Pros, cons and reviews of houses made of laminated veneer lumber. Finnish houses made of laminated veneer lumber: main advantages Features of the construction of houses made of laminated veneer lumber

Compared to other wood building materials for the construction of house walls, laminated veneer lumber can rightfully be called the best. These products have many advantages that make houses made of this material strong, warm, durable and environmentally friendly. The technology for building a house from laminated veneer lumber is quite simple, so this construction method can be chosen for self-construction Houses. During the work you will not need construction equipment, which is an additional advantage. You can also save on arranging the foundation, because lightweight wall material will not heavily load the foundation.

Manufacturing Features

If you decide to make laminated veneer lumber yourself, the production technology requires specialized equipment. Without it, you won’t be able to make such material yourself.

The technology for manufacturing laminated wood material includes several stages:

  1. Before production, the wood is carefully sorted. Only high-quality raw materials are selected. Wood is selected taking into account the variety, species, size and other important characteristics.
  2. Next, the wood is sawed and dried. The material is sawn into boards of a certain size. The thinner the workpiece, the better it will dry. Drying of products is carried out in special chambers with modern equipment. The material is dried to the specified moisture content under continuous equipment monitoring.
  3. Control and calibration. Next, the dried workpieces undergo careful control and calibration. This can be done either with special equipment or visually by workers. As a result, defective boards are removed.
  4. Formation of lamellas. This stage consists of two stages. First of all, the dried material is sent to a machine, where areas with defects are cut out of it. After this, the board is cut into thin lamellas, which are spliced ​​in length.
  5. Next, the workpieces are treated with antiseptic compounds to protect against rotting, fungus and mold, and are also impregnated with fire retardants to increase their fire resistance and resistance to environmental factors.
  6. After this, the blanks are lubricated with a special waterproof glue and sent under the press. As a result, under pressure, the adhesive penetrates into the pores of the wood and reliably glues the lamellas together. The total number of lamellas in one beam can be 2-5 and depends on the required thickness of the product. The final thickness of the timber can reach up to 250 mm.

Important: in the manufacturing process of timber, only high-quality, harmless glue is used that meets all safety standards. In addition, the adhesive used should not interfere with the natural “breathing” of the wood.

  1. The last stage of timber production will be its profiling. Now the timber is cut to length up to required sizes, after which it is sent to a machine on which locking connections in the form of tenons and grooves are cut into the body of the product. These grooves and tenons are precisely adjusted in size and fit together without gaps or cold bridges. Thanks to this lock, when laying the timber, a sealed connection is obtained that does not require the use of tape inter-crown insulation.
  2. To protect the product from mechanical damage or surface contamination, it is packaged before storage or delivery to the retail chain.

Typically, the glued timber is made from one type of wood. But in some cases, to increase its aesthetic appeal, lamellas of more expensive types of wood are used as two outer layers. Such products are more expensive than laminated veneer lumber made from one type of wood.

Advantages and disadvantages

Glued laminated timber, the manufacturing technology of which is described above, has its pros and cons. Among positive qualities of this building material, thanks to which it is so popular, it is worth listing the following:

  • High-quality dried and cut pieces absorb various protective compounds well. Thanks to this, the finished product and the entire building are reliably protected from the negative effects of weather factors, moisture, damage by microorganisms, insects, and are also less susceptible to fire.
  • Thanks to a special technology for manufacturing and cutting locks, it is possible to achieve the most dense and airtight connection of individual wall elements. There are no gaps or cold bridges in the wall structure, so your home will always be warm, which will allow you to save on heating costs. You will receive additional savings during construction due to the fact that you will not need inter-crown insulation. In addition, a tight and even connection of the elements, as well as the absence of insulation sticking out of the cracks, will have a beneficial effect on the appearance of the house.
  • The timber manufacturing technology helps preserve all the positive qualities of wood, thanks to which a favorable microclimate is formed in the house, humidity and temperature in the room are regulated.
  • Thanks to technology chamber drying well-dried wood practically does not shrink, so after building a box at home there is no need to take a long pause for shrinkage before starting Finishing work and move into the house.

Attention: shrinkage of a glued house wood material according to technological standards should not exceed 1.5%.

