Kefir with cucumber recipe. Useful properties of kefir with cucumber for weight loss. Kefir cocktail with cucumber

Calories: 109.58
Proteins/100g: 2.29
Carbohydrates/100g: 4.12

Last week I accidentally met an old colleague; we haven’t seen each other for a couple of years. During this time, she got married and became the mother of a wonderful baby. Everything would be fine, it would seem, live and enjoy life - a happy wife and mother, but it turned out that not everything was as prosaic as I wanted. After the birth of her son, she could not lose weight and get in shape for a long time - breast-feeding, the hassle of caring for the baby did not leave her time for herself. The husband did not take part in caring for the child at all, and soon began to reproach the girl that she had become completely fat and he was even ashamed to appear on the street with her.
Six months later, he packed his things and left, leaving Marinka and her one-year-old baby completely alone. I don’t even know how her fate would have developed further if she had not met a man who loved her for who she is - with irregular shapes and a small child in her arms. And then, feeling supported and inspired by the new relationship, Marina took care of herself - started playing sports, eating right. The result did not take long to arrive when I met her, she looked simply wonderful, and most importantly I was struck by the happy sparkle in her eyes.
She said that she had completely revised her diet and made her diet balanced with an emphasis on vegetables and fruits. And the most important dish on her menu is a miracle cocktail, which replaces her either breakfast or dinner. This is kefir with cucumber and herbs for weight loss. I really liked the recipe, I can’t say that it’s time for me to radically take care of myself, but fasting days have never bothered anyone.
The basis for such a drink is fresh kefir; fermented milk drinks are generally perfectly absorbed by the digestive tract and have the most significant effect on it. in the best possible way. And to diversify your breakfast, you can add finely chopped herbs and chopped fresh cucumber to kefir - this mixture will also make the drink rich in vitamins and very healthy. To enhance digestion processes, flavor the drink with ground pepper. If you haven’t cooked for weight loss, then I advise you to take note of this wonderful recipe.

- kefir (low-fat) – 200 ml,
- dill or parsley (fresh herbs) - a bunch,
- cucumber (fresh) – 1 pc.,
- ground pepper - a pinch.

How to cook at home

To prepare the drink, we take very fresh low-fat kefir (1-2.5% kefir. Be sure to look at the date of manufacture, despite the fact that the shelf life of the product is approximately 10 days, it is important for us to use the freshest kefir possible for weight loss. The whole point is: that fresh kefir has a slight laxative effect on the body, and older kefir, on the contrary, has a fixative effect.
We wash the cucumber and wipe it dry; if it is a little bitter, be sure to peel it. And then we grind it either on a grater or in a blender.

We wash the greens and dry them thoroughly with a towel. And then finely chop it with a knife or beat it with a blender.
Pour fresh kefir into a glass, add chopped cucumbers and herbs.

Stir and add pepper, and salt if desired.

They are easy to prepare, tasty and healthy even for those who do not have problems with being overweight. Bon appetit!


The kefir-cucumber diet will help you lose extra pounds quickly and effectively. Low-fat kefir and cucumbers belong to the category low calorie foods. Cucumbers and kefir are healthy foods for the body, individually, but in combination they give an amazing weight loss effect.

With this diet, the body is quickly cleansed, waste and toxins are eliminated. 5 days on a diet lead to weight loss of up to 8 kg.

The weight loss program is simple and does not require large material costs or culinary skills. Low-fat varieties of meat or fish, vegetables and fruits, cottage cheese and herbs will help diversify the menu of those losing weight.

Benefits of kefir and cucumber

Cucumber belongs to the category of low-calorie products; 100 g contains only 19 kcal, and it also has a pleasant, refreshing taste. The vegetable consists of more than 92% water; on fasting days it fights dehydration. Tartronic acid present in cucumbers prevents the conversion of carbohydrates into fats.

Many people have heard about the benefits of kefir. It belongs to the category of dietary products. It is easily absorbed by the body and does not irritate the gastric mucosa. The presence of lactic acid in the composition puts kefir in first place among dietary products. When following a diet, acid promotes the rapid movement of food in the stomach and breaks down fats.

