How to find out 1 percent of 100. What is percent? Interest formula. Percentages - how to calculate? Find a specified percentage of a given number

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The simplest and most obvious method is to draw up a proportion. All further calculations take place on its basis. It looks like this:

  • 45 is a known number equal to 100%.
  • ? – a number that is 15% of 45.

Next, the fraction is simplified to an equation with one unknown. According to mathematical laws, cross-sectional data are equal in proportion, that is: 45*15%=?*100%. To find "?", use simple rule and we get the following.

The calculation of the proportion formula always occurs on the principle of multiplying known data located on the diagonal and dividing them by a third number.

You can create a formula with any unknown in . To avoid confusion as to whether a percentage or a number is the result, we recall the rule of reduction in fractions - if the percentage sign (%) or monetary symbol (rub) is present both above and below, it is reduced. Example:

The result of the calculation is a monetary amount.

How to find the percentage of a number. Options

Let us consider in order the situations of finding interest.

How to find 100%. It is necessary to calculate the number, 15% of which is equal to 45. We make up the proportion:

We calculate using the formula: (45*100)/15=300

If you don't know how much 100% is. Sometimes calculations are carried out regarding the same initial data, but their exact value is unknown. For example: yesterday 15% of the total quantity of cookies worth 450 rubles, and today 25%.

How much did you sell for today? Since the amount for 100% is total value for both 15% and 25%, calculations can be made without searching for the full cost.

We calculate using the formula: (25*450)/15=750

You can complicate the task if you are not sure of the calculations, or there is a need to check the result. To do this, first find 100%, based on complete data (15% costs 450 rubles), and then count 25% from 100%.

How much less a number is than another as a percentage

For example: the usual cost of powder is 500 rubles. According to the promotion, the price was reduced to 480 rubles. How much is the share price less than the original price as a percentage? First, find the percentage component of the promotional price from the base price, and then find their difference. Let's make a proportion:

We calculate using the formula: (480*100)/500=96. 100%-96%=4%. The stock price is 4% less than the original price.

How much more a number is than another as a percentage. Example: a keyboard cost 300 rubles, and after the dollar increased, the price increased to 390 rubles. How much has the price of the keyboard changed in percentage? First, find the total interest rate of the new price relative to the original one, then calculate their difference. Let's make a proportion:

We calculate using the formula: (390*100)/300=130. 130%-100%=30%. The price increased by 30%.

The unknown number is greater than the known number by a certain percentage. Example: a product in a store is 15% more expensive than a product in a warehouse. The price of sugar in the warehouse is 50 rubles and is equal to 100%. Store price – 100%+15%=115%. We calculate using the formula: (115*50)/100=57.5

The unknown number is less than the known number by a given percentage. Example: wholesale is 5% cheaper. The price for retail is 60 rubles and is equal to 100 percent, for wholesale – 100% -5% = 95%. Let's make a proportion:

We calculate using the formula: (60*95)/100=57

Percentage between two numbers. A situation where a number is known that is 100% and a number that is a certain fraction of the original. Example: a shipment of 60 boxes was expected, but 53 were delivered. What percentage of the plan was fulfilled? Let's make a proportion:

We calculate using the formula: (53*100)/60=88.3

The most difficult “task” is not to get confused in drawing up the proportion.

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How to find the percentage of a number? General rule such. To find the percentage part of a number, you need:

1. Divide the number by 100. Why 100? Because a percentage is one hundredth of a number. And in order to find a few percent, you first need to find 1% (percent). We divide the number by 100 and thus we find 1% (percent) of the number.

2. Multiply the resulting result by the number of percent. This way we will see what part of the number we were looking for.

Let's look at this with specific examples:

1. Calculate 5% of the number 60. Let’s find 1%, so we need to divide the number 60 by 100 (60: 100= 0.6). Now 0.6 needs to be multiplied by the number of percentages we are looking for. We are looking for 5%. We simply multiply 6*5 =30, as a result you need to separate one decimal place with a comma, because the factors have one decimal place, so 0.6*5= 3

2. Calculate 15% of the number 30. Using the same scheme, 30:100 = 0.3. Now 0.3 needs to be multiplied by the number we are looking for. We are looking for 15%. We simply multiply 3*15 =45, but we need to separate 1 digit with a comma. Therefore 0.3*15= 4.5

3. Calculate 75% of the number 150. Using the same scheme, 150:100= 1.5. Now 1.5 needs to be multiplied by the number we are looking for. We are looking for 75%. therefore, in order to multiply these 2 numbers, you need to discard all the commas and simply multiply 15 * 75 = 1125. Now, as a result, you need to separate as many digits with a comma as there are in both factors in total. We have one digit in both factors. That is, only 5 in the number 1.5. Therefore, we also move the comma by one digit 1.5 * 75 = 112.5.

