Master class “Creating a model of “mountains” together with children. Master class: creating mountains for a model of a children's railway Model of a plain and mountains from plasticine

Natalia Baranichenko

The grandeur and grace of mountain communities depends mainly on the folds and bends of the mountains layers, from the outlines of gorges and valleys cutting through their slopes, from steep abysses and wide plains. Only due to the variety of lines and contours of the slopes mountains take shape, full of life and beauty. E. Reclus

Manufacturing layouts- an exciting activity that can not only keep your child occupied for a long time, but will also help him learn geography. This type of creativity develops imagination and fine motor skills of the hands. Layouts can be different sizes, but in any case you must try to accurately observe the scale. In the future it will be possible to beat him.

You will need:

Geographic map of the area with contour lines marked on it;

Video projector;

Pictures of mountain landscapes that you sculpt;

Sculptural plasticine;

Stones, sand, trees;

Toys to play with layout.

Getting to know the world around you by example prototyping of natural objects, natural areas, various natural phenomena, is very indicative of the creation of that subject environment for the development of cognitive interest, curiosity and observation in preschoolers. The main thing is to create layout, which is independently created by children or in joint activities with the teacher that when placing objects of nature, objects of the surrounding world, the child applies the acquired knowledge, generalizes the information received earlier, thus, the development of coherent speech of children occurs.

Publications on the topic:

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DIY volcano model from salt dough. Master class with step by step photos.

Kushnareva Tatyana Nikolaevna - geography teacher, Secondary School No. 9, Azov, Rostov Region.
Target: Making a model of a volcano from salt dough using the testoplasty technique.
1. Contribute to the formation of a scientific picture of the world, an initial understanding of the types of volcanoes.
2. Develop children's creative research activity.
3. Cultivate interest in cognitive- research activities, determination, perseverance, independence.

In my work, I invite you to find out whether it is possible to make a volcano at home and look at this dangerous, but it seems to me a very beautiful phenomenon - a volcanic eruption. Schoolchildren aged 10-13, as well as preschool children, can demonstrate their ability to create an artificial volcano.
Technique: Testoplasty, it seems to me, is very well suited for the implementation of my idea.
Purpose: Layout for research activities - experiment, as well as use as visual material to secure the external and internal structure volcano

"I spit fire and lava,
I am a dangerous giant
I am famous for my bad fame,
What is my name?" (Vulcan)

Volcanoes are geological formations on the surface earth's crust or the crust of another planet, where magma comes to the surface, forming lava, volcanic gases, rocks (volcanic bombs) and pyroclastic flows.
Word "Volcano" comes from the name of the ancient Roman god of fire Vulcan. Translated from Latin - the god of fire and blacksmithing.

Probably, of all the possible natural disasters that threaten humans, volcanic eruptions are the most dramatic, if not in terms of the number of victims and destruction, then in the sense of horror and helplessness that engulfs people in the face of the raging elements generated by the fiery bowels of the planet.
The volcano is a fantastic sight. In a matter of minutes, it can devastate entire cities, kill thousands of people, destroy landscapes and even change the Earth's climate.
Scientists estimate that about 500 million people live near volcanoes today.
Since 1700, volcanic eruptions have killed more than 260,000 people. People will not be able to prevent mass deaths unless they learn to understand and respect volcanoes.
Externally, volcanoes differ from each other; the most common types of volcanoes are conical and shield. Shield volcanoes are wide, flat volcanoes ranging in diameter from a few kilometers to over 100 km, and are usually low and wide. The volcano was formed as a result of repeated outpourings of high-temperature liquid lava.
In this master class, I propose to make a conical volcano.
Conical volcano. The slopes of the volcano are steep - the lava is thick, viscous, and cools quite quickly. The mountain has the shape of a cone.

Colored paper;
PVA glue";
Gouache paints;
Sheet of cardboard;
Glass cup.

Step by step description work

1. First we need to cook salty dough for making the Vulcan Model. To prepare salt dough, we need 400 g. flour, 200 gr. fine salt and 150 ml. water.

