Use an ozonizer to kill fungal spores in the apartment. Destruction of mold and mildew with ozone. Basic rules for working with a household ozonizer

Specialists of the Ozone Zone company carry out a number of activities aimed at eliminating mold and removing fungal formations in residential and non-residential premises. We use modern equipment and the latest technology ozonation of premises, which effectively act not only on vegetative forms mushrooms, but also on their spores in the air.

Ozone effectively destroys mold!

Mold can cause great harm to the human body! With constant contact with mold, it enters the bronchi, lungs, and nasal mucosa, thereby causing an allergic reaction, asthma and other diseases. Signs of fungal mold are usually black spots on the walls and ceilings of the room. Quite a common occurrence in many apartments. If you find signs of mold in your room, we recommend that you immediately contact a specialist, because every wasted minute can lead to irreversible consequences.

How to deal with mold? It is almost impossible to get rid of mold that has already arisen using “folk” methods. You can try to wash, scrape, paint over the annoying black spots, but the effect will be short-lived... You will only remove visible colonies of mold fungi, but their deep-seated spores are inaccessible and soon they will grow and destroy all the coatings applied to them, so work to destroy fungal formations requires the intervention of specialists.

Only professional treatment of the room with ozone guarantees complete removal of fungal formations!

Modern methods of treating premises with ozone, the latest efficient equipment that we use in our work are absolutely safe for people and animals, and do not affect appearance processed surfaces.

The disinfection procedure will not take much of your time (only 30-60 minutes). To completely destroy mold formations, you additionally need to carry out 2-3 weekly treatments!

Benefits of ozone disinfection:

  • After ozone treatment, there is no need to clean the room, and there is no need to wash dishes. All surfaces and objects in the room will be completely sterilized!
  • After ozone treatment, there will be no unpleasant odors or harmful chemical compounds left in the room!
  • Ozone, filling the entire volume of the room and penetrating everything, hard to reach places, effectively destroys mold!
  • Ozonation is one solution for five problems: elimination of unpleasant odors, disinfection, disinfestation, deratization and destruction of mold spores, with just one ozone treatment!

Before ozonation, you need:

  • Remove pets from the premises.
  • Remove fresh flowers and plants from the premises.
  • Leave the room for the duration of treatment (+ 30-60 minutes).

Have you decided to get rid of mold in your room? Call us! Our specialists will quickly and efficiently remove mold and save you from harmful and dangerous fungal formations for a long time!

Mold indoors is a real enemy to human health, and the service life of the building will inexorably decrease. Specific ozonation technologies make it possible to effectively clean rooms from mold, removing spores and fungal colonies, which allows us to guarantee 100% quality of the work performed.

Danger of indoor mold

Few people know that when a person is constantly in a room with mold, mold spores penetrate easily and completely unnoticeably into the lungs/bronchial tubes/mucous membrane of the nose and pharynx. Only after a while does a person notice a constant cough, attacks of suffocation, and breathing problems - this is how the body’s reaction to mold spores manifests itself. The result of this “neighborhood” will be bronchial asthma and complex allergies - conditions that require long-term treatment.

How to completely get rid of mold

It is impossible to get rid of mold indoors using “folk” remedies, because vinegar, chlorine-containing solutions, lemon juice, mustard and any other substances can only remove the visible part mold fungus– those same dark/black spots. But mold spores will remain in the room and after a short time black spots will appear again, and even their number will not only not decrease, but will also increase significantly.

Ozonation, which is carried out using modern equipment, helps to get rid of not only the visible manifestations of mold in the room, but also the spores of this fungus. Ozone is able to penetrate into any place in an apartment/house and completely sterilize every crevice of the room.

Ozonation will not only get rid of mold, but will also ensure absolute sterility of all surfaces and objects in the room. Treating a room with ozone means simultaneously removing mold from the room, getting rid of unpleasant odors and disinfecting.

Ozone is absolutely safe for people; you don’t even need to completely vacate the room to get rid of mold. Ozonation does not spoil furniture, does not leave marks on carpets and textiles - after the mold removal procedure there is no need to clean the treated room.

In order to completely get rid of mold in a room, you may need to carry out 3-4 treatments at intervals of 7 days.

Every year, a procedure such as ozonation of indoor air is gaining more and more popularity. However, for many people it still remains completely incomprehensible. This article will give answers to a number of questions, such as what ozonation is, why it is needed, how to carry it out, and so on.

