Is it possible to make a septic tank under a bathhouse? How to make a septic tank for a bathhouse with your own hands - recommendations for installation and design. What is better - buy a ready-made septic tank or make it yourself?

When installing a local sewer system at a dacha, the owner of the site has to take into account the difficulty of using sewage disposal equipment to pump out wastewater from cesspools. A septic tank for a bathhouse, installed with your own hands on a summer cottage, allows you to do without calling employees of special vehicles.

A traditional Russian bathhouse is often built even without special structures for wastewater treatment. Soapy water flows into a hole under the floor washing department through the gaps between the boards. But in modern baths they make a concrete floor and often combine a bathroom, a bathhouse, summer kitchen and other premises that require proper drainage of wastewater. Under these conditions, a water purification and filtration system—a septic tank—is needed.

If there is no toilet in the complex of outbuildings, then the pit for water disposal, which is produced by a bathhouse in the country (the simplest septic tank), may consist of a single chamber of sufficient volume to accommodate the liquid that enters there during hygiene procedures. When combining a bathroom and a bathhouse, you will have to build 2-3 chambers:

  • the first - for the accumulation of feces;
  • the following are for filtering liquid waste.

In what cases is a regular drainage pit suitable?

A drainage pit is a deep well into which relatively clean wastewater from the bathhouse is drained. When designing this type of septic tank, you need to take into account the level groundwater Location on. Suitable for sandy and other light soils with deep subsoil aquifers. simplest option drainage pit from a steel barrel with a capacity of at least 200 liters. Holes are made in the bottom and walls of the container to allow liquid to penetrate into the soil.

In an area with high standing hot water, drainage pits need to be deepened to 3-3.5 m and the walls must be impermeable (filled with concrete, etc.). In this case, filtration of wastewater will occur below the groundwater level. Due to the fact that bathing procedures are not carried out too often, and the water contains mainly soap residues, wastewater treatment occurs in the crushed stone layer and the soil itself.

The main criterion for choosing a multi-chamber septic tank or drainage pit is the nature of the waste:

  • when recycling water only from the bathhouse, you can build a drainage pit;
  • If wastewater from the toilet flows into the septic tank, a drainage pit cannot be built.

How to correctly calculate the volume of a septic tank?

To calculate the size of septic tank tanks, you need to determine the approximate daily volume of wastewater. For a bathhouse they are about 100 liters for a family of 2-3 people. For normal operation containers (without overfilling), the calculated volume is increased 3 times and taken as 300 l (0.3 m³).

It is believed that filtration of the drain and its complete removal from the tank are possible only after 14 days. The required volume of the septic tank chamber must be calculated taking into account this factor and multiplying the daily flow by 14. The calculated cubic capacity of the chamber will be 4.2 m³.

In practice, the capacity may be smaller: the bath is most often taken 1-2 times a week. If the septic tank is planned only for drainage of wastewater from bath room, then the calculated value can be reduced by approximately half.

Ready-made solutions (factory septic tanks)

Choosing household systems water treatment industrial production, the easiest way is to focus on the number of family members: this figure is also indicated in the technical documentation. For a family of 2-3 people, compact models (for example, Triton mini) are suitable.

The peak load that such a device can withstand is about 500 liters. Comparing the capabilities of the septic tank with the calculated needs makes this choice justified: compact models are inexpensive and completely ready for installation. They consist of 2 chambers, which provides high quality cleaning from soap and surfactants, hair and other contaminants. The purification level is at least 75%, and the water entering the soil no longer causes harm environment. The principle of operation of the device is mechanical settling and filtration of waste.

For large volumes of wastewater and connection to the toilet system, it is better to choose equipment with the capabilities provided for this. Larger volumes and fecal wastewater will require the installation of septic tanks Unilos, Topas, etc. These models are supplemented with filters and settling chambers.

All models domestic sewerage Made from lightweight and durable plastics, they are durable and do not require complex maintenance. The decomposition of even fecal waste occurs due to natural processes and pumping out accumulated water during correct installation and no operation required.

How to make a septic tank for a bathhouse yourself?

