Who is going to run for president? From whom to choose the President of the Russian Federation in March: a list of candidates and an overview of their programs. Unexpected candidate for President of the Russian Federation

Reliable information has emerged about Putin's participation in the 2018 Russian presidential elections. The decision of the current president was announced at the annual press conference, which took place on December 6 of this year. Vladimir Vladimirovich also noted that the election campaign has already been completed, but its progress and program are kept secret.

Putin acts as a self-nominated candidate, which means that there are no political parties “behind him.” Let us recall that earlier Vladimir Vladimirovich spoke from the party United Russia. The exact composition of the current president's campaign headquarters is also unknown. Perhaps this information will soon become publicly available. More and more people are interested in who will be president after Putin in 2018.

At the moment, it is Putin who is considered the possible winner of the elections, since, according to sociological surveys, more than sixty percent of the population agree to vote for him. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin also noted that he does not see competitive politicians in the people currently running.

Who has already nominated a candidate?

  • Yabloko's candidate, Grigory Yavlinsky, submitted his application back in February 2016. Economist with political views, which are at odds with actions current government, clearly expects to win if he is one of the first to nominate his candidacy.
  • In September 2016, an application to participate in the elections was received from self-nominated candidate Alina Vitukhnovskaya. This poet and writer has made her contribution to public life and now wants to try to become the first female president of our country.
  • October 2016 - Vladimir Zhirinovsky nominates his candidacy for the presidency. One of the most famous political figures from the Liberal Democratic Party, who wants to make fundamental changes in our country, is among the first ranks of people who submitted an application.
  • Entrepreneurs were not left out either. In November 2016, Sergei Polonsky became a self-nominated candidate.
  • In December 2016, a statement was submitted by self-nominated candidate Alexei Navalny. The Chairman of the Progress Party wants to make a big leap in his political activity and take the lead.
  • Self-nominated Sergei Bizyuk expressed a desire to change his social activities to political ones, leaving his application as a candidate for the presidency in December 2016.
  • The environmental party also distinguished itself by nominating its candidate. On the part of the Greens, in December 2016, a statement was received from Anatoly Batashev.

At the beginning of the new year, three statements were added to the list of candidates for the presidency of Russia 2018. It includes the names of self-nominated candidates Ustin Valerievich Chashikhin and Vladimir Levin. Both filed their applications in March. In February the communists became active. They will be represented by Maxim Suraikin.

Promoting Navalny's election campaign

It is worth paying attention to the progress of Navalny’s election campaign. First of all, let’s analyze his words in the video released on his personal channel.

The opposition politician announces that he intends to increase salaries. Minimum threshold will be equal to twenty-five thousand rubles. At the same time, about two and a half trillion rubles will be spent on increasing wages throughout the country. For managers budgetary institutions wage will remain the same.

Required in modern conditions pension reform is also taking place. A project will be implemented to create an investor fund with personal capital, and Pension Fund Russia will be disbanded. In addition, it is planned to create a so-called Fund for Future Generations, formed by transferring a certain percentage of the export of minerals, as well as taxes.

Thanks to demonetization construction market and reducing mortgage rates, Alexey Navalny plans to provide residents Russian Federation affordable and affordable housing.

After demonopolizing strategically important enterprises, the opposition politician will ensure a decrease in the degree of corruption in the country. Thus, citizens will receive price reductions for many services, for example:

  • transportation;
  • electricity;
  • public utilities.

Military service will be completely abolished, and the army will become a contract army. The salary of one contract employee will be equal to two hundred thousand Russian rubles. Thus, competition will again appear in the military-industrial complex.

The Central Election Commission refused to allow Navalny to run for President of the Russian Federation

Just recently, news began to appear in the media that the Central Election Commission did not allow Alexei Navalny to participate in the presidential elections in 2018. The reason was given as an outstanding criminal record opposition politician. Most lawyers believe that the decision does not violate the current legislation of the Russian Federation. At the same time, Alexey is confident that the Central Election Commission violated the law by prohibiting him from participating in the 2018 presidential elections.

The opposition politician is committed to the so-called “boycott of elections” and actively calls on his subscribers to do so. in social networks. Alexey Navalny has already filed an application to appeal the decision of the Central Election Commission, believing that the decision had no legal basis.