Nutritionists recommend drinking a glass of low-fat kefir one hour before bedtime not only for people who control their weight, but also for those who monitor their health. The dietary drink cleanses the intestines, removes excess water from the body, promotes intestinal motility and supplies the stomach flora with beneficial bacteria.

Useful properties of cucumber and kefir

Cucumber is a low-calorie vegetable, almost consisting of water. A huge amount of microelements and vitamins are contained in green, fresh-smelling vegetables:

  • Vitamin C converts carbohydrates into fats;
  • Vitamin A improves memory, normalizes metabolism;
  • iron strengthens blood vessels;
  • vitamin E reduces weight;
  • vitamin PP helps fight liver diseases;
  • phosphorus has a positive effect on mental development;
  • iodine helps in the fight against thyroid diseases;
  • Fiber promotes the absorption of fats and proteins.

All people know about the beneficial properties of kefir. The composition of the sour milk drink includes milk fungus, and also contains vitamins and microelements:

  • vitamin D strengthens bone tissue, regulates mineral metabolism;
  • Vitamin A promotes normal metabolism;
  • B vitamins ensure the vital functions of the body;
  • calcium, potassium, phosphorus normalize metabolism.

The presence of beneficial bacteria in kefir has a beneficial effect on the flora of the stomach.

Low-fat fermented milk product contributes to:

  • cleansing the stomach and intestines;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • removing toxins from the body.

Types of diets and basic rules

There are 3 types of diets. Fasting days are the first option for losing weight. A fasting day is arranged once a week. Three day diet on kefir and cucumbers refers to the second option. Using the diet for five days - by the third. Let's look at each in more detail:

1 option

Fasting days are easily tolerated; those losing weight do not feel hungry. For one day you will need:

  • 1.5 kg of fresh cucumbers;
  • 2 liters of one percent kefir.

Divide the food into 7 equal parts. Cucumbers can be finely chopped and poured with kefir; you can eat them with kefir. Kefir with herbs and cucumber for weight loss will slightly diversify your diet.

Fasting days with cucumbers and kefir will bring good weight loss. Use only fresh cucumbers and kefir. You can lose 2 kg in one day. Swelling subsides and metabolism normalizes. The set of products must be updated every day. Those who have lost weight on the first version of the diet strongly recommend it.

Option 2

Thick cucumber and kefir soup is part of the menu.

Soup recipe: 5 servings, calorie content 150 kcal.


Difficulty: easy

Cooking time: 15 min.


  1. 1. Low-fat kefir
  2. 2. Fresh cucumbers
  3. 3. Greens
  4. 4. Unsweetened apple

Divide the finished amount of soup into 5 servings and eat throughout the day. In between meals, you can eat 100 g of boiled buckwheat and 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese. You can drink herbal infusions, teas without sugar and mineral water without gas at least 3 liters per day

If you experience dizziness, weakness or nausea, you should stop fasting days and consult your doctor. The diet should last exactly as long as required so that it does not harm your health. You need to listen sensitively to your body.

The three-day diet has a stunning result: 5 kg of weight loss in a short period of time, and losing weight in a short time is the dream of every woman.

Option 3

When using the third, and most effective, option, you must take into account that it is not recommended to sit on it for more than 5 days.

Protein starvation leads to the fact that the body begins to use muscle mass during starvation.

Reading reviews and recommendations of people who have resorted to the third option for losing weight, the tendency is clearly visible that you need to lose weight in 3 stages. You need to start with option 1, that is, first use a fasting day. After two weeks, use the second stage of weight loss, that is, a three-day kefir diet with cucumbers, and only after a month proceed to the third option. This is a guarantee that the body will not get stressed and you will not have health problems.

Menu that you must definitely follow:

Nutrition calendar

Morning Salad with cucumbers and herbs, a glass of low-fat fermented milk product, green tea without sugar.

Lunch Fresh cottage cheese 150 g, a piece of black bread and a glass of kefir.

Lunch Thick soup with cucumbers and kefir. Boiled fillet chicken - 150 g. Boiled buckwheat without salt - 150 g.

Afternoon snack Kefir-cucumber cocktail - 1 glass, you can add greens to taste.

Dinner Cold green soup with cucumbers.

Recipe: 4 servings, 150 kcal.

Cold green soup with cucumbers

Difficulty: easy

Cooking time: 25 min.


