Light salads for weight loss. Diet salads: how to properly prepare food for those losing weight. Mexican salad with avocado and beans

Dietary salads are not just a tasty and healthy dish, but also great way get rid of excess weight without special restrictions. There are many low-calorie snacks that will make your daily menu healthy and delicious.

This diet snack option is probably the most popular because it is simple, nutritious and contains a lot of protein.

Required ingredients:

Two tomatoes;
one chicken breast;
spices and herbs to your taste;
three cucumbers;
1 – 2 tablespoons of olive oil;
a little lemon juice;
50 grams of canned peas.

Cooking process:

1. Pour water over the meat, add spices and boil until done. After this, cut the chicken into small cubes or thin strips.
2. Place it in a salad bowl, add cucumbers and tomatoes, chopped in any way.
3. Remove the liquid from the peas and add them to the rest of the ingredients.
4. Season a small amount lemon juice, oil, salt and mix well. You can sprinkle the finished dish with black pepper. Add greens as desired.

Cooking with tuna

Diet tuna salad turns out rich and has a very interesting taste, which seafood lovers will definitely like.

Required ingredients:

Four eggs;
spices to taste;
2 – 3 tablespoons of low-fat sour cream;
a portion of canned tuna;
two medium sweet peppers.

Cooking process:

1. Bring the eggs until hard-boiled, then cool and chop into small cubes.
2. Wash the pepper, remove all excess and chop the pulp too. It is advisable to cut it into cubes, but you can simply chop it into thin strips.
3. Place the ingredients in a salad bowl, place the contents of the canned food there, and mix the ingredients well. Add any seasonings based on your preferences and top the appetizer with sour cream.

With squid

Required ingredients:

Any seasonings and fresh herbs as desired;
three eggs;
about 30 grams of the lowest fat sour cream;
half a can of canned corn;
two medium cucumbers;
approximately 500 grams of squid.

Cooking process:

1. Squids need to be boiled for several minutes in hot water. Do not cook them for too long, otherwise they will become tasteless and tough.
2. Also boil the eggs until hard-boiled. Slice them together with the squid and place in the bowl you choose for serving.
3. Add corn there, from which you must remove the liquid.
4. Chop the cucumbers as desired and combine with the rest of the dish. Add seasonings and fresh herbs to your liking and don't forget to add sour cream.

Salad "Broom" for weight loss

Beetroot salad turns out to be very light, and also healthy.

This is a great option for those who are trying to lose weight or are fasting.

Required ingredients:

Two cloves of garlic;
apple, preferably green;
1 – 2 tablespoons of olive oil or low-fat sour cream;
add seasonings and herbs as desired;
one medium-sized beet and carrot.

Cooking process:

1. Prepare food, peel and wash vegetables and apples. Grind them all on a coarse grater and place in a container. You can squeeze the garlic or use a fine grater.
2. Add spices and herbs if you decide to use them. Season everything with butter or sour cream. That's it - the dish is ready.
Almost all recipes for weight loss are very simple, but this one is probably the fastest. However, it is fast not only in terms of the preparation process, but also in the speed of onset of the desired effect.

Do you want to lose weight? Be sure to include this salad in your menu at least three times a week.

Simple recipe with cabbage

Cabbage is one of the most important foods during the diet. It contains quite a lot of fiber, which is simply necessary for a losing weight to speed up metabolism.

For the dish you will need:

Fresh herbs (onions are best);
a small head of young cabbage or half a large one;
one carrot and an apple;
various spices to your taste and 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Cooking process:

1. You don’t need to prepare anything in particular, you only need raw ingredients. Be sure to rinse them thoroughly as they will not be cooked.
2. First place finely chopped cabbage and slightly squeezed by hand into the salad bowl.
3. Then send her the grated carrots and apple. From the latter, do not forget to remove the hard middle, but you can leave the skin - it is very useful.
4. Turn the green onion stalks into small pieces, combine with other ingredients, sprinkle everything with a pinch of salt and add a little more sugar. Pour oil over the appetizer, stir and serve.

With crab sticks

Required ingredients:

Two tsp. lemon juice;
two eggs;
seasonings as desired;
three gherkins or one pickled cucumber;
fresh herbs;
packaging of crab sticks;
a spoonful of sour cream or natural yogurt.

Cooking process:

1. Prepare a container in which you will put all the products. Boil the eggs until tender, turn them into small cubes and place in a bowl.
2. Crab sticks be sure to defrost so that excess liquid didn’t end up in the finished salad. Then chop them like eggs and mix the ingredients together.
3. Cut the cucumbers and greens as you like and add them to the dish.
4. Combine sour cream with lemon juice and selected spices. Season the salad with this dressing, mix and serve.

Diet salad with shrimp

Required ingredients:

One avocado;
five cherry tomatoes;
a little lemon juice;
spices to your taste and a spoon of olive oil;
fresh lettuce leaves;
about 350 grams of shrimp.

