Ritual to attract money with a green candle. Money ritual green candle

Muslims in some Indian villages have a tradition of throwing newborns from the 15-meter wall of the temple onto a piece of cloth stretched below. It is believed that this will strengthen their health, ensure a successful life, make them smart and courageous.

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Ritual with a green candle to attract money

One of the most familiar magical attributes is a candle, and the color of the wax is directly related to the desired result of divination. For example, a red or pink shade is suitable for love "sorcerers", white or purple - for health rituals. A green candle is a ritual for finances, business success, career growth.

"Irreplaceable" wealth

This simple money ritual with a green candle is especially suitable for people who are not very good at planning their budget. It can be performed only on those days when the sickle of the month increases, “gets fat” - otherwise the ceremony will have the opposite result.

At night, when no one and nothing distracts, set the candle to any wooden surface(table, chest of drawers, cutting board), and lay out all the bills that are in the house around. The more there are, the better! Light the wick, look at the fire and imagine that a greenish mist emanates from it in all directions, impregnating the money.

It is desirable that the candle burns out to the end. It is believed that after such a manipulation, the entire “charged” amount will stubbornly return to the owner, despite any expenses. There are a lot of ways - there are unexpected bonuses, winning the lottery, and even lucky finds.

Wax Talisman for Wealth

Buy a thick green candle and move it a little above it. Moreover, this will be done on the first day of the growing moon. With a sharp knife cut off about 2-3 centimeters from the base. Finely cut the wax into a metal bowl, add a little olive oil and drop a little ethereal. Which one exactly? Any "money" scent will do - cinnamon, clove, cedar, ginger, or orange. It's even better to use a kind of mix.

By heating and stirring the composition, it should be brought to a homogeneous state. Then let it cool slightly and apply with a regular brush on the remaining upper part of the candle, in several layers. This must be done strictly from top to bottom, thinking about increasing your well-being. It is forbidden to be distracted in the process by any external stimuli.

Today, the magician Sergey Artgrom will talk about the magic of candles, about effective and simple independent rituals with a candle to fulfill a wish. A witch's candle is a tool for a practicing sorcerer to work with time and space. This is the conductor between the magician and the Force to which he refers.

Candle magic rituals require total concentration from the magician, which can be achieved through certain actions, such as:

  • meditation,
  • prayer,
  • removal of the negative accumulated during the day (this can be done with the help of a ritual flush).

Stop internal dialogue, purity of thoughts brings the magician into a state of unity with the Force to which he addresses, and through which he intends to perform a witchcraft rite. In home magic, it is customary to read a conspiracy for money with a green candle. So, let's analyze a few rituals and try to understand how effective they are in independent application at home.

How to read independent conspiracies to attract money from candles

The practice of candle magic can be simple. But it can also be difficult. It depends on the ritual of magical influence on a person chosen by the magician. Candles are used in many witchcraft rituals for practically. What factors in working with candles should you pay attention to if you want to use witchcraft candles in domestic conspiracy for money?

The color of the candle plays a role. In magical rituals for wealth, green candles are often used. However, just as often they take simple candles made of pure wax. Magic symbols and signs are carved on candles. It's not necessary, but if you're used to doing it this way, keep going. It won't harm witchcraft rituals. True, in the event that you know which magic symbols should be used.

Among other things, in strong conspiracies with candles for money witchcraft herbs are also used. Spices such as cinnamon, cloves, laurel, basil are also widely used. They are scattered at the base of the candle, or added to melted wax in the process self-manufacturing candles. Aromatic oils are also used.
There is a practice of strong multi-day rituals with candles to attract money. In such rituals, practicing magicians invoke the Force with which they are accustomed to work, under whose egregor protection they are. However, this does not exclude the possibility of achieving good results from simple independent rituals for wealth, made on personal strength.

The peculiarity of home rituals for a wish with a candle, within the framework of white magic, are reduced to:

  • to fill the money channel,
  • profit,
  • unexpected money
  • good luck in financial transactions,
  • good luck in gambling And so on..

made on the personal strength of the magician - frequent repetition. The development of a monetary conspiracy enhances the degree of its impact. This is most relevant if we are talking about money amulets. Not only material amulets work great, but also verbal amulets to attract good luck and protect against the evil eye on the money channel.