2. The dough is ready, you can start working.

3. To make the base of the Layout, we need to prepare a square of green colored paper 20/20 cm and a sheet of cardboard 20/20 cm

4. Apply PVA glue to the cardboard

5. The base of the Vulcan Model is ready

6. Place the dough on the base, make a hole in the center and place a glass cup in it, which will act as a muzzle.

7. Shape the Layout. We need a day for the dough to dry. You can speed up the drying process by placing the mock-up in the oven for 20 minutes, alternating sides.

8. Let’s start painting the layout, using gouache paints. Apply paint layer by layer. We cover the lower part of the slope with green color.

9.Add a few light tones of green paint.

10. Cover the middle and upper part of the slope of the model with brown paint.

11. It is necessary to let the paint dry before applying flowing lava to the Vulcan model using red gouache.

12. The Vulcan model is ready for the experiment

13. For experimental activities, we will need vinegar and soda tinted with red gouache in a small amount.

14. We pour soda into the mouth of the model, and then pour in tinted vinegar. Volcanism begins!

15. We observe how lava flows down the slope.

In the course of research activities, it was confirmed that it is possible to create an artificial volcano through experimental activities.

Volcanoes began to "volcano" -
Spew lava from the crater.
Lava flowed down the slopes
And it burned the Earth badly. (Elena Romankevich)

Thanks everyone for your attention!

In their works, modelers sometimes turn to mountain themes. And here, in addition to the usual work of gluing and painting figures, they face two main problems:
1. Believably show the actions of people in the mountains.
2. Production of imitation mountain terrain.

In principle, considering that most have never been to the mountains, and even more so, have never climbed rocks with a backpack, you don’t have to worry too much about these points. Practice shows that almost any quality of performance of a “mountain” composition will still be received with a bang by the audience. But, for those masochistic modelers who are interested in making not a stand with beautiful toy soldiers, but trying to show a piece real life, this is not enough. And it is for them that the material below is intended.

Let me clarify right away that I will not discuss the first point here.
Let's move on to making mountainous terrain, and more specifically, rocks.

Today, the most popular way to create a miniature mountain setting is to pour plaster/alabaster into crumpled foil.
There is another option to sculpt the stones yourself. But, as practice shows, nothing good comes of this. IN best case scenario The modelers come out with some round river basins. But certainly not rock fragments. So let's move on to the foil right away.
Yes, indeed, in this way you can get a relief and texture that is closest to reality, but...Only at first glance! In fact, plaster frozen in crumpled foil is similar, first of all (and secondly, by the way, too) to plaster frozen in foil. It resembles mountains only on a very small scale. Let's just say - it looks quite similar to a mountain range at 1:1000. But not at 1:35.

There are two main problems here - the lack characteristic features mountainous terrain, and smoothed, rounded surfaces of “rocks”, almost completely devoid of the texture of real stones. In my opinion, at best it looks like frozen volcanic lava.

Or another mistake - monotonous repeatability of the relief. Which looks more like the ruins of an architectural structure than real mountains.

Now let's see how we can get rid of these shortcomings.
The main problem of casting in foil is smooth surface final product.
To get rid of this, you can use sandpaper of different grains, which is inserted in fragments into a foil mold. As a result, the finished casting of the resulting rocks will become more varied in texture.
As another option, you can put a little sand in places in a foil pan. This will also add variety to the resulting surface.
And to make the casting immediately richer in shades, you can also add various natural “dyes” - soot, ash, earth, etc.
But that's not all!
In the end, it is still necessary to manually bring the entire surface to a realistic look - the finished castings then need to be finished with cutters, sandpaper, needle files and other improvised tools.
And besides the texture of the surface, you need to pay great attention to the relief itself - cracks, chips, etc.
As a result of all these manipulations, an interesting effect can be obtained that closely resembles real rocks.

Below is an example of what this might look like. Not here yet finishing(painting, imitation vegetation, etc.). But even in this form, I think it looks much more interesting.
(The 1:35 Goblin Huntsman figure from Zvezda is shown here just to give an example of the scale of the work)

And one more option...

In fact, there are many more nuances to realistically displaying mountains. But even after doing only what was said above, appearance Such dioramas can be significantly improved, gradually moving away from toy doll models to real mountains.

