What flowers and plants can be grown in balcony boxes in summer? Balcony flowers: photos and names of plants to create a corner of paradise Beautiful flower balconies

Not every city dweller has a dacha, but if you have a loggia, you can create a green corner on it. With the right approach, this will not be difficult to do.

What flowers should I plant on the balcony? There are many suitable varieties, but when choosing a specific variety, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the crop, such as frost resistance and the ability to grow in the shade or in the sun. In other words, first of all you need to focus on the degree of illumination of the loggia and the climatic conditions of the area.

For reference. Balconies facing south, southwest and southeast are considered sunny. They are illuminated more than 12 hours a day. Semi-shaded loggias are located on the north-west and north-east sides, their sunlight illuminates for less than 10-12 hours. And finally, the shady sides are those located in the north, where the sun penetrates no more than 6 hours a day.

Flowers for balconies: name, description and photo

Flowers for balconies should be unpretentious and suitable for growing in urban environments. Below are the most common varieties.

Begonia - plant for partial shade

Many people want to plant such plants on the balcony so that they bloom all summer. In this case, the best choice would be begonia of low-growing varieties. The flowering period of this crop lasts from May to October, and the range of shades is strikingly diverse. The petals can be colored white, yellow, salmon, raspberry and bright red. The flowers are simple, double or semi-double.

It is better to place pots with begonia in the northwest or northeast, and in winter, remove the tubers to a cool room and store until the beginning of March in sand or peat chips at a temperature of 8-12 degrees.

Bougainvillea - a light-loving plant for the balcony

This climbing plant with purple flowers will be a real decoration for your balcony or terrace. Graceful shoots wrapping around the railings, placed on specially installed trellises, will look simply luxurious.

The culture prefers to grow in illuminated places with normal humidity, so for its location it is better to choose loggias located in the south, southwest or southeast.

Verbena is a medicinal plant with a long flowering period

This plant is popularly called “pigeon grass” or “Juno’s tears.” The culture is valued not only for its decorative qualities, but also for its medicinal properties. Since ancient times, it has been used to prepare healing decoctions and tinctures.

You can grow verbena both in pots on the balcony and in flower beds. The flowering period of the crop is long, lasting from June to November. Verbena requires moderate lighting, and it is better to place this flower on the east or west side.

Heather - a beautiful balcony in winter

To keep the balcony beautiful in winter, it is worth planting heather. This is a frost-resistant shrub whose flowering period lasts from January to April. Even in severe frosts, the crop does not lose its decorative value.

This plant needs moderate lighting, and it will feel best on a loggia located on the east or west side.

Bindweed - easy to care for and unpretentious

You can often see one or another type of bindweed on city balconies. This is explained by the fact that such plants are undemanding to the composition of the soil and do not need abundant watering. In addition, bindweed has high “tenacity” and is capable of entwining any support.

Despite its resistance to drought, in very dry soils the crop loses its decorative properties, its leaves and flowers become smaller. Therefore, the sunny side is not the best place to place bindweed. But in cases where there is nowhere else to put the pots, you will need to ensure that the soil in the containers does not dry out, and also regularly spray the plant with water. The main thing is not to do this at the moment when the sun is “looking” at the balcony, and carry out manipulations in the early morning or in the evening.

Geranium (Pelargonium) - a flower that needs a lot of sun

When placing such a plant on a south-facing balcony, you should not be afraid that the leaves will get sunburned. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, pelargonium only grows better and enhances flowering, which lasts quite a long time.

To prevent geranium from dying, it requires daily abundant watering, since it quickly draws moisture from the soil.

Godetia is a cold-resistant annual for a sunny or semi-shaded balcony

This beautiful plant with large silky inflorescences in white, pink or red colors can be grown both in flowerbeds and in pots. If the dried buds are cut off in time, the bush will bloom again and this process will last until frost.

Godetia is resistant to cold, but is demanding on watering, which will need to be done regularly. The best place to place this crop will be the south, southwest and southeast side. However, with proper care, the flower will feel great in the northeast and northwest.

Morning glory - shade-loving bindweed

This lush vine with beautiful bright flowers is an excellent option for landscaping a balcony. The main thing is to make sure that the shoots have something to cling to. To do this, you need to install a net or pull ropes.

In general, this culture is unpretentious, but it is better to protect it from direct sunlight. Therefore, the northwestern or northern side will be the optimal place to place it.

Calistegia - perennial bindweed for a sunny or semi-shaded balcony

This is a beautiful climbing plant with bright green leaves and luxurious soft pink flowers. Their shape is most often bell-shaped, but there are varieties with terry-type petals.

Calistegia is not capricious and easy to care for, takes root well in any type of soil, and feels best on the south or east side.

Clematis - light-loving flower for the south or east side

This plant with small herbaceous emerald leaves and flowers ranging in color from white-lilac to deep purple is perfect for growing on a sunny balcony. The main thing is to choose a frost-resistant variety of crop, and then there will be no problems.

Owners of dimly lit loggias facing the north side are better off choosing a different plant. Clematis will grow poorly in conditions of lack of sun and die quickly.

Daisy is an unpretentious crop with a long flowering period

Daisies, depending on the variety, have rounded or elongated, “needle-shaped” leaves of a dark green color, and the shade of the flowers can be very diverse.

They are unpretentious and undemanding in terms of soil composition and watering. However, it should be borne in mind that a large amount of sunlight does not have a very good effect on the plant, so shaded balconies are best suited for it.

Nasturtiums - annuals for the southern balcony

This is an unpretentious crop that even a novice gardener can grow from seeds.

The abundance of varieties, completely different from each other, allows you to create original compositions from nasturtium, which can be:

  • bushy;
  • ampelous;
  • curly.

The flowering period of the crop begins in July and lasts until the end of September. Since this plant loves light, it should be placed on a loggia located on the south side.

Primroses - a kaleidoscope of colors at the beginning of spring

Most often, early flowering plants are found in city flower beds and front gardens of personal plots, planted in open ground. But they can also be grown on the balcony, in separate containers or a common pot, into which other flowers will then be “planted”.

Such crops bloom early, and this period does not last long, but if you combine them with plants with later bud formation, the loggia will look attractive throughout the warm season.

Petunia is an ampelous annual with abundant flowering

If there is not enough space on the loggia to arrange containers with flowers, you should pay attention to petunia. This is a hanging plant, suitable for growing in hanging pots.

This crop reaches 25 cm in height and is characterized by a compact bush shape and abundant, bright flowering that lasts until the November cold.

You can grow any variety of petunia on a south or southeast balcony, and if the loggia is on the north side, only frost-resistant hybrids will survive here.

Ivy is a thick “blanket” for any loggia

Ivy, densely entwined around the balcony, will reliably protect the room from the penetration of bright sunlight better than any blinds. Such a crop is not at all difficult to care for, it does not need frequent watering and can grow on loggias located anywhere: both in the sun and in the shade.

However, in order for the foliage to remain thick and not lose its richness of color, you will need to regularly spray the ivy with water, and, if possible, hose it down.

Polyantha roses - a light-loving, long-flowering crop

“Queen of Flowers” ​​can be called a win-win option for a flower bed or balcony; this lush plant with dark green leaves and light pink medium-sized flowers will become a real decoration of the loggia. The flowering period of the crop is long and lasts throughout the summer.

Rose polyanthus will need watering as needed and regular fertilizing, as well as plenty of sunlight. Therefore, it is better to place pots on balconies located on the south side.