This way it is easier to find out the percentages.

In mathematics, a percentage is one hundredth of a number. For example, 5% of 100 is 5.
This calculator will allow you to accurately calculate the percentage of a given number. There are various calculation modes available. You will be able to make various calculations using percentages.

  • The first calculator is needed when you want to calculate the percentage of the amount. Those. Do you know the meaning of percentage and amount?
  • The second one is if you need to calculate what percentage X is of Y. X and Y are numbers, and you are looking for the percentage of the first in the second
  • The third mode is adding a percentage of the specified number to the given number. For example, Vasya has 50 apples. Misha brought Vasya another 20% of the apples. How many apples does Vasya have?
  • The fourth calculator is the opposite of the third. Vasya has 50 apples, and Misha took 30% of the apples. How many apples does Vasya have left?

Frequent tasks

Task 1. An individual entrepreneur receives 100 thousand rubles every month. He works in a simplified manner and pays taxes of 6% per month. How much taxes does an individual entrepreneur have to pay per month?

Solution: We use the first calculator. Enter the bet 6 in the first field, 100000 in the second
We receive 6,000 rubles. - tax amount.

Problem 2. Misha has 30 apples. He gave 6 to Katya. What percentage of the total number of apples did Misha give to Katya?

Solution: We use the second calculator - enter 6 in the first field, 30 in the second. We get 20%.

Problem 3. U Tinkoff Bank for replenishing a deposit from another bank, the depositor receives 1% on top of the replenishment amount. Kolya replenished the deposit with a transfer from another bank in the amount of 30,000. What is the total amount for which Kolya’s deposit will be replenished?

Bank interest calculators

Calculation algorithms

  • Subtract the final price from the initial price and determine the discount in rubles C = 50 - 30 = 20
  • Discount in rubles C divided by the starting price A and multiplied by 100%, Discount percentage = 100* 20/50 = 40%

How to add a percentage of a number to a number?

To add a percentage of a number to a number, you must first determine this percentage and then add it to the number. Let's say you need to add 7%(C) to 50(A) rubles. The algorithm will be as follows:

  • Step 1: We determine 7% of 50, to do this we multiply 50 by 7% and divide by 100%: X = 50*7/100 = 3.5
  • Step 2: We add X and A, i.e. the amount and percentage of the amount we get B = 50 + 3.5 = 53.5
How to subtract a percentage from a number?

To subtract a percentage from a number (A), you must first calculate the value of this percentage, and then get difference between the number and this value. Let's say you need to subtract 7%(C) from 50(A) rubles. The algorithm will be as follows:

  • We determine 7% of 50 rubles, for this we multiply 50 by 7% and divide by 100%: X = 50*7/100 = 3.5
  • We subtract the value X from A, i.e. we get B = 50 - 3.5 = 46.5 rubles
How to calculate the percentage of one number from another?

To calculate the percentage of one number from another, you need to divide the first number by the second and multiply by 100% For example: what percentage is 5 of the number 25? We calculate: Percentage = 100* 5/25 = 20%

What is 1 billion minus 13 percent?

In one of the lotteries, the lucky winner won 1 billion rubles. The question is how much taxes will he pay and how much will he receive? To answer this question, you can use a calculator or calculate manually according to the algorithm above. One billion is a thousand million.

  • Step 1. Calculate 13% of 1 billion: 1,000,000,000 * 13/100 = 130,000,000 or 130 million taxes
  • Step 2. Find the difference: 1000,000,000 - 130,000,000 = 870,000,000 or 870 million - amount in hand

Our world consists of patterns and sequences. They are everywhere: day turns to night, animals migrate in their own order. Animals even have a sense of distance and quantity. The main concept of mathematics is space and quantity, which are built into our brains. In nature, everything is interconnected with this science. Perhaps some people don't think about it. But it is so. Great Representatives different cultures discovered the language of mathematics to describe the Universe. And based on them, a person in modern world uses it in life. For example, the percentage of a number mainly affects the economy, financial and demographic side of our lives. Thus, even this insignificant part of the great science is relevant to every family. In the modern world it is no longer possible to do without certain knowledge in one area or another.

Why does a person need mathematical calculations in life?

