Perennial ornamental shrubs for the garden. Ornamental fruit bushes for the garden. Video: coniferous plants for the garden

To make your dacha landscape beautiful, you need to add as much variety to it as possible. Beds with vegetables, herbs and flower beds occupy the lower tier, fruit trees– the top one, but something is still missing. Ornamental shrubs are precisely the missing element of the composition that is placed in the middle tier. Even if you own a very small plot, this does not mean that you cannot place a couple of shrubs in it. In this article we will tell you how to choose the right ornamental trees and shrubs for your garden.

Agree that a garden where all the plants are lined up like in a parade is, at the very least, boring and unnatural. The art of landscape design lies precisely in not “going too far” and creating order in the face of natural beauty and apparent chaos. It’s not difficult to learn this, the main thing is to know more varieties plants and be able to combine them with each other. The easiest way to transform a garden is with the help of ornamental shrubs. These plants come in different heights, therefore, they allow you to fill all three tiers, creating a harmonious and complete composition.

Ornamental shrubs can serve not only as a treat for the eyes, but also perform useful functions. For example, if you plant them along a lattice fence, you can create additional living protection from penetration and prying eyes. With the help of shrubs, you can carry out zoning of the territory, separating, for example, a vegetable garden from a recreation area. Flowering shrubs cope especially well with this task, bringing life to the garden palette.

The classification of shrubs occurs according to several principles: frost resistance, flowering time, height, whimsicality, etc. For central Russia with its cold winters, many interesting cultures, both endemic and brought from other countries.

The most popular shrubs for the middle zone:

IN summer time you can enjoy the flowering of many shrubs: barberry, mock orange, rose, rose hip, weigela, etc. Some crops look most spectacular in the autumn: mahonia, rowan, cotoneaster, euonymus, abelia. In winter, nature rests, but even at this time you can enjoy the graceful forms of evergreen decorative coniferous shrubs. We will tell you in more detail about the seasonal selection of plants a little later.

"Lazy" garden

If a dacha for you is a place of relaxation and detachment from all pressing matters, then you should not plant fancy crops on it. There are a number of names of ornamental shrubs that are simply created to decorate a “lazy” garden. They develop well without excessive human intervention - you just need to water them occasionally and trim them with pruning shears.

To create a minimalist landscape design at your dacha, where plants are pleasing to the eye and do not require special care, you should, first of all, abandon lush garden flowers in favor of low ornamental shrubs. They can also bloom beautifully and produce interestingly shaped and colored foliage, but require much less attention.

Be guided simple principle: minimum hassle with maximum effect. For example, if the shrub is beautiful, but requires specific conditions (special soil composition, frequent watering, loosening, climate), and you are not able to provide them, refuse it. The same applies if the bush needs sunlight, and your site is located in the shade of the crowns of perennial trees. If you plant it regardless, it will be weak at best and will never bloom (it needs sunlight to bloom).

It’s another matter if the plant “loves” shade. Even if there are no trees on the site, it can be planted on the north side of the house, fence, garage, barn, etc. Be sure to find out whether the plant can withstand winter and what the lowest temperature it can withstand. Of course, it is better to choose frost-resistant varieties, then they will not have to be insulated for the winter.

The most time-consuming work in a lazy garden is pruning. However, you can avoid these responsibilities by choosing crops that naturally develop neatly. It is better if they are small in stature - such plants usually do not oppress neighbors and do not block their light, do not “spread” around the area and form a beautiful crown.

Flowering shrubs

If you like to care for plants and enjoy the fruits of your labors, an almost limitless range of ornamental flowering shrubs opens up before you. During flowering, such crops not only visually change the shape of the site, but also create an indescribable festive mood, lightness and joy. If you choose the right crops, you can enjoy this atmosphere most of the year, from early spring to late autumn.

Flowering shrubs can also serve useful functions by focusing on strategic important points area: entrance to the house, gate, toilet, veranda, etc.

Helpful Hint: When creating a site plan, you should consider not only maximum height shrub, but also its ability to develop in width. If necessary, both of these factors can be adjusted using pruning shears.

If the garden area is small, pay attention not only to the size of the bushes, but also to the timing of their flowering. You can plant the entire area with bushes that are inconspicuous and small at first glance, but they will bloom at different times, taking turns replacing each other and maintaining a festive atmosphere. Forsythia is one of the first to bloom. When the snow melts and the sun just begins to warm up, the small bush will bloom bright yellow flowers, but it will not even produce leaves yet. A very spectacular sight against the backdrop of flora that has barely begun to awaken. The second name of the plant is forsythia.

You can complement the flowering of forsythia with star magnolia and white fragrant flowers and frost-resistant Japanese rhododentron. And in mid-late May the lilac will bloom. Perfect for a small garden would be better suited Chinese lilac, which produces lush clusters, bending them to the very ground.

At the beginning of summer, the baton is taken over by the kolkvitsia with long branches strewn with flowers. And if you want to enjoy a riot of colors from July until the very beginning of autumn, plant Syrian hibiscus red, lilac, white and purple colors.

Spring blooming flowers for the garden

So, if you spend most of the warm season at the dacha, you should try to make sure that your time is enjoyable. To do this, you can plant special varieties of shrubs that will delight you with flowering from early spring until autumn.

Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs, blooming in spring:

  • spirea;
  • daphne;
  • japonica;
  • almond;
  • Canadian serviceberry;
  • forsythia;
  • Keria.

Wolfberry blooms with the first warm rays of the sun and gives off a rich aroma. However, the plant should be handled with care as it is poisonous. Too strong a scent of wolfberry can cause headaches. In May, the Canadian serviceberry begins to bloom, blooming small flowers collected in clusters (very similar to bird cherry). This plant is also notable for the fact that in the fall it again attracts attention, changing green color foliage to purple.

Elderberry, rowan and viburnum look great in a garden decorated in rustic style. Traditionally, they were planted at the entrance to the site, near the porch or well. In late autumn and winter, bright fruits remain on the bushes, contrasting effectively against the snow-white background.

In late spring and early summer, lilacs bloom, filling the air with a sweet aroma. The advantage of lilac is its diversity - you can choose a bush of any size with flowers of any color. It comes in white, pink, crimson, purple and lilac. Few people know, but lilac is absolutely hypoallergenic, so you don’t have to worry about spring aggravation. For regions with a mild climate close to the Mediterranean, magnolias and rhododendrons are suitable.

Summer blooming flowers for the garden

The peak of flowering of shrubs occurs in late spring and early summer. Among the summer-flowering varieties in middle lane the most popular are barberry, scumpia, hydrangea, mock orange and weigela. Also, many people like to grow honeysuckle - it gives lush color and healthy berries.

Leather mackerel blooms very interestingly - the bush is covered with small flowers collected in panicles. From a distance, such a sight resembles a light haze around a bush.