Zinnia is an annual plant that is tolerant of heat and drought.

This beautiful plant with dense green leaves and large, bright flowers can survive and remain decorative even in the hottest and driest summers. The main thing is to ensure regular watering of the crop during prolonged drought, and to act carefully so that moisture does not get on the leaves.

It is best to place pots with such flowers on balconies located on the south, southeast or southwest side.

In full review.

Rules for growing flowers on the balcony

To turn your loggia into a real blooming corner, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for growing plants on the balcony.

You should pay attention to the following criteria:

In this video, a specialist explains which flowers are best to grow on the balcony.

To get a fragrant oasis in your own apartment, you should know what flowers to plant on the balcony. Even in urban conditions you can create a blooming garden. A large selection of plants suitable for this will allow you to create original compositions that will suit your eyes.

Lighting Features

You can plant a variety of flowers on your balcony. But you need to remember that each plant has its own characteristics, so it is important to choose the right varieties. The main thing you need to pay attention to is the location of the balcony. It's great if it's not too high. On the top floors of high-rise buildings there is strong wind, which can harm plants, breaking them and tearing off leaves. In this case, it is better to grow on a glazed balcony.

It is very important which side the loggia is located on - north, south, east or west. Lighting depends on this. The sunny side is best for flowers. But not all plants tolerate the sun’s rays well; some develop burns on their leaves. At the same time, many flowers in the shade become very elongated and bloom poorly. Therefore, if the question arises of how to decorate a balcony with flowers, first of all you need to assess how much sunlight the plants will receive. This will allow you to choose the right varieties.

Plants for the sunny side

If the balcony is located on the south side, then it is open to bright sunlight most of the day. It is important that the plants are heat-loving. It’s also great if they are drought-resistant, then missing watering won’t turn into a tragedy.

The most popular flowers that are easy to grow in a loggia are petunias. They come in a variety of shapes and colors, making a small home garden look very colorful.
Two types are common:
  • If you are interested in growing climbing flowers for the balcony, then you should pay attention to hanging varieties. Their stems beautifully fall from hanging flowerpots and special boxes.
  • Tillering varieties. Multi-flowered ones should be chosen. Varieties with one stem, at the top of which there are several flowers, are not the best solution for a balcony.

Pelargonium will be a wonderful solution for a loggia. Another name for this plant is geranium. Flowers can be red or white. As with petunia, there are bush and hanging varieties. Geranium looks beautiful in combination with other plants.

One of the most undemanding plants that will take root well on an open balcony on the sunny side is marigolds. They are easy to obtain from seeds or by seedlings; they bloom from the very beginning of summer until autumn frosts. Low-growing double and semi-double species are best suited for the home garden.
Blooming purslane can also be considered a good solution. It is able to go without water for a long time, as it accumulates moisture in the leaves. With its help you can create a real floral paradise, because the flowers are very bright and have different colors.

You can grow other plants on a balcony. Climbing flowers will create light shade, so that the place will become especially cozy in the summer heat. Morning glory, thunbergia, or decorative beans are suitable for this.

Beautiful compositions will be obtained if you use low varieties for this. For the sunny side, you should give preference to snapdragons, which will give an unusual aroma, asters, nasturtiums, lobelia, nasturtiums.

Flowers for the northern balcony

Ivy and ferns are excellent for growing on a shady balcony. They create interesting green landscapes. Carved fern leaves look impressive at any time of the year. They are good for decorating the lower tiers of the loggia.

For lovers of bright colors, the question is which flower to plant on the balcony to bloom. The ideal solution is tuberous or ever-blooming begonia.

The variety of these colors allows you to select unusual combinations. There are flowers in different shades of red and yellow. They can be double or semi-double, large or small, but growing in clusters. The plant will bloom for a long time - all summer and even part of autumn. To do this, it is important to water it regularly, preferably so that moisture does not fall on the leaves. Begonia does not like overwatering; the drainage must be good enough so that the tubers do not rot.

A sunny balcony can be shaded with climbing plants. Then the choice of flowers that can be grown on it will increase.

Fuchsia is also a good option for a shady balcony. Frequent flowering and various shades can bewitch. It is worth decorating the loggia with the help of hanging varieties planted in hanging pots. Fuchsia is demanding when it comes to watering. The soil should be moderately moist and overwatering should be avoided.
Hosta will allow you to create amazing green areas. In addition, this plant blooms luxuriantly.

Many annuals are also suitable for the shady side. Unpretentious marigolds are able to grow in the shade; forget-me-nots, verbena, carnations or gillyflower will look very beautiful.

Balconies on other sides and winter garden

Growing flowers on a balcony located on the east or west side is not difficult. After all, here are the mildest conditions: the plants receive a lot of sunlight, but there is also enough gentle shade. Most flowers that can grow on a south or north side will do well in partial shade. Decorated with petunias, fuchsias, pelargonium, daisies, calendula, dahlias and many other varieties, the balcony will be a wonderful place to relax.

On the glazed balcony, you can arrange a real winter garden. You just need to take care of insulation and think about lighting. The choice of colors in this case is almost unlimited. If desired, it will be possible to ensure year-round flowering. This option may also be successful in a glazed loggia, since you don’t have to worry about the wind.

Caring for flowers on the balcony

Growing flowers on the balcony, photos of which are so pleasing to the eye, requires certain knowledge. Selecting the best varieties based on lighting is not enough.

There are two ways to grow flowers on the balcony in boxes. In the first case, flowers are planted in one row, alternating varieties with different colors. The second combines upright varieties, which should be planted in the background, and hanging varieties, which should be planted in the foreground.

Planted plants must be cared for properly. The following rules must be followed:

If the balcony is located on the side where the sun's rays shine almost constantly, then it is better to place light-colored pots. They heat up less, making it easier to care for plants.

You can grow a wide variety of flowers on your balcony. The abundance of colors and pleasant aroma will make this corner of the apartment surprisingly cozy. You just need to choose the right varieties and spend some time caring for them.

In the warm season, a balcony can turn into a beautiful and fragrant flowerbed. Carefully selected plants will help decorate it from spring to late autumn. It is thanks to the vegetation that this place becomes extremely atmospheric. With the help of flowers, bushes, herbs you can give the interior a unique character. Which flowers are best to plant on the balcony, photos and names of popular options, and care features we will consider in this article.

Features of decorating a balcony with plants

The first step in decorating a balcony with flowers is choosing the right plants. Care should be taken when choosing fresh flowers. For people who have no experience in growing flowers, it is better to choose the least demanding varieties that do not require too much care.

Plants can be divided into several main categories:

  1. the most popular are flowers and shrubs;
  2. Herbaceous flowers and balcony trees are less common, but trends are slowly changing.

Decorating a balcony with flowers should match the style of other elements, such as furniture. All elements on the balcony form a single whole.

A good choice is year-round plants and perennials that constantly decorate the balcony. It is worth paying attention not only to seasonal flowers, which, despite their beauty, do not live too long. It is noteworthy that perennials have extensive roots and are planted in large containers. Many people forget about this, so the flower slowly dies.

The level of sunlight on the balcony has a great influence on the growth of flowers. Some varieties require full sun to develop properly, while others do best in shaded areas. Depending on the location of the balcony relative to the cardinal directions and the time of year, balcony flowers can be selected and arranged in various ways.

