.
To identify such a problem, you will need a building level, which checks the vertical and horizontal of the structure. As the door closes, it can cling to the frame in any part. If a clear violation in the installation or slight deformation of the box is determined, which is possible after a long period of operation of the unit, then the problem is solved by lightly trimming the structure at the exact location where the problem occurs.
It is worth noting that before you start trimming the door leaf, you need to thoroughly make sure that the frame itself has not succumbed to severe deformation. Otherwise, your efforts will be in vain, and the canvas will be damaged.
Major deformation of the frame is the most difficult problem associated with the door structure of the floor. Adjusting the doors will not help in this case unless the frame is completely redone. After all, how can you adjust the door if the base of the ceiling has succumbed to movement? If you ignore the deformation of the box, then in addition to the diagonal displacement of the canvas, over time the racks will move out of the plane of the opening.

Frame distortion can be corrected by the following manipulations:

  • The ceiling fabric itself is removed from loop awnings;
  • Vertical and horizontal measurements of the installation of racks are carried out;
  • The diagonal of the opening is checked;
  • The location of the displacement is found;
  • Everything is removed from the ceiling decorative elements: additions, platbands;
  • Fixing bolts are screwed into the frame structure to correct the situation;
  • Removed from gaps Construction Materials: plaster, polyurethane foam;
  • Spacers for the frame are installed in the necessary places, which in the future will hold it in the correct position;
  • Finally, the gaps are re-foamed and plastered;
  • Platbands and extensions are installed in place.

Violation of the geometry of the door leaf

Natural solid wood is a very valuable product, especially in a home environment.
Materials of natural origin have always been valued. If the table is made of solid wood or other item decorative design the home does not require a certain degree of attention and constant care, then if the wooden door is damaged, it may be you who are to blame.
Doors made of wood do not close well due to their swelling or, conversely, drying out. This may happen because:

  • That the humidity level in the room is not maintained;
  • The block may not be processed protective equipment or special impregnations;
  • The installation itself could take place, for example, in winter time years when the unit did not have time to acclimatize in the internal heated room;
  • Installation of solid wood structures is not recommended in the openings of rooms with constant temperature changes and humidity fluctuations: bathrooms, showers, and so on.

If the door is already sagging, then you should not immediately run to the construction center for a new replacement made of a combined material. Solid wood door repair natural wood done with your own hands very simply using a regular plane or more modern instrument.
You can adjust the sash to the parameters of the frame using the trimming method problem areas on the canvas. Before starting work, you need to take at least visual measurements:

  • Close the door;
  • Assess the size of existing gaps;
  • Remove the door from the awnings;
  • Sew the binding in certain places.

Any defects in the design of covering the openings of adjacent rooms can be corrected with your own hands. If correction methods are not possible, then it is better to invite a specialist to your home. After all, it is cheaper to eradicate faults right away, since over time they turn into major breakdowns.

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03.09.2016 87688

In an apartment or own home many elements performing different functions. Among them - interior doors for rooms installed between rooms. They separate rooms and protect from extraneous noise or unnecessary light. In addition, these devices perform a decorative role, complementing the interior, making it complete.

Classification of interior doors

In construction practice there are different interior designs.

  • Swing. This is a common option in typical apartment buildings. It is traditionally used in the construction of cottages or country houses. Structurally they are:
  1. single-leaf;
  2. one-and-a-half-part;
  3. bivalve.
  • Foldable. TO similar option designs are used when the surrounding space in rooms is limited. Such devices consist of narrow elements.
  • It is practiced between adjacent rooms. They can be sliding, if there is only one sash, or sliding - if there are two sashes moving in different directions.

By type of material from which interior designs are manufactured, they can be;

  • plastic;
  • MDF door;
  • made of solid wood;
  • covered with chipboard, fiberboard veneer or carcass with honeycomb filling.

During operation, door structures are subject to loads and external influence. As a result, repairs are needed interior doors.

When there is a need for repairs

Door structures for internal use have a list of common damage that occurs during operation:

  • the handles are loosened and the locks do not close;
  • the door leaf sagging;
  • the material from which this device is made swells; solid wood structures are most susceptible to this;
  • the components of the door dry out;
  • the veneer covering the structure peels off or cracks;
  • A crack appears in the door glass.

How to fix a faulty door handle

You can repair the handles yourself. You will need the following tools:

  • Phillips and flat screwdriver;
  • wrench.

The first reason is the loosening of the screws that secure the outer covers covering the internal mechanisms of the lock. To correct this problem, tighten the loose screw. If it does not tighten, you need to:

  • unscrew the screws;
  • remove the cover;
  • insert wooden sticks into the holes from the screws;
  • put on the cover and tighten the screws.

