Method Gavrilov slimming menu for a week. Simple and effective weight loss with Dr. Gavrilov. The complexity of the Gavrilov nutrition system

This article is for you if you are trying to lose weight with exorbitant physical activity, starvation diets, and the result is invisible. What to do in this case, why all methods are ineffective? Perhaps the whole thing is your psychological approach to the problem, which does not allow you to achieve what you want. In this case, you should listen to Dr. Gavrilov's recommendations for losing weight.

Mikhail Gavrilov is a qualified psychotherapist and nutritionist who has developed a technique that helps to lose weight. His diet is based on this principle: weight loss begins with the head, the right thoughts, and only then with the diet. The author of the technique is sure that all unsuccessful attempts to lose weight lie in the wrong psychological attitude. Let's go for weight loss!

Why do we gain weight

According to Dr. Gavrilov, overeating occurs not because the body requires it, but because our psychological state needs it. The classification of appetite-provoking factors is huge, but a well-known nutritionist identified 3 main groups from them.

  • Stress. There is such a thing as stress eating or emotional eating behavior. Troubles at work, personal life, misunderstanding on the part of loved ones, all this refers to the causes that generate stress. For example, a quarrel with your husband, why not seize the problem with a cake or pastry? By the way, solving difficult situations with food is on a par with nicotine and alcohol addiction.
  • starvation diets. If you belong to the category of people who are fond of newfangled nutrition systems and strict diets, then this item is about you. A strict diet, a small list of allowed foods, all this is an excellent reason to gain extra pounds after the end of another starvation diet. There are frequent cases when a person simply cannot withstand the recommended diet and a breakdown occurs. Then unpleasant thoughts come into my head: “I couldn’t”, “I am a loser”, “I will never have a luxurious figure.” Psychology says: eat a cake, because a good person is never enough. Nutritionists refer to the category as restrictive eating behavior.
  • Aesthetics . Beautiful shop windows, shiny signs of cafes and fast food restaurants, musical advertising on television, all this forms a beautiful picture of food in the mind of a person that must be consumed. In this case, we eat not because the stomach wants it, but because the brain requires it. This process is called external eating behavior.

To cope with such common psychological reasons, Dr. Gavrilov's weight loss technique will help you.

Psychological principles

The popularity of this method of weight loss came to the author thanks to the television program "", which is broadcast on the STB channel. Mikhail Gavrilov studied a lot of ways and methods of losing weight in order to subsequently create his ideal system.

The diet according to the Gavrilov weight loss method is based on the complete self-control of your body, creates psychological motivation for weight loss. Without these factors, weight loss is impossible. Before you start losing weight, you need to identify the psychological reasons that prevent the transition to the right diet.

How to overcome yourself and tune in to the right thoughts?

  • try switch to a healthy lifestyle. Get enough sleep, eat fractionally, always have a good mood, because even in an ordinary day there is always a reason for joy. Learn to create positivity without food cravings.
  • Dr. Gavrilov advises start listening to your body. Are you really hungry, or has the presence of food in your mouth become a habit for you? Ask yourself this question every time before a meal.
  • Losing weight is easy if set yourself up for proper nutrition. This does not mean at all that you should deny yourself your favorite dishes and eat only celery. Dr. Gavrilov says that you should not scold yourself for an extra piece of chocolate, cookies or sweets. You just have to gradually accustom yourself to healthy foods, learn to enjoy them, eat slowly, without being distracted from food.
  • Set yourself up for success. Start losing weight with the phrase: “I can do anything, I will achieve such a figure!”. In any undertaking, 50% of the result depends on faith in yourself.

For losing weight, it is also important to realize that extra calories are the most important evil. One of the methods of Dr. Gavrilov's weight loss technique is the psycho-correction of the figure. The firm belief that you need to get rid of calories should be laid down at a subconscious level. For example, you have to imagine a beautiful dress that you still can’t fit into because of the extra volume, but thanks to losing weight you can definitely wear it.

On the issue of physical activity. According to the method of Dr. Mikhail Gavrilov, it is not necessary to visit a fitness center or exhaust yourself with titanic exercises. Do a warm-up in the morning, do household chores, play with your children, and you won't even notice how the extra calories go away.


