How to use lavender oil for hair. Hair care with lavender oil. For hair loss

Lavender is an ancient healing remedy used in cosmetology and medicine, known for its antiseptic, tonic, healing, relaxing properties in maintaining the general condition and care of skin and hair. The concentrated oily substance, extracted by distillation, has a recognizable woody color and expressive aroma.

A little history

The Egyptians also called lavender Indian spikelets, since the aromatic herb began its life in the Mediterranean and India. It quickly became an attribute of luxury and was a sought-after product in international trade, accompanying wealthy people both in life and after death, and flowers found in tombs in incense carried their aroma for three millennia.

The advance of the Roman Empire into Europe opened up new way developments in the use of aromatic flowers. Church ministers used them, protecting themselves from evil spirits, for ordination, ordinary people they wore crosses made of dried lavender and hung amulets from the inflorescences in their homes.

In the Middle Ages, growing a fragrant plant in the gardens of monasteries was mandatory.

Translated from Latin, the word Lavare means “to wash.” The flowers were infused in baths and added to the water during bathing, which disinfected the body and hair. The presence of antiseptics and organic resins in the essential lavender extract stops hair loss, increases its elasticity and prevents drying out. skin, normalizes fat content, eliminates itching. It is also used to increase blood circulation and improve metabolic processes in the scalp and follicles.

Lavender oil It is specially combined with geranium, rosemary, coniferous, wheat germ and other oils, nourishes hair, strengthens hair follicles, and improves general condition. The French were the first in the fourteenth century to use the unique aroma in the perfume industry and cosmetics, using perfumes and rinses in various compositions, refreshing and rejuvenating the lush hairstyles of the owners of the nobility.

Methods of use

It is rational to use essential lavender extract to prevent hair problems by mixing it with ready-made shampoos and cosmetic care products, as it interacts well with them. By enriching a tablespoon of shampoo with two drops of lavender, you can prevent dandruff and hair loss, strengthen roots, and promote new growth. Adding up to ten drops of lavender extract to a conditioner or balm for one time of use will soften them, help them gain firmness, elasticity and shine, and envelop them in a pleasant, subtle aroma. Self-massage of the head in the form of aromatherapy combing with lavender oil for ten minutes once a week will have a beneficial effect on stimulating the sebaceous glands and will help restore hair after coloring.

Like any essential oil, lavender in the composition of the product against electrification with the onset of cold weather will help maintain your hairstyle throughout the day.


Funds with aromatic oil useful for oily and dry, brittle, damaged hair. All the components included in them are available to every person and at home you can easily achieve the effect of expensive salons. It must be used diluted and directly in the volume used, since the essential oil quickly evaporates. It is often recommended to be included in ready-made cosmetic care products or massage compositions.

A mask containing yolks, almond or burdock oil and a few drops of concentrated lavender will give your hair elasticity, shine, and soothe the skin.

A recipe with ingredients such as castor oil or jojoba mixed with egg yolk and a few drops of ylang-ylang, rosewood, lavender will provide shine and enhance hair growth. It is best to use it by applying it to the roots, followed by wrapping it in waterproof material and a warm towel for half an hour.

A hair washing composition in the form of blue clay, water and honey, yolk, and a few drops of lavender essential oil will add elasticity to the hair and help fight oiliness. It will help you easily cope with increased greasiness. Tip: after a half-hour procedure, use a balm to reduce hair stiffness.

Dry, lifeless curls will be supported by a mask containing mashed avocado pulp, a tablespoon of jojoba oil and eight drops of lavender oil. The result will not be long in coming.

Provided excellent care with universal remedy from oils: olive, argan, burdock, essential lavender. Applied to the ends of the hair, they vitaminize and add shine and strength to the hair. Changes in the composition or proportions of components are acceptable.

A mask for restoring broken ends can be based on regular sunflower oil, to which a few drops of lavender and oil are added. peppermint. Carefully spread it over the strands with your fingers and cover your head with a towel cap. After the procedure, rinse with shampoo and rinse with a decoction of chamomile or nettle.