  • The beautiful, smooth surface of the timber allows you to do without any finishing of the house, which will allow you to save a lot.
  • The load-bearing capacity of laminated veneer lumber is much higher than that of solid wood products. This makes it much better than ordinary profiled timber, rounded and untreated logs.
  • Dimensional stability. This material is not afraid of changes in humidity and temperature, prolonged static loads, freezing and thawing. It does not respond to all these factors by deformation, shrinkage, cracking and change geometric shape and sizes.
  • There are no through cracks on the laminated material, therefore the thermal insulation characteristics of such timber are higher than those of other solid wood products.
  • Since during production it is possible to prepare laminated veneer lumber, the dimensions of which will be precisely adjusted to the future construction, during the assembly process waste will be minimal or even equal to zero. This helps reduce the estimated cost, speeds up the construction process and allows you to save on labor costs if the house is built by a hired team.

Among the disadvantages of glued products, it is worth mentioning the following points:

  • The weight of laminated veneer lumber is slightly higher than that of conventional wood products. However, the increase in specific gravity is not critical, so this will in no way affect the manufacture of the foundation.
  • You should only buy glued elements from a reliable, trusted manufacturer, since you cannot control the manufacturing process. Unscrupulous manufacturers take advantage of this and use low-quality glue or defective wood; they may also work on outdated equipment, which will affect the quality of the product.

Timber laying technology

The technology of construction from laminated veneer lumber is no different from the installation of any wooden house. You can make a lightweight foundation by choosing a shallow foundation strip base, pile-screw or columnar structure. After this it is necessary to carry out horizontal waterproofing grounds. To do this, two layers of roofing material are laid on bitumen mastic.

After this, adhere to the following installation sequence:

  1. A larch backing board is laid on the foundation. It must be subjected to antiseptic treatment. The board is leveled. Thanks to this board, it will be possible to protect the expensive timber of the first crown from the destructive effects of moisture and rot.
  2. Next, we proceed to laying the first casing crown. First, two beams are laid on opposite walls, and after that the elements on the walls adjacent to them are mounted in grooves. To make a crown molding, you should choose the most durable, high-quality products with a large cross-section.
  3. Corner connections of elements can be made different ways- “in the paw”, “in the bowl”, “in half the tree”, that is, with the remainder or not. The warmest connection is obtained when laying corners according to the Canadian bowl principle. As a result, all elements are reliably connected into one structure without cold bridges or blowing.
  4. The first beam is attached to the foundation using anchor bolts, which are inserted into pre-drilled holes.
  5. The following elements are being installed. The locking connections of all rows are joined according to the “groove-tenon” principle. Insulation of places is mandatory corner connection elements.
  6. If there are no grooves in the thickets of the timber for insulation, then it can be laid directly on the bowl of the underlying element at the corner joint.
  7. After laying each subsequent row of timber, they are pressed. The width of the inter-crown gap should be no more than 1 mm. It will close after the building settles.
  8. Every three crowns they make additional fixation using dowels - long wooden elements. They will give the structure additional stability and protect the logs from twisting.
  9. Also, the crowns are additionally tightened with pins to prevent the formation of gaps between the crowns after the building shrinks.
  10. The process of installing a roof is the same as when building a house from other wood materials.

At the design stage own home It is important to choose the wall material. The appearance of the building, its weight (which affects the requirements for foundations), and the final cost of construction depend on which external enclosing structures will be used. Increasingly, when building their own homes, people give preference to creating wooden cottages, one of the options of which are houses made of laminated veneer lumber.

Features of the material

This technology makes it possible to produce wooden elements larger sections and lengths than is possible with solid material. At the same time, the overall strength of the structure increases. The production of material occurs in the following sequence:

  • drying boards of wood in steam chambers coniferous species wood up to standard humidity 8-12%;
  • sorting the received material, cutting out defects;
  • giving the boards a strict geometric shape by planing on four sides;
  • gluing elements together hydraulic press high power;
  • cutting the profile into pieces of the required size;
  • drilling holes in parts for dowels.
The production technology is complex and multi-stage

Compared to classic edged timber, laminated veneer lumber has a number of features:

  • length up to 18 m (versus 6 m);
  • minimal deformation and shrinkage (1-2% versus 9-10%);
  • possibility of manufacturing elements of large cross-section (thickness up to 50 cm, height up to 90 cm);
  • high strength (the frame is noticeably more rigid);
  • increased resistance to negative environmental influences (deep cracks do not form);
  • absence of drafts between the crowns due to the profiled section.

This technology makes it possible to obtain a material with unique characteristics, but, unfortunately, it is quite expensive. It's because of the cost modern houses made of glued material are the choice of people with fairly high financial capabilities.

