How to make a metal water container. Stretch film on the go. Methods of application. What varieties are there?

People, plants, animals need water. Without it they cannot develop and exist. And therefore it is important to have a supply of it on your site. Of course, almost everywhere there is running water, wells, boreholes. But there are circumstances when the water disappears. This happens most often in hot, dry summers. And then all your efforts invested in flowers, vegetables, fruit trees and bushes will disappear. It will be painful to watch your plants dry out.

To avoid such sad situations, it is recommended to install a water storage tank on your site.

Based on materials of manufacture, they are:

  • metal;
  • plastic.

According to the manufacturing method, it is made on:

  • industrial;
  • homemade.

Depending on what the water will be used for, choose what material the metal container should be made of.

If the water is for drinking, for cooking, washing, then the water tank must be made of high-quality, stainless, GOST steel. Such a tank must have a ventilated hole with a tight-fitting lid. It is a good idea to install a protective mesh over this hole. Into a container from of stainless steel they crash water tap.

Twice a year it must be washed with disinfectants so that the quality of drinking water does not deteriorate. Therefore, in the side there is a hatch through which it is possible to wash the stainless steel barrel.

If you will use water for technical needs:

  • glaze;
  • household purposes;
  • rainwater collection,

then you can purchase a tank made of any metal.

To avoid increasing consumption drinking water, it is best to install a container for collecting rainwater at the dacha. This can be either a simple fifty-liter metal barrel or special storage tanks with filters for water purification.

And if the barrel is inexpensive, and you can also use a second-hand one, the main thing is that chemicals have not been stored there before, then special containers for collecting rainwater are quite expensive. True, the water collected in them can be used for washing and irrigation. But you can leave water in barrels for the winter.

Plastic container for water

These containers are the most popular. Advantages of these containers:

  • cheaper than similar stainless steel ones;
  • large selection of different volumes;
  • tightness;
  • do not require additional maintenance (painting, priming);
  • do not rust;
  • long service life;
  • are not afraid of temperature changes;
  • withstand thirty-degree frosts.

The plastic container can be made of either food grade plastic or technical plastic.

Plastic food barrels are made of high-strength, frost-resistant plastic. It does not transmit ultraviolet rays, so drinking water in them does not deteriorate for a long time.

Most of these barrels are equipped with threaded holes with a plug; the diameter of these holes allows the installation of taps in the container.

Each plastic container has a quality certificate.

Plastic containers can be vertical or horizontal.

Eurocubes are in great demand and are readily purchased for the dacha. They are made from polymer materials, for greater stability, the cube is placed in metal sheathing. It has a neck at the top and a drain valve at the bottom.

Cubic containers are widely used in private households. They can be used as a storage container for:

  • glaze;
  • soul;
  • household needs.

It is worth mentioning that Eurocubes are used to transport various liquids; they cannot be used as containers for drinking water.

If you have enough money, you can buy a factory-made water container for your dacha.

But, after spending a little time, you can make a water tank with your own hands, and it will be no worse than a factory one.

How to design a container yourself

It’s very easy to make an unusual storage tank for water with your own hands from old tractor tires. To do this, you just need to purchase discarded large-diameter tires and install them on your site.

You can easily install the container yourself, for this:

  1. Level the place where the container will be located well.
  2. Cut out the top inner part of the tire.
  3. Place the tire on the prepared surface.
  4. We take three parts sand, one part cement, dilute it with water until it becomes thick sour cream. Mix everything well.
  5. Fill the bottom of the tire with the resulting solution and level the surface.
  6. Cover the tire with cellophane to prevent water from getting in if it rains. We wait a week for the solution to harden.
  7. Remove the film and fill the tank with water.

The water that will be stored here is, of course, unsuitable for drinking or washing. But it will heat up quickly, and it will be possible to water the plants in the greenhouse. In addition, the container will serve as an excellent storage tank for rainwater. The advantage of the container is reliability and durability.

Such containers are suitable as a backup option for small volumes of water. If you need a large volume, then you should make the storage tanks more solid.

