Composite sink: pros and cons. Let's look at sinks made of artificial stone for the kitchen. Granite sinks also have a number of disadvantages.

The kitchen sink is one of the main parts of the room where regular food preparation takes place. The absence of problems depends on its reliability. In addition, let's not forget that the sink should fit into the overall design premises. It is possible to achieve solutions to all the tasks set through the use of natural stone.

Indeed, sinks made of natural stone have recently become very popular, despite the increased cost relative to their analogues (sinks are also made from stainless steel, artificial stone, acrylic, etc.). An online store of luxury plumbing will allow you to purchase a sink made of natural stone at the highest possible price. favorable conditions. However, before making a choice, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with what awaits users of stone sinks during regular use.

Of course, natural marble is an amazingly beautiful stone. But do not forget that it will be present in the kitchen as a sink. This means that the marble will regularly get leftovers from food, tea, coffee, etc.

Natural marble stains very strongly. If a bright pollutant gets in, it should be washed off immediately. Otherwise, this stain will remain forever.

The above problem is indicated by the natural structure of the stone. Recently, manufacturers have learned to deal with such difficulties. At construction markets you can find special impregnation for natural marble.

It penetrates the pores of the stone and does not allow the pollutant to attach to the surface. But easy paintability is not the only drawback of marble. Sudden changes in temperature can cause it to crack. No sink can compare with a model made of natural marble. However, when buying it, be prepared for systematic maintenance.

Sinks made of natural granite are an ideal option for practicality

Indeed, although granite is somewhat inferior to marble in beauty, there are no problems with it at all. Let us remind you that granite is in second place in the table of hardness of materials after diamond.

This means that absolutely nothing can damage a sink made of natural granite. It does not absorb odors, moisture, or paint. The only requirement for a granite sink is not to clean it with abrasive cleaners. After all a natural stone specially polished. In addition, granite is significantly more affordable in comparison with marble.

The video will tell you which sink is best for a modern kitchen:

Based on materials from:

A kitchen sink made of artificial stone has the most controversial “reputation”. Sometimes they are called the best, and sometimes they are called the worst of all. For example, users often complain about indelible stains, chips, scratches and even... a falling off bottom.

  • Confusion in concepts is largely to blame for the conflicting reviews. After all, “artificial stone” is often called both acrylic stone and granite/quartz agglomerate. Meanwhile, these two materials are very different from each other despite their external similarity.

In this article we will look at different types artificial stone, compare this material with ceramics and stainless steel, and also give some tips on choosing and using “stone” sinks.

Tip 1. A cast (composite) sink is better than a glued (acrylic) sink

Sinks made of artificial stone can be glued or cast. Externally, they are practically the same, but cast sinks are stronger and more durable, and therefore somewhat more expensive. However, both types of sinks are good in their own way and have their weak points. Let's explore this point in more detail.

Glued sinks (sheet, acrylic)

Such sinks look monolithic and completely seamless. However, they do have seams, because the bowl is glued together from two parts - the sides and the bottom, which in turn are made of sheets of artificial stone based on acrylic resins. Next, the product is covered with gelcoat - a protective layer 1-2 mm thick with a characteristic light gloss. The gelcoat clogs the pores of the stone base, thereby preventing the absorption of tea, coffee, wine and other coloring liquids and products.

Pros and cons of an acrylic sheet sink (vs. cast)

pros Minuses
Low price (from 2.5 tr.) The surface of the sink is very scratched. Scratches need to be polished periodically
Larger selection of colors and shades Do not place hot dishes in the sink as the material may melt
Less prone to chipping The bottom of a glued sink may fall off due to the fall of a heavy object, say, a frozen chicken, due to boiling water being poured out, or due to sudden temperature changes. Fortunately, a broken sink can be repaired and reattached without leaving a trace.
Possibility of seamless integration with the countertop Over time, the sink may turn yellow due to the acrylic component

As a rule, after repeated “home” polishing, an acrylic sink is scratched less.