Sobchak election campaign

It is noticeable that this time the candidates for the 2018 elections are quite diverse. As it became known, journalist Ksenia Sobchak was officially admitted to the elections and began her election campaign. It includes 123 points, sometimes absurdly contradictory. So, the most interesting of them are:

  • legalization of marijuana trade;
  • legalization of same-sex marriage;
  • abolition of universal military conscription;
  • introduction of European standards instead of GOST standards familiar to the population;
  • dispersal of power across regions;
  • the establishment of parliament as the center of government;
  • cultural integration of migrating populations;
  • transition medical field into the hands of private owners.

In general, the program includes both major and significant steps for the Russian Federation, as well as minor or completely unnecessary aspects. Thanks to this “information garbage,” it is problematic to perceive the election project as an integral program.

Who else applied?

The list of candidates for Russian President 2018 may increase due to those who have not yet officially confirmed their nomination. These are actors, financiers and politicians from the provinces. Among them are Ivan Okhlobystin, who expressed a desire to participate in the elections back in 2012, and Sergei Mavrodi, known as the creator of MMM. In August 2016, Saratov politician Vyacheslav Maltsev spoke about possible participation in the fight for the presidency. Many more people who want to be on the list of candidates remain behind the scenes. In any case, the choice of the president and future fate country will take place through a referendum.

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In the coming 2018, the six-year period of the presidency of the current head of Russia, Vladimir Putin, is coming to an end. In this connection, the next presidential elections will be organized in 2018, about which there is already a lot of talk: who will be the next president of Russia, what candidates will be proposed for the post of president in the upcoming elections and, most importantly, when presidential elections will take place, in what month? So, first things first.

When will the Russian presidential elections take place in 2018?

Let us recall that several years ago an amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted, allowing the president to hold office for six years. Let us recall that previously this period was set as four years. It will be exactly 6 years since Vladimir Putin was elected President of the Russian Federation (United Russia party). Therefore, the question becomes: what date will the presidential elections be scheduled for in 2018?

According to the federal law on “Elections of the President of the Russian Federation,” the upcoming presidential elections must be held on the 2nd Sunday of the same month in which the president was elected 6 years ago. Thus, it should be expected that the first round of the presidential elections will take place on March 11, 2018.

Candidates for the post of President of the Russian Federation

At the moment, it is known for sure that there are at least eight candidates for the post of president of our country who have officially announced their participation in the presidential elections: this is the head political party"LDPR" Vladimir Zhirinovsky; Grigory Yavlinsky, founder of the Yabloko party, chosen at the February Congress of Deputies as the most suitable candidate from this party; Maxim Suraikin - representative of the Russian Communists; Anatoly Batashev - representative of the environmental party "Greens"; non-party members - Sergei Polonsky (entrepreneur) and Sergei Bizyukin (public figure); Alexey Navalny is the founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation.

Who else will participate in the 2018 elections

It is also likely that the current President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, will take part in the presidential elections in 2018, who has not yet announced this, but has the legal right to run for president of the country again in 2018.

As other alternatives, probably in the 2018 elections, the candidacies of Gennady Zyuganov (Communist Party of the Russian Federation), Sergei Mironov (A Just Russia), Mikhail Kasyanov (People's Freedom Party), Evgeny Roizman (head of Yekaterinburg), Tatyana will be presented Yumasheva (former adviser to the President of the Russian Federation), Alexei Kudrin (former Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation), Tamara Morshchakova (former judge Constitutional Court RF), Oleg Chirkunov ( former governor Perm region), Ivan Kurilla (Russian historian), Vyacheslav Maltsev ( famous politician) and etc.

On March 18, 2018, presidential elections will be held in Russia. The President will be elected for a six-year term.

Who can be elected president?

According to Article 81 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a citizen of the Russian Federation who is at least 35 years old and has permanently resided in the country for at least 10 years can be elected president. However, there is no age limit for standing for election.

To participate in elections, a person must be legally competent.

A male candidate must have a military ID. If a person avoided military service and a criminal case was opened against him, he cannot stand for election.

A person with dual citizenship cannot stand for election.

