The best open world games. The best

And the vaunted one is more about war than about space. But projects about space exploration without shooting and alien monsters still exist, and in honor of Cosmonautics Day we decided to recall the best games about space.

The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration is involved in the development of many of the above projects. In addition, NASA produces a huge number of applications related to certain aspects of the agency’s activities and providing access to photographs taken during various missions, including literally on the day they were received, information about spacecraft, biographies of astronauts, etc. . and so on. Just search for NASA in Google Play or the App Store and you will find dozens of applications, including games about space.

Happy holiday to everyone for whom space research continues to be the forefront of science and important aspect activities of people on planet Earth.

02.06.2018 Pavel Makarov

Open world games have been receiving more and more attention from players lately. The developers of such products promise complete freedom of action and research. Therefore, this genre is released in various settings, from fantasy to urban adventures, for example, GTA V. In our article, we tried to select the most popular space games with an open world, where you not only have to navigate areas of outer space, but also develop your civilization.

Release date: 2016
Genre: exploration and survival on planets, open world
Developer: System Era Softworks
Publisher: System Era Softworks

ASTRONEER is one of the sandbox adventure games. Type of gameplay - any movement occurs relative to the camera, which rotates around the main character through the right mouse button. According to the plot, the protagonist immediately appears on an uncharted planet, which he has to explore, extract resources, build strong base points and build ships for further travel.

The value of "ASTRONEER" lies in the fact that the game immediately puts you in full readiness mode, without preliminary build-up - any ill-considered action leads to collapse, which is very impressive for users.

Release date: 2016
Genre: survival with sandbox elements
Developer: Ludeon Studios
Publisher: Ludeon Studios

RimWorld is a construction and management simulator in which you have to be prepared for anything. The gameplay is very original - the user does not control the settlers themselves, but generates tasks for them on the work site. According to the plot, there are three exiles who need to find themselves in a new place in order to create a base for settling a new colony.

Each new member of the settlement is a person with a special character, so the player will have to choose the right tasks. The game is loved for its amazing plot, which, paradoxically, does not exist as such. A set of random events is constantly generated that will have to be processed.

Release date: 2015
Genre: exploration of the galaxy, battles in space
Developer: Frontier Developments
Publisher: Frontier Developments

Elite Dangerous is a space simulator of amazing proportions, in which the user is offered about 400 billion systems to study. The interface is clearly thought out - each ship has a special cabin, and interior design The cockpit resembles the decoration of a modern car.

“Elite Dangerous” is not a banal space “flying game”, but a simulator of life in space. At the beginning, the player himself determines in which system and with which vehicle he will end up. Initially, there is little means of subsistence, so you will have to work a lot. The game is a success for its complete freedom of action and excellent voice acting.


Release date: 2017
Genre: first-person shooter, exploration of orbital stations
Developer: Arkane Studios
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks

Prey is a fantastic first-person shooter where the player will have to solve his own quests while hiding from hostile aliens. According to the plot, main character Morgan Y. finds himself aboard the Talos 1 station in space, after the terrible consequences of a failed experiment in which he personally participated.

The user will have to reveal both the secrets of creating the station and his own secrets. Any thing that falls into your hands can become a weapon against monsters - the main thing is to have the ingenuity to use it. Players note the brilliantly thought-out level architecture and the wide number of variations in how the game can be played.

Release date: year 2013
Genre: sandbox in outer space
Developer: Keen Software House
Publisher: Keen Software House

Space Engineers is one of the sandbox simulators. The gameplay involves the creation of alien ships and base stations in order to explore cosmic bodies for resources. The game is created for singles - the presence of a wide number of possibilities allows you to design the most unimaginable spaceships within tens of hours.

The simulator requires two things: imagination and perseverance. Possibilities cooperative game exists, but is not yet sufficiently developed. The main advantage of “Space Engineers” is that the player can fully materialize his fantasies.

Space Rangers HD: A War Apart

Release date: year 2013
Genre: RPG with strategy elements, space exploration
Developer: SNK Games, Elemental Games, Katauri Interactive
Publisher: 1C Company

Space Rangers HD: A War Apart is a game in the RPG genre, where elements of strategy, action and arcade are successfully intertwined, and is considered the standard of varied gameplay. Compared to previous parts, the plot branch of "Revolution" includes the invasion of pirate expansion. Now the user is offered an alternative: to defend the ranks of the Dominators, or to take the path of piracy, gradually subjugating the entire galaxy.

Players note the well-thought-out technology of combat, and the ability to increase the intelligence of the hostile faction forces them to use their own tactical skills.

Empyrion - Galactic Survival

Release date: 2015
Genre: planetary exploration, survival in space
Developer: Eleon Game Studios
Publisher: Eleon Game Studios

Empyrion: Galactic Survival is a super busy 3D sandbox that takes the hero into outer space. Well-thought-out gameplay allows you to switch between ship building and space exploration modes. The game is a survival simulator, where the user himself thinks through the plot of his existence: engage in crafting on one of the planets, and then begin to discover the cosmic world, or get involved in real battles.

Screenshots of Empyrion - Galactic Survival

Players love “Empyrion - Galactic Survival” for the endless possibilities that the simulator provides, in which you can create your own world.


Release date: 2008
Genre: open world, sandbox
Developer: Maxis
Publisher: Electronic Arts

SPORE exciting game, developed in the “god simulator” genre. The gameplay of the simulator can best be described by a poster hanging in one of the biology classrooms - the player begins his journey with the condition of a microorganism that wants to grow and multiply.