Cast sinks (other names: composite/agglomerate sinks, artificial granite/quartz/marble sinks)

Molding technology allows you to create monolithic structure, making the sink more impact-resistant and heat-resistant. The manufacturing process looks like this: a composite stone in liquid form is heated and placed on a template (matrix) and left until it cools completely.

pros Minuses
The surface is practically not scratched. If desired, you can cut vegetables on a composite sink. You can also wash the sink with abrasives. Higher price (from 4 tr.). The average price is 12-30 thousand rubles. By the way, this is twice as expensive as a stainless steel sink.
Withstands impacts. If it suddenly falls on the sink cast iron frying pan, then the bowl/wing will not crack and the bottom will not fall out Fewer shade selection
Great resistance to temperature changes Recessed composite sinks cannot be repaired or polished
You can place hot dishes on the cast composite sink. For example, European sinks made of artificial stone can withstand temperatures up to 280 degrees, Russian ones - up to 180 degrees. For comparison: a hot frying pan heats up to 180-230 degrees
The chemical inertness of artificial stone allows you to clean the sink with any means - based on alkalis, acids, acetone, chlorine
Washing from artificial granite or quartz agglomerate does not turn yellow or fade over time
The service life of a composite sink is 10-15 years

Tip 2. The optimal ratio of stone chips and binder base is 80:20

Any artificial stone consists of a mineral component (granite or marble chips) and a binding component (polymer or acrylic resins). The quality of washing directly depends on their percentage in the composition. Each manufacturer has its own “proprietary recipe” for making the material and a patented name. For example, Franke called his “stone” fragranite, Blanco – silgranite, Teka – tegranite, and Omoikiri – tetogranite. How do you know which composite sink is better?

  • They say that the more stone chips and less resins in the material, the better. However, not everything is so simple here.

The fact is that the more stone chips in the material (for example, 85%) and the less binder, the more resistant to scratches and high temperatures the sink will be. But at the same time it becomes less impact resistant. And vice versa: sinks with a predominant binder component are more impact-resistant, but less resistant to scratches and contact with hot dishes/boiling water. Therefore, you should choose a sink made of artificial stone based on your needs. If you rarely use heavy cookware, then it makes sense to choose a model with a high mineral content.

  • Do you want to choose the average option? Look for a sink in which the proportion of stone chips is 80%, respectively the proportion of binder and additives is 20%.

Tip 3. “Marble” sinks are worse than “granite” and “quartz” ones

Artificial stone is made from granite, quartz or marble chips. Sinks from artificial marble(cast marble) are less impact-resistant and resistant to abrasion, scratches, temperature changes, and UV rays. But they are cheaper.

Tip 4. Buy an artificial stone sink only from a well-known manufacturer and from a company with good reviews

Sinks made of artificial stone (both cast and glued) can be ready-made (mortise/overlay and factory-made) and made to order (these are, as a rule, integrated models or models of non-standard sizes/shapes). In the latter case, the manufacturer must be chosen especially meticulously, because a lot depends on the “assembly”, and not just on the material. If an unscrupulous manufacturer violates the manufacturing technology or uses a fake instead of the declared Korean/German “stone,” the sink may simply burst.

  • Ideally, when choosing an artificial stone sink company, you need to focus on the reviews of those who have been using the sink for at least 2-3 years, and preferably about 5 years.
  • Also important criterion choice is to provide a guarantee. The longer its term, the more confident the manufacturer is in its product. Most companies offer a 1 year warranty, but some offer 3 or 5 years.
  • Ready-made mortise and overhead sinks made of artificial stone are produced by the following companies: Blanco, Franke, Longran, Poligran, Omoikiri, Granfest, Alveus, Zorg, Schock, etc.
  • Buy an acrylic sink made of “stone” famous manufacturers, for example, DuPont CORIAN, Staron, LG, Hi-macs, Samsung, Tristone, etc.
  • Avoid construction markets and nameless stores - you can run into fakes there. The safest thing to buy stone sinks at dealers and official representative offices.

Tip 5. Do you want a practical sink? Avoid buying a dark sink

Dark sinks are the most easily soiled. Limescale, rust, water drops and food debris on a black or dark brown background will be especially noticeable. The most practical sinks are beige and light brown with pronounced “speckles”.

Here are 3 cases when you should choose a stainless steel model instead of an artificial stone sink:

  • If you want to purchase a sink paired with a shredder. The fact is that due to vibrations and the weight of the chopper itself, the sink can crack (especially acrylic ones). In this case, it is better to choose stainless steel.
  • If you are used to piling up dishes in the sink, e.g. dishwasher. Stagnant water, liquids and pieces of food leave a residue on the bottom and sides of the bowl.
  • If practicality is your priority over aesthetics, only a stainless steel sink will give you the opportunity to:
  1. Drain the boiling water without turning on the cold water;
  2. Shake off any remaining food from a fork or spatula against the side of the bowl;
  3. Place hot dishes on the sink drain;
  4. Do not wash the dishes right away.