A person with a criminal record is also not allowed to participate in the elections of the head of state.

Who can nominate themselves?

A candidate for the presidency of Russia can be a representative of a political party that has the right to nominate candidates and participate in elections, or a citizen of the country, provided that his self-nomination is supported by a group of voters - at least 500 people (Article 34 of Federal Law No. 19 “On the Election of the President of the Russian Federation”). Previously, the right to nominate a candidate belonged directly to voters and electoral associations, electoral blocs. A self-nominated candidate is also obliged, according to Article 36 of the law on presidential elections, to collect at least 300 thousand voter signatures in his support, with no more than 7,500 signatures per subject of the Russian Federation.

A self-nominated candidate must, no later than 20 days from the date of official publication of the decision to call presidential elections in Russia, apply to the Central Election Commission (CEC) with a written request to register a group of voters.

A self-nominated candidate is also obliged to close accounts (deposits) and stop storing cash by the time he submits documents for registration. Money and valuables in foreign banks located outside of Russia, and/or “to alienate foreign financial instruments” (Article 34, paragraph 18 of Federal Law N19).

As spring approaches, Russians are showing increasing interest in the significant event that will take place on March 18, 2018 - the Russian presidential elections. Candidates for the presidency of the Russian Federation have begun an active election campaign. According to the law, from February 18 to March 16, 2018 inclusive, election campaigning will be carried out on television, radio and in print media. Publication of the results of public opinion polls regarding the rating of presidential candidates and forecasts of the 2018 election results is possible until March 12. March 17, 2018 is the pre-election “day of silence.” The election results must be determined by March 30 and published by April 1. Re-voting day (if necessary) is April 8, 2018.

Date of Russian presidential elections in 2018

According to paragraph 2 of Article 5 Federal Law dated January 10, 2003 No. 19-FZ “On the elections of the President of the Russian Federation” (as amended), the date of the first round of the 2018 presidential elections is the second Sunday of the month in which voting was held in the previous general elections President of the Russian Federation and in which he was elected six years ago (March 4, 2012). However, according to paragraph 7 of Article 5 of the same Federal Law, if the Sunday on which the elections of the President of Russia should be scheduled coincides with the day preceding the non-working day holiday, or this Sunday falls in a week that includes a non-working holiday, or this Sunday is on in the prescribed manner declared a working day, elections are scheduled for the following Sunday. Since the second week of March 2018 includes International Women’s Day, which, according to Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is a non-working holiday, the elections from the second Sunday of March (March 11, 2018) are postponed to the following Sunday (March 18, 2018).

The issue of the date of the Russian presidential elections in 2018 was actively discussed in the news at the beginning of 2017. In March 2017, the head of the Central Election Commission Ella Pamfilova called it expedient to postpone the presidential election week from March 11 to March 18 in 2018.

On June 1, 2017, the President of Russia signed the Draft Federal Law No. 114572−7 “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Election of the President of the Russian Federation””; in fact, the date of the elections was March 18, 2018. December 15, 2017 Federation Council Federal Assembly The Russian Federation has scheduled the upcoming elections for March 18, 2018.

Procedure for nominating presidential candidates in elections

According to the Federal Law “On the Election of the President of the Russian Federation,” a Russian citizen who is at least 35 years old and has permanently resided in Russia for at least 10 years can be elected president. There are also some other restrictions for election (for example, a limitation of two terms of office as President of the Russian Federation, incapacity, the presence of unexpunged convictions for serious and especially serious crimes, the validity of punishment for certain administrative offenses, being in prison, having foreign citizenship or nationality and some others), which are listed in Article 3 of the Federal Law.

There are two ways to take part in elections: as a self-nominated candidate and as a candidate from a registered party.

The following rules apply to a self-nominated candidate:: a citizen of the Russian Federation can nominate his candidacy for the post of President of the Russian Federation, but subject to the support of his nomination by a group of voters. To register, such a candidate must first create and register with the CEC a group of voters of at least 500 citizens of the Russian Federation who have active voting rights. Then, in order to be admitted to the elections, he must collect and submit to the Central Election Commission at least 300 thousand signatures of voters (and the number of submitted signatures may exceed the number of required signatures, but no more than 5% (accordingly, each self-nominated candidate can provide CEC up to 315 thousand signatures), and one subject of the Russian Federation should have no more than 7,500 signatures.

