How to recognize your desires? Five steps. Your desires, needs and relationships

A person has five levels of consciousness with which he perceives the world and environment and performs his actions accordingly:

The first level of consciousness is the level of feelings. The senses have five organs: taste, hearing, sight, smell, touch. The function of the senses is to ensure safe orientation in space and to identify objects. The senses show interest in everything, and they tend to be attracted to all objects indiscriminately. Each individual sense wants to enjoy in competition with other senses, because of this anxiety comes from them. Our feelings lack knowledge, memory, and that is why only madness speaks in them.

The second level of consciousness is the level of the mind. The function of the mind is to collect and process incoming information from space. The mind tends to please the senses with its fantasies, images and thinking. The mind determines to the senses what is pleasant for them and what is unpleasant. The mind is the sixth sense, which rules over all other senses.

The third level of consciousness is the mind. The mind is subtler than the mind and has the ability to influence it. Our minds tend to understand and realize the truth. The function of the mind is to determine what is good and what is not good, what is useful and what is harmful. The higher a person's goal, the stronger the mind. The mind has knowledge that leads to truth, and it can convince the mind to renounce foolish actions. The mind has the qualities of persistence and determination.

The fourth level of consciousness is Souls. Its true nature is eternity, knowledge and bliss. The soul has natural, unconditional Love.

The fifth level of consciousness is the Spirit. He is of Divine nature. The image and likeness of God.

Wants and needs are completely different things. Often people mistake a need for a want. The need comes from . Needs are the needs necessary for human existence. A person needs to understand where the desire comes from, and where the need is, speaking from the soul or flesh. Our life was determined by God, and He provided everything we need, such is His Will. Birds don't care what they eat or drink. Every animal needs food, shelter, sleep and reproduction. Every plant needs sun, water and soil. Even in the desert it finds water with its long roots. Likewise, man has his own natural needs. He eats, drinks, builds houses or apartments, creates a family, prolongs his family, and works to provide for his needs. They are all driven by their natural need, not desire. God is wise and intelligently built everything; everything has its own individual order. Every living creature has its own need. A cow will not eat meat, and a wild beast will not eat grass. Fish cannot live on land, and birds cannot live in water. And man is created in the image and likeness of God, and this is precisely what distinguishes him from animals and plants. A person not only needs his needs of the flesh, but also the satisfaction of the needs of the soul - this is eternity, knowledge (awareness) and bliss (happiness and joy).

The Almighty put His Will and quality into the human Soul:

  • honesty, justice and humility;
  • love, mercy and compassion for all living beings;
  • creation, creativity and spiritualization of the world;
  • merging with God and remaining in His abode.

These qualities are also the needs of our soul. And if there is a natural need, then it always moves us towards its satisfaction. These qualitative needs contain the meaning of our existence and indicate the path to achieve it. Honesty, justice and humility drive us and lead to... Love has the need to show mercy, compassion, to create and spiritualize the world. And creation makes us like God, leads to merging with Him and leaving for His abode. It is not possible to pour out true Love from our hearts without honesty and humility. Without Love, it is impossible to truly show creativity, art, create - it will only be false, incomplete and illusion. And it is also impossible to become like God and reach His abode without creation. Our soul, according to its needs, feeds on God and in order to satisfy its needs, it always seeks its source of bliss - God. This is how our nature is designed by God, this is His Will.

Just like every plant, according to the Will of God, has a need for the sun and always follows it. Like any animal, it looks for food to satisfy its hunger. A person, at the call of the needs of the soul, sooner or later, will still come to God. And in order to speed up this process, you need to free your soul from captivity and give it the right to satisfy its eternal needs.

