Beautiful design of a summer cottage with your own hands. Landscape design of a small summer cottage. Original flower beds and mini-beds

Organizing a landscape design at your favorite summer cottage with your own hands is not like that. difficult task! Sticking to a few simple rules, you can carry out all the events yourself, transforming the usual suburban area into a unique, original and wonderful garden.

Where should work start?

It seems that not so long ago a garden plot was only a place for growing berries and vegetables. To be precise, about 15-20 years ago it was considered this way. At that time, many owners came to the countryside solely to plant, water, weed and harvest crops, followed by pickling, salting and canning for the winter. There was rarely a place in the garden that was not “occupied” by some kind of plant. As for decorative plantings and just flowers, they were planted only along garden paths or in front of the house, since they didn’t even think about landscape design at that time.

However, not everyone was going to limit their efforts only to harvesting. There were also people who tried to plant at least small flower beds on their plots, which would then involuntarily attract the attention of passers-by, becoming a cause of envy on the part of their neighbors. It is possible that it was thanks to such gardeners that the first unique design ideas on arrangement of dacha territory. Over time, a craving for beauty has awakened in almost every owner country house.

Today there is no such person who, having a garden plot at his disposal, would not plan to create on it at least a small place for rest and relaxation, which would distract from worries and troubles with beautiful plantings or more interesting solutions, for example, or .

After looking at photos of various design ideas, many will probably come to the conclusion that it is unrealistic to implement something similar with your own hands. However, if you do not forget the expression “The eyes are afraid, but the hands are active,” then over time you can transform your dacha area beyond recognition without resorting to the help of professionals.

For the most part, many landscape change decisions come down to these simple questions:

  1. What will be located and where?
  2. What kind of lawn will be used?
  3. What kind of plants will be planted on the site?

The ideas don't end there. You can always add an alpine slide to this list, , a small pond or barbecue area. Moreover, perhaps in some cases the garden area will be enough for all of the above, but you may have to be content with only a few elements.

Important point! Lawn grass is a mandatory criterion for creating a beautiful landscape. In contrast, ordinary weeds will subsequently look sloppy, spoiling the overall harmony and impressions.

Landscape design with coniferous vegetation

When deciding to use coniferous trees the following rules should be adhered to:

  1. Coniferous vegetation is planted early spring or autumn.
  2. Young plantings need mineral fertilizer.
  3. For planting, you should use soil with turf, sand and peat.
  4. Before winter, trees under 5 years old must be covered.
  5. Seedlings need to be constantly watered well.
  6. There should be at least 1.5 meters of space between plantings.

It happens that the thuja begins to turn yellow after some time. This happens for one of three reasons: poor watering, damaged roots or poor soil.

We use waste materials

They look pretty nice on the site various elements and figurines made by hand using unnecessary, old scrap materials and tools. Antique pieces of furniture decorated to resemble a flower shelf will look no less interesting in landscape design. After all, what may initially seem unnecessary, with desire and imagination, easily becomes an important and original component of any interior.

At the same time, it is not so easy for a home-grown young designer to immediately go and create something unique with his own hands. The tips and photos provided will help a beginner.

What can you use to create an interesting landscape:

  • Boxes;
  • Small and large plastic bottles;
  • Tires;
  • Old dishes such as pots and kettles.

To make crafts, you should stock up on glue and paint. different colors. And be sure to be patient!

Decoration of flower beds

What do you think is the secret of a beautiful flower bed? How are flowers planted so that their appearance only pleases them, from spring to late autumn?

Modern landscape design provides more than one method for decorating flower beds in a summer cottage:

  • Mixborder;
  • Border;
  • Discounts.

A mixborder is a flowerbed created with the participation of various flowers, planted in small groups. The meaning of the composition is a combination of both bright and contrasting colors and plants growing at different times. Nevertheless, the mixborder must remain blooming constantly! How to achieve this? To achieve this, you will need to work for more than one season.

We place flowers in the flowerbed in the order of seasonal flowering. We divide the site into 3 main areas, on each of which plants will be planted that bloom in their own time period: spring, summer and autumn.

Of course, to complete a mixborder with your own hands you will have to work hard, but after that you can be proud of yourself, watching continuous flowering on your site.

The border is an ordinary seedling of flowers along the path. Any plants are used here, both perennial and annual. However, densely growing and creeping vegetation looks most beautiful. When thinking about the placement and arrangement of various plants, and their design, it is better to combine different colors.

Rabatka are flowers planted around the perimeter of the lawn. As a rule, it is organized in parks where there is a large area or lawn. You can create a flowerbed using one or several flowers, adding tiers of vegetation, etc.

Planting a lawn with your own hands

We have already said that the lawn is always the main one for any landscape design. It is from this that we need to build. We have previously written about how to achieve .

Today there are several varieties of lawn grass. For beginners and inexperienced people, it is recommended to take universal, since it is perfect for any purpose without requiring much maintenance. In our case, it is more important to achieve greater beauty, neatness of the territory and, of course, convenience for rest and relaxation!

If the soil where you are going to plant a lawn is clean, then you just need to dig it up, level it, compact it, and then sow the grass seeds. After this, do not forget to add an additional layer of soil so that birds will not be able to peck the seeds later.

Often there is a desire to plant a lawn on the old dacha territory, thereby not only diversifying the landscape, but also creating at least a small place for relaxation. In most cases, at the dacha there is a place where the owners place sun loungers, grill kebabs and simply gather with friends to relax. In this place, the grass, as a rule, sprouts in patches. The soil here had not been disturbed for many years, as a result of which it was heavily compacted. This moment is considered the most difficult for a beginning landscape designer.

The first step here is to get rid of the annoying weeds.

Today, various chemicals are sold for these purposes, which are first poured on the weeds, after which the ground is dug up. The chemicals seep down to the roots, causing the plant to die. After this, the soil must be allowed to rest for at least a couple of weeks.

People who do not welcome interference with nature can be advised to uproot the grass and wait until it begins to grow in place again. A month later, the grown grass is removed again, after which the soil is dug up.

The soil should remain loose and without lumps. Before digging, it is recommended to add mineral fertilizers to the soil. Thanks to them, young vegetation will quickly gain strength and grow.

  • Considered frost-resistant;
  • Tolerates lack of water and shade well;
  • It is unpretentious in care.

It is important to note that achieving a beautiful lawn does not always work out the first time; in most cases it takes several seasons.

Until the lawn grass fully germinates, you will have to constantly remove the resulting weeds. Otherwise, they will “slaughter” the cultivated young animals. It is quite possible that in some places you will have to repeat planting with seeds, since sometimes birds can peck them, or the seeds simply will not sprout.