(photos from the site are used in the text

It is always more interesting to place a model of a house that you made with your own hands not just on a shelf, but to surround it with a landscape similar to reality. So that there were trees and bushes around, a stream running past from the hill.

But how and from what to make it? Which material needed? What knowledge do you need to have?

First, decide what size your piece of nature with your house will be.
Then select a piece of material that is fairly hard. It may be thick cardboard, a piece of fiberboard (a wood-fiber panel from which back walls furniture). Thick leaf plastic or plexiglass. In general, something rigid, the basis on which we will place all the elements of the landscape.

On a separate sheet of paper, Whatman paper, preferably in scale 1:1 draw a plan of your area, with a marking (spot) of your main structure for which the entire landscape is made.

Remember the rules of artistic composition so that minor details do not distract from the main idea of ​​the entire project. We do not create a forest and a river, but an entourage, the environment of your main idea, its framing.
Your plan should clearly show all the details, where the stream goes, where the foot of the hill or mountain begins, how the paths or paths will go. Separately standing trees and bushes, in general, everything that will be on the layout besides the house.

You must have a clear idea of ​​what it will all look like. Place your house on the base of the landscape, rotate it, see how best to place it, how everything else will be distributed.

Now let's move on to making the landscape itself.

When all the lowlands and hills are marked on your sub-layout (that’s what the base of the layout is called), you can begin the relief itself. If you have ravines or a stream (river), then their bottom will be the lowest point of the entire layout. and relative to this point the entire relief must be raised.

And here there are many methods for relief, but we need simpler ones, and preferably without the use of expensive and complex materials.
First you need to make the frame of the hill itself. It can be made from sheets of cardboard or pieces of packaging cardboard (corrugated cardboard). The gaps between the sheathing can be filled with any waste material. This could be crumpled newspaper, unnecessary rags, scraps of foam (foam from packaging of household equipment will do).

If the filler is newspaper or rags, it needs to be fastened and secured with something. Will do varnish, liquid construction putty , glue PVA or any other cheaper one.

If you filled the gaps with polystyrene foam, glue it (on the same PVA, it’s not that expensive). Then the foam plastic must first be trimmed, removing unevenness and fitting it approximately to the topography of the hill (mountain).
At this stage of relief formation, it is advisable to have photographs of approximately the height that you are going to depict. Is it a rocky outcrop or just a moss-covered hill? This will help you now and in the future.

Let your sheathing filler dry thoroughly.
Depending on the soil you choose (stones, grass, rocky outcrops), the further structure of the hill is formed.
To soften the folds and make them look realistic, you can coat the frame with plasticine, mastic, or putty to level the walls and corners.

In general, at this stage, visit more often construction stores, as a rule, you will find everything you need there.
Take a look at the pharmacy, they sell soaked gauze and bandages plaster. Soaked in water and laid out on the relief, they perfectly convey the folds of the terrain.
The shores and other areas of the area are formed in the same way. Remember about Russian roads and paths, which cannot exist without ditches and potholes.
There should be no gaps, cracks (unless this is your idea), voids or even smooth areas anywhere on the layout, unless it is asphalt.
The entire relief structure must be strong, reliable, not shake or sway. Otherwise, you will get cracks over time.
Preparing for painting involves carefully treating the surface for the paint of your choice.

Don't limit yourself to one type of paint, even if you have a full set of them. Aerosol paints, tinted water-based emulsion, gouache, tempera, watercolor , acrylic. Anything can come into play. Remember, each type of paint has its own special reflective feature.

Preparing for painting

The next stage is one of the most important. Painting finished relief largely determines the realism of the entire layout. You should know well what kind of area you are depicting, what kind of flora there is. Season.

And again, it is advisable to have a lot of photos. If the area is close to you, it is easy to take as many photos as possible, especially details. Protruding root tree in the middle of the path, a separate stone, a dried tree. These details will help you give everything a special realism.

The painting stage itself is too extensive and is no longer included in the scope of this article.
Just be more attentive in nature, on the street, notice everything that surrounds you. There are no uniform methods for creating a landscape.
We looked at one of perhaps the simplest and cheapest methods of creating nature on a shelf.

The article was prepared by Valery Smirnov, a teacher at the Best Layout training center.

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