To make a container that holds 7 m3 of water, you will need:

  • three beams three meters long;
  • sixteen bricks wrapped in polyethylene for waterproofing;

  • ten boards at least 3.5 meters long and 0.5 centimeters thick;
  • six OSB boards 2.5x1.25 meters;
  • geotextile insulation;
  • black thick polyethylene film.
  • self-tapping screws

Manufacturing stages:

  1. Along the perimeter of the leveled area we place bricks at equal distances.
  2. We lay three beams on the bricks.
  3. We fasten five boards to the beam with self-tapping screws.
  4. We attach 2 OSB boards on top with self-tapping screws.
  5. We make a frame from boards and attach it to the base.
  6. We screw the remaining OSB sheets onto the frame.
  7. We tighten the container from the inside with a geotikstyle attached to the top with staples.
  8. Then we lay the film hanging freely over the edges of the box.
  9. Fill the container with water.
  10. For reliability, we attach the film with outside stapler.
  11. We nail two boards with a cross on top of the container.

The advantages of this container:

  • low cost;
  • easy to do with your own hands;
  • easy to disassemble and move to another place.

However, to use such a container you need a pump, and the water in it will not be potable.

On a hot summer day after working in the garden, you want to take a warm shower. But in order for the water to be hot, it needs to be heated. You can buy an electric heater for your dacha, but it is not economical.

It is easier to install a storage tank in which the water will be heated by the sun. Any barrel can serve as such a container - galvanized, stainless steel, metal or plastic.

To do this, just place the container at a height and fill it with water.

The easiest way to install plastic containers.

A stainless steel container will not rust, the water in it will not bloom, it will be drinkable. But stainless steel products are expensive.

An alternative could be a galvanized barrel; it, of course, is not as durable, but if the galvanization is not damaged, it will not rust either.

Most economical option- This is a metal water tank, but it must be painted to protect it from corrosion.

There is no point in proving the need to have a supply of water for irrigation on the site. If something happens to the irrigation system, your flowers and vegetables will turn into hay during the July heat. When my old steel tank became leaky, I urgently needed to find a replacement. Having assessed the harsh reality, I decided to make a structure that would decorate the site, be durable, inexpensive, and not attract “guests.” Having gone through different variants, chose, as it seems to me, the most successful one: to make the base of the container from sheets of galvanized steel, “dressing” it in concrete.

Sheets of steel measuring 1000 x 2000 mm were connected to each other with a ring. To make the container have a volume of 1 m3, I made a ring of 2 sheets. Before pressing, the seam was treated with sealant for plumbing work, as well as all subsequent seams. The result is a springy, flexible ring that can be given any shape.

For a capacity of 1 m3, it is enough to make a foundation 120-150 mm thick, laying it on a bed of crushed stone. The foundation area should be more area containers. Having chosen a place, he removed the soil to a depth of 200 mm, filled the hole with crushed stone and sand, compacted it, spilled plenty of water, and prepared the concrete. Half of it was laid out on crushed stone, reinforcement made of steel rods and pipes was placed on it, and the rest of the concrete was poured onto these structures. You need to add enough water to the concrete so that it does not spread, but resembles gingerbread dough. In this case, no formwork is required, and the edge of the foundation will look like stone “bursts”. The concrete is not poured into place, but placed with a shovel and compacted, perhaps with a wooden mallet.

The next operation is the installation of the metal base. The laid concrete is carefully leveled. To do this, I poured a cement-sand mixture (1:3) with the consistency of liquid sour cream onto the foundation and spread it with an even lath. After letting the leveling layer dry (lose its fluidity), I placed a sheet of galvanized steel on it and pressed it with bricks. This is the bottom of the future container. The sheet was pre-cut so that it fits the configuration of the container and protrudes around the perimeter by 20~30 mm. In this state, the foundation was left to dry for a day.