  1. 1. Chinese cabbage
  2. 2. Fresh cucumber
  3. 3. Greens
  4. 4. Kefir

The result of such a strict weight loss menu is weight loss of up to 8 kg. The main disadvantage of the diet is speed dial weight when leaving it, so gradually move on proper nutrition. Add lean meats, fish and dairy products to your diet every day.

Advantages and disadvantages of the kefir-cucumber diet

Listening to the reviews and results of women who have successfully lost weight on cucumbers and kefir, we can conclude that the kefir-cucumber diet helps you quickly lose extra pounds; in 5 days, weight loss ranges from 5 to 8 kg. But the most difficult thing is to maintain weight and not gain it again in a short period of time.

Good day, dear readers. I welcome you to the pages of my online diary. There is just a little time left until summer, literally about 2 months, and I already want to throw off the winter shackles in the form excess weight.

These months are just enough for us to get ourselves in order so that we can enter the most long-awaited summer season, beautiful, slender, and renewed. And save on your wardrobe by calmly wearing things that have been waiting for you all winter.

Moreover, there is a wonderful way to lose weight, cleanse and renew your body, just using one element from the kefir diet - kefir with cucumber and herbs instead of dinner. Below, I will present you with my review of this super effective drink, in my opinion, and two recipes.

But first of all, I’ll tell you about the main ingredient - kefir. You must know what product you are dealing with, it just has contraindications and you need to know about them too.

Kefir - benefits and harm

Kefir is a fermented milk drink obtained by adding a natural symbiotic starter culture (kefir grains) to pasteurized milk, which contains several hundred strains of lactic bacteria and yeast (about 30 species), which belong to 6 different multifunctional groups.

And this whole army of truly wonderful microorganisms, when taking kefir, begins to work for our health. Can you imagine the scale of benefits provided to the human body? Kefir is absorbed even by those who do not tolerate the milk protein found in plain milk.

Calorie content of kefir with fat content:
  • 0% - 30 kcal per 100 g drink
  • 1% - 40 kcal
  • 1.5% - 41 kcal
  • 2% - 51 kcal
  • 2.5% - 50 kcal
  • 3.2% - 56 kcal

Knowing the calorie content, you can easily choose a drink with an acceptable fat content percentage for you, for example, as part of a diet.

Kefir is practically in first place in health among all fermented milk products. It is difficult to underestimate its advantages; first of all, it is a powerful probiotic: it adjusts digestion, stabilizes weight, and has a positive effect on the microflora and intestinal mucosa after taking antibiotics.

Saturates the body with calcium necessary for our bone structure, as well as for teeth and nails. For older people it prevents osteoporosis, for children it stops the development of caries.

Helps reduce cholesterol, thanks to choline (vitamin B4) - a natural hepaprotector, and also participates in the formation of hemoglobin and regulates insulin in the blood. Inhibits the growth of cancerous tumors when the body is exposed to carcinogenic compounds, powerfully stimulating the immune system.

Helps normalize sleep and nervous system, due to the content of tryptophan, which has a relaxing effect on the body.

Contraindications to the use of kefir

  • Stomach ulcer and duodenum, as well as increased stomach acidity
  • Individual lactose intolerance
  • Colitis, duodenitis, indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome
  • Children under one year old

Recipes for making kefir with herbs

Now, having stocked up on knowledge about the benefits of consuming kefir and contraindications to it, we move on to the main topic of the note. Using kefir with herbs and cucumber instead of dinner, as one of the elements of the kefir diet.

Many highly qualified doctors recommend taking kefir at night. These include nutritionists, neurologists, and gastroenterologists. Kefir will collect harmful substances all night, speed up metabolism, and drunk at night it will promote rapid absorption, and in the morning - rapid emptying of the intestines, which is what is needed for overweight people seeking to lose weight.

Armed with the benefits of kefir, and strengthening it with the wealth of vitamins and microelements contained in greens, when preparing it we get divine nectar, I can’t call it anything else, because I adore it and gladly use it 3 hours before bedtime, replacing it with your dinner.

I use these properties to the fullest. I can eat whatever I want all day long, without limiting myself in any way. I already know for sure that it’s enough to replace dinner with delicious kefir with the addition of greens for 2-3 weeks, and this allows me to easily remove extra pounds and centimeters from my waist.

