Canned corn "Bonduelle": photo, calorie content, reviews. Delicious Bonduelle corn: quick cooking secrets

What varieties of corn do you know? Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is the much-touted Bonduelle sweet corn. However, such a variety simply does not exist in nature; this is a successful marketing ploy - Russians are very fond of large sweet corn, sold under the trademark of the same name. In fact, those seeds that market sellers call "Bonduelle" are different varieties and sweet corn hybrids. For example, the Bonduelle company itself uses foreign varieties such as Bonus, Spirit, etc. in the production of canned food.

Subspecies of common corn

In order not to grow some completely unidentified variety on your plot under the guise of Bonduelli, it is better to study the most popular, most the best varieties and corn hybrids, and plant the ones you like best. This way you will know for sure whether the purchased variety is resistant to diseases, how long to wait for the cobs to ripen, what taste they will have, and in what form they will be the most delicious.

Most often, early-ripening varieties of sweet corn are grown for production and for personal purposes.

Common corn, known abroad as maize, is divided into the following subspecies:

  • siliceous – used for making corn sticks, flakes, cereals, etc.;
  • dentifrice - from it feed corn is made for livestock feed, as well as cereals, flour and alcohol;
  • bursting, widespread in the USA;
  • starchy, used mainly in the alcohol and starch industries;
  • sugar, used in the canning industry.

Video about sweet corn varieties

Most often, early-ripening varieties of sweet corn are grown for production and for personal purposes, which have a pleasant sweet taste and have time to ripen well in our climate.

Corn hybrids offered by Pioneer and Syngenta companies are especially popular among gardeners. Syngenta corn is characterized by increased resistance to drought and other unfavorable factors. Pioneer corn is resistant to common diseases and pests and produces high yields even with unfavorable conditions for growth. Pioneer corn seeds are suitable for growing for grain or silage.

The best varieties of corn with high taste qualities


Grows well in any type of soil, is not afraid of mosaic, rust and wilting

Very sweet taste and large cobs are the main advantages for which Dobrynya corn is valued. This early hybrid is planted in May at a steady temperature of +10 degrees, grows up to 170 cm and forms an average of one and a half full ears per plant, at a height of 70 cm. It grows well on any type of soil, and is not afraid of mosaics, rust and wilting. You can harvest Dobrynya corn cobs after sowing, 70 days later, in the milky ripeness phase or when they turn yellow and dry out a little.

Gourmet 121

A high-yielding variety, resistant to various diseases with a growing season of 70-75 days. Corn grows up to one and a half meters in height, cylindrical cobs reach 20 cm. Wide, slightly elongated grains have a juicy sweet taste. In the stage of milky ripeness, Gourmand is very tasty when boiled, and is also suitable for canning and freezing.

Early Golden 401

Hybrid Early Golden is resistant to common diseases

Low-growing sweet corn with a growing season of about 90 days. The cobs reach average size up to 19 cm, the grains have a pleasant taste when fresh in the milky ripeness phase, are especially tasty when boiled and are perfect for canning. Hybrid Early Golden is resistant to common diseases.


When grown through seedlings from the second half of April and planted in the ground by the end of May, Spirit corn ripens in just two months and produces consistently high yield, regardless of region. The plant reaches a height of two meters, the ears are 20 cm long and filled with large yellow grains. A sufficient amount of sugar in the grains provides the Spirit hybrid with an excellent sweet taste, which compares favorably with other sweet corn hybrids.

Video about growing sweet early corn at home


This early-ripening variety is sown at the end of May, and the cobs begin to be harvested after 70-95 days. On low growing plant one or two ears with a diameter of five centimeters and a length of about twenty are formed. Yellow, slightly elongated grains are good fresh and canned.

Ice nectar

A popular late-ripening variety with excellent taste, it is considered perhaps the sweetest among other varieties. The sugary, juicy grains of this variety of corn in the milky ripeness phase are also good fresh. The productivity is high, the cobs are large - up to 22 cm.

The varieties of corn today are quite diverse, and therefore every lover of this crop will find an option to their liking. This plant is quite popular in our country - it is actively consumed as food on its own, and is also added to various culinary dishes. Cobs of the sugar variety are valued for their pleasant sweetish taste, nutritional value and abundance. useful vitamins contained in its composition. If you wish, you can grow a tasty and healthy delicacy on own plot. But to get good harvest, you should choose the right variety for planting.