Advantages and disadvantages

On construction market There is a strong consensus about the advantages of houses made of laminated veneer lumber:

  1. Possibility of operation immediately after assembly. This is ensured due to the fact that the shrinkage of the house is minimal and does not exceed 0.5%. When using ordinary timber or logs, before finishing, you must wait at least 1, and preferably 2 years, so that the walls dry out and shrink.
  2. High thermal insulation characteristics. But here it is important to note that such thermal conductivity can also be provided ordinary timber or log, which cost much less.
  3. Attractive appearance. The surface of the elements is perfectly smooth, which allows you to avoid additional finishing of the house from the inside or outside. Moreover, thanks to unique properties The attractiveness of the material will last for a long time. The service life is increased due to resistance to such troubles as mold, rot or mildew.
  4. Low flammability. The main problem of wooden cottages is their instability to fire. A special production technology solves this issue. At the manufacturing stage, all elements are treated with fire retardants - substances that increase the fire resistance limit. In addition, when producing profiled material, cracks and voids are eliminated, and it acquires greater density. Such a monolithic structure resists fire better. Even in the event of a fire, the walls will continue to perform a load-bearing function and will not pose a threat of destruction during the time necessary for the safe evacuation of people.
  5. Opportunity to implement bold architectural solutions. Creation of large spans and complex geometric shapes. Such advantages are justified by the high strength of the material and simplicity machining. The technology allows us to produce not only standard products, but also bent-laminated beams.

The advantages are quite significant, so even when constructing houses from other materials, sometimes such elements are included in the design.

Also, houses made of laminated veneer lumber also have disadvantages. They need to be known at the design stage in order to avoid serious problems during construction and operation. The disadvantages can be identified as follows:

  1. Using synthetic compounds for gluing profiled timber. There are three options for production: polyurethane, melamine and isoacitate adhesives. The last group will be the most environmentally friendly option. In Europe and Russia, the technology of using the first two is most widespread.
  2. About melanin glue. It is important to know that it contains formaldehyde, a toxic substance that can lead to the occurrence or exacerbation of bronchial asthma. Isoacitates can also cause this disease. Despite the fact that the service life of the house increases and its strength characteristics increase, if there is a predisposition to this kind of disease, you should abandon the idea of ​​​​using glued profiled material for construction, since this is dangerous to health.
  3. Possibility of small cracks. Manufacturers prefer to remain silent about this. Although the shrinkage is minimal (1-2%), it is not zero. Therefore, if you plan to carry out additional finishing inside (for example, drywall on the walls or ceiling), then in the first year after construction you will have to wait.
  4. Increased cost. The estimate for a house made of laminated veneer lumber will be such that with this money it would be possible to build brick house approximately the same size. Although which is better - a wooden or stone house - is rather a philosophical question, personal beliefs and preferences play a big role here.
  5. If the beam is thin, additional insulation is necessary. Even thanks to low thermal conductivity, in harsh northern winters, houses made of profiled timber are not able to provide complete protection from the cold. These disadvantages can be eliminated; you just need to use an effective mineral wool insulation. But it involves increased costs and labor intensity.

The use of polystyrene foam for additional thermal insulation is not recommended, since its service life and strength leave much to be desired. In addition, expanded polystyrene negates the ability of a wooden house to “breathe”.

If not everyone pays attention to the composition of the adhesive or the heat-shielding characteristics, then even a person far from construction will notice an increase in cost (sometimes several times). The service life of the building and its energy efficiency are not high enough to talk about cost recovery.

Owner reviews

Glued laminated timber has been used in Russia for more than 15 years. During this period, technology has undergone many changes towards improving consumer characteristics and adapting to continental climate conditions. Owners of houses built at least 3 years ago can objectively judge their house in general and the technology features in particular.

Actual construction time

Construction organizations claim that the construction of an average house of 150 sq.m. takes 1-1.5 months. This is partly true - assembling a standard box, which is not the first time builders have built, really does not take that much time.

But the owners of such houses report the following:

“Don't forget about building the foundation. Depending on the number of floors and geological conditions, a simple pile-screw method (installed in 3-7 days) or a more labor-intensive strip method (14-21 days, including the concrete hardening time) may suit you.”

Also, many reviews report an increase in deadlines for engineering systems:

“After the frame is erected, communications are installed, including at a minimum electrical, heating, water supply and sewerage. This is another 3-4 weeks of continuous work. Installation of windows and doors, if it is not included in the main types of work - 1-2 weeks. And interior decoration, depending on the nuances of the design project, can take 2-3, and sometimes even 9 months of intensive work.”

Conclusion: according to reviews, the actual construction time is not 1-1.5 months, but at least 2-3. And taking into account finishing, it can take from 4 to 12 months.

Actual shrinkage

Manufacturers claim that due to low shrinkage and natural beauty, the interior decoration of the house does not need to be done at all.