If you plan to collect only bath water, then a simple septic tank is easy to make yourself. Used for wall cladding different materials, which hold water inside, directing it into the deep layers of the soil. When using such structures, waterlogging of adjacent areas does not occur. There is no pumping of water from a homemade septic tank.

Option 1: septic tank made of reinforced concrete rings

You can make a septic tank for a bathhouse with your own hands from ready-made concrete rings large diameter. Having calculated the required volume, buy 2-4 rings the right size. A pit is dug under the reinforced concrete products in such a way that the drain pipe from the bathhouse passes below the freezing level of the soil and with a slope towards the septic tank.

After this, take into account the height of the rings (1-2 pieces) that will be installed in the settling chamber and the thickness of the cushion under the structure (at least 20 cm). The diameter of the pit should be 20-30 cm larger than the size of the rings.

The second chamber - the filtration chamber - is dug taking into account the fact that the overflow pipe connecting both pits should be located just below the lower edge of the drain (from the bathhouse). Other calculations are approximately the same as the previous ones, but it is advisable to increase the pillow to 50 cm.

The construction of a septic tank is carried out in stages:

  1. Dig 2 pits at a distance of 1 m from each other. The depth must correspond to the calculations made.
  2. A bed of crushed stone and ASG is placed in the settling chamber, compacted and leveled. Place 1-2 rings there. The joint of the rings is sealed. The bottom is filled with a layer of concrete at least 10-15 cm thick.
  3. The filtration chamber is installed on a thicker pad to ensure better drainage and drainage of wastewater into the deep layers of the soil. After installing the rings, at least another 15 cm of crushed stone filtration layer is poured inside. The joint of the rings is not sealed.
  4. Pipes are laid from the bathhouse and between the chambers, observing the slopes from the building to the septic tank and from the first chamber to the second.
  5. After completing the installation of the chambers, make a ceiling ceiling from boards, and then concrete it along the reinforcement with a layer of at least 15 cm. During concreting, it is possible to provide for the installation of pipes for possible cleaning (pumping) from the bottom to the surface in both chambers. The thickness of these communications is 10 cm, for easy connection of special vehicle hoses. In addition, a ventilation pipe must be installed in the ceiling of the filtration chamber. It should not be submerged in water and is located directly in the ceiling. The ventilation rises no more than 30 cm above the soil.
  6. Cover the structure with soil. Plants with a shallow root system can be planted on top of the septic tank.

A two-chamber system with a sump can be used on any soil and is suitable for connecting drains from the toilet, but a different volume calculation will be required, taking into account more liquids.

Option 2: cesspool filter

A septic tank that will collect only bath waste can be made single-chamber. After calculating the volume, a pit is dug taking into account the required depth drain pipe(below freezing level). A layer of crushed stone about 50 cm thick is laid at the bottom of the pit and compacted well. The walls can be reinforced with brick or stone masonry, concrete, reinforced concrete products (rings, tightening, slabs, etc.). After this, pour another 15-20 cm of crushed stone filtration layer onto the bottom.

Such a pit should not be completely covered: gradually the spaces between the particles of crushed stone will become clogged with soap residues and the pit will have to be cleaned using special equipment. The drainage from the bathhouse is quite clean, so pumping will be required only 10-15 years after the start of operation of the pit.

The well head must be raised to a height of about 30 cm above the ground so that melt water and precipitation do not enter the container. Cover the mouth of the pit with a secure hatch.

Option 3: septic tank for a bathhouse from a barrel

A large barrel of fuel and lubricants (200 l) can serve as a reliable sewer device, if the family is small and the bath drains do not exceed 70-80 liters. The pit is dug so that the outlet of the drain pipe is 20-25 cm below the top edge of the barrel.

To make a septic tank from a barrel, a leaky piece of metal or a broken water container is suitable. The bottom and lid must be removed, the cylindrical part must be lowered into the pit onto a prepared cushion of crushed stone. Pour 10-15 cm of crushed stone inside the container. Install a drain, make a ceiling from a sheet of steel or boards, and fill the septic tank with soil around the perimeter. The plastic barrel needs to be strengthened in the ground with reinforcement, passing it through the walls.