A day later, I installed a manufactured galvanized steel ring on the bottom, having previously made 2 holes in it: one at the bottom at the very edge for the drain pipe, the other 300-400 mm above the edge for collecting clean water. If all Previous work was done carefully, then gaps in some places of no more than 5 mm are allowed between the wall and the bottom - they will not affect the quality of the container. Having installed the wall and fixed it with bricks, I lined the outside of the joint between the wall and the bottom with a steep but plastic “dough” of a mixture of cement and sand (1:1) with the addition of PVA glue (1 tablespoon of glue per 0.5 liters of water). After drying the “dough” for a day, I removed the bricks and completed sealing the joint in the places occupied by the bricks. Having completed the sealing of the joint, I installed a tube (aluminum, stainless steel, plastic) into the hole in the wall at the bottom and carefully covered it with cement mortar. Next, I started building the concrete wall.
The concrete for the wall is prepared in the same way as for the foundation. I did the work like this: I took a portion of concrete with a trowel, placed it against a steel wall (it acted as a one-sided formwork), tamped it lightly so that the concrete spread out and pressed tightly against the wall. And so on around the entire perimeter. When laying concrete, we must strive to ensure that the wall thickness is not the same. Then a surface is formed that resembles the natural texture of the stone. At the same time, you can show your abilities as a sculptor, guided by a sense of beauty and harmony.
When constructing a wall, we must not forget that a drain pipe should go out at the bottom, and at a height of 200-300 mm from the bottom, another pipe with a thread for a valve must be mounted into the wall to drain clean water. To prevent the steel base from being deformed during the laying process, it is advisable to build support columns from bricks inside the container, which do not allow the wall to “go” inward under the pressure of concrete.
When completing the laying, you need to make a small influx into the container onto the edge of the steel base so that it does not peel off from the concrete.

The last stage is finishing. Various options are possible using ceramics, bottle glass, natural stone etc. I chose a simple option: the entire surface of the container is coated cement-sand mortar(1:1) and treated with a wet broom. Grey colour cement looks good in the greenery of the garden.

This container has many advantages, it is quite cheap, but there is only one drawback: it cannot be moved. Therefore, the location must be chosen carefully, remembering that a capital structure is being built.

Any living creature or plant needs water. Therefore, if you have even a small plot of land, you need to take care of its reserve. Even in modern times, when there is a central water supply, wells and wells, there are times when the water disappears. This mainly occurs in hot and dry weather.

Metal vessel for water

In this regard, in order to prevent death garden plants It is recommended to place a container in a darkened area for a reserve supply of water. IN if necessary which can be used at any time for its intended purpose. Such vessels are made of metal or plastic, and can also be manufactured industrially or homemade.

The material from which the metal container is made is selected primarily based on the purpose of the liquid stored in it.

A water container is a necessary item on the site

If the water will be used for drinking and cooking, the tank must be:

  1. Manufactured in accordance with GOST standards from stainless and high-quality steel;
  2. Equipped with a hole for ventilation;
  3. Have a tight-fitting lid;
  4. The ventilated hole must be protected with a special mesh to prevent debris from entering the vessel;
  5. For convenience, you can embed a water tap into the container;
  6. Provide a hatch in the side of the vessel. Using it will be convenient to wash the barrel.

To prevent the quality of drinking water from deteriorating, the barrel must be washed at least twice a year.

If nutrient moisture is intended for watering plants or other household purposes, then the reservoir for it can be used from any component. Any vessel, even a used one, is suitable for such needs, the most important thing is that it has not been stored in it before. chemical substances.

Save cash a tank collecting water will help with water consumption rainwater. For these purposes, it is recommended to take a regular fifty-liter container. You can also use another tank with special filters already installed that will purify the water. If such a vessel is left for the winter, then thanks to the thawed snow, in early spring The container will be filled to the brim with water.

Plastic containers

Such vessels have gained wide popularity due to the following advantages:

  • The cost is much lower than metal tanks;
  • Huge selection all kinds of sizes;
  • Tightness;
  • No need to prime or paint;
  • Do not corrode;
  • Have a long service life;
  • Do not react to sudden changes in temperature;
  • Frost-resistant, some materials can withstand thirty-degree frost.

A plastic vessel is made of technical or food grade plastic, it all depends on its purpose. Plastic for food barrels is made of frost-resistant and high-strength plastic that does not transmit ultraviolet radiation. That is why life-giving moisture preserves for a long time their positive traits and does not spoil.

Almost all barrels are equipped with a threaded hole with a plug, which is designed for trouble-free installation of the tap. When purchasing such a container, you must check the availability of a quality certificate.

Plastic water vessels have a very wide variety of shapes, and can be either horizontal or vertical. Currently, the European cube shape is widely used. Such containers are made of polymer material, which, for greater stability, is equipped with a wide-band metal grid on the outside.

At the top of this vessel there is a wide neck that allows you to fill the plastic cube with water using a bucket or hose. At the bottom, the manufacturer provides a tap for draining the liquid.

A cube-shaped barrel is readily used by users for equipping showers, watering plants, and other significant household needs.

