Features of growing sweet pepper "California miracle". Sweet and unpretentious California Miracle pepper. Description and growing tips Varieties of pepper California miracle

Of all the varieties, the “California Miracle” pepper variety can be most recommended for growing for beginners. However, experienced gardeners should not ignore it. This variety combines all sorts of advantages, ranging from ease of cultivation to the excellent taste of the fruit, and has practically no disadvantages.

The variety fully deserves the title of one of the most popular and famous in Russia. It has been grown on the territory of our country for decades and in almost all regions, except for the outskirts of the northern regions. It ripens remarkably well in soil outdoors in climatic conditions middle zone, and in Siberia and the Urals it can be cultivated in greenhouses. First, seedlings are raised, for which both store-bought and home-grown ones are suitable. collected seeds, and to get a bountiful harvest, plants need to be properly cared for.

This variety is not a modern hybrid; it was presumably bred a century ago in the southern states of America, hence the name (in English “California Wonder”). On Russian territory the variety appeared in the middle of the 20th century - it was brought by one of the enthusiastic gardeners. It spread very quickly because it took root well in the local climate and began to produce excellent yields. However, the variety of sweet pepper received official recognition in 1999, when the name “California Miracle” was added to the State Register of the Russian Federation.

And to this day, the variety remains one of the most popular in the country, despite the emergence of many dozens of new hybrid species. “California Miracle” is a time-tested option that is not inferior to competitors in the main characteristics: unpretentiousness, excellent survival rate, good yield, excellent fruit quality.

The plants have a fairly thick trunk up to 100 cm high with elastic shoots and bright green glossy leaves, capable of supporting the weight of 10-12 large peppers without a garter. However, if the harvest is very bountiful, it is better to install supports. The crop tolerates dry periods and significant daily temperature changes without problems, and is resistant to most common diseases. Unfavorable conditions affect the ovary: there will be fewer fruits, but they will still be tasty and large.

Varieties of the "California Miracle"

Peppers of this variety can have different colors. At the stage of technical ripeness it is dense green, but as it reaches biological maturity it turns red, orange or yellow. Recently, variations with fruits of black and chocolate shades have also been developed. Coloring does not affect the taste and other characteristics of the variety at all; it simply adds external aesthetics to the culture. Only the yellow varieties differ from their counterparts in having more fleshy walls (11-12 mm thick).

Table 1. Varieties of California Miracle peppers

A green tint is common for fruits at the stage of technical ripeness
Fruit yellow tint I have thicker walls
Orange fruits have a hint of persimmon
Red color pilaf is the most common
Black pepper has a purple tint
The chocolate-brown fruits were bred later than others.

Varietal properties of fruits

  1. The shape fits into a cube, each pepper has four well-defined ribs running from the tail to the base.
  2. The weight is quite significant, although not outstanding - one fruit weighs 95-135 g.
  3. The surface is shiny, monochromatic, without relief marks.
  4. The wall thickness is on average 6-10 mm.
  5. The taste of the pepper is juicy and sweet, without any signs of spiciness or bitterness. The sugar content is much higher than that of its hybrid competitors. The fruits have a characteristic varietal smell. They are perfect for fresh consumption, can be used to create hot dishes and home canning, and do not lose their taste when heat treated.
  6. Thanks to the thick walls and durable peel, the pepper is stored for a long time and can be transported without problems.

Reviews about the advantages and disadvantages of the variety

You can find a lot of feedback from those who themselves grew the “California Miracle” on the Internet, and they are mostly positive. Owners of their personal plots note good productivity: from 5-8 plants it is possible to get up to 10 kg of peppers per season. Gardeners from more northern regions like that the variety has 100% survival rate. It ripens where ordinary hybrids do not ripen even in greenhouses. If there has been no rain for a long time in the summer, the plants do not die and only need timely artificial watering, otherwise there will be no ovary. Many people leave this particular pepper in their garden beds after trying several other options.

There are also negative reviews. Gardeners complain mainly about the small size of peppers and low plant productivity. But these are most likely consequences of improper care of the bushes, and not shortcomings of the variety itself.

Features of agricultural technology

In the climatic conditions of the middle zone, this variety begins to produce harvests approximately three months or 100 days after planting in the soil under open air- belongs to the group mid-season varieties. This means that if you transfer the seedlings to the beds at the end of April, the fruits will reach technical ripeness at the beginning of August. For northern regions, the period increases by approximately another 30 days.

For the pepper to finally ripen and purchase bright shade, he needs about two more weeks. They can be left on the bushes for this time, if the weather permits, or they can be picked and placed in boxes. In a dark and dry place they “reach” perfectly and do not lose their taste. In addition, if you collect the grown fruits in advance, an additional ovary may appear on the bushes, and the harvest will increase. But if you need to get seeds, then on a couple of the most powerful plants the fruits should be left until fully ripened.