What is ozone

Before understanding in more detail a procedure such as air ozonation, you need to understand what ozone is. Ozone is chemical element which can be found in nature. The fact is that this chemical element is unusual, and it is formed during a thunderstorm. This is because it is thanks to lightning that ozone is formed. When it permeates the air, oxygen molecules break down into atoms. These atoms then combine with intact oxygen molecules, resulting in the formation of a new chemical element, ozone.
Ozone is pale blue in color and gives the air a fresh smell. However, this is far from his only ability. The fact is that it has the same effect as a disinfectant, only several times stronger. However, you cannot simply spray ozone from a can in your home. To produce it, there are special devices called ozonizers. And they are the ones that are used to produce ozone at home.

Is ozonizing the air in an apartment beneficial?

But is ozonation of indoor air really useful? The fact is that a huge amount of harmful substances and pathogenic microbes accumulate there. Often from newfangled finishing materials may evaporate, although not much, but still quite harmful substances. For example, linoleum, laminate and even the popular double-glazed windows can cause air pollution. And if there is a smoker in the apartment, then the not at all pleasant acrid smell is absorbed into the carpets, wallpaper, etc.
If mold suddenly appears somewhere, then even after its removal there will be a huge amount of spores in the air. And if dust is not wiped off regularly, its concentration in the air increases significantly.
You will say that ventilation can solve all problems. However, it is not. This is because it is often not possible to ventilate around the clock, and when access fresh air stops, the concentration of harmful substances begins to increase again. It is in this case that ozonizing the indoor air will help. Ozone molecules combine with harmful particles and disintegrate, simultaneously destroying them. However, it is very important to remember that ozone is only useful in acceptable quantities. If its amount is too high, it can, on the contrary, be harmful to health.

The benefits of ozonizing air in an apartment

So, what are the benefits of ozonating indoor air:

  1. It allows for very quick disinfection of the apartment. It is much more effective than those carried out using chlorine-containing substances. And all because ozone is more than fifty percent stronger than chlorine.
  2. Ozone eliminates unpleasant odors rather than masking them.
  3. Ozonation allows you to destroy various kinds of insects, get rid of moldy fungi and destroy their spores.
  4. Exposure to toxic substances is significantly reduced. For example, ozone allows you to neutralize such a highly toxic substance as mercury and clear the air of its vapors.
  5. Also, with the help of this wonderful gas, you can easily and quickly get rid of dust in the air of the room, and it also completely destroys dust mites.
  6. After this procedure, a person feels fresh, it becomes noticeably easier for him to breathe and, as a rule, his health improves significantly. Pets also begin to feel better.
  7. Ozonation products in acceptable quantities do absolutely no harm to people, animals and indoor plants, but only one benefit.

How does ozone work?

To decide to ozonate a room, you need to understand how ozone works. As mentioned earlier, the produced ozone combines with a harmful substance, destroys it and disintegrates itself. It has been scientifically proven that in nature there is no virus or microbe that can resist ozone. He destroys them all one hundred percent.
This wonderful gas acts very, very quickly. So, it disinfects the air in the apartment in just a few seconds. Everything harmful that is in the air of your home will be destroyed or neutralized in a matter of seconds.
After ozonation, only a pleasant smell of freshness remains, which cannot but please. After all, for example, everyone knows the pungent and very unpleasant smell of a disinfectant such as chlorine.
Residual ozone will also disinfect all surfaces it touches. And these could be walls, tables, clothes, furniture, carpets, and so on. And then it will turn into ordinary oxygen, which all people breathe. Which is also a huge plus.
And ozone does not require storage, because it can be produced on site, using special device ozonator

Is there any harm?

Many people who learn about ozonation wonder if there is any harm in this procedure. It is not available on one condition, that this procedure will be carried out in all established rules. Each ozonator device has its own instructions for use.
It is also very important to choose a good and high-quality ozonation device and beware of counterfeits. Therefore, it is better not to purchase Chinese-made ozonizers. As they say, risk is a noble thing, but not in this case.
Carrying out the procedure too often, or exceeding the specified time, can lead to a significant deterioration in well-being. The person may experience shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, and usually dizziness.