When choosing a sink made of artificial stone, pay attention to the presence of a small drawbar towards the center (towards the drain hole). This is necessary so that the water flows into the drain and does not stagnate at the bottom, leaving a dirty residue.

Tip 8. You can choose the same mixer for a sink made of artificial stone

So work zone your kitchen will become especially stylish. True, the color of the faucet will differ slightly from the sink. The difference in color is not a defect, because the sinks are made entirely of artificial stone, and the faucet is only coated with stone coating.

5 main rules for using artificial stone sinks

Such sinks are beautiful and hygienic, but you need to use them carefully, adhering to the following rules:

  1. Before pouring boiling water into the sink, ALWAYS run cold water into the sink first.
  2. It is advisable to place a rubber/silicone mat or stand on the bottom of the sink, which will protect the bottom from scratches and contact with hot dishes.
  3. Try not to accumulate dishes in the bowl, but wash them immediately.
  4. Do not use acetone-containing cleaners, aggressive oven cleaners or harsh abrasives to clean artificial stone sinks.
  5. Do not place hot utensils in the sink or on its drainer.

How to wash a LIGHT artificial stone sink?

Close the drain, fill the sink about ¼ full with water, add the cleaning solution and leave to soak for 15 minutes. At this time, wipe the rest of the bowl with the same liquid. Finally, open the drain, rinse and wipe the sink clean and dry.

And the last piece of advice: you need to start caring for your sink immediately from the moment of installation, then even the most capricious sink will serve you for a long time.

Comparison of sinks made of artificial stone with sinks made of stainless steel, ceramics and natural stone

If you are viewing the table on a smartphone, turn it to a horizontal position - this will allow the entire table to fit into the screen area.

Acrylic stone Artificial granite/marble/quartz Stainless steel Ceramic sink
Easy to clean +– + +–
Noise absorption + + *The problem is partially solved by a layer of sound insulation, which is attached to the bottom with reverse side bowls. In addition, a lot depends on the thickness of the steel. If it is thick, then the sink will be almost silent. +- *The ceramic sink does not rattle when water flows from the tap, but it can “ring” when it comes into contact with dishes
Scratch resistance + +
Resistant to impacts and falling heavy objects +- +
Invisibility of drops, streaks and deposits from hard water + + +
Possibility of local repairs (grinding scratches, chips) + +
Resistance to contact with hot dishes + + +
Resistance to sudden temperature changes + +
Chemical inertness +- + +-
Price Low Medium and high Low and medium High

If we consider the sink from a purely utilitarian point of view, it is a container intended for washing dishes, food, etc. But in kitchen design, the sink is also an interior object. So, when choosing this household item, you need to approach it not only from the point of view of practicality, but also take into account its aesthetic characteristics. These qualities are perfectly combined with artificial stone kitchen sinks, which are very popular today. But to do right choice, you need to have information. This article will tell you in great detail what sinks made of artificial stone are, analyze their advantages and disadvantages, and introduce them to reviews from their owners.

What is an artificial stone sink: composition, characteristics, photos

Sinks made of artificial stone are becoming increasingly popular. And for good reason - because they combine two essential qualities that are important for kitchen sinks: ease of use and very impressive appearance.

Sinks made of artificial stone look very stylish and expensive

The composition from which artificial stone for kitchen sinks is made includes:

  • mineral filler, which can be granite or marble chips, quartz sand, and various other materials that give the sink strength, as well as specific color and texture;
  • binding material – polymer or acrylic resin.

The most common types of artificial stone sinks:

Artificial stone sinks are produced by vibration casting in special fiberglass molds, which results in products of any shape, configuration and size.

During the manufacturing process, a special composition is applied to the sinks - gelcoat, which creates a protective layer and thanks to it the sinks become smooth, without pores, which allows you to increase the durability of the surface, extend the service life and maintain a presentable appearance for a long time.

Artificial stone sinks: advantages

Kitchen sinks made from cast stone have excellent performance characteristics: practicality, convenience, durability.

Artificial stone products are very durable

Another important characteristic is the stylish appearance and the ability to choose from a huge number of textures, colors and shapes of sinks.

Attention! AND granite sinks and products made from composite stone do not require any particularly complex care and are hygienically safe.