Thus, the user is gradually upgraded to the level of an intergalactic traveler, personally choosing the path of development. The simulator gives players the opportunity to understand the differences between the microworld and the macro-space in which it will exist.

Release date: 2017
Genre: military-political global strategy
Developer: AMPLITUDE Studios
Publisher: SEGA

Endless Space 2 is a turn-based strategy game that introduces combat with RTS elements. Very convenient gameplay - a huge amount of information fits into a minimal interface in which the player controls an inhabited planet in an initially colonized star system.

According to the plot, the user is given a choice of one of the existing races, which has its own distinctive features. Immediately after the start, the player is in a neutral relationship with everyone, and he chooses what to do: trade or fight. Each decision influences the population under control, which makes users feel like politicians.

Release date: 2017
Genre: rogue like in space, open world
Developer: ROCKFISH Games
Publisher: ROCKFISH Games

EVERSPACE is a dynamic single-player space shooter. The gameplay is extremely simple, like for a shooter - all the required information is supplied to the cockpit, and the player can only deftly control his ship. The simulator invites the user to discover the secret of the origin of his character and a huge number of battles - he will have to die regularly, but this is a logical part of the game.

Despite big number quests, it is the amazing battles with opponents that attract new users to the number of fans of “EVERSPACE”: enemies can be riddled with cannons, lured into a black hole or exposed to attack by third forces - it’s time to turn on your imagination.

Release date: 2017
Genre: sandbox in outer space
Developer: Boxelware
Publisher: Boxelware

"Avorion" is an online multiplayer sandbox. The user can choose a wide variety of gameplay: engage in crafting, cooperate with other “neighbors” or organize military raids on relaxed comrades. The plot of the game begins with the character getting into another galaxy, located at a distant distance from the milky way. Everything in the system is built on local currency - “credits”, through which you will have to develop your material equipment.

Players are not limited in any way - due to block structures of various shapes and sizes, they can create unique combat and transport vehicles, which will lead the chosen faction to success.

Release date: 2006
Genre: Open world MMORPG, Sci-Fi
Developer: CCR Inc.
Publisher in Russia: Innova

RF Online is a Korean MMORPG that is based on a combination of fantasy and science fiction elements. The gameplay is classic, as for games of this genre - the player watches the events from a third person, and the “RF Online” interface provides hints on control hot keys. According to the plot, the user is asked to choose one of three races that are constantly fighting against each other, without the possibility of a truce.

Hi all! Below is a selection of 33 best games about space and spaceships for the computer. The selection was collected over 3 years and was first stored on my computer, now it is here. Games are constantly monitored and the most delicious things are added here regularly.

Separately, I made a selection only. Games of other genres are also more represented here.


Release date: 2003

Genre: Space simulator

Far from new, but a truly Great (yes, with a capital G) space simulator, which many modern developers still look up to. Easy to learn and well thought out, Freelancer became an icon of space games for many years to come. The premise of the game is very simple - the young pilot Trent loses his ship and takes on any orders, retraining in the game from an errand boy to the savior of all mankind...

Players will find a huge living and believable world with its own political life, a wide variety of ships with unique upgrade options and weapons, an interesting and original plot, and even a free game, which can be started after completing the main campaign. In addition, today there are a great many different mods that significantly expand and improve various aspects of the game.

EVE Online

Release date: 2003


An online multiplayer game set in space. The player here acts as the captain of his own spaceship and, almost from the very beginning of the game, is free to act as he wants (extract resources, trade, fight, engage in piracy, and much more). A distinctive feature of the project is that the players themselves influence both the economic and political situation in the game world.

Four playable factions, 7 thousand star systems, countless ships, upgrades and leveling options, and simply limitless opportunities to play your own role in this truly monumental game will not leave you indifferent. It is worth noting that the game is paid (a monthly subscription is paid), but there is a free mode with certain restrictions on character development and payment of a subscription for in-game currency.

Space Empires: Starfury

Release date: 2003

Genre: space strategy

Space Empires: Starfury- a space strategy that opens up endless outer space for the player.

In this game you have to create your own empire and develop it as best as possible. Explore outer space, appropriate new territories, destroy enemies, develop diplomacy, because you are a star general. All that remains is to choose the path of development and, sticking to it, reach the victorious end.

X2: The Threat

Release date: December 2003

Genre: simulator

X2: The Threat- an exciting and very realistic space simulator with elements of research, trade, construction and military battles. Vast space worlds, an intriguing plot, an abundance of choice of spaceships (about 70 types), the ability to create your own intergalactic cruiser to achieve given goals, many objects and mysteries - all this is appreciated by players who are able to spend many hours at the helm of a starship.

The space of space is divided into sectors, of which there are more than a hundred in the game. Between the sectors there are gates called hypergates. There are hostile, peaceful and unknown sectors. The player is given complete freedom of action, he can develop as he pleases. For example, build stations and factories, earning money from it. Or, for example, engage in piracy. Or even easier - just follow the plot of the game.

Space Rangers 2: Dominators

Release date: 2004

Genre: It combines so many genres that you’ll just get hooked: RPG, text quest, real-time strategy, action and arcade

People who play and love games for quite a long time know what Space Rangers are. For many Russian and not only Russian players, the game has become a cult. Many spent more than one day playing this game. The game takes place in space in the year 3400, where interaction occurs between five civilizations: Maloki, Pelengi, People, Faeyans, Gaalians. The player can choose a race, character, appearance. The game is on the all-time list.