Of course, there are many difficulties, but in the end you will be able to walk barefoot on a beautiful and thick lawn that you grew with your own hands!

Rules for lawn care:

  1. Frequent watering during dry seasons. IMPORTANT NOT TO FILL!
  2. We do not allow the grass to grow too much, otherwise it will be difficult to trim it later.
  3. The lawn should only be mowed in dry weather. When it’s wet, it’s quite problematic to mow evenly.

Arrangement of a garden plot

There are many methods for transforming and arranging an empty and boring landscape. As an option, you can place a beautiful alpine hill or an original flower garden right in front of the dacha, or completely redo the design of the area, placing everything in a new way. For example, there is a bathhouse with a house, greenhouses, beds and other structures are in their place, but you want something new. Surely, many have seen picturesque and interesting solutions from some craftsmen who have originally diversified their site. The photos below can serve as excellent examples.

First, you need to clearly define your desires and what you would like to place on your site. After that, you need to see what you can allow and what it is better to refuse.

There is a place to place a decorative pond - great! Is there a barbecue area? Great! Don’t forget about planting flowers and other vegetation, which will then become a highlight for the entire season.

We purchase a special container to create an artificial reservoir, after which we decide on a place for the future pit. We will certainly plant low-growing ground cover vegetation near the new reservoir. For greater beauty, you should lower a toy swan, duck or frog into the water. Such crafts can always be purchased in a store or made with your own hands.

Not far from the pool you can install a gazebo or simply set up a barbecue area. If you don’t want to organize a conversation yourself, a good alternative is a stretched awning, under which there will be chairs and a table. A barbecue should also be placed nearby.

Areas intended for games and recreation should be planted with grass.

Be sure to decorate the garden path with a flower border, selecting at least a small area to create a mixborder. Near it and on the landscape itself, plant coniferous vegetation of different sizes and shapes. This way you can achieve a more unique and beautiful landscape design. Without this kind of plants, the dacha area will be incomplete.

When landscaping your area, DO NOT THINK of planting shrubs and trees near the barbecue, as they will soon dry out and turn yellow!

If you have a fence at your dacha, then you can decorate the fence with beans and grapes, thus creating the appearance .

We have already discussed the advantages and features of various types of fences and enclosures. .

If your Vacation home features spacious premises, you can easily find a place to create famous alpine slide. This element of the landscape today is almost the dream of any summer resident.

Finishing review general issues regarding garden design, it is worth listing the key points once again:

  • The presence of small architectural forms, for example, various figures, gazebos, decorative ponds;
  • Planting a lawn;
  • Coniferous vegetation;
  • Creating a mixborder.

Design of territories of different sizes

5 acres

Of course, 5 acres is not much, but you have your own own plot. Moreover, even with such a territory, every owner wants comfort and beauty!

However, in this case, it is worth immediately listing the points that should NOT be performed in small areas:

  • Don't try to fit in what you don't like;
  • Do not plant spruce and pine trees;
  • Do not place a high and large fence.

The area enclosed by a fence is itself perceived as smaller than it actually is. As a result, the dacha will look more like a cage than a place to relax.

Almost any fence can be perfectly decorated climbing vegetation, which will not only allow you to decorate the fence in an original way, but also visually smooth out the boundaries of the site.

As for spruces and pines, such trees grow greatly over time, which is why the landscape will be covered with a large shadow. In addition, such plants will take up a lot of space, and with 5 acres there is a shortage of it!

Having a small plot of land, it is more correct to arrange a lawn on it with several flower islands and shrubs.

10 acres

On 10 acres you can fit a lot more useful elements.

In addition to a parking space for a car, a bathhouse and a house, a gazebo and a swimming pool can be placed on the territory of the dacha. There will also be room for planting small shrubs with fruit-bearing trees. If desired, you can arrange beds and greenhouses for vegetables.

However, 10 acres also forces owners to decide on priorities when arranging landscape design, be it creating a place for recreation or placing a vegetable garden.

12 acres

Having acquired a new piece of land, you need to carefully consider both the plan for future development and the landscape design, so as not to encounter thoughtless nuances later. Decide in advance where exactly in the future you will sit with friends and guests, how much territory will be allocated for disembarkation, and where you will be located.

With twelve hundred square meters there is already room to roam, and if compared with the same ten, then in this case you have the right to pamper the children with some delights, for example, a trampoline or a swing. However, if you have not yet had time to have children, do not get lost - there is always the opportunity to place the same alpine slide or tennis table!

In addition, it is possible that you will like the free space in your dacha more than the crowded area. Then you should limit yourself to just planting shrubs around the perimeter and a clean lawn. If necessary, you can always transform a clean landscape with any plantings and elements.

20 acres or more

It seems that 20 acres is simply an excellent option, since you don’t have to rack your brains trying to fit the elements you like into the design. However, on the other hand, you will have to put in a lot of effort and imagination so as not to end up with chaos during distribution functional zones.

When buying such a piece of land, it is unlikely that you will completely plant the area with potatoes and vegetables. Based on this, an accurate arrangement plan will be required. It is worth thinking through exactly how each free space in the dacha will be used.

The large area makes it possible to divide the garden area into several functional areas by creating a hedge, for example, from juniper or thuja. Along a beautiful fence, it makes sense to plant small shrubs or some fruitful trees.

The central part of the landscape will perfectly decorate , created with your own hands, where all the minor elements will be around it.

Every free meter, be it just a lawn, should remain pleasant and well-groomed in appearance, free of weeds and debris.

Don’t forget about the appearance of garden paths. For their laying, as a rule, wood, stone or paving stones are used. On the sides of the paths it is recommended that will beautifully decorate the garden design in the evening and at night. For greater savings, we recommend using energy-saving lamps for this purpose, about the advantages of which .

And if you have definitely decided or are just planning to arrange a landscape design with your own hands, then correctly assess your own strengths. Ultimately, make sure that the finished result only pleases you day after day, and does not bring unnecessary worries and troubles.

Photo gallery

At the end we suggest you look at a small photo gallery with successful examples garden and dacha design. Perhaps among the examples there will be images that will inspire you or give you some ideas interesting ideas for implementation. Good luck!

Many people consciously choose to live in separate standing house, cottage or the opportunity to visit your own summer cottage. The many advantages of permanent residence or regular visits to a country house include the opportunity to create a delightful and original landscape design for a summer cottage. The photos clearly demonstrate flower beds, gardens, garden sculptures, recreation areas, ponds or fountains. We offer an overview of trends and creative solutions in landscape design for summer cottages.
3D landscape design mockup

Basics of modern landscape design

Work on creating a design on a site begins with measuring the land boundaries, the location of buildings and the approximate marking of future large green spaces. If on paper a tree looks like a neat circle, no one can guarantee that in 5 years this tree will not cover half of the garden with shadow. Consider the final size of shrubs and trees.