For eastern or western exposure

Eastern exposure is ideal for balcony flowers. There is no threat of southern heat here. Flowers that tolerate shade grow well in areas facing east or west. Shade-tolerant flowers are as follows:

  • lobelia,
  • ageratum,
  • gerberas,
  • scevola,
  • budleya,
  • marigold.

Potted gerberas

These flowers will certainly appeal to people who prefer naturalness. They look as if they were recently plucked from a clearing. Gerberas are small and should be combined with other flowers.


These flowers are grown in boxes. They grow quickly and create a unique composition. For the balcony you need to choose low-growing varieties of buddleia. This plant is for experienced flower lovers; it requires careful care and regular fertilization. Budleya looks harmonious in interiors with a harsh, industrial character. Concrete floors and metal furniture are an idea worthy of attention.

For north side

If the sun doesn't shine for long, many plants thrive. Species are planted here that do not need, even harm, large amounts of sunlight. Shade-tolerant flowers for placement in partial shade or shade have much lower requirements. They can better tolerate a lack of sun, but that doesn't mean they don't need it. They cope with high humidity, which reduces the risk of overheating.

Plants for the balcony that grow well on the north side:

  • begonias,
  • fuchsia,
  • bell,
  • touchy-feely,
  • bacopa.

Many plant varieties that prefer shade do not tolerate sun well. Therefore, the first step in choosing colors is to answer the question of when the sun's rays hit the balcony more. In the evening, the sun does not affect the plants as much.

Begonias Begonie

Begonia has a slight magical romanticism. The rich inflorescence gives them a unique charm. Most varieties have double flowers in various shades of pink, red, yellow, and white. Begonias are suitable for French-style design and go well with antique, elegant furniture. Shade is not terrible for begonias, so they are valuable on balconies with northern and eastern exposure.

Impatiens (impatiens)

2 types are grown in containers:

  1. New Guinea with large flowers (4-6 cm in diameter), dark lanceolate leaves;
  2. Impatiens Waller (sultana) - produces smaller flowers (2-3 cm in diameter), has light green leaves in the shape of a heart.

Impatiens reaches a height of 30 cm. It grows best in semi-shaded or light, but not too hot places. Plants like fertile, slightly moist soil and fertilizer for flowering species. Both species are easily propagated from cuttings.


This is a specific flower that resembles wild vegetation. The most common colors are dark blue and burgundy, less commonly found in shades of pink or white. Bluebells are planted in areas with low sun exposure. They look better on balconies decorated in a natural style. They look great in the company of potted gerberas.

Decoration of the southern balcony

On the southern wall of the house the sun heats mercilessly. Without shelter, both human skin and most plants can be severely damaged. Only succulents or sclerophytes can withstand the scorching sun without suitable containers with water. These plants have adapted to life in conditions where there is not enough water for a long time. With a sufficient supply of water and regular fertilizer, you can grow colorful cascades of pelargonium, petunia, sanvitalia and other flowers on the southern balcony.

For a balcony on the sunny side, good plant options are as follows:

  • sedum,
  • daylilies,
  • dahlias,
  • rudbeckia,
  • pansies,
  • lavender,
  • nemesia,
  • surfinia,
  • scevola,
  • sanvitalia,
  • lobelia.

The best growth of the above flowers can be seen in full sun. Plants for south windows are ideal for balconies and terraces located on the south side.


They resemble colored balls, look very interesting, and work great on balconies decorated in metropolitan style. Dahlias come in different colors, it is worth combining several different shades. This composition is suitable for an interior where the furniture is not too saturated in color. Dahlias should be placed in sunny places, but protected from strong winds.

Pelargonium (geranium)

Pelargoniums are most often chosen for balconies. The popularity of geranium is due to its easy care. Pelargoniums require a lot of light and are intended for a south window or balcony. Geranium suits modern and traditional balcony designs. Pelargoniums are often planted in the company of petunias.

The most popular are geraniums with branched shoots. Immediately behind them in the ranking are the majestic English geraniums with large flowers and varieties with small ones from the Angeleyes series. Flowers with many shades of pink and red dominate. Geraniums are resilient and tolerate short-term water shortages well. Only English species require careful care and regular fertilization with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

Pelargonium grows best in sunny places, on fertile soils. Flowers are brought to the open balcony in May and brought into the house in October. Wintering requires a lot of light and low temperatures (about 15 °C). Geraniums are propagated from cuttings in February or August.


Flowers may seem quite simple, but they make it easy to create a beautiful arrangement. Pansies look beautiful in large stone pots. Flowers will be a good option for balconies decorated in an industrial style.


Depending on the variety, nemesia have straight or hanging shoots. Inflorescences reach 50 cm in diameter. Flowers (about 1.5 cm) of yellow, orange, red appear in large numbers throughout the season. New varieties have increased resistance to high temperatures.

Nemesia grows best in a sunny place, fertile, moist substrate. Plants are not suitable for storage for next year. Gardeners propagate nemesia from cuttings.

Ampelous flowers

Plants with beautifully hanging branches are a wonderful decoration for any place. This composition is quite demanding to care for. This is an option for more experienced gardeners. Their long, hanging shoots, often sprinkled with flowers, will create a beautiful balcony decoration. To ensure that climbing plants for the balcony are clearly visible, it is better to place them in hanging containers, tall pots or balcony boxes suspended from balustrades or located on a high window sill. Then the plant shoots will be able to hang freely, gaining freedom to grow.

Do not hang containers with flowers on a balcony exposed to gusty winds, which can damage plants, especially species with fragile shoots (surfinia, geranium).

The most popular hanging balcony flowers:

  • hanging pelargonium,
  • plectranthus,
  • fuchsia,
  • hanging begonia,
  • verbena,
  • surfinia,
  • roses,
  • series,
  • bacopa,
  • petunia,
  • lobelia.

Climbing flowers take up little space but look quite impressive. They can be given the desired shape. The choice of vine depends on the location of the balcony: in the shade or in the sun.


This is a great offer for people who appreciate arrangements with a touch of romance. Roses offer many possibilities. Fuchsia roses are an interesting option, but traditional red is also a good idea. These are excellent flowers for a balcony decorated in modern styles - minimalism, Provence, shabby chic. These flowers should be combined with furniture of neutral colors - white, black, beige, gray). Flowerpots are chosen in the shades of furniture.


Extremely impressive flowers that are highly resistant to gardener's mistakes and bloom in abundance. Petunias bloom intensely in summer. They can be planted in large outdoor pots. Look great on a retro-style balcony.

In addition to the huge number of new varieties of traditional petunias with a bushy appearance (about 30 cm high), dozens of cascading varieties with drooping shoots have appeared. Petunia flowers reach 2-8 cm in diameter and appear in all colors except blue. The flowers are often striped, bicolored, or have ribbed petal edges. Traditional petunias have low requirements and tolerate a lack of water well. All types of these plants grow better in the sun. Ampelous varieties need fertile soil, plenty of moisture, and fertilizing with iron chelates.

Ampelous pelargoniums

You can choose from many varieties with flowers of different colors, there are options with simple and double flowers. Hanging geraniums are great for creating balcony arrangements: you can plant geraniums in one container or combine them with other flowers.


Previously, fuchsias reigned mainly in apartments as indoor plants. Today there are thousands of varieties - small (20 cm high) and large (60 cm high), living on balconies and terraces. Flowers look great on balconies decorated in oriental style. Depending on the type, fuchsias come in the form of trees, are planted in hanging baskets, or added to colorful arrangements in boxes. The flowers—in shades of pink, red and purple, often bicolor—appear from early spring to late fall.