Cooking process:

1. Of course, boil the shrimp. Frying is not suitable for our case, since the dish is dietary.
2. We clear them of shells and send them to a salad bowl, at the bottom of which fresh lettuce leaves were previously placed.
3. Cut the avocado into small pieces and be sure to sprinkle with lemon juice to keep it beautiful and bright color fetus Place exotic pieces on top of the shrimp.
4. Add spices. It is advisable to add a little salt to the salad. Add oil.
Serve the appetizer along with cherry tomatoes cut in half.

With avocado

Required ingredients:

Two fresh cucumbers;
one clove of garlic;
spoon of olive oil;
half the amount of lemon juice;
one avocado;
seasonings as desired.

Cooking process:

1. Chop cucumbers and avocados as desired and place in a deep plate.
2. Add garlic, preferably very finely chopped.
3. Season everything with the selected spices, pour in the oil and be sure to sprinkle with lemon juice to avoid darkening of the avocado.

Fruit salad for weight loss

Required ingredients:

100 grams of low-fat natural yogurt (ideally, if it is completely low-fat);
two green apples and the same amount of kiwi;
two pears.

Cooking process:

1. To make this salad, it will take no more than five minutes, because you just need to chop all the fruits and put them in a container.
2. Season the dish with yogurt, stir and enjoy.

But milk product should be without additives, only natural.

Please note that it is better not to remove the skin from the kiwi, but only rinse it well, because it acts as a brush and helps cleanse the intestines.
Looking at recipes like these, you realize that diet is not so bad! Everything is tasty, healthy, nutritious and very quick to prepare.

Lose weight up to 5 kg in 7 days.
The average daily calorie content is 460 Kcal.

The salad diet is a method in which you can lose excess weight by eating delicious food. Spring and summer are a great time to modernize your figure in this way, since the main ingredients of the diet are vegetables and fruits. Don't be afraid, you won't have to chew just the grass. We invite you to familiarize yourself with popular salad-based diet options designed for 3 and 7 days.

Diet requirements for salads

Let's pay attention to important rules any variation of the salad transformation technique.

  • Eat slowly, because satiety comes 20-25 minutes after you start eating.
  • Consume enough clean water. You can also introduce various sugar-free teas into your diet (herbal teas are best).
  • Before going to bed, you are allowed to treat yourself to low-fat sour milk. This promotes improved digestion, more restful sleep and gives the skin a fresh, healthy look.
  • Salad dressings are allowed in small amounts vegetable oil, which is recommended to be diluted with freshly squeezed lemon juice and various natural seasonings.
  • It is recommended to base your diet on fresh fruits and vegetables (preferably the non-starchy variety), lean meat, fish and seafood, low-fat cottage cheese and other fermented milk foods, as well as milk.
  • During the diet period, say no to any fried foods, smoked meats, canned food, sugar and any products containing it, legumes, alcoholic drinks, mayonnaise, sour cream, ketchup and other store-bought sauces, flour and sausages.

The first version of the salad diet is designed for 7 days. According to his rules, every day you need to eat some specific foods. Eat fruits on the first day, vegetables on the second, dedicate the third day to lean meat, and the fourth to fish. The fifth day involves eating fruits again, the sixth - vegetables, and the seventh - meat products. But any diet should be supplemented with non-starchy vegetables, and on meat day you can also eat a couple of chicken eggs. It is recommended to eat three times a day. If you feel hungry, you can snack on permitted foods in small quantities. As a rule, using the described method, up to 4-5 kilograms of excess weight are lost.

If you need to adjust your body just a little and lose 2-3 kilograms, seek help from an express diet on salads. Its duration is 3 days. This good way to put your figure in order, for example, after holidays, accompanied by abundant feasts, because of which your shape has spread somewhat.

All the time you can eat only vegetables (in particular, beets, carrots and greens), their quantity is up to 1-1.5 kg daily. Now it’s better to eat 6-7 times a day in small portions. This will help you not experience an acute feeling of hunger, which is especially important in this version of the diet, which is not particularly full.

You can lose 3-4 kg in the same period of time on a diet based on the consumption of fruit salads and fruits themselves. The menu may be supplemented with a small amount of protein products. It is recommended to eat four times a day.

To prevent excess weight from returning after finishing the salad diet, it is important to say goodbye to it carefully and not pounce on what you should not have consumed. Otherwise, you may gain even more pounds than you lost. Ideally, stick to a low-carb and low-salt diet, basing your diet on low-fat milk, lean meat, fish and seafood, vegetables, fruits and mixed salads.

Diet menu on salads

Example of a salad diet for 7 days

Breakfast: orange-apple salad, which can be provided with a small amount of raisins.
Lunch: pear and kiwi with a few of your favorite nuts.
Dinner: 2 apples and tea with natural honey (1 tsp).

Breakfast: grated beet salad.
Lunch: a couple of carrots and sweet peppers.
Dinner: cucumber and tomato salad with herbs.

Breakfast: salad of boiled beef in an amount of about 100 g and spinach.
Lunch: 100 g boiled or baked chicken breast and boiled egg.
Dinner: 1 boiled chicken egg (or 2-3 quail) with herbs and fresh cucumber.