Thanks to a special technology developed by leading manufacturers, stone made artificially is not susceptible to the appearance of various types on its surface.

Impact resistant household chemicals: they do not deteriorate from the use of cleaning and detergents. Kerosene, alcohol, alkaline and acidic substances, and hydrogen peroxide leave no traces on them.

Important! Be very careful with acetone and nitric acid strong concentration: these substances can damage composite stone sinks.

A sink made of artificial granite is unlikely to be scratched by a fork or knife during washing, but they do not react well to the fall of various heavy objects - a crack or chip may form on the surface of the sink. To eliminate chips or cracks on an agglomerate sink, the participation of a specialist will be required.

If an artificial stone sink requires restoration, contact a specialist

You also need to be careful with sinks made of composite stone, as they are less resistant to mechanical stress. Not very washable High Quality, especially glossy ones, can suffer from heavy and sharp metal objects– scratches and dents may remain on their front part. If damage is detected, such a sink can be restored - to do this, you just need to wipe it problem area, with depressions and scratches, not too large sandpaper and then polish it. The broken pieces can be easily glued with acrylic glue, and not even a trace will remain on the surface.

Artificial agglomerated stone is not afraid of either too low or high temperatures (-30, +180). Also, do not be afraid of temperature changes; nothing will happen to the sink - no cracks, no erosion. You can, for example, drain the boiling water from the pasta and immediately put the fish in to defrost. The washer will not react at all.

Not all types of artificial stone sinks can withstand sudden temperature changes

Acrylic stone, on the contrary, reacts poorly to high temperature. If you pour boiling water into the sink, it must be with a stream cold water from the tap.

Another feature of a sink made of artificial stone is its silence - it does not make any noise during use: no clanging of dishes on the surface, no noise of falling water.

Artificial stone has good electrical insulation, which is useful to ensure safety in an environment where water and household electrical appliances can be used at the same time.

Artificial stone sinks: cons

Unfortunately, nothing is perfect in the world, and artificial stone sinks also have disadvantages:

How to wash and clean an artificial stone sink

Daily care Cleaning the sink is not difficult - just after use, wipe it with a sponge soaked in dishwashing liquid and rinse clean water

Use mild detergents to clean the sink

When heavy pollution The surface of an artificial stone sink can be wiped with a cleaning agent that does not contain abrasive particles. It is better to use creamy gels or pastes for this. Be sure to read the instructions on the package and use as directed there. It is better to clean with a hard sponge, but under no circumstances use metal scrapers or brushes. If there are stubborn stains from coffee, wine, or beets, you can wipe them with a slice of lemon and wash them off immediately.

Which artificial stone sink to choose: material, color, shape

After familiarizing yourself with the advantages of sinks made of acrylic and granite artificial stone, comparing their disadvantages, looking at photos, and also consulting your wallet, you can begin choosing a sink.

As has already been written, the quality of a sink made of artificial stone and its durability depend on the mineral filler that was used for its manufacture. The best sinks are filled with granite and quartz. The greater the proportion of granite in a product, the stronger, better quality and more expensive it is. Ideal composition: 80% granite particles and 20% polymer resins.

Synthetic granite sink

As for the choice of color, composite stone manufacturing technologies allow us to produce sinks of any shade of color and texture. There are sinks of all sorts of colors on sale, but those that resemble in color and texture are still more popular. natural stone: black, white, gray, beige. Although other colors are also in demand, for example: red, pink or blue. By the way, sinks retain their color even after 10-12 years of use.

Artificial stone sinks are made by casting, so consumers are provided with a huge number of products different shapes and size. Products are available with one or two bowls. In shape - oval, square and even in the shape of a butterfly or shell.

Granite sinks cannot boast of variety color palette. Their colors are closer to natural stone. The sizes and shapes of the sink are also not too varied.

Bright sink made of artificial stone in red color

And although choosing a sink is a matter of taste and financial capabilities, there are still several general recommendations:.

  • for ease of use, it is advisable to buy a wide and deep sink;
  • before purchasing a product, you need to carefully inspect it for cracks, scratches and chips, and for greater effect, it is advisable to run your palm over the surface;
  • think in advance where the sink will be installed and what shape and size is suitable for the chosen location. In a small kitchen it is better to take a compact round or square sink, without a wing and with one bowl;

Small sink made of artificial stone

  • if the size of the kitchen allows you to accommodate a large kitchen set, then it is better to take a sink with two bowls - it is much more convenient to use;
  • ask the seller for a product passport, which should contain: manufacturer, operating instructions, warranty card.