Registration of a candidate for President of the Russian Federation nominated by a political party, presented in State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, according to the results of the nearest elections, can be carried out on the basis of a decision of a political party to nominate a candidate without collecting signatures of voters, provided that the said official publication of this decision took place no later than 25 days from the date of the official announcement of calling elections, but before the submission to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation of documents required for candidate registration.

On the basis of this decision, without collecting voter signatures, registration of a candidate nominated by a political party whose lists of candidates were admitted to the distribution of deputy mandates (lists of candidates of which were given deputy mandates in accordance with the law of the subject of the Russian Federation, provided for in paragraph 17 of article 35 of the Federal Law) is also carried out “On the basic guarantees of electoral rights and the right to participate in a referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation”) in force on the day official publication(publication) of a decision on calling elections of the President of the Russian Federation to legislative (representative) bodies of state power in at least one third of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Political parties that are not represented in the State Duma of the current convocation, in order to be admitted to the elections, are required to collect at least 100 thousand voter signatures in support of the candidate they nominated; there should be no more than 2,500 voter signatures per subject of the Russian Federation.

Official presidential candidates for the 2018 elections

In all printed publications, on the Internet and, of course, on television, candidates for high office are being vigorously discussed. Voters are interested in the question of who will win the elections, what is the rating of the candidates for the presidency of Russia, in the end, who are these candidates, how can they interest their electorate, what positive things for the life of the population do they promise in their election programs going into the 2018 elections?

Candidate Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin(born 10/07/1952). Nominated for the 2018 Elections by a group of voters created to support the self-nomination of the candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin.

In the photo: Vladimir Putin (Photo: kremlin.ru)

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin - Soviet and Russian statesman, current president of Russia. From 2000 to 2008 - the second President of the Russian Federation, in 1999-2000 and from 2008 to 2012 - Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Vladimir Putin.

On December 6, 2017, Vladimir Putin announced that he had decided to nominate his candidacy for another term; this happened at a rally-concert dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Gorky Automobile Plant.

Presidential candidate and current head of state Vladimir Putin has not yet announced his election program. He may for the first time outline the main points of his election program at a meeting with proxies; according to information from Vladimir Putin’s election headquarters, this event can most likely take place at the end of January, Izvestia wrote.

According to official representatives of Putin’s campaign, it is not yet known whether the main candidate plans to voice the points of his election program at this meeting, but its main theses can be judged by Vladimir Putin’s instructions to trusted persons. Experts believe that the document will be based on innovations in the socio-economic sphere.

Candidate for President of Russia Pavel Nikolaevich Grudinin(born October 20, 1960), nominated by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and national-patriotic forces, is their only candidate.

In the photo: Pavel Grudinin (Photo: Mikhail Tereshchenko/TASS)

Pavel Grudinin is the director of the successful Lenin State Farm CJSC near Moscow. Honored Worker Agriculture Russian Federation. Pavel Nikolaevich is also involved in politics and state affairs.

Russian presidential candidate in the 2018 elections Pavel Grudinin presented his election program in January, consisting of 20 points - “20 steps”, which was published on the official website of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

Candidate Baburin Sergey Nikolaevich(born January 31, 1959) - nominated by the public organization Political Party "Russian All-People's Union".

In the photo: Sergey Baburin (Photo: Anna Isakova/press service of the State Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS)

Sergei Baburin is a Russian politician and statesman. Sergei Baburin was people's deputy Russian Federation (1990−1993), member of the Council of the Republic of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation. Also, Sergei Nikolaevich Baburin was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the I, II and IV convocations. At that time, he was Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the II and IV convocations, a member of the State Duma Committee on Civil, Criminal, Arbitration and Procedural Legislation.

Presidential candidate Sergei Baburin also presented his election program. He plans to start with changes to the Constitution; he considers it necessary, first of all, to make the judicial system truly independent. The politician also promises to develop a number of laws that will remove Russia from the “oil needle.” His other priorities are strengthening control over housing and communal services and migration processes. And also a different approach to foreign policy.