Do not forget that Eurocubes are often used to transport various liquids, including chemicals. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them for storing drinking water.

In construction hypermarkets you can purchase a drinking water tank that has a certificate of conformity. However, such a capacity will cost a lot of money. Therefore, in order to save a certain amount of money, you can make the tank yourself.

Handmade container production

You can make a water container with your own hands using used tractor tires. To do this you just need to get this material at a low price, or just ask. Then install the tractor tires on personal plot, following the following order:

  1. Choose appropriate place for the tank, it is desirable that it be in the shade;
  2. Level the area where the container will be installed;
  3. Cut out the inner upper part of the tire;
  4. Place the tire on a pre-leveled area;
  5. Prepare cement mortar. To do this, you need to mix one part of cement with three parts of sand, then add water so that the consistency is similar to thick methane;
  6. Pour the resulting solution into the bottom of the tire, and use a trowel to level it;
  7. To prevent debris or rainwater from entering, you need to cover the tire with polyethylene;
  8. Leave for a week to cement mixture froze well;
  9. After a week, remove the cellophane from the tire and fill it with water.

This device is not suitable for storing drinking water, but it can be used to water plants. This water is especially suitable for garden crops, growing in a greenhouse. Because it heats up quickly. In addition, a reservoir made from a tractor tire is a good rainwater collector. The main advantages of such a vessel are long service life and reliability.

Usually such designs are made for stock small quantity water. Therefore, if you need much more capacity, you need to look for other manufacturing options.

Wooden container

Currently, more and more summer residents have begun to use water vessels made of wood. Since they decorate well any, even the most inconspicuous piece of land.

To make your own wooden container with a volume of eight cubes, you need to purchase following materials:

  • Three three-meter wooden beams;
  • Sixteen bricks, which must be wrapped in polyethylene to create waterproofing;
  • Ten four-meter boards, at least five millimeters thick;
  • Six oriented particle boards, measuring two and a half by one and a quarter meters;
  • Geotextile insulation;
  • Dense polyethylene film, preferably black;
  • Self-tapping screws.

To collect all of the above elements, you need to do the following:

  1. On a leveled area, lay bricks around the perimeter so that the distance between them is the same;
  2. Place three beams on the bricks;
  3. Using self-tapping screws, attach five boards to the beam;
  4. Place and attach OSB boards on top of the boards;
  5. Make a frame from boards and secure it to the base;
  6. Sew up the frame with the remaining OSB sheets;
  7. Cover the inside of the container with geotextile;
  8. Place a film on top of the sealant so that its edges hang over the edges of the vessel;
  9. Fill the tank with water;
  10. For greater reliability, fasten the film from the outside with a stapler;
  11. Nail two obapolas with a cross on top of the vessel.

The main advantages of such a vessel are:

  • Low costs for purchasing the necessary components;
  • Not difficult to make with my own hands;
  • Easily disassembled and transported to another place.

TO negative points It can be attributed to the fact that the water in such a reservoir will not be potable.

Learn more about how to build a greenhouse from plastic pipes, we will tell you in our material.

Here our readers will learn how to make a fence from corrugated sheets.

Is there a well on the property? Here you will learn how to choose a submersible pump for it.

Containers for summer showers

Usually all summer cottages are equipped summer shower, which is located on the street. Such a shower can be filled using a hose or bucket from a well, well or water supply. However, for human body too much cold water not very useful in hot weather. Therefore, the water needs to be warmed up a little before use.

To avoid buying expensive automatic heaters, you can install a plastic or stainless steel container, which thanks sun rays will heat up quickly.

The most the best option A shower vessel is considered to be a vessel made of galvanized iron. It is not too expensive and has a long service life.

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Do-it-yourself country water tank