A pleasant procedure for you and useful for damaged hair will be thermal wrapping with a mask of three tablespoons of jojoba oil and five drops of lavender and thyme oils. Then wash it off warm water.

A ten-minute self-massage of the skin using circular and lightly pressing movements will enhance the effect of essential oils in various compositions for hair loss.

It's hard to overstate a post-wash conditioner that contains infused lavender flowers in apple cider vinegar.

When used, the resulting product is mixed with water in a ratio of one to ten with the addition of a few drops of lavender extract.

The lavender anti-dandruff rinse, which contains a few drops of essential extract, one liter of water and one hundred grams of salt or honey, has also proven itself well. The effect will be visible after several rinses. Thanks to its antibacterial capabilities and rich aroma, a homemade composition that is not inferior in quality to medical preparations will help eliminate lice.

Liquid from three spoons olive oil, two drops of rosemary, tea tree, eucalyptus and lavender are applied to the hair and scalp over three or four treatments. It is useful to use such a mask to eliminate the problem and prevent it.

And now a video - a recipe for a hair mask using lavender oil.


When using lavender essential oil, you need to take into account its characteristics and use it after testing for allergies or personal intolerances. To do this, apply it diluted to the area of ​​skin under the knee or on the bend of the elbow, where it is thinner. If no changes, redness or rash appear within 24 hours, then hair care will bring you only benefit and pleasure. If you are prone to allergies, pregnancy, anemia, or epilepsy, it is better to avoid lavender oil.

Using the oil if you have low blood pressure may cause weakness and drowsiness.

Aroma oils are an integral component of natural cosmetic preparations. The range of their use is extensive, and in hair care products as active phytocomponents, this is far from uncommon. Let's look at how lavender oil is used for hair and what problems can be solved with its help.

What are the benefits of lavender oil for hair?

The ester in question has a pleasant, fresh, persistent aroma that can have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. The composition of this product includes more than a hundred components, a significant part of which is considered very useful for hair (for example, antiseptics, organic acids, tannins, resins).

One of the advantages of the drug is its versatility - the fragrant substance can help heal any type of hair, even very weakened and damaged ones. The benefits of lavender oil for hair are noticeable with regular procedures and are manifested in the following main effects:

  • curls become smooth and shiny;
  • Abnormal hair loss stops;
  • hair thickness increases;
  • dryness is eliminated;
  • eliminates excessive greasy scalp;
  • the itching disappears.

Lavender oil - properties and uses for hair

Lavender hair oil can be used for both health and preventive purposes. There is an effect on the hairs themselves, improving their structure, on the hair follicles, feeding them and stimulating their activity, as well as on the surface of the head. Before using lavender oil for hair, it is important to make sure that you are not allergic or intolerant to this fragrant substance.

To ensure the individual safety of lavender oil for hair, you should apply it to the inside of your forearm. a small amount of and monitor the reaction. Dissolve a drop in half a teaspoon of olive oil and lightly rub it into the skin. If after a couple of hours there are no negative effects (rash, swelling, redness), the drug can be used. Also, there should be no negative reactions when inhaling this ether (headache, nausea).

Lavender essential oil for hair – properties

The healing qualities of the ether in question are valued not only in cosmetology, but even in official medicine, so its effect on the human body has been carefully studied. Thus, it is known that lavender essential oil for hair and scalp tissue has the following beneficial properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • antifungal;
  • moisturizing;
  • cleansing;
  • deodorizing;
  • emollient.

Lavender oil for hair, applied to the surface of the head, increases blood circulation in the tissues, improves metabolic processes, and actively supplies nutrients to the follicles. Equally important is the positive effect of this aromatic product on nervous system, because, as you know, many problems with strands are associated with neuroses. Active components, entering through the roots, scalp and respiratory tract, promote calm, easy falling asleep and proper rest.

Lavender oil for hair - application

The ether of this plant is a highly concentrated product, so it must be diluted before use. For example, the drug may be added to ready-made products care Lavender hair oil is more successfully used for problems such as:

  • increased hair loss;
  • dandruff;
  • split ends;
  • increased scalp fatness;
  • dryness, fragility.