Today there are companies specializing in landscape design, and the architectural software market allows you to choose a convenient and fairly easy-to-learn option. But you can use the old-fashioned method: drawing a site plan on paper. Further work on land marking, zoning and style selection is carried out in one breath.

After measuring the site and transferring the numbers to the plan, be sure to indicate the direction of the cardinal points - this is a very important aspect for choosing plants and recreation areas.

Only after this they begin to select materials, green plants, sculptures and everything planned, tackling the zones gradually. You need to be prepared for the fact that a lot of time will pass before achieving your plans.

Basic styles of landscape design for a summer cottage

The design style is selected in accordance with the wishes of the person and the architecture of the house. landscape plot. Here you need to take into account financial costs, for example, for an oriental-style garden the costs will be much higher than for a simple one country style country. There are more than 20 styles of garden plots. Let's look at the most basic and popular ones.


For the design of a plot of 15 acres there are numerous photos and finished projects. It is for such a large area that the classic, time-tested style is suitable. The main components are the strict geometric shapes of flower beds, paths, zones: rectangular, square, round. Nothing unnecessary that would introduce disharmony and confusion into clear lines. To maintain such a garden in perfect condition, takes time to care for.

Classic style garden with house
Classic style garden

Such a garden is suitable for people with a serious, thoughtful character who loves clarity in everything. Lovers of perfectionism will also like this style.


Landscape design of 12 acres can be well arranged in the English landscape style: the more natural such a garden looks, the more organically the zones and buildings will fit into it. Despite its apparent simplicity, the asymmetry of such a site is actually strictly pre-calibrated according to the plan. Plants are selected taking into account their growth, because such a natural garden can very quickly turn into a wild place without proper care and attention.

The style is called landscape precisely because of its resemblance to natural corners nature. In such a garden, different varieties of hostas will look good under the shade of trees, over which hydrangeas will rise - they also like shading from tree crowns. The bright variegated colors of flowers in such a garden are necessarily greatly diluted with delicate greenery.


The most common style is country, or rustic comfort in your garden. After the hustle and bustle of the city, this option is considered relaxing for a tired person. The landscape design of the garden plot is selected for plots from 6 to 12 acres. Unpretentious bright flowers should create a feeling of rural ease.

Example of a design with a cart
Country style

So cute and simple type not that difficult to achieve. Corners with work equipment, wooden benches, and even decorated wheelbarrows are appropriate here. Flowerbeds are decorated with daisies, carnations, tulips, zinnias, and milkweeds. Cotoneaster can serve as a unique decoration - both tasty and beautiful.


This is an ideal style for the possibility of showing rich imagination. In such colorful garden In dreams, there should be a place for mosaic ornaments, neat wooden gazebos, and flowing water. The Japanese style also belongs to the eastern direction, which is not suitable for every building. This is a sophisticated Japanese garden with tiny gazebos, stone sculptures and neatly trimmed bonsai-inspired plants. A small bridge over a stream, gravel winding paths, stone lanterns that skillfully highlight the outlines of plants are suitable for contemplation and reflection.

Japanese style garden with pond
Japanese style garden


Indian motifs, elephant figurines, bright colors of flowers, pagoda gazebos form the landscape design small plot couldn't be more beautiful. It’s great to plunge into the atmosphere of celebration and fun after everyday work, to distract yourself from work with a carefree conversation around the fountain. In the recreation area, colorful carpets and multi-colored sofa cushions look great.

Asian style


As the name suggests, the choice of site decor will depend on the wealth of imagination of the designer or owner. In such a garden there is a place for African idols, jungle elements, mysterious figures and steles with hieroglyphs. The goal of this style is to awaken imagination and encourage creativity. In such a place you can easily meet a peacock walking not far from a tiger. But the tiger, it turns out, is skillfully painted on a large boulder and from a distance it seems real. The main condition for maintaining an exotic focus: naturalness. No plastic. Only wood in any form, stones, bamboo.

Exotic garden


The simplest option for garden landscape design. Any combination is possible: the juxtaposition of symmetry and asymmetrical lines, the installation of a fountain can be combined with elements of other styles, mixing is possible different types crops Each zone of the site can be designed in any direction, maintaining the overall harmonious combination when mixing styles. Caring for a garden designed in a free direction is quite simple, the main thing is not to forget the original image conceived according to the plan. This type of garden is given by freedom-loving people who do not recognize boundaries.

Free style

There are several more popular styles, such as the Mediterranean, with its Italian motifs and rocky terraces, the Moroccan style implies a wealth of mosaics and ornaments in mini-courtyards, wonderfully murmuring fountains and flowerpots.

Landscape design of a country house

Before deciding which style will reign in the garden, you need to understand what will be combined with main building- home. It’s great when both the house and the garden are developed gradually and all the nuances are taken into account, but it often happens that the house is already standing, and the garden has just begun to be created.

You may have to modify the building somewhat, repaint it or add decorative elements. In any case, the main thing is compliance appearance home and garden style.

Do-it-yourself landscape design of a summer cottage

By following the stages of preliminary planning, it is gradually not difficult to independently achieve perfection on your site. However, if the owner has a desire to create Mediterranean style on our Siberian soil, it will be extremely difficult to do this. Plants that grow so easily in the southern zone, even if they grow in Siberia, will not bloom and will not survive the first winter.

Often, when people create a landscape design near their home with their own hands, they are helped by various gardening and design forums, photos of other people’s beautiful sites with an original creative solution. By looking at landscaped garden plots, you can gradually understand what exactly you want to see in yours, and by writing to the author and owner of your dream garden, you can get a lot from him practical advice.

Stages of planning the landscape design of the site

Now, after a brief acquaintance with the styles of landscape design for a personal plot, you can begin a detailed study of the layout and arrangement of your future dream garden.


Planning includes measuring the site, determining the cardinal directions, zoning on a paper or electronic version of the plan, determining the level of occurrence groundwater and the choice of future green spaces.

We have already written above about the importance of determining the cardinal directions for plants and zones on the site. But it would be a big mistake to forget about the importance of knowing the groundwater level. If you decide to place a deep pond on your garden plot, or plant plants and trees with a deep root system, or start laying a foundation for new building, then all your efforts will come to nothing if the groundwater level is high. The first aquifer is determined either by drilling (you can do it yourself using garden borer), or look at the data for your site. Nearby neighbors can often provide insight on this issue.