After which the player can travel through space completing various quests, battles, trade, resource extraction, and so on. The world in Space Rangers is open and lives its own independent life around it. There are other rangers who, just like you, earn credits (game currency) and carry out their missions. Pirates can attack you at any time in the game.

There is humor in the game; you can often hear one or another joke in the dialogues of the characters. As you develop and earn credits, you can improve the equipment of your spaceship, improving its characteristics.

X3: Reunion

Release date: 2005

X3: Reunion– a space simulator with trading elements. The game was created for true connoisseurs of endless outer space, major intergalactic battles, freedom of movement, diplomacy, construction and trade. The game has its own plot line, but this does not limit the user’s freedom of exploration and action. The plot is built around the warlike and aggressive civilization of Haaki. In Khaaki society there is a strict hierarchy, where they obey a single leader. Their war fleet attacked the Earth and killed millions of people. The player must unravel the weak point of the warlike race and save humanity from death.

The game world is represented by a huge universe, in which there are 162 sectors. Each of them has portal gates through which you can quickly move from sector to sector. Representatives of eight different races live in the universe, including friendly and enemy ones. System development is of great importance in passing the game. industrial production And trade relations. The construction of new plants and factories, the establishment of trade relations will help in the development of intergalactic business, improving your ship and much more.

Parkan 2

Release date: 2005

Genre: Space simulator, shooter

An old but very exciting space simulator from, which is a continuation of the game Parkan: Chronicle of an Empire, however, very different from its predecessor. And although the main features of the two games were similar, the second part made significant progress in terms of graphics, battle physics and the overall beauty of what was happening on the screen. A number of innovations were also added, for example, combat robots for planetary attacks.

In general, the second part of Parkan is a solid simulator with more than 500 different star systems. You have space, a ship and yourself, unlimited by any boundaries. The player can explore galaxies, land on planets (and even capture them!), fight, trade, communicate, fight again... The surface of the planets, by the way, is randomly generated, which significantly increases the replayability of the project. In a word, it’s better to try Parkan 2 yourself once than to read reviews about it.

STAR WARS Battlefront II

Release date: March 2005

Genre: First and third person shooter

A tactical team shooter in the Star Wars universe, which is a continuation of the game Star Wars: Battlefront. The second part is not fundamentally different from its predecessor, and the closest project with similar game mechanics can be called the Battlefield series. The game contains a variety of equipment from Star Wars, almost all the key characters, recognizable locations, and also plays out some important battles of the saga.

The second part of Battlefront has larger number different modes (compared to its predecessor), many maps, 4 opposing armies (two for each era represented in the game) and several classes of fighters for each side. Battles take place both on planets and in space, which significantly diversifies the gameplay. A definite must-play for both Star Wars fans and fans of games like Battlefield.

Release date: 2006

Genre: Spaceship simulator, open world

A space simulator with non-linear gameplay and first-person view. The player controls the control of a spaceship capable of moving between neighboring planetary systems using wormholes that create the spacecraft's power plants. Each system has only one habitable planet, around which an orbital station circles. Based on the name of the inhabited planet, the player selects a destination. Despite the fact that if there is a sufficient amount of fuel, a wormhole can be made anywhere within the system, the player will still have to navigate the ship to the station through outer space.

On his way, he may meet other ships, some of which will have to engage in mortal combat. The vehicles of space travelers in the game are armed with missiles and lasers. Most fights take place at close range with the enemy. However, in outer space the forces of gravity and inertia do not act. This makes the combat system very unpredictable.

Darkstar One

Release date: March 2006

Genre: Space simulator

A good space “flying game” with extensive capabilities and a strong, well-developed plot (there are a good 50 minutes of 3D videos alone). According to the plot, our protagonist gets his father’s unique spaceship, on which we begin our adventure. And although the game is not considered a standard of the genre, fans of space games will definitely like it.

At your service: more than 200 various improvements to the ship and its systems, endless expanses of space completely open for exploration, many unique races (each with its own characteristics), various opportunities for earning money (trading, smuggling, escorting, bounty hunting, killing pirates and etc.). It is noteworthy that “good” and “bad” roleplaying does not affect the plot, but somewhat changes the style of play.

Space Force: Rogue Universe

Release date: 2007

Genre: Simulator, open world

Space Force: Rogue Universe- space simulator. The game is different realistic graphics, dynamic space battles, exploration and trading. You will be transported to outer space with picturesque planets, hot stars, comets, asteroids and black holes. In this simulator, in addition to military affairs, you can engage in trade, intelligence activities, diplomacy and earn money to improve the level of your skills.

The player can choose from one of 14 types of spaceships, which can be classified into three categories: heavy, medium and light. Starships can be improved according to their main characteristics: protection, weapons, cargo compartment volume, speed, etc. The game world is inhabited by ten unusual civilizations. The creators of Space Force: Rogue Universe placed the main emphasis on the development of the spaceship, as well as the free exploration of space. There really is a lot to explore - the game contains 46 star systems of the Milky Way. Each of them has its own characteristics, including asteroids, black holes, hostile races, etc.

Mass Effect series

Release date: 2007-2017

Genre: Third person shooter

IN Mass Effect there are branched dialogues and many side quests, an element of space exploration and the worlds you visit, thoughtful leveling, excellent action component and much more! The decisions made by the player during the game influence the further development of the plot, while some of the choices made in the first part of the trilogy will be reflected, for example, in the final part. If you have not yet played this masterpiece, then urgently correct the situation, since this project has gained fame as one of the best games of all time.