If the cause of the handle malfunction is internal mechanism, it is necessary to disassemble the external decorative overlays, using a nut this mechanism.

Carefully inspect the lock and if it cannot be repaired, then you need to take a new one and install it in place of the faulty one.

What to do if the door does not close

Proper functioning of the door structure creates a comfortable home environment. Discomfort appears if the interior door does not close. This irritates the owners and leads to damage to the door leaf or frame.

The reasons that the interior door does not close well may be:

  • incorrect installation of the door frame or its distortion during operation;
  • swollen;
  • loop does not close:
  1. Using a level (preferably a laser level, it has high accuracy) and a plumb line to determine the correct installation of the box. In case of distortion, the door leaf is removed from the hinges and the trim is removed. Then the box is aligned in . Modern builders attach it to anchors, so you need to adjust them with a Phillips screwdriver so as to eliminate the distortion. Then seal the resulting cracks and install the door leaf in place.
  2. If it is determined that the door is swollen, then it needs to be removed. Most often this happens with solid wood products. In this case, you can fix it using a plane. To do this, you need to use a plane to make cuts on the side of the door leaf that interferes with closing. Sometimes it is necessary to cut the wood from the door leaf on all sides. When processing a wooden door leaf with a plane, care must be taken during cuts so as not to damage the structure at the gluing points components doors. Cover the cut areas with the same tinting or paint that was used on the entire door.
  3. Repair of door hinges is needed if they are set deeper than necessary from the front edge of the door leaf. Often, when using this design, the hinges bend or the fastening screws become loose. When identifying such a defect, in order to eliminate it, you need to move the loops to their proper place. If the hinges are deformed, replace them. When performing this work, you will need a Phillips screwdriver for self-tapping screws.

How to eliminate sagging

Having discovered that the interior door is sagging, you need to find out why this happened. The reasons here may also be different:

  • the hinges are loose;
  • the hinges were deformed due to heavy load;
  • due to the skew of the box.

Having determined that the door leaf is warping due to poor fastening of the hinges, it is necessary to secure them. To do this you need to remove the door. Use a Phillips screwdriver to tighten the screws. To make the fastening stronger, you can replace the screws with longer ones.

If the screws in the sockets are loose, then you need to:

  • remove the hinges;
  • Fill the vacated holes with wooden glazing beads; you can pre-lubricate them with glue;
  • attach the hinges to the previous attachment point and tighten the screws tightly;
  • place.

Deformation of hinges occurs due to incorrect selection accessories. The loops turn out to be weak for the actual . In such a situation, you need to change the fittings to more durable ones.

There may be such a situation that the reason incorrect installation loops. In this case, it is necessary to deepen half of the loop into wooden surface, using a chisel to cut out the required recess.

You can make this recess in the box, depending on the need.

When, based on the results of the inspection, it turns out that the cause of the sagging is the skew of the box, then it must be dismantled. Repairing interior doors with your own hands is also possible in this case.

If immediately after installing the door structure they functioned normally, then the changes occurred due to settlement of the house. In this case the order repair work will be as follows:

  • remove the canvas and trim;
  • loosen the fastenings and pull out the door frame;
  • if it is severely deformed, replace it;
  • using a level and a plumb line, align the box and secure it with anchors, three pieces on each side;
  • try on the door and attach the hinges in accordance with its new position;
  • hang the door leaf and check that it closes correctly;
  • put the trims in place.

Repair of veneer on interior doors

A door structure covered with veneer may exhibit various damages - from scratches to cracks and even peeling off of some areas of the surface.

Repairs are made, depending on the severity of the damage, using polish or glue.

  1. If scratches appear on such a surface, veneer repair will involve a section.
  2. You can repair cracks in veneer using PVA glue or door varnish and sawdust. Putty is mixed from them and used to seal the crack. After this procedure, you need to cover the repaired area with a tinting composition to match the color of the canvas. If the crack is large, with some areas chipped, then it is better to replace this section of veneer with a new one.
  3. If the veneer has peeled off, it must be carried out with the door leaf removed.

An adhesive solution for wooden surfaces is prepared in advance.

In the place where the veneer has peeled off, the discovered voids are filled with glue, and the surface on which the veneer will lie is coated with glue.

The peeled part is pressed against the door leaf and covered with tracing paper. A bend is placed on top of it to press the surface.

Experience shows that a person with minimal technical skills is able to repair interior wooden doors with your own hands without much difficulty.

The main thing is to notice the defect in time and not delay its elimination.