As a chamber, you can use not only a barrel, but also European containers for transporting liquid cargo (cubes with lids). They have different volumes. Several rows of holes are made in the walls in the lower part and an entrance for the pipe is cut.

Option 4: septic tank for a bathhouse made from car tires

Large-diameter tires (from KAMAZ and larger) are used to strengthen the walls of the pit using the technology described for concrete rings. Rubber products are simply laid on top of each other, the joints are not sealed.

From tires you can make a full-fledged septic tank with several chambers or just a filtration pit.

What is better - buy a ready-made septic tank or make it yourself?

The difference between purchasing a factory-made septic tank for a bathhouse and building it yourself is only the price. Constructions made from concrete rings can also be expensive, so other materials are most often used for wall decoration. But with proper design and calculations, even self-built sewage treatment plants cope with the task of treating wastewater no worse than industrially made plastic containers.

The decision about which septic tank to prefer is made based on considerations of the feasibility of the costs of purchasing equipment or digging a hole on your own.

Trips to the bathhouse are accompanied by the production of a large amount of Wastewater, which need to go somewhere. You need to think about how to eliminate them even before building a bathhouse. There are few exits:

  • Direction of drainage into the ground under the floor or along a trench. This phenomenon occurs in small baths in the villages. A significant drawback of the method is that the ground cannot always quickly absorb the incoming liquid; the soil constantly gets wet, as a result - a detrimental effect on the foundation.
  • Build a separate septic tank for the bathhouse. This is a kind of sewer system that receives water into a built-in tank.

Main types of septic tanks

There are 2 main types of ready-made and home-made septic tanks:

  • 1) Single-chamber;
  • 2) Two-chamber.

Single chamber septic tank optimal for installation in a bathhouse without a toilet, where the drainage is water with dissolved soap substances, particles of dead skin and hair. It is a well without a bottom, working on the principle of a filter: significant contaminants remain on the surface, and purified water goes into the ground. The walls of such a device can be made of car tires, concrete rings, plastic barrels.

A two-chamber septic tank for a bathhouse with a toilet is simply irreplaceable. Single chamber in in this case won't do. The design of a two-chamber well consists of:

  1. The first compartment in which mechanical purification of water from large contaminants occurs. The water then enters the second compartment.
  2. The second chamber is a settling tank. This is where water purification takes place. An open bottom works on the same principle as a single-chamber well: the liquid is filtered by crushed stone and soil. This is a septic tank for a bathhouse without pumping, that is, removing the liquid with a sewer machine is not required.

Homemade septic tanks for baths

Buying a ready-made device is not always advisable: septic tanks cost a lot. Many developers prefer to build a receiving well for wastewater themselves. You can make it from scrap materials or purchase inexpensive components for construction.

Option No. 1: septic tank made of reinforced concrete rings

This type is used more often than others. You will need to purchase several reinforced concrete rings, starting from 2 pieces.

How to make a septic tank for a bathhouse:

  1. Dig a hole at least 1.5 meters deep. The diameter of the recess should be 20-30 cm larger than the size of the ring.
  2. The first ring is installed at the bottom of the pit. Its bottom must be concreted with a 10 cm cushion; installation of a frame in it is not required.
  3. If the container has an open bottom, crushed stone 30...40 cm thick is poured onto the bottom, which will serve as a filter.
  4. Place a second ring on the first ring and seal the seam with mastic.
  5. Pipes are placed into the septic tank and a lid with a hatch is installed.
  6. Fill the hole and compact the soil.

If a two-chamber well is being built, next to the first one, another ring structure is installed using the same algorithm. In it, the bottom is filled with crushed stone without concreting; the seams between the rings do not need to be insulated.

You can install a septic tank for a bathhouse yourself, which is a big plus - you save up to 50% of the cost of the device. The well will last for many years.

You will have to turn to the services of professionals: to lift the rings you will need special equipment.

Option No. 2: cesspool - filter

Such a septic tank will do for baths in which one family washes infrequently. The design of the pit is incredibly simple:

  1. Dig a hole. It is necessary to make a flat bottom and walls for the convenience of subsequent work.
  2. 40-50 cm of crushed stone is poured into the bottom of the pit, which will serve as a filter.
  3. The walls are reinforced with brick or rubble masonry.