CandidateZhirinovsky Vladimir Volfovich(born April 25, 1946) nominated by the political Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR).

In the photo: Vladimir Zhirinovsky (Photo: Vyacheslav Prokofiev/TASS)

Zhirinovsky Vladimir Volfovich - Chairman of the LDPR, member of the State Council, deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the 7th convocation, head of the Supreme Council of the LDPR.

Vladimir Volfovich called his election program “100 steps: It’s time to make a powerful leap forward!” As TASS reported, one of the priorities of the leader of the Liberal Democrats of Russia will be the issuance of passports to “all Russians” and the protection of compatriots abroad. He also names amnesty and humanization of the Criminal Code among the priority measures. To fight crime, Zhirinovsky proposes creating military courts and lifting the moratorium on death penalty. Special attention he is going to devote his time to the fight against corruption. At the same time, he believes that it is necessary to build a country without communism, Nazism, racism and authoritarianism.

CandidateYavlinsky Grigory Alekseevich(born April 10, 1952), nominated by the political party “Russian United Democratic Party “YABLOKO””.

In the photo: Grigory Yavlinsky (Photo: Artem Geodakyan/TASS)

Grigory Alekseevich Yavlinsky is a famous Russian economist, one of the founders of the association and leader of the Yabloko political party. In the past, Grigory Yavlinsky was Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, one of the leaders of the Yavlinsky-Boldyrev-Lukin electoral bloc. Grigory Alekseevich Yavlinsky led the faction of the Yabloko party in the State Duma of Russia of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd convocations. Grigory Yavlinsky was a candidate for the presidency of Russia in 1996, 2000 and 2018.

Read more in the biography of the presidential candidate Grigory Yavlinsky.

The concept of the further development of the country by Grigory Yavlinsky, according to him, has been prepared for more than three years and consists of four elements. “Firstly, this is a description of the actual image of the future, secondly, this is the presidential program “Road to the Future”, thirdly, this is an economic manifesto, it is about the obligations that the state must take on in order for the road to the future to be successful . Fourth - state strategy economic development for 2018-2028,” said Grigory Yavlinsky.

CandidateSobchak Ksenia Anatolyevna(born November 5, 1981), nominated by representatives of the All-Russian political party “Civil Initiative”.

In the photo: Ksenia Sobchak (Photo: Anton Novoderezhkin/TASS)

Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak - daughter of the former mayor of Leningrad Anatoly Sobchak, Russian journalist, TV and radio presenter, actress, former member of the Coordination Council of the Russian Opposition (2012−2013). He is a popular character in the media covering show business and social life.

Read more in the biography of presidential candidate Ksenia Sobchak.

Ksenia Sobchak’s election program is called “123 difficult steps” and consists of four sections - “ Domestic policy", "Economic development", " Social politics" And " Foreign policy».

Candidate Titov Boris Yurievich(born December 24, 1960), nominated by the political party “GROWTH PARTY”.

In the photo: Boris Titov (Photo: Anton Novoderezhkin/host photo agency TASS)

Boris Yuryevich Titov is the chairman of the “Growth Party”, the authorized representative under the President of Russia for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs, a millionaire, the founder of the company for the export of petrochemical products Solvalub, the owner of the Abrau-Durso sparkling wine factory. Boris Titov - ex-chairman " Business Russia" In addition, Boris Yuryevich Titov is the chairman of the Russian-Chinese Committee for Peace, Friendship and Development, chairman of the Council of the Russian Union of Winegrowers and Winemakers.

The leader of the Party of Growth, Boris Titov, said that his program is aimed at developing the country’s economy.

CandidateSuraikin Maxim Alexandrovich(born 08/08/1978), nominated by the political party " Communist Party communists of Russia."

In the photo: Maxim Suraikin (Photo: Alexander Shcherbak/TASS)

Maxim Suraikin is the chairman of the Central Committee of the Communists of Russia party. In 2000, he completed his studies at Moscow State University of Pedagogical University. The diploma indicates the specialty of an engineer in organization and management of transport. He taught at the Department of Management at Moscow State University. Suraikin has completed postgraduate studies at Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov.