In such magical rites, candles are often used. When a magician works with candle magic, nothing limits his creative abilities. Simple candle spell to make a wish come true can be turned into a complex multi-step ritual. Accordingly, the strength of the magical effect on a person will also increase. And here is an example of a simple ritual to attract money with candles.

Independent ceremony for a green candle for money

If you are working with candles, use candles specially made for magical rituals. But, in my opinion, candles made independently for a specific rite are best for white magic. This simple ritual is based on visualization. On the power of visualization, he and. Here's what you'll need:

  • green candle
  • white candle
  • ribbon or braid made of natural material of a golden hue

On the first day of the new moon, put green and white candles on the table at a distance of at least 20 cm from each other, and start doing a love spell for money with a green candle on your own. Associate yourself with the white candle. A green candle should represent money and family well-being.
Light the candles in this order: first white, then green. Sit still for a few minutes, focusing on associative pictures of the filling of your money channel. Then extinguish the candles with your fingers and remove. You need to repeat the witchcraft ritual with a candle for the fulfillment of a wish daily throughout the entire cycle of the growing moon. In this case, each time put the candles closer to each other.

On the full moon, put candles nearby, meditate, imagining that your money channel is open to the maximum, that you yourself are your money channel. At the end of this strong but uncomplicated ritual with candles for good luck and money, tie candle ends with a gold ribbon and store as a money talisman.

Self-conspiracy for candles for good luck and getting rid of poverty

In order to improve their financial situation in general, i.e. to attract money from different sources, do this home ritual for money. Work is done on the growing moon at the turn of the day - at midnight or noon.

Here's what you need for a green candle money plot:

  • white candle
  • green candle
  • handful of salt
  • clay bowl
  • spring water
  • new needle
  • thyme decoction

A bowl of spring water is placed on the table. Little water is needed. On both sides of the bowl they put and, a white candle on the left, a green one on the right. Salt is poured into the bowl and a needle is placed. Focusing on the flame of candles, read the words of the spell:

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

"Omnis shas tovar soet lameh otvoid sanamah atam na mah aumma."

Salt will dissolve quickly in water, then sprinkle the saline solution with a decoction of thyme. Drink the solution in the morning.

Strong conspiracies on the candle of desires - what will the influx of candles say

When the candle burns, melted wax flows over it. This natural substance reacts subtly to energy fields. According to the influx on the candle, one can draw a conclusion about the state of the performer and the energies that surround him and influence him.

  • If, during a conspiracy on a candle to fulfill a desire, the candle began to cry, then the magician - the performer is restless, he is tormented by doubts, remorse, he experiences mental suffering.
  • If a line of influx runs through a barely lit candle from top to bottom, it can be concluded that the person has been heavily jinxed or cursed. Wherein magical rituals were not applied, this is the result of a powerful energy attack.
  • The two lines say the same.
  • Influxes going obliquely and intersecting mean that a person may be in for a serious illness. Including the one that came through witchcraft.
  • The influx from the front side of the candle can be interpreted as troubles in which the operator himself is to blame.
  • If the influx is from the opposite side, then from someone outside.
  • The influxes on the right and left testify to the energetic struggle of the performer with someone who is his enemy, who has his own detrimental effect.
  • The influxes on the left speak of induced witchcraft in the past.
  • Influxes of wax on the right - the negative has every chance to appear in the future.

Here is what information you can get by doing rituals for the fulfillment of a wish with a candle. With the help of wax castings, magicians often make diagnostics, so it is still worth paying attention to wax influxes. This will give you Additional information about what is happening to you at the moment. If you see a negative, it must be removed by magical means. Let us turn to the home rituals of white magic for the fulfillment of desires.

Free Ritual of Fulfilling a Wish on a Jerusalem Candle

To make a witchcraft ritual yourself, take a bunch Jerusalem candles, light them and turn to God in prayer, ask him for help in realizing your dream. After praying on your own, visualize your desire and place it in the flame of the candles. At the same time, try to survive your desire, make it concrete, take shape.