Seed material obtained from our own garden bed is not inferior to store-bought counterparts. It does not need to be treated with growth stimulants or specific fertilizers. It germinates beautifully and demonstrates almost one hundred percent germination. However, the seeds cannot be stored for a long time - a maximum of two years after receipt.

Obtaining seedlings

Seeds should be planted before mid-February - then during the period of transferring young plants to the beds, their height will be 55-65 cm. You can use compressed peat tablets placed in a narrow box or individual cups for seedlings. The “California Miracle” variety should not be planted - the variety does not tolerate this procedure very well, so it is recommended to immediately place the seed at significant intervals. It is advisable to first disinfect it - soak it in a 1% aqueous solution of potassium permanganate, then rinse it and leave it to germinate on a damp cloth, covering it with another thin layer wet cloth.

After a couple of days, sprouts will appear and the seeds can be moved into the ground. One-centimeter indentations are made in it, then the planting is covered with film or a piece of transparent glass. Boxes and pots are left in a heated room (temperature should be approximately 23-25 ​​degrees). The green entrances will hatch in about a week. For good growth, they must be illuminated with daylight and do not forget to water or spray with water. comfortable temperature(30 degrees). It is also advisable to ventilate the seedlings, but avoid drafts.

Transplanting to beds

Young bushes are transferred to the garden in May or even the end of April, depending on how warm the weather is. But you shouldn’t be in a particular hurry, even if spring seems sunny and dry: in the regions of the central zone of the Russian Federation, and even more so in the northern regions, frosts often occur, which are destructive for heat-loving crops. But if cold weather does set in, then the pepper bushes should be covered glass jars or plastic bottles with his throat cut off.

Step-by-step instructions for preparing the soil before planting:

Step 1. At the place where it is planned to place the “California Miracle”, it is necessary to apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizers at the rate of 40 g per cubic meter, as well as nitrogen fertilizers at the rate of 30 g per cubic meter.

Step 2. If the site is dominated by loam or clay, then it is necessary to add manure, humus, silage or rotted sawdust.

Step 3. It is permissible to spill the plantings with a barnyard solution - five liters per square meter.

Step 4. The soil is carefully dug up, and only then young plants are planted.

The earth should warm up to at least 18 degrees.

The seedlings are first hardened for seven days: they are exposed outside to air or on a balcony during daylight hours. In the garden, plants are placed at intervals of 10-25 cm (in general, there should be from 4 to 6 seedlings per square meter). The peppers are transferred together with a lump of earth, being careful not to damage the roots. They are not planted very deep, otherwise the bushes risk rotting and dying.


Although the “California Miracle” variety is positioned as quite unpretentious, it cannot be left unattended to get a good harvest. In addition, additional care measures allow us to achieve better taste characteristics in the fruit.

Plants are classified as heat-loving, and therefore, even in a temperate climate, they must receive a sufficient amount of sunlight. Since summer in the middle zone is not always hot and generous with ultraviolet light, you need to place pepper bushes in the area so that they are illuminated most of the day. They should not be blocked by taller horticultural crops and trees. Constant partial shade has a negative effect on the ovary: it either does not form at all or is dropped by the bush before the peppers form.

In order for the fruits to be juicy and sweet, timely watering is necessary. Under standard conditions it may not be too abundant, but during dry periods it is advisable to repeat the procedure in the morning and evening. You shouldn’t go too far either - waterlogging the soil leads to diseases and rotting of the roots. Water should be used that is settled and warm.

If the summer is hot, with high humidity levels, then the lower shoots should be removed. The root system needs a constant flow of air, so the ground under the bushes needs to be loosened, but very carefully so as not to damage the plant. You can also simply mulch the soil, for which straw, grass collected from the garden, and sawdust are suitable. The layer should be made at least 4 cm thick. Adult plants cannot be fed very generously. This mainly needs to be done during periods of fruit set and growth. You can choose universal mineral and organic complexes. Nitrogenous fertilizers must be handled carefully - they add power to the bushes, but they make the peppers set worse.

Disease and pest control

The California Miracle variety is quite resistant to all major diseases. But when unfavorable conditions bushes and peppers themselves can become victims of late blight, gray rot, macrosporiosis, blossom end rot, septoria blight, and blackleg. Sweet fruits like to be spoiled by harmful insects such as slugs and whitefly butterfly caterpillars. The leaves are eaten by the larvae of the Colorado potato beetle and aphids, and the roots can be damaged by mole crickets. A folk remedy helps with the latter: before placing the seedlings in the beds in the prepared holes, you need to pour water and wait about an hour. For other misfortunes, a solution of tree resin is used, which is sprayed over the plantation several times during the summer.