Deutzia blooms in June-July, decorating the garden plot with pink and white flowers. Another notable shrub is the Syrian hibiscus. It appeared not so long ago, but immediately gained extraordinary popularity due to its wide color palette and lush flowering.

Autumn-blooming flowers for the garden

At the beginning of autumn, luxurious hydrangea flowers begin to appear. If you plant it in the form of a hedge, you can create a very impressive composition.

Plant ordinary heather on your site and you will receive not only an autumn decoration of the landscape, but also useful medicinal raw materials. Heather has a sedative, hypnotic, antiseptic and diaphoretic effect. Its lifespan can reach 45 years, so the plant will be beneficial for a long time.

And so that your garden continues to delight in winter time, plant European euonymus, yew berry, hawthorn or rowan in it.

Even the most unpretentious ornamental shrubs for the garden need to be planted correctly so that they grow and develop rapidly. Like all ornamental crops, planting and replanting should be done in early autumn, when the plant has already bloomed and has begun to go into dormancy (this way it is more likely to withstand stress). The most important thing is to ensure that the plant takes root before the onset of frost.

Rules for planting shrubs:

  1. Be sure to take into account the type of shrub, its frost resistance and requirements for care, soil, and watering.
  2. Before planting, remove all weeds by the roots and remove upper layer soil.
  3. The hole for the bush should be 2-3 times larger than root system plants. To do this, try on a seedling and dig a corresponding hole.
  4. Loosen the walls and bottom of the hole with a pitchfork so that more oxygen gets into the soil. It is also recommended to add peat, compost or long-acting fertilizer to the soil for faster rooting.
  5. In the very center of the hole, it is better to immediately drive a peg for further staking of the plant. If you do this after planting, you can damage the root.
  6. Lower the roots of the seedling into the hole, straighten them and cover them with soil, then carefully compact it.
  7. To prevent water from spreading over the compacted soil when watering, but seeping into it, form an earthen barrier around the entire perimeter of the bush. After this, you can water the plant and tie it to a peg 25-40 cm from the ground.

That's all the trouble required for successful rooting and growth. Beautiful ornamental low frost-resistant shrubs can be planted without stakes, but the technology is basically the same. Now all that remains is to monitor the vigorous growth of your new pet and wait for it to bloom.

Ornamental shrubs: photos

To decorate the garden, it is enough to grow several ornamental shrubs on the site. They can transform paths and open areas, as well as delight the eye with bright colors. Shrubs can be either flowering or non-flowering. Their varieties will be discussed further.

To decorative flowering shrub fits well into the garden landscape, it is necessary Consider several important criteria:

  • Decorativeness. This is a key point to always remember. All shrubs differ in their height, crown shape, color of leaves and flowers.
  • Height. You must always pay attention to the compositional structure of the garden. So, in a small area it is better to plant compact varieties that do not have a spreading crown. If you want to make a hedge from shrubs, then fast-growing tall crops are suitable. At the same time, you need to make sure that the crown will look beautiful at any time of the year.
  • Features of cultivation. Climatic conditions play an important role. So, some varieties feel good in semi-shaded areas, while others begin to bloom only in bright light.

It's best to choose unpretentious plant. It must be remembered that a flowering shrub for a garden should ideally bloom for at least 2 seasons.

Most gardeners advise purchasing seedlings with a closed root system. Such trees can be planted not only in late spring, but also in late autumn, as well as in winter.

Choosing ornamental shrubs depending on the season


The following shrubs are ideal for cold regions and the middle zone:

In regions with a mild climate, it is worth planting camellias, rhododendrons, magnolias, witch hazel and azaleas.


  • Weigela. Flowering is observed throughout the summer.
  • Barberry. In early June, bright yellow flowers appear on the plant. In their place, red berries are formed in the fall. Barberry foliage has a beautiful dark color burgundy shade.
  • Hydrangea. Blooms in mid-summer. The buds can have different shades: white, purple, pink and burgundy. The decorative appearance of the shrub lasts until October-November.
  • Mackerel leather. In summer, the plant is covered with a huge number of small flowers, which is why the shrub is often called smoky. On sale there is a variety called Royal Purple, the leaves of which change from burgundy to bright orange in the fall.


  • Paniculata hydrangea. It is distinguished by its durability and frost resistance. Her decorative properties last for 20-30 years.
  • Euonymus. In summer, crimson flowers appear on the bush, and with the onset of autumn, the foliage turns purple.
  • Rowan. This shrub is considered decorative throughout the year.


Not only evergreen conifers, but also shrubs with an original crown are ideal for winter. For example, it could be white derain, whose bark takes on a bright red hue with the onset of cold weather. Plants that have a lot of bright berries on their branches also look great in the winter garden. It's about about holly, rosehip and yew berry.

Landscape design and flowering shrubs

Similar crops in the garden can be plant with tapeworm, that is, one by one. However, they will not always look good, so most gardeners prefer to plant 3 shrubs side by side. They are positioned so that the tallest plant is in the back and the shortest in the front. You can revive the composition with the help of low-growing flowers, large stones or ornamental grasses. The ensembles look advantageous next to the terrace, pond or near the path. With their help you can hide a blank wall or part of a fence.

Decorative flowering shrubs for the garden


Before planting a flowering shrub, you must choose appropriate place in the garden. It should be remembered that plants with red and bicolor leaves need good lighting, because such interesting shades will be invisible in the shade. You should also take into account the requirements for soil, humidity and air temperature.

Before planting, it is necessary to mark the site where the plants will be located. Then you need to carefully remove the top layer of soil and lay it on film. Next we prepare planting pits, the size of which should be 2 times the size of the root system. A mixture of garden soil, peat and humus is laid out at the bottom of the hole. In some cases it is recommended to add small quantity sand. You can also add mineral or organic fertilizer. The holes are watered with water and wait until it is completely absorbed.

The seedlings are carefully placed in the hole, and then the resulting composition is evaluated. If everything suits you, then you just need to fill the hole with earth, compact it and make a small roller, which will help prevent water from spreading when watering. After this, the bushes are watered and the soil is mulched.