Cultural history

The homeland of this unique plant is South America, where it was grown for food several thousand years ago. A little later, the culture was brought to Central America, and after that it gradually spread throughout the world. The fruits of those ancient plants were significantly different from the cobs we see today. They were much smaller in size, had small grains and were almost not covered with leaves.

The homeland of this unique plant is South America, where it was grown for food several thousand years ago.
It was brought from his trip to America by Christopher Columbus, who was impressed by the pleasant taste and nutritional value of this crop.

The culture first appeared in Europe only in 1496. It was brought from his trip to America by Christopher Columbus, who was impressed by the pleasant taste and nutritional value of this crop, which in those parts was called maize. After Spain, the plant quickly spread to other European countries, including Italy, Germany and Austria.

In Russia, maize first appeared during the Russian-Turkish War, when the empire conquered Crimea. Due to the original affiliation of the peninsula on which the plant was cultivated to Turkey, in our country it was initially called Turkish wheat. Active cultivation of this crop in Russia began after the country's victory in the Russian-Turkish war and the conclusion of a peace treaty. The only territory where corn was purposefully grown was Bessarabia, from where it gradually spread to central Russia and Ukraine.

Now maize is the third most popular grain crop, which is actively grown in many countries around the world.
In Russia, this plant is grown in industrial scale for agricultural needs and for cooking

Nowadays, maize is the third most popular grain crop, which is actively grown in many countries around the world. In Russia, this plant is grown on an industrial scale for agricultural needs and for cooking. The grains of the crop are used to produce canned products, as well as tasty and healthy corn oil, the nutritional value of which is much higher than that of a sunflower seed product. Bonduelle corn is especially popular in our country, which got its name because of the famous trademark, producing canned food. Today, species under this name are very sweet and pleasant-tasting hybrids that are easy to grow and productive.

Types of corn, their characteristics and purpose

In addition to food or sweet corn, which is grown for culinary purposes, there are other varieties of this crop.

Each of them has its own distinctive characteristics and properties, and therefore is used in certain areas of industry. The most famous varieties:

  1. Starchy. Corn starch is produced from the grains of this plant and is also used in the alcohol industry. It is characterized by a high content of starchy substance, which can reach 75% of the total composition.
  2. Dentoform. This is the most common agriculture variety of a given crop. It is used to produce feed for small and large livestock, chickens, pigs and other livestock. Additionally, feed corn is used to produce cereals, alcohol and corn flour.
  3. Bursting. The so-called “popcorn” is produced from this subspecies, which is widely distributed in the USA and in European countries. In Russia, this type of plant is not grown purposefully, since it rarely takes root in our climate.
  4. Siliceous. This variety is grown for the production of prepared snacks such as corn flakes and corn sticks. They also make flour from it premium. This is not the most common type of crop in our country, as it has low yields.

3. Bursting

Worth it separately decorative variety, bred relatively recently by world breeders. This the only kind crop, not intended for consumption, and its main feature is the spectacular appearance of the plant and cobs.

Varieties of different types of corn - how to make the right choice?

Today there are more than 250 varieties of corn in the world. different types. In order to correctly select seeds intended for use for specific purposes, you should familiarize yourself in advance with the characteristics of individual varieties. Currently, breeders around the world are actively developing new varieties and hybrids of corn, seeking to achieve maximum yield combined with endurance and resistance to climate change.

Denticulate and siliceous varieties and their types

It is one of the most common agricultural plants, with millions of tons grown annually. Its main area of ​​application is animal feed. It is distinguished by its nutritional value, high starch content, low mealiness. The most common species and hybrids:

The main advantage of tooth-like and siliceous types of culture is their versatility of use. Their properties make it possible to use plants for the production of animal feed, and ripened cobs can be eaten boiled, since their grains are very pleasant taste.

In our country, sweet corn is most often used for culinary purposes, which is characterized by a high content of glucose and a small amount of starch.

In our country, sweet corn is most often used for culinary purposes.