Samodelkin 8-01-2010, 17:26 62 127 Country homemade products

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There is no point in proving the need to have a supply of water for irrigation on the site. If something happens to the irrigation system, your flowers and vegetables will turn into hay during the July heat. When my old steel tank became leaky, I urgently needed to find a replacement. Having assessed the harsh reality, I decided to make a structure that would decorate the site, be durable, inexpensive, and not attract “guests.” Having gone through different options, I chose, as it seems to me, the most successful one: to make the base of the container from sheets of galvanized steel, “dressing” it in concrete. Sheets of steel measuring 1000 x 2000 mm were connected to each other with a ring. To make the container have a volume of 1 m3, I made a ring of 2 sheets. Before pressing, the seam was treated with sealant for plumbing work, as were all subsequent seams. The result is a springy, flexible ring that can be given any shape. For a capacity of 1 m3, it is enough to make a foundation 120-150 mm thick, laying it on a cushion of crushed stone. The area of ​​the foundation must be larger than the area of ​​the container. Having chosen a place, he removed the soil to a depth of 200 mm, filled the hole with crushed stone and sand, compacted it, spilled plenty of water, and prepared the concrete. Half of it was laid out on crushed stone, reinforcement made of steel rods and pipes was placed on it, and the rest of the concrete was poured onto these structures. You need to add enough water to the concrete so that it does not spread, but resembles gingerbread dough. In this case, no formwork is required, and the edge of the foundation will look like stone “bursts”. The concrete is not poured into place, but is placed with a shovel and compacted, perhaps with a wooden mallet. The next operation is the installation of a metal base. The laid concrete is carefully leveled. To do this, I poured a cement-sand mixture (1:3) with the consistency of liquid sour cream onto the foundation and spread it with an even lath. After letting the leveling layer dry (lose its fluidity), I placed a sheet of galvanized steel on it and pressed it with bricks. This is the bottom of the future container. The sheet was pre-cut so that it fits the configuration of the container and protrudes around the perimeter by 20~30 mm. In this state, the foundation was left to dry for a day. A day later, a manufactured ring made of galvanized steel was installed on the bottom, having previously made 2 holes in it: one at the bottom at the very edge for the drain pipe, the other 300-400 mm above the edge for collecting clean water. If all the previous work was done carefully, then gaps in some places of no more than 5 mm are allowed between the wall and the bottom - they will not affect the quality of the container. Having installed the wall and fixed it with bricks, I covered the outside of the joint between the wall and the bottom with a steep but plastic “dough” of a mixture of cement and sand (1:1) with the addition of PVA glue (1 tbsp. spoon of glue per 0.5 liters of water). After drying the “dough” for a day, I removed the bricks and completed sealing the joint in the places occupied by the bricks. Having completed the sealing of the joint, I installed a tube (aluminum, stainless steel, plastic) into the hole in the wall at the bottom and carefully covered it with cement mortar. Next, I started building a concrete wall. The concrete for the wall is prepared in the same way as for the foundation. I did the work like this: I took a portion of concrete with a trowel, placed it against a steel wall (it acted as a one-sided formwork), tamped it lightly so that the concrete spread out and pressed tightly against the wall. And so on around the entire perimeter. When laying concrete, we must strive to ensure that the wall thickness is not the same. Then a surface is formed that resembles the natural texture of the stone. At the same time, you can show your abilities as a sculptor, guided by a sense of beauty and harmony. When constructing a wall, do not forget that a drain pipe should go out at the bottom, and at a height of 200-300 mm from the bottom, another pipe with a thread for the valve must be mounted into the wall to collect clean water. To prevent the steel base from being deformed during the laying process, it is advisable to lay support columns from bricks inside the container, which do not allow the wall to “go” inward under the pressure of concrete. When completing the laying, you need to make a small influx into the container onto the edge of the steel base so that it does not peel off from concrete. The last stage is finishing. Various options are possible using ceramics, bottle glass, natural stone, etc. I chose a simple option: the entire surface of the container is coated with cement-sand mortar (1:1) and treated with a wet broom. The gray color of cement looks good in the greenery of the garden. Such a container has many advantages, it is quite cheap, but there is only one drawback: it cannot be moved. Therefore, the location must be chosen carefully, remembering that a capital structure is being built.

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Water container

People, plants, animals need water. Without it they cannot develop and exist. And therefore it is important to have a supply of it on your site. Of course, almost everywhere there is running water, wells, boreholes. But there are circumstances when the water disappears. This happens most often in hot, dry summers. And then all your work invested in flowers, vegetables, fruit trees and shrubs will be lost. It will be painful to watch your plants dry out.

To avoid such sad situations, it is recommended to install a water storage tank on your site.

Based on materials of manufacture, they are:

  • metal;
  • plastic.

According to the manufacturing method, it is made on:

  • industrial;
  • homemade.

Metal container

Depending on what the water will be used for, choose what material the metal container should be made of.