The advantages of the device are obvious:

The disadvantages include:

  • Need for frequent cleaning;
  • Not suitable for a bathhouse with a toilet.

Option No. 3: septic tank for a bathhouse from a barrel

The use of old Eurocubes or plastic barrels is optimal for constructing a small septic tank for a bathhouse in which a small number of people wash. Typically, such receivers are made with two chambers, without the need for pumping.

It is necessary to prepare 2 barrels: one will be the primary receiver, the second - without a bottom. The tanks are placed next to each other, the space between them is concreted to give strength to the device and fix it in one place.

The first barrel is located slightly higher than the second. This promotes a slow flow of liquid without large contaminants that settled to the bottom of the first reject. In the second barrel, the bottom is filled with crushed stone and sand, which perform final filtration and release clean water into the ground.

A septic tank under a bathhouse is installed in several stages:

  1. Dig a pit with a total width of 20-30 cm greater than the diameter of the barrel. The distance between the tanks is maintained at 10-20 cm. The difference in the depth of the platforms for the tanks is 20-30 cm.
  2. The bottom of the pit is covered with sand and crushed stone in a layer of 10-15 cm. It is ideal to concrete the floor with a 10-15 cm thick screed, into which you need to insert reinforcing rods, which will subsequently hold the septic tank in place.
  3. Install tanks. Since plastic is brittle material and will be located in the freezing zone, where soil pressure periodically increases, it must be protected both from loads and from frost. For thermal insulation, it is optimal to use polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam and cover the tank with it. WITH outside barrels are furnished metal frame, which is tied with the foundation reinforcement and the tanks with each other.
  4. Install pipes between the tanks and glue them. At the same stage, the inlet pipe from the sewer and ventilation ducts are connected.
  5. Next, the vessels should be concreted. The concrete solution can be poured directly into the remaining gaps between the barrel and the wall of the pit. This method will significantly strengthen the plastic, but eliminates the possibility of inspecting the septic tank. You can go the other way - fill the space with crushed stone, which compensates for pressure loads, fill the soil removed from the pit on top and compact it.

For baths with a minimal and unstable flow of wastewater, it is enough to install one barrel with a perforated bottom, which can handle a small flow of liquid.

Option No. 4: septic tank for a bathhouse made from car tires

Almost every household has used car tires. You can also use them to make a wastewater receiver for a bathhouse. It is worth noting that it is better to use “clothes” of large diameter wheels.

The device is similar to the barrel skeptic, you need to follow the same scheme:

  • 1) Equip 1 or 2 tanks;
  • 2) The first tank will be 15-20 cm higher than the second;
  • 3) The first receiver has a concrete bottom, the second one has a crushed stone and perforated bottom.

Before starting work, the inner ribs of the tires are trimmed so that large waste does not accumulate in them and blockages do not form.

How to make a septic tank from car tires for a bathhouse:

  1. Dig a hole with a diameter exceeding the diameter of the tires by 20-30 cm.
  2. The bottom of the first platform is concreted with a layer of 10-15 cm, the second is covered with crushed stone and sand to a depth of 30-40 cm.
  3. Tires are stacked one on top of the other. The walls of the first are immediately concreted. Tire insulation is not required - the rubber adapts well to changes in soil pressure. Reinforcement of the tanks is also optional; the rings have enough weight to be pushed out.
  4. Install the inlet and transfer pipes. The joints are sealed with sealant or mastic.
  5. The walls of the second tank are not concreted, but filled halfway with crushed stone and only the upper part is immersed in concrete.

The use of concrete in the installation can be replaced by a dense backfill with crushed stone. On top of such a well you need to arrange a cover from any suitable items: planks, a metal cover, you can use a real well cover with a hatch.

Ready solutions

Installing a septic tank for a bathhouse, assembled with your own hands, is a simple process, but it takes time. Of course, you can always use ready-made tanks and order installation or carry it out yourself using the same algorithms.

Ready-made septic tanks differ:

  • Volume of tanks;
  • Number of cleaning sections;
  • Productivity.