Groundwater level in the garden

High water level

Maximum attention must be paid to planning, since any mistake at this stage will be costly, or you may even end up with something completely different rather than what was planned.


Zoning should be given close attention. Of course, dividing into a zone and thinking through the landscape design of a rectangular area is easier than if its shape is not a standard one, but it’s even more interesting.

If the owner desperately wants to see a pond on the site, a barbecue, a bathhouse and a tomato bed, then it’s worth highlighting everything appropriate place. Sometimes an ill-considered arrangement of zones spoils the whole decorative effect. If you have outbuildings, evaluate how often you use them. If there is no need to locate them closer to the residential area, then on the plan it is better to place such buildings on the northern border of the site. It is also worth considering the location of the barbecue; not everyone likes the proximity of an open fire and a residential building. If there are children in the house, be sure to allocate them a children's area and place it away from the pond.

Lighting device

If you approach landscape design at your dacha plot wisely, you need to think about lighting at the planning stage. Will you have lanterns that need electricity, or will your lighting be powered by solar batteries?

We must remember that light has the ability to highlight objects, place accents, and attract attention. The light of lanterns, garlands, and spotlights should illuminate important areas: paths, entrances, platform, barbecue area. An interesting solution could be to direct the light from under the base of bushes and trees up into the crown.

Construction of paths and platforms

Whatever the size of the plot, in any case you cannot do without paths. Paths in landscape design, a plot of 5 acres or more, are designed not only to connect garden areas with each other, but also to complement the image of the design solution. Today there are a lot of interesting options garden paths. Paving is done with stones, pebbles, patterns of bricks, stones (mosaic version). Popular wooden cuts, street parquet, gravel, asphalt.

Paths and platforms are placed according to the layout, taking into account the growth of large plants.

Design of a summer cottage: we select plants and architectural structures for various areas of the garden.

Having determined the future zones, marking the paths and areas, you can begin to directly design your dream garden. Plants are planted immediately after construction work is completed - this eliminates the possibility of trampling and damage to green spaces. Of course, initially the earth will seem bare and empty, but as it grows, the green and colorful mass of flowers and plants will decorate the area.

Basic Landscaping Techniques

It is impossible to imagine a garden without greenery pleasing to the eye. Once the garden style has been selected, suitable plants are selected.


The lawn is the background element of the garden, and it will also be sown in those areas where children's or playgrounds are planned. Not every lawn is suitable for a sunny lawn. There are such types of lawn as sunny, tennis, shady, Moorish. The most simple option there will be a Moorish lawn: it does not need to be cut, it blooms on its own and does not exceed the height indicated on the package of seeds.

Moorish lawn

There are many varieties of lawn seeds, but when choosing, you need to take into account that the lush dark green grass of a shady lawn will quickly fade in sunny areas.

Caring for such a green carpet involves regular trimming with a trimmer or lawn mower. In addition to mowing, the lawn is often irrigated by spraying in the evening or morning and do not forget about the timely application of fertilizers.

Vertical gardening (climbing plants)

If you want to decorate an unsightly building or emphasize an arch or fence, use climbing plants.

Bright climbing roses will certainly decorate any vertical support
A rose in combination with any clematis creates a completely fabulous impression.

In addition to roses and clematis, there are many other climbing plants: morning glory, virgin grapes, ivy, honeysuckle, campsis. Bougainvillea and wisteria are ideal for the southern regions.


Morning glory in the garden


Trees and shrubs

When choosing trees and shrubs in landscape design for 15 acres, you don’t have to limit yourself, but if your plot is only 4 acres, you need to remember that once a young small tree grows to a certain size. In landscape design, the emphasis is on the decorativeness of plants. They combine tall trees with spreading shrubs, flowering trees with decorative foliage. Contrasts and harmonious combinations are often used.

Here are some examples of successful placement of trees and shrubs in the photo:


If you do not want to erect a fence or if it is necessary to separate one zone of the site from another, hedges are grown. The main thing is not to forget that the hedge requires frequent trimming and good fertilizers between waterings.

You can plant a lot of willow branches, which will quickly take root: such material bends and intertwines easily:


Elm, thuja, hydrangea, forsythia, junipers, spruce, elderberry, blackthorn, acacia, spirea, mock orange and many other types of shrubs and moldable trees are also used as a living fence.

Living fence
Living fence made of thuja

Flower beds

Your imagination can run wild here, but it’s worth remembering the chosen garden style. Of course, when thinking about landscape design of 6 acres, it is better to think about how much bright colors will oversaturate the garden with a riot of colors.

When thinking about a flower garden, you need to be guided by the following rules and tips:

  • Flowers are located on the site depending on their characteristics: it is useless to plant sun-loving plants in the shade.
  • If you have selected plants of different heights, then the tallest ones are planted in the background or in the center of the flowerbed, and the short ones are closer to the edge.
  • There are flowers that require frequent watering, and there are plants for which excess moisture is death. When planting such flowers nearby, there is nothing to expect except failure.

Here are examples of a successful solution for flower beds:

Vertical figure of flowers
Many flowers in one place

Alpine coaster

Creating an alpine slide is not difficult: you need to choose the sunniest place on the site, pour a large pile of earth and properly spill it with water. After a couple of weeks, the ground will settle a little. Now you can form tiers by lining the edges of the hill with boulders. Succulents and any sun-loving plants grow on the alpine hill drought-resistant plants, for example, carnations.

Alpine slide

If the site allows you to make a large alpine hill, then place different types of conifers on it, remembering that they will grow over time.

Construction of reservoirs

Any body of water on the site significantly humidifies the air, decorates the recreation area and relieves the tension accumulated during the day with its appearance. When choosing a location, you need to be guided by the level of groundwater: it should not come close to the surface.

Pond with aquatic plants


If you want to place a pool on your property, you should immediately include it in the layout: a large and deep pool may be suitable for a summer cottage plot of 10 acres, but it is quite problematic to fit it on 4 acres. Landscape design today offers many solutions: you can buy a pool in a separate plastic container, or you can cement the bottom of the hole yourself and cover the future pool with tiles.


The pond is most often placed near an alpine hill, or in any other convenient place according to the site plan. You can buy a ready-made container and line it with stones or pebbles. Sometimes a pond is made using a thick film that covers the bottom of the pit. In any case, a pond is a wonderful decorative element of landscape design. The pond itself is decorated with live water lilies, duckweed, sculptures, figurines of herons and frogs. Moisture-loving low-growing plants are planted along the edges.