The diet of Dr. Gavrilov has absorbed the best aspects of all existing methods. It is very difficult to call the nutrition system a "diet" because it does not provide for strict proportions and following a monotonous menu every day. On the contrary, the technique offers a list of allowed products, from which you yourself can make up a suitable diet for yourself.

If you follow exactly the method of Dr. Gavrilov, then you will have to wean your body from the love of hamburgers, pizza and sweet donuts. Instead, try goulash with vegetables or baked breast. Forget high-calorie cola! Prepare a fragrant herbal tea for yourself, add mint leaves and a slice of lemon.

What can you eat

For successful weight loss, include in your diet:

  • Fresh vegetables and fruits to be eaten in the amount of 6 servings per day. One serving is equal in volume to a medium apple.
  • Sea and river fish in any form, except for canned.
  • Dairy products without restrictions on fat content. The only exception is oil.
  • Cereal porridge. You can safely eat oatmeal, corn, buckwheat, barley and rice porridge.
  • Bran and oatmeal are also useful.
  • Liquids without volume limits - juices, fresh juices, water.

Any dish can be steamed, in the oven. Vegetables, fruits are preferably eaten raw, boiled or baked.

What is not allowed

Gavrilov's diet completely excludes from the menu:

  • cuisine of McDonald's, KFC and other fast food restaurants;
  • sandwiches with butter, sausage and cheese;
  • bakery products, sweet pastries;
  • potato;
  • conservation and smoked meats.

The philosophy of the method is such that you can easily replace the product that is under the ban, permitted, and get food pleasure from this. You can eat throughout the day, but each dish should be served in small portions. Gavrilov positions weight loss as a pleasant process, not burdened by problems and worries, during which you achieve the right thoughts and lose calories.

Weekly menu

According to research results, the Gavrilov diet offers a weekly menu consisting of tasty and healthy foods.

1 / mon
Breakfast Barley porridge with pears, unsweetened tea, 50 g of low-fat cheese.
Snack Fruit juice with pulp.
Dinner Vegetable soup or vegetable salad.
Dinner Stewed vegetables, yogurt.
2 / tu
Breakfast A plate of corn porridge, natural coffee with milk.
Snack Herbal tea, 2 slices of cheese.
Dinner Soup with vegetables and meatballs, light cucumber salad, fresh orange juice.
Dinner Pieces of stewed hake on a vegetable pillow, a glass of low-fat yogurt.
3 / wed
Breakfast 200 g oatmeal, 1 egg white, vegetable salad, tea.
Snack Green tea, cheese.
Dinner Vegetable soup, chicken breast, slice of whole grain bread, carrot salad, prunes compote.
Dinner A handful of boiled shrimp, celery salad, natural yogurt.
4 / Thu
Breakfast Buckwheat porridge, coffee with milk.
Snack A glass of freshly squeezed juice.
Dinner A piece of boiled breast, cucumber and tomato salad, apricot compote.
Dinner Vegetable stew, a glass of kefir.
5 / Fri
Breakfast A plate of wheat porridge, an apple or a pear.
Snack Herbal tea, 1 toast.
Dinner 1 egg, stewed fish, coleslaw.
Dinner Pumpkin porridge, green tea with a delicate cracker.
6 / Sat
Breakfast Oatmeal with honey, pear slices.
Snack Ginger tea, cheese.
Dinner Lean soup, shrimp and avocado salad.
Dinner Fruit salad, grilled fish, fat-free kefir.
7 / sun
Breakfast Omelet from 2 eggs, cabbage salad with lemon dressing, natural tea.
Snack Apple juice.
Dinner Red borscht, stewed vegetables with pieces of beef.
Dinner Cottage cheese casserole with honey, peach juice.

Here is such a varied and tasty food that Dr. Gavrilov offers for every day. Analyzing the methodology, you will notice that there are no strict portion restrictions, you do not need to weigh the finished dish to the gram and deny yourself sweets.

Benefits and contraindications

The weight loss technique of Dr. Gavrilov rightfully occupies one of the leading places in dietology. A free diet, a large list of products and no framework, all this makes her the favorite of many losing weight.