Spectacular flowering shrubs

  • Rose. It's pretty capricious plant, which will require a lot of effort to care for. Beginning gardeners should give preference to park varieties, which are quite unpretentious. Their downside is that they bloom once per season. The most beautiful varieties include Shevchenko, Hansa and Ritausma.
  • Jasmine. Such shrubs show off in almost every garden. Flowering is observed already at the beginning of summer. So, many snow-white flowers appear on the branches. IN landscape design plants are used to decorate alleys and create hedges. The ornamental shrub is considered shade-tolerant, but the most abundant flowering observed only on plants that are planted in a sunny area. The most beautiful varieties are considered to have an architectural crown shape. These are pyramidal jasmine and the Virgin variety.
  • Bladderwort. A medium-sized shrub, whose height is 1.5-2 m, is ideal for creating hedges. The plant has burgundy and green leaves, red-brown bark and interestingly shaped inflorescences. The bush can be trimmed periodically, thanks to which it decorative look lasts for a year. The fruits of the plant look especially beautiful, the color of which varies from green to rich red. The most popular varieties are Diabolo, Summer Vine and Coppertina.
  • Rhododendron. Such shrubs are often used to create various compositions in the garden. Most decorative varieties Blue Peter, Alfred and Violet are considered.
  • Deren. This shrub is very popular among gardeners. Its height often reaches 3 m. The characteristics of the plant are considered to be coral-red branches and a bluish coating on the shoots. Flowering occurs at the end of May and lasts until the beginning of autumn. The inflorescences resemble panicles and umbrellas. IN autumn period the shrub still remains decorative, since its foliage changes its shade to bronze-crimson. In winter, a plant with dark brown shoots looks impressive against the backdrop of evergreen conifers and white snow. Derain can be planted singly or in a composition. He tolerates haircuts well. The most decorative varieties were Gold Star, Rubra and Cherokee Princess.
  • Lilac. The plant needs regular pruning, otherwise it will grow greatly. So, at the beginning of spring, it is necessary to leave 10 powerful shoots that will set the shape, and the remaining branches should be cut off. After flowering has finished, all damaged shoots must be removed. In spring, fertilizing is required three times. A solution of bird droppings is ideal for this purpose. The best varieties Alice Harding, Condorcet, Paul Thirion are considered.
  • Japonica. Although this plant is considered conditionally frost-resistant, it can suffer from severe cold. So, shoots that are not hidden under the snow will freeze, which means there will be no abundant flowering. At the beginning of spring, sanitary pruning is carried out: all dry and damaged shoots are removed. At the age of 5, you can begin to form a curly bush. In this case, horizontal shoots cannot be trimmed. 10 years after planting, the bushes need to be rejuvenated. Only 7-10 strong branches are left on them. Japanese quince blooms in late spring.
  • Buddleya. This shrub blooms from mid-summer to October. Although the plant is considered heat-loving, it can survive the average winter provided proper preparation to the cold. Buddleya needs sanitary pruning. You can also have a curly haircut if desired.
  • Bloodroot. The shrub is considered unpretentious and winter-hardy. Flowering occurs from May to August. The plant needs good drainage, fertilizing in early spring and regular pruning of faded blossoms in summer. The best varieties are Goldstar, Abbotswood and Pink Beauty.
  • Heather. It is a creeping shrub that blooms in late summer and lasts until September. In order for the plant to develop well, it is necessary to prepare the right soil. It should be a mixture of sand, sawdust, peat and pine needles. You can water heather only with oxidized water. For the winter, the plant is covered with spruce paws. The most beautiful varieties are Million, Allegro and Alba Plena.

Ornamental shrubs are best decoration for any garden. From them you can create group compositions, flower alleys and hedges. To make a garden continuous flowering, it is necessary to plant several different types and varieties that bloom at different times of the year.

Do you know that in garden plots you can avoid planting flowers at all, but get by with planting only ornamental shrubs. If you select them correctly according to growth and flowering time, then you will have a constantly blooming and original garden. What will you get in the end? Minimum hassle and maximum relaxation. Of course, I have never seen anyone have such a garden, because it is impossible to refuse annual and perennial flowers.

However, shrubs occupy a separate niche in gardening. Let's figure out together which ornamental shrubs for gardening are the most popular and how to grow them.

Beauty under the windows. I immediately wanted to go to the dacha...

Classification of ornamental shrubs

I cannot give a definite answer as to whether it is easy or difficult to care for shrubs. It all depends on the specific species. I personally I give preference exclusively to unpretentious ones: I planted, watered, trimmed and admired it. The lack of free time will not give me the opportunity to cover pampered shrubs before winter or constantly water and fertilize them.

I tried to divide all the plants into groups. I consider only deciduous ones, without touching on coniferous ones (they also belong to shrubs).

  • In terms of decorativeness - deciduous and flowering. The decorative properties of leaves, for example, can be noted in dogwood, euonymus, spirea and silver oleagin. Among those blooming, some of the most beautiful are jasmine (mock orange, lilac, forsythia). Flowering shrubs focus the eye on themselves and contribute to the spatial perception of the garden as a single composition.
  • Short and tall. Miniature ones - as a rule, are planted in small gardens, on our 6 acres. They fit perfectly into small landscape compositions (spirea, cinquefoil,). How else to use them? As a border or together with large plants. At the same time, they should be planted at the foot of large trees and bushes to smooth out sharp transitions.
  • With creeping roots- for example, silver sucker and fieldfare. You must also be prepared for such a turn, otherwise these “creepers” will fill the garden worse than weeds.
  • Fruit bearing. This special kind shrubs that not only decorate the garden, but also bear fruit (chokeberry, honeysuckle, serviceberry, barberry, sea buckthorn, etc.).

Blooming chokeberry.

  • Frost-resistant(hawthorn, viburnum, barberry) and thermophilic(forsythia).

Heat-loving forsythia.

  • Shade-tolerant(hydrangea) and light-loving(, fieldfare).
  • Spring, summer and autumn flowering shrubs. Correct selection according to the timing of flowering, it will provide decorativeness to your garden throughout the season. Let's start with May forsythia, which has festive bright yellow flowers strewn across its branches. Unfortunately, all my efforts to raise her were unsuccessful: she froze to death. She's too thermophilic. By the end of May the lilac will show in all its glory. In June you can enjoy the flowers of spirea, viburnum, jasmine, barberry, Japanese quince, and from July hydrangea will enter its blooming season, the flowering of which will continue until autumn.

Crown formation

When forming the landscape design of a garden plot using decorative shrub plants It is worth paying special attention to their height and width. Plants have the ability to grow greatly under favorable conditions. But this is not a problem - the parameters of the bushes can be easily adjusted using garden hedge trimmers, secateurs and scissors.

I try to do everything carefully!

This is a very exciting activity. I always try to form a beautiful crown, including that of shrubs. I use a ball to trim dogwood, fieldfare and hydrangea.

How to use ornamental shrubs in your dacha

Depending on the role you define for the ornamental shrub, you need them plant in different ways:

  • single landing;
  • hedge;
  • background for garden compositions;
  • group plantings.

Single planting will require you to choose a location for optimal viewing of the shrub. Areas near the house, near the gate, opposite the window are suitable for this. A hedge, such as spirea, can be used instead of a fence. Shrubs with decorative leaves can become either a background for flower arrangements, or become an integral part of the flower garden yourself. Group plantings of shrubs are excellent for fencing off some functional zones in the garden plot, which will create special comfort.

Young shrubs along the new fence: jasmine, elderberry, dogwood, fieldfare and hydrangea.