Dead Space series

Release date: 2008-2013

Genre: Survival Horror, third person shooter

Dead Space is a series of games in the survival horror genre, which tells the story of the adventures of engineer Isaac Clarke. A seemingly simple mission pits him against bloodthirsty necromorphs (monsters into which dead people turn under the influence of a certain Obelisk). Over the course of three parts of the game, the main character tries to survive and at the same time figure out the devilry going on around him.

For fans of atmospheric games in general and horror films in particular, this game is highly recommended, since it skillfully plays on the player’s emotions, evoking in him such feelings as: fear, panic, a feeling of loneliness, fear of closed spaces, etc. The gameplay of Dead Space is something reminiscent of games such as Resident Evil and Silent Hill, but at the same time differs from them in the original setting and some game design “tricks”.


Release date: March 2009

Forerunners is a project that combines elements of genres such as Action, RPG and space. People have long conquered space, and the meeting with extraterrestrial civilizations was surprisingly peaceful. Ultimately, the evil aliens became the people themselves, who split into several warring factions.

The main game events take place on planets. Here the hero takes on quests, completes certain tasks, fights, trades, etc. Gradually, the hero gains experience and acquires all sorts of perks. Once you receive your first starship, the game begins to resemble Freelancer-style simulators - the player can freely travel around various systems, each of which has planets available for landing with a new heap of tasks. Some quests can be solved in several ways. The plot is somewhat banal, but nonlinear, and a couple of times the player will face situations with a choice on which what happens next will depend.

Evochron Mercenary

Release date: 2010

Genre: space simulator

Evochron Mercenary is a space simulator that is based on the principle of the player freely searching for his own tasks and goals in the game world. At the start of the game, the user has the opportunity to decide on a gaming style, which determines the features of the gameplay: the roles of a merchant, mercenary, military man and racer. Thanks to the simulator's simulation of the real behavior of bodies in outer space, taking into account gravitational forces, the player gets an unrivaled feeling of being on a spacecraft. The game supports single and multiplayer modes.

At the beginning of the game, you will have only one spaceship at your disposal, consisting of a “frame” (the main part) and additional modules: stabilizers, fuel tanks, engines. Having saved up a little money, you can buy more advanced modules and frames. The types of available frames depend on the role that the player chose at the start of his career. You can also purchase and install new specialized equipment on the ship. This includes, for example, construction mechanisms that make it possible to set up stations in undeveloped locations in space.

The player can hire several additional crew members for his ship, which will increase the characteristics of his starship.

Starpoint Gemini 1 and 2

Release date: 2010

Genre: space Strategy,

Starpoint Gemini is an excellent space strategy containing all the components of a true hit. Events take place in free galaxies, the vastness of which is trying to be captured by different game parties. It all starts with small ore miners and prospectors. Subsequently, it is possible to qualitatively develop technologies by bringing large spaceships - frigates and battleships - onto the battlefield. The pinnacle of military power are cruisers. Having accumulated sufficient military force the player can make a massive attack on the enemy ship.

Events in the game Starpoint Gemini unfold in a three-dimensional world, thanks to which you can completely immerse yourself in what is happening. One of the foundations of economic well-being is the development of trade routes. First of all, this is a high-quality game, playing which you can isolate yourself from boring reality for many hours and be transported to the fascinating world of space battles. Perhaps you will be the next ruler of the Galaxy?

Starpoint Gemini 2

Release date: March 2014

Genre: Space simulator

Starpoint Gemini 2- the gameplay is presented in the form of a classic space simulator, in which the player takes on the role of captain of a large spaceship. The player is given a choice of one of 70 spaceships. You can choose between free mode and campaign. In the game world you are allowed to do whatever you want. To do this, the game has various in-game professions: miners, traders, space pirates, research scientists and keepers of the law. There are 3 classes in the game: Commander, Engineer and Shooter. The Commander's specialization is to control the entire fleet, the Shooter has developed attacking abilities. The Engineer is a mix of the two classes and has special support abilities.

The weapons of a spaceship are placed on turrets; the number of installed weapons, their position and the angle of attack of the turrets depend on the type of ship. During the game you can increase or decrease the number of turrets on your ship.

The weapon system includes light weapons (rail, beam, plasma weapons) and heavy weapons (missiles). The protective system is also non-standard - instead of a complete system, it consists of 4 parts of the shield. The player is allowed to use special equipment that affects his combat abilities and up to four skills, depending on the hero’s class. Thanks to all this, fast and tactical gameplay is achieved.

FTL: Faster Than Light

Release date: 2012

Genre: strategy, simulator, RPG

FTL: Faster Than Light– a space simulator with RPG elements. It describes fantastic events in the distant future. The Federation is in a state civil war. Evil rebels are attacking from all sides. Only one small Kestrel-class ship managed to break through the rebel outposts and retrieve important data. The player's task is to get to star system under the control of the federation. You become a brave captain of a spaceship with loyal crew members.

Land on the surface of planets, explore space, board your opponents - all means are good in war! The main thing is to get out of the cordon and get to your allies. Perhaps your heroism will play a key role and bring peace to a war-weary galaxy. But this will not be easy, because the small ship has a whole fleet of rebels on its tail.