Garden structures, small architectural forms and decorative elements in landscape design

Garden structures and small architectural forms include all kinds of benches, pergolas, gazebos, sculptures, arches, water features, and retaining walls. All this is selected based on the style direction and wishes of the owner. It is impossible to fit all this at the same time in a small area, but there is always a secluded place in the garden for a swing in the form of a gazebo.

Landscaping of a summer cottage: vegetable garden in the landscape design of the site

Gone are the days when the garden was a place of hard work. Today, the vegetable garden is not only a place where edible vegetables and herbs grow, but also a decorative element of the garden plot. Here are a few photos that show a creative approach when arranging a vegetable garden with your own hands at your summer cottage

The geometric component of the location of the beds, the choice of plants, the shape and covering of the paths are important. Thus, you can perfectly combine business with pleasure. Taking care of such a beautiful vegetable garden is, of course, a joy!

Arrangement of recreation areas

For many people, a summer cottage in modern world- This is an opportunity to mentally relax. Of course, the garden and flowers require their attention, but how nice it is after a long day to sit near the fire or stand next to the grill on which juicy, aromatic meat is being cooked. Bath buildings are in great demand: the bath itself or sauna, swimming pool, shower. You need to set aside a convenient area for the bathhouse, and it’s good if the bathhouse complex is not located close to the house.

For children, caring parents provide a children's recreation area, which is within sight from all points of the site. In the photo we see recreation areas that they build with their own hands even on summer cottage plots of 6 acres. Their design is selected in accordance with the taste and ideas of the owner.

Relaxation area on the sand
Elevated seating area with outdoor fireplace


To be able to prepare meat or fish dishes in the fresh air, a barbecue area is included in the layout in advance. Choosing a barbecue is not a problem, but you need to choose a place so that the wind does not carry sparks from the fire to wooden buildings or trees.

You can cook the grill yourself or purchase a ready-made one. Look at these barbecues, they are real works of art!


This is where you can turn around, so when choosing a gazebo. Huge selection material and style solutions. Look at what gazebos there are:

The main thing when choosing a gazebo will be the correlation appearance and sizes.

Bath complexes

Fans of this kind of water healing procedures and relaxing holidays should be concerned about the question of where the used water will be drained before building a bathhouse. Therefore, the issue of drainage is considered paramount.

You can either build a bathhouse yourself using numerous schemes presented on the Internet with a lot of advice, or buy a ready-made bath house. The bathhouse complex includes the bathhouse itself with rooms for relaxation, washing and a steam room. Often the owners include a shower and a swimming pool in the bath complex. It is not necessary to have a real swimming pool, even if the area of ​​the site allows it. A large barrel is also suitable, in which you can plunge between visits to the steam room.

Bathhouse in a private house
Font in the garden


The children's recreation area takes into account the age of the children visiting it. Usually they install a sandbox with a canopy, a sports complex and a swing. The area around the structures is sown with trampling-resistant lawn or simply sprinkled with clean sand.

The play area also includes regular sports grounds.

Today it is not a problem to choose a ready-made playground, but if you wish, you can find plans for building a swing, a slide, and a sandbox.

Here are examples of children's and sports playgrounds:

Leisure places

Walking through the garden, you may come across a gazebo in a secluded corner, or a chessboard surrounded by flowers. Such leisure places promote good rest and communication.

For some, an ordinary fire is enough, around which you can sit in the evenings, while others install a telescope under a canopy for night observation. starry sky. The choice of leisure depends on the taste and preferences of the owner of the site, but is not considered a mandatory area.

But, nevertheless, a bench located in the garden and hidden from view is a wonderful place to relax.

Where can I order a landscape design project for a site and how much will it cost?

Such services are provided by specialized landscape design firms. Their work comes down to agreeing on the customer’s wishes, measuring and inspection land plot specialist, drawing up a plan and estimate. The minimum price for such work is 10,000 rubles.

We hope that we have covered the issues of landscape design of a garden plot in a rather interesting manner and are waiting for your comments.

These 43 landscape photos ideas will allow you to transform the design of your summer cottage with your own hands, making it truly original and unique. Every corner of your space will testify to you as a sensitive person who appreciates beauty.

The walls of the house can be decorated climbing plants who will find a way to climb vertical fishing lines or wires mounted on holders in the wall.

Recreation areas surrounded by greenery at your dacha will create an atmosphere of bliss and serenity, allowing you to enjoy nature and reboot before a new work week.

Paved paths and paths winding through your garden will be a convenient way to get through the area without getting your shoes dirty. It is both convenient and practical. And on a budget it can be quite cheap if you use waste material.

Having a bird in your yard can significantly improve your mood, especially if you plan to live throughout the warm season. Get yourself geese, ducks or chickens. You can even do it a little, it will help you. Plus you will have an environmentally friendly homemade egg.

The design of a summer cottage will undoubtedly be improved by inclusions like these bright accents. Table and chairs idea, with synthetic fabric, will allow you to enjoy rich color all season long. From my experience, I will say that synthetics last a long time and do not deteriorate in any way.

And of course, landscape design at the dacha is impossible without flowers! Flowerbeds can be laid out throughout the area or only in those places that are open to your eyes.

A beautiful idea - hollyhocks planted along the wall of the house will delight you for a long time.

Another great landscaping idea is to plant flowers along the fence. These can be either perennials or annuals. You can arrange your front garden in a similar way.

Now in Western countries, some homeowners are creating something like a flowering lawn instead of a lawn, planting seeds of unpretentious annuals directly on the lawn.

It always turns out unexpected and bright! By combining such lawns you can get an incredible variety of colors and shapes in your summer cottage.

Pay attention to the example of using pebbles in the design of paths. Crushed stone as the basis of paths is convenient because it protects well from dirt on the site. Perfect solution for those who have shady places where the soil does not dry out well.

A celebration of color and positivity! Just a nice photo for inspiration. And after all, someone was able to transform the space of the dacha with their own hands.

Pergola idea with a resting platform. The plant-covered area will allow you to relax during the hot afternoon hours.

By choosing flowers of a similar color scheme, you can decorate your flower beds like an artist, creating the overall mood of your space.

By decorating our dacha to suit our own tastes, we create a bright image that will personify our worldview. Outside the dacha we work, at the dacha we are filled with life.

How nice it is when you arrive in your domain and are greeted by such beauty. And right away, from the gate, you go not into the house, but to communicate with your plants and flowers...

Idea summer gazebo in a corner of the garden with roses. Here you can read a book or just contemplate, secluded from your family for a while.

The amazing quality of living plants is to transform space so that even a rickety gate no longer seems ancient, but seems like a pleasant addition to the garden.