This rather demanding plant looks original. There are many varieties, so the choice depends entirely on personal preference. Fuchsia flowers bloom less in the shade. At high temperatures, the frequency of watering the plant increases. Fuchsias are afraid of frost, so they are taken outside in May and hidden in rooms at the end of September. You can store the plant in winter for a long time in a cool place (15-18 ° C).

Fuchsia varieties with hanging shoots are best planted individually in hanging containers. There are many varieties with different colors to choose from.

Begonia ampelous

Begonias are represented mainly by hybrids originating from tuberous and winter begonias. More impressive than their ancestors, these plants bloom continuously from May to autumn. Ampel varieties of begonias can reach up to 60 cm in length.

They need fertile, moist soil and regular fertilization. New varieties exhibit high resistance to adverse weather conditions and fungal diseases. Begonias are sensitive to frost and are planted in boxes on the balcony only after the frost has passed. Tubers of tuberous begonia varieties can be stored and planted in March.

You can choose from many varieties of begonias with different flowers - single or double. Begonias are not suitable for very sunny balconies; the scorching sun can burn the leaves.


In recent years, the surfinia flower has become extremely popular among plants grown on the balcony. There are many varieties of surfinia on the market with hanging shoots, abundantly strewn with flowers of different colors - simple and double. In addition to the typical varieties with cyclamen-colored flowers, you can find varieties with dark and light purple, white, light yellow and red. Some (mostly purple ones) smell nice.

Surfinia grows successfully on a sunny balcony (can also be placed in partial shade), in fertile soil.

Attention, flowers require frequent feeding - preferably with a special fertilizer for surfinia, and watering - in hot weather, 2 times a day!

When there is a shortage of water, surfinia often becomes a victim of pests and fungal diseases. Does not tolerate heavy rain, wind, and is not suitable for high open balconies.


A delightful, vigorously growing vine (growth - 1 meter per season). The stems grow up to 3 meters. It is found under three names: sandaville, dipladenia and mandevilla. It has cup-shaped flowers in various shades of pink, red and white, sometimes bi-colored or double. Flowers reach 6-8 cm in diameter.

The plant should be watered moderately. Mandevilla does not tolerate flooding!

The plant blooms profusely from spring until the first frost. Mandevilla grows well in sunny, secluded places and requires regular watering. Before the onset of winter, the plant should be moved to a bright, cool room. Flowers require fertilizing with a weak solution of fertilizer for flowering species. Supports required.


The bright yellow flowers of the succession are ideal for decorating a balcony. This plant is sold under the Latin name Bidens or "golden shower". The inflorescences, depending on the variety, have a diameter of 40-60 cm. They are covered with beautiful bright yellow flowers throughout the season. This is a lush plant, you need to provide enough space so that the flowers do not dominate the composition.

The series loves sunny positions and constantly moist soil. Sequence flowers need to be watered frequently. It is best to leave the string for the winter in a bright, cool place. Flowers are propagated in spring by cuttings.


Varieties with hanging shoots are usually planted in balcony boxes. There are varieties on the market with small (3 cm in diameter) or large (5 cm) inflorescences with single and double flowers. Plants bloom all season. Red, pink and purple varieties predominate, with salmon and white flowers also present. Some varieties smell nice.

Verbena likes fertile soils, moderate watering, and regular fertilizing for flowering plants. In the fall, verbena can be pruned and stored in a cool, bright place for the next season.


A plant with delicate white flowers looks good in compositions with other species. It has small, delicate, white, pink or purple flowers and rather long (about 40 cm) overhanging shoots. Bacopa requires a moist substrate and a sunny or partial shade location. Looks great in compositions with other colors.


Probably, none of the plants grown on loggias and balconies can boast such a pure blue color. There is also lobelia with pink, purple, white flowers, it goes well with other plants.

Photo. Lobelia and petunia

Previously, lobelias produced only small clusters of tiny flowers; today, ampelous varieties have appeared with longer, drooping shoots, suitable for hanging baskets. Lobelia loves fertile and slightly moist substrate and sunny positions. When it loses its beauty, it can be cut to a height of 15-20 cm - then the lobelia will repeat flowering. Propagated by seeds sown in January-February in a greenhouse.

Ampelous plants for shady and sunny places

Climbing plants for shady areas include:

  • climbing hydrangeas,
  • ivy,
  • multiflorous and botanical clematis,
  • honeysuckle,
  • girl's grapes

Plants for sunny balconies include:

  • clematis (clematis) Tangut,
  • roses,
  • kampsis.

For windy places

Balconies exposed to strong gusts of wind require special vegetation. You need to choose flowers that can withstand extreme conditions:

  • spur flower or plectranthus,
  • gatsaniya,
  • morning glory,
  • immortelle.


The main decoration of the spur flower is the leaves. The trailing stems of plectranthus (also called comedy) combine beautifully with the decorative flowers of other plant species.

Photo. Decorative leaves of plectranthus

Photo. Surfinia and plectranthus

morning glory

Annual morning glory for the balcony is a climbing flower with large (up to 4 cm) flowers of purple, pale pink, lilac, white or pure blue, heart-shaped leaves. The plant grows “instantly”, reaching 4 meters in height. Grows well in sun and partial shade. Easily propagated from seeds. To create a curtain of flowers, they need to be planted densely in fertile soil. Plants need abundant watering; when the substrate dries out, the leaves will immediately droop.

Winter balcony

When autumn and winter days become shorter and colder, the time of southern plants ends. For the winter, they need to be moved to a bright, not frosty room. Frost-resistant species come to the rescue. Such plants in our climate will survive the winter and grow for many years.

Plants that have only a theoretical chance of survival in cold regions are often recommended as frost-resistant plants. In the case of imported species, this “hardiness” may be related to the country of origin. When purchasing frost-resistant plants, you should consider not only the climate zone, but also local conditions. The climate in the city is always milder than in the surrounding area. On balconies, glazed and protected from the wind and additionally facing south, plants that are more sensitive to low temperatures overwinter.

Plants that survive winter in our conditions, decorating the balcony all year round

Titles and descriptions Photo
Boxwood is an evergreen, long-lived shrub with slow growth
Rhododendrons and azaleas - even after flowering, retain a decorative appearance thanks to their dark green leathery leaves
Leukotoe Defontaine - bush with dark green leaves
White spruce
Mountain pine
creeping juniper
Dwarf thuja

Plants overwintering on an open balcony should be planted in frost-resistant pots and containers. Evergreen species do not go dormant in the winter, so they need to be watered in the fall and watered during the thaw in the winter.



Decorative shrubs work great on large terraces and balconies. It is better to choose varieties with slow growth. They look beautiful on balconies in shabby chic and classic styles.


The shrub grows relatively quickly and requires regular pruning. Works as a natural separation between adjacent balconies. The shrub has thin, pale pink flowers.


Barberry is a rather rare shrub. The decoration is flowers and flowering shoots. The leaves are extremely attractive all year round, turning an intense red color in late autumn and winter. They are not afraid of low temperatures.

Garden hydrangea

There are varieties of garden hydrangea designed for growing in pots. The bush is strewn with flower balls. Looks better in large ceramic pots. Hydrangea is not frost-resistant; it cannot be stored on the terrace in winter.

Dwarf trees


Citrus trees (lemons, oranges, tangerines) are an ideal option for a balcony with an exotic design. All citrus trees can only be outdoors during the warmer months. They are moved home for the winter.