It is necessary to concentrate on a bright image in the flame of candles for several minutes. Then extinguish the candles. This method of fulfilling a wish with a bunch of Jerusalem candles must be repeated for several days in a row. To do on the growing moon.

And the next rite, which I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, want to offer you in the framework of this article, is a black book one. Not God, but demons. With the help of witchcraft, you can secure prosperity for the whole year. Here is blasphemy (practically revenge on the Christian Forces), and for blasphemy, you can ask the devil for anything. The evil demons will rejoice, and they will give you money. The money ritual is simple, but complex witchcraft is not always required for the result.

In the material below, we will tell the reader how the green candle works to attract money. And present the most complete and useful information about important features performing this ritual at home.

Why is it better to perform the ceremony yourself

Since ancient times, people have feared and respected various magical beliefs and practices. Today, little has changed, and we still turn to this teaching in crisis situations. However, there have been too many charlatans lately. The reason for this may be the fashion for the supernatural and the inexplicable, as well as the spread of the World Wide Web throughout the planet. Therefore, more and more people prefer to study and perform various on their own at home. They draw information on the Internet and in some cases fail. And all because step-by-step instructions are not always reliable and detailed. After all, the esotericists who write them are interested in attracting customers. And this means that it is in their interests not to help people with advice, but to force them to apply for a paid consultation or make an appointment.

Our article is for informational purposes, therefore, following the instructions described will help you conduct a ritual with a green candle to attract money correctly and achieve the desired results.

What are the consequences of the ritual

Most of the rituals known to mankind and described on the Internet refer to the methods of black magic. The fact that they all pose a threat to both the customer or the performer, and the victim, is known even to small children. However, this does not stop many people and they, at the risk, follow step-by-step instructions. But having achieved the result, they strongly regret it. After all, the essence of magic is to get what you want in exchange for something else. In other words, the dark rites are a deal with terrible forces, implying a mutually beneficial exchange. And the performer or customer knows only what he wants to receive. But what will have to be sacrificed or what is the price of the exchange will become known to him only when the process is already irreversible.

The rite with a green candle to attract money is remarkable in that it has absolutely nothing to do with black magic. This means that it is safe and does not entail any consequences. It is also convenient in that it does not take much time and various “witchy” paraphernalia to perform it.

Why is a green candle necessary?

The theme of magic is often raised in cinema. For this reason, many of us misunderstand this teaching. We think that a true magician should wear all black, surround himself with gloomy paraphernalia, black and red candles, from which smoke comes from an unreal color. However, all this is just material used to create an image and convey the appropriate environment. In fact, an experienced sorcerer is strong even without additional "intimidators". Therefore, if our reader still decides to turn to a professional for help, you should not blindly believe the surroundings and the artificially created image.

Also, very many people who first encounter a ceremony to attract money with a green candle are concerned about the question of why it is necessary to use a fixture to illuminate this particular color. Specialists and experienced magicians say that each candle is an ordinary different colors, church or witchcraft, emits certain vibrations, attracting the corresponding flows. Based on this, it becomes obvious that the green candle attracts the energy of money and wealth.

Features of the ritual

To achieve the desired results, it is extremely important to conduct the ritual correctly. To do this, you need to learn about the sacraments that the ceremony involves with a green candle to attract money. There are not so many of them, and it will not be difficult to complete them even for people ignorant of magic. So, having decided to conduct the studied ritual at home, it is necessary:

  • have the appropriate attitude, that is, it is important to believe that the manipulation of the candle will work and really bring financial success;
  • use only new candles and purchased independently;
  • there is also an indication regarding the color of the candle: a magical attribute colored on the outside is unsuitable for ritual (you should choose one that consists entirely of green combustible material).

Spark plug pre-cleaning

In reviews of a green candle to attract money, people who have tried the ceremony on themselves often complain that it did not help to achieve the desired ritual. Professional sorcerers explain the reason for this phenomenon. Most often, it lies in the incorrect execution of the ritual technology. Which begins not by reading a plot, but pre-cleaning candles. Moreover, this does not mean washing a magical attribute using chemical agent or getting rid of the candle from the packaging and price tag. Although the latter should also be taken care of. The matter is completely different. In fumigating a green instrument with incense.