This is necessary for uniform development in all respects, for rational use family expenses. The information from this article can be useful to each of us. For some, it will be useful to refresh the knowledge acquired in school, while for some people it is necessary to fill a gap in their education. It's no secret that many of us could not take schooling seriously. When we were children, we believed that some topics were too difficult and would not be useful to us in life at all. We especially need knowledge of how to find the percentage of a number. Mathematics is everywhere: in biology, chemistry, astronomy. She teaches you to think outside the box. Develops mathematical logic and reveals creative abilities. As one said clever man: “Mathematics is special kind art." To imagine all the nuances, you need to include fantasy and abstract thinking. And in order for all this to be interesting, it is necessary high level teaching exact sciences and correct perception. Knowledge of calculations (percentage of a number) simplifies life in material and other respects.

When is interest calculated in life?

This is necessary for comparison and perception (for example, a person consists of 66% water, and a jellyfish is 98%). In economics, a percentage of a number is used (you can calculate profit in business ((3000 - 2000) : 2000) · 100% = 50%). This knowledge will also be useful for analyzing values ​​(for example, in June - 100% salary, in July - 50% higher, 100 + 50 = 150%, (50: 150) multiplied by 100%, it turns out (1: 3) x 100 = 33%, i.e. the salary was 33% less than in July). Calculating the percentage of a number will be easy if you understand the essence of the problem once. If you learn the material about finding a part of a number and vice versa, then there will be no difficulties in calculating percentages. For example, let's find 2/5 of 20. Solution: 20 x 2/5 = 20 x 2: 5 = 8. Now you can understand how to calculate percentages.

Calculation of percentage of number

In order to understand the topic, it is advisable to start with its very basics. One percent is one hundredth of a number: 1/100, or 0.01. Two percent is 2/100, or 0.02. Twenty percent = 20/100 = 1/5 = 0.2. Also 75% = 75/100 = 3/4 = 0.75. Now let’s calculate, say, 25% of 80. Let’s look at an example. 25% = 25/100 = 0.25 = 1/4, and 80 x 0.25 = 20. Another way: 80 x 25/100 = 80 x 1: 4 = 20. As you can see, the decision does not affect the result form of writing a number. Or let's calculate 20% of 150. A simple example: 20% = 0.2. 150 x 0.2 = 30. It was mentioned above that such calculations are necessary when compiling a family budget book. Let's try to calculate our own budget (expenses and income) by considering the proposed example.

Family budget calculations

Parents receive: mom - eight thousand, dad - six thousand. A total of fourteen thousand (100%). You need to find the interest income in the family budget of both parents. Let's apply the rule for finding the percentage of a number. To find the salary percentage, you need to multiply the amount by one hundred and divide by fourteen thousand. (6000 x 100: 14,000 = 42.85%). Next: (8000 x 100: 14,000 = 57.14%). Now consider the family expenses and the percentage of the amount.

Family expenses

  • Utilities - 800 rubles (800 x 100: 14,000 = 5.7%).
  • Electricity - 490 rubles (490 x 100: 14,000 = 3.5%).
  • Payment for a landline phone - 250 rubles (250 x 100: 14,000 = 1.7%).
  • Meals - 5,000 rubles (5,000 x 100: 14,000 = 35.71%).
  • Clothes - 3900 rubles (3900 x 100: 14,000 = 27.85%).
  • Medicines - 510 rubles (510 x 100: 14,000 = 3.64%).
  • Detergents - 220 rubles (220 x 100: 14,000 = 1.57%).
  • Buying gasoline and other things for a car - 1000 rubles (1000 x 100: 14,000 = 7.1%).
  • Payment for school meals - 500 rubles (500 x 100: 14,000 = 3.57%).
  • A total of 12,670 rubles (12,670 x 100: 14,000 = 90.5%).

Conclusion: 90.5% of expenses from the number, i.e. from the parents’ salary. Almost 10% remains for any unforeseen event. There are formulas in the world that it is advisable to remember. They will come in handy everywhere. We will devote the next subsection of the article to this topic.


Here is an example of existing formulas:

  • B = A x P: 100%; A = B x 100%: P;
  • P = B: A x 100%; B = A x (1 + P: 100%);
  • B = A x (1 - P: 100%);
  • A = (B x 100%) : (100% + P).

The list also continues with the formulas:

  • A = (B x 100%) : (100% - P);
  • B = A x (1 + P: 100%) x n.

Designations: B - future value; A - current value; P - interest rate for a certain period; n is the number of all computational periods.

Let's give an example. Problem No. 1: you need to find B, which is 6% of 36. Solution: B = 36 x 6: 100 = 2.16. Answer: B = 2.16.

Problem No. 2. What percentage is the number 37 of 21? Solution: 37: 21 x 100 = 176%. Answer: 176%.