Korean pine and spruce

These are related tree species. The purple cones of the plant look very original. Pine trees look great in rectangular pots. You can combine them with other conifers.

Forest on the balcony

A small, limited-sized balcony can become a small forest. A modest pine or birch tree, a cluster of wild herbs will help you take your eyes off the computer screen, allowing you to forget about the hustle and bustle and is much more conducive to relaxation than a festival of floral colors. True, such a grove is difficult to compare with wild nature, but even for birds it is attractive. Sparrows and titmice are looking for food on tree branches.

When planning to create a container grove, it is worth choosing the right pots. For small plants, regular flower pots are suitable. A one and a half meter tree requires a 7-10 liter container. It is important to make drain holes; the container should not be too heavy or crack from frost. This can be a wooden decking box, which can be found at any large garden center.

Ornamental grasses

Gray fescue

An extremely popular type of ornamental grass. The beautiful steel color deserves special attention. It copes well with severe frosts and can remain on the balcony even during the winter. Looks phenomenal in combination with heather.


The grass is shaped like long, thin leaves. There are green stripes in the central part of the leaves. Place the plant on a balcony that is not too sunny and not too dark.

Features of planting balcony plants, cultivation and care

Balcony plants do not require special planting methods. Almost all species are planted the same way.

Landing dates

The key point is landing time. In April, you can plant all the plants planted in the spring. Some flowers need to be moved into the room in the evening, especially roses and begonias. Therefore, it is useful to delay their planting a little to avoid night frosts. Plants cannot be moved from the balcony to a heated room; they are placed in an unheated room.

The following flower seedlings are placed in a sunny place:

  • pelargonium,
  • coleus,
  • kobeya,
  • Snapdragon,
  • nemesia.

Most seedlings of balcony plants can be transferred to the balcony only in May, when the risk of frost is minimal.

Soil, drainage, fertilizer

Before planting a balcony plant, it is necessary to make a special drainage layer. You can create it from pebbles, small pieces of porcelain, expanded clay, particles from broken clay pots. Thanks to drainage, excess water will be effectively discharged and plant roots will not rot. The drainage layer also ensures the optimal amount of oxygen required for efficient growth.

A good substrate should be permeable and at the same time have the ability to retain water. Universal flower soil can be used for most balcony plants.

Soil is poured onto the drainage. It is important to choose a high quality flowering substrate that contains plenty of nutrients. Substrates come in different types:

  • universal;
  • intended for a specific group of plants.

Substrates that have fertilizers in the form of granules deserve attention. These substances are released over a long period of time, positively affecting plant growth. The effect of such fertilizer is 2-3 months.

Planting schemes

When planting several plants in one pot, it is necessary to maintain certain distances between them. Too small a distance will result in the flowers not being able to grow freely and not looking good.

When replanting, it is necessary to ensure that the plants are in the ground at the same depth:

  • It is important not to plant them too deep, otherwise the roots are especially vulnerable to rotting;
  • a plant planted too shallowly may fall, be damaged in strong winds, and will not grow steadily.

Planting process

The planting process itself is not too complicated. The container or pot is filled with soil 75%. The substrate is well moistened. After placing the plant in the container, add the soil by hand very carefully so as not to damage the roots and shoots. The soil is slightly compacted and the plants are watered.

Care after landing

Seedlings need to be protected from excessive sun. At least in the first few days, balcony flowers are placed in light shade (this applies even to varieties that love the sun). Proper care will bring the desired results very quickly.

If the flower begins to produce its first buds and leaves, it means that the planting process was successful.

If plants overwinter on the balcony, they need to be properly protected from the cold - wrap the pots with agrofibre or other insulation.


You need to remember about regular, not too abundant watering. It is better to water the plant more often, with less water.

Balcony flowers usually stand in the sun and therefore need frequent watering. Depending on the location of the balcony, weather conditions and types of plants, you need to water 1-2 times a day. In the absence of water, the plants will not immediately wither, but will first lose their flowers. It is better to water the flowers early in the morning, and if necessary again in the evening.

Tap water can be used. Only plants that require an acidic environment should be watered with boiled water. The basic rule that applies to almost all flowers: water cannot stand in the pot. With excess moisture, the roots begin to quickly rot.


Many people start fertilizing too quickly. You need to know how to properly grow each plant on the balcony; feeding needs vary. You can feed the flowers for the first time 3 weeks after planting.

You can use liquid fertilizer, which is added once a week to the water for irrigation. But only until August. Late autumn shoots will not have time to become woody and ripen before winter and will not be resistant to frost.


The soil must be replaced regularly. Balcony plants need to be replanted at least once a year, because the soil loses its nutritional properties. A poor substrate can cause flowers to dry out.


A thicket of flowers, a blooming garden on a balcony or loggia... How pleasant it is to drink a cup of coffee on a summer morning, and a glass of wine in the evening on such a blooming, fragrant balcony. There are plants that grow well and are admired. The species shown above grow quickly and bloom throughout the season. All they need is fertile soil, regular watering and fertilizer. Not every flower can grow in the sun on a south balcony; another suffers from lack of light on the north side of the building. To enjoy the colorful oasis on your balcony longer, you need to choose the right type of flowers. Proper cultivation will allow you to enjoy the beauty of balcony plants for many years.

Garden flowers

What flowers to grow on the balcony?

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In our city apartments, it is the balcony that often becomes the oasis where constant summer reigns - plants turn green and flowers bloom. Let's figure out how to choose the right flowers for a balcony or loggia. What kind of care do they require? How to protect them from diseases and pests?

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In the southern regions of Russia, you can maintain a constant assortment of perennials on balconies, but in the middle and northern regions it is better to prefer annuals. However, a glazed and heated balcony will significantly increase your possibilities in choosing plants.



Flowers on a sunny balcony


If the balcony faces the south, sunny side, the vast majority of balcony plants will bloom well and for a long time, with the exception of fuchsia and begonia: excessive sun suppresses them, they wither and sometimes do not bloom at all.

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Purslane, kobea, morning glory, dorotheanthus and dimorphotheca show particular “greed” for the sun and warmth.

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On cloudy days, the grandiflora purslane will not open its flowers, and in cool summers it blooms sparingly even on a southern balcony.

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Daisies, asters, mignonette, dahlias, godetia, gatsania, heliotrope, ageratum, balsam, lobelia, verbena, violas, sweet peas, morning glory, ampelous pelargonium, petunia, nasturtium - an excellent set for a sunny balcony.



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African agapanthus and Indian canna feel great in tubs or large pots.

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Place Tobacco Grandiflora, Elegant Zinnia and Drummond Phlox in one container and you have a lovely mini flower garden.

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In order to please the balcony with flowering as early as possible, daisies, violas and ever-flowering begonia should be planted already in early May.

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And to ensure flowering continues until the end of October, use asters, kobeya, petunia, gatsania, lantana, tuberous begonia and sedum.

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Flowers on a shaded balcony


Begonias, lobelias, fuchsias, mignonettes, and violas will bloom well in partial shade.

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Marigolds, pelargoniums, nasturtiums and petunias will tolerate the lack of light. Calceolaria and ageratum are quite comfortable in the penumbra.

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If the balcony is heavily shaded, limit yourself to tuberous begonia, daisies, violas, and nasturtium can decorate the balcony until frost, if not with abundant flowering, then with beautiful rounded leaves.