Among the main advantages:

  • the possibility of proper and healthy nutrition;
  • no fasting;
  • positive attitude of losing weight;
  • increasing self-esteem and self-confidence.

However, this method of losing weight from the doctor Gavrilov has contraindications for losing weight:

  • type 1 diabetes mellitus;
  • tuberculosis;
  • atrial fibrillation, heart attacks and strokes;
  • severe psychological and emotional disorders.

Everyone else can use the technique for fast and effective weight loss, formatting thoughts and a positive attitude.

The diet of Dr. Gavrilov is considered one of the best ways to lose weight, since not only the body acquires the correct proportions, but also the psychological state improves. Those who have tried the diet claim that the real results have exceeded all expectations. On average, for a month of such a balanced diet, you can lose up to 4 kg. and put your thoughts in order on the way to effective weight loss.

The famous nutritionist and psychotherapist who developed his own, author's method of losing weight, which has already been able to help hundreds of patients get rid of extra pounds. The main idea of ​​the technique is the idea that the process of weight loss should begin with the solution of psychological problems, and only then it is necessary to move on to adjusting the diet. A rigid diet according to the Gavrilov method is not provided. Moreover, he urges not to go on exhausting diet options and refuse to take various biologically active drugs for weight loss. According to his method, you can eat foods from the allowed list, which is quite diverse.

So, what is the diet of Dr. Gavrilov?

Definition and causes of obesity

Obesity is a condition of the human body, which is characterized by the accumulation of excess fat masses in tissues, organs and fiber. The main sign of obesity is an increase in body weight by more than a fifth of the average. This disease is not only capable of causing significant discomfort. It can provoke problems in the psyche and physical condition of a person, pathologies of the joints and spine, disorders in sexual life and other changes. The menu for every day of Dr. Gavrilov's diet will be considered below.

The main reason for weight gain is overeating. According to the doctor, people eat a lot not in order to fill the body's real needs for nutrients and energy, but because their psychological state actively pushes them to eat more food. A nutritionist classifies overeating factors as follows:

  1. An attempt to "seize" a stressful situation. The overwhelming majority of those who cannot get rid of excess weight are prone to this. As soon as something unpleasant happens in the life of a fat person, the refrigerator is opened or strategic stocks of chocolate and cookies are taken out of the locker just for such an occasion. This is very similar to an addiction to alcohol or cigarettes and requires getting rid of.
  2. Increased appetite, spurred on by advertising companies, tempting stores, etc. In this case, a person takes food not because the body requires it, but because he is attracted by the appearance and smell of the product. Thus, this hunger is not physiological, but psychological.
  3. Passionate Following This refers to those food options that are so limited and scarce that sooner or later inevitably lead to breakdowns, when a person almost unconsciously eats everything that is in the refrigerator, comforting and pitying himself.

Mood and physical activity

Based on the foregoing, it can be understood that Dr. Gavrilov's diet does not begin with drawing up a menu of daily proper nutrition with a mindset for a quick result, but with a psychological, sometimes painstaking and complex study of one's own problems. To do this, the method provides for various successive stages of work on oneself:

  1. Awareness of the problem of excess weight. As a rule, it comes as a result of some events, whether it is weight indicators, exceeding the usual clothing size, or meeting a more slender girlfriend. This is the very first stage - the decision to lose weight.
  2. Psychological attitude to the process of losing weight. At this stage, it is important to understand that it is not worth postponing the start of weight loss even until tomorrow. A decision must be made and followed immediately.
  3. Unshakable self-confidence. Weight loss should be started as a treatment for the disease - with a serious approach and awareness of responsibility. You can’t think that “something might come out”, you need to be clearly aware of the need and purposefully go towards the goal.
  4. At this stage, a person learns to clearly distinguish between physiological and psychological hunger. In a situation with fast food, for example, it is the perception of beautiful food and advertising that most often plays a role in the brain. In this case, it must be clearly understood that it is better to eat a piece of meat with a salad than a hamburger, since the former will bring much more benefit. The doctor encourages patients to listen carefully to the urges of the body, not letting the brain decide for you. The diet menu of Dr. Gavrilov can be called diverse.