The higher these indicators, the more expensive the purchase of systems will cost. If the budget is limited, of course, it is better to equip a receiving well using the methods given above.

Good day. Thank you for visiting the created topic. I hope you can advise.

1. The goal is to make a sewer system for a bathhouse under construction.
2. The bathhouse will have the following sewerage points: a shower in the washroom, a toilet (toilet) in the washroom, a floor drain in the washroom (there will be a small barrel-font), a floor drain in the steam room (the steam room will have a washing function with basins) .
3. The bathhouse is one-story, small (40 sq. m.), frequency of use is once every 1-2 weeks. 1-3 people will go to the bathhouse, no more.
4. The site is extreme in the SNT; a small shallow (depth less than 1 m) river runs relatively close to the edge of the site (8-10 m).
5. The water level is high (when they dug holes for the piles for the foundation of the bathhouse, there was already water at a depth of 1 m). The soil is water-saturated sand and loam, gravel.
6. The foundation strip (and the floor of the bathhouse, respectively) is raised above the ground by 45 cm.
7. Sometimes it floods a little (the river doesn’t seem to overflow its banks, it’s just melting snow, the area is at the bottom of the slope).
8. The site is located on a sharp slope; no car will ever approach the bathhouse or the planned location for installing the septic tank. I plan to clean it once a year and invite a Tajik.

Attached is a proposed bathhouse sewer system with the construction of a 1-chamber septic tank made of 2 concrete rings without a bottom, with further discharge of liquid into a small filtration field.


2.1. For the outlet from the washing room (toilet, shower, floor drain) I plan to use a pipe with a diameter of 110, for the outlet from the steam room a pipe with a diameter of 40, and the main pipe to the septic tank with a diameter of 110. Is that normal?
2.2. Which pipe would be optimal to choose (material, if possible, manufacturer)? I read that polypropylene seems to be better than PVC. Optimal in my understanding - it will work for a long time, without hemorrhoids, and you won’t overpay for unnecessary qualities.
2.3. The pipe will exit the bathhouse at a depth of 0.5 m, the pipe will enter the septic tank at a depth of 0.7 m, and in the filtration field it will arrive at a depth of 0.8 m. Is this normal?
2.4. Is it necessary to insulate the pipe? What is the best way to do this if necessary?
2.5. Should the pipes be laid and buried simply in the ground or should they be surrounded with crushed stone?
2.6. The septic tank ring will be 15 cm above ground level. Is it normal or higher?
2.7. I have provided ventilation pipes - one into the septic tank itself and the second I want to cut into a leaky pipe in the filtration field. Normal? Shouldn't the nearby gazebo stink?
2.8. The dimensions of the filtration field are 2 m by 1 m. The pipe goes up to the filtration field without holes, but in the filtration field there will be holes. Normal?
2.9. What should be the design (layering of materials with thicknesses) in the filtration field? To prevent the holes from being clogged with high water, geotextiles can be placed on top of the pipe.
2.10. It is normal to seal the joints of the rings with the following composition: 1 part cement, 1 part sand, 0.7 parts water, 0.7 parts liquid glass, then how will the mastic dry?
2.11. It is better to cover the rings with mastic or stick on waterproofing with blowtorch? Is it better from inside or outside?


When using a bathhouse, a large amount of wastewater is generated, so even at the construction stage it is worth considering options for organizing the drainage from the bathhouse. As a rule, it is possible to connect the drainage system leading from the bathhouse to centralized system there is no sewerage, so you need to consider standalone options. If the bathhouse is located at a distance from the house, it is advisable to build a separate septic tank for the bathhouse without pumping, rather than running pipes to the septic tank that processes wastewater from the house.

It is necessary to think over the organization of water drainage from the bathhouse at the construction planning stage. If this is not done, then the room will high humidity, so that's it wooden parts buildings will quickly begin to rot.

Nature of waste

Drains from the bathhouse are classified as “gray”. As a rule, this is water containing soap suds, fatty acid derivatives, and surfactants. In addition, the wastewater contains hair, skin and horny inclusions in small quantities.