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On high floors, where it is windy and there are constant drafts, it is better to use daisies, low-growing marigolds, ageratum, gatsania, sedum and ever-flowering begonia.

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For vertical gardening inside balconies and loggias, ampelous varieties of lobelia, petunia, winged thunbergia, fuchsia, pelargonium and tuberous begonia are suitable.

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Interesting balcony flowers and caring for them

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And in conclusion, a few words about plants, sometimes undeservedly unclaimed in balcony floriculture.

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Tuberous begonia is the queen of balconies.


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The color range ranges from pure white to pink, yellow, salmon, bright red and crimson. Flowers are simple, semi-double and double on one plant.


Varieties with a height of 15 to 30 cm are suitable. Flowering from late May until October frosts. For the winter, the tubers are put into a cool room and stored until March in sand or peat chips at plus 8-12°C.

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Kobeya climbing


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Kobeya climbing is distinguished by large bell-shaped flowers of an exotic shape on long stalks, first colored green and later bluish-violet. There is a variety with white flowers.


This fast-growing summer plant, thanks to its tenacious and strong tendrils on its pinnate leaves, rises up several meters even on plastered walls, although it is more reliable to strengthen it on a sparse wire mesh or a support on a balcony box.


Blooms from June to October. It is afraid of cold weather, so it is planted after the end of spring frosts. Kobeya quickly plants large areas, although from a distance it looks much more modest than calceolaria or salvia. Propagated by seeds, which are sown in March.


Seedlings are planted at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other.

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A low-growing plant with small, very beautiful flowers, similar to primrose. The flowers are fragrant, with white eyes inside. When the plant reaches a height of 12 cm, you need to pinch the top.

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Coleus attracts with its luxurious “mosaic” leaves and is easily propagated by cuttings.


Small-leaved balcony forms form a dense bush 20-40 cm high. The brightness of coleus leaves and its showiness in the near or distant plans outshine the brightly colored balcony flowers. Plants are planted in May at a distance of 20-30 cm. In August, coleus are cut and left to overwinter in a bright room. Reproduction by seeds is possible in February.

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Calceolaria blooms profusely and tirelessly with yellow flowers resembling bright balls. Plant height 30 cm.


It is enough to buy one plant to further provide a spectacular contrasting bright yellow tone for red pelargonium, salvia, petunia, blue and purple violas, blue ageratum and blue-violet heliotrope.


Propagates well in mid-summer by cuttings in a cool, bright room. They overwinter, like pelargoniums, in a room or frost-free room, and in mid-May they are planted on the balcony.

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Erica (Erika carnea), sometimes incorrectly called "heather", reaches 15-30 cm in height, has needle-shaped leaves and is recommended for southern regions and insulated balconies and loggias.


Various varieties bloom from January to March with white, pink and red flowers abundantly covering the tops of the shoots. For autumn flowering, the species Erika gracilis is recommended, blooming from September to November.


Early-flowering Erica is grown on calcareous soil, and late-flowering Erica is grown on a slightly acidic substrate, preferably a mixture of bog soil and peat.


Eriks overwinter in the middle zone in the basement, in frost-free loggias, and even in open ground under spruce branches and snow; in the southern regions - in open ground.

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Gatsania is notable for its radiant, shiny, orange-red (to bronze) flowers with a diameter of 7-8 cm with a dark spot at the base of the petals and a white eye.


Flowering from June to October. Unpretentious, resistant to winds. Height 20-40 cm. Seeds are sown in the room in March, seedlings are planted on the balcony in May. Close-up decoration.

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An annual plant up to 25 cm high, it has a compact bush shape and very abundant flowering. Thanks to its unique bright colors it can be a decoration for any garden. Perfect for growing in balcony boxes. In March, petunia seeds are sown in cups or pots; they are not covered with soil, but only pressed down, then covered with glass or paper. Germination time is 1-2 weeks at 18-20°C. Dive into loose, not very nutritious soil, keep at 10-14°C. They are hardened off and planted in mid-May at a distance of 25x25 cm in balcony boxes. Blooms until November.





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From mid-February to early March, geranium seeds are sown at 20°C. Maintains optimal hydration. It is best to cover cups and boxes with seeds with film or glass. Germination time is 6-8 days. After the first leaves appear, the seedlings dive into pots 8-10 cm high. Planted in pots or boxes with nutritious soil in late May - early June. For a box 1 m long, 5 plants are enough. It has been noticed that plants growing next to geraniums are not damaged by spider mites.

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An annual plant 20 cm high. Forms a white cloud of small flowers. Blooms throughout the summer. The aroma is reminiscent of honey. In March, the seeds are sown in a box, lightly sprinkled with soil. At a temperature of 16-20°C they germinate in 8-12 days. Plant 3-5 plants together in a box on the balcony in May at a distance of 10-15 cm. When flowering decreases, the plants are cut to half. They soon grow back and continue to bloom.

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Annual plant. This beautiful flower is attractive for flower beds. Its large silky inflorescences of different colors (white, pink, red) are a decoration for any balcony. If you cut off faded inflorescences in time, the plants will bloom again. Sow in March-April in pots and replant in mid-May. The plant prefers sunny or semi-shaded places and loves fertile soil. Requires moisture. Cold-resistant. Blooms early and until frost.



Mini-garden for the balcony


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Despite the very limited area, it is advisable to find a place on the balcony for a fragrant mini-garden, for which it is enough to plant two or three plants of mignonette, verbena, tobacco or heliotrope with a distinct aroma of vanilla.


It is useful to have a corner of herbs on the balcony: watercress, salad mustard, catnip, lemon balm, chervil, parsley, dill, savory, chives.


On the balcony in early spring it is quite easy to force perennial onions (onions, chives, onions), parsley, celery, parsnips, beets, rhubarb.



Plant compositions for balconies


When placing flowers in balcony boxes, the main thing is not to get carried away with the variety of colors: no more than two colors that harmonize well. Monochromatic red pelargoniums, fuchsias or salvias, pink petunias, white daisies, yellow or lilac violas are beautiful and laconic.

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Two-color combinations of red salvias (petunias, zonal pelargoniums) on the side of the apartment and blue, white, purple petunias paired with yellow marigolds, mignonette, and blue ampelous lobelias on the street side are successful.

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Instead of hanging plants, low-growing red-and-white fuchsias, pink ever-flowering begonias, blue petunias or ageratums can be placed in the outer row, and red tuberous begonias and yellow calceolarias can be placed on the inner side, respectively. These options are suitable for semi-shaded and shady balconies.

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To create a bright flower spot that attracts attention from the street, red and white pelargoniums, red salvias, yellow marigolds, calceolarias, and nasturtiums are good.

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Up close, ageratum, mignonette, kobea, beans, lobelia, daisies, sedums and balsams are expressive.

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Some plants are good only in the same type of planting: purslane, gatsania, godetia, celosia, eric, dimorphotheca, doronicum, nemesia, aster, dahlias, coleus, chrysanthemums and lantana.

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Microclimate and seasons on the balcony

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On insulated, frost-free balconies or loggias, you can carry out a successful early spring forcing of bulbous plants - crocuses, tulips and daffodils.

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In autumn, a number of ornamental plants from the garden will migrate to the balconies and will delight you with flowering all autumn (asters and chrysanthemums).

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In summer, the balcony will also be decorated with indoor plants that benefit from being in the fresh air: azalea, cyclamen, bromeliad, hydrangea, ficus, clivia, oleander, hippeastrum, agave, aloe, crassula, pomegranate, monstera, aspidistra, aucuba and cacti.