Kefir with herbs


  • Kefir 1% - 0.5 liters
  • Green onion - 20 gr
  • Parsley - 20 gr
  • Dill - 20 gr

Preparation: add finely chopped greens with a knife to kefir (you can make a smoothie by whipping all the ingredients with a mixer). I prefer the first option, chopping the greens more coarsely with a knife. Let it brew for 20 - 30 minutes.

Kefir with cucumber and herbs


  • Kefir 1% - 0.5 liters
  • Cucumber - 100 gr
  • Green onion - 20 gr
  • Parsley - 20 gr
  • Dill - 20 gr

Preparation: chop the greens with a knife, grate the cucumber. Combine all ingredients with kefir, mix and let brew for 20 - 30 minutes.

The benefits of greenery

It's no secret how long people live in the Caucasus. These peoples have a cult of greenery. They consume it in huge quantities, primarily prolonging their quality of life and adding significantly to longevity.


  • Vitamins: C, A, E, PP, B1, B2

Thus providing our body with stable immunity, it promotes excellent absorption of food, and gives us its antibacterial properties. Regularly adding parsley to food will relieve swelling, normalize blood sugar, improve vision, and lower blood pressure.


Parsley should not be eaten during the first trimester of pregnancy to prevent the risk of miscarriage.


  • Vitamins: C, A, E, PP, B1, B2
  • Minerals: Sodium, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus

Beneficial features dill helps people with hypertension, or heart and vascular diseases, as well as providing beneficial attention to the liver, intestines, and bile ducts. Dill will remove toxins from the body, promote sound sleep, relieve flatulence, and even applying dill decoction to the eyes will cure conjunctivitis.

Contraindications: low pressure

Green onions

  • Vitamins: C, A, E, PP, B1, B2
  • Minerals: Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron

Along with increased appetite, green onions will strengthen the immune system and provide antibacterial support to our body.

Useful properties of cucumber

It will remove salts from the body and joints, dissolve sand and kidney stones, remove cholesterol plaques from blood vessels, get rid of free radicals, and improve blood properties.


You know, I personally don’t like diets and have never used them, believing that no matter how they are formulated, they harm the body to one degree or another. Moreover, if a person has not been examined and is on a long-term diet, even if it is 100 times balanced, then even if he is absolutely healthy, the body will still experience stress.

Yes, maybe some weight will come off. But they still know that after finishing the diet, these kilograms happily return to their favorite places. And many along the way acquire some disorders and malfunctions in their body.

This is my purely personal opinion, formed from observing the suffering of their relatives and friends who want to lose weight on numerous diets.

My method is most acceptable to me, I do not break my body, but only in a gentle way, replacing dinner with kefir with herbs, or with herbs and cucumber, I cleanse, tone, lighten it, and release it renewed into the long-awaited summer.

This concludes my note. I wish all my readers an easy and wonderful meeting summer season and definitely with good mood, Despite everything. Health and joy to everyone!

My friends, subscribe to the release of new notes so that they come directly to your email, I still have a lot of interesting things ahead for you. Sincerely, Valentina.

The kefir-cucumber diet has earned a good reputation among many people losing weight. She is considered the most effective among. This combination of products gives amazing results in body shaping.

Weight comes off quickly and for a long time. However, not during weight loss, and the scheme of recommended dishes has a beneficial effect on the quality functioning of all organs and systems.

Features of dietary restrictions

Each diet has its own characteristics and nuances. Therefore, it is important for those who decide to lose weight to choose the right menu. For example, mono-diets are a severe type of fasting, in which most often one type of product or a combination of several is used.

Using this method, you can lose weight quickly, but not everyone can withstand dietary restrictions. Therefore, it is recommended to use such diets for no more than a week.

Why these products

This type of weight loss includes two independent mono-diets: and. Kefir is easily absorbed by the body, has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and effectively removes toxins and waste. The product contains lactic and tartronic acids, which promote the natural burning of fat deposits.

Kefir contains many useful nutrients, protein and calcium, which during weight loss have a beneficial effect on the skeletal system and supply the body with all the necessary nutrients.