He was elected advisor to the assembly of the Moscow Tverskoy district, and was a member of the commission on affairs of persons under the age of majority. In 2012, he headed the Communists of Russia party.

“The general election program has already been approved. This is a program, first and foremost, of a return to socialism. Specific actions of the Stalinist communist president to change the socio-economic basis. We want the entire economy and the power of the state, as in Soviet times, to work for the common worker,” said Maxim Suraikin about his program with which he is going to the 2018 Elections.

Russian presidential candidates in the 2018 elections who were denied registration

Significantly more candidates planned to participate in the 2018 Russian presidential elections, but not all managed to fulfill the conditions required by law.

A journalist was denied registration of a group of voters due to the presence of an outstanding criminal record. Oleg Lurie and politics Alexei Navalny.

Self-nominated candidates for the Russian presidency were denied registration due to violations in the conduct of the initiative group of voters Sergei Polonsky, Lucky Lee, Andrey Yatsun, Tatiana Volovik And Aine Gamzatova(Deputy Director for additional education RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia).

Registration was denied due to absence necessary documents and due to the untimely notification of the Central Election Commission about the holding of the party congress to the candidate for President of Russia, the general director of LLC "Center for Youth and Longevity" Marina Kopenkina.

Refused due to the applicant's failure to comply with legal requirements and the lack of necessary documents for candidates for the presidency of Russia to the General Director of Melodiya LLC Vladimir Kuznetsov, social activist Tristan Prisyagin, Vasily Pugachev, Chairman of SNTSN "Rodnik" Sergei Stolpak, Viktor Cherepnin.

The chairman of the Women's Dialogue party was denied registration due to violations in the conduct of the congress for the nomination of candidates. Elena Semerikova, General Director of Stroytrans LLC, Chairman of the Small Business Party of Russia Yuri Sidorov.

Registration of the initiative group of voters of the general director of Elof Hansson LLC Alexandra Chukhlebova was canceled by the Supreme Court at the request of the Central Election Commission in connection with the identification of a residence permit in Finland. According to Wikipedia, the candidate planned to appeal the decision to the Board of Appeal Supreme Court.

Presidential candidates who were denied registration because they were unable to collect enough signatures

Natalia Lisitsyna

Candidate Lisitsyna Natalya Sergeevna, crane operator at the metallurgical production of JSC Metallurgical Plant Petrostal, nominated by the political party Russian United Labor Front.

In the photo: Natalya Lisitsyna (Photo: riafan.ru)

Vladimir Mikhailov

Candidate Mikhailov Vladimir Viktorovich(born December 20, 1964), self-nominated candidate.

In the photo: Vladimir Mikhailov (Photo: michailov.info)

Vladimir Viktorovich Mikhailov - deputy of the Kostroma Duma of the V, VI convocations, chairman of the Kostroma regional public organization VOIR. In 2002, Vladimir Mikhailov was awarded the title “Honored Inventor of the Kostroma Region.” And in 2008 - “Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation.” Vladimir Mikhailov has many patents and certificates for inventions, industrial designs, and utility models.

Read more in the biography of the presidential candidate Vladimir Mikhailov.

The election program of presidential candidate Vladimir Mikhailov outlines the following goals: Free citizens. Protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens; Social protection and safety of citizens; A strong army with a defensive doctrine; Increasing the level of ecology; Friendly relations with states and world leaders.

Vladimir Mikhailov said that he was able to collect only about 100 thousand signatures out of the required 300 thousand.

Mikhail Kozlov

Candidate Kozlov Mikhail Vladimirovich, entrepreneur, expert psychologist, familiar to society from the programs “Dom-2” and “Let Them Talk”, nominated by a political party social protection.

The Central Election Commission of Russia first accepted the candidate’s documents, then decided to refuse to register the authorized representative for financial matters of the candidate for the post of President of Russia from the Social Protection Party, Mikhail Kozlov, in connection with the establishment of the fact that the notarized power of attorney did not comply. Finally, the Russian Central Election Commission re-registered financial ombudsman Mikhail Kozlov and gave him permission to open a special election account. He can continue to participate in the campaign, but voters’ signatures will have to be collected again, RIA Novosti reported.