Kerbal Space Program

Release date: 2013

Genre: Space simulator, open world, sandbox

KSP is a multi-genre game in which the player needs to build a rocket or spaceship capable of taking people into space. At your disposal are numerous components from which you can build a starship. Each part has its own functions and affects the flight characteristics of the vessel. There is also a hangar in which orbital and conventional aircraft are assembled. The ships are controlled by “Kerbanauts,” residents of the planet Kerbin. The main navigation device in the game is the “navball”, an analogue of the attitude indicator, which displays the vector and anti-vector of speed, the course of the ship and its speed. The cockpit also has a radar altitude indicator.

In research mode, the player needs to conduct scientific experiments and earn “science points” for this. They can be used to discover new devices and parts in the development of the “technology tree”. When choosing a career mode, in addition to accumulating science points, you will also need to complete contracts, for which you will be given the money necessary to build devices.

The Swapper

Release date: March 2013

Genre: Platformer, puzzle

An indie puzzle-platformer game in which the player takes control of a female astronaut stranded on board an abandoned space station. At this station, the heroine discovers a device that allows her to create her own clones and transfer her consciousness into one of them. Using this device, the player will have to solve many puzzles and learn about the fate of the missing inhabitants of the station.

The game has original mechanics, excellent visual style and a high-quality atmosphere. The levels become progressively more difficult, while the player also gradually discovers new possibilities for using the cloning device. It is worth noting that the project received many positive feedback and even won a number of awards, including “Best international game"on Freeplay 2011.

Space Engineers

Release date: March 2013 In early access

As for the gameplay itself, it is very diverse. The field of activity in the game is vast. Organize the extraction of resources, build and upgrade starships using the obtained blueprints, occupy enemy territories and, of course, engage in battles with other users. The weapon system of the ships is also well thought out in the game. It is recommended to equip your combat vessel based on your own needs and skills. Install plasma cannons, super-powerful missiles, catapults for combat robots, and automatic miners on the spaceship.

Star Conflict

Release date: 2014

Genre: MMORPG, arcade, open world

Star Conflict - is a new dynamic MMO action game created by StarGem Inc studio together with Gaijin Entertainment. The game allows you to take the helm of a space starship and take part in massive battles of star armadas! At your disposal are dozens of different ships, from fast scouts to heavy frigates armed with guns and missiles. Each ship can be prepared to perform various tasks: reconnaissance, hunting the enemy, supporting allies, powerful attack, support with long-range sniper weapons.


The player controls combat spaceships of different types and roles. The game has PvP and PvE game modes, as well as (starting with the Open World sandbox version. There is also a “Battle for the Sector” mode, in which only corporations (clans of players) participate. The developers position the game as a team game, where the interaction of players in battle and tactics are critical to victory. Participation in battles brings players synergy and income in the form of in-game currency and items that are used to improve ships and purchase new ones. On average, a session PvP battle lasts 5-10 minutes and involves from 6 to 32 players The duration of a session in the Open World is not limited.

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The vastness of the Universe remains main theme discussions for humanity. What is outside the Galaxy? Is there life on other planets? And, most importantly, should we be afraid of foreign creatures?

While scientists are looking for exact answers to these questions, game developers are creating games about space. There are no limits to their imagination - players are invited to conquer entire planets, become space pirates, and build their own shuttle. Much attention is paid to horror films and mystical projects. Space games on PC are being developed in several directions:

  • Open world;
  • Action;
  • Sandboxes;
  • Strategies;
  • Indy and others.

On the site you will find the best space games on PC. Their creators send players to survive on other planets, invite them to explore the expanses of the Galaxy on their own ship and fight alien monsters. Often games about space contain multiplayer - players interact with each other, fight for resources, create colonies.

We present the TOP best games about space on PC in the genre, which received a lot of positive reviews from critics and players. For convenience, they are presented in list form. The presented space games can be downloaded via a torrent tracker.

TOP games about space

Events unfold in the future, in a different reality. John Kennedy was not killed by a mysterious shooter, and active space exploration began in the country. Already in 2032, scientists are conducting experiments on typhons (aliens). Alien creatures have united and attacked Earth, and the player must put down the uprising.

You have to go through non-linear levels in various ways (stealth, assault) and make decisions that affect the development of the plot. Collect resources, weapons, neuromods and improve the alien abilities that the main character is endowed with. A rich arsenal of plasma weapons is available. The atmosphere of space “horror”, “action” and modern graphics are impressive.

Note: This game is not related to 2006's Prey.

Dead Space is a horror, survival simulator consisting of three parts. The main character, Isaac Clarke, is an engineer on the Ishimura spaceship. Under the influence of a strange alien signal, most of the crew turned into necromophros (monsters). The main character will have to find the “source of evil” and survive in the cramped corridors of the ship.

The series is highly praised by critics for its chilling atmosphere and skillful combination of genres. You have to really survive, save ammunition and thoroughly explore locations in search of a first aid kit. The monsters turned out to be creepy and varied. The game is divided into several connected levels. There are elements of pumping (using special modules) and crafting (for example, you can improve weapons using found parts).

EVE Online is an open world online game. Freedom of choice is provided - players can complete story missions or go explore the Galaxy by building a spaceship. There is a unique character development system - to discover new skills you need to buy a specialized book. It may take several months to learn the skills.

A detailed “designer” of a spaceship, a dynamic combat system based on orders and target acquisition, a variety of tactics, a rich territory, an abundance of non-combat opportunities (resource extraction, joining factions) are not all the features of the game. In a fantasy world, you can become a space pirate, a merchant, a bandit - do whatever you want.