For these purposes, dry sprigs of thyme, mint or pine are perfect. If for some reason they cannot be obtained, they can be replaced with a mineral saline solution. It is very easy to make it. You just need to mix two hundred milliliters of non-carbonated mineral water and one tablespoon of regular coarse salt. Place the candle in the solution for seven minutes, and then remove and dry with a white paper towel or cotton cloth of the same color.

How to make a candle "work" for yourself

Another reason for the unsuccessful outcome of the rite under study with a green candle to attract money lies in the lack of ritual focus on a specific person. That is, manipulations can work, but the lucky one, who will receive a lot of money in the near future, may turn out to be some other person, and not the one who performed the ritual. Therefore, the reviews often mention the need to charge the green tool with its energy. To do this, you need to take a candle in your hands and support it for some time. At the same time, it is important to think about your wealth, financial well-being, prosperity, material luck, and so on. When it seems that the candle is fully charged and ready for the ceremony, you can proceed to the main stage.

How to conduct a ritual for financial well-being on your own

Before presenting the reader with step-by-step instructions, it should be noted that it is important to perform a ritual with a green candle to attract money to the growing moon. This moment can be tracked on the Internet or you can wait until a month appears in the sky, which will eventually turn into a lunar disk perfectly round shape. In addition, to extinguish the candle, it is necessary to prepare a special cap. Because it is strictly forbidden to blow out a fire or extinguish a flame with your fingers. It is necessary to perform magical manipulations all alone, ardently believing in achieving the desired goal.

Ritual step by step instructions

Actions should be as follows.

  1. The person performing the ceremony needs to sit down at the table, placing a candle in front of him.
  2. The flame must be even and clean. If it fluctuates, the ritual must be postponed to the next new moon.
  3. If there is turquoise in the house, it should also be placed near the candle. This will increase your chances of success.
  4. ignite magic item and carefully peer into the flame, thinking about your desire, dreaming about it and fantasizing.
  5. Then slowly cast the green candle plot to attract money, which is presented above. And it is better not to read it, but to learn it by heart and pronounce it from memory.
  6. Next, you need to sit, looking at the candle and dreaming about the fulfillment of your desire, imagine yourself surrounded by wealth, money and luxury.
  7. So continue until a small cinder half a centimeter high remains from the candle.
  8. Then the fire should be extinguished and the following words should be said very clearly and confidently: “I am wrapped in a green flame, surrounded by the magic of money, I am provided with prosperity, I will soon be rich.”
  9. After that, you need to hide the cinder in a secluded place and wait for the fulfillment of your cherished dream.

How to enhance the effect of the ritual

The rite and conspiracy for a green candle to attract money is practiced all over the world. It is believed that the best day for it is Wednesday. Especially if the number, that is, the date, is even. In many cultures, it is customary to burn not one magical item, but three at once. This increases the chances of success many times over. It is also recommended to perform a ritual on Thursday, which consolidates the effect of the studied. To carry it out, you will need three orange or yellow candles. They must be burned in the same way.

There is also advice regarding the frequency of the ritual. Professional sorcerers and magicians say that it is necessary to repeat the rite every new moon. This will ensure a constant flow Money.

Ritual with twelve candles

A ritual that is carried out with any pay is considered very effective. This may be a salary, returned debt or other cash receipts. The rite is performed at twelve o'clock at night on the twelfth on the new moon. To conduct it, you need to prepare twelve green candles. The technology of attracting money with the help of a green candle is simple actions.

First of all, you need to sit in front of the window and place candles in front of you in the form of a semicircle. Lay out the prepared money next to it. Then light the candles, moving clockwise. And, looking at the growing month, pronounce the words of the conspiracy presented above. After extinguish the candles and leave them in the light of the moon at night. In the morning, collect them starting from the left side. And on a full moon, burn it completely.

That's the whole secret of success!