“In reality, slight shrinkage is still present, and in some places, after a year, small cracks appeared on the walls inside and outside, especially at the ends. For us, this is not critical, since the thermal efficiency of the house was not affected and no through cracks appeared. But the sediment remained, because we were promised a complete absence of any defects during the drying process. In addition, even laminated wood is a living material, and cracking can be accepted as a kind of noble natural patina of time.”

Thus, a slight adjustment to the geometric dimensions of the walls is still present. Therefore, this fact should not be neglected during interior decoration.

Actual fire treatment

In production, before sending a batch of timber on a flight, it is treated with special fire-resistant impregnations. During transportation and loading/unloading, the material gets dirty and its appearance deteriorates.

“We decided to sand the facade in several places to remove dirt. Consequently, unsightly whitish spots appeared, and we had to completely clean one façade and then re-coat it with fire retardant. As a result, the deadlines and figures in the estimate shifted. Don’t repeat my mistake - be present when the material is accepted and make sure that there are no such dark spots on it.”

As for fire resistance, firefighter Alexander from the specialized forum spoke about it best:

“A wooden house, no matter how you treat it and with what, remains flammable. Yes, fire retardants increase the degree of fire resistance, the duration and temperature of flammability increases, but they will not give the material the NG group (non-flammable). Therefore, if there is a fire, the treatment will give you an additional 2-3 minutes to evacuate. By the way, in stone houses the situation is no better: the fire occurs from the inside, and there are flammable finishes, furniture, curtains, etc. As a result, we have the same evacuation time as in a log house.”

Conclusion: treatment is important, since in terms of fire safety such a house is very close to a stone one. Carefully monitor its presence and the absence of dirty spots upon acceptance.

Design and construction

There are many offers on the market for the construction of turnkey houses. Most often, these companies produce the material themselves and perform the assembly. To build a house from laminated veneer lumber, you will need to choose a standard one or develop individual project. Beams are manufactured according to the project, and the factory will definitely ask for their geometric dimensions and all the necessary drawings. Here it is important to have a complete project, just a sketch of the house will only fit initial stage.

Example House project for 175 sq.m.

Order finished project- These are additional investments. For self-creation For a preliminary design, you can use specialized programs such as ArchiCAD or AutoCAD. To complete the work yourself, you will need to study the material on working with these programs. For one use, you don’t have to purchase the licensed version (the cost of which is very high), but use the demo version.

Construction is not critically different from others wooden materials. are selected in the same way as for houses. Laying crowns and ceiling elements does not cause any difficulties. The elements are fixed with dowels or bolts, holes for which are provided at the manufacturing stage.

Having carefully studied all the advantages and disadvantages, strength characteristics, service life, heat-protective abilities, you can safely make an independent, informed choice.

Rapid development construction technologies and lightning-fast filling of the market big amount new building materials have led to a completely justified popularization of environmentally friendly raw materials used for the production of construction products. In this regard, the popularity of houses built from environmentally friendly pure materials, also grew exponentially. This phenomenon has not escaped prefabricated houses made of laminated veneer lumber, built in accordance with the basic provisions Finnish technology. They were soon appreciated by developers, which is due not only to their interesting appearance, but also to a lot of undeniable advantages. Cottage made of laminated veneer lumber, built using Finnish technology, has become the personification of internal comfort and high environmental friendliness, which was achieved through the use of natural materials. What are the features of laminated veneer lumber? Why are developers increasingly using treated wood, and especially laminated veneer lumber, as a building material? Answers to these and other construction-related questions Finnish houses from laminated veneer lumber, you will find in this article.

The use of laminated timber: a brief excursion into history

The historical roots of laminated veneer lumber go back to antiquity, approximately 1900s. It was at this time that Japanese archers began to practice using bamboo and wood in the manufacture of weapons, the components of which they glued together. Subsequently, this principle, implying the use of laminated wood structures fastened with staples or wedges, attracted the attention of European architects, and therefore they slightly modified this technology and began to be used in the construction of houses. Russian masters of wooden architecture also liked this technique for constructing architectural buildings. Despite the fact that the Japanese were the progenitors of this technology, it was officially patented only in the middle of the 19th century by the German carpenter Otto Hetzer, who introduced this technology to the world in the framework of the construction of bent laminated trusses made of two or more lamellas.