Destiny 1, 2 is a fantastic online shooter with an open world. People, having settled on other planets, are faced with an unknown hostile faction that seeks to destroy all life. You are the chosen one, destined to prevent the decline of humanity. At the beginning, it is proposed to create a hero by choosing a faction (determines abilities) and setting up appearance parameters.

There are single story missions, cooperative missions and multiplayer battles. In the vastness of the world, you can explore different places and find new equipment. There is a pumping system. You can explore areas with friends, or join other teams. The Guardian (Ghost robot) will help you in your adventures.

No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky - indie, action, adventure. When creating the game, random procedural generation was used, which automatically creates many planets with a unique structure, flora and fauna. The player is invited to create his own ship and go explore space, extract resources, build bases, create details The main goal is to travel to the center of the Galaxy.

Each planet is unique - one has high radiation, another may have low temperatures, and the third is a huge ocean. There is “multiplayer” - that is, you can meet other players in the vastness of the Universe, but this probability is low due to the impressive size of the game world.

The fantastic RPG game Mass Effect was released in 2007, and became the beginning of an entire franchise. The first "trilogy" tells the adventures of Captain Shepard, and the fourth part, entitled "Andromeda", begins a new story.

There is a detailed character editor. The essence of the gameplay is to complete a series of story and secondary tasks and travel between planets. Battles take place in real time. Attention is paid to tactics - for example, there is a “tactical pause” mode in which the player can change weapons, use skills or give orders to allies. There are no more than 4 characters in the team (including the main character), and relationships (hostile, friendly) can develop between them.

Anno 2205 is the sixth game in the series of urban economic simulators. The beginning is standard - players are asked to populate a certain biome (temperate, arctic), extract resources and build cities. Over time, development will reach a high level, which will make it possible to send the first capsule with settlers to the Moon.

Exploration of the Moon – main feature Anno 2205. Its atmosphere is different from that of Earth, so development takes place differently. You will have to extract unknown resources from the lunar surface, face alien threats and try to improve the lives of all earthlings on the satellite. Build buildings, develop the economy and trade routes and build a real civilization.

The game currently in development, Star Citizen, is a space simulator. So far, the developers are releasing alpha versions, adding new game elements. Players will try out a multiplayer sandbox and complete a number of story missions (alone or with friends in co-op mode). In the hangar you can create, modify and view a spaceship.

Having flown it into outer space, players are allowed to explore the gigantic world and test the ship in battle with aliens or other players. There are realistic physics - space flight depends on mass, thrust, position in space and other parameters. The multiplayer game has two modes: “Capture Points”, “Last Man Standing”.

StarCraft 2 is a real-time strategy, continuation of the cult series. Events take place in the future, in deep space. In one part of the galaxy, a struggle is unfolding between three races:

  • Terrans (people);
  • Zergami (mutated insect-like creatures);
  • Protoss (high-tech race of aliens).

The player will have to join one of them and develop his “base”, extracting new resources and building various buildings. There are single and multiplayer modes. The game is considered a “cult” because almost all game mechanics are ideal in it. To win, you need to think through tactics, study the characteristics of your opponent and skillfully lead the army.

Homeworld is a series of space strategy games that amazed players in 1999. In 2015, a re-release was released, in which the gameplay was not changed, but the graphics, music and other technical components were improved. The player is asked to choose one of six races (Taidan, Bentusi, Turanian Raiders, Kadesh, Kushana).

You are a resident of the planet Kharak. One day, a small team, including you, sets out to explore the vastness of the Universe. She came across an unknown enemy who knocked out the ship and attacked the planet. As a result, you lost your home. What's left to do? Travel through space and search new house. Develop colonies, spaceships, fight opponents and complete various tasks. Before you is a cult strategy, one of the most outstanding in the genre.

The multiplayer action game Star Conflict opens up a rich space world. Players will have to complete missions using various warships. They can be upgraded using in-game currency or parts obtained during battles.

There are three modes: PvP, PvE and sandbox, which is an “Open World”. Another type of battle opens up for clans – “Battle for the Sector”. The main focus of the game is on multiplayer, so you will often encounter other players. In PvP there are quick battles divided into modes (capture beacons, control, reconnaissance in force, hunt for a beacon, team battle, detonation). You are divided into two teams and perform certain tasks, while simultaneously developing tactics and interacting with your allies.


Maia is an indie science fiction sandbox game on PC. Events take place in 2113, on the distant planet Maya. The player will have to take on the role of commander of the colonists who dared to go to conquer the vastness of space. The first planet on their way turns out to be rich in resources and similar to Earth.

Players will have to explore a gigantic area (4 square kilometers), change it, extract resources and engage in construction. The game stands out for its dark humor, random map generation, thoughtful physics and atmosphere, excellent graphics and minimalistic interface. When creating the game, the developers were inspired by literary works of the 70s.

When creating Starfighter Origins, the development team thought about the fact that many space games have a number of unnecessary mechanics, such as trading, multiplayer, and a huge open world. Therefore, their game is a classic space shooter, but with realistic graphics.

The following features of the game can be highlighted:

  • Single player campaign including 4 modes;
  • Detailing of ships, cabins and other details in the style of 90s games;
  • 6 ships, with different tasks and features;
  • Simple interface;
  • Dynamic battles in space;
  • Target acquisition system.