Cucumbers are low in calories. Depending on the planting method, it ranges from 9-15 kcal. Cucumbers are 80% water. Therefore, their consumption cannot in any way affect fat deposition. Due to their diuretic properties, they quickly remove fluid from the body, promoting weight loss. While taking them, swelling disappears, blood pressure decreases, and the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, blood sugar levels are normalized.

Important! This technique is in a fast way losing weight.

The essence of the program

By limiting the consumption of foods while losing weight, this diet can be followed for a maximum of 7 days. This will make it possible to quickly get your figure in order without harming the body. The cucumber-kefir diet for weight loss has a number of contraindications, which are important to study before starting fasting.

The combination of cucumbers and kefir gives amazing results in losing excess weight. You can lose up to 5 kg in a week. This is due to intensive cleansing of the intestines, removal from the body excess liquid and acceleration of metabolism. A person loses weight from the first days of fasting.

During the diet, it is recommended to eat 4 to 7 times a day. The interval between meals should be no more than 2 hours. The daily calorie content of foods should not exceed 700 kcal. The products are selected in such a way that a person consumes up to 1 g of fat, 57 g of protein, and 102 g of carbohydrates per day. You can add greens to the menu. If you are weak or unpleasant sensations It is allowed to introduce 100 g of boiled fish into the diet.

If desired, you can arrange fasting days. You can simply include kefir and cucumbers in your daily diet. This combination of products is the secret fast weight loss in a minimum period of time.

Menu options

Let's look at the main diet options.

For 3 days

During the kefir-cucumber diet, you need to drink a kefir-cucumber cocktail for 3 days. One serving requires a glass of kefir and 2 cucumbers. If desired, add herbs: parsley, basil, dill. Allowed to add a little salt. The calorie content of one serving is about 143 kcal.

The cocktail is prepared as follows:

  • grate cucumbers on a coarse grater;
  • finely chop the greens;
  • pour the ingredients with a glass of kefir;
  • add a little salt;
  • beat the mixture with a blender.

Important! The cocktail is drunk immediately. If necessary, it can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 hours.

For 5 days

For the kefir-cucumber diet for 5 days, the daily menu is the same.

  1. Have breakfast with a glass of cocktail (143 kcal).
  2. For lunch, pour kefir over cucumber slices and sprinkle with chopped herbs. Eat 250 g of this soup (143 kcal).
  3. They have dinner with boiled fish (mackerel, pollock, hake or tuna), and drink a glass of cocktail (301 kcal).

For 7 days

In the process of losing weight using the kefir-cucumber diet for 7 days, you should adhere to the following diet:

  1. Have breakfast with a glass of kefir, a salad of cucumbers with herbs, seasoned vegetable oil(1042 kcal).
  2. For second breakfast, eat 2 fresh cucumbers (30 kcal).
  3. An hour later they drink kefir (37 kcal).
  4. They have lunch with a cocktail (143 kcal).
  5. For an afternoon snack, eat a cucumber (15 kcal).
  6. For dinner, make a cucumber salad with olive oil, and drink a glass of kefir (987 kcal).
  7. Have dinner with a glass of kefir (74 kcal).

Important! This kefir-cucumber diet menu can be followed for no more than a week.

You can't go on a diet:

  • with exacerbation of gastritis;
  • for kidney diseases;
  • for ulcers and colitis;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with general exhaustion of the body;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • with hypotension;
  • during menstruation.

Allowed to use:

It is prohibited to use:

  • fried foods;
  • sugar;
  • butter;
  • alcohol;
  • soda;
  • pork;
  • coffee;
  • chocolate and confectionery;
  • baked goods.


This nutrition program has the following advantages:

  1. Fast weight loss.
  2. Long-term weight loss effect.
  3. Easy to prepare dishes.
  4. Inexpensive products.


The kefir-cucumber diet also has negative sides:


The “Kefir-Cucumber Diet” is a tough weight loss method that not everyone can withstand. But the effectiveness of such fasting is high. Those who chose this method of losing weight lost from 300 to 1 kg of weight per day.

This is due to the low calorie content of foods, powerful cleansing the body from toxins and the diuretic effect of cucumbers. If you fast for a week, you can get rid of 5-7 kg of excess weight.

Important! During the diet, you can add permitted foods to your diet.