You can also use a decoction of wormwood against aphids (one kg of plants per one liter of water, boil for 15 minutes, strain and dilute in 10 liters), and sprinkle the soil with salt, lime or tobacco against slugs. If the leaves of the plants curl, there are not enough minerals in the soil; fertilizing with saltpeter is necessary. If affected by blossom end rot, the bushes should be sprayed with a solution of calcium chloride, which is sold in pharmacies.


One of the most popular types of sweet pepper in Russia - “California Miracle” - boasts a mass positive feedback from those who are already growing it. It is almost devoid of shortcomings, but one can talk about its advantages for a very long time. These include ease of cultivation, excellent yield, excellent tasting characteristics of pepper and its good shelf life.

The fruits can be eaten fresh and used in preparations. The variety fully ripens in temperate climates and produces crops even in some northern regions. It does not require special care or special fertilizers, but it does need timely watering and protection from certain diseases.

Video - Sweet pepper “California miracle”

Popular mid-season species. The shrub reaches an average height of 40 to 70 cm. Fruit weight is from 70 to 100 grams. From the first shoots to the collection of ripe pods it takes approximately 105-115 days. Actively growing and bearing fruit open areas, so under the film covering.

This pepper gives a very high yield of up to 7-8 kg per m2. Belozerka sweet pepper has a bright taste and a very strong aroma. This pepper has excellent commercial qualities, it tolerates transportation and long-term storage well.

It has earned particular popularity due to its resistance to major diseases and pests. Belozerka pepper variety requires well-fertilized soil and regular feeding.

ATTENTION! For rapid ripening of Belozerka, long daylight hours and quite heat 26-28 C. This is a very heat-loving plant.


Refers to early species. From the appearance of sprouts to full technical ripening, an average of 80-95 days pass, depending on external conditions. Good for growing both in open ground and in greenhouses.

The plant is low-growing, approximately 70-90 cm high. The peppercorns are oblong and cone-shaped. Their weight reaches 100-125 g. Under favorable climatic conditions and proper care, it produces a fairly large harvest.

Gypsy peppers have a subtle delicate aroma and interesting taste. Sweet pepper Gypsy Well suited for both preparation and raw consumption.


This low shrub is unpretentious and easy to care for; you will see the first results 120 -130 days after the first shoots begin to appear. Pepper variety Swallow has a yield of about 4-6 kg per m2.

The fruits are smooth, cone-shaped, dark red in color. Particularly resistant to diseases such as verticillium or wilt, the causative agent of which is mitosporic fungi, which often affects other plants.

It should be mentioned that sweet pepper Swallow very demanding of calcium, This must be taken into account when fertilizing the soil and fertilizing.

IMPORTANT! This plant has a fragile stem, so care must be taken when staking and harvesting so as not to damage the branches and young shoots.

California miracle

Today it is one of the favorites among gardeners. It is classified as mid-season, from the beginning of growth to full maturation on average 90-110 days. You can remove 7-10 pieces from each bush. Bush up to 1 m high with strong strong branches, does not need a garter. It has a great sweet taste, the walls are very thick and fleshy.

The California Miracle pepper variety ripens well in open ground and in a greenhouse. From pests Particularly susceptible to attack by slugs, whitefly butterflies, cutworms and aphids. After planting using a sprayer, the beds are sprayed with special compounds. The pest control procedure is usually carried out 2-3 times per season.

As a natural additional means Ash, which is very effective at fighting insects, is better than others. California miracle sweet peppers are perfect for storing for the winter and preparing various dishes.

See below for photos of the California Miracle pepper:

Orange miracle

It is early ripening and very productive. It takes 100-110 days from germination to full ripening. Depending on the growing conditions, you can collect up to 12 kg per m2. Peppercorns of bright orange or light red color grow quite large and can reach a weight of 200 - 250 grams.

Of the features, it is worth noting that this variety has good immunity to tobacco mosaic virus. It tolerates long-term storage well. Orange Miracle pepper can be used canned or raw to prepare various dishes.

REFERENCE! Very sensitive to temperature changes; if a strong cold snap is expected at night, then additional heating must be turned on in the greenhouse. It also does not tolerate dry air and needs regular spraying.

Siberian bonus

This is an early ripening variety, from seed germination to harvesting the first harvest, depending on environmental conditions, it takes from 80 to 90 days, the bush reaches a height of 70-95 cm. Needs feeding with complex fertilizers.

From a single bush you can collect up to 15 fleshy fruits, that is, about 5.5-6 kg per m2. The weight of ripe fruits reaches 100-120 grams, the color of the peppercorns is bright orange, the taste is juicy and interesting. Is used for long-term storage and for preparations for the winter.