Nutritional and beneficial features boiled cobs, combined with their pleasant taste, have won over many lovers of hot salted grains. In order for the cultivation of sweet corn to bring a bountiful harvest, it is necessary to choose the right variety based on its characteristics, as well as taking into account the climatic conditions in the area where the site is located.

The most common sugar varieties:

  1. Dobrynya. This is a very unpretentious sweet corn, which has an average yield. Distinctive feature variety is thin skin, which gives the cobs a very delicate and pleasant taste after a short cooking. Contains large amounts of sugar. Dobrynya is actively grown, both on an industrial scale for conservation and production of consumer products, and on private plots for personal use. The main condition that should be met when planting seeds of this species on a site is a sufficient amount of moisture. This plant does not like dry soil, and therefore, with low moisture content, it can produce less than expected yield.
  2. Voronezhskaya 80-A. This is a Russian hybrid, which is distinguished by its early ripeness and productivity. His main feature- This is a characteristic fruity taste that is not found in any other variety. The hybrid is widely used in canning, and is also grown on an industrial scale, including for export abroad.
  3. Excellent. This is another hybrid bred by Russian breeders. Easily adapts to the middle latitudes of our country, requires abundant watering and protection from drought. It is vulnerable to pests and diseases, and therefore seedlings need to be treated regularly special compounds, and also weed the beds at least twice a week, getting rid of weeds.

2. Voronezhskaya 80-A
3. Excellent

Due to the high prevalence of all the varieties listed above, you can buy sweet corn seeds today in all cities of the country. In this case, you should choose only reliable and trusted manufacturers, because there is a risk of purchasing low-quality seed that will not bring a large harvest.

The basic technology for growing sweet corn on your own plot depends not only on weather conditions, but also on the specific hybrid or variety

The basic technology for growing sweet corn on your own plot depends not only on weather conditions, but also on the specific hybrid or variety.

In Russia, corn has recently begun to be grown for the production of popcorn. The country's breeders are actively developing new varieties and hybrids, trying to acclimatize the plant to weather our latitudes. If you want to try your hand at harvesting such grains, you should be especially careful in choosing the variety for planting.

The most common bursting varieties and hybrids that grow well in Russian conditions:

The right approach to choosing a variety, as well as adherence to known rules for planting and caring for crops, will allow the gardener to get a bountiful harvest.

The right approach to choosing a variety, as well as adherence to known rules for planting and caring for crops, will allow the gardener to get a bountiful harvest even with no experience. Nutritious and healthy grains will be an excellent addition to your family’s culinary diet, while being a source of many vitamins and substances essential for the human body.

Corn is a popular vegetable among summer residents and gardeners, which requires little care and allows you to get an excellent harvest. Currently, dozens of different types of this vegetable, which differ in their purpose and taste. We will talk about popular varieties of corn in this article. We’ll also tell you what type of this vegetable popcorn is made from.

Currently, it is customary to distinguish the following types of corn:

The most popular today are sugar corn varieties, which have excellent taste and, thanks to a short growing season, have time to ripen in our climate.

Sweet corn Bonduelle

Bonduelle sweet corn is classic variety, most of whose hybrids are zoned for cultivation in central Russia. This vegetable has excellent taste, which makes it quite popular among gardeners.

The sweet taste of this type of bonduelle corn makes it easy to eat the vegetable fresh or use it for various wrappings. A feature of the agricultural technology for growing the sweet variety is its increased requirements for the amount of watering. In the event that you do not provide required amount moisture to plantings, it will be difficult to grow sweet and juicy Bonduelle.

In specialized stores you can find sweet varieties of Bonduelle that differ in ripening time and taste qualities of the harvested crop. Many gardeners have heard about such a variety as bonduelle and invariably ask for it in gardening stores.

It must be said that this type of corn does not exist in nature. This is just a marketing ploy by the corn manufacturer, who christened the usual sweet variety of the vegetable with the name of his company. Of the popular varieties of bonduelle sweet corn, we can note the following: Trophy F1, Megaton F1, Spirit F1, Dobrynya F1.

Varieties for making popcorn

Many gardeners and summer residents grow this vegetable for making popcorn. This is a popular and extremely healthy delicacy, which is prepared from special varieties. When heated, such grains increase in volume, burst and turn into popcorn flakes. Such properties are ensured due to the increased fat content in the grains.