Need has its limits. Everything that is in excess is not good for us, and to live in ungoodness is doomed to suffering. Overeating is bad, but constant malnutrition leads to illness. Oversleeping is not good, and lack of sleep leads to exhaustion of the body. Distrust of God repels and distances us from Him, and fanatical faith is something that is beyond measure, it is blindness that leads us into illusion. Non-acceptance is a sin, and in excess it is attachment, which leads us to obsession. Man, according to his creation, has created many species indoor plants. And we know that if a plant is watered too much or not given enough water, it will die. It is not for nothing that the sages call the path to God the “middle path” or “the path along the edge of the blade.” He who knows the limits in his actions will conquer the heights of Wisdom.

With the Fall, man severed his relationship with God, and due to this, man develops an ego. It swaddles our soul and takes possession of our mind. It is without reason that our mind and feelings are blind, and because of this, a person loses his sense of proportion and does not live according to need. In a self-centered person, the Will of God does not speak, the voice of our soul and mind is always silent, we do not engage and do not satisfy their true nature. When a person lacks common sense (reason), man walking only about your mind, feelings and their desires. And this leads to suffering, because our feelings desire everything, indiscriminately, and the mind, devoid of reason, chooses only what is pleasing to the senses. Our mind is not capable of knowing what is good for us and what is harmful and not good for us. But to follow the lead of the mind is terrible madness and blindness. The mind and its desires are the source of our suffering. Our mind, expressing its will, always leaves behind the cause of a harmful consequence. The exception to this is the spiritualized mind. And on this occasion wisdom says: “woe from the mind.” Only the mind has the ability to determine what is good and what is bad - this is the natural function of our mind. The mind, by its nature, is subtler and higher than the mind, has the ability to control it and at the right moment sober it from blindness.

Any desire comes from the ego, which leads a person to suffering. Because our ego tends to perform only selfish, ignorant, passionate, insane actions. Eastern wisdom says about this: “one desire is followed by another desire, and any desire leads a person to suffering.” Even desiring God distances us from Him. Our desires burden our life and make it incomplete, because desires lead us away from the needs of the soul and flesh, from the life that the Lord God has prepared for us. Let's look at our life from the outside, and we will see that it is full of desires, but there are few needs and measures in it. Even when we eat with desire, at that moment we are deprived of the natural feeling of hunger (need). We often overeat and don’t hear our body’s voice when we need to stop. This is especially pronounced when we celebrate certain dates, at a party or at home. The desire does not subside, it completely takes over us, with our eyes we would still eat and eat, but our stomach does not allow it. The greater the desire, the more we lose the natural need and the measure of it. And in order not to overeat, but to eat in moderation, you need to ask God for a blessing before eating food or pray to Him. All religions have the same rules and regulations: you need to pray before eating. Prayer is always for our benefit. Because when our prayer is answered, the Holy Spirit descends, which calms our desire, and manifests the natural need of the flesh and prepares our body for normal digestion. But a pregnant woman has a more natural need. She eats exactly what her body needs. And we know that there were cases when, due to a lack of any components in the diet, pregnant women had a need to eat in certain quantities: chalk, earth, grass.

Desire has several phases:

a) birth, appearance of desire;

b) mastery and control of us;

c) satisfaction and pleasure;

d) oversaturation and disgust.

When a person chooses a life partner at the level of his desires coming from the ego, then such a marriage is not strong, there is never harmony in it. Because our senses are pleased to enjoy the color of the eyes, hair, body shape, the smell emanating from the body, voice, etc. And sensual pleasure tends to become oversaturated, and then a sharp disgust follows. Because of this, in the disgust phase, quarrels and scandals occur in the family. And about this, people say: “from love to hate there is one step.” There is no Love at all in our feelings, but there is duality. The mind chooses what is pleasant for the senses and what is unpleasant. And when we become oversaturated with our feelings, it leads us to disgust and even hatred. When we overeat something, even a favorite dish, we feel disgust for it for a long time until the oversaturation goes away, such is the nature of our feelings. The conclusion follows from this: desire has duality - the ebb and flow of feelings; when oversaturated, desire throws us from one extreme to another; if you build your relationships only on sensual desires, this leads to suffering; our relationships, built on pure Love, are eternal; any work driven by Love never bores us or disgusts us.