Heracles (Hercules)

This pepper with excellent taste is a late-harvesting variety. Despite the name, has a very modest size. It grows to approximately 90-110 cm. The pods are not large in size, their average weight is 100-120 grams.

The yield under film covering is 2.5-3 kg per m2, and in open areas it is slightly less. Hercules pepper tolerates transportation well. Perfect for canning and fresh consumption.

IMPORTANT! Among its features, it should be noted its high resistance to fusarium and a number of other diseases, due to which it has earned popularity among gardeners.


Quite early ripening and popular among amateurs. From germination to harvest it takes only 80-95 days. Most often used for planting in open ground. The peppercorns are bright red, large and dense, the weight of some specimens reaches 400-500 grams.

Denis is especially resistant to diseases such as tobacco mosaic. Due to its large dimensions, it is rarely used for preservation; it is usually consumed fresh or in the preparation of various dishes.

ATTENTION! Denis is very sensitive to lack of moisture, does not tolerate hot sun rays, and on especially hot days the plant needs to be covered.


Mid-season variety. The time from seed germination to fruiting is approximately 115-120 days. Gemini is optimal for planting in open beds. The peppers are bright yellow in color, weighing from 80 to 200 grams, that is, not very large. Ideal for long-term storage and winter preparations. Also very good for first courses and salads.

REFERENCE! Gemini is very unpretentious, quite resistant to drought and elevated temperature. Immune to potato virus, to which other species are susceptible.

With the help of our recommendations you can choose best pepper for landing. All are good and useful in their own way. Select seeds based on the climate and soil composition of your area. To grow a rich harvest, you need proper care, regular feeding and protection from pests.

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One of the varieties of peppers most beloved by vegetable growers, it can grow in beds in the central zone of our country; it can also grow in greenhouses in more northern regions.

California miracle American selection, is characterized by the following indicators:

  • in terms of ripening time it is classified as mid-season, the bushes are medium in size, maximum height up to 70 centimeters. The first harvest can be harvested 120–130 days after sowing the seeds, the fruits ripen within a month and a half;
  • cuboid in shape large fruits, weight? 160 grams. Fleshy, wall thickness? 8 millimeters. The skin is smooth, dense, elastic;
  • have a high sugar content, are sweet, have pleasant taste. They are stored for a long time and can be eaten both raw and thermally processed. After freezing at a temperature of -18°C, they completely retain their original qualities.

Pepper "California Miracle"

Up to seven fruits are taken from one bush; the seeds germinate well in closed ground and in beds without preparation. Sometimes the fruits can become bitter; such consequences arise from growing in unfavorable conditions.

The plant is considered unpretentious and capable of producing consistently high yields in adverse weather conditions. The optimal growing method is seedlings, but direct sowing of seeds in greenhouses is also allowed. It is not recommended to sow seeds in the beds - the amount of positive temperatures is insufficient for the development of plants. Sowing time depends on the climate zone and specific temperature values.

Growing seedlings

If you plan to plant peppers in beds, then for the middle zone you need to sow seeds for seedlings in February. This is explained by the fact that the optimal age of seedlings for transferring to beds is within 90–100 days. Earlier or later, the plant is not welcome - the growing season can be greatly slowed down as a result of various diseases or unfavorable climatic conditions.

Pepper does not tolerate picking well; this operation should be avoided at the first opportunity. To do this, pre-planting seeds should be prepared and soaked. What does this include?

It is not practical to use large containers for seedlings. root system California pepper develops slowly and a small volume is enough for it. If not peat tablets, then you can buy the substrate in the store or prepare it yourself. To do this, two parts of humus are mixed with one part of turf soil and one part of river sand. It is advisable to add sawdust to it.

Self-prepared soil for seedlings may contain pathogens of various diseases. In order to destroy them, it should be fried for 30–40 minutes in the oven at a temperature of +120°C. The second way to disinfect the soil is to pour boiling water on it and plant the seedlings in the cooled soil. The second method is less effective.

You need to sow pepper seeds in moist soil, and after sowing, water again using a sprayer.

Containers with seedlings are covered with film and placed in a warm place, the temperature is not lower than +22°C. You can also keep it in the dark, as long as it is at the required temperature.

As soon as the shoots appear, the film is removed and the seedlings are transferred to a lighted place. IN winter period time to speed up the growing season, you need to organize artificial lighting. How it's done?

Small seedlings are afraid of drafts, take measures to eliminate them. The temperature recommended by agronomists for growing seedlings is +26–28°C during the day and not lower than +10°C at night. Moderate watering high humidity earth causes blackleg disease. Needs watering warm water, very cold causes various diseases of seedlings, in some cases they may die.