Passion for sports for this technique is a definite plus. However, there are some patients who, for one reason or another, have no desire to visit gyms and sports clubs.

How to increase physical activity?

The nutritionist does not advise such people to pay too much attention to this issue, but suggests slightly increasing physical activity. There are several methods called:

  1. Cleaning the house. General cleaning is considered the most optimal, with dusting in hard-to-reach places and washing floors under cabinets and beds. This will not only keep the house in order, but will also help the process of burning calories.
  2. Cook several dishes at the same time. At the same time, do not forget to use only those products that are allowed according to the methodology. So you will understand that the diet menu of Dr. Gavrilov (reviews confirm this) can be quite varied and satisfying and will not harm your figure.
  3. Dancing is available at any time of the day or night, even without attending special events and studios. You can turn on your favorite music or start improving yourself by learning some dance technique from video lessons at home.
  4. The gymnastic hoop is a great home trainer. For 20 minutes at least several times a week - and the result will not keep you waiting.

Dr. Gavrilov's diet does not provide for strict restrictions and prohibitions in terms of products. There is a blacklist and a whitelist. Eating prohibited foods is strictly not recommended. They lead to obesity, and also have a bad effect on the skin, hair and some internal organs. That is, absolutely no benefit. And the main goal of the technique is good health and a slender figure, and the first point is in priority.

Prohibited Products

The list of prohibited foods includes:

  1. Any fast food and soda with sugar.
  2. Goods and pastries.
  3. Sandwiches.
  4. Butter.
  5. Smoked products, salted fish, sausage and instant products.
  6. Canned food.
  7. Pasta.
  8. Potato.

Dr. Gavrilov's diet menu for every day is interesting to many.

List of allowed products

The emphasis in the diet is on wholesome and healthy nutrition. The list of allowed products includes positions widely available in supermarkets and markets:

  1. Vegetables and fruits, excluding bananas. The allowed daily allowance is 600 grams.
  2. Dairy and lactic acid products.
  3. Various cereals, including oatmeal, corn, pearl barley, millet and buckwheat.
  4. Lean meats and fish.
  5. Eggs.
  6. Unsweetened tea, juice and water.

The menu for every day of the diet of Dr. Gavrilov, according to reviews, is very convenient to use.

Instructions for following the methodology are quite simple and clear. First, you should be very careful about your health and nutrition. Meals should be divided up to 5 times, but eat in small portions and only foods from the allowed list. It is advisable to eat at about the same time, as this will maximize the metabolic processes in the body and speed up the process of losing weight. Under a categorical ban are hunger strikes and overeating. Fried foods are not recommended; food must be steamed, baked or stewed.

Menu for every day of the diet of Dr. Gavrilov

An approximate daily diet is as follows:

  1. Breakfast - porridge (oatmeal or any other).
  2. 2nd breakfast - cheese and tea.
  3. Lunch - soup and vegetable salad.
  4. Snack - fruit and juice.
  5. Dinner - vegetable stew.
  6. A few hours before bedtime - yogurt or kefir.

Snacks in the diet of Dr. Gavrilov are allowed to be selected to your taste. It can be dried fruits, cottage cheese and other products from the white list. There are no special conditions for leaving the diet, since, in fact, this diet must be followed all your life, because it is a component of a healthy lifestyle.

The main rule of successful weight loss according to the method of Mikhail Gavrilov is to properly tune in psychologically, not to focus on experiences and problems, but to listen more to your own body. It is not difficult to follow a diet, it is much more difficult to turn on willpower and constantly keep yourself under control. It requires constant work on oneself, the ability to self-organize and be purposeful.

In the diet from Dr. Gavrilov, the menu for the week can be easily compiled on your own.


Not every person who wants to lose weight is suitable for Gavrilov's method. There are people whose health does not allow to adhere to this diet. Contraindications to the use of the method include:

  1. Diabetes mellitus of the first type.
  2. Tuberculosis.
  3. Postponed heart attack or stroke.
  4. Atrial fibrillation.
  5. Severe mental disorders.