Breakfast: 100 g of boiled salmon and lettuce leaves.
Lunch: 100 g of boiled shrimp and fresh cucumber.
Dinner: 200 g of seaweed, to which you can add 1 chopped chicken egg.

Friday- Monday repeat.

Saturday- repeat of Tuesday.

Sunday- Wednesday repeat.

Express diet on salads for 3 days

Day 1: carrots, boiled or raw (can be combined).

Day 2: herbs (parsley, basil, dill, lettuce), which can be flavored with a little olive oil.

Day 3: boiled beets.

Diet on fruit salads for 3 days

First day Breakfast: half a medium-sized melon, which can be poured with a small amount of natural yogurt or kefir. Lunch: strawberry-orange salad with kiwi slices, dressed with plain yogurt. Afternoon snack: a couple of plums. Dinner: 150-200 g lean chicken meat boiled or baked; a small portion of salad from non-starchy vegetables, seasoned with lemon juice; half a grapefruit.

Second day Breakfast: a mixture of 150 g of berries and 100 g of cereals. Lunch: a couple of slices of fresh pineapple. Afternoon snack: 1 peach (can be replaced with nectarine). Dinner: up to 180 g of boiled or baked turkey accompanied by lettuce leaves; 1 orange.

Third day Breakfast: 2 slices of watermelon and natural yogurt (100 g). Lunch: strawberry salad (about 100 g) and a small banana. Afternoon snack: a cup of any fresh berries. Dinner: up to 180 g of boiled lean fish and Brussels sprouts(100 g).

Contraindications for the salad diet

  • Pregnant and lactating women and teenagers should not be on a salad diet.
  • Also, fruit and vegetable nutrition, according to the recommendations of experts, is contraindicated for people suffering from hypertension, kidney disease, atherosclerosis, and severe obesity.

Advantages of the salad diet

  1. The main advantage of the salad diet can be considered its speed and effectiveness.
  2. In addition, fruits and vegetables, which are the main components of the method, are excellent cleansers of the body from toxins, waste and various harmful substances.
  3. A fairly varied salad diet menu ensures that the body receives various vitamins, microelements, and amino acids.
  4. Let's pay attention to the following main beneficial features fruits, berries and vegetables for our body:
    - normalization of fat metabolism;
    - increasing the immune properties of the body;
    - supplying the body with carbohydrates, i.e., the necessary energy, but not harmful fats;
    - improved digestion;
    - lowering the level of bad cholesterol;
    - rejuvenation of the body due to the renewal of its cells;
    - positive influence on intellectual abilities, improving memory and increasing concentration.

Disadvantages of the salad diet

  • There are also disadvantages to the salad diet. These include seasonality. If you want the technique not to cause harm to the body, you can stick to it only during the period when it is easy to get the necessary fresh products. Moreover, it is desirable that it grows in your area.
  • It is also possible that side effects of various nature. Functional disturbances may occur gastrointestinal tract(diarrhea, nausea, flatulence), allergic reactions (skin rashes). If you encounter such manifestations, stop the technique.
  • It is also worth noting that you cannot lose significant weight with the help of a salad diet. So it is more suitable for minor body contouring, rather than for significant body transformation, which may be necessary if you have a lot of extra pounds.

Repeated diet on salads

If desired, you can turn to the salad diet a month after it ends. But if you decide to make it a regular practice, you should lose weight by including at least some amount of lean protein products in your diet so as not to put the body into a stressful state.

Many people know that salads are not only a nourishing attribute of the holidays, but also a very real assistant in such a difficult fight against extra pounds. Naturally, speech in in this case This is not about Olivier and other dishes generously seasoned with mayonnaise. Diet salads mainly consist of vegetables and low-fat foods. Such food helps you lose weight without any problems, enjoying the excellent taste of the dish and without experiencing constant feeling hunger. Eating low-calorie salads will help you become slimmer, saturate your body with vitamins, minerals and nutrients, remove toxins and improve your overall condition.

Preparing vegetables and fruits for diet salad, cooking methods

The main component of salads for weight loss is a variety of vegetables and fruits with low sugar content. However, despite the high fiber content that makes you feel full, eating plant foods alone as a diet is not enough. If you are not a vegetarian, then your body will probably endure severe stress without receiving the necessary amino acids. That is why dietary salads are supplemented with protein foods: poultry, lean meat and cheese, fish, egg whites. In addition, these products will help diversify the composition of salads, which will greatly increase the chances of successfully maintaining the diet to the end.