Preparing seedlings for planting

A very important stage; the survival rate of plants and their growth rate depend on it. A mandatory procedure is gradual hardening and getting used to straight sun rays. At first, it is enough to open the window for a few hours; as the weather gets warmer outside, you can gradually move it out onto the balcony. Habituation cannot be forced; too sudden a change in growing conditions has a negative effect on plants. Minimum temperature air for the Californian miracle is +13°С.

Planting seedlings in the ground

The plant feels better on light, fertile soils; its predecessors are cucumbers, cabbage, green manure, and carrots. The soil is prepared in advance; it should have time to shrink. Under the predecessors, 5 kg of organic matter per square meter is added, after harvesting, 50 g of potassium and phosphorus should be given for digging, and in the spring, before planting pepper seedlings, it is recommended to add 40 g of saltpeter per 1 m2. If there is a suspicion of the presence of various pathogens in the soil, then it needs to be disinfected. A spoon is added to a bucket of water copper sulfate, the ground is watered abundantly with a watering can.

The seedlings are transferred at the end of May. If it’s still cool outside, it’s better to reschedule until June. Plants are planted in a square-cluster method at a distance of 40–40 cm. In an unheated greenhouse, planting is done about a month earlier; if the greenhouse has autonomous heating, then the timing of planting does not matter. The holes are the same size as the height of the seedling containers; the roots should not be exposed. At the same time, the root collar should not be covered with soil. The soil must be heated, the temperature at the planting depth is not lower than +10°C.

Practical advice. If you raise the beds above ground level, you can significantly increase the yield. The height of raised beds is between 25–40 centimeters.

Important. It must be remembered that peppers are very easily pollinated. If you plant other varieties besides the Californian miracle, then make large gaps between them. You can divide with corn, sunflowers or other tall and dense plants. Otherwise, the fruits will not be as expected.

You should not sow seeds in open ground; they will not be able to develop in a timely manner. And the fruiting time will be reduced.

Video - Rules for planting peppers in open ground

Plant care

Care measures include watering, tying up stems if necessary, weeding and fertilizing. The first feeding is done if there are two true leaves. Add 5 g of nitrate, 10 g of potassium and 30 g of superphosphate per ten liters to the water. You can use infusions of humus, chicken manure and other organic fertilizers. You need to be careful with doses. A large amount of fertilizer not only accumulates in the fruits, but can also burn out the root system. Up to three feedings are made per season. The main thing is to carefully monitor the development of plants; overfeeding should not be allowed.

If the pepper leaves curl and a drying strip appears on the edges, then this is evidence of a lack of potassium. A lack of nitrogen is indicated by pale plants and a clear lag in the development of green mass. If with reverse side the leaves turn purple, this is a consequence of a lack of magnesium. It is necessary to constantly monitor the development of the plant and take timely measures to add missing microelements and nutrients.

Atlas of signs of deficiencies of mineral nutrition elements in plants. Download for free

In very hot weather, be sure to do pinching; this reduces the evaporation of moisture from unnecessary leaves. Only side shoots are planted; the lower ones cannot be touched; they cover the ground and significantly reduce moisture evaporation.

During the period of maximum growing season, it is recommended to trim the longest shoots, thereby increasing the illumination of the fruiting branches. Simultaneously with pruning, you need to do weeding and fluffing the soil. You need to loosen the soil very carefully; peppers have roots located close to the surface and are very easy to damage. And this will cause the growth of pepper to slow down. Experienced plant growers strongly recommend using mulching instead of weeding and loosening. You can use plastic film, straw or sawdust. Better sawdust or straw next year this mulch will turn into organic fertilizer.

Practical advice. If you observe an insufficient number of pollinating insects, then they need to be artificially attracted. To do this, spray the plants with sugar syrup in the amount of 100 g. sugar per liter of water.

How to collect seeds

It was already mentioned above that peppers can be cross-pollinated. The plant from which you plan to leave fruits for collecting seeds should be covered with a small greenhouse when the first buds appear. If the size of the plant allows, you can use transparent plastic bottle for water with a volume of six liters. As soon as the first ovaries appear, the greenhouse is removed, and the protected ovaries are marked. As practice shows, seeds collected in this way are no different from purchased ones; they produce large yields and high-quality fruits.

Protection from pests and diseases

Sick plants significantly reduce yield, the fruits are small, often irregular in shape, etc. Well-known universal-action drugs are used to protect peppers. It’s better to use store-bought ones, they are much more effective. folk remedies. As for chemicals getting into fruits, this will never happen if the instructions for use are strictly followed. The number of treatments depends on the condition of the plants.