However, if you plan to build a bathhouse with a toilet, then the drains will be classified as “black”. The treatment of such wastewater must be taken more seriously, as it poses a serious threat to the ecology of the site. To clean up “black drains” it is necessary to build a regular septic tank with sealed settling chambers.

Septic tank design options

Let's consider what options for septic tanks from a bathhouse exist, starting with the simplest options.

The simplest version of a treatment plant

Most simple solution is the device of a filter cesspool. To ensure minimal wastewater treatment, a layer of pebbles, sand or gravel is poured onto the bottom of the excavated pit. The height of the layer should be at least 40-50 cm. The walls of the cesspool should be protected from crumbling; for this you can use the material at hand - brick or rubble stone.

Advice! Filtering cesspool can be built provided that there are no plans to install a toilet in the bathhouse.

Two-chamber septic tank

If you plan to use the bathhouse frequently and the water consumption will be high, then it is better to build a two-chamber septic tank.

What materials can be used?

When planning to make a septic tank for a bathhouse with your own hands, you need to decide from what materials the settling tanks will be constructed. The most common options:

  • Ready-made reinforced concrete rings. This is a convenient, but rather expensive option, since, in addition to buying rings, you will need to pay for the rental of special equipment. But the septic tank can be assembled very quickly, especially if you purchase rings with ready-made holes for pipes. In addition, you can buy rings with a bottom for sealed sedimentation tanks, and a perforated ring for building a filter well.
  • Monolithic concrete. This is one of the most reliable options; it makes sense to build it if you need a septic tank for a bathhouse with a toilet and the water consumption is expected to be high. The disadvantage of this option is the labor intensity of construction. In addition, the construction of a septic tank will take a lot of time, since work will have to be interrupted periodically to allow the poured concrete to harden.
  • Eurocubes. It's pretty convenient option, but quite expensive. However, if possible, buy used plastic containers, then the completion will cost less. The advantage of this option is that all the work can be done independently, without renting special equipment.

  • Brick. Brickwork is used to install the pit. The advantage of this option is the availability of the material and the ability to build a septic tank for a bathhouse with your own hands without the use of special equipment. The disadvantage of this construction method is insufficient tightness brickwork, which is why we have to resort to additional measures on waterproofing.
  • Plastic barrels. For a small bathhouse, you can build a septic tank assembled from plastic barrels. This option is low-productive, but cheap if you use used barrels.

Septic tank made from tires

To clean “gray” wastewater from a bathhouse, you can build a simple and cheap septic tank made from car tires. Tires can be used from any vehicle. It is necessary to prepare them first - cut off the sides from them:

  • When building a bathhouse, a hole is left during the pouring of the foundation. This can be done by installing a block wrapped in polyethylene while pouring the mortar. After the concrete has dried, this block can be easily knocked out and a pipe for draining water can be inserted into the resulting hole;
  • A hole is dug at a distance of 2-3 meters from the bathhouse. Its diameter depends on the size of the selected tires. Moreover, the size of the pit must exceed the size of the tires, so that a gap of 15 cm wide remains between the walls of the pit and the septic tank. The depth of the pit is determined by the water flow in the bathhouse;
  • A layer of sand and gravel is placed at the bottom of the pit, which will serve as a filter;

  • Next, the tires are laid, and at the joints they must be fastened with wire staples;
  • The pit is backfilled with soil, or even better if clay is used for backfilling;
  • From above, the well of tires is covered with a sheet of iron or a thick board. After that, soil is poured onto the ceiling.

Sanitary requirements for the installation of a septic tank

Before you make a septic tank for a bathhouse, you need to get acquainted with sanitary requirements to the construction of local treatment systems. Only if these requirements are met local sewer will be safe.

Very important point is right choice septic tank installation sites. The distance separating the treatment plant from the water intake site is particularly strictly regulated. This distance depends on the properties of the soil, it should be from 30 to 50 meters (minimum). The lighter the soil on the site, the greater the distance should be separating the well from the sewage collection site.

In addition, it is important to maintain the correct distance to the foundation of the house, since if the location is too close there is a danger of washing away the foundation blocks. Therefore, the minimum distance from the septic tank to the foundation of a residential building is 5 meters. It is not necessary to move the septic tank so far from the bathhouse itself; the minimum distance should be more than one meter.