Desire tends to bind us to objects, things. Any attachment is slavery. In attachment, dependence, the human will is broken and desire commands, and the phase of satisfaction, oversaturation, never comes. You always feel dissatisfied, insatiable, always not enough. And obsession is already serious mental illness. In it, the will of man is also broken and we are completely controlled by the evil one. Often in life we ​​have witnessed such cases when a child asks his mother to buy something in a store. When the mother does not satisfy his desire, the child becomes hysterical, and it is very difficult to calm him down. Our ego has desires for power, glory, and an endless thirst for material gain. It leads us into immeasurable gluttony and laziness, ignites passion and ignorance in our being. Passion deprives us of willpower and leads us into dependence, and, to a greater extent, into obsession. Ignorance provokes us, pushes us into conflict and leads to aggression. This is all sin that leads us to suffering. And we need to stop our desire coming from the mouth of the ego in time at the birth phase, and not allow it to take possession of us and lead us into obsession. And if we ourselves cannot cope with this, then in this case we need to ask for help from the Merciful God.


One way or another, both needs and desires are the main component of motivation for action, or not just a part, in some cases - this is what it is.

But what is the fundamental difference between need and desire? How often is it the same thing? What's better as a motivator?

The need for the works of A. Maslow

The article is based on the works of. Interesting conclusions emerge from his “Motivation and Personality” regarding these two concepts...

Needs and desires are often difficult to separate one from the other. But there is a fundamental difference...

Satisfying a need – provides “ life is normal", satisfaction of desire ensures life better than normal, gives the feeling of " ", or at least: " piece of happiness».

How can you easily and simply determine what is a need and what is a desire?

Having satisfied a need or desire... Satisfaction occurs through realizations (even if we did not set ourselves one, our whole “I” at the subconscious level was set).

If, having achieved what we want or need, we experience apathy towards what we just achieved goal, if we do not evaluate it as personal success; if, in the worst case scenario, we feel, having achieved what we want, disgust and or disgust. It was a need is connected with the life activity of your entire existing “I”.

Satisfaction of desire: this is the awareness of Success, this is joy, happiness. This is pride in yourself. Desire is different in that it helps to be better than now, above the norm.

The need, the person strives, so that everything " it was ok", desire - to be happy and successful!

I think you know people who always live in problems, they want it to be like everyone else, for everything to be normal. Such people are rarely happy and successful.

It is desires and their implementation that lead to happiness and the present, which you will appreciate and be proud of.

Need, desire and motivation

Short. Need is a very strong motivation for action. Desire - because, to the extent...

There are psychotechnologies that use this. Transforming a desire into a need, thereby increasing motivation to achieve what you want.

And life itself... Where will there be more motivation: when a person wants money for a brand new car, the old one does not suit him, or the case when there is not enough money for the essentials? BUT, as mentioned above, satisfying a need will bring a full life, but will not bring full success...

Both need and desire are necessary components of the activity of each person, but what do you have more in life?

Rid your life of junk! Mellen Andrew

Needs or desires?

Needs or desires?

It is very useful to distinguish between these two concepts, because many people tend to justify their desire to have something with the sacramental phrase: “I really need this.”

Need- a need, a need for something that requires satisfaction.

Wish- attraction, desire to achieve something, to possess something.

In the first case, you feel a need for something that you don’t currently have. In the second case, it all comes down to desire, the desire to possess something. So now when you evaluate new thing answering questions previous section, you will realize that they are about your need, not your aspiration or desire. I have nothing against indulging certain desires - but not against common sense. Intending to buy certain things, I myself repeatedly could not understand what exactly determined my intention to buy them - a real need or desire. Much of what I bought actually gave me pleasure, but I had doubts about whether these purchases satisfied my real needs. And these doubts did not bring me the slightest joy. They haunted me long after the pleasure of the purchase had disappeared without a trace.