An example of a path and pergola in the form of an arch with a gate. In a similar way, you can separate part of the garden, creating a logical accent.

An example of the use of small crushed stone in the design of an alpine slide.

White hydrangea caps, a brick fence and a bench for relaxing.

Shade-tolerant plants can be placed in places where regular vegetation would be stunted and lethargic. Pay attention to Hostas - I plant them in deep shade under apple trees and they feel great there.

By placing plants around the perimeter of the site you will visually expand the space. This is a regular garden design. Convenient for those who like order and control.

Place a garden bench in front blooming roses and relax in a cloud of pleasant aromas.

Columnar thujas will allow you to isolate yourself from your neighbors if the need arises.

Wooden trellis idea for climbing plants.

Sometimes meadow herbs are appropriate in the dacha, especially if you have a large plot. Distant territories can be presented in such a beautiful format.

A nice example of country house design - photo idea for inspiration.

A mysterious path to the garden that is always in the shade and always keeps you cool.

Potted plants may also be present in your garden. Old pots can find their final resting place in flower beds.

Don't be afraid to leave some elements as they are. Of course, if it is appropriate in your design.

A rickety fence in this photo is absolutely unacceptable! This is an example of the owners’ carelessness, and not a good decision...

But the old bowl with flowers is very cute! Of course, I would clean it and paint it with a patina.

Cute bouquet in a wooden tub.

I hope that today’s selection of summer cottage design ideas allowed you to draw some conclusions and outline plans for future ideas.

Don’t be afraid to transform your own space with your own hands, even if sometimes unsuccessfully, it’s not scary, because this is the only way to gain living experience.

And even though we have winter ahead, I will delight you with summer ideas. Share them with your friends, follow the updates, and get inspiration from the pages of my website.

In this article you can get acquainted with the main points of creating landscape design, as well as get acquainted with interesting examples and photographs of ready-made solutions.

Have country house the dream of any person who wants a little warmth and tranquility. And if you are no exception, then congratulations - your property can delight with its appearance. You can experiment by creating a design with your own hands. If you have excellent computer skills and want to work with 3D images, then there is no price for you. You can use or come up with your own. The most important thing is the process of work, which should give you pleasure.

The main options for decorating a site include the following:

  • Choosing a flower garden;
  • Organization of green spaces;
  • Buildings – gazebos, bathhouses;
  • Water;
  • Other decorative elements.

You can zoning the area of ​​your dacha. To do this, you need to visually estimate the location of the buildings. You also need to determine where the space will be allocated for the lawn, and where you need to plant a garden, create flower beds and make beds. Next, places for rest and for placing decorative elements are determined. You may want to make a pool and put sun loungers, but all this is possible.
The stages of decorating a summer cottage are as follows:

  1. Choosing a location and type for buildings;
  2. Creation of plantings;
  3. Organization of a reservoir;
  4. Construction of gazebos, decoration;
  5. Organization of flower beds.

We carry out construction

After zoning, you need to come to the second stage. This is a construction that can be done with your own hands. You can make a wonderful bathhouse, build a shower and a gazebo. If you have children/grandchildren, then placing a playground for children would be an excellent option. The landscape design of a summer cottage is presented in various photos of people who made it with their own hands, so if you don’t have enough imagination, you can use ready-made solutions in.

When carrying out construction, you need imagination and, of course, strong male hands that have taken on the hard male work. By doing construction together with your other half, this activity will become exciting and turn into a real family adventure. If you involve children and grandchildren in light work, then 100% rapprochement of your family is guaranteed! After all, in the process of such work you can get maximum pleasure.

Turn on your imagination

Before you start laying paths, you need to decide on the buildings and important elements plot. Next comes the construction of paths, and then plantings. Paths can also be made with your own hands, and your imagination is yours faithful assistant in this difficult matter. In order to make a trail, you won’t need heavy or supernatural elements; it will be enough to include the work of your imagination.

If you had to dig a pit while working, then you will be left with a gray mound. You don’t even need to think about where to put it, it can turn into a real masterpiece, you just have to want it. For example, thanks to it, you can create an alpine slide, and if the terrain allows it, and there is water on the site, then you can put a slide with a pond, which will be designed at your discretion. Overall the spectacle should be very impressive. At the right approach the landscape design of a summer cottage will be like in a beautiful photo, taken in the most heavenly corners of the planet. Therefore, it is very important to approach its design correctly.

Creation of green spaces

Landscape design involves the construction of green spaces. They sit down having decided on the main aspects that play an important role in the design. To make the area as green as possible, it is necessary to prepare a site on which the lawn will be placed. Cleaning is carried out by removing weeds, grass, stones. Next, the area needs to be dug up. The dug up soil is compacted using a special compactor. Next, the plot must stand in this form for some time, the next stage is sowing.

Instructions for sequential actions when planting a lawn

If you want to make flower beds, rock gardens and microborders on your site, then we can congratulate you on the emergence of a flight of fancy. To get a beautiful picture, you just need to use your imagination; perhaps you have items in your dacha that you will no longer use, and that can turn into a real miracle. These are plastic bottles, utensils, paints and old furniture, which is located in utility rooms. Perhaps what you were going to send to the landfill will be a great help in creating a unified style for the site.

Execution of a reservoir

It is difficult to imagine a good and high-quality landscape design in a country house without a pond. This could be a pond, a swimming pool or a small attractive garden fountain. You can make such a pond yourself. To make a pond, you need to dig a hole up to 1.5 meters deep in a low area and outline the contours of the pond using spray paint. The walls of the pond can be formed under a slope and laid with old linoleum. The edges of the pond can be decorated with stones or decorated with colored plastic bottles. The result will be small pond, and plant along the contour original plants.
Of course, we can come up with something of our own, the main thing is to be guided by ingenuity and the characteristics of the site. A beautifully made landscape design of a summer cottage is presented in the photo, displaying all the originality and incredible beauty of your own imagination. Creating a design is not an easy task, but if you approach it correctly, we will achieve excellent results.

Choosing a flower garden

There are a variety of options for arranging flower beds. A beautiful flower garden bordered by an original border or other structure should look very original. If you want to plant flower beds bordered by borders, then for these purposes it is better to choose low crops, the height of which is no more than 40 cm. Flower and foliage ornamental crops are grown for such purposes. These can be hostas, coleus, Byzantine chistets and others. This option is advantageous in comparison with other crops.
The main function of the border is to frame a landscape element, which must have clear contours. If this kind of flower bed is used to decorate a lawn, its boundaries can be marked with a decorative border tape, which allows you to preserve the outline and does not allow the plant to grow. If you make the right choice, the landscape design of your summer cottage will show itself as the most beautiful photos made abroad.