Besides, sanitary standards limit the distance to the roadway; it should not be more than five meters. The treatment plant cannot be placed close to the fence of the neighboring area; the minimum distance must be two meters.

Make sure that there are no trees or shrubs near the septic tank, otherwise they will root system will be constantly washed away and the plants will die. The minimum distance to the garden should be three meters. In addition, when choosing a location, the following requirements must be taken into account:

  • it is much more convenient to place the treatment plant on an area with soft soil, this will facilitate excavation work;
  • Keep in mind that the septic tank chambers need to be cleaned periodically, so leave a clear path to them.

The volume of a septic tank is calculated according to a standard scheme, that is, the chambers must have a volume that covers the three-day water consumption in the bathhouse. Optimal design A septic tank for a bathhouse is a device consisting of two settling chambers and a drainage well. The first chamber is used as a mechanical filter.

It is filled with crushed stone and fine gravel. Such a filter is used to separate significant amounts of impurities from gray wastewater. As the backfill becomes contaminated, the filtration rate will decrease, so it will need to be replaced periodically with a new one.

The second chamber of the septic tank is used as a septic tank, where the water that has passed through the filter settles. From the sump, water will be supplied to a drainage well, from which it will gradually flow into the ground.

Advice! Another option for installing a septic tank for a bathhouse is to purchase and install a ready-made model industrial production. However, this decision will require financial costs.

So, there are many options for answering the question of how to make a septic tank for a bathhouse. Choose better design a septic tank is necessary taking into account local operating conditions. If the bathhouse is small and the water consumption is small, then you can choose a simple and cheap solution - for example, a treatment plant made from tires or plastic barrels. If water consumption is high (for example, if you plan to install a swimming pool in a bathhouse), you need to choose more solid solutions. That is, build a full-fledged two-chamber septic tank from concrete or large plastic containers.

A bathhouse is an integral attribute of a comfortable country life, therefore purchasing country cottage area, many begin to build it almost before the construction of the main house and other outbuildings. However, its use involves the generation of a sufficiently large amount of wastewater. And, first of all, it is necessary to decide where and how they will be allocated. The optimal solution to this problem is to make a septic tank for a bathhouse with your own hands.

Someone will say: “Why extra hassle and the costs, if you can dig a trench “the old fashioned way” through which the water from the bathhouse will simply go into the ground?” But these wastewater generated with each bath can become a real threat to the environmental and sanitary safety of the site. So, sooner or later, you will still have to think about how to organize the removal of sewage water from the bathhouse in a more civilized way.

When purchasing or making a septic tank for a bathhouse, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the wastewater that it will have to process. As a rule, the bulk of waste from this facility is “gray water”, consisting of water with soap suds, surfactants and fatty acid derivatives. also in small quantity they contain hair and skin particles.

If the bathhouse is equipped with a toilet, then the nature of the waste will be somewhat different. Sewage water of this type is usually called “black”, and their treatment and disposal is more responsible. In this case, it is necessary to construct a reliable treatment plant with several sealed settling chambers.

A septic tank for a bath can be single-chamber or double-chamber. A single-chamber septic tank is the simplest treatment facility, consisting of a container without a bottom and operating on the principle of a filter well. In this case, the function of a reservoir can be performed by various devices such as without a bottom, as well as plastic containers with holes made in them, reinforced concrete rings, etc., and the filter is a layer of crushed stone at the bottom.

Please note that when constructing such a septic tank on your own site, you must take into account the location of groundwater in the place where he will be located. If their level is high enough, the purification chamber must have a sufficient volume so that a large amount of wastewater, simultaneously generated when using the bathhouse, can completely fit inside the tank.

A septic tank for a bathhouse with a toilet should ideally be at least two-chamber. This option is also worth using when you plan to use the bathhouse quite often. You can purchase it ready-made or build it yourself using reinforced concrete well rings, concrete mortar or plastic containers (Eurocubes) and the same tires.

For manufacturing it is developed taking into account other parameters and conditions. Read about this in our separate article.