Video – California miracle pepper

A professional summer resident and amateur gardener strives to grow all kinds of vegetables on his plot. A significant place among the plantings in the garden takes Bell pepper. The vegetable is not only rich in microelements and vitamins, but can also add zest to any dish. Due to its color, peppers are used to decorate salads, soups, and casseroles. Sweet pepper is a popular vegetable in amateur and professional gardening.
There are a huge number of varieties of sweet peppers. But the most favorite is the California Miracle pepper variety. This American-bred bell pepper is one of the top three worldwide.

Features of the California Miracle variety

  • High yield. With proper care, the California miracle surprises with its fertility: one bush can produce 7-10 fruits.
  • Possibility to grow in an open garden bed, greenhouse, hotbed.
  • Medium-sized bushes with powerful stems and root system. The height of adult individuals is 50-70 cm.
  • Large fruits. California miracle pepper ripens 120-130 days after sowing seed material, manages to mature in any region of our country. The California miracle has relatively large, fleshy fruits weighing 100 - 180 grams. The wall thickness can be up to 10 mm.
  • Beautiful appearance of the fruit. During the ripening period, the California miracle changes its shade from dark green to deep red.
  • High taste qualities. The California miracle has a refined aroma, freshness and sweet taste. The Bulgarian guest variety is widely used in cooking.

Secrets of growing varieties

Variety bell pepper California miracle is unpretentious in care and produces high yields. He is immune to even the most unfavorable weather conditions. Sweet peppers are successfully grown in all regions of the country, including even the northern regions. It is ideal for growing by inexperienced summer residents and novice gardeners.

California Miracle is grown by seedlings. Correct definition sowing time, compilation soil mixture and the implementation of planting work directly affect future fruiting. As a rule, sweet pepper seeds are sown at the end of winter.

Before planting, pepper seed needs preliminary preparation. The seeds are soaked in hot water until swelling. Afterwards they are taken out and wrapped in a piece soft fabric. Keep the seed in the fabric for 3 days in a damp state.

Pepper seeds are soaked for more rapid germination. In addition, after the stratification procedure, plants become stronger and more resilient, and their resistance to infectious diseases increases.
Pepper loves fertile soil. It should be grown in soil rich in organic matter and microelements.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Although sweet peppers tolerate relatively low temperatures, the vegetable is still a heat-loving crop.
The first thing you need to do is decide when to sow sweet peppers. As a rule, seed material is sown in containers in the last month of winter with the expectation that by the time it is moved to open ground, the age of the crop should be a little more than two months: in the southern regions, the crop can be planted earlier, and accordingly, the seed material can be planted earlier.

The root system of pepper initial stage development is undeveloped. The culture is painful to transplant. Therefore, the seedlings do not pick. It is ideal to use special peat pots with a diameter of up to 10 cm for sowing seeds.
It is recommended not only to soak pepper seeds before sowing, but also to disinfect them. For root formation, you can use any special solution. You can disinfect pepper seeds using a solution of potassium permanganate: 1 g of manganese is used per 1 liter of water.
After the first hooks appear on the seeds, they must be planted immediately. For sowing, professionals use the following soil mixture:

  • 1 part river sand;
  • 1 part humus;
  • 1 part vegetable/garden soil;
  • 1 tbsp. wood ash.

Mix all components until evenly distributed. Fill the sowing containers with the prepared mixture, lightly compact and moisten. Plant a hatched seed in each glass and sprinkle with soil no more than 1 cm.
Crops should be covered with plastic film. The California Miracle pepper needs to create acceptable conditions for germination. A self-prepared greenhouse will keep the temperature and humidity in the container the same.
Bell peppers take a relatively short time to germinate. The first shoots appear within 5-7 days. To obtain uniform shoots, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 20-25 degrees.
During the period of germination, pepper does not need a bright place.

Seedling care

After the first shoots of sweet pepper have appeared, it is necessary to provide it with proper care:

  • Timely. The California miracle is very demanding on humidity. Water the seedlings in the first half of the day as the top layer of soil dries. You should use only slightly warm water, at a temperature of about 30 degrees.
  • Sufficient lighting means successful cultivation. The sweet guest is very sensitive to light. Immediately after the first sprouts appear, it is necessary to move the containers with the crops to a bright place. In winter and in early spring It is recommended to use additional artificial lighting.
  • Ventilation of the greenhouse. Take off plastic film from crops it is necessary gradually. The pepper is hardened by first removing the greenhouse for a few minutes. After 5-10 days, the plant will no longer need a greenhouse.
  • If the substrate is properly prepared, you should not feed the plants. If the soil was prepared is not very nutritious, you can use mineral or organic fertilizer. Fertilizers should be applied very carefully: peppers are sensitive to excessive amounts.
  • Pepper seedlings are grown in warm conditions. Optimal temperatures should be 20-25 degrees. Temperature changes can lead to slower growth of seedlings and reduced yields. Also, the culture does not like it when it is moved from place to place. That is why, before moving the seedlings to a permanent place of growth, it is necessary to select it.