The most unpretentious shrubs - my choice


My favorite shrub, I would say, the garden's favorite jewel. What are its advantages over other ornamental shrubs? I chose it for its long flowering, durability, unpretentiousness, frost resistance, resistance to diseases and pests and minimal care. By the way, it can also grow on acidic soils, which is completely uncharacteristic for many plants. I grow it as a single plant, but it looks great as a hedge.

The hydrangea bush right next to the gate deserves special attention.

There are a large number on sale beautiful views. I note, however, that not every one of them is adapted to central Russia. Through mistakes in choosing a variety (many of those I bought did not winter well) I settled on broadleaf and paniculata hydrangea.

Broadleaf hydrangea can be called the most common among summer residents.

The broadleaf hydrangea inflorescence is impeccable.

It grows very quickly and reaches 1-2 meters. It’s hard to believe, but in the subtropics it is 4 m high. Its spherical inflorescences delight me with their beautiful shape and large size - 20 cm. It blooms in July for about a month.

Hydrangea paniculata is very frost-resistant and every year it becomes more magnificent and beautiful.

And this is how paniculata hydrangea blooms.

It blooms for a very long time - in August and September. I probably can’t name a single shrub that would bloom in the second half of summer.

Hydrangeas are very easy to propagate. I do this by retracting the lower branch. I dig a small trench, bend the branch, secure it with wire and sprinkle it with soil. I water it periodically. Roots form very quickly. Then it will be enough to cut the branch and plant the young plant in a permanent place.

Silver goof

In my opinion, a very attractive shrub with silvery leaves. Looks great against the background. Its small yellow flowers are completely unattractive. However, they emit a very pleasant smell. As my mother said: “Smells like French perfume.” There are no problems with its cultivation - it grows well in well-lit areas and.

Silver goof.

I would note 2 of its shortcomings, which are easy to get rid of. First - rapid growth of the crown, which sticks out ugly in different sides. I shape it by cutting. Second - creeping roots. The sucker periodically pops up in my different parts garden I either cut it off or dig up the rooted shoot and distribute it to anyone who wants it.

Who is it that stands out so much with its silver?
It is he!

Jasmine, or mock orange

No recommendations needed: The flowers bloom abundantly, the aroma of the flowers is wonderful, frost-resistant, and does not cause any illness. I would note only one feature of caring for it: every 4-5 years it is necessary to cut out old branches, and at the end of each summer, slightly clear it of thickened branches.

Not everyone may have heard about mock orange, but everyone has probably heard the smell of jasmine.


There are short and tall ones. My low-growing Japanese spirea has very beautiful yellowish leaves with lilac flowers, and my tall one has snow-white inflorescences. I form the low one into a ball, and I also don’t let the big one grow too much. Spiraea excellent honey plants, attracting bees.

Spirea - a piece of Japan on a summer cottage.

I can classify this plant as completely unpretentious. It does not impose any requirements on soils, lighting, or fertilizers. A gardener's dream.


It is called so because the leaves are similar to rowan. But that's where his similarities to her end. His beauty is not only in the leaves, but also in the panicle flowers.

Fieldfare - beauty in panicles.

Its significant drawback is root growth, which constantly crawls to its neighbors. You have to fight it with pruning shears. As for the rest, it is absolutely unpretentious. True, it does not tolerate transplantation quite well.


His can only be described with positive epithets- spreading, beautiful, with leaves that change color throughout the season, unpretentious and undemanding to soil.

Watercolor paints of barberry.

Its miniature forms can decorate flower beds, and more tall plants They look great both as tapeworms and in group plantings and hedges. Barberry has a slight drawback when planting - it is prickly.

I recommend buying ornamental shrubs at garden centers. If I take seedlings from friends, I know exactly what it looks like as an adult and how it was grown. So, all my hydrangeas, fieldfare and silver eagles are gifts from friends, grown from cuttings. I bought the rest of the shrubs from nurseries.

In the background is a fieldfare.
Flowers in the center - .
On the front there are conifers - .

I love all my plants very much: both with decorative leaves and especially flowering ones. It seems to me that they are not only decorate my favorite garden, but also create in it holiday feeling, make the dacha plot very attractive.

Choosing perennial shrubs for your garden, you need to take into account their future dimensions, color, character and growth rate, texture and flowering time. Exactly flowering perennials give the garden a special decorative effect. And even after flowering, voluminous bushes create a backdrop for annual flowers or simply serve as a hedge.

Let's talk about the most popular flowering perennial shrubs, which, together with trees, will shape the image of your garden for many years.

In this article we reviewed the most interesting perennials from the point of view of landscape design. They can be planted alone or in groups. With their help you can decorate a house, fence or gazebo. Landscape designers often use them to create interesting compositions. So…

Blooming perennials

Perhaps the top three most popular plants in our gardens are lilac, jasmine and viburnum. These are large, colorful and luxurious perennial shrubs. They fill the garden with a wonderful aroma and create a saving shade.


Kalina– perennial unpretentious shrub. It is almost a symbol of the vast Russian expanses. Viburnum is mentioned in songs, poems, and films. Gardeners value it both for its decorative value and for its benefits. This perennial decorates the garden almost all season. In spring, viburnum blooms with large white caps, and in autumn it decorates the garden with bright red fruits. The benefits of all parts of this plant have been scientifically proven. They also love viburnum for its unpretentiousness. It easily tolerates shade and frost. Grows well in temperate climates of Europe and Asia. It is not surprising that this perennial shrub is so loved by many gardeners. They love him for lush flowering, and for the bright autumn foliage, and for the abundance of healthy berries.


Lilac is popular in almost every corner of the world. They love it for its unpretentiousness, aroma and lush beautiful flowering. A wide variety of species and varieties allow you to choose the lilac of the desired shade and flower shape for your garden.

However, not everyone knows about beneficial properties this perennial shrub. The buds, flowers, bark and leaves of the plant have medicinal properties. Infusions, decoctions, teas, compresses and ointments are made from lilac. The rejuvenating properties of a mask made from lilac flowers are known. Infusions help with colds, rheumatism and neuralgia.

In terms of use in landscape design, lilacs will be at home in any garden. Mature lilac bushes look equally good in both solitary and group plantings. Also, lilac goes well with many other flowering shrubs, for example, mock orange (jasmine).


Syringa, which is so often found in our gardens, is not actually a true jasmine. His correct name mock orange This perennial shrub, which we associate with jasmine, is rightfully considered a royal perennial. It is valued for the beauty of its flowering, aroma and unpretentiousness. Jasmine (mock orange) is considered one of the most beautifully flowering perennial shrubs. Indeed, a garden with blooming jasmine is an incredible sight. The height of these shrubs, depending on the region of our country, can reach from 1 to 4 meters. Several types of jasmine with different shades of flowers and different terms flowering.