When growing corn for popcorn, you should remember that these varieties have increased requirements for the growing conditions of the vegetable. Optimal temperature for cultivation is 25 degrees.

Red corn is a heat-loving vegetable, so it should be planted no earlier than mid-May.

During the growing season, it is necessary to provide appropriate fertilizing to the growing plantings and regularly water the plants with warm, settled water. When harvesting popcorn, you should remember that the cobs must ripen on the vine, otherwise the fat content will be less than the required indicators.

Common varieties for popcorn include the following:

  • Rice,
  • Carousel,
  • Gobble, gobble,
  • Hotel,
  • Granddaughter's joy,
  • Ping pong.

Advantages of hybrid varieties

Today, corn hybrids are very popular among summer residents and gardeners, which are distinguished by excellent yields and resistance to diseases of this garden crop. Most of these hybrid varieties are zoned for cultivation in middle lane Russia, which allows vegetables to withstand significant temperature changes and even in dry summer conditions, such corn will allow you to get an excellent harvest.

At the same time, it is necessary to note the rather high cost of the seed material used, as well as the impossibility of independently procuring the seed material used. Gardeners need to take into account the peculiarities of caring for one or another hybrid variety of corn. The summer resident will need to choose the right one for him hybrid variety this vegetable, which will allow him to get an excellent harvest.

Description of popular varieties

Dobrynya. Sweet variety, which grows well in all types of soil. The plant is resistant to wilt, rust and mosaic. Among the features of the Dobrynya variety, one can note the large size of the cobs, as well as excellent cold resistance. The latter allows you to plant seeds as early as early May. Harvesting is possible after 70 days after emergence. It is only necessary to say that this variety is a hybrid variety, so it is not possible to independently collect seeds.

Gourmand is a high-yielding hybrid that is resistant to various diseases. Gardeners can harvest 75 days after germination. The height of plants of this variety is a maximum of one and a half meters. Harvest It has excellent keeping quality and also has a juicy taste. The grains are great for canning.

Early Golden – disease resistant hybrid variety with a growing season of 90 days. The harvested crop has a sweet taste and is excellent for canning and eating boiled. This variety is characterized by increased resistance to various diseases. garden crops, which greatly simplifies the care of plantings.

Spirit. A special feature is the earliest possible ripening, which allows you to get a harvest one and a half to two months after planting the seeds. This variety has a sweetish taste and excellent shelf life of the grown crop. Large cobs are filled with yellow grains, which are juicy and rich in sugar.

Sundance - early ripening low-growing variety, which can form two ears at the same time on one plant. This allows the gardener to reduce the planting area and still get an excellent harvest. This variety is intended for canning.

Ice Nectar is an extremely popular late-ripening variety that experienced gardeners It is recommended to grow through seedlings. From distinctive characteristics varieties Ice Nectar, one can note the sweet taste and excellent yield indicators of this crop. This variety is undemanding to care, which makes it popular with novice gardeners.

Pioneer. This is a fairly popular variety among domestic gardeners, which has a juicy sweet taste. Pioneer corn seeds germinate well and allow you to get an excellent harvest. This plant is characterized by increased resistance to diseases. In specialized gardening stores, summer residents can find the Pioneer corn seeds they need, which are affordable.

Colored varieties

IN last years original varieties of this vegetable have appeared, which differ in their color. Therefore, no one should be surprised by red corn or purple corn. Purple corn is undemanding to care; it allows you to get a harvest even with minimal attention from the gardener. Just remember that you need to choose the right time for planting seeds in open ground.

Sweet large corn is one of the favorite dishes of almost every person, a kind of pleasant memory from childhood, especially intensified at the beginning summer season. Popular plant, a native of America, was cultivated in ancient times by the ancient Mayans and Aztecs.

Corn - the slender queen of the fields

On an industrial scale, this crop is grown mainly for feed purposes, but it has adequately found its niche in many country and garden plots, where corn varieties are presented in all their diversity. Moreover home growing significantly “cultivated” the tall beauty, depriving her of the ability to self-sow and grow in her former, wild state.

Now this crop is monoecious, has separate inflorescences and is cross-pollinated. Some gardeners use artificial post-pollination - to do this, they pick off the spikelets at the top of the stem (male flowers) and shake them over the flowering cobs (female flowers).