Planting seedlings in open ground

Pepper seedlings are planted in a permanent place of growth after the threat of night frosts has passed. Seedlings should be planted in the second half of May.
Technique for planting sweet peppers California miracle:

  • Bell peppers are grown in loose, breathable soil. The plant is susceptible to infections. To disinfect the bed, it is necessary to treat it with copper sulfate 5 days before planting the crop.
  • Pepper loves space. Plants are planted according to a 50x50 cm pattern. This distance will allow the crop to fully develop. Complete drying of the soil will prevent infection.
  • Mulching the soil. Mulch protects the soil from drying out. In almost any conditions, mulched beds give full results.
  • Peppers are capable of cross-pollination. The sweet guest lands far from his bitter relatives.

The bed is loosened and organic fertilizer is added if necessary. At a distance of at least 50 cm, draw rows or make holes and water abundantly. Seedlings without removing them from peat cups planted in a permanent place of growth, covered with soil and lightly compacted. If the pepper is planted in plastic containers, the plants must be replanted extremely carefully, without destroying the earthen ball.

Planting seedlings in a greenhouse

Before planting California peppers in a greenhouse, you need to prepare the soil and the greenhouse itself. To do this, at the beginning of March, wash the structure and disinfect it with special substances.

Bell peppers are transplanted when:

  • The soil in the greenhouse will be warm. The optimal indicators are a temperature of more than 18 degrees.
  • The soil is fertilized: 40 g of phosphorus, potassium and 30 g of phosphorus are added per 1 m2 nitrogen fertilizer. Loamy and sandy soil mixed with manure or peat, you can add sawdust.
  • The soil is spilled with organic matter: 2 days before planting, the soil is spilled with mullein solution at the rate of 5 liters per 1 m2. After applying fertilizers, the soil should be dug up.

The California miracle is planted at a distance of 40 cm. No more than 6 bushes can grow simultaneously per 1 m2. The culture does not form aerial roots, so there is no need to bury the seedlings. Young plants are replanted together with a lump of earth.
Water the plants at the roots with warm water as the top layer dries. Both overmoistening and drought are equally destructive. Plants also respond gratefully to spraying.
The root system of the plant is very delicate. In order for air to reach it, it is necessary to systematically loosen upper layer, mulch. For the mulching process, straw, humus, and grass are used. Lay in a layer of at least 4 cm.

Sweet pepper diseases

Dangerous for sweet bell peppers are late blight, rot, septoria, and black leg. Insects also want to feast on tender greens and fruits: cutworms, mole crickets, and whiteflies will never miss a chance to harm the plantation. You can combat troubles by spraying plants with a solution of wood ash.
Aphids are another nuisance that awaits an inexperienced and professional gardener. You can fight it with the help of whey: dilute 1.5 liters of whey per 10 liters of water.
Every summer resident can grow California Miracle peppers, even without experience. Agriculture. Plant this amazing vegetable in your garden and enjoy the exquisite aroma and delicate taste of the fruit.

Until recently, the opportunity to obtain a bountiful harvest of bell pepper in the central part of the country was due to the mandatory presence of a greenhouse or hotbed. Today, new varieties of this most popular, tasty, healthy vegetable make it possible to grow it in any volume in open ground. California miracle pepper has been included in the list of the most popular crops in the world for decades. The description of its properties and characteristics explains this phenomenon, confirmed by the experience of a huge number of vegetable growers.

Characteristics and description of the variety

The California Miracle refers to mid-early varieties pepper From the appearance of sprouts to the harvesting of fruits, 100-130 days pass. Bred by US breeders back in 1928, it has taken root well in many countries of the world, including Russia: the soil and climatic conditions of the central zone of the country, its northern and western regions are quite favorable for cultivating the crop.

The average height of the bushes is 50-60 cm in open beds. IN greenhouse conditions- up to 80 cm. They are powerful, with developed trunks and branches, wide leaves.

The fruits of this miracle bell pepper have an excellent taste - they are juicy, meaty, crispy, and have a pronounced sweetness. The sugar content in the California miracle is twice as high as in other types (a slight bitterness appears only when the agricultural practices of cultivating the vegetable are violated). The size of the peppers is 10-12 cm in length and 8-10 cm in width. The shape is cuboid (usually tetrahedral), with a pronounced lobar division. Weight - 80-160 g. Wall thickness - 5-8 mm.

The dark green color at the technical stage of ripeness gives way to bright red at the biological stage. The skin is smooth, dense, shiny, but quite soft, not hard. The surface is ribbed. Ripe vegetables crunch when pressed.

The red color of ripe peppers is the most common variation, but California Miracle yellow, orange and gold varieties are also found. The differences between all of them are only in color.