It doesn’t matter which sink you choose, what matters is how you feel about the product and how you handle it. If you properly care for and keep your sink clean, it will last long years.

Artificial stone sinks: reviews

Marina, Rostov

I've been using the Blanco sink for six months now. The sink is champagne-colored to resemble granite, pleasant, but slightly rough to the touch. Very convenient to use. I haven’t experimented with hot and cold—I try to handle it delicately. It always looks clean and new, although I don't clean it all the time. After use, I simply rinse with water and wipe with a soft sponge.

Blanco sink

Ruslana, Tver

I bought a small compact round sink Polygran F-05 and chose it for a small kitchen. The quality is very good, easy to clean and leaves no traces of grease. The only drawback- a little too small. It is inconvenient to wash large pots and baking trays in it. I want to buy the same quality, but square.

Kitchen sinks Granfest: video

Kitchen sinks made of artificial stone: photos

Kitchen sinks, made of stone, have recently become increasingly popular. Artificial and natural stone is used for their production. Many people prefer granite and marble sinks because they go well with other materials: wood, metal and tiles. In addition, such sinks are durable and the color can be matched to almost any interior. You can also order a stone sink of any size and shape (round, square, with one or more bowls). Such sinks are distinguished by their high hygiene, environmental friendliness, and ease of maintenance. Below we will look at the difference between these two types of stone.

Granite sinks

The product does not absorb moisture, since granite has a non-porous structure and is thermally stable. Thus, granite can withstand temperatures up to two hundred and eighty degrees. Therefore, if you apply boiling water to the sink, or put hot pans and pots in it, nothing will happen to it. In addition, granite sinks are frost-resistant. This is an excellent option for an unheated room. You can safely buy such a sink for country house or a dacha and it will withstand “downtime” during the cold season. Granite sinks are easy to maintain. If stainless steel products need to be wiped with a dry cloth, then drops of water are not visible on granite surfaces.

Granite sinks are characterized by silent operation. This is achieved due to the thickness of the composite bowl (it is one centimeter). The water jet entering the bowl is almost inaudible. This material is also scratch-resistant. Since microcracks never form in the bowl, it is impossible for pathogens to accumulate in it. Manufacturers today offer different types of boundary sinks:

  • corner;
  • with two bowls and a wing;
  • with one bowl and wing;
  • with one bowl.

If the kitchen has a corner cabinet, then it would be advisable to install corner sink. For a small kitchen, it is better to purchase a sink built into the countertop or a sink with one bowl, and if space allows, then with a wing and two bowls.

Marble sinks

Marble sinks also look presentable in the kitchen. Such products are not afraid of UV rays and heat in the kitchen. Since marble is a natural stone, it can have different shades. Thus, manufacturers offer sinks in light brown, gray, snow-white, creamy pink and green colors. Therefore, a marble sink can create an atmosphere of sophistication and luxury in the kitchen. Although outwardly it may seem that such a stone emanates coolness, it is pleasant to the touch.

Marble products are distinguished by their sound insulation properties. The stream of water entering the bowl is almost inaudible due to the large thickness of the walls. Sinks can also be repaired. Marble is soft material, which can be sanded if necessary. But the heat resistance of this material low. It is not recommended to place hot dishes in a marble sink. When pouring the remains of compotes and marinades into the sink, it should be rinsed immediately with clean water.

Quartz stone, which is used in the manufacture of kitchen furniture, is artificial material. Kitchen sinks and countertops are made from it. Quartz sinks have big amount advantages. They are valued primarily for their durability and aesthetic appearance.

However, like any other material, quartz also has its disadvantages. Therefore, before you decide to buy quartz furniture, you should study all the pros and cons of this material. It would also be useful to study the reviews of those who already have experience in using quartz products. In addition, it is worth finding out about analogues - such as marble or granite.


Manufacturing technology

The production process of quartz agglomerate is quite complex and multi-stage. The artificial stone is based on sand with the addition of natural quartz chips and various dyes. Polyester resins are used as a binding component.

  1. Pre-crushed rock quartz is mixed with other components in construction mixers. In this case, the share of quartz chips directly is up to 90% of the total volume of the composition.
  2. Next, the mixture is placed in a mold, where it is brought to a homogeneous state under a vacuum vibrating press to subsequently avoid micropores and cracks.
  3. After giving required form The product is fired in a kiln at a temperature of about 100 degrees. During the firing process, the resin hardens and acquires the very hardness for which quartz products are valued.