Clinics of Gavrilov

Clinics for adjusting and reducing body weight were opened by Gavrilov in many cities of Russia. They provide assistance to those patients whose weight has reached critical levels. Specialists provide patients with every opportunity to gain harmony and get rid of many psychological problems, to feel faith in their own strengths and begin to love themselves. Mikhail Gavrilov is the owner of international certificates confirming his qualifications and experience in the field of nutrition and psychology.

The clinics have existed for 20 years, and all this time specialists have been improving the methods of effective and high-quality weight loss, instilling in their patients the habit of leading a healthy lifestyle. With those who want to lose weight, special trainings are held, both group and individual, and even online, at which psycho-correction of eating habits takes place and patients are motivated to achieve their goals.

Specialists of the clinic pay great attention to the nutrition of patients. They are clearly shown that it does not have to be monotonous, boring and tasteless. Calculating the calorie content of dishes and the weight of food eaten is a prerequisite for the technique. For this, patients are given special tables that detail the permitted foods and their calorie content. This helps with maximum efficiency to plan meals during the period of dieting. In addition to psychological support and menu planning, Gavrilov's clinics offer various cosmetic services that allow you to keep your skin in good shape.

Dr. Mikhail Gavrilov is a nutritionist, psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences. The founder of his own method of losing weight, which has won recognition around the world. Numerous successful stories of losing weight by his method do not give the slightest chance to doubt its effectiveness. It is easy to verify the benefits of Dr. Gavrilov's diet by applying the menu for every day, created taking into account the doctor's recommendations.

The principles of losing weight according to the method of Dr. Gavrilov

In clinics, doctors, whose number is already more than sixty, fight for the health and beautiful appearance of patients, strictly observing a number of principles.

  • work is being done not with the consequences, but with the causes of obesity. To identify the physiological and psychological sources of the disease, a comprehensive multi-level examination of the body is carried out. The joint work of the doctor and the patient, an individual diet, the search for a balance in nutrition and physical activity, lifestyle changes restore the body, restore its health;
  • the connection between the patient's emotional state and food is broken. Dr. Gavrilov's weight loss technique includes psychological training, original techniques, breathing exercises, word influence with the help of logical, reasoned statements. False beliefs of the patient collapse. The psychological dependence on food goes away, the patient is satiated with a much smaller amount of food, he develops a healthy attitude towards food, eating habits change;
  • the patient is motivated to lose weight. The result should be not only a decrease in body weight, but also a good mood, increased self-esteem, absence of anxiety and depression, confidence, joy of life. Many losing weight noted colossal changes in life: personal relationships improved, careers developed remarkably.

Allowed and prohibited products

The diet of Dr. Gavrilov is not starvation. This is a "neutralization" of calories, a consistent, conscious replacement of junk food with a healthy one that does not clog the body.

Dr. Gavrilov offers a fairly extensive list of simple, useful and inexpensive products. With them, you can change the menu every day, eat varied and at the same time lose weight:

  • any fruits and berries, except bananas;
  • any vegetables. Make fresh salads, grill them, stew them, bake them;
  • fat-free kefir, sour cream, yogurt. Play with tastes, add pieces of fruit and berries to them;
  • cereals. Cook porridge from them with skimmed milk or water and crumbly side dishes;
  • eggs, especially protein;
  • lean meat and any fish. Cook them without oil;
  • freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices;
  • hard cheese in small quantities, no more than a couple of slices a day.

Gavrilov's diet involves the rejection of the following products:

  • bread (except whole grain) and other all kinds of pastries;
  • sugar, sweets, condensed milk, candied fruits and any other sweets;
  • canned food;
  • butter;
  • sauces, mayonnaise;
  • all kinds of sausages;
  • any fast food, be it hamburgers, hot dogs or shawarma.

You should limit your intake of salt and vegetable oil and drink as much water as possible.

Sample menu for the week

The daily diet should include dishes from the permitted list of products. Meals are taken frequently and in small portions. We make small snacks. We don't eat three hours before bed. We follow these simple rules and lose weight.

It is necessary to distinguish between a feeling of real hunger and an obsessive desire to chew something tasty. An example of Gavrilov's diet is the menu for the week proposed below. If you follow it, the feeling of hunger should not arise. We prepare all drinks from the menu without sugar, freshly squeezed juice, we take only low-fat dairy products, we use no more than a couple of slices of cheese a day.