In search of the secret of the unity of beauty and health, the world came across nutrition. Unfortunately, most modern diets are ineffective and harmful. However, among hundreds of useless techniques there are real gems. One of these is kefir with cucumber and herbs for weight loss.

Contrary to popular belief, kefir with cucumber and herbs complement each other perfectly for weight loss. Source: Flickr (Joanna_Slodownik_Follow)

The role of kefir, cucumber and herbs in getting rid of extra pounds

Kefir, cucumber, greens are extremely healthy and light foods. They make the diet quick and effective.

Kefir is included in many diets due to its bifidobacteria content. Since excess weight is formed through poor intestinal function and “deposits” in it, its cleansing should be the first priority of dietary products. Bifidobacteria are responsible for eliminating toxins from the intestines. They bring the microflora of everything gastrointestinal tract back to normal, allowing it to function correctly. In the process, metabolism is normalized and all elements begin to be absorbed correctly.

Cucumber is a low-calorie vegetable. It consists almost entirely of water, which contains minimal proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In return, the vegetable is enriched with carotene, potassium, iodine compounds, complex organic substances and vitamins (C, PP, group B).

This is interesting! Cucumbers also help remove cholesterol from the body and improve intestinal motility, all thanks to the fiber they contain.

Greens primarily support normal metabolism. Parsnips will help improve digestion, spinach has a beneficial effect on the pancreas, celery is enriched with vitamins and minerals, and asparagus strengthens the immune system. With all this, almost every representative of a green plant crop helps in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the removal of excess fluid from the body.

Kefir with herbs and cucumber help normalize almost all processes associated with digestion.

Contraindications to this diet

Despite the fact that all ingredients have a healing effect on the digestive organs, it is with their diseases that the main risk of the diet is associated. It is recommended to first have a fasting day with this diet and monitor the body’s reaction. Of course, you should always consult your doctor first.

Contraindications to a diet with kefir, cucumbers and herbs:

  • pregnancy, menstruation and breastfeeding;
  • kidney disease, especially during exacerbation;
  • ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • colitis;
  • cystitis;
  • diarrhea.

Even without these diseases, you should be careful when choosing a diet, since kefir-cucumber diet is one of the emergency diets that cause stress in the body. Be careful and always stick to a safe menu, although kefir, cucumber, greens for weight loss have impressive reviews - this is not a guarantee of success for you.

How to choose the right ingredients

The tandem of kefir and cucumber does not provide the body with enough calories, which is why it is forced to use up reserve deposits. Emergency mode is activated and all reserves are emptied. Contrary to popular belief, kefir with cucumber and herbs complement each other perfectly for weight loss.

The dosage for such a diet is approximately as follows:

  • 1.5 liters of kefir;
  • 2 kg of cucumbers;
  • greens optional, but better in large quantities.

Note! It is permissible to use lemon juice and spices; on “hungry” days you can treat yourself to boiled meat or fish (no more than 100 g).

Drink plenty of fluids; still water and green tea will help you stay energized. Tea should not be sweetened. It is also advisable to avoid salt and other seasonings.

The most suitable greens are parsley, dill, onions, and celery. They contain those vitamins that kefir and cucumbers lack. All together will allow the body to function correctly and survive stress from dieting. Kefir with dill and cucumber will give you energy for the whole day.

This is interesting! In summer, a kefir-cucumber diet with herbs is more effective. In hot weather, the body needs fewer calories and loses weight faster. The diet is easier and calmer to bear.

To consolidate the effect and improve metabolism, do exercises during the diet. Tune in good result and try to enjoy life.

You can’t suddenly quit your diet - gradually introduce fruits and other vegetables, dairy products and cereals into your diet. Source: Flickr (Liane_Doxey_Follow)

Diet options and best recipes

Varieties of kefir-cucumber diets:

  • For 1 day

More suitable as fasting day. During this period, you need to drink 1 liter of kefir and eat 2 kg of cucumbers (no matter in what form). It is acceptable to combine with celery, basil, cilantro and other favorite herbs. If you are making a salad, you can season it with kefir, lemon juice And a small amount olive oil. Do not use salt or other seasonings. The result is 1-1.5 kg and cleansing of the body.