Lavender oil for oily hair

If the hairs quickly get dirty at the roots and already a couple of days after water treatments look like “glossy icicles,” it is more likely that the problem lies in the increased work of the sebaceous glands. The aroma oil in question can help stabilize the situation. Lavender essential oil for oily hair can be used for various procedures - rinsing, massage, aromatherapy, etc. After just 1-2 months, a lasting result will become noticeable, and the strands will remain fresh for a long time after washing your hair.

How to use lavender oil for hair?

If you plan to use lavender essential oil for hair for prevention or for minor defects, then the easiest way is to simply mix it with ordinary cosmetics. In cases where it is necessary to seriously engage in strengthening and restoring curls, it is advisable to carry out a course of healing through the regular application of mixtures containing lavender oil for hair.

Hair masks with lavender oil

Lavender essential oil for hair, the use of which is intended as a component of home masks, is best purchased at a pharmacy or specialized store with a quality guarantee. To check the quality of the purchased product, you can drop a small amount of it onto white thin paper and see if there is any residue left. grease stain after complete drying.

To prepare health-improving and restorative compositions, different components can be used, which are selected in accordance with the basic needs of the strands, their type and texture. Masks should be made at least once a week for prevention and twice for therapeutic purposes. Let's look at a few simple recipes with available ingredients.

Hair mask with lavender oil for shine and moisture


  • olive oil – 15 ml.
  • lavender aroma oil – 3-5 drops;
  • lemon juice – 20 drops;
  • aloe extract – 1 tsp. spoon.

Preparation and use

After heating the first component in a steam bath, add the remaining components to it. Apply the mixture to damp strands and leave for about a quarter of an hour. Rinse with warm water, if necessary with shampoo.

Hair mask with lavender essential oil for oiliness


  • yolk – 1 pc.;
  • fine salt - 2 pinches;
  • melted honey - 1 table. spoon;
  • lavender ether – 5 drops.

Preparation and use

Grind the yolk with honey, add other ingredients, mix everything. Apply to the roots and along the entire length for half an hour, then rinse in the shower.

Mask for dry, damaged hair that accelerates growth

The most best oil For hair care this is lavender essential oil. Lavender oil prevents hair loss and stimulates new hair growth. Thanks to the moisturizing properties of lavender essential oil, hair becomes elastic and elastic, acquires shine and softness. Lavender essential oil can even cure alopecia (baldness) in some cases.

A study conducted by a group of dermatologists several years ago in Scotland showed that 44% of patients suffering from baldness noted the growth of new hair. In this study, experimental groups were asked to massage their scalp with a mixture of lavender essential oils and other oils for 7 months. The blend recipe consisted of lavender, thyme, rosemary, cedarwood essential oils and jojoba oil as a carrier oil.

Recipe for the oil used in the study

2 drops thyme essential oil

2 drops cedar essential oil

Mix all the ingredients and apply every evening to the affected areas of the scalp. To enhance the effect, cover your head with a towel. This mixture should be kept for an hour. Use the oil mixture daily in the evening.

Lavender oil has antiseptic properties, so it can be used to treat fungal infections of the scalp.

Lavender essential oil also helps eliminate itching of the scalp and various inflammatory processes.

Mask with lavender essential oil for itching and dandruff

Mix 15 drops of lavender essential oil with 2 tablespoons of warm olive oil. Apply the resulting mixture to the scalp and cover with a plastic cap or film. Leave the mixture on your head for about an hour, then wash it off using shampoo.

Moreover, lavender oil also improves blood circulation, hence, scalp massage will definitely help in hair growth. Apart from this, to improve the texture and reduce hair fall, you can regularly use one of the hair mask recipes listed below.

Masks with lavender essential oil for hair

You can use lavender oil in combination with other essential oils, which also have a beneficial effect on hair condition. These oils include: eucalyptus, sage, rosemary, cedar, thyme,. Jojoba, grape seed, olive and burdock oils are best used for creating masks.