Breakfast Oatmeal with banana, tea with sugar, a slice of cheese
Lunch Juice
Dinner Vegetable soup, steamed chicken with buckwheat, juice
Dinner Eggplant ragout, kefir
Breakfast Millet milk porridge, boiled egg white, herbal tea
Lunch Fresh Juice
Dinner Tomatoes, cauliflower puree, steamed fish, wholemeal bread slice, compote
Dinner Roll of minced chicken with egg. Kefir
Breakfast Slice of whole grain bread, cheese, two eggs, coffee with skimmed milk
Lunch grapefruit fresh
Dinner Kefir okroshka on chicken, two potatoes baked with herbs, tea
Dinner Shrimp, cucumber and green salad, kefir
Breakfast Fresh tomatoes, two soft-boiled eggs, a slice of boiled pork with coarse bread, coffee without sugar
Lunch Banana and strawberry smoothie
Dinner Stewed chicken, buckwheat, fresh cabbage salad, pear compote
Dinner Mackerel baked with lemon, vegetable salad, tomato juice
Breakfast Omelette with three eggs and milk, tea, dried apricots
Lunch Kefir
Dinner Low-fat chicken broth, egg, slice of bread with cereals, beet-carrot salad, cheese, cranberry juice
Dinner Stewed zucchini with steam turkey, kefir
Breakfast Berry-curd casserole, tea
Lunch Kefir
Dinner Borscht, beef meatballs, cucumber salad, cranberry jelly
Dinner Lobio, boiled beef, juice
Breakfast Cheesecakes with pineapple pieces and yogurt. Berry juice
Lunch Milk and berry cocktail
Dinner Ukha with a large piece of fish, stewed cabbage, compote
Dinner Salad mix with yogurt dressing, beef meatballs with rice, tea

Fantasize, replace products with any other from the permitted list, and Gavrilov's diet will never seem monotonous to you. Supplement it with light physical activity, daily walks, outdoor recreation with loved ones. You yourself will not notice how it will become your usual way of life.

It's so easy to lose control of your body - it's enough to regularly seize stress or “reward” yourself with a large portion of sweet or fatty foods for any, even minor successes. Some people, having gained “ballast”, catch on, start looking for and trying various methods of weight loss, including resorting to the use of all kinds of “magic” pendants, conceivable and unthinkable diets, pills and other miracle cures that guarantee rapid weight loss. Illiteracy in choosing a technique most often turns into a complete failure for a person who is losing weight: either there is no result, or it is short-lived, or everything dropped at the slightest breakdown returns with a “supplement”. And again everything goes in a circle: searches, trials, failures. Stop tormenting your nerves and undermining your health! Stop using food as your main anti-depressant when there are so many alternative methods of stress relief! To learn how to manage your desires, control your behavior and physical form, you only need a competent weight loss system developed by doctors, not charlatans.

How to learn to control your emotions and save your health?

Mikhail Gavrilov, a well-known nutritionist and psychotherapist in Russia and the CIS countries, devoted himself to studying the relationship between a person's eating behavior and his psychological state, physiological and personal characteristics. As a result, the doctor developed principles, thanks to which you can systematically reduce weight and consolidate the result for a long time. The main task of losing weight, according to the method of Dr. Gavrilov, is to eliminate the emotional connection between stress and food.

Weight correction by the Gavrilov method is achieved by working with the underlying causes of overeating. Agree, it is useless to act from the outside when the reason lies inside. It is useless to try to reduce weight when you do not understand why he is gaining and how to control it. Only by realizing the problem, you can come up with a good solution for it. No less important, following the principles, you will not harm your health and will lose weight comfortably, and you will also be able to enjoy the result achieved as much as you wish - it all depends on you.

Three steps to slimness or Dr. Gavrilov's Weight Loss Method:

  • 1 First step

    First of all, according to the weight loss plan at the Gavrilov clinic, patients need to undergo a comprehensive multi-level examination of the body. This is done in order to identify diseases that may be involved in excess weight. In case of detection of ailments, patients are given recommendations, offer non-drug treatment. In particular, methods of functional and preventive medicine are applied.