Among the common breakdowns that occur at home, a special place is occupied by various types of malfunctions of the brothers-in-law. If some mistakes were made during their installation, then often all sorts of troubles begin to happen to them. As a result, it becomes uncomfortable to use them, and, therefore, the question of repair arises.

In this article we will talk about what to do if the door does not close and how to fix it yourself.

Why the door may not close

There is a fairly large list of the most frequently occurring damages, as a result of which doors stop closing. It looks like this:

  • handles become loose;
  • the lock mechanism becomes unusable;
  • the canvas sags under its own weight;
  • wood from high humidity swells;
  • shrinks from the heat;
  • boxes are deformed, etc.

We repair handles

In general, if the breakdown does not lead to the failure of the entire structure of the handles, it will not be difficult to repair them yourself. Otherwise they will have to be changed.

First of all, it should be noted that in order for them to serve as long as possible, you should choose handles good quality, made of bronze or brass. In this case, they will work for many years without causing any inconvenience.

What tools will you need? Following:

  • screwdrivers – Phillips and flathead;
  • wood glue;
  • matches or toothpicks.

Most often, problems arise due to the fact that the screws securing the handle bar become loose in the wood - as a result, they become warped and jammed.

Here you only need to tighten the screws. However, if they can no longer hold securely, they must be replaced with thicker ones or the existing hole must be sealed. This procedure can be done with the help of several matches or toothpicks coated with wood glue.

The problem is more serious when the screws break too much big hole V frame door having inside honeycomb filler. Here you will need to purchase handles with longer strips to cover the damaged area.

Lock malfunction unless we're talking about not a lack of lubrication, in most cases it is irreparable, so you will need to buy a new mechanism.

Repairing a door that won't close

A properly functioning door does not cause any trouble, but when for some reason it stops working normally, discomfort arises - it has to be closed with force and even this often does not help. If you delay repairs, it will become even more damaged over time.

The following reasons may cause the door to fail to close:

  • poor fastening of the box, resulting in its distortion;
  • swelling of the canvas (if it is made of solid wood);
  • incorrect installation of hinges.

First of all, you need to make sure that the door itself is completely level. For this you will need a spirit level. If there is a skew, then the procedure is as follows:

  • remove the fabric from the loops;
  • dismantle the platbands;
  • remove the old seal;
  • we level the box and expand it from the inside with suitable bars;
  • foam the voids around it;
  • leave for a day.

Then all that remains is to hang the canvas back, make sure that the doors close properly and return the trim. If necessary, the box can be slightly adjusted by slightly tightening all the anchor bolts that secure it in a vertical position in the opening.

When swelling occurs, the procedure is different:

  • the canvas is inspected to identify those places that interfere with closing;
  • removed from hinges;
  • use a plane to remove excess material;
  • the treated surfaces are coated with varnish or paint of a suitable shade;
  • After drying, the door is hung in place.

Often problems arise due to the fact that the hinges were installed incorrectly. The most common mistake here is planting too deep on the front side. This ultimately leads to:

  • loosening of screws;
  • bending of the loops themselves.

It is not difficult to fix the problem - just move them closer to the front surface. If the hinges are deformed, they will have to be replaced with new ones.

What to do if the door is sagging

You can tell that there is sagging by the oblique fit of the upper edge of the door to the frame. It is important here to determine what exactly led to this. The reasons are most often the following:

  • the screws came loose;
  • the hinges were too weak and could not withstand the weight of the canvas;
  • the box was skewed.

In the first case, it is enough to secure the hinges with new, thicker and longer self-tapping screws. In this case, the door itself will need to be removed. It would be better to seal old holes with wooden pegs coated with glue.

If deformed, you will need to replace the hinges with new ones that are more reliable.

Box bending is the most serious malfunction of all. Here you will have to completely dismantle it and reinstall it, as indicated above.

In new houses, problems with doors most often arise due to the fact that the structure continues to settle over several years. As a result, boxes usually become warped over time. You will need to completely remove it from the opening and inspect it - if its shape as a whole is not disturbed, then it will be enough to trim the vertical bars a little. Otherwise you will have to buy a new box.

After this, most likely, you will also need to shorten the door leaf itself. Do it better circular saw installed on the machine, but at worst, a jigsaw will do. Trimming should be done along the bottom edge.

If the plastic door does not close

Here again, most likely, the problem arose due to a malfunction of the handle. Many manufacturers skimp on fittings, and as a result they quickly become unusable. You will need to remove the trim strips and tighten any loose screws hidden underneath them. If it turns out that any element of the handle has become unusable, the whole thing will need to be replaced with a new one.