Mask with lavender oil for hair growth

10 drops lavender essential oil

10 drops rosemary essential oil

5 drops basil essential oil

120 ml jojoba oil.

Mix all the oils in a glass bottle. Use this mixture for scalp massage and masks. This remedy effectively prevents, restores their structure and accelerates growth.

Oils with lavender essential oil for

Take ¼ cup of oatmeal and soak it in water (about 1 cup) for 20 minutes. Mix oatmeal with 7 drops of lavender essential oil and 5 drops of rosemary oil. Apply the resulting mixture to the scalp for 20 minutes, then rinse your hair well. This mask moisturizes the scalp and helps get rid of itching and dandruff.

When using essential oil for hair growth, you will not notice immediate results. To achieve a noticeable effect, the procedure with lavender oil should be continued for a considerable time. On average, the course lasts 3-4 months, depending on the initial condition of your hair.

As auxiliary and preventive hair care procedures, you can use combing, rinsing with lavender essential oil, and also use the oil to enrich cosmetics (shampoos, masks, balms, rinses, conditioners).

Combing hair with lavender essential oil

This method of using essential oil is aimed at moisturizing and adding shine to hair. Combing is carried out as follows: apply 5-7 drops of lavender essential oil to a thick comb and comb your hair, repeat the procedure several times.

Rinse with lavender essential oil

Mix 2 cups of warm water and 10 drops of lavender essential oil. Rinse your hair with the resulting mixture after washing. Then lightly wring out the hair and do not dry it. This procedure will help moisturize the scalp and add a unique shine and lavender aroma to your hair.

Enrichment of shampoos and other cosmetics

The universal lavender has become deeply entrenched in many areas of our lives. Medicine and cosmetology, perfumery and aromatherapy, cooking and even household chemicals Modern times cannot do without lavender essential oil.

Obtained by water-steam distillation, lavender essential oil is widely used both in industry and in everyday life. And the non-aggressive interaction of its components allows you to combine lavender essential oil with other substances.

And today the Beauty Pantry decided to talk about using lavender oil for hair care.

Lavender essential oil for hair - effects

Lavender oil has a soothing and fresh scent that seems to reflect its properties. It soothes irritated skin and is effective in preventing certain skin diseases.

The antibacterial and antifungal properties of the oil allow it to be successfully used for minor scratches on the scalp, itching and dandruff, which in turn is a sure guarantee for the growth of beautiful, healthy, thick hair.

Cosmetic masks homemade, enriched with lavender oil, help strengthen the hair follicle, which improves the structure of the hair along the entire length and activates its growth. Systematic use of oil ultimately prevents hair loss and.

In addition, lavender oil has excellent moisturizing and nourishing abilities, which fills the hair with natural shine and vitality. Using this oil, you will gradually forget about the problem of dull skin, as well as their excessive fat content.

Lavender oil for hair. Application.

Given the high concentration of the essential substance, lavender oil is not used in pure form or as a base oil.

As a rule, they are enriched with cosmetics (shampoos, conditioners, rinses), used for aromatherapy, or used as a component or masks for hair.

To add lavender essential oil to the finished product, adhere to the proportion in which 3-4 drops of lavender essential oil are used for 1 teaspoon of the finished product.

Do not forget that in this case you need to use only freshly prepared mixtures, otherwise even in a few hours (not to mention days) all the beneficial properties of the oil will disappear along with its aroma. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a week.

  • Aromatherapy with lavender oil

Aromatherapy with lavender oil is less effective for strengthening hair, but is ideal for giving hair a charming shine.

In addition, this procedure is simple to perform: apply 5-6 drops of oil and thoroughly comb the hair. different sides within 5-10 minutes.

It is impossible not to notice that aromatherapy combing of hair can be a component of a head massage, which in addition will include circular and light pressing movements with the fingertips.

Well, in order for the massage to be effective, various oil mixtures are used when performing it (including lavender oil for hair).