The Russian presidential candidate from the Social Protection Party was unable to collect the necessary voter signatures for registration - on January 31, he came to the Central Election Commission with several boxes containing blank sheets of paper.

Elvira Agurbash

Candidate Agurbash Elvira Kalmetovna(born March 15, 1975), nominated by the Green Alliance political party.

At the beginning of December 2017, Elvira Agurbash presented her election program. Her priorities are solving the problem of the lack of jobs for the working population, reforming healthcare and providing Russians with quality products.

In the photo: Elvira Agurbash (Photo: ruspekh.ru)

Elvira Agurbash, a candidate for the Russian presidential election from the Green Alliance, did not submit signatures in support of her candidacy to the Central Election Commission, the head of her campaign headquarters, Yuri Ursov, told RIA Novosti on January 31.

Presidential candidates who withdrew from the 2018 Elections.

Candidate Polishchuk Stanislav Olegovich, nominated by the political party “Social Reform Party - Profit” natural resources“To the people.”

In the photo: Stanislav Polishchuk (Photo: ruspekh.ru)

Candidate Volynets Irina Vladimirovna, nominated by the political party "People's Party of Russia".

In the photo: Irina Volynets (Photo: ruspekh.ru)

Bakov Anton Alekseevich(born December 29, 1965) - nominated by the political party "Monarchical Party". Candidate Anton Bakov in his short program proposed “the creation of a monarchical international, also known as a holy union, and the formation of a mini-state led by the Romanov dynasty.” Bakov withdrew his candidacy from the elections.

She stated that she did not see the logic in Catherine’s decision.

Bulaev Oleg, Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Social Justice, deputy of the Volgograd City Duma, nominated by the political party Communist Party of Social Justice. Oleg Bulaev withdrew his candidacy from the elections.

Gagite Irina, a soloist at the branch of the Mariinsky Theater in Vladikavkaz, was nominated by the Russian Socialist Party and also withdrew her candidacy.

Sirazhdin Ramazanov, Chairman of the Board of the Social Democratic Party of Russia. Ramazanov said at a meeting of the Central Election Commission that he was withdrawing his candidacy because the party “is not ready for such serious elections.”

Roman Khudyakov, a former State Duma deputy, was nominated by the “Honestly” party, collected 105 thousand voter signatures in his support, and on January 22 withdrew his candidacy in favor of the current president.

Election campaign

On December 20, 2017, the Central Election Commission announced that it had received 28 notifications about party congresses and meetings of initiative groups to nominate presidential candidates for the upcoming elections, RIA Novosti wrote. On December 26, 2017, the CEC announced that it had already received 45 notifications about party congresses and meetings of initiative groups to nominate presidential candidates for the 2018 Elections.

And finally, by January 1, the Central Election Commission of Russia received notifications of events related to the nomination of a record 64 presidential candidates, said the head of the Central Election Commission, Ella Pamfilova.

As of mid-January, 17 candidates took part in the election campaign for the post of head of state, including two self-nominated candidates and 15 party candidates.

On January 13, the deadline for submitting documents to the Central Election Commission (CEC) for Russian presidential candidates from political parties ended. The first officially registered presidential candidate was the leader of the LDPR party, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, and the second candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Pavel Grudinin, received registration.

Subscription sheets are accepted until 18:00 Moscow time on January 31. After which the Central Election Commission will have 10 days to verify the signatures, then registration of presidential candidates or a reasoned refusal should follow.

On January 19, the police in Novosibirsk seized the circulation of the newsletter “ Is it true» with information about presidential candidate Pavel Grudinin. The legal service of the Novosibirsk regional committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation promised to protest the decision of the regional election commission, which recognized number 2 of the newspaper “For People's Power” as illegal campaigning. Then a similar thing happened in Buryatia.

On January 25, the CEC reported on the spending of presidential candidates on the election campaign. The leader in this was Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the candidate for president of Russia from the LDPR party. As reported with reference to information from the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, as of January 22, Zhirinovsky spent about 116.5 million rubles on the 2018 elections.