Like any other material, quartz agglomerate has its pros and cons. Let's consider the main advantages and disadvantages of this material.


Positive sides

  1. Quartz is particularly durable and is second only to diamonds and corundum in this indicator. It is resistant to chips, scratches and other mechanical damage.
  2. A sink made of this material is not afraid of moisture and steam.
  3. Unlike some natural stones, quartz does not absorb odors and is impervious to stains from coffee, wine, oil and other food products. It is also not afraid of alkali-containing household chemicals.
  4. Heat resistance. Products made from agglomerate are able to withstand temperature regime up to +280С. Therefore, you can safely lower a hot frying pan into the sink and pour boiling water.
  5. Silence. Many reviews note that, unlike metal surface, water, as well as dishes, when in contact with a quartz sink, does not make sounds, which irritate many.

Gelcoat coating provides shine and visual appeal. Thanks to it, the sink will also remain insensitive to ultraviolet radiation. Quartz products have an expensive look and fit perfectly into any style decision kitchen interior. The quartz surface can be given absolutely any color and texture that matches the furniture set. It can be a plain surface, or it can be a skillful imitation of marble or granite, or another type of stone.

Durability. A reputable manufacturer provides a guarantee for sinks and other products made from quartz agglomerate for an average of 10 years. Thanks to special production technologies, the quartz surface does not crack, so bacterial plaque does not form on it. This allows the use of quartz sinks not only in private houses and apartments, but also in public institutions - cafes, restaurants, industrial and school canteens, medical institutions, etc.



  1. First of all, the price. It is several times more expensive than the more affordable stainless steel option.
  2. Large weight of the finished product. Therefore, there are some difficulties with its transportation.
  3. The quartz surface not only creates a feeling of cold, but also feels cold to the touch. Therefore, you should carefully consider the color and design of the sink you order.
  4. The composite agglomerate, despite its strength, can still be damaged. In this case, it is not possible to independently correct the chip on the surface, since polishing of quartz products is carried out on machines.
  5. Difficulties at work. When processing quartz, diamond cutters are used, which heat up and must be periodically cooled in cold water.
  6. Due to the need to apply complex Technical equipment When making finished composite products, it takes a lot of time to give them a certain shape. This must be taken into account when ordering a sink of a non-standard shape.

Variety of shapes and sizes

Artificial quartz sinks can be given any shape and color. Round-shaped products embedded in the tabletop with a reduced depth of 45 cm are very popular. Sinks with a wing for clean dishes are very convenient to use. For consumer convenience, some manufacturers do not make a hole for the mixer so that the wing can be turned in any direction.

As for sinks built into the countertop, they certainly look very beautiful and organic. But due to the difficulty of processing this material, there are a number of restrictions on their production. For example, ready-made quartz slabs are practically never made larger than 300 cm. Therefore, experts advise giving preference to individual mortise sinks than built-in. This makes it easier to repair and cheaper to replace.

If desired, you can order a sink with a rectangular or square shape. Besides, modern manufacturers They offer customers a choice of sinks with two compartments. The main compartment is designed directly for dirty dishes - pots, plates and other kitchen utensils. An additional compartment can be used to store cutlery or fragile dishes: for example, tea cups, glass glasses.

The color range of quartz sinks, unlike metal ones, pleases with its variety. Depending on the color kitchen set you can choose neutral white or deep dark. Quartz can replicate absolutely any texture - be it granite or limestone. There are absolutely fantastic colors with small splashes of glitter that transform the appearance of the kitchen.

Thanks to the wealth of choice color range quartz sinks can be used in any interior style - be it cold high-tech or democratic Provence. As for the texture of the artificial stone sink. This is mainly done matte. But there are also glossy surfaces, although their choice is not so diverse.

Despite their artificial origin, such products will fit perfectly into both Scandinavian and Japanese styles, known for their passion for all things natural. Besides, modern technologies allow you to choose faucets that match the color of the sink, so that both the sink and the faucet look like a single whole.


To ensure that your sink pleases you for many years, it would not hurt to purchase additional accessories that will protect the surface of the sink from possible mechanical damage. This is especially true for inexpensive products, which may be inferior in quality to more expensive analogues.