For lovers of the unusual, you can take a closer look at the variety mexican jasmine, whose flowers smell like orange.


Hydrangea– magnificent blooming perennial shrub. Beloved by everyone, never going out of fashion for many years, luxurious - hydrangea really deserves all these epithets. During flowering it produces a truly spectacular sight. Gardeners value hydrangea for its variety of forms and wide palette of colors. Most types of hydrangea grow from 1 to 3 meters. Like many other perennials, hydrangea is good both in single planting and in a row. It is also valued for the fact that it blooms from spring to autumn. The amazingly beautiful inflorescences are also used in dry bouquets. This is a plant loved by florists. Despite its aristocratic appearance, hydrangea is not considered too capricious. This perennial shrub is quite easy to grow and care for and tolerates partial shade. You can read about growing methods.


Elder- a perennial shrub grown not only for decorative, but also for medicinal purposes. However, we must admit that elderberry is not as popular in our gardens as we would like. Possible reason- She's too tall. In the south it grows from 3 to 10 m. This deficiency can be controlled by proper pruning. As for decorativeness, elderberry has something to boast about. She has a lush, thick and curly crown. Elderberry blossoms are very spectacular. Blooms in May-June. Only black elderberry has edible fruits.

This perennial shrub is also famous for its aroma. The berries and inflorescences make excellent and healthy wines and jams. And black elderberry juice has tonic, antiviral, antipyretic, expectorant and antifungal properties.

There are, however, also unpleasant-smelling types of elderberry. They are used to repel pests, bedbugs and rodents.

Elderberry can be in the form of a bush or a tree. Tolerates shade well and is unpretentious. It is valued in landscape design as a fast-growing perennial with lacy foliage and expressive foliage.


Euonymus is very popular in ornamental gardening. This perennial shrub is equally good in both single and group plantings. It is valued for its attractive crown. The foliage is picturesque in both spring and autumn. There are varieties with spotted and edged leaves. The variety of ornaments makes the euonymus unsurpassed in decorating a site. It is widely used to decorate fences or outbuildings. And in autumn the garden literally glows with colors. Euonymus looks especially impressive against the backdrop of a green lawn at a time when other plants are dying off. For the same reason, landscape designers love to decorate alpine slides with them.

Today, many species of euonymus are known, among which there are tall and dwarf varieties. Interesting creeping forms.

Euonymus comes in both shrub and tree form. This perennial is considered unpretentious. It tolerates pruning well and is resistant to adverse external conditions.


Budleya- a spectacular perennial shrub, reaching a height of 1.5-3 m. In landscape design, it is valued for its color palette, spreading shape and luxurious clusters of flowers. Color palette– the most diverse, including rich orange and raspberry colors. Buddleia inflorescences, depending on the species, are in the form of a panicle or spherical. Because of its resemblance to lilac, buddleia is sometimes called autumn lilac. This perennial has earned another nickname - a magnet for butterflies, as beautiful large butterflies literally flock to the fragrant honey-bearing flowers. Among the variety of species for your garden, you can choose enough winter-hardy varieties budleys.

Budleya is widely used in landscape design. It blooms almost from spring to autumn, which undoubtedly expands the possibilities of garden decoration. Buddleia looks especially beautiful as a solo plant or against the background of green conifers.

This perennial also has one interesting feature - on the bush you can simultaneously see buds, open flowers, and fruits.


Spirea- an elegant perennial shrub with arching branches. Rarely exceeds 2 m in height. There are weeping, pyramidal, creeping, cascading and erect forms. Spiraea also differ in the shape and color of the leaves. There are many varieties that are valued for their original decorative foliage.

Spireas are divided into 2 types - spring-flowering and summer-flowering. Thanks to this diversity, these perennials widely used in landscape design. Experts advise using different types of spirea in creating compositions - with different colors and different flowering periods.

Weeping and creeping forms of spirea look good in single plantings. Low-growing species perfectly decorate alpine slides and borders.

Even in winter, spirea look beautiful against the background of snow. For winter garden Spireas with decorative foliage are good.


Wisteria, or wisteria, is a charming tree-like vine native to East Asia. Unfortunately, it is not widespread throughout our country due to cold intolerance. However, we have already learned how to grow it in the south or in a greenhouse. It's luxurious perennial with cascades of hanging inflorescences has captivated many gardeners. In Japan, a walk through a garden with fragrant blooming wisteria is called heaven.

In landscape design, wisteria is used to decorate gazebos, terraces, trellises and other household buildings. Even the most inconspicuous old barn, entwined with beautiful wisteria, turns into a luxurious landscape object. This perennial vine is deservedly called the queen among all garden vines. Abundant and long flowering, sweet aroma and clouds of delicate colors leave no one indifferent.

At home, wisteria can reach 20 m. Therefore, reliable shelter for the winter in our latitudes is the most difficult task for gardeners. Also, wisteria (wisteria) is successfully grown in tubs and in the form standard tree. But still, in vertical gardening, this perennial plant has no equal.


Rhododendron- a magnificent perennial flowering shrub, including about 800 species of evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs. Translated from Greek, rhododendron means “rose tree.” In free plantings it is found mainly in south-east Asia, on mountain slopes and sea coasts.

The variety of species allows you to choose specimens for yourself and with very small flowers, and with large ones up to 20 cm in diameter. There are creeping shrubs. Rhododendron is popular not only because of its amazingly beautiful flowers. It has beautiful colorful decorative foliage that changes shades in the autumn.

Rhododendron is also an excellent honey plant, although beekeepers have a special opinion on this matter. It is believed that the nectar collected from rhododendrons is “drunk”. The bees literally get drunk when collecting such honey. Therefore, many beekeepers do not like to locate their apiaries in the area where these plants grow. the most beautiful perennials. Although many argue that it all depends on the variety of rhododendron.

This flowering shrub has earned its fame as a royal flower over the centuries. Many experts compare its beauty with the queen of flowers herself - !

This is a true aristocrat among flowering perennials. And like all beauties, rhododendron has a rather capricious disposition. Growing it is quite troublesome. He has special preferences for soil composition, air humidity, planting location and amount of light.

However, more and more people want to plant rhododendron in their garden every year. In the end, he rewards the most persistent ones with lush and amazingly beautiful blooms, pleasing almost all summer.

Rhododendrons are good in both group and solitary plantings. Look great when creating hedges and on the lawn. Landscape designers recommend planting low-growing varieties of this perennial on rocky hills and as a border plant.


Honeysuckle represents perennial shrub, both upright and climbing. This is very beautiful plant, widely used in landscape gardening and decorating alleys and gazebos. Climbing honeysuckle creates charming hedges and is perfect for terrace landscaping. The most common types of honeysuckle in our country bloom from late May to mid-June.