Candle magic is one of the oldest directions in magic, based on magical properties fire element and its transforming possibilities. candle magic practices Special attention give the color of the candles. Green, in particular, is the color of prosperity, health, growth, wealth, and by extension, money. A correctly performed ritual with green can help you quickly attract the desired amount for some tasks; achieve gradual and sustainable income growth; bring the business to prosperity. Much depends on the intention of the practitioner, the shape of the chosen candle and the actual ritual.

How to conduct a ritual for money with a green candle so that it gives the desired result?

First of all, you need to follow a few rules when preparing.

  1. The rite to attract money should be performed on the young month or on the full moon, at this time any growth rituals are effective.
  2. In addition to the ritual, rely on your own strength. Even if the ritual is done, and you sit and wait for the money to come from nowhere, they will not come. It is necessary to act independently, opening up opportunities for them.
  3. Clearly and specifically formulate your goal so that it is real and acceptable for you. For example, “I want to become a billionaire in a month” - such a formulation will most likely be ineffective (everything happens in the world, but most likely it is). Why - because it is important to formulate clear and accessible goals for you. "My new business flourishes and incomes grow” - such a formulation for an entrepreneur performing a money ritual is much more acceptable.
  4. Keep specific amounts in mind. It is good if you write them down on a piece of paper before the ritual. Moreover, it can be the amount that you want to receive at a time, and bottom bar desired salary or monthly income. In any case, listen to yourself and answer whether you are ready for such an amount in the near future, whether you can “learn” it.
  5. Trust the process. However, this advice applies to any magical practices. Believe in yourself, believe in the spirits/egregores/universal vibrations that you attract to realize your intention. After the ritual, continue to act in the chosen direction, remembering that at a subtle level your intention has already been sealed, and soon it will be realized. But do not fixate on this thought, just continue to act as if nothing had happened. And watch what happens.

Now about the technique, how to perform a ritual for money with a green candle step by step.

  • First you should buy green candles for the ceremony. It is important that they are completely painted over, have never been used before and do not stand in sight as a decoration. You can buy simple green candles, or ready-made ones, or make a candle yourself - it's up to you.
  • Track the phase of the moon (as already noted, it is the growing moon that is desirable).
  • Choose a time when no one will disturb you.
  • It’s good if you wear green clothes during the ritual (red shades are sometimes recommended for speed of execution).
  • Take a candle in your hands, close your eyes and focus on your desire. Imagine in colors that it has come true, imagine the events and what you will receive and will have as a result. It is better not to focus on emotions like joy and delight, so as not to “fly away” and maintain a calm and detached state during visualization. Convey your intention to the candle. You can put coins under the candle to concentrate the corresponding energy. Light it up. Looking at the flame, gradually imagine in dynamics the development of events as you wish - in what ways the desired amount can come to you or how, for example, your business is growing. Details are not necessary here - present in general terms, but clearly enough.
  • If the candle needs to burn out, let it burn out. If this is an author's candle, which involves the use of several times, then extinguish it with a cap to light it again. At the next ignition, do not come up with new goals, just remember the one that was formulated when the candle was first lit.
  • After burning out, bury the cinder under a strong living tree.

The desire to make your life stable, to stop worrying about the lack of funds is inherent in almost all people. Some work hard, others buy lottery tickets, others seek support in magic. The rite for money with a green candle has helped more than one wizard to stop doubting their abilities. It is advisable to understand that it is not enough to tell fortunes, you still have to do something in the real world.

Imagine if you performed a ceremony for money with a green candle (or some other), the forces began to work. After a while, the result is ready. And how do you transfer money, if you are lying on the couch, staring at the monitor, and do not lift a finger to take it? Of course, there is no problem arranging for a stack of bills to be brought home. But this is much more difficult than providing a winning ticket or a job with a gigantic salary. But no one will be able to play the lottery for you, and accept an offer for a job, too. That is, it is not enough to conduct a ceremony. Money, wealth, fame and success come to active people, even more, enthusiastic ones.

Thinking about the rite: “how to attract money”, the philosophy of desires

A few preliminary words, as always. Novice wizards skip the "introductory part", but in vain. But they will return, having stuffed themselves with cones. And a person who knows a lot about magic will definitely take an interest in how to prepare for divination. We won't say anything new. Set yourself up for success, keeping in mind that the result can be anything. Money will come not in the amount that is now dreamed of, but as much as you can accept.