Modern high-tech timber made from pine was first introduced by Finland in the late 70s of the last century, and, despite the fact that this was not so long ago, it is rightfully considered its homeland. After all, it is thanks to the Finns, who use high-tech equipment in the production of laminated veneer lumber, this material entered the construction market, where its undeniable advantages allowed it to prove itself from the best side. At the end of the 19th century, Finnish construction companies relied on the development of wooden housing construction, and, despite the fact that wood has many advantages, they faced inevitable problems, such as:

  • Cracking of the surface part of the logs during the drying process;
  • Twisting and deformation of logs.

By turning to the centuries-old experience of their ancestors, as well as using modern technical and scientific achievements, they were able to revive wooden house construction, making it a national brand of Finland.

Houses made of laminated veneer lumber photo

Technological features of real Finnish wood

Traditional Finnish laminated veneer lumber is made from softwood wood grown specifically for its production. In this regard, it is characterized by a number of features not typical classical material. Let's look at what they are:

  • Highest strength and frost resistance due to the fact that the tree was grown in northern countries;
  • The strength and low thermal conductivity of timber, which determine the material’s ability to accumulate heat for a long time, is achieved by competent Finns by gluing wood fibers in different directions;
  • Thanks to the correct distribution of construction adhesive in the wood structure and optimal thickness lamellas, it does not clog it completely, allowing it to “breathe”, which cannot but affect the quality of the finished structure;

  • When producing timber, Finns use trees only with powerful trunks of the same thickness and without delamination, which can always be seen by assessing the color of the lamellas; it will always be the same;
  • Treatment of laminated veneer lumber with fire retardants makes it resistant to fire and rot, as well as damage from various rodents, insects and mold;
  • The stability of the geometric shape of laminated veneer lumber and resistance to delamination is also achieved through the use of lumber of the same configuration. The use of wood of the same species ensures the same moisture content of the building material, and therefore it is not afraid of shrinkage and deformation;

Finnish houses made of laminated veneer lumber: main advantages

Not a single type of capital construction can boast of the advantages characteristic of Finnish houses made of laminated veneer lumber. What are they?

Use of lightweight building materials. The construction technology of Finnish houses involves the use of lightweight building materials, which do not require powerful lifting equipment to move. Thanks to this, work on the construction of houses from laminated veneer lumber can be completed by two or even one worker, and therefore, it becomes possible to use foundations on screw piles and shallow strip structures, which makes the process of building housing less expensive;

Significant reduction in construction time. Unlike the construction of block or brick buildings, which takes at least two years, the construction of houses using Finnish technology can be completed in two months, due to the use of simplified methods of assembling the structure. Since the construction process does not involve “wet” operations that involve the use of water, the construction of Finnish houses can be carried out at any time of the year;

Simplified assembly technologies. Architectural projects of Finnish houses involve fitting all the details of the structure directly at the enterprise, while construction site- just a place for assembling a ready-made “constructor” - this is how many builders speak about the Finnish house. At all stages of the construction of a Finnish house, any amendments can be made to its design, which are implemented with virtually no additional costs or time delays;

Versatility of designs is the key to ease of repair. Due to the accessibility of all components of the Finnish structure, in case of damage, repair measures will not be difficult. If it becomes necessary to redevelop the building and make changes to the original construction design, you can do this yourself;

Lightness of finishing or even lack thereof. Frame buildings, built using Finnish technology, are characterized by absolutely flat surfaces that practically do not require interior decoration.

The nature of the soil is not the main thing. In the process of building a Finnish house, you may not think about the type of soil on which the construction will be carried out and the proximity of groundwater. The nature of the soil in in this case does not matter, since the foundation does not require long-term shrinkage, and building material Finnish origin is not scary high humidity. In this regard, you can carry out construction on soil in which sand predominates, as well as in the case of surface groundwater;

High heat and sound insulation characteristics. This is due to the construction of Finnish frame structures made of wood characterized by low thermal conductivity, as well as the use of high-quality insulation contributes to the fact that winter time The house is always warm and cool in summer. Besides thermal insulation characteristics, laminated veneer lumber has high sound-proofing properties, and the additional use of sound-absorbing fabric completely prevents the penetration of external sounds;

Long service life. It's no secret that wooden houses cannot boast of long-term operation. However, this does not apply to the legendary Finnish houses. Thanks to wood processing special compounds, preventing deformation of the material, its delamination and drying out, and also increasing its resistance to various kinds of biological agents, the service life of a structure made of Finnish laminated veneer lumber often corresponds to that of stone structures;

Environmental friendliness and high aesthetic characteristics. Houses made of laminated veneer lumber are characterized by high environmental friendliness, and the smell of freshly cut wood does not disappear in the house. Such buildings are not only incapable of distinguishing environment harmful substances, and moreover, wood, which constantly exudes phytoncides - antiseptics of plant origin, contributes to the health of the person in this room. And the fact that these buildings not only can become a masterpiece of wooden architecture, but will also fit perfectly into the landscape of any site is not worth even mentioning, since this is obvious.