If the water is for drinking, for cooking, washing, then the water tank must be made of high-quality, stainless, GOST steel. Such a tank must have a ventilated hole with a tight-fitting lid. It is a good idea to install a protective mesh over this hole. A water tap is cut into a stainless steel container.

Twice a year it must be washed with disinfectants so that the quality of drinking water does not deteriorate. Therefore, in the side there is a hatch through which it is possible to wash the stainless steel barrel.

If you will use water for technical needs:

  • glaze;
  • household purposes;
  • rainwater collection,

then you can purchase a tank made of any metal.

In order not to increase the consumption of drinking water, it is best to install a container at the dacha to collect rainwater. This can be either a simple fifty-liter metal barrel or special storage tanks with filters for water purification.

And if the barrel is inexpensive, and you can also use a second-hand one, the main thing is that chemicals have not been stored there before, then special containers for collecting rainwater are quite expensive. True, the water collected in them can be used for washing and irrigation. But you can leave water in barrels for the winter.

Plastic container for water

These containers are the most popular. Advantages of these containers:

  • cheaper than similar stainless steel ones;
  • large selection of different volumes;
  • tightness;
  • do not require additional maintenance (painting, priming);
  • do not rust;
  • long service life;
  • are not afraid of temperature changes;
  • withstand thirty-degree frosts.

The plastic container can be made of either food grade plastic or technical plastic.

Plastic food barrels are made of high-strength, frost-resistant plastic. It does not transmit ultraviolet rays, so drinking water in them does not deteriorate for a long time.

Most of these barrels are equipped with threaded holes with a plug; the diameter of these holes allows the installation of taps in the container.

Each plastic container has a quality certificate.

Plastic containers can be vertical or horizontal.

Eurocubes are in great demand and are readily purchased for the dacha. They are made of polymer materials; for greater stability, the cube is placed in a metal frame. It has a neck at the top and a drain valve at the bottom.

Cubic containers are widely used in private households. They can be used as a storage container for:

  • glaze;
  • soul;
  • household needs.

It is worth mentioning that Eurocubes are used to transport various liquids; they cannot be used as containers for drinking water.

If you have enough money, you can buy a factory-made water container for your dacha.

But, after spending a little time, you can make a water tank with your own hands, and it will be no worse than a factory one.

How to design a container yourself

It’s very easy to make an unusual storage tank for water with your own hands from old tractor tires. To do this, you just need to purchase discarded large-diameter tires and install them on your site.

You can easily install the container yourself, for this:

  1. Level the place where the container will be located well.
  2. Cut out the top inner part of the tire.
  3. Place the tire on the prepared surface.
  4. We take three parts sand, one part cement, dilute it with water until it becomes thick sour cream. Mix everything well.
  5. Fill the bottom of the tire with the resulting solution and level the surface.
  6. Cover the tire with cellophane to prevent water from getting in if it rains. We wait a week for the solution to harden.
  7. Remove the film and fill the tank with water.

The water that will be stored here is, of course, unsuitable for drinking or washing. But it will heat up quickly, and it will be possible to water the plants in the greenhouse. In addition, the container will serve as an excellent storage tank for rainwater. The advantage of the container is reliability and durability.

Such containers are suitable as a backup option for small volumes of water. If you need a large volume, then you should make the storage tanks more solid.

Wooden water tank

To make a container that holds 7 m3 of water, you will need:

  • three beams three meters long;
  • sixteen bricks wrapped in polyethylene for waterproofing;

  • ten boards at least 3.5 meters long and 0.5 centimeters thick;
  • six OSB boards 2.5x1.25 meters;
  • geotextile insulation;
  • black thick polyethylene film.
  • self-tapping screws

Manufacturing stages:

  1. Along the perimeter of the leveled area we place bricks at equal distances.
  2. We lay three beams on the bricks.
  3. We fasten five boards to the beam with self-tapping screws.
  4. We attach 2 OSB boards on top with self-tapping screws.
  5. We make a frame from boards and attach it to the base.
  6. We screw the remaining OSB sheets onto the frame.
  7. We tighten the container from the inside with a geotikstyle attached to the top with staples.
  8. Then we lay the film hanging freely over the edges of the box.
  9. Fill the container with water.
  10. For reliability, we fasten the film from the outside with a stapler.
  11. We nail two boards with a cross on top of the container.