Description and external characteristics

Soil fertility plays a huge role in obtaining a rich and high-quality harvest, so fertilizing (organic and mineral) is required. During the autumn digging, rotted manure can be added to the ground and in the spring, the area before planting is pre-leveled with a rake (to remove the surface crust and break up lumps of earth).

Corn should be planted in soil heated to 12 o C, this occurs around the end of April; the seeds are sown to a depth of about 7 cm. On the eve of planting, about a day in advance, it is recommended to add (per 10 m2 - 200 grams) and loosen the soil to a depth of 10 cm.

Seed germination can be accelerated by pre-soaking them in warm water. To do this, they should be placed in a gauze bag, which should be placed on the sunny place, and then place it in a solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. Then the seeds should be washed, placed in a container and placed in a warm place. After 3-4 days, small roots will appear, which is when the seeds can be planted in open ground. IN field conditions The first shoots will appear on about the 12th day.

Many amateur gardeners, in order to obtain a harvest in short time Plant ready-made corn seedlings, which are usually 30 days old when planted.

It is required to produce in rows, the distance between rows is 60 cm, between plants - 40 cm. The seeds are planted to a depth of 3-4 cm in a well-watered hole. Of the emerging shoots, of which there may be several (since several seeds are placed in a hole to ensure their germination), the strongest plant should be left, the rest should be disposed of.

When you can use the conveyor method, that is, plants with for different periods When maturing, plant them at intervals of 15 days. This will ensure continuous harvesting throughout the summer.

Plant nutrition

Corn should be fertilized when the plant has six leaves. During this period, you can add compost, humus, mullein, chicken droppings. In addition to organic matter, ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium fertilizers are applied in liquid form between the rows.

The lack of microelements required by the plant can be determined by appearance corn. With short stature and pallor of the leaves, there is a lack of nitrogen; if on early stages development of the plant, its slow growth is observed, and the edges of the leaves acquire purple shade- this means that the crop does not have enough phosphorus. Abnormal waviness of leaves and changes in their color (from pale to dark brown) indicate a lack of potassium.

Features of care

After planting, corn growth is slow for some time, so it is necessary to carry out loosening and weeding (about 3 times during the growing season) in order to enrich the soil with oxygen and remove the top soil crust. Intensive growth of corn begins after the appearance of the eighth leaf; during this period, the daily growth can be 5-6 cm. When side shoots - stepsons - form in corn, the latter should be cut off so that they do not interfere with the development of young cobs and the growth of the plant. The reasons for the formation of unwanted side shoots may be low temperatures on early stages growing season, applying excessive amounts of fertilizers, as well as sparse sowing.

Watering corn, infrequently and abundantly (water should penetrate to a depth of 10-15 cm), must be carried out during the period of laying and ripening of young ears.

It’s not for nothing that corn is called one of the “breads” of the world. It was like that for the Indians of Central America until they became acquainted with wheat, rye and rice. Corn was known in the New World twelve thousand years ago. And with the discovery of America by Columbus, this cereal became popular among Europeans. Corn adapts well to new conditions. It is unpretentious to grow and produces many new varieties. Therefore, it is not surprising that this cereal is now grown all over the world - from the subtropics to the subpolar regions. And find canned corn Selling isn't a problem right now. Store shelves are filled with this product released various companies. Why, out of all the variety of market offers, should you give preference to Bonduelle corn? We will talk about this in our article.

The benefits of corn

This cereal is simply a storehouse of vitamins. Corn grain contains the entire line of B. And this vitamin is responsible for the strength of nails and teeth, vitality and thickness of hair, and healthy skin. Corn also contains A, C, PP and K. The benefits of these vitamins can hardly be overestimated. C strengthens the immune system, and A sharpens vision. Corn contains many minerals. Particularly valuable are magnesium, potassium, iron and phosphorus. The carbohydrates contained in grain are easily absorbed and quickly digested. This product has a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines, making blood vessels more elastic. Nutritionists prescribe corn in the treatment of liver disease, urolithiasis, and to normalize blood pressure. It also lowers blood cholesterol levels. Corn removes excess bile. Due to the abundance of iron, it is useful for anemia and anemia. The protein it contains is similar in structure to animal protein. Thus, Bonduelle corn, whose calorie content is only 93 kcal per hundred grams of product, greatly saturates the body and satisfies the feeling of hunger.