Let's return to vegetables and fruits. We think there is no need to remind you that for dietary salads, the products must be exclusively fresh. Forget canning. If you are not the lucky owner own garden or garden, be sure to properly handle the fruit before consumption. Beautiful, custom-made vegetables and fruits that come from exotic countries are unlikely to please your body with vitamins. On the contrary, by consuming people from Ecuador you can at least get cellulite, or even worse. Unfortunately and domestic producers cannot boast of a 100% absence of chemicals in their products. Therefore, before starting to prepare a diet salad, soak vegetables and fruits in clean water for half an hour. You can scald vegetables with boiling water and remove the skins, where most of the toxins accumulate. Some people suggest boiling the fruits. However, in this case they lose all their vitamin value. Salads made from boiled vegetables are unbalanced. As a result, such a diet will only bring you fatigue, malaise and disappointment.

It is also worth mentioning that salads for weight loss are called dietary for a reason. Such dishes should contain only low-calorie foods. It is worth excluding potatoes, legumes, yolks, and fatty meat. Use nuts with great care. They are certainly healthy, but they also contain high fat content. Don't forget to count calories daily norm which is 1500 kcal. You should not add more than one high-calorie component to the salad.

Lemon juice, low-fat sour cream, kefir or yogurt, olive or sunflower oil in a minimal amount, vinegar, preferably apple, naturally fermented soy sauce.

Try to avoid consuming salt and various spices. Seasonings only increase the feeling of hunger, and salt will not allow you to get rid of excess liquid.

There are several schemes for consuming dietary salads for weight loss. This dish can replace dinner or several meals. It will be especially effective to eat salads alone during the week. However, with this diet, do not forget to diversify the salads themselves by adding protein components. Another diet option would be to eat a salad before the main course.

Diet salad recipes

Eating salads cannot be called a mono-diet. A huge number of components makes it possible to create delicious culinary masterpieces and diversify your diet while losing weight. Don't be afraid to experiment.

Vegetable salad for weight loss

The simplest dietary salad can be prepared from three hundred grams of ordinary cabbage, one cucumber, three tomatoes, fifty grams lettuce and good bunches of onions, parsley and dill. Cut cabbage, vegetables and herbs. The dressing for this salad is lemon juice or a small amount of vegetable oil.

For added effectiveness, add a thinly chopped celery stalk.

Light diet salad

Another version of vegetable salad that helps you lose weight consists of tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, taken one piece at a time. Cut all vegetables into small slices. Season the dish with lemon juice olive oil. Add a bunch of green onions.

This salad is prepared very quickly and can not only satisfy your hunger, but also give you a boost of necessary energy.

Diet cucumber salad

A light and fresh cucumber salad will help remove toxins and normalize metabolism in the body.

To prepare, you will need four medium cucumbers, a bunch of parsley or dill, olive oil and lemon juice. Cut the washed cucumbers into thin slices, sprinkle with juice, pour in oil and sprinkle with herbs.

Vitamin carrot salad

Take one large carrot (about two hundred grams), green apple, 4 lettuce leaves, a tablespoon of lemon juice, some raisins and olive oil. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the apples into strips. Place the mixture on a lettuce leaf, drizzle with dressing and garnish with raisins. The energy value of the dish is about 230 kcal per 100 grams.

Salad for weight loss with celery

Celery helps speed up metabolism, cleanse the body of toxins and saturate it with vitamins. The product actively fights fat deposits and is indispensable for weight loss. Celery has a specific taste. Fortunately, this problem is easy to solve with the right recipe.

For a celery salad, take a couple of stalks of this vegetable, one carrot, two apples, 50 grams of low-fat yogurt and a few sprigs of rosemary. Cut the celery into thin slices, the apples into cubes, and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Pour yogurt over the salad and add rosemary.

Delicious dietary salad with tomatoes and cheese

To prepare the dish, take a couple of ripe tomatoes, two heavy grapefruits, two hundred grams of soft cheese, fifty grams of olives, a tablespoon of lemon juice, some herbs and olive oil. Cut vegetables, herbs and cheese, season with juice and oil.

Diet green bean salad

This salad will please those who cannot satisfy their hunger with a standard set of vegetables. Green beans will cope with this task perfectly and at the same time thoroughly cleanse the intestines.

Take 350 grams of green beans, a couple of medium carrots, one sweet pepper and one red onion. Scald the green beans with boiling water or simmer briefly in a frying pan. Use a mixture instead of oil soy sauce and clean water. Grate the carrots, cut the onions and peppers into thin half rings. Combine all the ingredients and enjoy the excellent taste of a healthy salad.

Diet salad with chicken fillet

Salad with boiled chicken fillet will balance your diet well.

You will need one bell pepper, a couple of medium cucumbers, a small bunch of arugula, four cherry tomatoes, two hundred grams of boiled chicken fillet, a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice and a little olive oil. Chop the vegetables and poultry, divide the arugula into leaves, season with juice and oil. This salad is higher in calories, so don’t overload it. The energy value of the dish is about 216 kcal per 100 grams.

Spicy weight loss salad with chicken

This salad will please any gourmet.

You will need two small cucumbers, one sweet pepper, one hundred grams boiled fillet chicken, a third of a glass of soy sauce and a couple of cloves of garlic. Chop the poultry and vegetables, pour in soy sauce, which you previously mixed with grated garlic.