With proper care, you can collect up to a dozen fruits from the bush, and with square meter plantings - up to 10 kg.

How and when to plant seedlings

To force seedlings on their own, treatment of pepper seeds begins in the middle or second half of February:

  • soak planting material in a saline solution (30 g of salt per 10 liters of water) and remove the surfaces;
  • They are disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate (1 g of potassium permanganate is dissolved in a liter of water);
  • for mineralization, a day or two before sowing, wrapped in gauze, immersed in a solution of 2 g of wood ash in a liter of water for half a day or a day. The solution is stirred periodically. Then lay out on paper and dry without washing;
  • soak for several hours to swell in water at 55-60 °C and then keep warm, wrapped in a damp cloth, until pecking begins;
  • dried and for hardening, placed in the refrigerator for a day.

Since young peppers do not tolerate diving well, they are immediately seated individually in cups with loose, fertile soil, neutral in acidity. A composition of equal parts of garden soil, sand and leaf humus, as well as purchased soil for vegetables, is suitable.

Bury the seeds into the soil a centimeter. After sowing, cover with film and keep in a warm and well-lit place. It is necessary to maintain a certain temperature: during the day - +20-25 °C, and at night - +16-18 °C. Water with lukewarm water. If all conditions are met, seedlings will appear in a week. After this, the film is removed. Further care consists of timely watering, provision of sufficient time and intensity of illumination and fertilizing at a certain time.

After the appearance of the first pair of strong leaves, the seedlings are first fertilized with the following set of minerals dissolved in a liter of water:

  • ammonium nitrate - 0.5 g;
  • potassium fertilizer - 1 g;
  • superphosphate - 3 g.

After two weeks, fertilizing is repeated, doubling the concentration of nutrients.

Pre-hardened seedlings (they are taken out into the street air at a temperature of at least 14 °C) are planted:

  • in greenhouses - in April;
  • to open ground - in the second half of May or mid-June (in the northern part of Russia).

The soil should warm up at the depth of the holes to at least 10 °C. To protect miracle peppers from pests, five days before transferring the seedlings to a permanent place, the soil there is spilled with a solution of copper sulfate, prepared according to the instructions on the package.

The distance between the bushes is maintained at 40 cm. The holes are prepared according to the size of the cups with seedlings. Carefully remove the sprout with a lump of earth and place it in the hole, squeeze it without deepening it, and water it.

The best predecessors for bell peppers are onions, cucumbers, legumes, carrots, and cabbage.

You should not plant sweet varieties of bell pepper next to bitter varieties to avoid cross-pollination. It is advisable to maintain at least a few tens of meters between them. If this is not possible, the hot pepper bushes can be covered with lutrasil or other similar material.

Pepper care rules

Vegetable growers in many countries choose California Miracle pepper for its consistently high yield combined with ease of care. Most of all, it needs watering, which in hot summer weather is carried out both in the morning and in the evening. However, water stagnation should not be allowed - this can lead to the development of fungal diseases and root rot. The soil should be moist, but constant dampness will become a bait for slugs - lovers of succulent foliage and fruits.

After each watering, it is advisable to loosen the soil. This is done carefully, to a depth of no more than 8 cm, since the root system of pepper lies shallow.

Trimming or pinching shoots below the main branch is also a mandatory pepper care procedure. After budding begins, the main stem is cut off above the 6-7th leaf. The bush then begins intensive branching, which increases the yield by 30%.

Necessary fertilizers for pepper:

  • with the beginning of flowering and throughout the entire period of fruiting, a solution of mullein in water is added once a week (in the proportion of 1 part of the substance to 10 parts of water). You can replace it with an infusion of chicken manure, reducing the concentration (first, fill the container halfway with rotted manure, topping it up with water, and after ten days, a liter of the resulting liquid is diluted in 10-15 liters of water);
  • The row spacing is sprinkled with ash 2-3 times during the growing season before watering.

To protect the shallow roots from overheating and dryness in the hot season, the ground under the crop bushes is mulched with suitable material (for example, a 7-10 cm layer of straw).

Harvesting from California Miracle pepper bushes grown through seedlings begins in July. The keeping quality is better for fruits picked with the stalk still at the stage of technical ripeness: the fruits can be ripened indoors. Important point: if you miss the timely harvest of the first harvest, the ripening of the remaining peppers will slow down.

The entire harvest must be harvested before the first frost: frozen specimens quickly rot and cannot be stored.

In the case of the California Miracle, the name fully corresponds to the characteristics of the product. Even in areas of rather risky farming, it gives a full harvest of high quality fruits. It is not for nothing that this variety has held one of the first places in the list of the most popular varieties of bell pepper for more than one decade.