    • 2 Second step

      After the doctors become aware of all the data on the physical and psychological state of the patient, individual recommendations for weight loss are developed. The patient participates in trainings, consults with narrow specialists, etc. All this helps to identify fears, to know oneself, to understand the reasons for one's behavior and to realize what needs to be done to effectively resolve the issue. Among the methods practiced by the center for helping people lose weight are breathing exercises, metaphorical fairy tale therapy, psychotherapy, techniques for restoring the normal activity of certain areas of the brain responsible for eating behavior, etc. Nutritionists help patients adjust their menu, include more useful products in it. You don’t have to follow a strict diet - you will simply be taught how to choose the right foods, cook and eat.

      • 3 Third step

        Having lost weight and achieved the desired result, it is too early to relax. It is important to maintain the result and not dismiss yourself. In the center of Dr. Gavrilov, the progress of patients is carefully monitored. At the end of the weight management program, do not think that everything is over. Clinic specialists will monitor your condition and weight, offer online lessons, perform diagnostics, etc. - all in order to help you consolidate your results and not break loose again.

        Imagine the admiring glances of your acquaintances asking how you did it. Our clients already know how. Find out and you. Dr. Gavrilov's weight loss technique is an effective way to lose weight and change your life forever.

Safety of Dr. Gavrilov's weight loss technique

Many people want to lose weight, but sometimes it seems that circumstances such as past injuries, diabetes and other diseases, heredity, etc. can prevent this.

The safety of Dr. Gavrilov's method makes it possible to reduce weight in diabetes, oncology, strokes and other serious diseases, when other weight loss methods fail or are strictly contraindicated.

Dr. Gavrilov's weight loss system is simple weight loss rules that have been helping people (in Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation, as well as abroad) to gain a slim figure for more than 20 years, while strengthening their physical and psychological health.

The results achieved by the clients of Dr. Gavrilov's clinic are striking not so much in the amount of weight people lose, but in the transformation of their lives. People have confidence, spiritual ease, new hobbies and hobbies, new opportunities open up before them. People change from within, overcome their fears and weaknesses, become stronger and more attractive. If this is what you want, then you should definitely sign up for Dr. Gavrilov's weight loss program!

Mikhail Alekseevich Gavrilov is a nutritionist who developed a special weight loss program. The weight loss technique is based on minor dietary restrictions and a significant change in the psychological approach to the problem. The doctor is categorically against strict diets and depletion of the body. He suggests following certain recommendations and comfortably adjusting weight without unnecessary stress.

Gavrilov's weight loss technique: the basics

The method of weight loss has been around for several years. In St. Petersburg, Moscow and other large cities there are centers for losing weight by M. A. Gavrilov.

The main task for a person who decides to reduce weight by this method is the ability to control their desires for food.

At the heart of the method:

  • psychological work on your habits and desires regarding food;
  • visualization of the intended goal;
  • replacement of harmful products with useful ones;
  • renunciation of hunger strikes and strict restrictions;
  • control of the amount eaten;
  • fractional food.

According to the doctor, the attempts of many people to get rid of extra pounds end in failure due to the initially wrong approach. Hunger strikes, long fasting days, strict food restrictions lead to severe psychological stress and frequent breakdowns.

The desire to lose weight does not lead to the desired results, because the body turns on the function of self-preservation. Too much reduction in daily calories (up to 600–400 kcal, which is three times lower than normal) leads to weight loss only in the first few days. In the future, the body begins to save energy and store fat after each meal.

Dr. Gavrilov's weight loss program offers a significantly different approach and, in addition to a simple diet, includes the following steps:

  1. Passing a complete medical examination and determining diseases that can affect weight gain or loss (hormonal disruptions, dysfunction of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, kidneys, etc.). The diagnostics include: blood, urine, pH balance, metabolism, physiological, anthropometry. If health problems are found, the necessary treatment is carried out.
  2. Passage of psychophysiological training to get rid of food addiction. It helps to reveal the subconscious fears and fears of a person that prevent him from losing weight. Each person may have their own problems, so this stage involves the use of appropriate techniques and techniques in a particular case. It is at this stage that the maximum weight loss occurs.
  3. Consolidation of the result. A person undergoes periodic motivational trainings, which demonstrate the achievements of people who have lost weight, and compare them with their previous version of themselves.