Ozonizer availability

The fact is that just a few years ago such a device as an ozonizer, intended for home use It may have been difficult to acquire. But today this will not be difficult to do.
Ozonizers are made from various materials and may have a different design from each other. That is why it is important to carefully study the attached instructions. This will avoid many unpleasant moments.
This type of device also differs in price and degree of impact. It can be purchased either in a specialized store or ordered online. It is worth mentioning once again that you need to beware of fakes.

Why is ozonation so necessary?

Many people may also be wondering why ozonation is necessary. To do this, we need to consider a number of cases that make it clear that this procedure is not at all a luxury, but a necessity.

Here are some examples of the need for ozonation:

  1. The house smells musty, damp and it is simply impossible to get rid of this smell by others. accessible ways. Particularly spicy this problem manifests itself if the apartment needs to be sold or rented out. Such a bad smell can scare you away potential clients. And it’s not pleasant to be in such a room.
  2. In cities, especially large ones, the benefits of room ventilation can be forgotten. Since the air outside is saturated with exhaust gases, various harmful substances, and so on.
  3. There was a fire somewhere nearby or in one of the rooms. The burning smell is very pungent. It is absorbed into everything: decoration, carpets, furniture, walls and it is simply impossible to get rid of it in other ways.
  4. This will be an excellent solution for people suffering from allergies. Thus, the air in the apartment will be cleaned of allergens and absolutely no harmful chemicals will be used.

How long does ozonation take?

Of course, different ozonizers may differ from each other, but the principle of operation of many of them is the same. And the rules for conducting ozonation are approximately the same. First, you need to decide on the time of the procedure.

  1. If you want to rid your apartment of insects, for example, flies, cockroaches, mosquitoes, then the ozonator should be turned on for ten minutes and no more.
  2. In 10 min. the work of this wonderful device is also deleted dust mites, all kinds of odors are eliminated, and the air in the room becomes clean.
  3. If the treatment is carried out after a recent renovation, then it will take half an hour for a procedure such as ozonation.

Basic rules for working with a household ozonizer

After the ozonizer is turned on, all people and pets must leave the room. However, there are times when this is not possible. There is an exit. You just need to tie a cloth bandage around the nose and mouth, which should be pre-wetted. When ozonation is completed, the room should be thoroughly ventilated by opening all windows and, if possible, doors. The apartment should be ventilated for at least half an hour, possibly more.
If these requirements are violated, injury to a person's respiratory tract may occur. In this regard, it is also important to carry out the procedure precisely in time, and not check the result by inhaling the air in the apartment when ozonation is carried out. This is strictly prohibited.
In the room where this procedure will be carried out, humidity and temperature are preliminarily measured. These values ​​should not be too high. It is imperative to ensure that no liquid gets on the ozonizer while it is operating. And under no circumstances open this device when it is connected to the network.

What to look for when choosing an ozonizer

In order to choose an ozonizer that is ideal for your apartment, you should pay attention to how much ozone it emits. This indicator must be present in the characteristics of the device. The required indicator is selected depending on the area of ​​the apartment.

  1. If your home is less than 15 square meters, then the ozone output should be up to 8 μg/m3.
  2. For living space from 30 to 50 square meters, the ozone output should be 10–12 μg/m3.
  3. If the apartment area is more than 50 m2, then you should purchase an ozonizer with an ozone output of up to 20 μg/m3.

You also need to know that for fairly large rooms where people are constantly present, it is better to purchase a device of this type, additionally equipped with the possibility of photolysis. This is the ability of an ozonizer to remove excess ozone from the air.
Ozonizers are also very popular among people, with the help of which you can purify not only the air in the apartment, but also disinfect food, for example, vegetables, meat, and so on. Please ensure that the ozonizer is of high quality and in perfect working order.

Doctors' opinion on air ozonation

The thing is that there is no consensus among doctors about such a procedure as ozonation. Of course, none of them argues that in acceptable doses this gas is very useful. After all, it destroys pathogenic microorganisms, viruses, and various allergens. Ozone makes the air in the apartment absolutely clean and helps remove unpleasant odors, get rid of insects, which are also often carriers of various pathogens. Some hospitals even carry out ozonation, and with the help of this gas, special procedures are carried out to improve the health of the human body.
However, the benefits of ozone end once its concentration in the room exceeds the norm. Even a slight excess of the permissible value of ozone content in the air can lead to disastrous consequences. As a rule, a person begins to feel very bad and electrical equipment may break down.
If a person regularly breathes air supersaturated with ozone, then his central nervous system (central nervous system). Allergies may appear and you may feel dizzy. He may also feel nauseous.