What especially stands out is the atmosphere, which makes the player feel like a space traveler. What is the goal of the game? It's simple. Shoot everything that moves.

Real-time strategy Offworld Trading Company will send players to Mars. There is no combat system - you have to defeat your opponent using tactics and “economy”.

The player becomes the head of one of four large companies that extract resources on Mars. You will need to place a base and expand it from time to time by purchasing land on the auction. There are 7 missions available, the goal of which is to defeat your opponent through trading (on the regular and black market).

The planet contains rich deposits of iron, carbon (carbon), aluminum, silicon and water. You must build production chains, maintain the existence of the base, develop technologies and, accordingly, engage in trade.

The global strategy Stellaris will send players into the vast Universe. The developer is Paradox Development Studio, the company behind Europa Universal and Crusader Kings. You have to do research and explore space.

Create your own galactic empire and start colonizing! There is a full story line, describing the life of various alien races. The Stellaris game also stands out for the following features:

  • Unique research system;
  • Beautiful landscapes of space;
  • Various space anomalies that can be explored;
  • Diplomacy system;
  • Ship designer;
  • Random procedural generation of terrain and races.

StarBound – two-dimensional computer game on PC, reminiscent of the Terraria sandbox. The game begins on Earth, where the main character receives the title of Protector - defender of the Earth. Often extraterrestrial civilizations try to destroy the planet, which is why protectors were created. However, during the awards ceremony, a disaster occurs and an unknown alien destroys the planet. The hero goes on a journey on a spaceship.

You have to land on other planets, extract resources, construct buildings and improve your starship. There are story missions and side quests, but the developers do not force you to complete them, because the game is a pure sandbox. Procedurally generated worlds and many unique gameplay situations await you.

Shock Tactics is a fantastic turn-based strategy game set on various planets. The plot is based on the adventures of a detachment of Free Space Explorers who set out to explore the Galaxy in search of alien technology. They will face aliens, space pirates and other enemies.

Players are encouraged to mine resources, build outposts and equip a squad. The map is generated randomly when new game. There is an exciting tactical combat system - you have to develop tactics to win. For each successful action, you receive points that can be spent on developing your team, purchasing alien artifacts, weapons, armor and other items.

Crossout- a computer multiplayer online game in the genre of post-apocalyptic action from a third person. The basis of the game is session PvP battles in armored vehicles assembled by the players themselves, as well as PvE missions, brawls, rating and clan battles. Also, one of the main elements of the game is the market, trading within the game and the creation of parts on machines.
The game is developed by the Russian studio Targem Games and published by Gaijin Entertainment.

The game is in the OBT (Open Beta Testing) stage.

Publication type: License
Release year: 2017

Surviving Mars- an economic strategy about the colonization of Mars, which was released on March 15, 2018 for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, macOS and PC platforms.
The first gameplay was shown by the publisher and developers at the Microsoft conference at gamescom 2017. The player’s task is to develop an independent colony that can survive without additional supplies of resources from Earth. In Surviving Mars, we have to lead the entire process of exploration of the Red Planet - from the first exploration and collection of supplies to the construction of shelters for brave settlers from Earth.

Publication type: RePack by xatab
Release year: 2018
Flooded on: torrent (15.8Kb)

At the beginning of the game, the player can choose one of several races, each with their own perks and traits. They then gain control of a fledgling empire, which they must expand by conquering systems. Each system has 4 planets, with their own environment, climate, statistics (i.e. production, food, etc.), and sometimes anomalies. Anomalies can be explored using a research ship and provide buffs to the entire system. Planet statistics decide how efficient planets are, while environment decides whether a planet is colonizable or not.

Release year: 2017
Flooded on: torrent (18.8Kb)

Osiris: New Dawn is an open-world science fiction survival video game developed by Fenix ​​Fire and published by Reverb Triple XP. It was released on September 28, 2016 and is due to be released for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in 2017.

Publication type: Early Access
Release year: 2016
Flooded on: torrent (11.4Kb)

Prey is a first-person shooter video game developed by Arkane Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. The game was released worldwide on May 5, 2017 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

In Prey the player controls Morgan as he explores the Talos I space station in orbit around Earth-Moon L2, where research is being conducted on a hostile alien collector called Typhon. When Typhon escapes prison, the player uses a variety of weapons and abilities gained from Typhon to avoid being killed by aliens while trying to escape the station. The player gains access to sections of the station through Metroidvania style progression, acquiring key items and abilities, ultimately allowing the player to fully explore the station in an open world setting.

Publication type: RePack by R.G. Mechanics
Release year: 2017
Flooded on: torrent (35.3Kb)

The company that created such a masterpiece as “Don"t Starve!” offers its players a new creation called “Oxygen Not Included”. The essence of the game is to build a colony in the depths of an asteroid. The game is made in a vertical two-dimensional form and is filled with perky humor. your colony developed and did not die, in addition to extracting the basic elements: water, food and oxygen, you have to build many structures, and you need to do this by carefully thinking through their location.

Publication type: ALPHA (Early Access)
Release year: 2017
Flooded on: torrent (10.5Kb)

Star Trek: Bridge Crew is a space simulator game developed by Red Storm studio exclusively for VR devices.
You will take on the role of one of the crew members of the USS Aegis spaceship and go in search of a new home for the surviving population of the destroyed planet Vulcan.
The game is entirely based on the “restart” by J.J. Abrams, therefore, among the stated features are not only high realism, but also maximum cinematography of the scenes demonstrated in Star Trek: Bridge Crew.
And the key to success in completing missions can only be the well-coordinated work of the entire team.