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But indoor plants native to the humid tropics and subtropics do not tolerate open ground conditions (Saintpaulias, or Uzambara violets, peperomia, anthurium, royal begonia, philodendron, sansevieria and dieffenbachia); they only benefit from a glassed-in “dacha” and high air humidity.



Soil for balcony plants


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For most summer gardens, compost soil rich in humus with the addition of peat chips (10-20%) and liming material (ground egg shells) is suitable. Summer plants such as sweet peas, asters, and chrysanthemums are especially sensitive to a neutral or slightly alkaline soil reaction.


Melissa, catnip, and bluebells prefer slightly alkaline soils (pH up to 7.0-7.5); azaleas, heathers, hydrangeas - acidic soils (pH 4.5-5), they are fertilized with superphosphate or potassium sulfate.


In general, the soil must have moisture permeability, for which river sand is added; be sufficiently moisture-absorbing, which is achieved by adding peat chips, and must be fresh and free from pathogens; in addition, the soil for balcony flowers must be changed annually.


It is important to remember that earthen mixtures for indoor flowers that contain too few nutrients are not suitable for balcony flowers. A three-meter balcony requires about 30 kg of soil mixture.


For summer gardens, you can use peat chips from briquettes, enriched with nutrients: it will provide easier care, retain moisture for a long time, weigh less and is free from pathogens. For perennials grown in tubs and pots, humus lumpy soil with turf and clay additives is preferable.

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Unlike annuals, which require replacing old soil with fresh soil every year, perennials are transplanted into new soil after 2-4 years, with the exception of agapanthus: they prefer to remain in lived-in old pots for as long as possible, content with adding fresh soil.

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Feeding balcony plants


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Taking into account the limited feeding area and the rapid depletion of the soil substrate, balcony flowers need more frequent fertilizing compared to garden ones. Complex mineral fertilizers with microelements (manganese, boron, molybdenum) are excellent for these purposes.


Fertilizing is carried out every 7-10 days, alternating with watering, using weak solutions (2-3 g per 1 liter of water). The first feeding is carried out 4-6 weeks after planting and rooting of seedlings. Feeding continues until the end of August.


Minimal fertilizing (once every 2-3 weeks) is given to nasturtiums, gatsania, purslane, sedums, godetia and dorotheanthus: on heavily fertilized soil they form many leaves to the detriment of flowering, or even do not bloom at all; purchased soil for them is diluted by 30% river sand.

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How to plant balcony flowers


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It is important not to thicken the flowers when placing them in boxes: the optimal distance between seedlings of dahlias, chrysanthemums, salvia, gazania, petunia, pelargonium, asters, lantana, tuberous begonia, fuchsia and celosia is 20-30 cm; for verbena, heliotrope, balsam, godetia, Drummond phlox, violas, zinnias, daisies, mignonette, marigolds and ever-flowering begonia - 12-15 cm; for fire beans and sweet peas - 10 cm.


It is important to remove flowers immediately after flowering, preventing the formation of ovaries, unless you need to collect seeds. When the flowering of ageratum, lobelia and nemesia weakens, it is important to trim the upper part of the plant, leaving only stems 3-5 cm high: they will soon form young shoots and flower buds.

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Diseases and pests of balcony plants and how to deal with them




Provided the right location is chosen and proper care is taken, balcony plants are rarely affected by disease.

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Reddish or yellow coloring of leaves at the edges occurs when the soil is severely waterlogged (lack of drainage) or overdrying.


Poor flowering may indicate an excess of nitrogen in the soil, and in combination with suppressed growth and yellowing of leaves - a lack of nutrients.

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Plants can be damaged by pests.




Ugly, bent shoot tips and leaves covered with sticky sap indicate an aphid infestation, which occurs during dry, warm summers. Don’t rush to the store for pesticides, but don’t put off fighting pests: they multiply at an unprecedented rate and can quickly eat your entire flower garden. Sprinkle the affected plants with an infusion of garlic, nettle, or, at worst, soap or washing powder.


Sometimes the leaves are eaten by caterpillars - remove them and destroy them. A mini-garden of spice herbs and planting marigolds will help repel pests. Finally, a tiny ladybug will complete the job.


In dry, warm summers, sometimes the leaves and stems become covered with a white powdery coating - real powdery mildew. Sprinkle the plants with a strong solution of potassium permanganate (15 g per bucket of water) or fermented infusion of fresh chopped garlic (40 g per bucket).



The most effective means of protection are, contrary to popular belief, not strong poisons that destroy pests and pathogens, but simple and generally available preventive measures that stimulate the plant to effectively defend itself.


Do not over-moisten the soil and do not thicken the plantings - your asters, marigolds, and lobelias will not get sick with blackleg and fusarium. Do not use acidified soils - get rid of rot. Every year, change the soil in the boxes with fresh soil - there will be no soil fatigue and pathogens.


Decorating a balcony with flowers is a useful hobby that fills the surrounding world with bright colors and lifts the mood of the gardener and passers-by. The beginning of the creative process is accompanied by many questions: what flowers are best to grow on the balcony, how to properly place the plants and what containers are optimal for these purposes. The information presented will help you avoid mistakes and enjoy the results of your work.

Planning stage

Before planting flowers on the balcony, they assess the condition of the surrounding space and, as a rule, come to the conclusion that repairs are necessary. The amount of work depends on the degree of wear of the surfaces and is often treated with cosmetic procedures. Paint the railings, reconstruct or replace the flooring, update the space around the balcony door - most often these activities are enough.

At the next stage, they distribute the free space and plan how to decorate the balcony with flowers. The form of landscaping directly depends on the area and decoration of the balcony. It’s one thing to plant flowers on a loggia or glassed-in balcony; decorating an open space is completely different. A fence with railings can be in the form of a lattice or solid; this also matters when drawing up a plan. Some people prefer to create a beautiful picture from the inside, while others care about the aesthetics of the external composition.

When planning landscaping from the position of free space, we focus on the following recommendations:

  1. Spacious balcony. Flowers can be planted in various ways; here it is appropriate to combine all landscaping options. Climbing plants or hanging plants in hanging pots will help decorate the wall; the space behind the railings is filled with boxes. The free area of ​​the balcony allows you to install floor pots with large single flowers.
  2. Some restrictions are present when designing a medium-sized balcony space. It is better to avoid flowers on the floor here. It is better to plant plants in boxes that will be placed behind the railings. There is a place for vertical and ceiling gardening.
  3. Owners of small balconies should not despair. If you show your imagination, there will also be a place to plant flowers here. The space behind the balcony does not in any way affect the reduction of free space, so containers with flowers can be safely placed behind the fence. You can plant small flowers in compact pots along the railings or apply ceiling planting around the perimeter of the balcony. Climbing plants have a place on trellises along the wall.

When planning where to plant flowers, be sure to think about the convenience of watering and subsequent care. Each container must have easy access.

Important! Before planting flowers, you should familiarize yourself and study the technical characteristics of the balcony.

Will the structure be able to withstand the additional load? This is especially true for older housing stock. On dilapidated balconies, it is better to make do with single small-sized pots, abandoning heavy tubs or capacious containers, even if free space allows.

Choosing flowers for landscaping

When thinking about landscaping a space, it is impossible not to raise the question of what flowers to plant on the balcony. The choice depends on many factors, including location relative to the sides of the horizon.