Psychological aspects

At the second stage of weight loss, according to the Gavrilov method, the main psychological causes of weight gain are solved.:

  • Emotional dependence. It is associated with more than half of all cases of weight gain. Food in this case is not used to satisfy hunger, but to get rid of difficulties (bad mood, stress, depression, anxiety).
  • External types of eating disorders. The desire to eat is caused by the appetizing appearance of the dish, smell, color, design. In this case, the person does not feel full.
  • Restrictive types. Occur after a large number of tried diets, hunger strikes and breakdowns. A person has a deep depressive state, he ceases to believe in his own strength.

The second stage is individual, as it is designed to deal with personal fears and complexes of each patient.

The following methods of influence can help to cope with the psychological causes of obesity::

  • Breathing exercises. Allows you to cope with stress without the help of food.
  • Fairy tale therapy. Shows the benefits of weight loss, forms a positive attitude.
  • Working with a professional psychotherapist. The method allows you to stop eating problems, control eating habits, do not overeat, do not improve your mood with food.
  • Analysis of the activity of individual parts of the brain responsible for human food preferences.

Diet Gavrilov: basic rules

To achieve maximum results, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Have a positive attitude towards achieving the goal.
  2. Eat small meals at the same time each day.
  3. Breaks between meals should be no more than 3.5 hours.
  4. Gradually get rid of the foods included in the prohibited list in the diet.
  5. Include in the diet of cereals, greens and vegetables, which include fiber, for optimal functioning of the digestive system.
  6. Observe the norm of water (at least one and a half to two liters per day).
  7. Include in the menu more fresh vegetables, fruits, natural yoghurts without impurities.
  8. Eat only when you feel hungry.

Dr. M. A. Gavrilov does not advise giving up your favorite foods and strictly limiting yourself in food. However, preference should be given to healthy food.

Allowed products:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables (no more than 600 g per day).
  • Dairy and sour-milk products, cheese (up to 25% fat).
  • Kashi (buckwheat, corn, barley, millet, oatmeal).
  • Lean meat and fish, seafood.
  • Eggs.
  • Natural juices, water, herbal teas.


  • Baking, sweets.
  • Mayonnaise, butter, cottage cheese (more than 5% fat).
  • Hot sauces, fast food.
  • Fish and meat preserves.
  • Sparkling water.

The following cooking methods are allowed:

  • cooking;
  • extinguishing;
  • baking in the oven;
  • steaming and grilling.

Diet of Dr. Gavrilov: a menu for every day

Here is a sample menu for the week of allowed products:

Day of the week Breakfast Snack Dinner Snack Dinner
Monday Barley porridge with fruits Natural juice Lean meat soup A fresh vegetable salad Steamed vegetables. Before bed, yogurt or kefir (0-2.5%)
Tuesday Oatmeal with berries, tea. Slice of whole grain bread with 2 slices of hard cheese Vegetable salad and oven-baked fish 2 eggs Vegetable stew. At night, a glass of kefir.
Wednesday Corn porridge Herbal tea and two or three pieces of cheese Grilled meat and greens (parsley, dill, spinach) A glass of natural fruit or vegetable juice A fresh vegetable salad
Thursday Buckwheat and half a glass of fat-free yogurt One cup of coffee and a couple of apples Soup and 2 tomatoes Boiled eggs and sliced ​​​​fresh vegetables Chicken breast with stewed vegetables
Friday Millet porridge with berries A glass of tea and 2 slices of hard cheese Baked potatoes without oil natural fruit juice Boiled fish and salad
Saturday Protein omelet with herbs and tomatoes Fruit salad dressed with fat-free yogurt Borscht or soup Curd with dried fruits Roasted turkey with vegetables
Sunday Cheesecakes with fruits fruit juice Oven-baked mushrooms stuffed with turkey, vegetables and cheese Handful of unsalted nuts Chicken fillet, boiled green beans

Physical exercise

Weight loss according to Gavrilov does not include any special physical activity. They are not mandatory, but can significantly speed up the achievement of the desired result.