The variety of varieties of decorative honeysuckle allows you to choose a variety for your garden in the form of shrubs, trees and vines. Gardeners value this plant for the delicacy of its flowers and rich colors. It is believed that once you try to grow honeysuckle, you will never give it up.

IN last years Growing edible honeysuckle became popular. It is a shrub up to 2 m high. The berries are healthy and tasty, with a slight sourness. Some sources say that honeysuckle is even superior to blueberries and blackberries in terms of the content of useful substances.


Clematis (clematis) – very popular flowering perennial. This is a fast-growing wintering and greenhouse plant. It can be in the form of vines or shrubs. In Russia, clematis appeared in the 19th century, and were first grown as greenhouse plants.

Over almost 2 centuries, breeders have created many varieties and species that differ in many respects. In some clematis, the flowers are collected in a semi-umbrella, in others in a panicle or shield. There are small-flowered clematis with a flower diameter of up to 5 cm. There are large-flowered ones with a diameter from 6 to 25 cm. The color of the flower is very diverse - pink, white, crimson, lilac, purple and even almost black.

Semi-shrub clematis have a lignified lower part that successfully winters and an upper part that dies off annually. This perennial has the ability to cling to the branches of bushes, trees and various supports, securely entwining them with its cuttings.

Clematis is rightfully considered one of the favorites in landscape design. These charming vines quickly and beautifully decorate walls, balconies, gazebos, arches, fences and roofs. They are loved for the unusual and bright colors, for their wonderful aroma and unpretentiousness. This perennial allows you to create complex garden compositions together with other plants, enriching the garden pattern.

The ideal combination is clematis with roses. If you want to truly enjoy the blooms of these magnificent flowers, choose varieties of roses and clematis that bloom at the same time. Other classic combinations include clematis with hydrangea, budlea, hops and barberry.


Shrub rose – perennial worthy of writing entire treatises. Within the framework of this article, we can only talk about it in passing. This is the favorite plant of all gardeners. There is probably no garden in which a rose would not grow.

The Queen of the Garden, beautiful and diverse, has captivated kings and ordinary gardeners all over the world since ancient times. Its fame as the most luxurious plant in the world has firmly established itself.

All types of roses are widely used in landscape design - climbing, standard, bush, hybrid tea, ground cover, polyanthus and miniature. All of them perfectly decorate small gardens, grandiose parks, small romantic corners and large garden compositions.

In terms of beauty and aroma, this perennial is one of the most perfect among decorative plants. flowering plants. Such a variety of bright and delicate shades of color and scent belongs only to roses.

No wonder this royal plant decorates gardens in many countries around the world. Roses are good both on the edge of the lawn and in the center of the lawn, against the background of coniferous plants and in combination with other shrubs, such as clematis. They look good against the background of stone, forged metal or wood.

Pyramids of roses, arches and even whole pink walls- all this great options using roses in garden design. And some experienced gardeners create entire streams of ground cover roses in their gardens!

Rose hip

Rose hip- probably the most common perennial shrub in our gardens. It is grown both as a source of healthy berries and as a hedge. The rose hip is a close relative of the rose and is a wild shrub. Forming extensive thorny thickets, it reliably protects the fence from uninvited guests. In spring, this perennial blooms with simple but very pretty flowers.

In the fall, it gifts its owners with healthy red berries, which are valued by their medicinal properties. The fruits left on the rose hips serve as excellent food in winter and enliven the winter garden.


Thorny hawthorn bushes allow you to create a real impenetrable fence. A mature bush sometimes reaches 5-6 m. Hawthorn bushes can become a real obstacle not only for uninvited guests, but also for neighboring pets. Hawthorn needs regular pruning. If not trimmed, it can turn into impassable thickets.

Hawthorn is also planted in the garden for its healthy berries. They have long been attributed to both medicinal and magical properties. They healed heart diseases and drove away evil spirits. Due to its rich unique composition, hawthorn fruits are also used in official medicine.

Mahonia holly

Mahonia holly– evergreen perennial shrub. Thanks to its greenery, mahonia decorates the garden all year round. The leaves are naturally spiny and glossy. Their rich color goes well with yellow flowers, which in the south of our country appear at the end of autumn. In colder latitudes, flowering begins in the spring. This is an incredibly decorative shrub that decorates the garden both in winter and summer. Mahonia berries and flowers look especially impressive against the backdrop of a blazing autumn garden. As green berries ripen, they acquire a dark purple color with a bluish tinge. Clusters of berries are similar to clusters of grapes and ripen towards the end of summer.

Mahonia holly is often used in landscape design. Thanks to his unusual looking, she alternately pleases her viewers with foliage, clusters of blue berries, and bright yellow inflorescences. This perennial looks great as a single plant, as a lawn plant, as an addition to a stone composition, or as a hedge.

Besides, Mahonia- a very useful plant. The berries contain a lot of vitamin C, the roots have antibacterial properties, which is why they are widely used in folk medicine.


Weigela– an ornamental perennial shrub from the honeysuckle family. This beautiful flowering plant It was very popular with both gardeners and landscape designers. Weigela is valued for its high decorative properties. The ability of weigela to bloom twice per season allows you to create diverse compositions. The first abundant flowering occurs in May-June, captivating all spectators with its grandeur. Flowering is long lasting, lasting almost a month. Second time this perennial blooms in early autumn, revitalizing an already tired garden. Some varieties of weigela have a wonderful smell. The specificity of this plant is large, tubular, drooping flowers with an unusual color. So one flower can have several shades of color at once.

This perennial is unusually good in both single and group plantings. It is often grown as a hedge. Because of its spreading crown with beautiful leaves, weigela looks decorative even after flowering.

Weigela- perennial with different dimensions. Depending on the variety, it can reach a height of 30 cm to 3 m, and a diameter of up to 4 m. Therefore, these features should be taken into account when creating landscape compositions. By combining different varieties, you can create a real garden of continuous flowering.

Usually weigela blooms immediately after lilac. Surrounded by noble conifers, weigela looks even more beautiful. Low-growing varieties perfectly revitalize rocky areas. If you have weigela growing in groups, then experts recommend filling the space between the bushes with herbaceous perennials: astilbe, hosta, ferns.


Snow-white beauty - this is how this place is often called perennial shrub with white or pink flowers. It belongs to the genus Hydrangeaceae and contains about 50 species. Deutzia is a deciduous perennial with a spreading or erect form. Some deutias are used as border plants, others for small group plantings. But there are varieties that are perfect for a solo role.

In landscape gardening, deutsias have deservedly acquired their loyal fans. Gardeners value them for their extraordinary decorativeness, abundant and very spectacular flowering. It is not without reason that many outstanding florists compare the beauty of deutsia with roses and hydrangea.