The landscape design of a summer cottage, a photo of which can reflect any ideas, must have some special features. To give it such features, a mixborder is often used - one of the popular types of country flower gardens. It is a mixture made up of a wide variety of perennial and annual plants. And it is composed in such a way that its decorative properties are preserved throughout the entire season. This type the flower bed can be located along the fence, the wall of the house and along the hand-made sidewalk path, but there is no uniformity and strict geometric values, which, in fact, is the main feature of the mixborder.
As a rule, the width of a mixborder is from 1.5 to 4 meters. If it contains tall plants, then they disembark from behind. The basis of this flower garden is represented by perennial plants. The grouping of flowering and deciduous plants is carried out taking into account the timing of flowering, as well as the color of the flowers, so that it is in harmony with the color of other flowers. The entire flower garden can either be contrasting or have some colors complemented by others.

rocky gardens

This type of flower garden is quite popular, and the creation options are endless. The owner of a summer cottage can make such a structure independently, choosing the most suitable option. In such a situation, you need to focus on the terrain and the style features of the garden. Of course, the personal preferences of the gardener do not go unnoticed, and it is important to pay special attention to them. If the entire plot is located on a slope, then a practical solution would be to build retaining walls and arrange terraces. Sometimes you can combine these options with each other.
If you want to add something incredible and original to your rocky garden, you can make a stream or waterfall, and the combination of flower beds with such elements is common and beautiful. Running water will look very attractive against the background of boulders. For a rocky garden, you need to select stones wisely and carefully, otherwise it can become a pile of cobblestones. Therefore, it is better to give preference to the breeds most commonly found in your area. If you wisely combine stones of different sizes and shapes, this can make the composition more original.

Construction of a gazebo

Excellent and convenient presence of a gazebo on a summer cottage. It will be an excellent place to relax, and if you welcome guests, you can gather them at one table in the fresh air, treating them to delicious kebabs. The gazebo will be an excellent option for evening gatherings with the family. Imagine: after a hard day at work you can dine al fresco, like in the best restaurant in France. The painting will bring particular joy to the competent design of a gazebo for a summer cottage.
There are different photos, accompanied by the construction of a good gazebo. Made from wood or casting. Can have any color, depending on your preferences. You can always contact companies specializing in sales that will offer you ready-made gazebos High Quality in a huge variety. The stage of constructing a gazebo is quite important and responsible, so it must be approached with caution.

The choice is yours

Bright and colorful garden with beautiful flowers, like from famous works of literature or art - now this is not a dream, but a real reality, the choice is always yours. Every owner of a summer cottage can turn his land into a nature reserve, you just have to have the desire, ingenuity and a vigorously working imagination. At making the right choice design option you will receive high-quality work that will not leave you indifferent.
You can choose from a huge variety of options, among which there are the simplest, and even more expensive ones, the most important thing is that your summer cottage not only pleases the eyes, but also the heart, and what could be even more beautiful. Making an original design, like in the photo, is quite simple, you just have to want it. You can build whatever you want to build gazebos, utility structures and other variants of elementary and original buildings, the most important thing is that both the process and the result bring a lot of pleasure.

Landscape design of a summer cottage - photo gallery

You may also be interested

, this is not only a neat design local area, but also a wonderful opportunity to bring your ideas and dreams to life. There are many elements and nuances in this design direction. It is not at all necessary to complete special courses; our review will help you create a luxurious landscape design for your summer cottage on your own. You can see photos of the most interesting layouts as we go through our review. So let's hit the road amazing world landscape design, design ideas and original ideas.

In fact, the concept of landscape design of a site appeared not so long ago, but the origins of this trend date back to ancient times. Ancient gardens first appeared in Persia, Babylon and Ancient Egypt. Various types of flowers were planted in these areas, and ponds were covered with nymphs and lotuses. An example of amazing landscape art of past centuries are the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Landscape art was formed in China and Japan. A special oriental style arose there, in which every natural element has a symbolic meaning.

The basic principles and laws of landscape design have been created over centuries. Currently, landscape design of a personal plot is A complex approach to the design of the territory. It is assumed that the space should be in harmony with the internal feelings of the owner and reflect his interests and tastes.

Landscaping is a real art with certain laws, principles and rules.

The improvement is based on the following components:

  • planning and design. To get a thoughtful design, it is better to transfer all ideas to paper. This will allow you to divide the entire space into functional zones, as well as competently plan systems and;
  • an important stage of registration is. In this case, you should take into account the shape, color palette and general style of landscape design of the garden plot.

It is worth noting the basic principles of design:

  • integrity. Location of identical elements in different areas of the site;
  • simplicity. Everything is natural in nature and therefore should not be used complex shapes and too many shades;
  • principle of balance. It can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical;
  • design content. Involves a harmonious combination of different cultures;
  • smooth transitions. Tall trees are planted in the background, then medium and short ones in front.

In this video you will find various tips on arranging a site and landscaping it.

For your information! Now the trend is the desire for pristine and naturalness. A fashionable solution is an alpine slide and a Russian garden combined with elements of technological progress.

Basic styles of landscape design for a summer cottage

Before we begin creating landscape design for our summer cottage, let's look at popular styles.

Classic landscape design of a summer cottage: photos of options

Landscape design in a classic design presupposes clear geometric lines. The composition is necessarily complemented by eye-catching decor in the form of waterfalls or ponds. For classic design large space required. It is suitable for landscape design of a plot of 15 acres.

The following elements are often used:

  • bodies of water;
  • sculptures;
  • furniture sets;
  • paths;
  • plants.

Ponds are often made in regular geometric configurations. These are round, oval and rectangular shapes. Objects must be framed by trees or.

Terraces that rise above the ground will fit perfectly into this style. An indispensable attribute of the classics are sculptures. Furniture sets are made from forged elements and stone products.

Landscape style

Landscape or English style is especially popular. The main design feature is the smoothness of the paths and the use of natural materials for decoration. Asymmetry and calm colors can be used. There should be no sharp corners or clear lines on the site.

When creating alpine slides, the following rules apply:

  • symmetry does not apply;
  • imitation of a real mountain landscape;
  • stones are used different forms, textures and sizes.

The alpine slide must have dimensions. It is not recommended to place it near a wall or. Elements such as uneven reliefs, wild flowers and ponds of irregular configurations are used.