For example, for two 2 tablespoons of base oil (olive, burdock or jojoba oil), add 5 drops of lavender essential oil and 3 drops.

This mixture will improve hair health and prevent or slow down excessive hair loss. Before using the mixture, essential oils must be thoroughly dissolved in a slightly warmed carrier oil.

  • Lavender oil mask for hair

Well, preparing an oil hair mask with lavender oil will not work for you. special labor. To do this, 2 tablespoons of oil (burdock, castor or jojoba) are heated in a water bath. The warm oil is ground with egg yolk, and essential oils are added to the resulting mass. 4 drops of lavender oil, and 2 drops each of rosewood and ylang-ylang oil.

Lavender essential oil in cosmetic fragrant compositions is also well compatible with essential oils of citrus, pine, geranium and patchouli oil, rosemary oil, clove oil, and nutmeg oil.

When choosing combinations of oils with the advantage of lavender (3-4 drops), do not forget that the essential concentration should not be high and exceed 7-8 drops in the prepared mask (for medium-length hair).

Lavender essential oil is the best oil for face, hair, body and soul health! Lavender oil is a very strong antiseptic, thanks to this it is used in many fields, including medicine, it is one of the most unique means for caring for your appearance.

An essential dose of lavender can both excite and relax, refresh during apathy and fatigue, and soothe during stress. The reason for this almost contradictory effect is the enormous balancing power of the oil, helping both physically and spiritually to soften extremes and restore balance.

Lavender plants are common in Southern and Central Europe, but France is most famous for its lavender fields. Essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of dried flowering panicles and inflorescences, 1 liter of oil requires 100-200 kg of flowers.

Beneficial properties of lavender essential oil

The ancient Greeks and Romans prized lavender for its aromatic and cleansing properties, adding it to baths to relieve fatigue, hence its name "lavare" - Latin for "to wash".

Lavender oil goes well with other essential oils (lemon, orange, rosemary, mint and others). The essential oil has a fresh and pleasant smell, it has a stimulating and at the same time relaxing aroma.

Lavender stimulates the growth of healthy new cells, although all essential oils have this property to one degree or another.

Main properties of lavender essential oil:

  • calming, anti-stress, antidepressant;
  • anti-inflammatory, antiallergic;
  • adaptogenic, antioxidant;
  • antiseptic, bactericidal effect (viruses, fungi, mycoplasmas);
  • immunomodulatory, healing;
  • antispasmodic;
  • radioprotective, antitoxic.

Perhaps the most important property of lavender oil is its ability to restore imbalanced states of mind and body, returning them to harmony...

What hair problems can you use lavender oil for?

  • Itchy scalp.
  • Dandruff, including oily seborrhea.
  • Hair loss.
  • Slowing hair growth.
  • Excessive oily scalp and hair.
  • Dry hair length, hair fragility.
  • Split ends of hair.
  • Dull, lifeless hair.

Lavender oil is used not only when there are specific hair problems, but also as a preventive measure. And if your hair problems are serious (scalp diseases), you should definitely consult a specialist (dermatologist,).


In order not to cause harm to your hair and your body instead of benefit, you need to make sure whether you are allergic to the oil and what contraindications there are for use.

It is not recommended to use the oil: during pregnancy and breastfeeding; with anemia; for epilepsy, do not use the oil while taking iodine and iron-containing medications; individual intolerance. Use with caution in people with low blood pressure.

Ways to use lavender oil for hair

Using lavender essential oil for hair is the key to healthy, strong and beautiful hair. The composition of the oil is very rich in components that have a beneficial effect on hair: tannin (a tannin that protects hair from external negative factors), valerian, ursolic, caproic acids (regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, thereby reducing the oiliness of the scalp and hair, treat itchy scalp and dandruff), cineole (an antiseptic that protects and cleanses the hair of toxins), resins (envelop the hair protecting against damage).