And about in what cases it may be needed and how to choose it, read in another material.

The first camera in this case is used as a filter mechanical cleaning. A mixture of crushed stone and gravel of small fractions is poured into it, purifying “gray waste” from larger impurities. The second chamber serves as a settling tank in which water that passes through a mechanical filter settles. Then the water moves into the drainage well, from which it is gradually absorbed into the soil. This option is good for those who need a septic tank for a bath without pumping. Similar, in which the first chamber will be used for mechanical cleaning, and the second will be a drainage well with a bottom filter.

Important: During use, the gravel and crushed stone backfill will become contaminated, which will lead to a decrease in the speed and quality of filtration, so it must be updated periodically.

Homemade septic tanks - design options

The simplest solution to the problem of draining wastewater from a bathhouse is to purchase a ready-made industrial septic tank. However, in some cases, it is more rational and practical to make a homemade septic tank for a bathhouse, which will cope with the task of cleaning wastewater no less efficiently and effectively.

Let's consider several options for such structures, starting with the simplest and least expensive:

Filter cesspool

Device Features:

— A pit is dug, at the bottom of which a backfill consisting of a mixture of gravel, sand and pebbles is poured in a layer of 40-50 cm.

— The walls are strengthened with brick or rubble stone.


- Easy to manufacture.

— Minimum construction costs and sufficient high efficiency cleaning wastewater from the bathhouse during its periodic use.


— Not suitable for baths equipped with a toilet.

— Requires frequent cleaning and periodic replacement of the drainage layer.

Septic tank made from car tires

Device Features:

— Tires pass preliminary preparation– their sides are cut off.

— Pits for the septic tank are dug at a distance of 2-3 m from the bathhouse. Their diameter should correspond to the diameter of the tires used with an overlap of 15 cm. Depth - depending on the expected water flow (recommended depth is about 2-3 meters).

— The bottom of the first pit is sealed with clay or concrete, and the bottom of the second pit is filled with a mixture of sand and gravel for filtration.

— Tires are placed in the pit, secured at the joints using wire staples or plastic clamps.

— Holes are cut in the tires for supplying a pipeline with waste and for organizing an overflow between the two chambers of the septic tank.

— Supplied to the first tank sewage pipe 110 mm in diameter, which is laid below the soil freezing level.

— An overflow pipe leads from the first tank to the second.

— The pit is filled with soil and clay.

— A sheet of iron or a thick board is placed on top, covered with soil.


— A septic tank for a bathhouse made from tires requires minimal costs for installation and delivery of components.

— Possibility of manufacturing a septic tank of optimal volume, through the use of tires of a suitable diameter.

— Ease of use.


— Insufficient tightness of the structure.

— Not very high quality of wastewater treatment.

Note: It is possible to make a treatment facility for a bathhouse from tires, which has only one chamber with a filter bottom, provided that the bathhouse will have no toilet.

Septic tank from eurocubes

Device Features:

— Eurocubes (plastic containers square shape with a volume of about a thousand liters) are prepared for further use. To do this, tees are installed in their necks, and holes are made for connecting and outlet pipes.

Important: Due to the fragility and low strength of the Eurocubes used to create a homemade two-chamber septic tank, the bottom and walls of the pit must be concreted. To prevent the containers from floating, they can additionally be secured with special clamps to the concrete screed.

— Before filling the septic tank, the tanks must be filled with water, and the gap between them must be concrete mortar to give the structure additional strength. To insulate the septic tank, it must be covered with foam on top and then covered with earth. The ventilation pipes must remain on the surface.

Ready-made models

If you don’t have time to worry about how to make a septic tank for a bathhouse with your own hands, it makes sense to purchase practical and functional devices at a reasonable price. Popular models:

In addition, there are a large number of stations deep cleaning such as “Topas”, “Unilos”, etc., the price of which will be much higher. However, optimal solution for a bathhouse we can name simple installations with mechanical filters and sedimentation tanks, which, if necessary, can be equipped with a soil purification system.


In this section you can watch a video on the topic of our article, which demonstrates the device homemade version septic tank for a bath from a barrel.