You know, probably, in one of the prosperous countries they conducted a study. We tried to establish whether happy people, winning large sums in the lottery (we are talking about tens of millions of dollars). It turned out that 95% of them died in the first year of possession of countless, according to ordinary citizens, riches. They could not accept such amounts. Do not demand a lot at once, do not shorten your age. Magic is a tool that no one will take away. She is inside you. Wish for something real, something that will make life happier, more convenient, more comfortable, and not necessarily just a fairy tale.

Ritual with a green candle

Once you're ready, run to the store. Buy a green candle there. If there isn't one, it doesn't matter. Paint what is available. In addition, you will need:

Schedule a money "green" ritual for Thursday on the waxing moon. It is very good if you can stay in the house alone. If not, then ask relatives to sit quietly and not get involved in the magical process. And you have to do it like this:

  1. In a well-ventilated home, close doors and windows.
  2. Place a table in the center of the apartment.
  3. Put a dish on it, in the middle of which a candle is fixed.
  4. Count out seven bay leaves.
  5. On each write, and what money is needed. The amount does not need to be specified.
  6. Light a candle.
  7. Read the formula.
  8. When a third of the candle burns out, set fire to the laurel leaves and place on a nearby dish.
  9. It is necessary that they do not burn, but smoke. If it goes out, light it up again.
  10. While reading the plot, go around all the premises of the house, holding a steaming dish in your hands.
  11. Wait until the candle goes out on its own.
  12. Collect the ashes carefully paper bag.
  13. It is thrown into the flowing natural water, river, stream.

Conspiracy for green candles:

“Among the dark forests, swampy swamps, green mountains, the hill stands, covered with a veil of fog. Under it the dwarf lives, gold forever forges: coins and horseshoes, shackles on his hands. The path to the hill is covered with swamps, fogs, animal paths. I let the thoughts go, I disperse the fog, I show the dwarf the way to the light, I will order to bring gold. Go, sufferer, to the threshold. I open the way for you. Bring the treasures to the chambers, you will be welcome here. Amen!".

When will the result be?

Often people are in a hurry. But it is understandable. But, if you need a certain amount urgently, then perform a ceremony for quick money. And this magic will not change the situation in an instant. But it will definitely work, if the rite was performed correctly. Money, wealth will come little by little, giving birth to more and more new desires, throwing up opportunities for their fulfillment. If you strengthen the action of the rite psychological practice, for example, " How to create what you want guaranteed", then the results will be even steeper.

There is a certain beacon confirming that you are not mistaken. Within a week, they will pay off the debt that they forgot about or they will give a bonus. But profit can be not only for the wizard, but for any family member with whom you run a joint household. As a rule, a certain amount is received within a day or two. But it's worth waiting a week. If nothing happened, you need to remove the damage. This ritual is repeated for as long as you want. No more than once or twice a month.

A variant of the rite with a bill

This ritual is somewhat simpler. For this, we love novice wizards. Prepare:

  • mood for the ceremony;
  • a candle;
  • money (a bigger bill);
  • a new needle that has not yet been sewn.

Order of execution:

  1. Sit at the table, lay out the prepared attributes in front of you.
  2. On the candle, scratch your name and the desired amount of profit with a needle.
  3. Light it up.
  4. Place a bill next to it.
  5. Look at the fire and think how much pleasure you will get from the receipt of finances.
  6. You can remember how you won the lottery, suddenly found out about a big bonus and other pleasant things.
  7. When the candle is half burnt, drip some wax onto the bill.
  8. Rub it on paper.
  9. Fold the bill into a triangle and hide it in your wallet or other place.
  10. You can't spend it.
  11. If you have to give, then repeat the ritual.

You know, wax witchcraft is obtained by almost everyone who will not regret buying a candle. It is very good. People should live in abundance. Perfectly clears money plugs in the aura. Practice this simple magic yourself and share with your friends (social media icons below). And also write in the comments if you have any problems, we will tell you what you are doing wrong. Good luck and prosperity!