The advantages of this container:

  • low cost;
  • easy to do with your own hands;
  • easy to disassemble and move to another place.

However, to use such a container you need a pump, and the water in it will not be potable.

Containers for installing a summer shower

On a hot summer day after working in the garden, you want to take a warm shower. But in order for the water to be hot, it needs to be heated. You can buy an electric heater for your dacha, but it is not economical.

It is easier to install a storage tank in which the water will be heated by the sun. Any barrel can serve as such a container - galvanized, stainless steel, metal or plastic.

To do this, just place the container at a height and fill it with water.

The easiest way to install plastic containers.

A stainless steel container will not rust, the water in it will not bloom, it will be drinkable. But stainless steel products are expensive.

An alternative could be a galvanized barrel; it, of course, is not as durable, but if the galvanization is not damaged, it will not rust either.

The most economical option is a metal water tank, but it must be painted to protect it from corrosion.

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The Best Water Tanks for the Dacha - Which Ones to Choose

Water container at the dacha - photo ideas

We will not deny that water storage tanks are needed at any summer cottage. During the first year of owning a summer cottage, my husband and I suffered greatly from the fact that we had to constantly carry water in buckets from a water tower located 500 meters away from us. After some time, we had a suitable container for water at the dacha - a 250 liter blue one plastic barrel.

Water storage tank at the dacha

Yes, this has greatly simplified and improved my life at the dacha - the water tank is used up in three days, and we have water in the tap just every three days. So, fresh water is replenished regularly.

Such a container is especially relevant if there is no running water at the dacha. In this case, you can think about a rainwater storage tank; at least you will have process water for irrigation. And you can collect precipitation in just such containers.

Ideas for containers for storing water in a summer cottage

The most common water containers are 100 l, 250 l, 500 l, 1000 l, 5000 l. Very convenient plastic container - eurocube, reinforced metal frame. Calculate own consumption water for each family member and purchase a slightly larger water container, so to speak, in reserve.

Plastic tanks for storing water in the country

If your consumption, like ours, is small, then you can purchase water containers for your dacha in 100 l, 200 l, 1000 l. If the volumes are not enough, then you can combine several small containers into a single whole, thereby obtaining a significant increase in the total cubic capacity.

If your family and consumption are large, then immediately take water containers of 2000 l, 3000 l or 5000 l. Of course, you need to understand that large-volume containers are very expensive.

A container for storing water in a summer cottage

So, decide for yourself what size container you need to store water in your dacha?

Shapes of water containers

The most versatile are rectangular water containers. They can be easily placed in a corner, connected together, or stacked one on top of the other. the same applies to rectangular containers - there is a wide variety of them on the market.

Such containers are often used to accumulate and store drinking water, or process water for watering and shower.

Large container for collecting rainwater in the countryside

Round water containers are also very popular - a similar tank for a summer house can be installed on a pedestal and get natural water pressure in your summer water supply. And still water tanks and reservoirs rectangular shape You can also lift it onto a podium - a tower and get a little pressure in the water supply system.

Containers for drinking water - what materials are suitable

When we were choosing what material our water container for the dacha would be made of, we studied reviews and opinions on the forums. In the end, we settled on plastic, simply placing the barrel in the shade where the sun did not reach.

At the dacha or at garden plot Water storage tanks are always needed. Gardeners usually use metal barrels or tanks as such reservoirs. But purchasing a large-volume metal container and delivering it to the site can be quite expensive, especially in areas remote from industrial and transport enterprises.

Therefore, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the experience of those who do without metal containers and make water storage tanks from scrap materials.

Cheap container for large volumes of water

The photo below shows one such operating tank. It is designed to service the heating system of the room in which quail are kept. For this matter appearance and the aesthetic qualities of the tank were not of decisive importance: the functional qualities of the tank and the cost of its manufacture were paramount.

For such a tank with a volume of approximately 1000 liters it would be necessary to buy 5 metal barrels 200 liters each, and in the region where a quail lover lives, the cost of written-off barrels was unreasonably inflated. Therefore, it was decided to make a film tank in a wooden frame.

The first step was to select suitable boards: two unedged wide 40mm pine boards were found. They were marked by length and cut with a chainsaw so that each one was made into side walls rectangular box.

These boxes were placed one on top of the other, so the edges unedged boards I had to straighten it with an ax so that it wasn’t too crooked and so that the top box would rest steadily on the bottom one.