This perennial is native to East Asia. And this, of course, leaves some imprint in terms of care. Deytsia are demanding of the place where they grow and the soil; they do not like frequent watering. And yet, difficulties do not stop fans of this beautifully flowering perennial. Deytsia looks picturesque in different compositions. It is good next to, with weigela, with forsythia, and also against the background brick wall. If you want to give your garden some exoticism and mystery, pay attention to the eastern snow-white beauty Deutzia.

Evergreen shrubs for hedges

Gardeners valued green fences centuries ago and now. We all remember from films walking through palace parks, divided into sections by such hedges. This is truly a magnificent, luxurious spectacle where greenery in all its shades plays the main role.

In our climatic zones, to achieve year-round admiration of the garden, evergreen perennial shrubs are planted. If you plant deciduous plants as a green fence, you need to understand that in winter you will have to see bare trunks. The choice, as always, is yours.

When choosing evergreen shrubs, you need to take into account the fact that they all have their own maximum height level. There are low and medium borders, and there are really high green walls. Conifers grow very slowly. Therefore, here you need to either be patient or plant expensive mature plants.

Deciduous perennials also have their advantages. They grow faster, and some even bloom. Everyone tolerates a haircut just fine. As for the “winter” appearance, the winter color of the bark also has its own zest and looks interesting against the background of snow.

Thuja, juniper, dogwood, boxwood, cherry laurel, Japanese holly, holly and broadleaf kalmia are excellent choices for creating an evergreen wall. They all have their own characteristics of cultivation and formation.

But with the main goal of protecting the garden from dust, wind and prying eyes, as well as being an ideal backdrop for other plants, the hedge does an excellent job.

Photos of perennial shrubs

Summer residents who decide to decorate their plots with beautiful shrubs immediately face the question - which shrub is best to plant?

Ideally, such a plant should satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Be beautiful throughout the summer season.
  2. Easy to care for.
  3. Frost-resistant, able to withstand our difficult winters.

Winter-hardy, beautifully flowering shrubs

Below are the names and characteristics of just such ornamental shrubs: frost-resistant, unpretentious and beautifully flowering.

Many shrubs have proven themselves to be winter-hardy, undemanding and at the same time very decorative in our climate. I’ll tell you about the most popular ones, which can be planted in almost all regions of our country.

Derain white

Famous for its brightly colored red bark. There is a form with large green leaves, which become multi-colored by autumn, and a more compact turf with white-edged leaves. To ensure that the tree bark is always bright, the bushes are pruned short every year, leaving stumps of shoots - a few centimeters above the soil level. With this formation, the bush forms expanding thickets.

  • Shrub height from one and a half to two meters.
  • Blooms in early summer.
  • Derain is exceptionally frost-resistant, decorative and unpretentious in all respects.
  • Grows in any soil and tolerates heat and shade well.
  • Suitable for planting in the background of a plot or along a fence, as well as for hedges.

This type of turf is especially beautiful in the fall.

This is a type of tree with green leaves that turn burgundy in autumn.

And this is variegated turf.

The leaves of this plant remain painted with a white pattern all summer.

This shrub is quite suitable for creating hedges.

Derain grows quickly and in order for the hedge to be always neat, it will have to be carefully looked after.

This is how the turf blooms.

The plant can be formed into either a lush bush or a small tree.

Derain does not lose its decorative effect even in winter.

Well, where else can you find a bush with such original, red shoots?

Deciduous barberries

They are distinguished by enviable winter hardiness and are easy to care for. The color of the leaves can be yellow, green, purple, red. Any fertile soil is suitable for barberries, open place or partial shade. They are easy to trim, but you don’t have to trim them, limiting yourself to removing damaged and excess branches in the spring.

  • The height of different types and varieties varies from 60 cm to 2 m.
  • Extremely unpretentious frost-resistant shrub. Grows in shade, sun and almost any soil. The colors of the leaves are striking in their diversity.
  • Universal use, from planting low-growing varieties on the hills before creating hedges. It can serve as both a background and an edge; it looks beautiful on a green lawn.

Barberry Thunberg.

Such an elegant bush will decorate any hill.

Barberry goes well with conifers.

Here the barberry bush acts as the edge of the spruce.

Barberry on the lawn.

On a green lawn, variegated shrubs look very colorful.

Barberry hedge

Picturesque and practical hedges are made from barberry, but we must remember that this shrub is terribly prickly and not particularly pleasant to work with. Read more about using barberry in garden design


Almost all spirea are fast-growing, frost-resistant shrubs, unpretentious and profusely flowering. There are two groups of spirea - spring-flowering and summer-flowering. In spring-blooming species, such as Ash Spiraea, the drooping branches are entirely decorated with tiny white flowers. These spirea bloom once. In spring-flowering spireas, old and weak branches are cut out after flowering.

Summer-flowering spirea are characterized by long flowering. Pink (various shades) flowers are usually collected in flat spherical or spike-shaped inflorescences. Of the summer-flowering spireas, interesting is the Boumalda spirea (height 60 cm), blooming with graceful, carmine-pink flat inflorescences. The Goldflame variety has young leaves that are yellow and orange, so the bush looks very elegant in spring.

Varieties of Japanese spirea (height 60 cm) are also very interesting. For example, the Crispa variety is distinguished by very decorative bright flowers.

  • The height of the bushes, depending on the variety, is from 0.5 m to 2 m.
  • If you select spring-flowering and summer-flowering varieties, flowering can continue almost throughout the spring and summer.
  • Spiraea does not require fertile soil. Grows quickly in both sun and partial shade. Most spirea are winter-hardy and do not need shelter even in frosty winters.
  • These shrubs are not only decorative, but also have a wide variety of sizes, bush shapes, leaf colors and different flowering times. Thanks to these qualities, you can decorate the garden with only spirea.

Spiraea Vangutta.

Such tall shrubs are suitable for single plantings or for growing in hedges.

You can create such a picturesque corner by planting spirea with hostas and juniper.

Spiraea japonica

The low-growing Japanese spirea makes elegant borders. It also looks appropriate in rockeries.


Tree hydrangea, a shrub of North American origin, proved to be the most winter-hardy. Other species (originally from China and Japan) are less frost-resistant and more difficult to care for.

Tree hydrangea is common in our gardens, but for some reason everyone wants to see plants with blue, pink or even reddish inflorescences in their gardens. Such hydrangeas, of course, are spectacular, but more capricious, although among them there are varieties that some gardeners successfully grow in the northern regions.

But if you haven't grown hydrangea in your garden, start with tree hydrangea - an easy-to-care, showy shrub with huge caps of white flowers.

Hydrangea paniculata grows well in the harsh regions of Russia, a very beautiful wintering shrub up to three meters high (ours does not reach such a height) with a dense spherical crown. The inflorescence is a wide-pyramidal panicle 15-30 cm long and 30 cm wide. The flowers are white, turning red in autumn.