Landscaping of the sunny side

On an area facing the southern side of the horizon, it is optimal to plant flowers that perceive the direct rays of the sun well and do not suffer from a lack of moisture. Gardeners offer the following flower options:

  • Succulents. Plants can survive for a long time without watering and do not die in the heat from the scorching sun. Aloe, echeveria, haworthia are suitable from this series.
  • Geranium. If you want to plant flowers that will delight you with blooming throughout the warm season, you should pay attention to geranium. Pelargonium does not get sunburned, but only enhances flowering. On the balcony you can plant ampelous and zonal varieties of unpretentious plants.
  • Purslane. The dense leaves of the flower accumulate moisture, so in the absence of moisture it will not die. Purslane will paint the space with bright colors from July until the end of summer.
  • Zinnia. It is an annual plant; when watering, try not to get it on the leaves. If you plant zinnia on the balcony, the flower will decorate the space with velvety petals until the first frost.

What flowers to plant on a balcony facing the sunny side are shown in the photo:

We design the northern balcony

Shade tolerance is the main property of flowers, which are best planted on an area on the north side. These include:

  • Balsam. The place of this vegetation in the garden is under the trees; a limited amount of sunlight is not a hindrance for them. Excessive moisture can provoke diseases, so the issue of watering is approached carefully.
  • Ivy. If the plan includes vertical or ceiling landscaping, it is recommended to plant ivy. Unpretentious shoots do not require private watering; the only condition for care is regular spraying.
  • Cyclamen. Cyclamen can be planted and grown in a fairly cool climate; it does not like temperatures above +17 o C. It attracts gardeners with its flowers and original pattern on the leaves.
  • Calceolaria. The bright color and unusual shape of the flower are the main reasons to plant calceolaria on the balcony. Partial shade and temperatures within +16 o C are optimal conditions for growing. Watering is carried out after the soil has dried.

Photos will give an idea of ​​the sophistication of the flowers.

East and west side

Moderate lighting of western and eastern balconies creates acceptable conditions for planting most flowers suitable for a particular region.

Possible solutions for what to plant in open space:

  • Verbena. It is famous not only for its high decorative value, but also for its medicinal properties. Flowering is long - from June to mid-autumn.
  • Marigold. Unpretentious flowers are not afraid of heat and windy weather. If you plant marigolds, the bright, numerous buds will delight the eye almost throughout the warm season.
  • Daisies. The flowering season opens in May, preferring shaded places.
  • Petunia. It is unpretentious in care, the formation of buds and flowering continues until frost. Represented by zonal and ampelous species. The reason for the lack of flowers may be excessive watering. When choosing which variety to plant, take into account the climate prevailing in the open area.

The popularity of petunia and markagirtok in landscaping the balcony is evidenced by the photo:

Other variations

Vertical gardening is impossible without climbing plants. The choice is quite wide and depends on the climatic conditions where it is planned to plant the ornamental crop. We present popular options for decorating a balcony:

  • Bougainvillea. Normal humidity, temperature...+23...+27 o C, good lighting - a suitable place for a plant with purple flowering.
  • Morning glory. For full growth, it is advisable to stretch the mesh; it is better to plant it in a place where direct sunlight will not hit the foliage.
  • Calistegia. Delicate pink small flowers will be a worthy decoration for the balcony.
  • Clematis. It is recommended to plant frost-resistant varieties; avoid areas facing north. In general, the vine is unpretentious in care, loves sun and moderate watering.

Among the hanging flowers, fuchsia, lobelia, and euphorbia are suitable.

Characteristics of containers for flowers on the balcony

After you have decided on the form of landscaping and a suitable set of crops, you decide on the containers where to plant the plants. All containers are conditionally divided according to the following criteria:

  • Material of manufacture. Due to practicality, plastic boxes are preferred. If there are few flowers and the balcony design is reliable, you can purchase ceramic containers. Metal and stone products are rarely installed due to their heavy weight.
  • Installation method. Most often, hanging containers with brackets are required. Depending on the form of landscaping, the balcony is decorated with wall and floor specimens.
  • Dimensions. It completely depends on the number and size of the selected flowers that you want to plant on the balcony. Compact pots for single specimens are rarely chosen; usually these are hanging pots for hanging varieties. The greatest demand is for containers that are mounted behind the balcony railing. The optimal length for a height of up to 20 cm should not exceed 1 m. A larger size will create a significant load on the balcony fastening elements. The height is chosen depending on the characteristics of the root system of the flowers that are planned to be planted. Usually they stop at 20-25 cm, the main thing is that about 2 cm remains free between the roots and the bottom.

Comment! The decorative design of the container is also important. Light-colored containers are installed on brightly lit balconies. If there is a lack of sunlight, it is better to plant flowers in dark containers that attract rays.

The presence of drainage holes with a diameter of about 1 cm is welcome, but in this case it is worth taking additional care of pallets with sides of about 5 cm so that excess moisture does not pollute neighboring balconies.

If you decide to plant flowers in a clay container, place them in water for a couple of hours before filling the soil. This measure helps to increase the strength of clay containers. A balcony with flowers looks impressive, where all the pots and containers are made in the same style. An example of how to plant flowers on a balcony is shown in the photo:

Options for decorating a balcony with flowers

The flower varieties have been selected, the containers are ready, all that remains is to purchase soil suitable for ornamental crops. If you don’t want to spend money on a purchase, you can plant the plants in a soil mixture you prepared yourself. The usual set, which is suitable for most species, consists of equal volumes of peat, coarse sand and turf soil. The bottom of the container is covered with a sponge or other material that can absorb moisture and gradually release it. A layer of sand will serve as drainage, peat is distributed on top, and turf soil without roots and weed seeds completes the filling.

It is better to plant flowers on the balcony in boxes if you follow the following recommendations:

  • Square containers are suitable for planting one large flower. Usually they are distributed in the corners of the balcony.
  • Oblong containers are suitable for a group of plants. Flowers with approximately the same development period should be planted nearby. Avoid proximity to fast and slow growing ornamental crops.
  • The filling of a box about 1 m long does not exceed 10 bushes.

Attention! Plants should be planted taking into account their height and future color palette.

A multi-tiered composition of flowers looks extremely impressive. Closer to the railings on the outside of the fence, taller specimens are planted, but they should not obscure the general view or interfere with the care of the next tier. Low-growing or ampelous species are planted on the second row. On a balcony where the wind is constantly present, it is better to avoid compositions with hanging plants.

A harmonious color palette is an equally important aspect of the question of which flowers are best to plant on the balcony. One of the important conditions is that the oasis should not merge with the facade of the building. The grayness of the same type of high-rise buildings will be brightened up by ornamental crops with bright flowers; if the wall is made of red brick, it is better to plant specimens with white flowering. Naturally, against the backdrop of climbing greenery, the blooming flora looks even more impressive.

It is better to plant flowers whose flowering period does not completely coincide. That is, the bright colors of some specimens in May will complement other species from June. In July, the symphony of color will be complemented by additional crops. By the time the first ones have already faded, late flowering plants will be included in the composition.

Before planting ornamental crops on the balcony, you should make sure there are no allergies. It will be difficult to part with the work expended, but you should not endure the deterioration of your health.

Landscaping a balcony is a fascinating activity that will bring pleasure to the author of the voluminous composition and passers-by. The main thing is to successfully combine plants according to size, growth conditions and flowering period. Take into account the level of illumination of the site, the presence of drafts and the flowers’ requirements for humidity levels.