The boxes were nailed down at the corners with 100 mm nails so that the structure being created could be visually assessed. Nails here play only a supporting role for preliminary fastening of the box, since the main load from the gravity of the water is taken by the frame tying made of strong rope.

Tightly tied with several turns of strong rope, the first box formed the first floor of the tank frame. A second box, tied in exactly the same way, was installed on it, which made up the second floor of the frame. The frame was not made entirely, but floor by floor, since there was no assistant nearby, and everything had to be done alone.

Once the stability and reliability of the structure had been tested, construction of a waterproof shell inside the frame began. To do this, you need a durable film that does not allow water to pass through. In our case, an old truck awning turned up. A waterproof liner was cut out of it into the container.

It is cut with a small margin so that the useful volume of the tank is maximum (the excess awning is wrapped on the sides of the frame and does not interfere with anyone).

To be on the safe side, two more layers of thick film were laid on top of the awning: in the event of a leak, the cost of eliminating it would be much greater than these two extra layers of film.

After a year of operation of the tank, no signs of structural wear were detected. The useful volume of the tank is 750 liters, but water storage tanks of the described design can be made of arbitrary dimensions to suit the size of the room.

If necessary, the tank can be easily disassembled and reassembled for reuse. Only a few hours are spent on direct manufacturing; more time is spent on preparing materials and design.

Other interesting articles

There is no doubt that it is always necessary to have a supply of water in your dacha and garden. And usually used for this various types metal containers. Using such containers is not always convenient: they take up a lot of space and do not decorate the estate. But the underground tank does not have these disadvantages!

I built my containers 20 years ago, and they still serve me today.

Before construction began, it was necessary to examine previously built tanks that had fallen into disrepair. Why did this happen? Containers made by plastering the walls of the pit do not last long: they come off outer part, glass from the ceiling, if it is connected to the blind area.

In both cases, after filling the container with water, the soil becomes compacted, the concrete of the walls loses stability and collapses. In turn, when the soil under the bottom is compacted, the container begins to sink, and the blind area slab, if it is firmly connected to the glass, tries to hold it, which is the reason for its separation from the ceiling.

In order to avoid this, before installing the blind area, the glass should be wrapped in a piece of roofing material.

Underground construction

Now about the construction of the tank itself, its underground part. After it is opened the right size the foundation pit is cleared, several rows of stakes are driven into the wall, to which the formwork is tied. After this, the bottom is filled. The initial hardening of the concrete occurs in 3-4 days, and then the formwork can be installed to cast the wall. For this purpose, you can use ordinary sheets of iron, which are tied to stakes with wire through holes punched in the sheets. The formwork is installed at a distance of 8-10 cm
from the wall. Before pouring the solution, fittings are placed in the resulting space, which can be any household scrap metal.
During the pouring process, the solution must be compacted and tapped on the formwork so that voids do not form.

When the filled part of the wall has hardened, the formwork is raised higher and secured for the next filling. The area where the concrete and mortar come into contact should be washed to remove debris and prevent sticking.

After the walls are erected, construction of the floor (ceiling) begins. For this purpose, suspended formwork with a hole is installed.

The formwork is suspended from the reinforcement and then poured. To prevent the solution from leaking out, roofing material or polyethylene film is laid on the formwork.

The installation of the above-ground part of the glass is carried out after the solution has hardened well in the ceiling, the formwork has been removed, construction waste has been removed from the container, all defects made during construction have been repaired, and ironing has been completed internal surfaces. The ironing process is carried out by applying cement mortar without adding filler.

Retro style well

If the container is planned to be used for collecting rainwater, then a hole is made in the wall for the pipe to enter.

Asbestos-cement pipes are well suited for this purpose; they are durable. To organize rainwater collection under drain pipes A receiving well is installed from the roof of the building, covered with a mesh to retain large-sized debris, and the receiving neck of the pipe is covered with a fine-mesh mesh.

It is necessary to locate the receiving neck significantly above the bottom of the well - this will allow heavy fractions to settle without falling into the container.

In conclusion, it should be noted that, if the location of the container allows and with imagination, it can be camouflaged as an old rural well - this can become an architectural addition to the estate.
For any design of the above-ground part, the glass must be equipped with a hatch with a lock to protect the children.

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