When used regularly, lavender oil:

  • restores hair;
  • softens hair ends;
  • helps cope with dry hair;
  • helps cope with dandruff and itchy scalp;
  • helps cope with hair loss in complex therapy;
  • strengthens hair and stimulates growth;
  • smoothes hair, making it elastic;
  • gives hair shine
  • does not weigh down or make hair greasy;
  • has a cumulative, prolonged effect on the hair.

Homemade hair masks with lavender essential oil

Lavender essential oil can be safely combined with all homemade hair masks; we offer recipes for the best masks:

Mask No. 1

Strengthening mask for oily hair.

  • 1 tablespoon blue clay;
  • 1/2 tablespoon of water (boiled) or mineral water;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 1/2 tablespoon of honey;
  • 3-5 drops of lavender essential oil.

The mask is done before washing your hair. Dilute the clay with water to the consistency of sour cream, add the remaining ingredients. Apply the mask to the hair roots and warm it for about 20-30 minutes. Then wash your hair as usual, but use a mask or conditioner for length, otherwise your hair will be coarse. It is enough to do this mask once a week.

Mask No. 2

Mask for strengthening, thickening hair and stimulating growth.

  • half a teaspoon of dimexide;
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon castor oil;
  • 3-5 drops of vitamin A and E in oil;
  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil.

We heat the base oils and add the remaining ingredients, add dimexide at the end, apply the mask to the scalp and insulate it. Leave for about an hour and wash off with shampoo (two or three times).

Mask No. 3

Nourishing mask for dry, lifeless hair.

  • half a ripe avocado;
  • 1 tablespoon jojoba oil;
  • 5-8 drops of lavender essential oil.

You need to peel the avocado and grind it well into a paste, add the rest of the ingredients (jojoba oil can be heated) and apply to your hair. This mask is suitable not only for hair length; if your hair is not prone to oiliness, it can also be applied to the scalp. The mask needs to be insulated and kept for 1-2 hours. The mask is washed off with shampoo (2-3 times).

Mask No. 4

Universal hair mask with lamination effect.

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon argan oil;
  • 1 teaspoon jojoba oil;
  • 8 drops lavender essential oil.

The mask is made before washing your hair and the proportions of oils can be changed depending on the length of your hair. Mix all ingredients, heat in a water bath in glassware In addition to essential oil, we add it at the end. And while warm, apply the mixture to the hair, moving away from the roots of the hair, lubricate the ends well and insulate. Leave the mask for at least 2 hours, or preferably overnight, wash off the mask with shampoo (2-3 times). The mask is very nourishing and it is enough to do it once every two weeks.

Mask No. 5

Vitamin mask for shine and strength of hair.

  • 1 tablespoon cognac;
  • 1 tablespoon honey;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 5-8 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 2 ampoules of vitamin B12.

Apply to the scalp along the partings, and then distribute along the length of the hair. Insulate the mask ( plastic film and a warm towel) and after an hour, wash your hair as usual using a mask or balm.

Enrichment of shampoo and conditioner with lavender oil

Essential oil is one of the few that interacts well with ready-made cosmetics: creams, shampoos, conditioners, balms and masks. Therefore, you can safely add oil to ready-made hair products.

Important! Add lavender essential oil immediately before application to a portion of shampoo or mask. Do not add essential oil to the entire bottle.

Enrichment of shampoos: 3-5 drops of essential oil per 10 g of base, helps prevent dandruff, prevents hair loss, strengthens hair roots, stimulates new hair growth.

Enrichment of conditioner, balm or mask: 5-8 drops of lavender essential oil per one serving of product (the number of drops of oil depends on the length of the hair), restores the hair structure, cares for the ends of the hair, softens the ends of the hair, adds shine to the hair, makes the hair firm and elastic.

Important! This procedure should be done before washing, since massaging the scalp stimulates the sebaceous glands.

First you need to comb your hair well to make the massage easier. Apply lavender essential oil to the comb. Carefully and gently begin to comb your hair, you can try to massage the scalp in a circular motion, you can comb with your head down in the direction of hair growth, it depends on your preferences.

We do this massage for no more than 5 to 10 minutes, about 2-3 times a week.