Diet salad with pineapples and chicken

We think that many housewives have chicken salad with pineapple in their arsenal of holiday dishes and are currently wondering how it can be dietary. It's simple, the recipe we offer is based on the use of healthy fresh pineapple and, of course, without mayonnaise.

Take a ripe fresh pineapple, cut it into cubes, add slices of two apples, a bunch of greens and 200 grams of chopped boiled fillet, tear a few lettuce leaves. As a dressing, you can use low-fat yogurt or olive oil in small quantities.

Dietary seaweed salad

Sea kale is known for its cleansing effect and high content of so useful and irreplaceable iodine.

To create a delicious dish, mix two hundred grams of seaweed and three hundred grams of boiled lean fish fillet, the whites of 2 boiled eggs, an onion cut into thin half rings and two tablespoons of olive oil.

Dietary pike perch salad

A salad of two hundred grams of boiled pike perch fillet, one sweet pepper, leek and two tomatoes will help add variety to the diet. You can dress the salad with low-fat yogurt or sour cream.

Dietary seafood salad

Oddly enough, a hearty seafood salad will also help you lose a few pounds. The main rule is not to eat it for days. This dish should be alternated with simple vegetable salads.

To prepare you will need two hundred grams of peeled shrimp, a squid carcass, 50 grams of hard low-fat cheese, one cucumber and herbs. Boil the shrimp and place the squid in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Remember, if the latter is left in hot water, it will become rough and tasteless. Slice cucumbers, cheese and herbs, boiled squid and shrimp. Combine the ingredients and add soy sauce. You can sprinkle the salad with lemon juice.

Salad "Brush" for weight loss

We would like to pay special attention to the salad with interesting name"Brush". Thanks to its high fiber content, this great and easy salad is... as soon as possible removes toxins from the body, cleanses the intestines, normalizes the functioning of the stomach and, of course, actively fights excess kilos.

What does a wonderful diet salad consist of? The ingredients are extremely simple. You will need one hundred grams of white cabbage, a large apple, one medium carrot, one beetroot, a tablespoon of lemon juice and 15 grams of vegetable oil. For greater efficiency, you can add one hundred grams of seaweed and 50 grams of prunes to the salad. All vegetables must be raw. Prunes must be soaked in water before cooking and then cut into strips. Finely chop the cabbage; the remaining ingredients can be grated on a coarse grater. Mix all ingredients and add lemon juice and oil. You can vary the amount of available products and add new ones, for example onions, herbs. Don't overdo it with prunes and butter.

The “brush” can be used on fasting days after lavish feasts. In one day of eating this salad exclusively, you can lose 1-1.5 kg. It’s a good idea to spend such fasting days with a break of three days. By the way, the cleansing effect will last a couple of days after fasting day. Nutritionists advise replacing dinner with “Brush” for a week or two and promise a weight gain of five or more kilograms. If you need quick results, then you can eat this diet salad for three days. But do not stick to this diet for longer, as it may lead to diarrhea and stomach problems. Naturally, when using “Brush”, you should not forget about the basic rules of diets - drink at least two liters of clean still water a day, do not consume flour, sugar, salt and alcohol.

Eating dietary salads is one of the healthiest and most balanced ways to bring your body back to normal, replenish your supply of vitamins and normalize your body’s functioning. Use the recipes we provide or create your own culinary masterpieces. Don't forget to count calories. You will definitely achieve your goal!

The problem of excess weight can be solved by creating an individual set of weight loss measures, which will include dietary nutrition.

A weight loss diet is a balance between consuming and burning calories. This does not mean that a person should limit himself in everything, but some foods should be excluded: sugar, wheat flour, fatty meat, animal fats. Salt consumption should be reduced to a minimum; do not eat anything fatty, smoked, fried, or salty. All this slows down the process of losing weight, and in large doses, on the contrary, weight increases.

When losing weight, along with the main non-calorie dishes, you must eat various dietary salads. They are prepared from foods containing fiber. This helps the body prepare for meals, and many of them, eaten in the morning on an empty stomach, cleanse the intestines, acting like a brush.

Nutrition should be balanced and healthy. It is dangerous to go on starvation diets or eat only the same food. It must include everything necessary for normal functioning organism substance. The greatest preference is given to complex carbohydrates containing fiber, then to proteins necessary for the body, and the least amount of fat, which should be of plant origin, should be consumed.

Complex carbohydrates are digested in the body more slowly than simple carbohydrates, producing energy. The feeling of fullness lasts longer after lunch. Their sources are:

  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • legumes;
  • coarse flour;
  • starch.

Boiled vegetables have more calories than raw ones; it is preferable to bake them or eat them raw. Can be used in salads unlimited amount greenery It is better not to cut it with a knife, but to tear it with your hands. This way, more vitamins and nutrients are preserved.

Proteins are one of the most important components of a balanced healthy diet. They are contained in

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • mushrooms;
  • dairy products.

The meat should not be fatty. In salads you can use lean beef, veal, chicken, and poultry. Mushrooms can be any kind, but boiled. Dairy products should contain a minimum amount of fat.