What else do you need to know about Finnish houses made of laminated veneer lumber?

  • Finnish houses are characterized by an area not exceeding 250 square meters. m, which is considered the most comfortable for human habitation, since the construction of houses with larger area will entail an unjustified increase in material costs;

  • Houses made from Finnish laminated veneer lumber are built using timber with a cross-section larger than 22 cm. However, it is important to assemble as carefully as possible to prevent the formation of cracks;
  • If a house is built by Finns, they always provide a place for building a sauna, without which it is difficult to imagine a true citizen of Finland. The construction of many utility rooms is another sign of a Finnish house being built;

  • A distinctive feature of Finnish houses are spacious rooms - bedroom, kitchen, living room. There are no massive partitions between them, which contributes to the feeling of limitless space;
  • Maximum illumination of the building is achieved due to large area glazing;
  • Despite the fact that this feature is often neglected in Russia, a traditional Finnish house is a one-story building, often equipped with an attic. The presence of two moves is a prerequisite;
  • The use of laminated veneer lumber allows you to achieve maximum vertical orientation of the corners.

Construction of houses from laminated veneer lumber using Finnish technology: a step-by-step guide

Construction of any house is a long and very expensive process, but if we're talking about about the construction of a turnkey Finnish house, everything happens exactly the opposite. If you prefer this option, construction company will take on all the burdens of building a house: from developing a project for a Finnish house made of laminated veneer lumber to pouring the foundation and cosmetic finishing of the building. This option is considered one of the most costly for the customer. Most economical option is to purchase a ready-made kit. It is a so-called “Lego set”, that is, a prefabricated structure that includes ready-made elements, which is mounted directly at the assembly site. If you have the appropriate knowledge and tools, you can build such a house yourself.

Important! You can find ready-made kits on the construction market domestic production, which, despite visible similarities, are characterized by significantly lower quality, which is due to production from local raw materials.

If the process of building a Finnish house is presented in general terms, it will look like this:

  • Pouring the foundation;
  • Installation and installation of crowns made of laminated veneer lumber;
  • Installation of flooring and floor beams;
  • Construction of walls from laminated veneer lumber;
  • Installation activities for construction rafter system and roofing;
  • Carrying out external and internal finishing.

Construction of a house from Finnish laminated timber: preparatory activities

Preparatory activities are as follows:

First of all, it is necessary to obtain a construction permit, and after the project is approved, proceed to site preparation, which implies:

Carrying out geological exploration, which consists of taking soil samples and subsequently determining the depth of occurrence groundwater. After carrying out these activities, you can easily determine problem areas on the territory of the site and bypass them when constructing the foundation;

Next, it is necessary to clear the area of ​​various debris and vegetation, after which the construction site is leveled and, if necessary, work is carried out to drain the area. Then it is recommended to connect electricity and other utilities.

Arrangement of the foundation: step-by-step guide

The first stage after carrying out the preparatory work is arranging the foundation for a house made of laminated veneer lumber. Due to the lightness of laminated veneer lumber, experts recommend abandoning the pouring of a strong foundation and giving preference to a strip or columnar foundation, which will allow significant savings on construction. In addition, time costs will be reduced, since the construction of the more common strip foundation takes no more than three weeks.

Before you begin arranging the foundation, at the site of its construction, using special equipment, remove upper layer soil, the depth of which must be at least 15 cm. Then the foundation is marked, for which pegs are driven into the ground on the sides of the structure and a rope is pulled between them. This allows you to create a very specific foundation scheme. The direct construction of a strip foundation begins with digging a trench, for which you will also have to resort to the help of special equipment, and this time it will be an excavator. If you plan to equip a shallow foundation, then the depth of the trench should be 0.5-0.7 meters; if it is buried, then the figure increases to 1.5-2 meters. After you have dug the pit, make its edges plumb, which will prevent the earth from collapsing.

Next, the place where the foundation will be built must be strengthened. For this purpose, sand is poured into the bottom of the pit in a layer of at least 10 cm, and it is compacted until the shrinkage stops. A layer of crushed stone 5 cm thick is poured onto the sand layer and compacted in the same way. An improvised “pillow” is poured concrete mortar, the layer of which is from 5 to 10 cm. This is how the screed is arranged.