Release year: 2017
Status: in developing

Halo Wars 2- a real-time strategy game in which players team armies from a bird's eye view of the battlefield. Like Halo Wars, the game includes two playable factions: humanity's main military arm the United Nations Space Command (UNSC), who return from the first game, and a new alien faction known as the Exiles, who serve as replacements for the Pact. Each faction has different leader units. The campaign mode consists of thirteen missions and will support cooperative gameplay. Combat in Halo Wars 2 is balanced by a "rock-paper-scissors" counter-attack system, in which ground vehicles are effective against infantry, infantry are effective against aircraft, as well as aircraft are effective against vehicles.

Release year: Closed by copyright holder
Status: distribution does not exist

Sol 0: Mars Colonization is a real-time strategy game where you establish the first Martian colony. From the first human footprints on Martian soil to a thriving and self-sustaining colony, Sol 0 imagines up close the technologies of the future, using which may be available within the next few decades. Make the use of minerals and resources across the surface of Mars expand from the first exploration rover to the independent frontier.

Release year: 2016
Flooded on: torrent (19.8Kb)

House of the Dying Sun is an excellent space shooter with the unique ability to switch between control of an entire fleet and an individual ship. Essentially, you can pause, consider the actions of your fleet, give orders and board the selected ship to continue the battle in first person. Fight, get money and upgrade your fleet. This game will delight all fans of space battle simulators.

Release year: 2016
Flooded on: torrent (20.5Kb)

A small company, System Era, presented an original open-world arcade game in 2015. You need to explore the planet and develop its infrastructure: collect resources, build bases and laboratories, lay roads through rock, develop new areas, and so on.

Astroneer is a huge sandbox with random generation of planets. It’s the 25th century and a new “gold rush” has swept over humanity, only this time you will be going to uncharted planets for valuable resources. Space travel has become commonplace and good remedy earnings.

Publication type: Early Access
Release year: 2016
Flooded on: torrent (15.2Kb)

No Man's Sky

Publication type: Repack from =nemos=
Release year: 2016
Flooded on: torrent (19.7Kb)

The cult 4X space strategy game is back! The new chapter of the legendary Master of Orion saga is ready to once again capture the imagination of millions of players Master of Orion: Revenge of Antares download torrent in Russian.

Loyal fans will be happy to know that the revival of the game is being carried out under the close attention of the developers of the previous parts of the series, together with NGD Studios from Buenos Aires!

Publication type: License
Release year: 2016
Flooded on: torrent (11.8Kb)

Iceberg Interactive has announced that it will publish Dawn of Andromeda- a global space strategy in real time from Gray Wolf Entertainment. The game is described as "believable" as well as "fun, addictive and accessible."

Dawn of Andromeda will allow players to play as an emperor who builds an empire by colonizing new planets, interacting with other factions and characters, researching new technologies and building powerful fleets. "Explore a galaxy filled with diverse factions, criminals, traders, pirate clans and mercenaries, as well as anomalies, black holes, ancient artifacts, ruins and much more. Arrive in new system You may discover new opportunities or open Pandora's box."

Publication type: Early Access v.7.2
Release year: 2016
Flooded on: torrent (14.6Kb)

Universe Sandbox² is a physics-based space simulator that lets you create, destroy, and interact on an incredible scale.

It brings together gravity, climate, collision and material interactions in real time to reveal the beauty of our Universe and the fragility of our planet. Universe Sandbox 2 is the long-awaited continuation of the original sandbox universe.

Publication type: Alpha 19.2
Release year: 2015
Flooded on: torrent (11.1Kb)

Is a procedurally generated open world game No Man's Sky. Players take on the role of a planetary explorer from a ship, allowing them to explore the surface of numerous planets and interact with flora and fauna, and take to space, engaging in combat with hostile forces and traveling to other planets. The planets and other features of this universe are procedurally generated; Although initially built around a 32-bit number of processors, the final game will use a 64-bit seeding key, with the developers stating that this allows for more than 18 quintillion possible planets.

Publication type: Repack from =nemos=
Release year: 2016
Flooded on: torrent (12.9Kb)

"The oldest and most powerful emotion of mankind is fear and the oldest and most powerful type of fear is the fear of the unknown." -H.P. lovecraft

As soon as humanity managed to move through space at near-light speed, a colonial expedition was organized and sent to habitable planets. You will become a participant in the second such expedition. Unfortunately, your team ends up on a harsh planet where they will have to try hard to survive. In addition to the harsh climate, hostile alien life will also await you. Will you be able to create a colony in difficult conditions, or will your team be destroyed? Osiris: New Dawn is a survival action game on uncharted planets, with excellent graphics and the possibility of playing together with friends.

Publication type: Early Access v0.1.081
Release year: 2016
Flooded on: torrent (17.7Kb)

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is the thirteenth game in the main line of Call of Duty shooters.

Players will once again have to visit the future, and a rather harsh one at that. Earth's resources have been completely depleted, so people have no choice but to go explore space in search of planets suitable for colonization. This process is led by the United Nations Alliance, which, however, has to face the onslaught of a radical group that intends to get its hands on the resources.

Since the events of Infinite Warfare unfold directly in space, air battles in the new Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Digital Deluxe Edition download torrent Russian version will become as integral a feature of the gameplay as the ground ones.

Publication type: License
Release year: Closed by copyright holder
Status: distribution does not exist