Fish contains a large amount of vitamin D, phosphorus, iron, calcium, so sea, freshwater fish and seafood must be included in dietary salads. In addition, omega-saturated acids contained in sea fish are important for female beauty.

Meat and fish should be boiled or steamed.

Salads are used as an independent dish for breakfast, dinner, or prepared as a side dish in the main course for lunch.

Salad dressing

Dietary salads are seasoned with vegetable oil, low-fat sour cream, natural yogurt, and soy sauce. Sometimes you can treat yourself to low-percentage mayonnaise or mayonnaise sauce. Instead of salt and vinegar, lemon juice will improve the taste. You can add an unlimited amount of different greens to salads.

Vegetable salad recipes

Cleansing salad

All types of cabbage are ideal for dietary salads. It is filled with vitamins, minerals, nutrients, but is also calorie-free.

  • carrot;
  • White cabbage;
  • sea ​​cabbage;
  • beet;
  • apple;
  • prunes;
  • lemon;
  • vegetable oil.

Prunes (50 g) must be pre-soaked. Washed raw carrots, white cabbage and grate beets (100 g each) and mix. When the vegetables give juice, add grated apple, chopped prunes and 100 g of seaweed. Season with a little oil and add lemon juice. 100 g of this salad contains 75 kcal.

Savoy cabbage salad

Savoy cabbage contains the substance glutathione, which is a very strong antioxidant, so it is recommended to consume this product regularly.

  • savoy cabbage;
  • tomatoes;
  • vegetable oil;
  • dill;
  • salt.

You need to chop the savoy cabbage, cut 1-2 tomatoes into slices, mix everything. Add vegetable oil (teaspoon) and chopped dill. Lightly salt the salad and add your favorite spices.

Vegetable cleansing salad

Beets are a unique product. It contains vitamins A, C, E, B vitamins, iron, magnesium, calcium, manganese and many other essential to the human body components. It improves blood composition, lowers cholesterol and is not high in calories at all. To cleanse the body and lose weight, salads with beets are simply necessary.

  • carrot;
  • White cabbage;
  • beet;
  • fresh herbs;
  • vegetable oil.

Wash and peel the vegetables, chop them on a grater, sprinkle with herbs. Mix a teaspoon of oil and lemon juice and season the dish. It is good to eat in the morning or evening to cleanse the intestines.

Salad with boiled beets

Boiled beets do not lose most of their properties; they are easier on the stomach and intestines than raw ones.

  • beet;
  • onion;
  • natural yogurt;
  • salt.

The beets need to be washed and cooked. When it cools down, grate it and add 1 piece of chopped onion. To prevent the onion from becoming bitter, it is doused with boiling water. Season the salad with low-fat yogurt and add salt. Sprinkle any herbs on top to taste.

Salad " Bell pepper with apple"

Bell pepper is a product containing 80% carbohydrates. It contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for a woman and her appearance. It improves hair structure and straightens nails.

  • Bell pepper;
  • apple;
  • salad;
  • parsley;
  • green onions;
  • low-fat sour cream;
  • salt.

Chop one washed pepper and one apple into strips, chop the greens. Mix all ingredients, season with sour cream and salt. Good to eat during lunch.

Salad "Vegetable Rainbow"

  • bell pepper;
  • tomatoes;
  • green onions;
  • parsley.

One yellow and one green bell pepper each should be cut into large strips. Three tomatoes small size cut into slices. Place vegetables in a saucepan and sprinkle on top green onions and pour in a small amount of vegetable broth. Place the dish with the salad in the oven for half an hour. Garnish with parsley leaves.

This salad can be eaten both hot and cold. It will be good if you don’t simmer it in the oven, but leave the vegetables fresh and add cucumber. Can be used as a side dish.

"Weight loss" salad

Celery is successfully used in any dishes for weight loss. This is one of the most low calorie foods. The minerals it contains are beneficial for a woman’s hair, nails and skin, increase activity and performance, and are an excellent stress reliever.

  • cabbage;
  • celery;
  • cucumber;
  • onion;
  • lemon;
  • greenery;
  • vegetable oil.

Celery (4 pieces) and cabbage (500 g) thinly slice and mash well with your hands. Add 3 cucumbers cut into strips, 2 heads of chopped onion. Pour in a dressing made from vegetable oil and the juice of half a lemon. Stir, place in a salad bowl and garnish with parsley and dill.

Mushroom salad recipe

Mushroom salad

Mushrooms are very valuable for the presence of protein in their composition, but they contain fiber, which is difficult to digest. Therefore, mushrooms need to be cut very finely and chewed thoroughly while eating.

  • mushrooms;
  • vegetable oil;
  • pepper;
  • greenery;
  • lemon.

Boil 150 g of any mushrooms well, dry them from water and cut them. Mix oil, herbs and lemon juice, season the dish. You can pepper it.

Recipes for salads with meat

"Spicy salad"

  • chicken fillet;
  • cucumber;
  • Sweet pepper;
  • garlic;
  • soy sauce.