After 48 hours (the time for the concrete to completely harden), they begin to arrange the formwork, the manufacture of which will require boards or plywood. The formwork is made along the entire perimeter of the foundation and supported by wooden beams.

Reinforcing blocks are laid on the previously prepared substrate, each of which is fastened together. The mesh should be slightly thicker at the joints and corners. The use of reinforcement during the construction of the foundation will significantly strengthen and strengthen the foundation.

Then the formwork is watered and filled with a 25-centimeter layer of concrete, after which it is also compacted and the surface is leveled. After the work is completed, the concrete is covered with a film and left until the concrete hardens completely, which requires at least a month.

Technical features of assembling a house from laminated veneer lumber

Before you begin assembling the structure, order laminated veneer lumber, made in accordance with the design of the Finnish house, as well as floor joists and constituent elements roofs made of wood - sheathing, ridge, rafters. Buy everything necessary tools And Consumables. Stock up on bio- and fire protection products for wood.

Before you receive the ordered products, prepare a site for storing them (most often this is the construction site itself). Unloading is carried out taking into account the construction of the house, and therefore the timber is laid on the side of its installation.

The sequence of assembling a Finnish house made of laminated veneer lumber:

A waterproofing material (most often roofing felt) is laid directly on the foundation. A backing board with a thickness of at least 55 mm, pre-treated with bitumen mastic, is laid on it, which protects the structure from the damaging effects of moisture in its lower part.

In accordance with the log cutting plan, the first row of laminated veneer lumber is assembled. At the same time, it fits into the groove thermal insulation material(most often it is jute), after which the second row is laid and assembled. This is how all the crowns are further assembled.

Technical features

An integral element of the design are wooden dowels, in the case of correct installation which the structure acquires the necessary strength.

Important! The installation of the dowels is carried out so that they are at a distance of 0.7-1.5 meters from each other and are inserted into every third beam in such a way that they fasten the house, which will prevent the occurrence of distortions. The installation of dowels is carried out in the protruding part of the rims, which is due to their greatest susceptibility to twisting.

The shape of the roof, like roofing material, you can choose at your discretion. In most cases, these issues are resolved at the design stage. Roof installation work can take up to two weeks. The final stage of assembly is the arrangement of the rough and finished floor, the technology of which also depends on your preferences.

At the end of the work, electrical wiring, water supply, sewerage and heating systems are installed, as well as windows and doors.

Houses made of laminated veneer lumber video

Beautiful appearance, long service life, ease of construction - these are the main criteria that apply to building materials and technologies. Of all the wall materials available today, laminated veneer lumber occupies a particularly honorable place. This modified a material created from natural wood and of higher quality compared to solid timber. Let's look at the main stages of building a house from this material and learn all about its advantages.

Cottage design

At this stage, the client's budget is critical. If funds allow, you can design a house from laminated veneer lumber of any configuration and complexity. You should not save on the project, since the comfort of living in your future home depends on it. When purchasing laminated veneer lumber, it would be ridiculous to order a cheap house project from random architects. Competent execution of design work makes it possible to optimize costs during the construction of a building and its subsequent operation.

Construction site preparation

First you need to remove bushes and stumps on the site and level the area. Depending on the type of foundation used, you need to carry out relevant excavation . It is necessary to provide access for heavy equipment, organize power supply construction sites. At the same time, geological surveys are carried out, and a plan for laying the foundation is determined.

Construction of the foundation

House on screw stilts

Having determined the appropriate type of foundation for the house based on the data obtained from studying the composition of the soil, we begin to manufacture it. In the case of a house made of laminated veneer lumber, it will be either a strip foundation or a pile-screw foundation. All other things being equal, a foundation on screw piles is much cheaper and easier (faster) to manufacture.

A strip foundation is a traditional solution, so there will be no difficulties with its construction. But its cost is quite high. You can save a significant amount by choosing a pile-screw type of foundation.

They are much cheaper than a monolithic or prefabricated strip foundation. To install them, you do not need to dig a trench and level the area. Installation is possible on almost any soil, regardless of the time of year. When building a cottage of average size, it will take only 1 day. This is a fairly rigid and strong base that can ensure the stability of a wooden building. At the same time, in order to buy screw piles or order installation, just call and send the house plan by email.

Installation of a house kit

Glued laminated timber is supplied as a ready-made house kit. All elements are installed according to the constructor principle. First on top of the foundation is installed strapping board, then the lower crowns of larch are laid. After this, the walls are assembled from laminated veneer lumber, connecting every 3 crowns with wooden dowels. A linen seal is placed between the crowns to completely prevent the walls from blowing through. In the manufacture of window and door openings, casing board is used, thanks to which windows and doors can be installed directly after the construction of the box.