Cereal in cooking

Maize has only been known to Europeans for a few centuries. But corn dishes have become firmly established national cuisines different nations. Italian palenta, Romanian mamalyga, Hutsul banosh - all these dishes are prepared on the basis of ground maize. Cornmeal makes excellent bread and tortillas. The cake of this plant is a good feed for livestock. Young corn kernels are sweetish. As it matures, the sugar content disappears. The grain becomes more mealy. Then they make cereal and flour from it. But Bonduelle corn is always young. For canning, only soft, sweetish grains are taken. You can prepare a variety of dishes from them - soups, vegetable side dishes. It should be said that canned corn is a completely ready-to-eat product. And therefore its main purpose is to be an ingredient in salads. But the use of canned corn does not end there. It can be a component of pizza and complex sandwiches.

Why Bonduelle?

As we already mentioned, corn, due to its unpretentiousness, became a common cereal on the Old Continent. Buying its grains, including canned ones, is not a problem - they are sold in every grocery store. What makes Bonduelle corn stand out from other brands? To do this, you need to know the history of the brand. The Bonduelle company was founded back in 1853 in the north of France. At first it produced juniper liqueurs. But in 1926, the descendants of Louis Bonduelle, the founder of the company, Benoit and Pierre decided to change the profile of production and began canning vegetables. They started with green peas. Then the company began producing canned mushrooms and other vegetables. After the war, increased production also established freezing of food. By the eighties of the last century, the Bonduelle brand became known abroad. Now its products are sold in 80 countries around the world. In 2004, the company opened its plant in Krasnodar region in Russia.

Why you should choose Bonduelle canned corn

Why is the brand so superior to its competitors? It's not just about conservation skill. Although technological process plays an important role here. Vacuum packaging allows the grains to completely preserve the composition of vitamins and beneficial minerals. Compare canned food from other companies and Bonduelle corn. The photo shows intact whole grains that have not lost their soft yellow color at all. The company selects only the best varieties of corn for its canned food and does not use nitrates, pesticides or GMOs. There are two types of canned maize on the Russian market. The first one is called "Corn in Beans". This product is preferable because the jar only contains what it says on the label. No water, vinegar, salt or sugar. The calorie content of this product is 93 units. But “Corn in vacuum packaging” from Bonduelle contains additional ingredients (water, sugar, salt). The calorie content of this product is higher - 115 units.


A can of Bonduelle corn with a net weight of 340 grams costs 114 rubles in 2017. This is higher than similar products from other companies. But although the reviews moan about this, they still assure that the corn is worth the money. The grains are all the same, at the stage of milk maturity. They are cut correctly, there are no damaged kernels, threads or traces of cake. Everyone praises the organoleptic properties of this corn. Her taste is simply excellent. There are no foreign odors. Water - minimal amount. A large jar is enough to make vegetable stew for the whole family. To prepare the salad, you can purchase a small 170 gram package. Such a jar costs only 60 rubles. Would you like to support domestic manufacturer? A product with a French name grew in the fields of Kuban.

What does the stern Roskontrol say?

This government body, which has torn to pieces more than one brand, assessed Bonduelle canned corn very positively. The overall test score is 79 points out of a possible hundred. At the same time, the safety of the product was assessed at 99 units. There are no stabilizers in this corn. And for this reason it cannot be stored for a long time. Even in the refrigerator the product is in open jar should not stand for more than a day. Better yet, transfer the corn from the tin to glassware. In terms of product quality, Roskontrol gave the Bonduelle brainchild a score of 88 points. At the same time, the test report notes that there is less salt in corn than in other analogues. Government body highly appreciated the organoleptic qualities of the product.

Corn "Bonduelle": reviews

Russian users found only one disadvantage in the canned food of the French brand - the high price. Reviews claim that Bonduelle is far ahead of its neighbors on the store shelf in cost. But also in quality! The amount of water in the jar is minimal. At the same time, the corn is not dry at all, but soft and delicate in taste. All the grains are the same - large, pale yellow, in a state of milky ripeness, slightly sweet. Consumers also liked that the jar comes with a ring. No can opener required to open.