  • For 3 days

The most optimal diet based on kefir and herbs. Allows you to help your body and figure in the best way. Use only kefir, water, cucumbers and herbs. Herbal teas are allowed. All other products are strictly excluded. If there is severe discomfort, you can eat 1-2 boiled eggs and a piece of bread, light yogurt or cottage cheese. Result – 3-5 kg.

  • For 5 days

An aggressive diet that will drive all toxins, waste, salts and heavy metals out of you. However, most of the beneficial elements will also leave the body. It is strongly recommended to take vitamins before such a measure. Since after 5 days you will obviously get tired of the usual type of cucumbers, you can make cocktails and soups. In addition to the above, you can add cinnamon to the mixture; it reduces appetite and promotes fat burning. Chinese cabbage and radishes are allowed. The nutritional intensity should be stable (4-6 times a day). The result is 5-7 kg and a significant improvement in well-being.

  • For 7 days

The diet should consist of 1.5-2 liters of kefir and 1.5 kg of cucumbers every day. In order to prevent weakness, it is allowed to cook 100 g of fish for lunch (baked or steamed). It is allowed to chop cucumbers, make salads, okroshka, cold soups and cocktails. Flavor your food with herbs and lemon juice, drink plenty of water. The result is up to 10 kg.

Those who want to make their diet easier and whose goal is primarily to improve their health, can diversify the menu with the following dishes:

  1. Paste. Remove seeds from cucumber. Mash the cottage cheese, chop the herbs and garlic, mix with cucumber seeds. Place the paste in the middle of the cucumber, add a little parsley.
  2. Cold soup. Grate the cucumbers to a paste, grate the garlic and Walnut, chop the dill. Mix everything and add a little boiled water. Dilute with kefir and vegetable oil, leave for half an hour and the dish is ready.
  3. Salad with meat. Break chicken fillet Grind the eggs and cucumbers into strips. Combine ingredients, pour sauce and add spices.
  4. Cocktail. Grind the cucumber, add kefir at your discretion, mix everything. Add finely chopped greens.

You can't quit your diet suddenly. Gradually introduce fruits and other vegetables, dairy products and cereals into your diet. Avoid fatty foods for a while.

Pros and cons of the kefir-cucumber diet with greens

No diet is without its drawbacks, because any restriction, even a little, is harmful. In order to outline the picture more clearly, we will distribute all the advantages and disadvantages that kefir with herbs provides for weight loss.

What will impress you:

  • speed and effectiveness of weight loss (1.5-7 kg);
  • short-term diet;
  • healing and unloading of the body;
  • useful elements that improve the microflora of the stomach, strengthen the intestines, eliminate toxins and increase immunity;
  • feeling good during active weight loss;
  • absence of hunger or its moderate presence;
  • available ingredients.

What you won't like:

  • short-term effect;
  • small selection of products;
  • removal of useful elements from the body along with toxins;
  • a large list of contraindications;
  • stress due to fasting;
  • decreased performance and fatigue;
  • diarrhea.

As you can see, the pros and cons are almost equal. The kefir-cucumber diet will become in a good way prepare yourself for rest or give your body rest, but it is strictly forbidden to practice often. This diet requires a long break of 4-6 months.

Kefir with cucumbers and herbs for weight loss: reviews and personal experience

Svetlana, 34 years old

“The diet is great! I use it when I want to go to the pool or the beach again. I’m not too keen: I’ve never gone hungry for more than 3 days. Immediately after her I float like a fairy. You feel so elegant when you don't feel like there's anything hanging off your sides. Girls, use it wisely."

Christina, 25 years old

"I love healthy eating: Chop parsley or make a beautiful cocktail. This diet often helps me out - with its help I eliminate the consequences of parties and feasts. IN last time I just tried to lose weight (there was no reason before), I lost 5 kg in 4 days! My husband was surprised why I suddenly became so light. Thank you, kefir and cucumbers!”

Victoria, 29 years old

“But this diet doesn’t save me. As soon as -3 kg, +5 will immediately return in a couple of days. Apparently it is not suitable for large girls - just for a temporary effect. Although it cleanses the intestines perfectly and will be very helpful for those who suffer from congestion after eating.”

As you can see, diets can be not only painful, but also useful. Many of them offer kefir and cucumbers in separate mono-diets, but their combination gives no less results: just add greens and check. Kefir with cucumber and herbs - a recipe for health and beauty.

Video on the topic