Boil fillet (100 g) and disassemble into small fibers. One cucumber or two small ones and finely chop the pepper. Make a dressing from the sauce and crushed garlic, mix everything. You can eat it for breakfast as a very nutritious dish. Products, if desired, are cut into cubes.

Salad "Meat"

  • veal;
  • potato;
  • cucumber;
  • greenery;
  • low-fat sour cream.

Chop lean boiled meat, boil and chop a few potatoes, grate cucumbers. Pour sour cream over the mixed products. You can take greens to taste. Add some salt to the salad.

Recipes with fish and seafood

Salad "Sea Surf"

  • seafood;
  • cucumber;
  • hard cheese;
  • greenery;
  • soy sauce.

Boil shrimp (200 g) and squid carcass. This must be done in turns, because different times are needed. Chop one cucumber and 50 g of cheese and mix with seafood and herbs. Dress the salad.

This salad turns out to be very tasty, but quite high in calories, so you should not eat it often. It is better to alternate it with vegetables and fruits.

Salad “Fish and vegetables”

  • fish;
  • cucumber;
  • potato;
  • tomato;
  • salad;
  • mayonnaise sauce.

Boil fish (200 g), separate from bones and cut into small pieces. Boil potatoes (2-3 pcs). Chop the vegetables. Mix all the salad ingredients and pour over the sauce. If there are a few vegetables left, you can decorate the salad with them.

This salad is quite high in calories. You can eat it as a main dish during lunch.

Fruit salad recipe

Salad "Fruit"

  • apple;
  • any fruit, 1 piece;
  • mayonnaise, yogurt, sour cream.

Wash all fruits in equal quantities, peel and cut at your discretion. Mix. If you season this salad with low-calorie mayonnaise, you can serve it with meat. Mixed with low-fat yogurt or sour cream, it is eaten as an independent dish. Sprinkle finely chopped orange zest on top of the salad.

Video – Dietary salad “Health”

Many different diets, which are limited in their calorie content, exclude the intake of vitamins and nutrients into the body, so it is imperative to maximize the consumption of vegetables and fruits. During the diet, meals should be varied and include as many healthy products, as the body becomes depleted and serious health problems may arise.

One of the options is simple and tasty diet salads for weight loss, which include a sufficient amount of necessary microelements, while also having a low calorie content, which attracts many women who want to purchase perfect figure. Below are some simple, inexpensive and, most importantly, delicious recipes vegetable salads, allowing you to diversify any diet. Losing weight with such dishes will become much more comfortable and safer for the human body. Extra kilos and volumes will disappear before your eyes if you follow and instead of unhealthy foods, eat vegetable salads without harmful additives. There is even special diet on vegetable dietary salads, which is suitable for almost everyone, since there are practically no contraindications, and it is much easier to follow than others.

During weight loss, the consumption of vegetables is almost unlimited, so it is easy for everyone to follow, since when hunger sets in, you can eat vegetables. Due to their low calorie content, they do not harm the figure even when consumed and large quantities, but on the contrary help to lose weight. But, as with any recipe, diet salad recipes should exclude vegetables that have a high glycemic index.

Among them:

  • Potato;
  • Beet.

It is not necessary to exclude them completely from the menu, but it is better to consume them in small quantities. It is better to take green vegetables as the basis for dietary salads, preferably fresh, but sometimes they can be boiled or steamed.

  • Cucumber;
  • Tomato;
  • Zucchini;
  • Cabbage;
  • All types of cabbage;
  • Bell pepper;
  • Radish;
  • Celery.

By combining some of these products and seasoning them with olive oil, you can get a light and delicious salad, which is not capable of harming the figure. Although these dishes are low in calories, they are enriched with fiber and fiber, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is better to exclude seasonings and various dressings so as not to tease your appetite. Mayonnaise and large amounts of oil are prohibited.

Small quantities of the following products are allowed:

  • Salt;
  • Pepper;
  • Olive oil;
  • Balsamic vinegar.

Recipes for dietary vegetable salads for breakfast

Of course, salads during tomorrow are not particularly popular, but this option is a good way to get rid of excess weight. There are many light and original dietary vegetable salads that are perfect for a morning meal, giving strength and vigor.

Recipe No. 1. To prepare this salad you need the following products:

  • Celery – 2 pcs.;
  • Cucumber – 100 g;
  • Cabbage – 200 g;
  • Onion – 50 g;
  • Olive oil;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Salt and pepper.

It is very simple to prepare, you need to chop all the vegetables, then mix, add olive oil, lemon juice and spices to taste.

Important! Lemon can irritate the appetite, so initial stages It is recommended to exclude it from the diet.

In order for breakfast to be balanced, you need to add bread or a portion of porridge to the diet salad.

Recipe No. 2. Bulgarian salad is high in calcium. The required ingredients are:

  • Tomato – 300 g;
  • Cheese cheese – 150 g;
  • Greenery;
  • Olive oil.