Pros and cons of ozonating air in an apartment

It is worth summing up all of the above. To do this, we need to highlight the pros and cons of indoor air ozonation.

  1. In low concentrations, the benefits of ozone are invaluable. It cleans and disinfects the air better than even chlorine-containing substances.
  2. When carried out correctly, a procedure such as ozonation is absolutely harmless and no chemicals remain after it.
  3. You can get rid of mold in your apartment without using harsh chemicals.
  4. You can also use an ozonizer to kill cockroaches, flies, and so on.

There are still many positive aspects of ozonation.


  1. If the ozonation procedure is carried out incorrectly, it can cause harm to human health. Even deaths were reported.
  2. If, after ventilation, the ozone concentration in the room is still high, then a person risks harm to health.

However, all this can be avoided if you use the ozonizer exclusively according to the instructions supplied with it.
Whether it is necessary to ozonate the air in an apartment, each person must decide for himself. Ozone is without a doubt very beneficial. The main thing is that everything must be done exclusively according to the instructions and then there will be no problems, but only one benefit both for the health of a person and for his pets.

Interacts with the membrane structure of the cell of bacteria, fungi, and the structural unit of viruses, which leads to disruption of its barrier function and their death.

Doses and concentrations must be selected depending on the product being processed, room volumes, and other technical specifications and production nuances.

Application of ozone

  • Ozone is used to remove mold in vegetable storages. The optimal ozonation regime has been experimentally established: for 2000 m3 of premises, 4 - 6 hours of operation of the ozonizer(s) with a productivity of 50 - 60 g/h;
  • to eliminate contamination of strawberries with fungi and mold, it is enough to produce 1.5-2 g during a processing time of 20 minutes once every 1-2 days (per 100 m3 of storage at a temperature of 2-4 ° C and a relative humidity of 80-90%). An ozonizer with a productivity of 5-7 g/h is suitable for this;
  • To suppress fungal infection that infects winter wheat grain, it is necessary to treat it with ozone with a dose of at least 20.0 g day/m3. Doses less than indicated bring the grain out of dormancy, which is unacceptable when storing grain. In this case, for a storage facility with a volume of 1000 m3, it is necessary to install an ozonizer with a capacity of at least 900 g/hour and carry out initial treatment for 1-3 days, and for further prevention - a day every 5-7 days;
  • A technologically acceptable mode for processing feed contaminated with mycotoxins is the production of 10 - 12 during a processing time of at least 40 minutes;
  • Improving air quality in production. Air pollution is caused by the presence of mold spores in it. Mold spores in their inactive state are much less affected by ozone than in their active form (when they begin to germinate). Optimal conditions will be when humidity and temperature are sufficient to activate mold spores. When the spores begin to germinate, they open the protective capsule and begin to breathe, absorbing ozone at this moment, which causes their death. Minimum conditions for spore activation: air temperature from 1 - 4°C, humidity from 70% and above, nutrient medium. Suppression of fungal infections in the presence of people, for example in production halls Food Industry should be carried out by maintaining the ozone concentration at the level of 0.1 - 0.2 mg/m3, controlled and maintained by special ozone analyzers.

Attention: These recommendations are a special case and the exact processing mode suitable for your purposes can only be determined experimentally, depending on the technical conditions and nuances of production. Choice necessary equipment depends on many factors, such as:

  • Target;
  • Quantity and type of pollutant;
  • Room volume;
  • Humidity;
  • Temperature;
  • Dustiness of the room;
  • The presence of other substances that can react with ozone.


  1. Avdeeva V.N., Bezgina Yu.A., Lyubaya S.I., The influence of ozone treatment on the physiological parameters of wheat. Contemporary issues Science and Education, 2013, No. 2, p. 484
  2. Lunin V.V., Karyagin N.V., Tkachenko S.N., Samoilovich V.G. Ozone in cleaning gas emissions, agriculture and preparation drinking water. MAX Press, M., 2010, 188 p.
  3. Gerunova L.K., Pedder V.V., Simonova I.A., Boyko T.V., Naboka M.V., Nadey E.V. Justification of the possibility of detoxification of feed contaminated with mycotoxins using ozone/no-technologies, Omsk Scientific Bulletin. 2013. No. 1 (118). pp. 204-208.