Problem No. 3. Find a number 17% less than 30. Solution: 30 x (1 - 17: 100%) = 30 x 0.83 = 24.9. Answer: the number 24.9 is 17% less than 30.

On clear example We see that there is nothing difficult in solving problems with percentages. The main thing is to develop an interest in this topic in advance. And even if you lack knowledge, you can fill it up by reading this article to the end.

Factors that develop interest in learning

It is noticeable that if you spend a little time solving percentage problems, then anyone will become interested, and mathematics will become an integral part of life. But you need to start learning from kindergarten. And even better from birth. The child perceives science more easily during these years. There is an opinion that if you miss education until the age of three, then later it will be more difficult to instill in your child a love for school and lessons. There are factors that shape a person’s interest in mathematics: the kind attitude of the teacher, the attention of parents, praise and the correct active teaching method (try to captivate the child and turn the task into an exciting adventure). After all, even the most difficult task can become exciting. A teacher must be, first of all, a psychologist and find an approach to each student, prepare individual sessions. This can develop confidence and feeling self-esteem in children.

A conscientious teacher develops various competitions, skits, and mathematical KVN so that children fall in love with his science and other subjects at school and preschool. This sparks enthusiasm in children. Learning through fairy tales will appeal to everyone. Some teachers give home assignments, for example, to write a fairy-tale essay on the topic “Journey to the Land of Mathematics.” And children use their imagination and write exciting stories. In this case, the kids will really love school! And then, as children grow up, they will find the use of mathematics in any area of ​​life. Yes, all of humanity should expand its knowledge in the field of percentage calculations, despite the fact that this topic is one of the most difficult. What grades teach percentage problems? This topic is discussed in detail only in the fifth and sixth grades. Later, a small part of the time is devoted to this. Therefore, anyone who encounters percentage calculations will have to remember middle school mathematics. As it turns out, this is not difficult to do. Who came up with this?

History of interest problems

The Latin expression pro centum is defined as “per hundred”, “from a hundred”. But it comes from an Italian word that is written as “one hundred.” However, there is still an assumption that the “%” (percentage) sign appeared due to an oversight by the book’s writer. Instead of “one hundred,” he typed %. One engineer from the Netherlands, as a pioneer, released the percentage calculation table to the world in 1584. At first this science was used in trade areas, then gradually percentages began to be used in technical work, science, economic affairs, statistics. We can conclude that mathematics and the use of percentage calculations will be very useful in life.

In this short video lesson we will learn how to solve problems involving percentages using a special formula called the simple interest formula. Let's formalize this formula as a theorem.

The simple interest theorem. Let's assume that there is a certain initial value x, which then changes by k%, and a new value y is obtained. Then all three numbers are related by the formula:

A plus or minus is placed in front of the coefficient k depending on the conditions of the problem. If, according to the condition, the value x increases, then there is a plus in front of k. If the value decreases, then the coefficient k is preceded by a minus.

Despite the apparent intricacy of this formula, many problems can be solved very quickly and beautifully with its help. Let's try.

Task. The price of the product was increased by 10% and amounted to 2970 rubles. How many rubles did the product cost before the price increase?

To solve this problem using the simple interest formula, we need three numbers: the original value x, the percentage k, and the final value y. From all three numbers, we know the percentage k = 10 and the final value y = 2970. Please note: 2970 is exactly the final price, i.e. y. Because according to the conditions of the problem, the initial price of the product is unknown (it is precisely what needs to be found). But then it was increased, and only then it amounted to 2970 rubles.

So, we need to find x, i.e. original value. Well, we substitute our numbers into the formula and we get:

We add the numbers in the numerator and get:

We reduce one zero each in the numerator and denominator, and then multiply both sides of the equation by 10. We get:

11x = 29,700

To find x from this simplest linear equation, you need to divide both sides by 11:

x = 29,700: 11 = 2700

As you can see, it's quite big numbers, so you can’t carry out such calculations in your head. If you encounter such a problem on the Unified State Exam, you will have to divide it into a corner. In this case, everything was divided without a remainder, and we received the value x:

x = 2700

This is how much the product cost before the price increase. And it was this number that we needed to find according to the conditions of the problem. So that’s it: the problem is solved. Moreover, it was solved not “outright”, but using the simple interest formula - quickly, beautifully and clearly.

Of course, this problem could have been solved differently. For example, through proportions. Or the exotic coefficient method. But it will be much better and more reliable if you have several techniques in your arsenal for solving any percentage problem. So be sure to practice using this formula.

And that's all for me. Pavel Berdov was with you. See you again! :)