To prepare, you need to chop the tomatoes and crumble the cheese. This dish is often served in puff pastry. To do this, lay out the tomatoes, then sprinkle with cheese and herbs. Next, the sequence must be repeated.

Advice! To diversify the taste, instead of dill and parsley, it is recommended to add basil, which adds aroma and appetizing to the dish.

Recipe No. 3. For the next diet salad you will need:

  • Cucumber – 150 g;
  • Zucchini – 100 g;
  • Green onions - a bunch;
  • Dill;
  • Kefir – 100 ml (can be replaced with low-fat sour cream);
  • Garlic;
  • Salt pepper.

First you need to peel the zucchini and cut them thinly into strips. Cucumbers should be cut the same way. Then you need to mix the resulting ingredients with dill. Next, you need to chop the garlic and add kefir and spices to the resulting mass, then season the salad with it. This dish is distinguished by its tenderness and satiety, which is important for those who follow a strict diet.

Recipes for dietary vegetable salads for lunch

If you have the opportunity to prepare a salad for lunch, you cannot exclude the possibility of adding fish or seafood, which are an excellent source of proteins and amino acids. The calorie content of low-fat fish is quite low and you can pamper yourself with the following simple recipes.

Recipe No. 1. This dietary salad of vegetables and seafood will surprise anyone with its exquisite taste. Products needed for cooking:

  • Shrimp, mussels or any seafood – 250 g;
  • Cucumbers – 100 g;
  • Tomatoes – 100 g;
  • Broccoli – 200 g;
  • Soy sauce to taste;
  • Olive oil;
  • Lemon juice.

Seafood and broccoli should be boiled in slightly salted water, but no more than a few minutes, so as not to spoil them by turning them into rubber. Next, you need to chop the vegetables and mix them with ready-made seafood (it is not recommended to cut them, as they look much better in their whole form). Then the dish must be seasoned with a mixture of soy sauce, olive oil and lemon juice.

Recipe No. 2. Also very interesting option is a squid and cucumber salad, which requires the following set of products:

  • Squid fillet – 200 g;
  • Low-fat hard cheese – 50 g;
  • Cucumbers – 100 g;
  • Greenery;
  • Soy sauce to taste.

First, boil the squid, then cool and peel. You can cut it in any way, then you need to add chopped cucumber, herbs and grated cheese. The resulting mass should be seasoned with soy sauce.

Options for dietary vegetable salads for the winter

Very often girls complain about gaining excess weight in winter period, because permanent holidays and feasts in honor of them do not allow one to maintain ideal body parameters. Calorie content of traditional New Year's salads it's just off the charts. But you can make delicious dietary salads from vegetables. If the diet during the holidays is compiled correctly, weight can not only be maintained, but also reduced, while the diet is winter time will be no less tasty and healthy.

The basis of winter dietary salads are:

  • Beet;
  • Carrot;
  • All types of cabbage, even sauerkraut, which is no less healthy and tasty;
  • Zucchini;
  • Sea kale.

Recipe No. 1. A vitamin bomb is obtained by combining the following products:

  • Carrot – 100 g;
  • Cabbage – 100 g;
  • Cranberries (or other berries to taste);
  • Sour cream – 60 g.

To prepare the dish, you should finely chop the vegetables and add berries to them, then the resulting mixture should be seasoned with low-fat sour cream, which is recommended to be replaced with kefir.

Recipe No. 2. To prepare the following recipe you need the following products:

  • White cabbage or Beijing cabbage – 150 g;
  • Beans – 150 g;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Garlic;
  • Spices.

To prepare a salad based on these products, you should first boil the beans in slightly salted water, but be sure to monitor their readiness so as not to overcook them. Next, cut the beans into small pieces. Then you need to pour lemon juice over it and add chopped garlic. Next you need to chop the cabbage and mix with the processed beans.

The most popular diet salad for weight loss

One of the most popular dietary salads is “”, which is often used during a variety of diets. Many people talk about its magical power of getting rid of excess weight in a short time, while its taste is excellent.

Please note: If you follow a menu that includes only this dish, you can, with the help of a laxative effect, not only get rid of excess weight, but also cleanse the intestines of harmful waste and toxins, as well as get rid of unremovable amounts of feces.

This dietary dish will help you lose weight in just a few days, but only by cleansing the intestines of harmful substances. To get rid of fat deposits, you should stick to longer diets. But before them, cleaning from toxins and toxins is prerequisite for maximum effect.

To prepare a diet salad, you need the following products;

  • Beetroot – 400 g;
  • White cabbage – 400 g;
  • Carrot – 100 g;
  • A bunch of green onions;
  • A bunch of parsley;
  • Olive oil.

To prepare this dish, you need to chop all the vegetables, then add herbs and season with olive oil. Salad can be consumed in any quantity. It is recommended to consume 6 times 200 grams of salad throughout the day.

Important! It is prohibited to consume such a dish for a long time, since not only harmful substances are removed from the body, but also healthy vitamins and minerals.