We should not forget about the meaning of terminology in relation to things. We, like other people, listen very carefully to words, and if at some point we mistakenly pass off this or that desire as a need, this will certainly be recorded in our memory (perhaps only at the subconscious level) - and we will rush in pursuit of a thing that needed we no more than I needed five-inch platform shoes in 1974. I really I wanted to have these, but it’s unlikely that anyone else except me could be convinced that I needed these shoes.

This is precisely the crux of the problem. If we fail to deceive others, we will deceive ourselves.

No one really loves a hamburger sold in fast foods. You don't plan to start a family with him. You love the taste - but it's only really tasty for 15 minutes from the moment it's prepared. You may think it's silly for me to stress this, but I firmly believe that the way we think and talk about things greatly determines how we feel about them.

Try this experiment. Write the sentence below in your notebook. For several minutes, fill in the blank in this sentence until your imagination runs out. But don't forget that we're talking about about the things you really need now: medicine if you're sick, or the money you need to pay bills or attend college.

At the moment I need _________________

Having finished with this, conduct a similar experiment regarding your desires - things that are not vital for you at the moment. Write down the sentence below on a separate page and list your desires. As in the previous case, fill in the blank until your imagination runs out.

At the moment I wish _________________________________

Were you able to list fifteen needs, that is, things that you really lack in life? Or did you indicate more than fifteen? If so many basic needs are still not met, it gives me great concern. I can only strongly recommend that you seek help from people who will help you get what you need as quickly as possible. Pure water, balanced and high-quality food, warm housing in cold season years and clean clothes are all needs that must be met. Show maximum diligence and perseverance to provide yourself with what you need, and do not rest until you do this.

What about desires? Have you made a list of them? Maybe you needed several pages to list them? Fabulous! Want is not harmful. Just don’t confuse desires with needs, don’t deceive yourself. Save these lists and come back to them in six months. How many needs have you been able to satisfy? How many wishes? Perhaps you replaced some of them with new ones that are more relevant to you at the moment? It is possible that, like most people, you did not have so many needs - at least compared to the number of changing desires that do not allow you to live in peace.

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Needs are easy to confuse with wants. Both have motivating power and, if satisfied, evoke pleasant emotions. However, this is not the same thing. In order not to get confused in concepts, you should find out how a need differs from a desire.


By need call a feeling of need for something important for a full existence, and sometimes even survival.

Wish- this is a conscious desire to achieve the possession of something, the implementation of a plan.


First, let's turn to the first concept and give examples of needs. They can be divided into two types: physiological and non-body related. So, food, sleep, warmth are what the body requires, and gaining knowledge, self-expression, recognition in society belongs to the spiritual interests of a person. At the same time, the difference between need and desire is that it is the initial causative agent of activity.

Desires are formed based on needs. They arise in consciousness and show specific ways to satisfy various needs. For example, the body's need to obtain fluid causes a desire to drink, and under the influence of the need to show his talent, the artist wants to create beautiful paintings. However, the ratio of the categories under consideration varies, and many desires outgrow needs. The latter are focused on providing ordinary normal conditions, but a person often wants much more - to live not just well, but at the highest possible level.

It should be noted that needs are a stronger motivator. After all, without satisfying many of them, the body is not at all capable of existing. At the same time, often getting what is needed is taken for granted and does not evoke any special emotions. At the same time, when fulfilling desires that often have nothing to do with the issue of survival, a person can feel at the height of happiness.

What is the difference between a need and a want? The fact is that the number of needs is limited. They exist against the will of man and are not positive or negative. Meanwhile, desires, being a product of the mind, are endless. There can be as many of them as your imagination allows. Nevertheless, desires are controllable, and it is important to be able not to think about something beyond the pale, but to be more happy with what you have now.