  • The height of the bushes is up to two meters.
  • Blooms from mid-summer.
  • Hydrangeas are extremely moisture-loving, tolerate shade well, and love well-drained fertile soil acid reaction. Therefore, peat is added when planting. The soil can be acidified with iron sulfate.
  • Hydrangeas are planted as single bushes or in groups. The plant goes well with other coniferous and deciduous ornamental shrubs.

Such a picturesque shrub is sure to attract attention.

Cinquefoil shrub

Deciduous shrubs, prostrate or compact. Bush-like forms of cinquefoil have three names: Kuril tea, fruticose cinquefoil and cinquefoil. Cinquefoil is made attractive by the abundance of small flowers. The most common is the form with yellow flowers.

The flowers are solitary or in a few racemes or umbellate inflorescences, medium-sized. The plant's bright green, small carved foliage is also decorative. Cinquefoils do not tolerate dry air well.

  • Bushes one to one and a half meters high.
  • The shrub blooms for a very long time - almost from the beginning of summer to the beginning of autumn.
  • Cinquefoils are photophilous, although they tolerate slight partial shade, are quite drought-resistant, and require rich soils, which should be moderately moist.
  • Winter-hardy: species forms can withstand frosts of forty degrees, varieties are less tolerant of low temperatures.
  • Cinquefoil is suitable for creating borders and low hedges, looks elegant in single and group plantings, and combines harmoniously with coniferous plants.

Here is such a neat bush of Potentilla fruticosa.

Cinquefoil tolerates clipping well and makes colorful hedges and borders.

Bladderwort viburnum

Large, frost-resistant shrub. Both of its forms - both with golden and purple leaves - are always decorative: in the spring, when the leaves bloom, during flowering (it blooms with white corymbose inflorescences) and after it, when clusters of red fruits are formed.

  • The height of the bushes, depending on the variety, is from one to three meters.
  • Flowering in early summer, for 20 days.
  • Bladderwort is unpretentious, drought-resistant and shade-tolerant, but it is better to plant in full sun so that the leaves retain their bright color.
  • Suitable for tall hedges and single plantings.

Diabolo bladderwort.

These are the different types of vesicles. There are shrubs with different leaf colors.

Bladderwort Luteus.


Snowberries come in white and pink. If you are interested in the most cold-resistant shrubs, then plant white snowberry; it can easily tolerate even the coldest winters.

Over time, it grows strongly and can grow in any conditions, both in the open sun and in the dense shade of trees. The shrub is valued for its many large, decorative, white marble-like fruits that form in the fall.

Easy to trim, bushes are thinned out in early spring, cut in summer.

  • It grows up to 2.5 meters wide and 1.5 meters high.
  • Snowberry grows on any soil, prefers sunny place. Minimal care: the plant is drought-resistant, does not require fertilizing, can easily tolerate heat, and is not susceptible to diseases and pests.
  • With its white fruits it looks good on dark greenery: on the lawn, against the backdrop of conifers.

Snowberry hedges look elegant and require very little maintenance.

Snowberry fruits.

Ornamental shrubs for summer cottages with average winter hardiness

The plants described below, although they are not particularly frost-resistant, do not require special shelter for the winter. In most cases, simply covering the bushes with snow is enough.


If the action is given room, in June it will be covered with small flowers. The color of the flowers (and they can be both double and non-double) varies from white to intense pink.

In our climate, Deutzia rough is considered the most unpretentious. It blooms with white and pink flowers. It is not very demanding on the soil; it grows well wherever water does not stagnate. Adapts to both sun and partial shade. Faded branches are pruned after flowering. Old branches are cut down to the base.

  • Most varieties of deutia do not exceed 120-170 cm in height.
  • Flowering in spring and summer (depending on variety)
  • The shrub is easy to care for; drought-resistant and not susceptible to diseases and pests. In winter, it is advisable to press the branches to the ground (at -25º the buds freeze slightly)
  • Deutia makes picturesque, unformed hedges. You can plant a mixborder in the background or cover the base of tall bushes.

Beautiful deutzia.

Planting deutia hedges in the northern regions is not recommended. Still, this shrub is not winter-hardy enough for such purposes.

In the southern regions, deutzia is quite suitable for creating hedges

Keria japonica

An unpretentious shrub that blooms annually in April-May with yellow flowers. May bloom again.

The non-double form is very elegant: slender, slightly drooping branches reaching a length of one and a half meters, yellow flowers similar to large flowers Buttercup And after flowering, the bush looks lovely, thanks to its very beautiful bright green leaves, similar to young birch leaves.

  • The height of the bushes is up to two meters.
  • Blooms in spring. Flowering is long, almost two months.
  • Prefers a place in the sun. It can grow in partial shade, but its decorative qualities are noticeably lost. Regular watering and periodic feeding are required.
  • Used for single and group plantings. It goes well with conifers and looks beautiful on a green lawn.

Keria is distinguished by early and bright flowering.

This plant can also be grown in pots. Of course, the size of the bush in this case will be much more modest.

Keria can also be grown on the balcony.


When in bloom, it is the most beautiful of all the shrubs listed above. But to show off its drooping branches in all its glory, it requires a lot of space. Loves fertile soil and annual pruning, but is generally unpretentious. Immediately after flowering, branches with faded flowers are shortened.

Weigela Variegata is more compact and restrained in growth - a bush up to 120 cm high with pale pink flowers and yellow-edged leaves.

Weigels do not like to grow in the wind. When planting, it is necessary to maintain a distance between seedlings of at least two meters.

  • On average, the height of weigela is 1.5 - 2 meters.
  • It blooms in May-June with pink, white or ruby-red tubular flowers. Prone to re-blooming.
  • Weigela grows in any soil, in direct sun and partial shade.
  • The most frost-resistant varieties that winter well both in Siberia and in the Moscow region: “Alba”, “Striatum”, “Shtyriaka”, “Bristol ruby”.
  • Considering the high decorative value of this shrub, it is usually planted in the foreground: at the entrance to the house, along the paths or on the lawn.

Weigela rosea hybrid.

Weigela will harmoniously fit into any corner of the garden.

Weigela Red Prince

Chaenomeles (Japanese quince)

A very common shrub because it can grow on any soil, both in the sun and in the shade. It blooms brightly in spring and bears golden, fragrant fruits in autumn. The bushes do not need pruning: they are thinned out occasionally.

The diameter of Chaenomeles flowers is 3 - 5 cm.

It should be noted that weigela, deutzia, and kerria can have severely frozen branches in severe winters. But nothing bad will happen: the bushes grow quickly.

Of all the listed assortments, I love summer spireas, weigelas, vesicles and barberries most of all for their beautiful and long flowering, high decorative value throughout the season

Shrubs should be placed in accordance with their growth and ability to grow in breadth.

About the rules for pruning ornamental shrubs

All of the plants listed are not rare; they are quite easy to acquire.