Next come Russian presidential candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Pavel Grudinin spent (26.3 million rubles), Grigory Yavlinsky nominated by Yabloko - 20.8 million rubles, candidate from the "Civil Initiative" Ksenia Sobchak - 14.2 million rubles and Boris Titov (Growth Party) - 11.4 million rubles.

January 25 Secretary of the Central Election Commission Maya Grishina said that perhaps a record number of women are taking part in the current presidential campaign.

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On this page we talk about all the Russian presidential candidates in the 2018 elections. We will briefly describe the biography and views of people who expressed a desire become president of Russia, and we will give, if possible, a link to them official site Our list will even include those who in law does not have the right to become an official presidential candidate, for example, Alexei Navalny, and later Maltsev.

As of the evening of December 15, 2018, there were 17 candidates for the presidency of the Russian Federation on our list. This list of candidates will be updated and possibly shortened.

The names of those presidential candidates who have already been nominated by a political party, or who have already submitted their documents to the CEC as a self-nominated candidate , are highlighted in bold and marked green. Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to add information about the candidate nominated by Social Security Mikhail Kozlov .

Who can become president of Russia in 2018?

Yavlinsky Grigory Alekseevich

Leader and one of the founders of the Yabloko political party. Born 04/10/1952. Married, two children.
He has already participated in presidential elections as a candidate several times. The best result was third place and 5.8% of the votes in 2000. Previously it was 4th place and 7.4%.
Gordon Ekaterina Viktorovna

October 19, 1980.
Higher education. For my husband for the second time. Son Daniel. The main idea of ​​the election program is the protection of women and children.
Official site

Bakov Anton Alekseevich

The leader of the monarchist party of Russia was born on December 29, 1965.

Website monpartya.ru

Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak

Born 5.11.81
Married. Has a son.
TV show host, actress.
Considers Crimea Ukrainian and proposes holding a new referendum on the status of the peninsula

Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich

The current President of the Russian Federation.

He won elections three times.

Born 10/7/1952
Considers the only possible national idea to be patriotism

Chashikhin Ustin Valerievich

Atheist, communist.

Elvira Agurbash

born May 15, 1975
First Vice President of the Mortadel agricultural complex
The site has not yet been discovered.

Elena Gennadievna Semerikova

Three sons. Photo from the site news.vse42.ru

Maxim Suraikin

Party Chairman
Communists of Russia
Official site

Anatoly Gennadievich Batashev

Born January 18, 1976. Publicist and public figure. Most likely to be supported by the Green Party and environmental movements.

Zhirinovsky Vladimir Volfovich

Leader and chairman of the LDPR. He participated in all presidential elections except 2004, but did not rise above third place.
Born 04/25/1946. Married, has a son.
Official website http://ldpr.ru

Stepan Stepanovich Sulakshin

April 29, 1954
General Director of the Center for Scientific Political Thought and Ideology Chairman of a new type of party
Website sulakshin.ru

Alina Aleksandrovna Vitukhnovskaya Elena Berkova

March 11, 1985.
For the fourth time for my husband.
Son Evgeniy from his 3rd marriage
Former porn actress, now TV presenter, singer

Samson Sholademi

born January 22, 1977
from the party "Good Deeds"
photo from the site Tjournal.ru

The most presidential candidate in Russia

As you well understand, all candidates are different.
Putin is the most experienced.
Zhirinovsky is the most unlucky (he participated most of all , but didn’t even rise to second place).

The richest is perhaps Agurbash.

The most mysterious is Bogdanov.

The most leading one is Sobchak. Hosted HOUSE and other shows.

The most pedagogical Volynets.

The most delicious Yavlinsky.

The most democratic candidate is Grudinin. Won the primaries from the left forces.

The most enterprising is Titov.

The most inventive Mikhailov (in the sense of having inventions).

Most of the candidates are not yet 50 years old. Many candidates have three or more children.

Previously, four participated in the elections. Putin, Zhirinovsky and Yavlinsky
All presidential candidates reside permanently in Russia, as required by federal law.

How can applicants be prevented from becoming candidates?

Most candidates are running for president for the first time and therefore may make mistakes and lose the opportunity to become candidates. That is, they may not be registered in the elections under various pretexts or because of mistakes they have made.

To prevent this from happening, we made a special video.

I contacted the CEC for some clarification. Look