In the photo below you can see what the landscape design of a landscape garden looks like:

Landscape design can be complemented by a beautiful gazebo

Country style design and photo examples

The rural country style was first used in Europe. It is worth noting the following design features:

  • the site must have yellow sunflowers, orange pumpkins, tomatoes and flowering fruit trees;
  • small architectural forms are made of wood;
  • wicker fences, winding paths and supports for climbing crops will fit perfectly into the design;
  • various antique things are used - watering cans, cart wheels and low fences made of poles;
  • flowers, shrubs and trees are planted without any clear planning. It is important to create a sense of casualness;
  • will fit into a log exterior, a garden bridge or a small picket fence.

Rustic landscape design is especially suitable for a small area.

Eastern style and features of its application

The eastern direction is suitable for landscape design of a plot of 4–6 acres. Flower beds with bright vegetation, domed ones and fountains with all kinds of mosaic patterns are used as the main decorative elements. For eastern exteriors it is required.

When designing this style, it is not necessary to use expensive materials. Beautiful elements can be made from available materials. For example, a mosaic ornament can be made from the remains of ceramic.

Asian style for a simple area

Asian gardens have a history of more than one thousand years. We are mainly talking about Chinese and Japanese design.

The main difference between a Japanese garden is its brevity. A small area is enough to decorate. In this case, one tree and many stones can be used. The design necessarily includes water, plants, architectural elements and stones.

An important element of the garden is bonsai or dwarf trees, which are grown using a special technology. The patio can be decorated with accents of Japanese culture - screens, decorations made of stones and trees, and lanterns. Asian landscaping is ideal for landscape design of a small plot of 4 acres.

The Chinese garden is based on the traditions of Feng Shui. The layout is carried out taking into account the harmonious relationship of Yin and Yang. The landscape is complemented by magnificent elements of Chinese culture: interesting architectural forms and original lanterns.

Exotic at the dacha

The exotic direction allows you to use the most extraordinary ideas. Interesting compositions can be made from different materials. It could be a stone. Also used exotic plants and small ponds. This landscape design is recommended for a summer cottage plot of 10 to 20 acres. However, it may have an irregular shape.

For decoration, a variety of plants, a bright color palette, etc. are used. Among the trees you can choose plum, Tatarian maple and cherry. The design can be complemented with honeysuckle, barberry and Japanese quince.

Bamboo or barberry are used as screens and hedges. You can put cacti or dracaenas on the terrace. A hammock or can be used as garden furniture.

Free style

Free style allows you to bring the most incredible creative ideas to life. The main elements include big trees, climbing crops and all kinds of flowers. You can mix several styles at once.

This video presents the most popular styles:

Stages of planning the landscape design of a country house and plot

You can do the planning of landscape design near your house with your own hands. Existing types the layout can be seen in the photo.

Planning has the following options:

  • geometric planning allows you to divide the plot into the territory;
  • landscape used for landscaping;
  • mixed variety planning Suitable for different areas.


You can make a plan yourself. To do this you need to do the following:

  • Draw the outlines of the territory on the sheet;
  • mark all natural bodies of water and uneven terrain;
  • mark all buildings outside the perimeter. This must be done to maintain all the necessary distances;
  • define all areas of illumination;
  • Note the prevailing wind direction and cardinal directions.

The table shows the main layout options:

Kinds Peculiarities
Rectangular layoutLandscape design of a rectangular plot is especially popular. It allows for convenient zoning and is suitable for creating geometric designs.
RoundThis design is created from a rectangular version using lawns, green spaces and flower beds. Straight forms are masked with decorative elements.
Diagonal layoutIt is a layout of diagonal parallels. The diagonal option allows you to visually enlarge the boundaries of the territory.
Open planThe natural terrain is used, which is decorated with various design elements. At the same time, it is important to organically place accents.

Creating a design first involves designing and landscaping.


Make a large area more comfortable or visually enlarge it small area Correctly executed zoning will help. The division into functional zones is carried out both for the design of a plot of 15 acres and 4 acres. You can see interesting photos and projects on our website.

The territory can be divided into the following zones:

  • garden area;
  • rest zone;
  • dining area;
  • sports area.

The area divided into separate areas should look like a single whole. One zone should smoothly transition into another.

Lighting device

An important component of the exterior is lighting. It performs many functions. Properly placed light can highlight all the advantages of a site and disguise shortcomings.

Use lighting to decorate your summer cottage with your own hands. Best ideas you can look at the photo. Landscape lighting performs the following tasks:

  • lighting of functional areas and platforms. Lighting is necessary for a terrace, gazebo, garage or pool;
  • protection from strangers on the site. Lights in every corner deter intruders;
  • decoration of the territory. Lighting, shrubs, ponds and various architectural forms are used.

Construction of paths and platforms

An important design element is the garden path. Depending on the specific style, tracks of different sizes, shapes and materials are used. The central paths should be more solid. The mosaic decor looks great.

The following material is used for garden paths:

  • gravel;
  • a natural stone;
  • pebbles;
  • covering from ;
  • paving stones

Platforms and paths should be combined with the main style of the exterior.

For your information! To prevent the paths from becoming overgrown with weeds, it is recommended to lay a film under the backfill. And to prevent weeds from penetrating into the gaps between the tiles, they are planted lawn grass and moss.

Design of a summer cottage: basic landscaping methods

An important stage in arranging a summer cottage is landscaping. In this case, they are used different methods for registration.


If you plan to place a cascade or fountain in the water, then the reservoir should be placed close to a source of electricity.


With the right approach, a pool can become not only a place of relaxation, but also a magnificent decoration.

You can use a ready-made bowl as a basis. This will facilitate the work on arranging the water structure.

The design of the area with the pool deserves special attention. It should complement the main design of the territory. Multi-colored stones, picturesque rocks or bright plants. When creating a landscape design for 12 acres, you can install not only a swimming pool, but also add a waterfall.


A pond is one of the simplest reservoir structures. It is suitable for almost any area. The pond is decorated with natural materials and a variety of plants.

A small pond can become part of a landscape composition. Its purpose is to decorate the garden. Decorative pond decorated with fountains, lighting and bridges.

Do-it-yourself garden structures in the landscape design of a summer cottage

The grill should not be placed next to perennial plants or near households. If a canopy is used, then you need to consider a hole for the chimney.


To build a gazebo, you should choose the most picturesque place on your summer cottage. It would be good if there was a body of water nearby. The building should be placed on a hill.

Gazebos can be of different configurations - polygonal, with or without a roof. And also made of wood, forged elements, bamboo and other materials. The patio, which is located in the area adjacent to the house, is popular. This structure is made of stone, tile, wood or concrete.

You can decorate a recreation area with the help of weaving crops. You can place a barbecue next to the gazebo.