Making a roof

In a house made of laminated timber, the roof is most often made from metal tiles or bitumen shingles. If you choose a metal roof, it will cost less and will have a long service life. However, in winter, a large amount of snow often falls off such a roof, so it is unsafe. Moreover, she does not have soundproof properties. But bitumen shingles have higher levels of noise and heat insulation, high tightness, and a rough surface that protects against sudden snow melting.

The main element of the roof structure is the rafters, on which is installed sheathing or flooring. Vapor barrier, waterproofing and insulation are laid on top. After installation metal tiles or bituminous shingles, they begin to install gutters and hem the eaves.

Exterior decoration

Proper finishing of a house made of laminated veneer lumber allows you to protect it from the harmful effects of sunlight, rain, and wind. For this purpose, hydrophobic compounds and antiseptics are used, as well as varnishes that give the wood protection from the above unfavorable factors and a more noble appearance. To protect the ends of the timber from cracking, they are treated relevant impregnations.

Installation of utilities

Electrical cables, heating system pipes, elements of water supply and sewerage systems are laid in the house.

In interior decoration

At this stage, floor coverings are laid, walls are covered in the bathroom and kitchen, and suspended or suspended ceilings are installed. In a house made of laminated veneer lumber there is no need to carry out interior finishing work, since the walls themselves have an ideal geometry and a beautiful appearance.

Having built a house from laminated veneer lumber, you can immediately move into it, since its walls are not subject to significant

The use of laminated veneer lumber in construction makes it possible to build not only temporary housing, but also full-fledged houses. Buildings made from such material are highly durable and absolutely safe for health.

After all, laminated veneer lumber is a natural material that meets all modern environmental requirements. To build a house, you do not need heavy equipment, since assembly is quite easy and quick. At the same time, the appearance of the building is attractive. That is why the technology of building houses from laminated veneer lumber has become so often used in the construction of comfortable country and country houses.

Such buildings are also attractive due to their relative cheapness. But the house has high thermal parameters and sufficient durability. To get a high-quality dwelling made from laminated veneer lumber, you just need to follow the technology and stages of construction.

For this you will need:

  • ladder;
  • ladder;
  • tools;
  • material for electrical work;
  • pipes for communications;
  • wood for sheathing;
  • roofing material;
  • waterproofing material;
  • insulation;
  • foundation material;
  • fasteners;
  • laminated veneer lumber.

House project

Need to consider different variants houses made of laminated veneer lumber. It is worth choosing a ready-made project that takes into account your capabilities and wishes as much as possible. Houses made of laminated veneer lumber are built and produced by the Dom-Stroy company, so there will be plenty to choose from. And you can assemble the house yourself. You first need to prepare the site, level and mark the boundaries of the house.

The house design must indicate everything architectural features houses: type of roof, type of foundations, waterproofing materials, insulation and others. It is also necessary to select the thickness of the timber, depending on the frequency of residence: permanently or seasonally. When ordering a finished project, you receive each detail with exact dimensions, it will be numbered and treated with a special compound.


A house made of laminated veneer lumber weighs little, so you can use types of foundations with shallow depth: bored, pile and strip. When choosing, you should take into account the groundwater level, soil type and climatic conditions.

If the area is sloping or peaty, it will do pile foundation. You can carry out waterproofing that will protect the house from moisture.


The assembly takes place from specially fitted elements. For a one-story building interior partitions can be assembled from the same timber from which the walls are made. It is imperative to insulate the grooves and joints. When laying the walls, you need to install the basement beams and lay the floors. First, you should lay the subfloor boards, and then the insulation and vapor barrier. When the basic assembly work has been completed, the clean floor can be laid.


When the required height is reached, you can close the box ceiling beams, install the rafters. It is necessary to lay on the rafters and ceiling mineral wool to protect attic space by cold. The roof is covered by a truss structure.

Engineering systems

To ensure comfort, you need to install communications: sewerage, heating, water supply. To do this, you should use polyethylene or metal-polymer pipes, which will ensure reliable use. Wires in ceilings should be laid in corrugated metal sleeves, along the ceiling and walls - in plastic channels.

Final works

Having laid a clean floor, you can install windows and entrance doors. As for interior doors, they are closed last so as not to damage the finish.

The resulting structure does not require external or internal finishing. However, if there is a desire, this can be done. The surfaces should be coated with colorless varnish, which will emphasize the texture of the wood. Once the assembly is complete, the wood porch can be installed.
